00:00 the following program contains content that is not suitable for children listener discretion is advised and now coming to you from an undisclosed location 3 2 1 it's the novas Oro watch Trap 00:01 cast you've got to be kidding you can't make the stuff up and here we are once again ready for for another tradcast welcome to episode 14 ladies and gentlemen and I know I know I know this episode is really really late but better late than never 00:02 right so here we are I've put the show together you're listening everything's good there is so much we could talk about today it's not even funny but we'll have to restrict ourselves to just a few of the latest Francis Whoppers you know just as I was going to talk about the bombshell on marriage Francis comes out and says Catholic must apologize to homo perverts for having marginalized instead of accompanied them and he also said that Martin Luther was right on justification and that Catholics hold the Lutheran view on that and meanwhile Archbishop Garrick gens Vine had gone on record saying that with his resignation in 2013 Benedict the 16th had not really taken a step back from the papacy but merely a step to the side so to speak and was now the contemp 00:03 temp lative part of a twom member papacy in which Francis plays the active role and all of this happened not too long after Francis preached a sermon in which he said that black and white morality is heretical you can't make the stuff up really it's chaos all around if we had put a secret set of our contest into the Vatican who tells Francis what to say I don't think he could have done a better job Francis is so so obviously not a valid Pope that I don't know what else he'd have to do to prove it that he hasn't already done and now black and white morality is heretical see no more right and wrong it's it's too black and white can only have gray now comes in 50 Shades I believe anyway we'll get to Fran's more in depth uh in just a minute but first a 00:04 quick update on an internal matter and this will explain why you've had to wait over two months to get a new track cast okay we're currently putting the finishing touches on a completely redesigned brand new website that's right the Noel sort watch you've come to know and love will soon look entirely different and it'll be so much better in a bazillion different ways first and foremost you'll actually be able to easily find stuff okay everything will be uh properly categorized you'll have a nice streamlined menu interface there'll be a a tag Cloud so you can easily find posts by topic it'll be easy to see what the latest posts are on the wire and so on also the website will be optimized for viewing on all devices so no matter what you use whether a desktop PC a laptop tablet phone iPad whatever it'll 00:05 look look great it'll have a really professional look to it and uh we're going to add a lot more content as well so there you have something to really look forward to and no I am not going to commit to an official launch date and you know why cuz if the past is any indication I'm going to get it wrong anyway so I'll just say soon okay you're going to log on one day and you'll find out that there is a new no Oro watch we'll probably have to take the entire site offline for a day or two uh on a weekend to make the necessary upgrades and uh if that happens of course we're going to announce that ahead of time but it'll definitely be a very nice surprise when you see it and once the new website is launched and all the bugs have been fixed and everything is working right then we can finally move on with things 00:06 and get back Full Throttle to responding to John salza and Robert Cisco on S of aism and boy am I looking forward to that so be happy be grateful there will be a new website soon trackcast but now on to the real business it's been well over three years now that Jorge bolio has been playing Pope Francis in the Vatican and I'm going to ask you to try to recall those early days when Francis was first starting to act the way he does and say all those crazy Blasphemous and heretical things when he started with the interviews right after World Youth Day in Rio and uh put the beach ball on the Altar and all that okay remember that and remember how you had all those novel Ordo experts across the internet telling you all these things about ooh bad translation and what the pope really 00:07 said or U what the pope really meant and reading Francis through Benedict and all that jazz and then a bit later even articles about ooh um what the pope is really up to and so forth we told you back then that all this supposed expert talk was nothing but a bunch of hoie and now look who was right what was all that supposed expert analysis worth nothing fr got worse and worse by the day so in short after 3 years novas sordo watch stands Vindicated all the mainstream nooro commenters who were busy spinning francis's words and actions into some semblance of Orthodoxy were proven wrong and we were right now I just want to point that out because this is 00:08 important this is a battle for Souls it's a battle for truth a a battle for the true Catholic faith it's a battle for the glory of almighty God so do not listen to those who don't give you the straight scoop and instead spin or those who perhaps mean well but who have proven time and again that their analysis of church Affairs is worthless or not credible look the situation with Francis is so bad now that even Robert Monahan's inside the Vatican magazine has printed a letter to the editor in its latest issue that explicitly calls Francis a heretic and disputes the validity of his papacy let me quote it to you I have it right here you can find this on page 10 of the current issue of inside the Vatican which is the June July issue of 2016 here's what the letter says I'm going to quote it in full the uh title that the editor gave the letter is on 00:09 Pope Francis and here's what the letter says quote after reading your recent letter I must disagree with your analysis concerning the Novelties of Francis and his rebranding of the Catholic faith in the letter you suggest that the heterodox statements made by Frances over the past 38 months merely