00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the Novus Ordo watch drag cast you can't make the stuff up [Music] 00:01 greetings everyone it is trap cast episode number six and we hope to cover a lot of the show because a lot is going on [Music] let's start first with a quick review of some recent news items as always all of the things we mentioned here you can find in our collection of links that we publish together with each track cast episode at track cast dot-org trap cast the Vatican has appointed Belgian bogus Ordo bishop Johan bunny to the October Senate on the family big surprise there as bonnie has publicly come out against Catholic even Novus Ordo teaching on homosexuality and has publicly asked that the church accept sodomite unions just the kind of guy you'd want that 00:02 your family said it of course so great job there of Francis then oh yeah happy Ramadan okay the Vatican has released its annual message to Muslims for the fasting month of Ramadan Cardinal so-called Turin sent a message of nine paragraphs that of course do not mention Jesus Christ and I'm not going to read this okay it's the usual claptrap that we've come to expect from these people it assumes Catholics and Muslims worship the same God which of course is not true because Allah is not the father of our Lord Jesus Christ and so if you really want to read the Vatican's message we have the link for you on the track cast homepage episode 6 oh and speaking of non-christians and Cardinal Turin the latter who is the modernist Vatican's head of the Pontifical Council for inter-religious dialogue has stated and 00:03 I quote we are all pilgrims and I see this Buddhist Catholic dialog as a part of our ongoing quest to grasp the mystery of our lives and the ultimate truth according to a saying from the desert father a brother went to see Abba Moses and begged him for a word the old man said go and sit in your cell and your cell will teach you everything the cell is a metaphor for the inner cell of the human heart where one discovers the mystery of oneself and of God or the Dharma unquote okay I think we'll stop right there because I doubt you can take any more of it and I know I can't so a mr. Toren is looking for ultimate truth with the Buddhists yeah too bad he never heard of the words 00:04 of our Lord such as I am the way and the truth and the life no man cometh to the Father but by me that's John 14:6 and of course st. Paul speaks of the church as quote the pillar and ground of the truth unquote first timothy 3:15 yep it really is just too bad the apostasy of the Vatican to church is so flagrant at this point that even a cursory reading of the New Testament immediately exposes it for what it is these people just aren't Catholics but now let's take a quick look at a few things Pope Francis has recently said and for that we have created a cool new jingle take a listen 00:05 [Music] from the Jorge's mouth [Music] that's right from the Jorge's mouth from Jorge bergoglio 'he's modernist lips straight to your ears though sometimes this comes paraphrased from Vatican Radio because the rambling in his morning liturgies is often so bad that the only way they can put together a coherent summary is to paraphrase what he said with occasional quotes but here we go June 9th from Vatican Radio the headline Pope Francis don't weaken or water down Christian identity now who would do that like by means of a human ism or inter-religious dialogue or praying with Muslims or something right well by hiding the crucifix from the Jews for 00:06 example who would do such a thing Francis no anyway we've got the link for you if you want to read that whole story then June 21st a brilliant Francis denounces weapons and those who make them as not Christian wonder how the Swiss Guard feels about that hmm Jimmy akin of course ran to friends as defense on this but this time even he had real trouble mm-hmm yep we've got the link to that as well June 23rd now that was awesome Francis sends out a tweet declaring quote God's love is free he asks for nothing in return all he wants is for his love to be accepted unquote now that's it right nothing in return guys just a quake hey cool thanks of course what got demands in return is that we give him 00:07 100% Luke 10:27 thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with all thy strength and with all thy mind and thy neighbor as thyself Matthew 5:48 be you therefore perfect as also your heavenly Father is perfect and Matthew 10:37 he that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me I don't know about you but that doesn't sound to me like nothing in return then we have another interesting story June 24th France's exhorts Buddhists to convert to Christ and reject their pagan idolatry if they wish to be saved just kidding of course he did no such thing instead he confirmed them in their errors as always and he talked about you 00:08 know the usual fraternity dialogue friendship peace whatever oh and then he accepted a quote unquote Buddhist blessing yes it was some sort of prayer shawl or something we have the video for you on the trap cast homepage where you can hear Francis verbatim in case you care too and you can see him happily accept that Buddhist blessing then finally June 25th and now this is my personal favorite in his daily stream of consciousness homily Francis denounced are you ready for this worldly pseudo pastors who talk too much and the guy is amazing he's priceless first warning is a false prophets Francis then went ahead and denounced pseudo pastors the quote worldly pastors or Christians also who 00:09 talked too much they are afraid of silence maybe they do too much unquote you can't make this stuff up