00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the Novus Ordo watch trap cast you can't make the stuff up the end is near the end is near I'm 00:01 talking about the end of 2015 of course and that means also the end of season one of trap cast welcome by the way whether you meant to or not you are now listening to episode number ten of trap cast produced by Novus Ordo watch I wish we'd been able to crank out more episodes but for it being the first year I'd say this wasn't too bad you know the weight rad cast is produced I don't know I think it's a bit like making sausage the end result is great but you really don't want to see it made anywho so 00:02 first of all my apologies I had pretty much promised to get you this episode a lot faster than it actually came but sometimes things just don't go as planned you know well one reason why it's so hard to stick to a schedule these days of course is Frances you just can't leave the guy unattended once he gets his jaw moving there's just no telling what's going to come out did you hear the latest yet I mean the latest as of this trap cast just a few days ago on December 27th no you know what actually 00:03 for this one will play our special jingle one second from the Jorge Smith there we go yeah this one so bad it deserves its own little jingle on December 27 2015 which was holy family sunday in the nobles order Church chaos Frank preached on the finding of our Lord in the temple the scriptural passage is found in st. Luke's Gospel chapter 2 here is what Francis said and I'm using the official English translation from the Vatican website quote Joseph and Mary in the company of Jesus go as pilgrims to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover at the end of that pilgrimage Jesus returned to Nazareth and was obedient to his parents this image also contains a beautiful teaching 00:04 about our families pilgrimage does not end when we arrive at our destination but when we return home and resume our everyday lives putting into practice the spiritual fruits of our experience we know what Jesus did on that occasion instead of returning home with his family he stayed in Jerusalem in the temple causing great distress to Mary and Joseph who were unable to find him now listen to this for this little escapade Jesus probably had to beg forgiveness of his parents the gospel doesn't say this but I believe that we can presume it Mary's question moreover contains a certain reproach revealing the concern and anguish which she and Joseph felt returning home Jesus surely remained close to them as a sign of his complete affection and obedience moments 00:05 like these become part of the pilgrimage of each family the Lord transforms the moments into opportunities to grow to ask for and to receive forgiveness to show love and obedience unquote this is blasphemy this is blasphemy you can read the Sermon in full in context in English or also in the Italian original we have the links for you on our show page look for a track cast episode number ten at trap cast dot org blasphemy that's what it is now here's what Saint Alphonsus Bishop confessor and doctor had to say about this passage quote it is certain that to a soul which loves God there can be no greater pain than the fear of having displeased him therefore in this sorrow alone did Mary complain lovingly expostulating with Jesus after she had 00:06 found him son why hast thou done so to us thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing by these words she had no idea of reproving Jesus as heretics blasphemously assert but only meant to express to him the grief proceeding from the greatest love she bore him which she had experienced during his absence it was not a rebuke says Dennis the carthusian but a loving complaint unquote the words of Saint Alphonsus Liguori from his book the glories of Mary and we've got that linked as well in our show notes and by the way in case you're not aware this was by no means Francis's first blasphemy he's got a whole laundry list of stuff one particularly outrageous example from the 00:07 past is the joke he made in a book he co-authored with Rabbi Abraham skorka his Talmudic Jewish buddy from Argentina this book I think it's called on heaven and earth I think it's called on heaven and earth yeah that this was published in 2010 and in this book he tells a joke in which the Blessed crucifixion of our dear Lord Jesus Christ serves as the punch line will give you the all those links as well on track casts org so Jorge bergoglio Pope Francis clearly a repeat offender as far as blasphemy is concerned and honestly how anyone can believe that this blaspheming apostate is the Pope of the Catholic Church is beyond me but speaking of which folks we have put out a brand new video which we 00:08 encourage you to watch and share with as many people as possible it's less than seven minutes long and what the video does is address the question whether if said of account ism is true the gates of Hell have prevailed because we hear that a lot you know a lot of people think that if Francis isn't the Pope or at least if there hasn't been up hope since pi is the 12th then that must mean that the gates of Hell have prevailed but really is that true what people need to understand is that the divine promise of our Lord wasn't that the chair of st. Peter would never be vacant or vacant only for a certain maximum amount of time no the promise