00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the Novus Ordo watch trap cast you can't make the stuff up people listen up we have found the 00:01 closest thing to infallibility in this life if you're not the Pope and still want to be infallible there is now an easy way to become 99% infallible even as a layman all you need to do is look at what Mark chasez and take the opposite viewpoint that will do it ninety-nine percent of the time more on that in a minute welcome it is track cast number 007 and we are loaded with great content for you so don't even think about not listening thanks for joining glad you're here let's get started in his great encyclical letter sati scoonie tomb of jun 29 1896 Pope Leo the 00:02 13th taught quote there can be nothing more dangerous than those heretics who admit nearly the whole cycle of doctrine and yet by one word as with a drop of poison in fact the real and simple faith taught by our Lord and handed down by apostolic tradition unquote and in his encyclical letter at beata see me of November first 1914 pope benedict the 15th stated quote such is the nature of Catholicism that it does not admit of more or less but must be held as a whole or as a whole rejected unquote let's take a moment and examine the question why is that why is it that someone who believes 99 out of 100 dogmas is not a Catholic at all why couldn't we say that he is ninety-nine percent of a Catholic 00:03 or more Catholic than those who only believe say 75 of a hundred dogmas why is one not a Catholic at all for denying even just one single dogma why this black and white All or Nothing position it is very important to answer this question correctly for the entire Catholic faith depends on it in a way the reason why you must adhere to all dogmas of the faith to be a Catholic and why denial of even just one dogma makes you a non-catholic is found in the virtue of faith true faith is the ascent of the mind to what God has revealed because he has revealed it and he cannot deceive or be deceived God cannot lie and he cannot make a mistake or be fooled so what God reveals to us must be 00:04 true but then it follows that everything revealed by God is true and therefore I must believe exact Lee that everything but the only way we can know what God has revealed is through the Catholic Church because God has communicated that revelation the deposit of faith to his church through the Apostles and this revelation ended with the death of the last apostle st. John the Evangelist in the early 2nd century so the motive for our faith that is the reason why we believe what we believe must be that the God who cannot lie or be deceived has revealed it but if this is so then it follows that we cannot pick and choose what we believe for if we do so then we are admitting that our motive for believing anything is not the authority of God who reveals 00:05 the truth and who has revealed all dogmas not just some but something else for example because we find it agreeable or Pleasant or it seems right to us or it makes sense to us or because it's good for business or whatever well in that case the motive of our belief is not God at all but ourselves we are the reason we believe not God not the truth we are and when something other than God is the motive for our faith then we have no faith no supernatural faith which is the faith required for salvation as Hebrews 11 6 says quote but without faith it is impossible to please God unquote and so that is the reason why even denying one single dogma makes us a non-catholic a heretic a person with no faith whatsoever because by doing so we are showing that our motive for belief 00:06 is not God but ourselves and so it makes little difference that we affirm 99 other diagonals of the church as long as we deny even one we are believing the other 99 for the wrong reason and that reason is that we ourselves have chosen to believe it so we have no supernatural faith in this case at all but only human faith faith in ourselves and not in God this faith of course cannot save because it is not a virtue and certainly not a supernatural virtue and that is why such a person is not a Catholic at all that is why there can be no 95% Catholics and why one cannot be more or less Catholic than another just like one cannot be more or less pregnant or more or less dead so now we understand why probably the 13th said that the worst kind of 00:07 heretic is the one who admits almost all dogmas and denies only one as with a drop of poison and why pope benedict the 15th taught that catholicism is all or nothing that it does not admit of more or less but must be held as a whole or as a whole rejected this is very much forgotten truth in our times in which people think that faith and belief are basically nothing more than personal opinions they find acceptable wrong track cast alright we're going to switch gears now and talk about a matter that will not be suitable for children so if you have any little ears listening right now this is the time to ask them to do something else okay because we're going to be talking about Planned Parenthood 00:08 and the termination of pre born human life well no doubt you've heard about the undercover videos exposing the horrifying deeds of Planned Parenthood which is the top abortion that is baby butchering organization in the United States of America not only do they as everyone obviously new crush burn and dismember preborn children in the womb all the way up to delivery they also try to salvage the organs and other parts of the children