people you know if if hypocrisy could prolong your life Francis would be immortal okay let's face it if there is one man on earth who fits this description perfectly it's him he's a false prophet a false shepherd who is constantly busy doing things and who loves to hear himself talk and never shuts up now to be clear that we're not saying that Francis is the false prophet prophesied in Holy Scripture in apocalypse 1920 for example we're not saying he's the false prophet but but if he isn't then the real false prophet may want to consider suing him for impersonation yeah unbelievable all right so much for Francis now let's shift gears for a moment and have a look at the blogosphere and the Twitterverse 00:10 and see what's new their trap cast one of the most popular bloggers in the semi traditional camp is currently louisvil recce Oh like his ideological conference he's trying to square the circle by exposing the apostasy of Francis while at the same time maintaining he's the Vicar of Christ invisible head of the church so he recently published a blog post entitled the church will doubt s Peter doubt it which is an alleged quote from Cardinal Pacelli to count Enrico and Goliath see in 1931 yeah so that was Cardinal Pacelli made this prediction eight years before he became Pope Pius the 12th now Vecchio uses this quote to advance his manifestly uncaf like an anti traditional idea that the Catholic Church can doubt the faith can can become unfaithful to her divine spouse and can produce heretics and apostates that are nevertheless somehow valid shepherds in the church who must then be 00:11 resisted so a few things to say about that first let's note that ver Accio is being quite sloppy here and that is a common problem with so many Semite Rattlers mandala is another one we'll mention him later a lot of the theological ideas ultimately come not from a text or manual of sacred theology written by real theologians before Vatican 2 but from some in dult or SSPX propaganda works such as a book by michael davies also their own interpretation of scripture or their own reading of the papal encyclicals and that's a real shame because regardless of the intentions behind such people's ideas a lot of them are seriously flawed a lot of the ideas are seriously flawed and rely on premises that have been custom tailored to arrive at a particular desired conclusion so anyway 00:12 very kyo analyzes the statement of Cardinal Pacelli about the church doubting is Peter doubted not using real Catholic theology but simply doing his own biblical research and exegesis while ignoring and that's the important point while ignoring and contradicting what Catholic theology says about the nature of the church the nature of heresy the loss of authority that comes with manifest heresy and and so on in fact virtue doesn't even provide a citation for this quote from Cardinal Pacelli which is unfortunate especially if you're going to use it to bolster an idea that is contradicted by Catholic teaching now the ultimate source for this quote is a book written in French by Monsignor Josh josh entitled pedis devon list wha Pius the 12th before history at least that is the only citation that is ever given if one is given I believe it's page is 52 and 53 of that book now 00:13 but what I mean is that the Catholic Church cannot doubt the faith or the divinity of Christ in the waiver Accio means now if Cardinal Pacelli truly said this and I believe he did and I'm pretty sure we've we've used this quote ourselves before on the oval sort of watch and I have no reason to believe that this quote is not authentic or that it's not accurate then obviously if it can be understood in more than one way and one way is Orthodox while the other is not and we don't have a lot of further context then we have to read it in the Orthodox sense because carnal Pacelli was not exactly a modernist now doubting the faith and doubting dogma is heresy and that that's actually part of the definition of heresy which is any denial or doubt of Catholic dogma the reason why doubt is morally equivalent to denial is that in both cases do you 00:14 refuse to believe what you have an obligation to believe so the church can not doubt the faith that would mean the church has defected so probably what Cardinal Pacelli meant was that a large number of people who are currently well then in 1931 when he uttered it who were then part of the church would fall away okay the majority of that great mass of people making up the Catholic Church would doubt and fall away the church qua Church cannot doubt because the church is infallible and ineffective all she's the pillar and ground of truth as we've already seen and against the church the gates of Hell cannot prevail and of course that is taught in Matthew 16:18 but what's also flawed is not just Vecchio's understanding of the quote but also the fact that he uses such a quote in theological discourse to begin with because not only is he relying for this quote on an anecdote but Catholics are also in nowise bound to believe what 00:15 Karl pucelli said there that it has any truth or value to it likewise ver Accio goes on to quote Our Lady of Fatima and again he's turning to a private revelation for furthering his false theological conclusion now don't get me wrong of course we believe in our Lady of fátima okay the church has judged the apparitions at Fatima worthy of belief however no Catholic is required to believe in Fatima under pain of sin okay and while you can certainly use private predictions and revelations in support of an already orthodox thesis and we ourselves have done this numerous times in the past you cannot use such private revelations to advance a thesis