was that the chair of st. Peter would never fail but if Francis's Pope it has failed that's for sure so go ahead and check out the video especially if you believe that Francis 00:09 is Pope because we point out what you are required per Catholic dogma to believe about Francis if you believe he's the Pope the video is linked on our show page and it is again entitled have the gates of Hell prevailed so see what you think and see if you can still a firm in good conscience that Francis is Pope after seeing this video we also have an accompanying blog post to go with that video which is substantial it is entitled said of a ism have the gates of Hell prevailed against the church in that post which has a lot more evidence the video does we take an in-depth look at the promise of our Lord given to st. Peter in Matthew 16 18 thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not 00:10 prevail against it and we then take a look at how the catholic church understands this promise what she teaches regarding it and what she teaches is meant by the gates of hell we also then show what the church fathers and the churches approved theologians teach regarding the manifestation of the operation of error and mystery of iniquity prophesied in second Thessalonians 2 and how this can only be fulfilled if the papacy is temporarily suspended if you will in other words only if the Pope is absent for a while can the operation of error do its evil work and this is permitted and prophesied to happen by God himself because the papacy since it is unfailing 00:11 will always and necessarily restrain the soul destroying forces of evil so the only way for them to succeed temporarily is for the chair of st. Peter to be taken out of the way for a short while this does not come from from us from Novus Ordo much this isn't our thinking or research this comes straight from the 19th century Cardinal Henry Edward Manning who bases all of his research on this on the Fathers of the Church and a whole host of approved theologians over the centuries in other words he presents the mind of the church on this ok so look for that link as well in our show notes said of account ism have the gates of Hell prevailed against the Catholic Church so again the chair of st. Peter can be vacant / Catholic doctrine but it cannot 00:12 fail if Francis's Pope it has failed it's that simple and the novels or dope apices failure is so obvious now that even Michael matt has noticed yeah yeah you know the editor of the remnant Michael Matt yeah recently he put out another one of those remnant forum videos where he talks to his buddy Chris Ferreira where they both always straighten out their Pope and try to teach him the basics of Catholicism well on December nineteenth they published a remnant forum video with the title Vatican scandals an appeal to pope francis to stop the madness you know like he's going to stop because they asked him to anyway at the 16 minute and 42 second mark Michael Matt cannot hold it in any longer and he blurts out that this religion and the Vatican is not the catholic church anymore and then he asks 00:13 Ferreira to tell him what it is but here listen to it for yourself straight from the video here it is what's going on Chris how much more ridiculous can this come can this beacon is go and we continue to call it Catholic this isn't the catholic church anymore what is it it's a massive on going down its 50th year fraud upon the faithful a false religion being masqueraded as the catholic religion not in any official way though there you go there you have it Matt and Ferreira admit this is not the Catholic Church but a false religion now Ferreira being the lawyer that he is of course had to throw in his little convenient cop out that all this is not happening officially you know as in officially it's the catholic church but in officially it's the of Babylon 00:14 or the synagogue of Satan or some heretical Protestant sect or whatever this is nuts not official mr. Ferrara really what we've been seeing since John the 23rd all happened in officially Vatican to the new mass the 1983 code of canon law the 1992 Catechism the 1993 ecumenical directory the countless encyclicals speeches and other documents the canonizations the marriage annulment laws what all this was not official whom is he kidding now Matt asks how much more ridiculous can it get well mr. Matt it will get as ridiculous as people like you are willing to let it get because it's people like you who are part of the problem because no matter what Francis 00:15 does or says and I do mean no matter what you never draw any consequence from it it doesn't make a hill of beans worth of a difference to you or your fellow recognized but resist friends so why should Francis bother to change anything he can say or do whatever he pleases because it is people like Michael Matt who will still acknowledge him as the Pope of the Catholic Church and that is all Francis needs to stay in power because all his power comes from people's belief that he is the head of the Roman Catholic Church see he doesn't care if people resist him what matters is that they agree that he is the Pope that and that alone gives him all his power and that's why we've been saying 00:16 folks dump Francis okay we'll take a quick break now and then we'll briefly talk some more about John salsa Robert Cisco and their new book against set of account ISM you are listening to trap