00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the Novus Ordo watch trap cast you can't make the stuff up 00:01 reveal to the faithful the wolves which are demolishing the Lord's vineyard words dear listeners of Pope Clement the 13th in 1766 from his encyclical Christian a rape oubli che and that is what we're all about here we reveal the wolves that are demolishing the Lord's vineyard welcome greetings in Christ to you whoever you are wherever you are welcome to this unique podcast produced by Novus Ordo watch so here we are trapped cast episode number nine a lot has happened since our last episode which was published in mid-september but unfortunately we're going to have to skip over most of it 00:02 because at this point we simply don't have the time or the resources to comment on at all so we just try to focus on the most important things in our track casts here now before we really get into this first segment two quick announcements we don't want to forget first our annual Novus ogre contest is about to begin okay it will run from December first through the 31st and you will find a link to that on our Novus Ordo wire blog come December first as every year we will present a few candidates from the modernist sect that made some special contribution to the apostasy in the past year and you get to vote on who you think was the worst one okay so whoever you think that the most damage who did the most to undermine Catholicism under the guise of 00:03 Catholicism and I'm sorry but no Pope Francis is not going to be one of the available choices because we always exclude the currently raining antipope because he's obviously the most influential theological gravedigger so he'd win every time and there'd be no point to the contest okay anyway look for the Novus ogre award contest come December first on our Novus Ordo wire blog and tell your friends and family about it okay and your local Novus Ordo pastor of course that's always a hoot ah secondly the second announcement we don't want to miss you've probably heard about the year of Mercy Francis has called to begin on December eighth of this year and we thought about whether there's anything Novus Ordo watch can do to put things in perspective a bit and so we've decided to have our own Jubilee year right here on our website and it 00:04 will run concurrently with that of Francis meaning it will begin on Tuesday December eighth and end on sunday November 20th 2016 it will not however be a year of mercy instead we figured that what this world really needs is the exact opposite so we're going to have a year of exclusion judgment and condemnation alright so that will start on December eighth and you will see that too on the Novus Ordo wire alright now that we've got that out of the way let's get down to business okay so where are we of course the big event last month was the Senate the so-called scented on the family which was essentially a tumultuous gathering of I don't know how many hundreds of bogus or no bishops that ended up producing a document that used a lot of words to say very little 00:05 okay as usual so everybody is now waiting for Francis to release his big post Sentinel excitation which will probably contain his official decision on what to do with those few adulterers in a sect who still didn't manage to get an oval sort of annulment but want to receive Holy Communion anyway of course while continuing to engage in adulterers relations not that holy communion is valid in the new church but that's beside the point because they all believe it is well those who even believe in Holy Communion in the real presence and the Holy Eucharist over there not sure how many that is anymore anyway that's where we're at with that and you know it's funny but whenever there is controversy about some sexual issue you know something about involving abortion or divorce and remarriage or unnatural acts or whatever then conservatives in the novus ordo they're all up in arms and threatened to walk 00:06 out and start a Scism and so on but when it's about something non-sexual like like for example when Cardinal Gerhardt Miller or Pope Benedict 16th deny the bodily resurrect Shin of Christ then no one gives a hoot you know it's really bizarre and in recent months we've seen Novus Ordo adherents on the internet getting all bent out of shape over an alleged irregularity in the last Conclave you know about whether they voted one time too many or not on a given day and all of a sudden people are suspecting Francis might not be a real pope you know but when you point out that the guy believes the Mosaic Covenant is still valid and suffices for today's Jews for salvation no one thinks much of it it's crazy it's really crazy so that's just another thing that that we've noticed that is is just it's just really bizarre whenever there's something sexual then it's you know oh my gosh petitions and 00:07 we're walking out and you know that kind of thing but when it's some other dogma something that has not related to sexuality then well you know who am I to judge and I can't can't say he's not the Pope and all that and then at the same time you know the the if there's an irregularity in the Conclave oh my goodness he might not be the Pope you know but you point out the demand you know it doesn't believe in hell doesn't believe that Christ is necessary for salvation doesn't believe that you must profess the true faith to