that is at odds with Catholic teaching and that is exactly what ver Accio is doing so what about doubting s petered out it actually st. Peter did not doubt after 00:16 the resurrection which is when he first became pope stephen hricko's trying to force the pre papal simon peter into pope st. peter and then say see just like Pope Saint Peter doubted so is Pope Francis doubting now but Simon Peters doubt was during a time of Revelation before Pentecost and before the resurrection and before being raised to the supreme pontificate by our Lord Himself don't believe it well look it up for yourself the first Vatican Council taught quote and upon Simon Peter alone Jesus after his resurrection conferred the jurisdiction of the highest pastor and director over his entire fold saying feed my lambs feed my sheep John 21 15 and following unquote and that comes from the first Vatican Council dogmatic Constitution posture at earnest and it is referenced as den zinger 1822 you can look it up in 00:17 the den zinger collection number 18 22 if you still don't believe me so no the st. Peter never doubted any dogma of the faith once he had become Pope Francis on the other hand denies and doubts dogmas left and right our website is full of examples you can go to Novus Ordo watch.org and see for yourself and ver Accio tries to make the two equivalent with the desired result as always that Francis is a true Pope even though we know he is a heretic and not a Catholic now the big I of rikuo's blogpost comes at the end where he states quote apart from a solid embrace of the divine life of Jesus Christ the church is imagined to be and is treated and practiced as but a human organism an organization with a mission that is earthbound focusing on man's 00:18 temporal needs and his natural ends to the near exclusion of his spiritual needs and his supernatural ends unquote but here's the irony that is exactly the kind of church that ver akio is proposing right he's he's saying that we have a church a Catholic Church that has no faith that has lost the faith that does not profess the faith that has a Pope a pope without faith and that has a hierarchy that isn't Catholic yeah well that church really is just a human organism with an Earthbound mission Louis wake up you cannot defeat modernism with more modernism all right so much for the blogosphere now onto the Twitterverse one objection to set up a conned ISM that has received renewed attention as of late is the objection that if said of account ISM is true in 00:19 the Vatican to church is not the Catholic Church and Francis is not the Pope then the Catholic Church has defected then the gates of hell have prevailed which is impossible and that is a common objection and now that bergoglio's so clearly exposed as a heretic and an apostate it is of great importance that we give it renewed attention and refute it once more so to do that we plan on publishing a lengthier blog post or an article in the near future maybe even dedicate a separate track cast to it but we will in our article or blog post provide all the necessary documentation all the irrelevant quotes so you can verify these things for yourself okay but for right now let's just review some basics we know by divine faith in God's revelation that it is impossible for the like Church to defect and for the gates of Hell to prevail right therefore since the city of acontece and the semi 00:20 traditionalist resistance position are mutually exclusive and if one is false the other must necessarily be true only one of the two positions does not contradict the Divine promise of in defect ability so what we will do we won't do it here now but in that article we will have up in the near future what we will do is demonstrate from church teaching what is meant by in defect ability and related attributes of the church and then we will apply these teachings to the semi traditionalist scenario and we will apply them also to the set of acontece scenario and then we will see just which one of the two is compatible with the Catholic teaching all right that is how something like this must be done TRADD caste anyway we've covered a lot already it's time to take a quick break in the next segment we'll talk about two things the Supreme 00:21 Court's decision on so-called gay marriage and we'll look at the semi traditionalist reaction to Francis's and cyclical laudato si on the environment don't go away [Music] ignore this podcast at your own risk [Music] track cast is the production of Novus Ordo watch.org we watch the Vatican to church so you don't have to go to Novus Ordo watch.org Novus Ordo watch.org and see for yourself that the Vatican 2 church is not in fact 00:22 the Catholic Church of the ages [Music] the following segment contains content that is not suitable for children listener discretion is advised [Music] and now for segment number two in this sixth episode of trap casts by the way trap cast is free of charge and always will be however it is not free to produce so if you'd like to contribute you're welcome to do so at trap cast org most of this second segment will be on Francis Eco encyclical but before we get there let's briefly talk about the quote unquote 00:23 gay marriage decision that has just recently been handed down by club Ginsberg otherwise known as the Supreme Court of the United gays of the United States folks this decision which strikes down all states prohibitions against civil marriages between sodomite partners was entirely expected because it follows from the principles that have long been governing our society the supposed gay marriage is simply the latest inference to be drawn from the sacred cow the golden calf of contraception yes contraception