and sell them so these undercover videos that have been released by the Center for medical progress expose this they are secretly recorded conversations with abortionists and others other staff from Planned Parenthood in which they admit 00:09 to these things and talk about them in the most sickening fashion I don't think I have to go on with any more details will simply put a link to further information on our show page at trappist dot org now if there is one layman in the Vatican to church who can be counted on to say the wrong thing even in such a scenario it's the American bloggers and loudmouth mark che that's the same marché by the way who once argued that we should be thrilled that the British singer and sodomy Queen Elton John admirers Pope Francis because this means so she thought that he's moving closer to the gospel yeah well anyway even though che is clearly pro-life and most certainly has condemned the atrocities of Planned Parenthood and no uncertain 00:10 terms in a recent podcast he made in which he discusses the Planned Parenthood videos at length the lion's share of his criticism isn't directed at Planned Parenthood but at the pro-lifers who made the undercover video because you see they lied to the abortionist they lie to them about who they were and what they wanted now let me say something here Catholic teaching is very clear lying is always wrong in all circumstances it cannot be done even to save the life of another that is true and Shey is correct and pointing it out however we need to also keep in mind according to Catholic teaching again that not all false or misleading statements are necessarily lies and lying is in and of itself only a venial sin circumstances can make it a mortal sin such as when the lie is about a very important matter 00:11 the listener has the right to know the truth about or if it causes grave harm or if it is done under oath for example however in itself consider just as the deliberate telling of a falsehood it is venial only now that doesn't mean we can do it certainly not but it does mean that if we do do it then sanctifying grace in us insofar as we are in the state of grace is only diminished and not entirely destroyed we wouldn't even have to go to confession strictly speaking all right now I really don't know what the pro-life group that did the undercover videos the Center for medical progress I don't know what these people exactly did or said in order to be able to do these secret recordings because you see they they may actually not have light necessarily there's 00:12 there's some leeway in Catholic moral theology in such matters and we'll look at that in greater depth in a moment for one thing they may have used mental reservations in which nothing is said that is actually untrue but one deliberately allows the here to draw wrong conclusions from what one has said in addition to that assuming they did lie the guilt of a lie is diminished the greater the good that is obtained by it although we must insist again that the end does not justify the means lying is still not permitted not even to obtain a great good so without examining what exactly they said and how they presented themselves and so forth we must say that most likely they simply lied right and so they did something that was not permitted okay they send okay well in all 00:13 likelihood their lies were venial sins only not saying that venial sins aren't a big deal just saying that if you have two parties at the table and one of them commits a venial sin of lying to expose the fact that the other party burns and cuts babies to pieces and sells them to the highest bidder then you can bet your bottom dollar I'm not going to be castigating the party that's exposing this for lying to the baby butcher I'm sorry but you have to be really messed up in the head if for such an atrocity you think the focus should be on the venial sins committed by the pro-life or against the abortionist who sells baby hands baby livers and baby hearts but mark che doesn't stop there he even takes issue with the fact that some pro-lifers have called up abortion Ruiz to make fake abortion appointments as part of their investigation che says 00:14 that by doing this the pro-lifers are tempting the people at the abortion to participate in the sin of murder now this is even crazier these are people working right quote unquote working at an abortion abortion clinic but I really don't want to call them clinics because they're killing centers their service quote-unquote is abortion so they've already made up their minds they're going to kill children and they're there they're showing up there regardless of whether there is one more person calling to make an appointment or not shays argument that a pro-lifer who makes a fake abortion appointment is leading the abortionists or the nurses or the staff to participate in the sin of murder is absolutely loony it's like saying that if i buy a bad magazine I'm leading the seller of the magazine into sin well I'm not okay he's already selling it the 00:15 only reason I can buy it is because he sells it and he sells it regardless of whether I show up or not his store is open he offers the trash and I buy it sin is in the will and the sellers will has already committed the sin whether i buy it or not is actually quite accidental to the whole business isn't there some other job out there for mark che aren't they looking for someone to plant trees in the Vatican or something anyway we have the mark che audio linked on the trad cast show page at trot