be a member of the church nobody cares it's bizarre anyway Oh have you heard have you heard ladies and gentlemen there is now a new argument among novels or toes as to why Francis isn't preaching the gospel yep someone told us about it on Facebook and I guess at this point it's just so obvious that Francis doesn't preach the 00:08 true gospel that even though those ordos can no longer hide it so now they're trying to explain why that is you know why is he not preaching the gospel you know why he's not preaching the gospel according to them because everyone's already heard it yeah yeah and they rejected it so what's the point you know wow you really can't make this stuff up you cannot make it up if you got paid to uh anyway speaking of Francis you know he keeps denouncing idolatry have you noticed that yeah yeah he's always out there denouncing the idolatry of money or the idolatry of consumerism or the idolatry of Western freedom and just the other day was it was a new one we got a new idolatry now 00:09 the idolatry of eminence and the idolatry of habits mm-hmm yep very nice but you know you know what did the idolatry he never denounces the idolatry of you know idolatry like paganism like Hinduism you know where they actually literally worship idols now that that never gets denounced that never makes the burgh olean hit list of idolatries in fact what he does instead when he encounters pagans in other words adherence of some heathen religion he always encourages them in one way or another in the practice of their false religion which by the way will lead them to hell to eternal damnation okay so in that case we're talking about real idolatry he starts talking about their shared values or whatever right and I mean we're talking here about people who 00:10 worship the creature instead of the Creator okay textbook idolatry don't believe it well here's an example here's an example on a tour 28 2015 the so-called catholic news agency published a report called prayer is the treasure of all religions says pope let me read it to you Vatican City October 28 2015 Pope Francis marked Wednesday's anniversary of the Second Vatican Council Steckler raishin on the relation of the church to non-christian religions by saying the world looks to religious believers for their ability to pray notice there's no reference here to True Religion false religion you know true faith the false faith human faith none of that quote prayer is our treasure to which we draw in accordance with our respective 00:11 traditions to ask for the gifts for which humanity yearns unquote he said at his October 28th general audience at st. Peter's Square the world looks to believers for answers in many areas the Pope said such as peace hope environmental crisis violence committed in the name of religion and crises in the family and the economy quote we believers have received these problems but we have one great resource prayer and we believers pray we must pray unquote so that's that's that's the incredible okay we believers he's clearly putting the the true religion and the true God on the same level with diabolical sects and so on let me continue the report reading from the Catholic news agency pope francis's remarks came on the 50th anniversary of the release release of Nostra atate and his general audience was focused on 00:12 inter-religious dialogue other speakers included Cardinal jean-louis tohon president of the Pontifical Council for interreligious dialogue and Cardinal Court co-president of the Pontifical Council for promoting christian unity the probe extended a special welcome to those individuals and groups present in st. Peter's Square representing other religions he cited the Second Vatican Council as an quote extraordinary time of reflection dialogue and prayer for renewing the Catholic Church's gaze upon itself and on the world a reading of the signs of the times in view of an update oriented baidu loyalty loyalty to the tradition of the church loyalty to church tradition and loyalty to the history of men and women in our times unquote whatever Pope Francis recalled the various inter-religious initiatives and events that have sprung up in the years following in Austria 00:13 today's release he noted in particular the inter-religious encounter in a cz in 1986 the fruit of a meeting between st. John Paul the second and a group of young Muslims in Casablanca a year earlier quote the flame ignited in a cz has spread around the world and is a permanent sign of hope unquote he said Pope Francis made particular mention of the transformation in the relationship between Christians and Jews which has come about over the last 50 years quote indifference and opposition have turned into collaboration and goodwill from enemies and strangers we have become friends and brothers unquote no sir i tatti led the way in saying yes to rediscovering Christianity's Jewish roots haha and no to every form of anti-semitism there's your bi-weekly condemnation of anti-semitism while condemning every insult discrimination 00:14 and persecution which comes with it the Pope noted that Nostra Aetate a promoted renewed relations not only with the Jewish people but also with persons of other religions especially Muslims he cited passages from the document which acknowledged the point of commonality between Christianity and Islam reference to the paternity of Abraham the veneration of Jesus as prophet as