cast the official note well mr. Ferrara official podcast of Novus Ordo watch where we bring you the real news about Francis otherwise we'd be Michael Voris Pope Francis talks like a pope like the successor to st. Peter track cast are you interested in truly Catholic radio programming one that addresses not only the current crisis in the church and world but also discusses literature art doctrine spirituality and current events 00:17 then tune into member supported restoration radio at WWE aeration radio network org restoration radio the network for the pinking Catholic if you're looking for EWTN this ain't it trap cast welcome back glad you're still here this is trap cast number ten second segment 00:18 and we are once again going to talk about the big bad book of bunk John salsa and Robert Cisco were supposed to have published by now but that's been postponed until at least January sixth allegedly because the devil has interfered with the printing process which of course raises the question how they know it was a fallen angel since there's been no declaration but okay anyway in the last episode of trap cast we began examining a two-hour interview of John salsa by Eric gujju ski the so-called trapkat night who believes he is or might be the great Catholic monarch as he pays click farms in Bangladesh to give him hits likes and followers so he can brag about how 00:19 influential he is his website the track at night blog by the way currently has 166 million eight hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred and eighty total pageviews as of December 30th 1007 p.m. eastern time actually well you've got to at least try to be specific because I think this thing updates by the second I know you can take a look at what it's at now as you're listening but anyway heaven knows why John salsa thought the Erica juicy show was a good venue for an interview but okay he'll have a lot more to be embarrassed about once we're done demolishing the arguments in his new book but we are still going to comment more on his interview I just haven't had the time to listen to and comment on more of it since the last trap cast so since I didn't want to leave you without 00:20 at least one or trap cast before the end of the year we'll just have to skip it for this time but we definitely want to talk a little bit about the interesting endorsements salsa and Cisco have been advertising on their webpage endorsements of their new book you can find information about their book and their website which is true or false Pope calm and that's where you'll also find those endorsements now we have put up a web page to counter them at true or false Pope's com that's Pope's with an S at the end plural that will take you directly to our page and that again is true or false Pope's dot-com so who's endorsing their book salsa has been making a big deal about these great theologians and other people who have given their thumbs up on this 00:21 work and if we take a look at the list here are the names that pop up now listen closely and see if you can detect a pattern Christopher Ferreira John vineri Michael matt brien McCall Tim staples Reverend Brian Harrison OS father from soalan a sspx father Steven Reuter sspx fama Paul Robinson sspx Robertson Janice and the forward written by Bishop Bernard filet sspx well that was a surprise huh every single one of these people who have endorsed the book already held the position that said of account ism is false these are basically their own people John salsa and Robert cisco are having their own people 00:22 endorse their work well whoop-dee-do now contrast this for example with father anthony Chicanos book against the new mass entitled work of human hands which received serious and fairly positive reviews even from people who are not sit of a contest and some of whom disagreed with the author's liturgical position that included dr. Jeffrey hall Reverend Andrew Wadsworth Reverend Al Quinn read reven Mathias oj dr. Steven McInerney and Brian Mershon but these endorsements for salsa and Cisco's book true or false Pope are all from people who are already anti said of a contest anyway and we might add for a large number of them their livelihood depends on francis being Pope and while that doesn't mean that they can't endorse the book it does 00:23 put these endorsements into perspective and weakens them considerably what makes an endorsement really meaningful is if you have your book peer-reviewed especially by peers who are critical of your position if they then say things like this is challenging or this is an important contribution or this demands a response or something along those lines then that is a serious endorsement but not anti said of a contest saying hooray about a new book against said of Atkins ism I mean come on but let's look at these endorsers a little more closely who do we have there Chris Ferreira Michael Matt John vineri brine McCall now precisely what sort of theological credentials do these people bring to the table that would make their endorsements meaningful yeah didn't think so then we 00:24 have Tim staples pan this kills me Tim staples is from the enemy camp he's with Catholic Answers two years ago the remnant and like-minded people were very upset at Tim staples for the two Catholic Answers radio shows he did on what he called the rat trads the radical traditionalists and now these same people are using him to endorse their