00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location 2 1 it's the novas Oro watch Trap cast you've got to be kidding you can't make the stuff up did you like that intro we thought it was fun welcome everyone it is time for the very first track cast the traditional 00:01 catholic podcast brought to you by Novas watch.org work thanks for tuning in no matter where in the world you are wherever you might be listening to us right now why don't you sit back and relax pour yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy this show it'll be a lot of fun we've got a lot to talk about you know there's a reason why we saw a need to complement what we're already doing on the novel Ordo watch website with these exciting new podcasts now before we get into all the details about how this show is going to work and what the format is and so forth we thought we'd just take a moment and explain why we've decided to call this 00:02 program a trat cast trat cast yes exactly we call it a trat cast of course for one thing because it is a podcast program produced by traditional Catholics in order to promote authentic traditional Catholicism and especially also to juxtapose it with the novas Ordo counterfeit Catholicism that we see so prevalent in our world today which brings us right away to a very important point the question of just what is a traditional catholic on August 15th 1910 Pope St pasus I 10th published an Apostolic letter to the Bishops of France entitled our Apostolic mandate and in there he said and this is a direct quote indeed the true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries nor innovators they are traditionalists of course there are a lot of people floating around these days claiming and using the name traditional 00:03 catholic you have people in the indult communities such as the fraternity of St Peter that call themselves traditional catholic you probably have some in the conservative camps of the novas Ordo modernist Church referring to themselves or at least thinking of themselves as traditional Catholics you have of course the resistance people right specifically the Society of St p is the 10th calling themselves and believing themselves to be genuine traditional Catholics and you have People Like Us s vsts referring to themselves as traditional Catholics so just who is the real traditional catholic here it should stand to reason that the only people who can legitimately lay claim to the name traditional catholic are those who profess and act in accordance with the exact same Faith as was taught and believed until the death 00:04 of Pope high I 12th and the election of John the 23rd in 1958 because that is really the point when this entire controversy this whole novas Ordo mess began up until then there were no traditionalists versus conservatives and progressives and so on you were simply a Catholic now we're going to flesh this out a lot more in future tradcast episodes but just to give you an overview what we've just said disqualifies right from the start any nonset of aanus traditionalists because even though they may mean to keep the traditional faith and adhere to the traditional teachings of the church in every respect they do not in fact do so since they're either in communion with the noble Ordo church that's the Church of the second Vatican Council and therefore adhere to all of its teachings including those that contradict the true 00:05 church teaching from before Vatican 2 or at least they profess to recog iiz the novas Ordo hierarchs as the legitimate Roman Catholic authorities but then refuse them submission neither position can be held by a Catholic because just as you cannot adhere to false doctrines neither can you refuse submission to the man you believe to be the pope or the men whom he has appointed over you and that's essentially what they're doing in fact they have to do that in order to escape having to ascend to the heresies and other of the magisterium of Vatican 2 and the postc conciliar church but of course sism cannot be the answer to heresy it certainly isn't for a Catholic because a Catholic by definition is neither a heretic nor azmatic now in 1885 Pope Leo I 13th penned an Apostolic 00:06 letter called epistola Tua and we have it on our website and you can find the link in the page that describes the first tradcast episode and we'll give you more information about that later I want to give you two quotes from that Apostolic letter of Pope Leo the 13th pop Leo writes quote to the Shepherds alone was given all power to teach to judge to direct on the faithful was imposed the duty of following their teaching of submitting with docility to their judgment and of allowing themselves to be governed corrected and guided by them in the way of Salvation thus it is an absolute necessity for the simple faithful to submit in mind and heart to their own pastors and for the latter to submit with them to the head and supreme Pastor unquote he also says and this is another 00:07 quote it is to give proof of a submission Which is far from sincere to set up some kind of opposition between one pontiff and another those who faced with two differing directives reject the present one to hold to the Past are not giving proof of obedience to the authority which has the right and duty to guide them and in some ways they resemble those who on receiving a condemnation would wish to appeal to a future Council or to a pope who is better informed unquote that ladies and gentlemen is Pope Leo I 13th writing in 1885 and the apostolic letter epistola you probably haven't heard that lately from the Society of St Pi I 10th have you so this is the Dilemma that the 00:08 nonset of atis traditionalist faces either Embrace heresy and other false Doctrine or else refuse submission to the people you at the same time recognize as legitimate Roman Catholic authorities with the Divine mandate to teach Rule and sanctify you only the set of a contest escapes this dilemma now like we said this is going to be fleshed out a lot more there's going to be a lot of information coming at you about this in future tra episodes the point to be made right now is that you can consider yourself truly a traditional catholic only if you adhere to all Church teaching before Vatican 2 including the teaching that you must submit to the Roman pontiff and Those whom he has appointed to have spiritual care over your soul as Pop Leo the 13th said you must follow their teaching submit with docility to their 00:09 judgment judement and allow yourself to be governed corrected and guided by them in the way of salvation but neither the indult nor the resistance position fulfill both of these necessary criteria according to Catholic teaching then the only way the errors of Vatican 2 and the post-conciliar magisterium can legitimately be rejected by the Faithful is if the authorities that impose them are not in fact genuine Catholic authorities and this is exactly what sedevacantists hold having said all this let's have a look at the encyclical adimi of Pope Benedict v 15 it was his first encyclical and it was published on November 1st 1914 in paragraph 24 Pope Benedict writes it is moreover our will that 00:10 Catholics should abstain from certain appellations which have recently been brought into use to distinguish one group of Catholics from another they are to be avoided not only as profane Novelties of words out of harmony with both truth and justice but also because they give rise to Great trouble and confusion among Catholics such is the nature of Catholicism that it does not admit of