what does that have to do with anything well quite simply contraception is what divorces the sexual act from its procreative purpose it takes procreation out of the picture or at least reduces it to secondary status and makes pleasure and unity between the spouses the first and most important aspect to 00:24 which procreation is subordinated but if that is the case if the primary purpose of the sexual act is not procreation but love or pleasure or something else but then there is no reason to say that marriage can only be between a man and a woman or only between two people or only between two who are not related and so on you get the idea so but since contraception is untouchable it is the sacred cow of both liberals and so-called conservatists yes it is that which then follows logically and with necessity must now be embraced and that at this point at the stage in the game is so-called gay marriage and it took so long and it took until now for that to happen because until the sexual revolution in the 1960s most people were decent enough to not draw the logical 00:25 conclusion but logical it is and now we live in a world that is so sexualized and so devoid of adherence to the natural law that the resistance to indecency is all but gone and since practically no one is willing to slaughter the sacred cow of contraception they have no choice but to embrace the latest sexual aberration if sex is ultimately or primarily for pleasure then how can you forbid this type of sex between consenting adults but not that one bingo that's why we are where we are and it will get worse bishop Donald Sanborn has written about this in his May 2015 newsletter from Most Holy Trinity seminary and we're linking to that on our homepage also and attract cast dot-org His Excellency explains in 00:26 detail why this is simply the latest outcome of the rejection of the social kingship of Christ it's a very good news letter you'll want to read it if you want to understand what is happening to our world our society and why things are getting so bad and if you're wondering where it's all going it is absolutely imperative that you have a good look at the history of Christendom in the world all of this makes sense really all of it we are but in a particular stage of the history of Christendom no doubt towards the end but a stage where the way is being paved however slowly for the manifestation of the Antichrist what used to be Western Christian society in the Middle Ages has been gradually turned into its very opposite beginning with the decline of the Middle Ages and then the Renaissance period and the Protestant Reformation French Revolution 00:27 and so forth there is a video series on this vitally important topic by Bishop Sanborn in which he explains the history of Christendom beginning with the Edict of Milan in the 4th century when Christianity was first publicly permitted throughout the Roman Empire and ending in our present day now to my knowledge the video series has not yet finished but three out of the four talks have been recorded so far and are available for you to watch the current series of talks ends in 1788 89 on the eve of the French Revolution we are putting the links to the talks on our track cast 0:06 show page at track cast org and you can get them either by getting a subscription to the true restoration media website or you can purchase them individually for a small fee it's money well spent and by the way no we do not make a commission on this it is strictly for your benefit all right so we're 00:28 we're not trying to sell you something we're trying to help you understand what is going on and you know videos like that are simply not free to produce and certainly not free to distribute and host and so forth and that's why they have to charge a reasonable fee and honestly this this video series on the history of Christendom with Bishop Sandberg it's priceless ok it will help you understand why we are where we are how we got to where we are and where it's all going ok it will it will help you be prepared four words coming down the pike in the future and that will then knowing that ahead of time is gonna help you respond appropriately so you will understand the importance of history of what went before and how it is influencing and shaping our Western world today so really I I can't recommend it too much 00:29 but now finally a look at the recycle at the at the encyclical Francis published on June 18th entitled laudato si on care for our common home and we actually have a nice theme song for this one perfect to create an atmosphere of ecological apocalypse okay enough of that well come on you've you've got to be you've got to be able to have a little bit of fun here okay I mean things are bad enough as they are 00:30 you gotta at least you know I only think that the worst thing you can do about this false church in the Vatican that pretends to be the Catholic Church is to take it seriously because that's what is giving it credibility you know if everybody laughs at say Cardinal Dolan's claim to being a an archbishop and a cardinal of the Holy Roman Catholic Church and then he really wouldn't have much power you know anyway laudato si praise be is the title of Francis's encyclical it's a second and no don't worry we're not going to summarize the document that would take at least eight hours we're not even going to read it okay well sorry but we've got better things to do than to read through 246 paragraphs of naturalist humanist claptrap about climate change while the whole world is drowning an apostasy heresy and piety and immorality okay 00:31 No so instead what we'll do here is we'll look at the reaction to laudato see the reaction from