cast dot org and that is going to be the full 45 minute podcast from the original source okay so just to give you the whole thing so nobody can say we left something out or only gave you a piece okay time now to look at the Catholic moral theology applicable here 00:16 from the excellent work moral theology a complete course based on st. Thomas Aquinas and the best modern authorities by father's John a McHugh and Charles Jake Allen both Dominicans and we'll put a link on the trap cast show page for this as well of course let me actually preface the following quote by saying that Catholic teaching on the immorality of lying is very nuanced okay I can only quote a bit here and i'll quote the parts that are most applicable to the case we're dealing with now we'll need to briefly define the terms that will be used in this excerpt from this moral theology text okay we're going to hear about three different kinds of lies pernicious lies Oh fishes lies and joke hoes lies and in addition to that we're 00:17 also going to hear about simulation and dissimulation a pernicious lie is one intended to harm someone an officious lie is intended to help someone and a joke hoes lie is told to amuse someone in fun simulation and dis simulation are a kind of lying in words but in actions okay so if you if you pretend like if you if you act surprised when you're not surprised or you you pretend you are afraid or whatever so with this in mind let's now have a look at what father's McHugh and Callen teach about lying in words and deed and I'm quoting here from sections 2394 2395 and 2403 if you'd like to look 00:18 it up yourself as well quote lies are aggravated by the purpose to harm and the greater the harm the greater the sin thus the worst of all pernicious lies is that which is directed against God as in false religious doctrine and the lie that harms a man in spiritual goods is worse than a lie that harms in temporal things only lies are mitigated by the purpose to help and the greater the good intended the less the sin in other words lies that are not pernicious are not so bad as pernicious lies Oh fishes lies are less sinful than joke hos lies a fish's lies told for the sake of some great good aren't not so grave as those told for the sake of a lesser good thus it is a less evil to lie in order to save a man's life than to lie in order to take his life it is less sinful to lie in order to spare another the shock of bad news than to lie for the sake of 00:19 embellishing a tale it is a less offense to lie in order to ward off bodily harm than to lie in order to prevent a financial loss but the lies are unequal in sinfulness it remains that no lie even the smallest such as our called fibs or white lies is ever justified even by the greatest good for a lie is intrinsically evil and the end does not justify the means ally considered precisely as a lie seems from its nature to be only a venial sin for the disorder of using signs against one's mind is not serious and the harm done society by mere denial of truth is not necessarily grave the case would be otherwise if truth could be denied on principle as a lawful thing simulation teaches error 00:20 and dissimulation hides truth from those who have no right to it that this simulation is generally recognized as lawful is seen from such examples as stratagems ambushes camouflage and wore disguises in detective work and concealment of marriage by couples not ready for housekeeping unquote now you can see that this is all very complex much more complex than marché would have you believe by the way we remember the beautiful story of Judith in the Old Testament Judith who is an Old Testament type or foreshadowing of the Blessed Mother the Virgin Mary was called quote the glory of Jerusalem the joy of Israel the honor of our people unquote that's a quote from judith 15 verse 10 and she 00:21 was called that because she defeated the terrible mighty pagan general Hall of fur knees she did so by tricking the Assyrians to allow her to see halle furnace and with her great beauty and clever speech she made holofernes believe that she was defecting from the Jews to the Assyrians and so holla ferny celebrated the occasion and got drunk and while he was sleeping she went ahead and cut off his head thus defeating the terrible general of the Assyrian army and by this she gave the victory to the Hebrews you can read about this in Judith chapter 10 and onwards now scriptural commentators are not all in agreement over how to assess morally what Judith did here I think bishop challoner gives the best comments on the issue so let me quote that he says quote some things are related to have been set by Judith which 00:22 seemed hard to reconcile with truth but all that is related in Scripture of the servants of God is not approved by the scripture and even the Saints in their enterprises may sometimes slip into venial sins unquote and on this point the father's we quoted earlier McHugh and Kalyn also speak about this and they say quote it seems that we should regard as officious lies various statements made by Jacob David and Judith unquote and that's again moral theology and it's section number 23 92 by father's McHugh and Kalyn an officious lie we remember is one that's defined as a lie that is told for a good purpose in order to help or serve another so in this case in the case of Judith it would be Judith lying 00:23 to the Assyrian watchman and holofernes in order to defeat the Assyrians and bring victory to her people okay so father's McHugh and Callen are saying