more or less but must be held as a whole or as a whole rejected this is the Catholic faith which unless a man believe faithfully and firmly he cannot be saved there is no need of adding any qualifying terms to the profession of Catholicism it is quite enough for each one to Proclaim Christian is my name and Catholic my surname only let him Endeavor to be in reality what he calls himself this was a quote from paragraph 00:11 24 of Pope Benedict the 15's in cyclical atmi it's a good idea to bring this up because we really have to explain why we keep using the term traditional catholic of course there is no other kind of Catholic than a traditional catholic there is no other way to be Catholic than to be a traditional catholic the word traditional comes from the Latin word for to hand down to pass on only if we adhere to what has been passed on by Christ to the apostles and by the apostles to their legitimate successors only then are we genuine Catholics so we do not use the term traditional catholic in order to somehow distinguish it from non-traditional Catholics as though such a thing were even possible that's what they do in the modernist novel sorder church you can be anything you like there uh or to 00:12 distinguish it from tradition-minded Catholic or conservative Catholic Progressive what have you no we use the term traditional catholic simply to point out that a Catholic in order to be a real Catholic must be traditional and that means like we said that he must adhere to everything the Catholic Church teaches through all of her popes in all of her magisterial documents whether they be solemn definitions or whether they be teachings contained in the ordinary magian of the church now let's be clear about one thing this is not about judging individuals or judging their intentions or or trying to decide who's holier than who Okay has nothing to do with that what we're trying to do here is just get to the objective reality of it the reality of what people are doing and what the Catholic Church actually demands that we do so this is not about judging anyone's conscience or God 00:13 forbid the state of a soul we're only interested in the objective truth of the matter all right and now it's time to take a quick break why don't you get a refill for your coffee there we'll be back in just a few moments with our next segment trackcast ignore this podcast at your own risk tradcast is a production of novas ow watch.org we watch the Vatican 2 church so you don't have to go to novas ow watch.org novas orow watch.org and see for yourself that the Vatican 2 church is not in fact the Catholic Church of 00:14 the ages and we're back trackcast brought to you by novas Ordo watch where we're not more Catholic than the pope just more Catholic than and the antiope now that we've explained to you why this podcast is called a tradcast and why you can really only call yourself a traditional catholic if you actually adhere to all the church's teachings in every respect let's talk a bit more about the show itself you can think of tradcast um as basically Nova's uto watch on the go 00:15 all right and if you've never heard of Nova Ordo watch if you don't know what it is take a look at our website it's novos Oro watch.org at this point tradcast is not coming to you live it is pre-recorded but that's actually a good thing because we're still quite new to this whole podcasting stuff and pre-recording it simply means you won't be subjected to any onair gaffs any accidents any slip-ups which would really detract from the quality of the show so who knows what the future holds but for the time being tradcast will not be live each tradcast episode will be divided into various topical segments to kind of keep things compartmentalized and in good order and each episode will have an entry on our trackcast homepage that will describe the content of the show describe what it's about and what will be covered in it and it'll also 00:16 give various web links that will relate to what's being discussed in that show so it'll be a good companion for you you just go to the tradcast homepage which is trat cast.org or noorder watch.org tradcast there you go to the entry that corresponds to the show you're listening to and you'll find all the information you need about the show there now as regards the segments we'll use segments to keep things sort of separated by topic and there'll be certain recurring standard seg segments that will feature such as for example one in which we dissect the latest idiotic remarks from Pope Francis in the Vatican and here let me explain that when I say Pope Francis I do not actually mean Pope Francis you have to understand on a podcast you can't really use quotation marks like you would in text okay so when I'm talking about a real Pope I will say Pope right like Pope Pas the 00:17 12th if on the other hand I'm talking about one of the modernist anti-popes one of the modernist FS popes in the Vatican that have been there since the death of Pope the 12th in 1958 I will call them Pope okay because I mean you have to somehow distinguish that right and uh it's very difficult to make quotation marks audible so why don't we just go with that okay so we want to distinguish popey's I 12th from Pope Francis Francis of course is also known by his real name Jorge bolio and so the segment that deals with francis's heresies errors and other guesss is going to be entitled from the Jorge's mouth yes thank you and you know we do refer to him as Jorge at times because that's what he actually said to a journalist how he wanted to be called yeah that was uh back in 2013 00:18 we'll have the link for you to that story on the trackcast homepage oh and by the way here a trackcast just like at novel Ordo watch we give you the truth about Francis okay well otherwise we'd be Michael Voris and he's already got a show so no need to duplicate efforts Pope Francis talks like a pope like the successor to St Peter yeah we'll be coming back to that sometime for sure in the meantime ladies and gentlemen a little more information about tradcast the show will not be coming to you on a regular basis it will be produced as the need arises and as we have time so to make sure you don't miss an episode just subscribe to our podcast or RSS feeds at trc.com 00:19 shows maybe 10 minutes others an hour and a half or longer or anything in between okay so it's going to be no rules just right kind of like the Outback feedback questions complaints suggestions send them to tradcast novas watch.org tradcast will cover various news stories some at length some in brief we will use the show to respond to our critics we will review some books comment on articles dissect the latest from various novas sordo and nons of aonis blogs websites and videos and we may even have a guest on occasionally um we'll just have to see how it goes in any case one thing is for sure it's going to be very informative very interesting very exciting and a heck of a lot of fun and at this point we'll just wrap it 00:20 up we'd like to keep this initial Trap cast fairly short it was meant only as an introductory episode to give you an overview and a feel for what it's going to be like so if you like this show even if you don't necessarily agree with us on every detail or perhaps at all please don't keep it a secret let your family know let your friends know let your enemies know whatever just let them know and remember we were a Sate of a contest before it was cool thanks for listening please tune in again next time and may God bless you it's the noble Sporto watch trackcast