the anti state of a contest semi traditionalist crowd you know the ones who scream at the top of their lungs that Francis is the Vicar of Christ well now they have a chance to prove that they believe it first though before we go there a quick recommendation assuming that you haven't read law down to see either and that you're not planning on doing this harm to yourself we recommend you look at a very clever summary a summary into everyday parlance by Donald McCleary at a website called the American Catholic in five different posts he has published one or two sentence summaries of each of the 246 paragraphs of the encyclical and put them into language you will 00:32 understand and appreciate and find quite amusing yep so we'll have that in our show page as well as a collection of links anyway the neo-traditionalist reaction to Lodato see we have all of the various stories linked on one handy page dedicated entirely to the Eco encyclical so you can find all of them there all right and first and foremost we're going to talk about Michael Voris [Music] yep that one that's right you see Michael Voris has figured it out ok the encyclical is so bad and it's all 00:33 the fault of Francis's evil advisors that's right we have the link up for you for that breaking news report in which Michael Voris blames the advisors because as you know when the Vicar of Jesus Christ issues a teaching document you must first figure out who advised him to know whether to accept it or not mm-hmm sure we've told you it's Church Disneyland you know they call themselves church militant but we we like to call it Church Disneyland and this is one of the reasons why so if Michael Voris is so concerned about these evil walls surrounding Francis the innocent lamb then why doesn't he go into the the Vatican press conference and ask Lombardi and Co for example something like well since it is obvious that the Holy Father is being advised by evil liberal men who hate the Catholic faith what is the Holy Father doing to get rid 00:34 of them why won't he do that well we can't hear that any his name whereas his name would be all over the news you know he'd get plenty of exposure for asking that question so come on Michael don't let your poor misled pontiff suffer any longer send him from the wolves give him a gift subscription to your church Disneyland premium content not seriously let's remember who the ghostwriter of this document is his name is Victor Manuel Fernandez as we reported in early June at Novus Ordo watch.org this man actually wrote a book on the art of kissing back in 1995 you may want to sit down for this one the book is entitled sana may gone through oka heal me with your mouth you can't make this stuff up now Fernandez well we really should call him smoochie smoochie is extremely well 00:35 known to francis we might say he is actually his personal theologian you see smoochies also from argentina and francis knows him from his time as Archbishop of Buenos Aires there in fact Francis himself appointed smoochy Archbishop shortly after his election in March of 2013 and when he was still Cardinal bergoglio he insured against concern of opposition that smoochy would become director of the Catholic University in 1 Osiris and we have all of this documented in our post on Fernandez and that book on kissing linked at trap caste org so sorry Michael Voris but blaming this on Francis advisors is not really going to work Francis obviously knows who he surrounds himself with and you know he could 00:36 choose other people if he wanted ok so Michael Voris my advice to you don't treat your audience like a bunch of nincompoops alright besides it's not working anyway for example take Nicholas Frankovich he writes for the National Review and in a blog post entitled criticizing Catholic critics of laudato si when loyalty to the Pope shades into double mindedness this mr. Frank which says the following quote a tacit rule among some conservative Catholic writers is to knock Pope Francis by going after prelate s-- who are seemed to be especially aligned with him Cardinals Marx Caspar Rodrigues Mardy Agha at all it is thought that to speak about the Bishop of Rome with the same bluntness would be in politic and it would be the price of being politic in this case however is double mindedness you already know this argument by heart 00:37 the Frances of progressive platitudes is a media construct and if you attend carefully to the whole of spoken and written messages you will see that he is a powerfully Orthodox and traditional Catholic I try to believe it I sympathize to some extent with those who persist in that effort but increasingly it comes off a special pleading unquote are you listening Michael Voris or are you choosing to stay in Disneyland track cast let's look at another semi trad internet personality the anonymous English blogger known as moon de Boer when da war always seems to be in a competition with himself really to outdo himself in terms of hurling ever greater and more offensive insults at the man he supposedly believes to be the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth he announces things such as the Bride of 00:38 Christ is being raped and the Pope leads the rapists he calls Frances pure evil and the encyclical a new H kindergarten things like that and that's not new for him but he definitely does seem to try to push the envelope more and more the crazier Frances gets and and the more this the longer this drags on now his criticism of France is a spot on of course but you then must conclude that he's not the Pope of the Catholic Church if you go by Catholic principles that is next on the rundown Vox contour is a Canadian blogger by the name of David