that this would have to be regarded as an officious lie okay so this is the true Catholic teaching about these matters and you didn't get it from mark Shay imagine that right by the way we should mention here how to Novus Ordo big shot Cardinals reacted to the Planned Parenthood videos for one thing there was mr. Sean O'Malley the supposedly great conservative pro-life Archbishop of Boston who gave what can only be described as a verbal slap on the wrist on july twenty ninth he said this make sure you're sitting down 00:24 both actions and and by that he's referring to abortion and then the harvesting of aborted baby organs and tissue both actions fail to respect the humanity and dignity of human life this fact should be the center of attention in the present of public controversy unquote wow what a stinging denunciation huh but it got worse because they're still Chicago's arch laymen blaze sue pitch who was just recently appointed to his post by Pope Francis now sue pitch is the epitome of everything that is wrong with the modernist Vatican to sect okay sue said the following and I'm not kidding quote while commerce in 00:25 the remains of defenseless children is particularly repulsive we should be no less appalled by the indifference toward the thousands of people who died daily for lack of decent medical care who are denied rights by a broken immigration system and by racism who suffer in hunger joblessness and want who pay the price of violence in gun saturated neighborhoods or who are executed by the state in the name of justice unquote Wow mr. su pitch and yes that's all he is mr. su pitch has the gall to equate the burning with acid and ripping a part of live children who can feel pain by the way with someone who's suffering because he has no job or because he encountered problems with the American immigration 00:26 system and he equates it with the just execution of convicted killers this guy is a dirtbag thank God that he's not actually the Archbishop of Chicago or even a Catholic but only a layman in a fancy costume holding a position in a modernist sect super-g is so bad even March che can't stand him and that brings us back to where we started mark Shay's comments on the Planned Parenthood undercover videos let's summarize ladies and gentlemen let's summarize if the pro-lifers the ones who exposed Planned Parenthood the ones who did the undercover videos if the pro-lifers lied which is not necessarily so but quite likely if they lie to be able to secretly record and expose the horrific atrocities committed by Planned Parenthood then that was 00:27 wrong and not justifiable however it was most likely only a venial sin and it is nothing to get bent out of shape over the guilt of the sin is lessened by the great good obtained and of course it pales in comparison to the heinous acts confessed to buy the Planned Parenthood people in the video to focus on the pro-lifers lying to not about lying to baby killers in order to expose them as a greater evil than the hacking to death of children is absolutely despicable but I guess it's not surprising considering that it's coming from Mark che we got to take a break 00:28 tragg cast ignore this podcast at your own risk trap cast is a production of Novus Ordo watched org we watch the Vatican to church so you don't have to go to Novus Ordo watch Don org Novus Ordo watch org and see for yourself that the Vatican to church is not in fact the Catholic Church of the ages alright we're back second segment in this portion of the program we're 00:29 going to talk about Bishop Richard Williamson and his comments on the new mass so called the Novus Ordo me say of Paul the sixth and later we're also going to talk about bishop quote unquote ethin asia's schneider and his recent informal endorsement of the Society of st. Pius the tenth and how Michael Voris ended up with lots of egg on his face because of that so first Bishop Williamson in case you didn't hear about it Bishop Richard Williamson formerly with the Society of Saint pies the 10th and now on his own with the so-called resistance group that's all the clerics who left the SSPX 00:30 because the SSPX was no longer sspx enough for them well he gave a talk in late june i believe it was june of this year in new york and he was asked by a lady in the audience whether it was ever permissible to attend the new mass the modernist worship service of the Vatican to church now Williamson's answer was nothing short of hysterical he talked for 10 minutes and essentially said yes no maybe and don't ask me I'm not kidding right he was all over the place and what he said was so contradictory and inconsistent that we decided to take the video that was that was made of the entire conference and also this this Q&A 00:31 session and so we we decided to take that video and include our own subtitles okay our own subtitles with critical commentary to be displayed along with his words as he's giving his lengthy answer if you haven't seen that yet please do have a look we've got the link up for you on track casts org look for episode number 007 we have also published several blog posts on this with our own comments and also one with bishop donald sanborns refutation of Bishop Williamson and you'll definitely want to take a look at all this because it is very revealing about the frightening theology used by Bishop Williamson to argue his case Williamson basis his entire kays on what attendance at the Novus Ordo mass can do for you God is left 00:32 entirely out of the picture never mind it's the official