represent a repackaging of the Catholic faith in a softer more compassionate way you also state that there is no revolution in Dogma because the statements only address non doctrinal issues even a charitable review of his administration will reveal that this is demonstrably false he's most definitely not addressing non-doctrinal issues or presenting the Catholic faith in a more attractive package each of these phras into the world of modernism represents either an explicit or implicit denial of some particular Article of Faith and while he has not declared any of this nonsense to be binding upon the faithful through solemn Proclamation 00:10 it doesn't mean that he is not leading Catholics and non-catholics alike into error how can Francis be making so many fundamental errors there is an idea being promoted by many Catholic journalists and apologists that Francis is simply misunderstood but is he introducing error and ambiguity out of malice or ignorance is he just some unfortunate but well-meaning Soul who is completely ill suited to his post and its responsibilities or nor does he know full well what he is doing and is therefore formally leading the faithful into error would the Holy Ghost allow a true Pope whom he is supposed to be guiding and protecting to purposely lead the body of Christ to ruin so what is to be done only those members of the College of Bishops who truly belong to our Lord Jesus Christ can discover the truth about what has transpired over the past several years 00:11 and only then if they can summon the courage to do what needs to be done during this time of Crisis and resolve to set things right if Francis is found to be a usurper who has been placed upon the chair of Peter for the purpose of destroying the faith he needs to be removed and this is something that needs to be done soon because contrary to the musings of Francis The Humble Jesus Christ is both merciful and just if we do not repent and return to him how long will it be before we experience his just wrath unquote that was the letter to the editor printed on page 10 of the uh of the June July 2016 issue of inside the Vatican the author of this letter to the Eder is one Scott Montgomery and I think it's absolutely incredible that uh inside the Vatican uh Not only would receive that but would 00:12 actually print it so that gives you a pretty good idea of how bad things have gotten I mean 5 years ago a letter like this being published and inside the Vatican I think would have been Unthinkable we've said before that it looks as though Francis is deliberately trying to provoke aism within the new church his words and his actions are so clearly anti-catholic and his attitude is so clearly one of pertinacity that a reasonable mind must conclude that what he says and does is deliberate so the question is why would he be doing that sure he wants to destroy Catholicism as much as possible we know that but doing it so obviously is typically not a very smart strategy I mean if you look at francis's five predecessors from John the 23rd all the way through Benedict the 6 00:13 16th you can see that they also caused a whole lot of damage to the Catholic faith and yet they were not nearly as blunt about it as Francis is so again the question is why why do it so openly that any thinking human being even remotely familiar with Catholicism would catch on now while I don't know the answer we do have a theory here and it's one we've mentioned a few times on the Noel sordo wire blog and on Twitter the idea is precisely to cause aism in the novel sordo sect in which the conservatives so-called separate from Frances and his liberal allies and it's not completely Unthinkable that the conservatives would rally behind Benedict the 16th as the true Pope and and in fact that idea is 00:14 gaining in popularity these days uh We've called it resignation ISM the idea that Benedict V 16th is in fact the pope at this very time but regardless the conservatives would uh rally either behind Benedict or some other big figure who would be willing to oppose Francis perhaps I don't know an acius Schneider or Angelo skola or Gard Miller okay no not not Raymond Berg he's he's done okay I mean his comments on amoris Letizia were so soft that you could see that that man has a toothpick for a spine okay anyway if the Vatican 2 Church splits into two camps one that is conservative Allah Benedict the 16th and the other Camp liberal like Francis then the modernists would have succeeded in making the conservatives believe that they have escaped the great modernist 00:15 deception with its antipop see they will then think that by adhering to Benedict or some other anti Frances leader they will have escaped the modernist attack on the church and be on the safe side and that would really be the ultimate deception it would be a deception within a deception in order to control the opposition in other words as long as novas Ordo adherents still believe in the novas ordo church then it won't matter whether they adhere to Francis or to Benedict or some other such novas zordo leader either way they're still in the new church and still adhering to novel's Ordo Doctrine and that's all that matters I mean basically whatever it takes to keep people from becoming C of aanti that's what the modernist powers that be really want and if it takes a 00:16 sism within the new church to ensure it then so be it for them so I just want to mention this Theory because I want people to be informed about this ahead of time before it happens so that in case it does happen they can see through it we did the same thing with Benedict the 16th in 2005 by the way a month after his election we predicted that he would bend over backwards to make traditionalists feel accepted in his church and that he would fre permit once again the use of the 1962 missile right what they call the traditional Latin Mass even some would incorrectly but that's not the point now um so we'll put a link to that prediction in the show notes for this episode episode 14 so you can find it there and read the prediction we made in May of 2005 for yourself and we made that prediction so that people would not fall for the ruse when it happened but unfort fortunately 