disgusting esteem for Mary yeah as well as such practices as alms giving and fasting yeah do you know a Muslim charity in your area by the way yeah I didn't think so the aim and condition of inter-religious dialogue is mutual respect Pope Francis said quote respect for the right to life of others to physical integrity to fundamental freedom namely freedom of conscience of thought of expression and of religion unquote there are some Catholic ideas for you Pope Francis spoke of the violence and 00:15 terrorism which has led to religion becoming the object of suspicion and condemnation well there is always the risks of fundamentalism or extremism in any religion he said we must nonetheless quote look at the positive values which they live and propose in which our sources of hope unquote you can't make this stuff up the Pope reflected on the various areas of collaboration possible between persons of different religions serving the poor the elderly migrants caring for creation etc quote all believers of every religion together we can praise the Creator for having given us the Garden of the world to cultivate and protect as a common good unquote he said and also work together to quote combat poverty and ensure secure conditions of a dignified life for every man and woman unquote you know what this is enough I can't read any more of this 00:16 this is a this is Francis for you ok Francis on real idolatry ok no condemnation of idolatry when we're talking about real genuine idolatry right so just remember that remember that because that is certainly no accident so welcome to the fruits of Vatican 2 by the way there is a hilarious parody out there on Vatican tues Nostra i taunted document we're going to link to it at trad cast dot org for this episode okay number nine the the the parody document is about ten years old but if you haven't seen it yet you've you've got to read it you'll you'll laugh yourself silly because it is so spot-on it's called Nostra Aetate a part to the church's relationship to 00:17 Satan yes to Satan it's a it's a it's a it's a really well done spoof on well nice try but even just Vatican to language and Vatican to theology in general and and as you read it as you laugh always remember that that is the reason why it's so funny right because it is basically how Vatican to theology works so you'll have a blast with that anyway speaking of idolatry and judges staying on this topic for for just another few more minutes we are also providing on our trap cast show page a link to the Vatican's web page for the so called Pontifical Council for interreligious dialogue they publish their the messages that they send to various pagan 00:18 religions on the occasions of their feasts such as the end o feast Deepavali the Buddhist Vesak and and whatnot so I mean you've really got to read the stuff sometime okay just to see what junk it is so make sure you click on that will also link a video of a dialogue between the Novus Ordo Bishop John Wester of salt lake city utah at the time and his dialogue partner i can't remember his name now is some some Protestant turned Buddhist whose claim to fame is that he once walked I think 200 miles or so in increments of three steps and then a bow yeah and he did that for peace i think it was back in around 1979 yep three 00:19 steps and a bow for peace yeah didn't work out too well did it so we'll have that video linked for you anyway the point is all this inter-religious dialogue stuff has absolutely nothing to do with preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ apart from whom there is no salvation a Lord said very clearly I am the way and the truth and the life no man cometh to the Father but by me that's John 14 6 and st. Paul reminded the tes alone ians how you turn to God from idols to serve the living and true God that's first s alone ians 19 and st. John the Evangelist for example ends his first letter with these 00:20 words little children keep yourselves from idols amen that's first John 5 21 let the sink in for some time and then just realize how far they have drifted from the Gospel for example what it Cardinal so called Cardinal Peter Turkson do recently he participated in a Hindu ceremony which praised Krishna in a Novus Ordo Church in New York City now Turkson is the head of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for justice and peace will have that article linked for you in the video of the actual idolatry that took place there it's unbelievable fact is there is simply no Catholicism left 00:21 in the Vatican to church none okay everything is about blah blah better world mutual respect tolerance dignity in religious cooperation all that stuff they have completely forsaken the gospel the only idols they still denounce are metaphorical idols like money consumerism and so forth but when it comes to the idolatry of idolatry nothing but silence and even acceptance and encouragement even to the point of where they themselves worship the idols of course the biggest promoter of all that was there st. Pope John Paul the second first John 43 says and every spirit that dissolve a--the Jesus is not 00:22 of God and this is Antichrist we've got to take a break track cast are you interested in truly Catholic radio programming one that addresses not only the current crisis in the church in world but also discusses literature art doctrine spirituality and current events then tune into