worship of a false religion a dangerous and non-catholics urge achill right that is intrinsically offensive to God all of which Williamson supposedly believes in his answer Bishop Williamson argues all of the following and more listen closely he argues that the new mass is a key part of the new religion and the worldwide apostasy he says stay away from the new mass he says you can go to the new mass under certain circumstances the new mass is wrong as a whole if it nourishes your faith you can go and he says that this this seems to be the absolute rule of rules if it nourishes your faith you can go but then he also says you cannot cause scandal by going to the new mass and he says that 00:33 Archbishop Lefebvre said that the new mass is a danger to the faith there are you Christic miracles in the new mass he claimed the new religion of which the new mass is a key part is dangerous and strangles grace the new mass can build your faith the new mass does harm in itself and then he says decide for yourself or ask a priest you trust and heed his advice maybe the right of the new mass was designed to get you away from the Catholic faith he also says use your own judgment if you can trust your own judgment and then he adds that all of this is just his opinion and that it's almost heresy mm-hmm and he ends it by saying that maybe all of this should have been said in private rather than in 00:34 public are you dizzy yet yes so definitely watch our video on this you definitely want to see the subtitles we superimposed on the video as he's speaking and you'll also want to read our blog posts on this as well as what bishops and Warren wrote oh and and in here here we should say something about our critics my goodness Novus Ordo watch got slammed on a forum that shall remain nameless ok accusing us of attacking the bishop and not linking to the full video but only that particular question and answer part and we were also accused of just trying to push a set of economist agenda and whatever let 00:35 me say something about that first to say that we attacked the bishop is an entirely emotional argument and actually irrelevant to the point was it an attack perhaps so but this just begs the question whether the bishop deserve to be attacked and honestly as we've shown he most certainly did deserve to be criticized and truth be told we criticized him on substance ok on the merits of his arguments we did not attack this person we actually pointed out the frightening errors in his shoddy theology ok now you can call this an attack or whatever but it's actually irrelevant that wouldn't make our criticism wrong secondly the claim that we didn't link to the full video is only half true because although we did not link to the full video of the entire Williamson talk in our video response 00:36 nevertheless we did link to the full video on the accompanying novel sort of watch blog post secondly the claim that we didn't link to the full video um is disingenuous because there is nothing in the remainder of the video that changes anything the bishop said in the 10 minute answer he gave to the question about the new mass okay but true the question came up one or two more times later in that question and answer session but if anything what Williamson said they're made it worse for him okay certainly not any better so i would suggest just check it out for yourself okay just go and ah look at listen to the the entire video the entire to our conference and listen very 00:37 closely to the question-and-answer session and you decide if our criticism has merit or not or whether we left anything out that it would change things you decide for yourself okay where this time we're definitely putting the full link to the video right there on trap cast org for this episode okay episode number seven and just see for yourself and see if you agree that our criticism has merit and that Bishop Williamson is putting forth a catastrophic subjectivist Protestant modernist theology to defend his idea that you can go to the Novus Ordo mass under certain circumstances trap cast finally our last topic for today let's take a look at what has recently happened over at 00:38 church militant Michael Morris's intrepid organization that is not even allowed to call itself Catholic for the modernist Archdiocese of Detroit which they recognized as the their legitimate Roman Catholic Diocese we like to call church militant church Disneyland and you'll see why in a minute if you're not already aware for a while now Michael Voris who is the host of the popular vortex program would like to call it the ignore Tex or the distort X Michael Voris has been pushing mr. athanasius Schneider a Novus Ordo auxiliary bishop over in Kazakhstan as basically the the last great hope of the church all right because Schneider is a very traditional-looking conservative in the new church and he's exactly the kind 00:39 of conciliar bishop that church militant likes to promote now just a month or so ago Voris had this big exclusive interview with Schneider that he offered to people who have a paid premium membership with church militant now Schneider is no doubt sincere I don't want to question that at all but of course that's really not relevant to the fact that he is part of the hierarchy of the modernist church and he is still a lineman because ordinations in the Novus Ordo religion are in fact not valid and have not been since nineteen sixty eight will give you a link for that so you can see this for yourself and of course all sincerity and conservative