00:17 many many people did still fall for it anyway one thing is for sure the situation with two quasi popes in the Vatican is going to provide chaos speculation and entertainment for years to come and now speaking of entertainment let's finally go to Francis come on this is the cue for our special Francis jingle one second please 00:18 there we go from the jorgee mouth t yep the everm moving bolian tongue has once again brought chaos outrage Scandal and confusion to countless souls and that's exactly why we call him chaos Frank no doubt you've heard about it by now so this won't need too much of an introduction and we wrote a nice blog post on it that we're linking to in our show notes but basically what happened is that on June 16th Francis spoke at the opening of the Pastoral Congress of the dicese of Rome Francis took questions from his audience there and one gentleman asked what could be done to educate young people about love and holy matrimony so as to encourage them to overcome their fears and get married as part of his answer to the question Francis said the following now make sure you're sitting down 00:19 quote the great majority of our sacramental marriages are null because they say yes for the rest of my life but they don't know what they are saying because they have a different culture they say it they have good will but they don't know they don't know that it's indisoluble they don't know that it's for your entire life it's hard unquote now wait cuz this isn't the worst yet Francis then talked about cohabitation meaning living together in a sexual relationship without being married and he said this quote I've seen a lot of Fidelity in these cohabitations and I am sure that this is a real marriage they have the grace of a real marriage because of their Fidelity 00:20 unquote wow the pope means exactly what he says oh yeah thank you for that little reminder there Michael vs folks as you can imagine this caused quite a stir around the globe both in the secular and in the novel sardo press and we're going to look at various reactions in a minute but first let's do our own quick analysis here number one the claim that most marriages are invalid today because people don't understand IND dissolubility that claim is laughable beyond belief now the day after Francis said that the Vatican went into damage control mode and said that the pope had approved a revision to the transcript and they changed the wording from great majority of our sacr sacramental marriages being null to a part of our sacramental marriages being know and they claimed that Francis told 00:21 them that this is what he had actually meant to say now I don't believe that because Francis had said before that he believes half of all marriages to be invalid you can see that for example in the interview Cardinal Walter Casper gave in 2014 where he mentions that Francis told him that and we're linking that interview in our show notes so you can review it for yourself but what Casper said there is credible information because in 2013 Francis already hinted at this when he talked about the topic during his first ever on plane press conference on his flight back to Rome from World Youth Day in Brazil there he quoted uh Cardinal quarino saying that half of all marriages were invalid and he appeared to endorsed that or at least he didn't contradict or criticize it so 00:22 I don't buy the whole thing about oh he didn't mean most marriages he meant just some but really it doesn't actually matter how many marriages Francis thinks are invalid for reasons of not understanding IND dissolubility that's totally peripheral the real problem is that he believes that not understanding indissolubility can invalidate a marriage that is the big concern whether he thinks it's affecting half or all or most or just a few marriages is practically irrelevant now regarding the issue of indis solubility we demonstrate very nicely in our blog post on this what Catholic teaching and canon law say on the matter so I'm not going to repeat the whole blog post but I do want to provide uh some quotes from father Henry 00:23 Aron who was professor of canon law at St Patrick's seminary in meno California here's what father arinac writes in his commentary on the code of canon law quote a simple error as to the unity IND the solubility or sacramental character of marriage even if it because of the contract does not vitiate the consent error as to the essential object of the contract vitiates the consent like ignorance error as to the essential properties does not as long as it remains simply an error of the Mind whether antecedent or concomitant thus a man who intends to form a real contract of marriage although he does not believe in its indissolubility or sacredness will be married validly provided he does not exclude those properties by a 00:24 positive Act of the will even though he would exclude them if he thought of it unquote did you hear that that was the sound of bolio's entire case imploding by the way the same father arinac whom we just quoted also says later in in the same book that quote nobody is to be considered as having said what was not on his mind quote meaning of course that if you say until death do us part in your marriage vow then it is presumed that you meant until death do us part if you did not mean what you said but positively meant the opposite then it's true that there was no valid marriage but you would have to prove that and not simply make the claim before you could get an analment anyway you can find the quotations from father Arin and lots 00:25 more in our blog post on this topic and uh that is linked in our show notes so once again Francis has caused tremendous damage he has just ensured that there will be an additional Deluge of annulment requests now which with his new regulations concerning annulments from last year should be approved in a jiffy and uh be completely free of charge so this is actually a blessing of adultery the Francis way and who knows how many marriages how many families that were hanging by a thread are now being pushed over the edge with the stupid Claim about indissolubility and the stupid comment that most marriages are invalid because regardless