member supported restoration radio at WWE Esther Asian radio network org restoration radio the 00:23 network for the thinking cap if you're looking for EWTN this ain't it tragg cast yeah we're definitely not EWTN here in case you didn't notice yet this is track casts a podcast produced by Novus Ordo watch where we're not more Catholic than the Pope just more Catholic than the antipope all right now this second segment is going to be really really cool we're going to begin a commentary on end refutation of Eric gujju skis trapkat night radio program that aired on October 25 2015 called said of accont ISM Fatima and masonry with special 00:24 guest john salsa it was a two-hour program essentially an interview of mr. salsa by Erica juice key and most of the time was spent talking about said of accont ism so what we're going to do here now is play for you some excerpts from that audio of focusing on the highlights that we will then comment on and refute before we begin a quick word about the two individuals in question we certainly don't want to make this about them personally because ultimately what matters is the arguments they have but since these arguments are advanced by people and since no error could get promoted unless there were people doing the promoting we should also spend a few minutes on the interviewer and the interviewee all right so Eric gujju ski is the show host he goes by trapkat 00:25 night and claims of zillion followers on Facebook Twitter and YouTube and he likes to harbin being so influential and so super awesome and just recently someone found out that he purchases most of his followers and actually caught him red-handed offering money to click farms in Asia to boost his numbers we've got a link up in our show notes to a vid that proves that it's pretty sad this wouldn't nearly be so bad if he didn't constantly harp on how he is the most viewed and followed traditional Catholic website on the internet he actually uses these fake numbers to belittle others about how few followers they have and how insignificant they are it's totally pharisaical and it's definitely a very worldly standard that he uses see whether you have a lot of followers or not is no indication whatsoever of 00:26 whether you are doing God's will of whether your apostolate is pleasing to god theological eegah juice key is a disaster in our trap cast number three we responded to his attempt to rebut our refutation of the recognize and resist position and you can still listen to that at tratt cast dot org episode 003 he believes that francis is not the Pope but wait for it that Benedict the 16th is even today he also apparently believes that he is or has a good chance of being the great Catholic monarch mentioned in Catholic end times prophecy I'm not making this up and he claims to be the leader of the order of the Eagles 00:27 which he says is a Catholic military order that will eventually get church approval here's a clip from his show a life of prayer prepare or not care published on august 3rd 2015 this is at the 25-minute mark and 14 seconds take a listen so I'm making this very clear right now behalf of our Lord our Lord has me to do okay and I'm saying this in all humility and all charity okay eventually what he will have me to do is to give the commands I don't take the commands I don't take the orders I'm giving them at a certain point people will understand that authority that has been given people might not see it now they will see it in the future so I want to make sure that a very very clear on that well yeah hey thanks for making a clear Eric we we appreciate 00:28 that so yeah whatever um you know what stuns me is that John salsa would actually come on his show Saul's I must not know all this about juju ski now as far as Francis goes salzer most definitely does not share juju skis belief that Benedict the 16th is Pope today and so he definitely accepts Francis as Pope he just doesn't give a flip about what Francis teachers or legislates but we'll get into that later I'm sure so anyway who is John salsa will quote from the introduction that is posted on his website John salsa dot-com you can read the full introduction there but we can only quote a few snippets so here we go quote John salsa JD is an attorney and internationally acclaimed 00:29 Catholic apologist author and speaker mr. salsa is also a world-class expert on freemasonry salsa was a 32nd degree mason before his reversion to the Catholic faith salsa has been featured on the discovery channel to share his expertise on freemasonry and secret societies and is the author of the best-selling book masonry unmasked and insider reveals the secrets of the lodge and why Catholics cannot be Mason's salsa is a faithful advocate of Catholic tradition and conquering modernism in the church by restoring all things in Christ the motto of popes in pies the 10th because modernism is the synthesis of all heresies the church is currently suffering its greatest crisis in history and the restoration of the church will her only when Catholics returned to the faith as it was taught and lived before the disastrous Second Vatican Council in 00:30 addition to his many television appearances mr. salsa has been a regular radio personality on stations throughout America he has been a featured guest on Catholic Answers live cresta in the afternoon the voice of Catholic tradition Sacred Heart Radio spirit catholic