doumitt he's very terrible in his approach to the encyclical but he likewise condemns it and again this condemnation of course is entirely justified you know but we're dealing here with people who supposedly believe that Francis is the Vicar of Christ and not just the village idiot from across the street 00:39 Oh oh yeah my personal favorite brother Alexis von Yolo from the Franciscan archive he actually published his own counter encyclical calling it the encyclical which needs to be written against the errors of environmentalism hey brother Alexis I've got some advice for you when the Vicar of Christ is speaking you may want to listen and shut up okay gosh then we have two reactions from the remnant one by Chris Jackson his piece is entitled why I'm disregarding law to see and you should too that's always great telling the world that what the Vicar of Christ teaches ought to be ignored and instead the people should listen to your blog post so much for the first see is judged by no one well that would have gone really 00:40 well with st. Pius the tenth I'm sure now in this post Jackson mocks Novus Ordo pundits and rightly so of course for acting as the quasi-official interpreters of what the Pope really meant and he uses a funny meme to underscore that ok the meme shows a little boy opening a padded envelope and the boy says finally my laudato si decoder ring and that's amusing indeed but the joke is actually on the remnant ear because apparently Jackson was not aware that it was his fellow remnant columnist Brian McCall who called for exactly that in all seriousness that decoder to decipher the encyclicals of benedict xvi you know that was back in the day of the great restoration of tradition that the remnant was telling everyone was 00:41 happening back then if you don't believe it here's a quote from McCall's article back then posted on the September 9th 2009 the article is called Caritas in Veritate a on further reflection McCall says the following and this is a quote my opinion is that this rupture of language has been intentional on the part of some in the church so as to create this untrue impression the truths have changed often the novel language echoes the ambiguous phraseology of modern anthropology sociology psychology and liberal political rhetoric the choice to continue use of this modern language undermines in my opinion the Holy Fathers praiseworthy reaffirmation of perennial truths contained in the encyclical truths which badly need not only reaffirmation but clarity in our time the clear statement that current teaching is not a rupture with the past 00:42 is undermined by expressing these truths at least in part in novel Post consult your language the consequence of this continued linguistic policy is that one needs to approach the encyclical like a decoder the Holy Father has told us that he is teaching the same apostolic tradition the same doctrine as pre conciliar teaching we must therefore read the confusing language in light of tradition and translate the new ambiguous language into the traditional language of the church there is insufficient time to provide a complete codebook of language for the encyclical but here is my attempts at translating some of the major phrases used by the Holy Father unquote damn you can't make this stuff up to see the double standard here in 2009 benedict xvi was at the helm of the Novus Ordo church and so the decoder ring was all fine and good but now it's the hippy Francis and now the neo Catholics are blamed for doing 00:43 the same thing that the rim that did a mere six years back so like we've been saying this is all agenda driven more than anything else all right this is the remnant for you anyway on to Chris Ferreira also of the remnant he called the encyclical a 185 page book length excuse to tie the church's credibility to eco fascism and the global warming scam he also called it a gargantuan platypus of a document before denouncing its contents and rightly so of course but then you know we're not the ones who think the apostate who is pushing this drivel is actually The Vicar of Christ whose faith shall not fail diabolical disorientation then john van re he is the editor of catholic family news he released a five-minute video in which he mocks the environmentalist nonsense of 00:44 francis and even says that he cannot call this document and encyclical he cannot accept it as a magisterial document and things it is actually an embarrassment well sorry mister Ranieri but if Francis's pope then you don't get to say that okay you can't have your pope and beat him too if he's the Pope as you so stubbornly insist then start treating him like one if he's the Pope then when he speaks you listen you know prob'ly of the thirteenth had something to say about journalists taken it upon themselves to correct bishops in public we've published two of us very much unknown apostolic letters in the 1880s and of course we'll link to these again but here's a very good quote from His Holiness Lee of the 13th quote the task pertaining to them meaning to the 00:45 journalists in all the things that concern religion and that are closely connected to the action of the church in human society is this to be subject completely in mind and we'll just as all the other faithful are to their own bishops and to the Roman pontiff to follow and make known their teachings to be fully and willingly subservient to their influence and to reverence their precepts and sure that they are respected he who would act otherwise in such a way that he would serve the aims and interests of those who spirit and intentions we have reproved in this letter would fail the noble mission he has undertaken so doing in vain would