00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location 3 2 1 it's the novas Oro watch trackcast you've got to be kidding you can't make the stuff up and here we are once more with another 00:01 episode of trackcast Welcome to trackcast number four this time on a very interesting subject the dogma of no salvation outside the church extra elesium nulas Solus there is no salvation outside the church this is the Catholic dogma and not a little amount of controversy has been generated concerning it in the 20th and 21st centuries what we'd like to do in this tradcast is not go over various proof texts for this or that thesis but rather present a well-reasoned summary of the principles involved in this topic to 00:02 help you understand how it all hangs together so expect this presentation to be quite different from all the other things you've read about this subject okay this is going to be uh a bit unique so listen closely as we discuss no salvation outside the church trackcast the Dogma that there is no salvation outside the Catholic church is obviously a negative statement it tells us where salvation is not not found namely outside the Catholic church if we restate the Dogma in positive terms the Dogma is salvation can be found only inside the Catholic Church okay this is what the the Dogma says and what the Dogma means if we simply convert it into an affirmative 00:03 statement so no salvation outside the church means salvation only inside the church now of course by saying that salvation can only be found inside the Catholic Church we're not saying that being inside the Catholic Church alone is sufficient for salvation as though all Catholics would necessarily be saved simply because they're Catholics far from it but we are saying that it is necessary for salvation okay it's not efficient but it's necessary it's a very simple distinction uh think of a very uh simple analogy for example in order to make a cake flour is necessary but it is certainly not sufficient you need a lot more things than just flow all right so salvation can only be found inside the Catholic Church meaning we have to be inside the Catholic church at 00:04 the moment of our deaths if we wish to be saved this is indisputable it has been defined dogmatically many times by the church and dogmas of course mean exactly what they say but notice that the Dogma does not say no salvation apart from membership in the church rather the Dogma is no salvation outside the church and of course the Catholic church in her dogmatic teaching is extremely precise and careful in her wording so if the church had wanted to Define instead that there is no salvation apart from membership in the church then the church would have done that but the church instead chose the terminology outside the church so it remains to be seen then what is required what is necessary to be considered inside the church how are we 00:05 inside the church now to answer this question in the obvious way of course is to say membership right if you're a member of the church then you are inside the church this much is clear and Pope the 12th in his encyclical mysi corporis of 1943 defines very clearly what the criteria are for church membership and they are baptism they are profession of the true Faith they are not being excluded from the church by legitimate Authority and they are not being in sism with the church that means refusing submission to the Roman pontiff or refusing communion with members of the church who are subject to the Roman pontiff so we know what it takes to be a 00:06 member of the church this has been laid out clearly by the Pope the question is is there some other way to be inside the church apart from membership some other way to be inside the church without being a member and in order to answer this question we only need to consider another truth that the church teaches dogmatically and that is that the state of sanctifying grace at the moment of death is not only necessary for salvation but actually sufficient if we die in the state of sanctifying grace that means we are Justified before God and through his goodness and mercy through his grace have a right in that sense to be admitted to Heaven there may still be required a purgation in the fiery flames 00:07 of purgatory but we are fundamentally pleasing to God and will go to heaven so let's think about this for a minute and draw the necessary conclusion from these two very important and fundamental truths number one it is necessary for salvation to die being inside the Catholic church that is necessary but we also know that it is sufficient to die in the State of sanctifying Grace there is only one possible conclusion as to how to reconcile both of these statements and that is that he who dies in the State of sanctifying Grace dies inside the Catholic church that is very important to 00:08 remember if it is possible to be saved by being in the State of sanctifying Grace at the moment of death and if it is necessary to be saved to be inside the Catholic church then it follows necessarily that all those who die in the state of sanctifying grace are also inside the church now to answer the question whether it is possible to be inside the Catholic church in some way other than being a member we have to consider whether it is possible to be in the State of sanctifying Grace without being a member of the Catholic church if the answer to that is yes then we know that there is a way to be inside the Catholic Church other than through membership in the church so here we have to ask what 00:09 produces the state of sanctifying Grace what is it that puts men into the state of sanctifying grace and according to the teaching of the church there are two ways that a human being can be put into the State of sanctifying Grace the first one is the sacrament of baptism we are baptized and cleansed from original sin and also if we have committed personal sin you know if if if we're baptized above the Age of Reason then those actual sins those personal sins are forgiven as well thus we are put into the State of sanctifying Grace by the sacrament of baptism but according to the teaching of the Catholic Church there is actually another way in which we can obtain sanctifying Grace and that 00:10 is through perfect Contrition now contrition is sorrow for sin sorrow for one's sins and Contrition can be either perfect or imperfect Contrition is said to be imperfect when we are sorry for our sins through some motive that includes our self-interest for example if we're sorry for our sins only because we dread going to hell but not because they actually offend God then we have imperfect Contrition our Contrition is is true and genuine but the