radio relevant radios the drew mariani show the morning air and searching the word where he has featured many series on Biblical apologetics and also served as program host salsa has also had a daily apologetics program on relevant radio called relevant answers and EWTN radio called Catholic Q & A he's a columnist for the remnant newspaper Catholic family news the Fatima crusader and also serves as president of apologetics for the American Catholic Lawyers Association 00:31 unquote alright that should suffice all these credentials are all the more frightening when you realize that when it comes to the topics of the papacy and the authority of the Catholic Magisterium salsa doesn't have the faintest idea and if you doubt it there are two articles in particular we want to draw your attention to one is our blog post Comedy Hour with John salsa where we refute his bizarre ideas about the Catholic Magisterium and especially our lengthy article the chair is still empty in which we refute two of his articles against city of account ISM from years ago those two articles the Comedy Hour with John salsa and the chair is still empty those two articles show very clearly that whatever topic Saul's up may be quite competent on state of account ISM and the papacy are not among them trap cast alright enough 00:32 of this let's get started with examining the actual subject matter before we listen to some of the stuff argued by a juice key and especially salsa I'd like to draw your attention to a very important quote by father Edmund James O'Reilly who lived in the 19th century in his book the relations of the church to society published in eighteen eighty two O'Reilly reflected on the Great Western Scism that was that time of great confusion in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries when two and even three men all claimed to be the Pope of the Catholic Church all at the same time and no one knew anymore who the true Pope was or how this whole mess could ever be resolved so listen to these very instructive words a father O'Reilly 00:33 quote the great Scism of the West suggests to me a reflection which I take the liberty of expressing here if this Scism had not occurred the hypothesis of such a thing happening would appear too many comerical they would say it could not be God would not permit the church to come into so unhappy a situation heresies might spring up and spread and last painfully long through the fault and to the perdition of their authors and abettors to the great distress two of the faithful increased by actual persecution in many places where the heretics were dominant but that the true church should remain between 30 and 40 years without a thoroughly ascertained head and representative of Christ on earth this would not be yet it has been and we have no guarantee that it will 00:34 not be again though we may fervently hope otherwise what I would infer is that we must not be too ready to pronounce on what God may permit we know with absolute certainty that he will fulfill his promises not allowing anything to occur at variance with them that he will sustain his church and enable her to triumph over all enemies and difficulties that he will give to each of the faithful those graces which are needed for each one service of him and attainment of salvation as he did during the Great Schism we have been considering and in all the sufferings and trials which the church has passed through from the beginning we may also trust he will do a great deal more than what he has bound himself to buy his promises we may look forward with a cheering probability to exemption for the future from some of the troubles and 00:35 misfortunes that have befallen in the past but we or our successors and future generations of Christians shall perhaps see stranger evils than have yet been experienced even before the immediate approach of that great winding up of all things on earth that will precede the day of judgment I am NOT setting up for a prophet nor pretending to see unhappy wonders of which I have no knowledge what whatever all I mean to convey is that contingencies regarding the church not excluded by the divine promises cannot be regarded as practically impossible just because they would be terrible and distressing in a very high degree unquote so remember those folks remember this as you investigate set of account ISM and try to figure out the nature of this terrible situation that 00:36 we've all been in since the death of pope pius the 12th in 1958 and especially since vatican two in the 1960s you know there are a lot of people out there who couldn't pass a single theology course and yet they're very quick to tell you Oh God would never permit this you know as though they knew what the infinitely wise and infinitely good God wouldn't wouldn't permit so when you're tempted to think that God would not permit for us not to have a pope for over 50 years remember these wise words a father O'Reilly writing in 1880 to contingencies regarding the church that are not strictly excluded by the divine promises cannot be regarded as practically impossible just because they would be terrible and distressing in a very high degree so in other words there is an infinite difference between 00:37 impossible and improbable and too often people see an obstacle and because they don't like the difficulty that comes with it they'll say Oh God would never allow that well