inclinations whatever all the sincerity in the world 00:40 cannot change that Schneider is a modernist layman now Michael Voris has recently been attacking the Society of st. Pius the tenth and their sympathizers left and right the SSPX is an Scism Voris insists and a Catholic cannot have anything to do with them now Voris is actually correct with regard to the Scism charge because if Francis were Pope then yes the sspx would indeed be in Scism because they fulfill the criteria for scizzin but that's not important at the moment we're not criticizing Voris for considering the SSP simatic instead what's really amusing here is that after all his huffing and puffing against the SSPX and after all his promotion of bishop ethin asia schneider as the the big bad conservative tough guy of of the church 00:41 militant schneider now came out in an interview with adelante lafay and said that the society of sin pi is the tenth seems catholic to him and he knows of no weighty reasons for why they should be denied full canonical recognition by Rome especially also in view of today's a chimerical climate to him they should be accept that as they are in other words they should just be given canonical regularization without having to change anything in their positions oops bad news for Michael Voris for sure looks like the Cossack bishop didn't get the memo on the SSPX ism well church militant had practically no choice but to cover the story because this latest Schneider interview was being promoted quite heavily at Rathi Chile and other 00:42 sites the United States District of the SSPX was also quick to publish the exciting news that Schneider said that they have the mind of the church which is interesting because we've noticed that the SSPX always gets chipper when some modernist hierarch recognizes them as catholic see if the same modernist bishop had said that they are in Scism they would have just announced him as yet another modernist and that you know whatever he says it doesn't matter and he's wrong and whatever so to get back to church militant what did they do how did they cover the story well they really really spun it and made it look like Schneider was simply expressing his hope that the sspx would soon renounce its ism and then church militant gratuitously inserted a comment into 00:43 their report a comment from an American bogus Ordo Bishop mr. Robert Morley no of Wisconsin who said that Catholics can't have anything to do with the SSPX well that's fine except it has nothing to do with the bishop Schneider story that they were supposedly reporting on well the story doesn't end there yet because then Michael Voris clearly embarrassed and upset at Schneider's quasi endorsement of the SSPX asked the Casa clay bishop for a clarification which Wars then happily published and trumpeted on his website but even this clarification didn't really help for us because she Neider didn't say anything different and he certainly didn't say that the SPX isn't scizzum Christopher Ferreira a neo-traditional commentator at the remnant who was really a favorite target of ours um he slammed for us for his spinning of the Schneider interview 00:44 and the Schneider clarification and said quote say good night mr. Forrest no one but the dwindling number of the people you can still fool takes you seriously any longer unquote which is exactly right and we predicted this from the beginning we predicted that church militant was going to lose all credibility when Michael Voris began to spin Frances into a traditionalist conservative tough Catholic pope even though the facts were telling a different story now here we should probably say something real quick about the remnant okay whenever the question of the sspx Scism comes up you know is the societies in pie is the tenth in Scism or not and of course this would assume that Francis is actually the Pope but let's just assume that for the sake of argument whenever that question comes 00:45 up to my knowledge at least Ferreira and Matt never address the question which would be the reasonable thing to do of whether the Society's implies the 10th fulfills the criteria necessary for the canonical crime of Scism you would think that if you want to find out whether somebody's in scism you look at what's ism is and then you see if that organization fits the criteria and they never do that at least not to my knowledge and it is actually quite obvious why they wouldn't because the SSPX fits the criteria to a tee instead what they do is and this is very clever actually they always focus on who says that they're in Scism or who says that they're not in Scism right and so when that question comes up you'll always hear them talking about who Cardinal 00:46 Cassidy said this and and whatever Cardinal custody own oils says that and and you know Pope Benedict said this and John Paul the second said that and all they ever do is talk about what different people different authorities real or imagined say about the issue but that's ultimately not really relevant the question is what is Scism and does the Society of st. Pius the 10th meet the criteria my goodness what a circus anyway we've got all the relevant links up on the trad cast page on the whole SSPX Michael Voris spin thing as well and now you know why we call them church Disneyland and this concludes episode number 7 hope you found this program informative and helpful if you would like to support it financially you may do so at track casts 00:47 org but don't worry it will always be free until next time may God bless you you