motive the reason why we are contrite is not what it really ideally ought to be such Contrition suffices for a valid and worthy reception of the sacrament of baptism and the sacrament of penance but of 00:11 itself it does not suffice to produce in us the state of sanctifying grace for that perfect Contrition is required now of course a valid Absolution in the sacrament of confession or Penance also produces the State of sanctifying Grace but for the purposes of this discussion let's let's just focus on initial justification okay which as we said is either through the sacrament of baptism or through perfect contrition if either the sacrament of baptism cannot be obtained or the person through no fault of his own has no knowledge that the sacrament of baptism either exists or is required but just what is perfect Contrition the dictionary of dogmatic theology defines perfect Contrition in the following way quote perfect Contrition arises in the heart of the sinner who Grieves for his sin in so far 00:12 as it is an offense against God in whom he considers the paternal goodness which has been ungratefully scorned moved therefore by a pure love called benevolence or charity the penitent as it were breaks his heart to bits under the blows of Sorrow when the name of Contrition a quasi crushing into bits of the penitent heart with such repentance all permeated with the Flames of Charity there always goes hand inand given the intention of confession justification or the remission of guilt because ubas I EST where there is Charity where there is love there is God unquote and that was a definition of a perfect Contrition found in the dictionary of dogmatic theology edited by Petro 00:13 parente Antonio Pani and Salvatore follow which uh we're going to put a link to on our tradcast homepage for this episode episode number four at trat cast.org so perfect Contrition is a sorrow for sin out of a motive of pure love of God we are sorry for our sins because we have offended God who is perfectly holy and who is perfectly good and has a strict right to all of our love and veneration and to our obedience and loyalty to our faithfulness to our love if this is the motive why we are sorry for our sins then this produces in us the state of sanctifying grace and this is clearly the teaching of holy mother Church we're not going to get into all the the 00:14 evidence for this now uh because that's simply beyond the scope of what we're trying to accomplish in this trat cast but this perfect Contrition is obviously of such a nature that we are firmly resolved never to commit sin again and to do whatever it takes to please God and whatever it takes to attain our Salvation so we are embracing in that perfect Contrition the will of God we we are firmly resolved to do his will whatever it may be and that includes of course in so far as it is known the intention to make a good confession at the next possible opportunity or if one is not yet baptized to receive the sacrament of baptism again in so far as one is aware 00:15 that there is a sacrament of baptism and in so far as one is aware that one must in fact receive it of course perfect Contrition is Possible only with the help of God's grace but here we're talking about actual Grace Grace that is given by God to move and enable the soul to accomplish a salutary act that is an act that has Supernatural Merit so we're not saying that perfect Contrition can be had apart from God's grace in fact the Council of Trent in its cannons on justification Canon 3 says the following quote if anyone shall say that without the anticipatory inspiration of the Holy Spirit and without his assistance man can believe hope and love or be repentant as he 00:16 ought so that the grace of justification may be conferred upon him let him be anathema unquote and that's uh denzinger 813 we link that also on our tradcast homepage so don't misunderstand we're not saying that justification can be had apart from the grace of God and of course the Catholic Church could never teach such an abominable heresy so now that we've seen what it takes to attain the state of sanctifying Grace in The Soul we need to also briefly consider how sanctifying Grace is lost and that is in only one way through committing mortal sin that is the only way in which we can lose the state of sanctifying grace and this is very important in specifically with regard to the question of no salvation outside the church the the necessity to 00:17 to be inside the church at the moment of death to be saved and also the sufficiency of being in the State of Grace at the moment of death and we'll see this as we continue with our analysis so let's go ahead and apply what we just learned about the State of sanctifying Grace about baptism about perfect Contrition and mortal sin let's apply that to the question question at hand which is is it possible to be in the State of sanctifying Grace without being a member of the church now those who do not profess the true faith can be divided into two classes those who even though they do not profess the true Faith nevertheless possess a valid baptism and those who do not those who possess a valid baptism if they were 00:18 baptized as little children before the Age of Reason were certainly Justified right then and there they Reed the State of sanctifying Grace right at their baptism now remember the only way that sanctifying Grace can be lost is through the commission of mortal sin now mortal sin can be against Faith or it can be against morals but as far as Faith goes the only way for them to lose sanctifying Grace is if their adherence to heresy is pertinacious if it is stubborn if it is culpable and if it is knowing that the heresy is in fact heresy in other words they must commit a mortal sin against Faith but not everybody who professes a false Faith actually does so knowingly and does so 00:19 deliberately against God's truth knowing that what God has revealed is in fact different so for example the most common cause is simply ignorance okay they simply do not know that what they're professing is not in fact what God has revealed that what they're professing is not in fact the true faith and they genuinely and sincerely believe it to be the true faith and that's why they adhere to it now not all ignorance of of course is inculpable not all ignorance is actually innocent far from it often times ignorance is due to negligence to a neglect of of researching the truth of informing ourselves a neglect of educating ourselves but at the same time not all ignorance is culpable either so in the case where a baptized person 00:20 professes heresy innocently there is no mortal sin and therefore the State of sanctifying Grace is