the truth is that God would or could allow anything except that which he has strictly promised won't happen that is what's impossible and that includes that the Catholic Church should defect and become the Ark of damnation rather than of salvation or that the Holy See would no longer be the beacon of truth that the Roman pontificates should fail that's what's impossible the Roman pontificate can be vacant but it cannot fail and if Francis's Pope it has failed okay that's it in a nutshell so with this in mind let's go ahead and listen to the first 00:38 audio excerpt it comes from roughly the 32 minute and 32-second mark from their broadcast and salsa is talking about this new book that he has co-authored with Robert Cisco it's going to be called true or false Pope okay and I think it's going to be like a thousand pages or something and that is coming out very soon we're looking forward to it we the set of our contests are because if the past is any indication then we're going to have a field day with it but this is the new book that's coming out and salsa is giving a preview of what he is going to be arguing and in the first audio excerpt that we're going to be listening to he talks about the 00:39 endorsements and the reviews the book has received from theologians take a listen let me let me first mention that as you said we do have the book coming out I've authored the book with Robert Cisco and each of us have about ten years of research into this topic and we have submitted our work to some very reputable theologians throughout the world we're going to acknowledge all of these theologians in the book we've also received some very significant endorsement so there are no secrets about this all right Thank You mr. salsa everybody are you sufficiently intimidated yet he and his co-author have ten years of research into this well it's good to know because last time we checked mr. salsas argumentation regarding said of account ism it really didn't show okay so we'll head you will just have to see what they would they 00:40 come up with this time but you know regarding those theologians now this is going to be very interesting because of course these theologians are going to be only as authoritative and reliable as sols I will claim them to be after all any theologian who doesn't agree with his position is simply a Novus Ordo modernist or has to come to diabolical disorientation or whatever right it's not like salsa genuinely acknowledges any Novus Ordo theologians Authority because he clearly doesn't acknowledge that of France's and anyone else is lower than Francis so here already you can see it's a bunch of hogwash you're being hoodwinked into thinking that there is some great theological authority behind this big book of bunk the only theologians sols I could be appealing to our clerics that are in dolt or SSPX or Novus Ordo none of which 00:41 are descent third parties to the discussion and none of which will have any sort of independent credibility folks we're talking here about a former 32nd degree mason and a lawyer expect him to use the tricks of his trade let's listen to some more next oh yeah this is this is this is going to be good next salsa talks about the church's passion take a listen the solution is not that we don't have a pulp but the solution is is we've touched upon the church is going through a passion she is going through a passion just as the disciples lost faith in our Lord during his passion so say to the contests have lost faith in the church and the theologians teach that the sign that the Catholic Church is the true church is because it suffers it's persecuted it's infiltrated that is a 00:42 sign that it's Christ true church and the analogy really follows you know just as our Lord was completely disfigured in his humanity right i mean the disciples did that recognize him anymore and many lost faith that he was the fulfillment of God's revelation it's the same thing that has happened with those who have lost faith in the church they've lost faith in the church because the church too is suffering it's been brutalized it's been bit figured it disfigured it's been to form but it's still like Christ the true church of Jesus Christ all right boy that sounds good doesn't it yeah well you know that's all very nice about the church undergoing a passion and in fact we say neva contests totally agree with that the church is undergoing a passion but that's not a theological argument at all you know the church can indeed undergo a passion but the question is what is the nature of that passion because passion or not we know 00:43 that Catholic truth Catholic teaching doesn't suddenly become relative or get suspended simply because some tax lawyer in Wisconsin decides that there is a passion going on even if the Pope himself a true Pope were to declare that the church is currently undergoing a passion this could have no impact whatsoever on Church teaching for example you couldn't say that because of that passion now the Catholic doctrine on submission to the Pope is no longer valid or that the Magisterium can suddenly proclaim heresy or anything of the kind so this whole passion argument already is a red herring okay it's meant to distract from the real issue which is is it possible that the Vatican to sect is the Catholic Church can its heads be true Pope's 00:44 passion or no passion so then we heard salsa say that oh just as the