he boast of attending to the good of the church and helping her cause no less than someone who would strive to weaken or diminish Catholic truth or indeed someone who would show himself to be her overly fearful friend unquote and that is a direct quote of pope leo xiii 00:46 of his apostolic letter at peace de la tua to the Archbishop of Paris in 1885 and we'll give you the link to the full document so you know if you're going to be a traditional Catholic mr. Benari maybe you should start heating these words okay and if you cannot apply this to Francis Amy that should tell you something all right Pope Pius the 12th he taught the following on the Catholics required submission to papal encyclicals and this is a quote from the encyclical Himani generous of nineteen fifty number twenty listen to this quote nor must it be thought that what is expounded in encyclical letters does not of itself demand consent since in writing such letters the Pope's do not exercise the supreme power of their teaching 00:47 authority for these matters are taught with the ordinary teaching authority of which it is true to say he who here with you here with me Luke 1016 and generally what is expounded and inculcated in encyclical letters already for other reasons pertains to Catholic doctrine unquote again Himani generous Popeye's the 12th the catholic theologian Monsignor gerard van nord also explains a catholics duty of submission to what is taught by the pope through his so-called authentic Magisterium that is teaching that is not infallible but nevertheless binding and authoritative he says quote theological truths which the church's Magisterium teaches merely authentically must be held with a religious assent and then he goes on to explain what that means a 00:48 merely authentic proposal an authentic teacher that is endowed with real authority in the church means a teacher possessing the right and duty to teach doctrines on faith or morals in such fashion that the subjects are for that very reason namely that it proceeds from such a person or group bound to accept it all right and then he goes on to explain what religious assent means a religious assent means an intellectual assent given out of a religious motive that is out of a motive of obedience to the religious authority established with it directly indirectly by Jesus Christ unquote and the citation for these quotes is van North's dogmatic theology vol 3 00:49 the sources of Revelation fifth edition 1960 pages 268 and 270 specifically numbers 251 and 252 all right last but not least a brief word on a Sandra Magister he is a veteran Vatican especial Vatican journalist and has been for for over 40 years and so somehow he was able to get the text of the encyclical laudato si a few days ahead of its official release and so he published it in less press so which is the newspaper he he writes for he published it about three days before the Vatican officially released the text so needless to say the Vatican wasn't very happy with that and Francis's press spokesman Father Federico Lombardi he punished magister by revoking his vatican press credentials okay for an indefinite period of time 00:50 now we're not gonna get into whether what Magister did was smart or right or wrong whether it was justifiable whatever we're not gonna get into that and we're not gonna get into Lombardi's response either whether that was you know unduly harsh or proportionate or what have you know what really we should be asking his why in the world would majesté ER do this what is the benefit of seeing a document three days early that nobody wants to read okay what was he thinking what was he trying to accomplish by doing this this I think is the real issue and I haven't seen anybody ask it oh well anyway it is time to bring this sixth episode of trap cast to a close and I'd like to do that by quoting a from an address given by His Holiness Pope Saint Pius the tenth two priests of the apostolic Union on November 18th 00:51 1912 remember this is st. Pius the tenth speaking quote when one loves the Pope one does not stop to debate about what he advises or demands to ask how far the rigorous duty of obedience extends and to mark the limit of this obligation when one loves the Pope one does not object that he has not spoken clearly enough as if he were obliged to repeat into the ear of each individual his will so often clearly expressed not only the vivace but also by letters and other public documents one does not call his orders into doubt on the pretext easily advanced by whoever does not wish to obey that they emanate not directly from him but from his entourage one does not limit the field in which he can and should exercises will one does not oppose to the authority of the Pope that of other persons however learn it who differ in opinion from the Pope 00:52 besides however great their knowledge their holiness is wanting for there can be no holiness where there is disagreement with the Pope unquote this is not an anecdote or hearsay this quote is printed in the official acts of the Apostolic See the Octopus delicious a DS vol 4 of 1912 page 695 you can look it up you can find it scanned available for download on the Vatican website so folks it's time to finally draw the conclusion the only conclusion that can justify one's resistance to and rejection of Francis he is not the Vicar of Christ he is not the Pope of the Catholic Church [Music] this was trap cast number 6 don't forget to share with as many people as possible on Facebook on Twitter by email however 00:53 else and check us out at track cast org and Novus Ordo watch.org Novus Ordo watch.org until next time god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music]