work how but it's again said of a contas own that's why you see even though staples does not agree with sauces and Cisco's theological position either he does agree with them that the charlatan since nineteen fifty eight have been troupe hopes okay so that endorsement also not very convincing then the Reverend Brian Harrison yeah well we could do a whole show just on him he believes Catholics 00:25 worship the same God as Muslims he also believes unlike salsa and Cisco that Vatican 2 did not teach error on religious liberty and some years ago he wrote an article entitled white smoke valid Pope in which he argued that a heretical Pope would govern the church validly but illicitly he was so uninformed about theological matters that in that essay he even claimed that Pope Pius the 12th temporary lifting of X communications for papal elections meant that a heretic could be validly elected so the man is clueless okay so exit mr. Harrison what else do we have here three sspx priests yeah yeah of course they're going to endorse a book against set of account is improbably any book father Steven Reuter was ordained in 2012 okay a little more than three 00:26 years ago and he can't be older than 30 so that's not exactly a theological heavyweight their father from swallow nay okay so at least he has been a priest for quite a while and of course has also been anti said of a contest for at least a long time that probably from the very beginning father Paul Robinson ordained in 2006 fine but I don't know nothing special there either then we have Robertson Jenna's now his endorsement has mysteriously disappeared from the true or false Pope website and we have since found out that it is not because he withdrew it he did not withdraw his endorsement we'll leave our comments regarding doctors and jenna's for a later time lastly the forward was 00:27 written by Bishop Fellay Bishop Bernard fillet the Superior General of the societies in pies the 10th now surely this endorsement must count for something right well not really because same issue here right he's the head of the SSPX and obviously opposes said of a condom so why wouldn't he endorse the book and as far as theological expertise well to our knowledge filet has not written a single theological work on any topic and he's not known as a theologian okay and besides it's his seminary that is the publisher of the book the saws and Cisco book so no that's not an impressive endorsement either so all in all there is really not a single really 00:28 convincing endorsement of the book here it's all just hot air imagine what salsa and Cisco would say if we said I've acontece wrote a book defending set of account ISM and then presented endorsements by bishops sanborn Bishop of Verona's followed shaqada Jerry matta takes tundra levski and Griff Ruby who would take that seriously I mean anyone can endorse a book that's fine but endorsements that are only by your own people are not very meaningful but speaking of books I'd like to encourage anyone listening right now who is sincerely and seriously interested in this debate on set of account ism to read the newly re-released book michael davies and evaluation by John Daly this work was originally published in 1989 and michael davies 00:29 never responded to it despite being urged to do so by a number of people in 2015 author John Daly revised and expanded the book and has now released it again free of charge I repeat free of charge available online electronically at our website with the link at tratt cast dot org again look for episode number ten so all you have to do is actually bother to read it I forget I think it's roughly five hundred and eighty or so pages it is an extremely thorough and serious eye opening and devastating evaluation of the work of michael Davies not only does mr. Daly refute mr. Davies on all major points regarding said of a Contessa manned a host of other issues he also 00:30 demonstrates that Davies was shockingly slip shot in a scholarship and dishonest in his argumentation and tactics daily takes no pleasure in pointing it out and in fact he only does so because it is true and it is important for people to know because Davies has been so influential and one will barely find an english-speaking soul who considers himself a traditional Catholic and has not been influenced by michael Davies in one way or another and yes daily does also acknowledge that Davies has done a lot of good work as well but when you're done reading this book you'll have to agree that michael Davies is finished Davies passed away in 2004 so he had 15 years to respond to this powerful 00:31 critique of him but unfortunately he chose not to get michael Davies and evaluation by John Daly for free an electronic format as a PDF file or if you like you can purchase a paperback copy through the link on our site at trap cast dot org the book is very informative on a number of traditionalist issues in general and you can read it with great benefit even if you are not at all interested in the person of michael Davies in fact daily answers a lot of the arguments we still here today including some from John salsa and Robert Cisco so now you know what to read in the New Year and until the next trap cast comes out this ladies and gentlemen marks the end of trap cast number 10 and the end of season one will be back in January God willing so until 00:32 then have a happy new year and god bless you