disciples lost faith in Christ so the said of acontece have lost faith in the church baloney folks this is garbage mr. salsa is putting forth here and it's meant to appeal to your emotions not to reason because as we just said the whole passion analogy is not a theological argument which means you cannot invoke it to prove anything regarding the seder vacante issue you can use it to illustrate a truth but you cannot use it to be the substitute for a theological argument we haven't lost faith in the church at all mr. salsa it is because we believe in the church in the true church that we reject the false Vatican to church because by all empirical evidence you cannot identify the Novus Ordo 00:45 establishment with the Catholic Church because it is essentially different from the Church of Pope Pius the 12th and all true Pope's before him the catholic church cannot defect the Vatican to church clearly has defected which is why salsa and juju ski and all those people always talk about a new religion right therefore the Vatican to church cannot be the Catholic Church that's not a conclusion that comes from having lost faith in the church but precisely from adhering to that faith which tells us that the novus ordo sect cannot be the true church no matter how undesirable or inconvenient that conclusion may be in so many situations see one of the good things about being a set of a contest is that you're constantly being reminded that you're not being one for a worldly 00:46 reason you know for reasons of convenience or fame or money or the applause of the world or because you want to have it easy so that's actually a great blessing we are said of acontece only because faith and reason compel us to be but salsa says we lost faith in the church because she's suffering Oh doesn't that sound just so poetic and wonderful but what's interesting is that all the approved prophecies about our times or the end times that speak of a suffering church always mention the Pope as a victim never as the perpetrator the Pope is suffering he's being persecuted he's not the one leading the persecution the Pope is always the solution he's 00:47 never the problem and you know what mr. salsa if you want a suffering church become a set of a contest you'll find no greater example of a suffering church than instead of account ism there is the church in the tomb appearing to be dead she's not really dead of course because she cannot die but there are certainly that appearance of entombment that appearance of burial it's actually an eclipse so unlike what John salsa would have you believe he is not the one standing by the cross suffering with a crucified Lord while the set of a contests have fled no on the contrary we said of acontece are weeping and wailing in front of the crucified Christ and then in front of the Buried Christ at the tomb like on Good Friday and Holy Saturday and we say 00:48 Lord we know not how this can be we know not how this will end but we walk by faith not by sight we believe in thee and in thine infinite power and goodness and although we don't have the answers just like the disciples didn't on Good Friday and Holy Saturday nevertheless we persevere knowing that thy Word is truth and can never be made void and we believe with all our hearts that no matter how hopeless it may seem to the human eye thou and thy Church will triumph that is what the set of a contest is doing Saul's on the other hand is the one running away from the situation from this terrifying truth and instead he points to another Christ a false Christ saying that he is the true Messiah even though he blasphemes and hurls curses against the people even though he tramples on the doctrine of 00:49 Jesus Christ and causes able-bodied people to become cripples that is the true analogy as Bishop Sanborn explained very well in a conference he gave in 2004 that we have the free video linked for you at Trent Cass org by saying that the Vatican to anti popes were not true Pope's we are merely stating what is possible it is possible that a particular individual lose the faith or that he never had it but it is not possible that the Catholic Church become a means of damnation which is exactly what the Vatican to church is and which is exactly what all of these suppose a traditionalists like salsa a juice given area ferreira all of them what they're ultimately saying that's exactly what they're ultimately saying some of them are willing to say it outright others 00:50 won't say so explicitly but nevertheless hold a position that ultimately leads to that conclusion so as you can see we have a lot to say about this and we will examine a lot more from John salsa and Erica juice key in the next few episodes of trad casts and don't worry you're not going to have to wait very long because we really want to try to get this wrapped up sooner rather than later so you're not going to have to wait another four to eight weeks or so for the next trap cast to come out so just stay tuned trap casts org Novus Ordo watch org and you can follow us on twitter as well as on facebook and you're not going to miss a thing you can also subscribe to our RSS feed and you'll be up to date on all 00:51 the blog posts that we publish at novus ordo watch done or slash wire all right but for today let it be enough we're going to close and stay tuned I mean there's a lot to look forward to thanks for listening and may God bless you you