not lost but this proves then that it is possible to be in the State of sanctifying Grace without being a member of the Catholic church because remember in order to be a member of the Catholic Church you must profess the true Faith now in the case of somebody who is not baptized and this justification the State of sanctifying Grace was not produced by the sacrament of baptism which is lacking nevertheless this state of sanctifying grace can be produced can be had through perfect Contrition as we explained earlier this person too can then retain this state of grace despite the profession of heresy if again that profession of heresy is innocent and not culpable 00:21 and therefore does not involve a mortal sin against faith and like we said a few minutes ago we're leaving aside uh mortal sins against morals of course that's a that's a whole different story so now that we've established that it is possible to be in the State of Grace without being a member of the church we must conclude per the doctrine that there is no salvation outside the church and self ation therefore only inside the church that such people even though they are not members of the church are nevertheless inside the church until that is God forbid they lose the State of sanctifying Grace therefore we have proven that it is possible for someone to be inside the Catholic Church without actually being a member of the 00:22 church now precisely how such a person can be inside the church that is adhere to the body of the church this is something that the church has never definitively settled this is the task of theologians to resolve and uh this was hotly debated during the first half of the 20th century by Catholic theologians the church did not resolve this definitively but she did step in on occasion to correct certain errors and uh this is what we find in Pope High's the 12's and cyclical mysi corpies for example as well as the holy office letter suprema hexa that was sent to Archbishop Cushing in 1949 to correct the errors of father Leonard feni we also find p i 12th speaking about it in his 1950 in cyclical humani generes for anyone who may be interested 00:23 in finding out how far the theologians got in their discussions and in their explications of magisterial teaching on these questions there is actually a very nice uh book out there that pretty much lays out the different positions of the different theologians and it was published in 1960 so it it really captures the the status questionis the the state of the question as the theologians call it the point to which theologians came with their research when Pas I 12th the last true Pope died the book in question is the necessity of the church for salvation in selected theological writings of the past Century 00:24 and the author of this book is the Reverend Father John J King and this was published by the Catholic University of America press in 1960 it uh has an imprimer of course and the knel opot was given by the famous antim modernist monsenor Joseph Clifford Fenton so this is an excellent read it is actually a very long book it uh has 363 pages it is very very hard to obtain this in paperback as it is of course out of print however the Catholic archive has made it available in electronic format as a PDF file and uh if you're not familiar with the Catholic archive check them out they're an excellent excellent resource for old outof print Catholic Books they they scan in those 00:25 old books from the library and provide them on their website and of course we're going to have a link to that on the tradcast homepage the website isth Catholic archive.com the Catholic archive.com it actually requires a subscription however it is extremely inexpensive and it requires a subscription payment only once and you will get a lifetime membership a lifetime subscription to the Catholic archive and they continually update their content there so uh it is an excellent use of your money trackcast thus far our little overview of the dogma of no salvation outside the church and the possibility of being inside the church without being a member 00:26 by the way don't be disturbed by the fact that the church has not yet definitively settled each and every aspect of these questions it is important to remember here that we do not have the obligation to figure out what even theologians could not agree on when the last Pope died okay Our obligation is simply to adhere to what the church teaches even if we do not ful understand it even if we think there are some difficulties and this is actually not at all without precedent um for example to this very day the Catholic church has still not definitively settled how Grace and Free Will are reconciled this is something that was debated very hotly in the late Middle 00:27 Ages and after and this debate was uh really severely restricted by Pope Paul V in the early 17th century you had molinist on the one side and toms on the other and they were you know yelling and screaming at each other they were uh calling each other Heretics and the holy sea had to step in and and say stop and to this day the church permits uh both sides regarding this controversy on Free Will and Grace and has not definitively decided one way or another so we we just have to accept especially now that the chair the apostolic chair is vacant we simply have to accept that we came to a certain point with regard to understanding that somebody can be inside the church without being a member 00:28 of the church and still even though he does not profess the true Faith be set to be adhering to the visible body of the church and so how that is reconciled exactly with the visibility of the church the church has simply not settled so remember this okay the church doesn't at every stage in her history have a definitive answer on every question our obligation is to adhere to church teaching not merely that which is infallible by the way but anything that the church teaches authoritatively that is Our obligation and usually any denial of authoritative Church teaching comes with pain of mortal sin so this is a serious matter this is not to be taken lightly but it is not incumbent upon us to to figure out 00:29 things that theologians were still discussing and debating under the pontificate of the last true Pope and with this we'll call it quits for today this was episode number 004 of trat cast the traditional catholic podcast produced by novas Ordo watch at novas orow watch.org hope you found it informative and helpful we will see you again next time God willing in our next episode stay tuned why don't you subscribe you can 00:30 subscribe at our website trc.com God bless you until next time it's the no SPO lach trackcast