of the revision of the transcript and whether he really meant most or only some the fact remains that 00:26 the media reported far and wide what he actually said and that was most not some and that is what the public at large got to hear see this is one reason we know that Francis is pertinacious and not innocent or in good faith because anyone who is in good faith and genuinely seeks to promote sound Doctrine and the salvation of souls would after a disastrous comment like that immediately guard his tongue and take steps to Ure sure that a scandal like this would never again be able to take place that's how a person in good faith would act right redress the Scandal seek to make reparation apologize and amend his life but instead of guarding his modernist mouth rolia lets it speak freely and at length saying whatever comes to his mind as if as the pope of 00:27 the Catholic Church which he claims to be obviously L as if as the pope he had no obligation to ensure that he watches what he says in public more than anyone else on Earth all Catholics have a duty to be careful with what we say in public that's just general good morals right think before you speak and why do you think it takes so long for tradcast to be produced okay because I don't just say what comes to my mind but I write it down first and ensure it's correct it's Orthodox it's charitable yes charitable I think I hear some people snickering in front of their computers right now look real charity and being nice are two completely different things and we got a post on that too by the way so uh it's actually from our year of condemnation series and uh yeah we'll we'll throw that into the show notes as well so uh anyway of course Francis isn't done yet 00:28 he's got more tricks in his bag for all those who despite everything still can't manage to have their adultery declared holy through a phony annulment yep for such people Francis now offers an alternate option in his exhortation am moris latio don't you worry just keep doing what you're doing nobody's perfect and so what used to be a mortal sin is now simply an perfect participation in Holiness you just do the best you can in your current situation and don't worry about the rest it's all good well that is essentially what he says in amoris latia and if you want all the details on that uh be sure to listen to our tradcast episode 13 at tradcast dorg it's the amoris Letizia superow where we spend 2 and 1/2 hours talking about only that it's great 00:29 Penance but of course Francis has already moved even Beyond amoris Letizia now and conveniently developed that Doctrine in a jiffy by simply declaring that repeated fornication with one and the same person exclusively is a real marriage I mean this is so dumb and outrageous you can't make the stuff up and please don't tell me that this needs a reputation okay cuz it Doesn't if you want to tell me that I need to prove Francis wrong on that I think you've tuned into to the wrong program and try Catholic answers Comedy Hour with Jimmy aen or something I don't know speaking of Comedy look see how foolish Fran's thesis is he just said that he thinks a portion of all marriages are invalid because people 00:30 don't know about or understand that it's for life and so there is no marriage right that's what he said then a few sentences later he claims that if people who have not taken the marriage vow meaning people who have not vowed to remain together until death do them part have a real marriage and marital Grace because of the repeated acts of fornication that they engage in exclusively with the same partner that's Francis for you I mean a genius he ain't you know I'm reminded here of something that St Paul the Apostle wrote to the Hebrews while inspired by the Holy Ghost you can find it in Hebrews 13:4 quote fornicators and adulterers God will judge unquote Francis 00:31 says uh actually on fornicators and adulterers God will bestow The Graces of marriage if they only commit these sins with one and the same person because that's Fidelity why the Swiss guards haven't kicked this blathering fool out of the Vatican yet is beyond me but of course francis's tribe isn't just stupid what is much worse is it's Blasphemous this guy is a real blasphemer and he's shown it again and again this marriage stuff is just the latest episode of a NeverEnding waterfall of blasphemies and heresies we're at the point now where the pope claims that God blesses mortal sin it is unbelievable woe to you that call evil good and good evil that put Darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and Sweet for bitter 00:32 says Isaias the prophet in chapter 5: 20 and in the book of the Apocalypse we read quote and he opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God to blaspheme his name and his Tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven unquote and that's apocalypse 136 trackcast now let's uh look at some of the many many reactions to Es as blasphemies and heresies about holy matrimony and sins against Purity first we've got to start with Mark Shay okay Mark Shay if you don't know who he is consider yourself lucky but uh Mark Shay has the gift of infallibility in Reverse okay it never fails he always finds a way to come down on the wrong side of an issue I don't know how he does it the only exception that I'm aware of is that 00:33 he's actually pro-life okay he's against abortion but even there he finds a way to put the wrong emphasis on something you may remember that when the Planned Parenthood Scandal broke last summer where it was revealed through secretly taped undercover video footage that the abortion provider was harvesting and selling the organs of the babies they were killing Mar Shay of course agreed that that was ghastly and horrible but then got all bent out of shape over the fact that the prolifer who did the Undercover videos had lied to plan Parenthood about his true intentions yeah that that was a big topic uh on the radio show that Mark Shay did then anyway we covered that whole thing in our tradcast number 7 in August of 2015 and if you want to listen 00:34 to that you can it's available at trat cast.org so anyway Mark Shay of course also had something to say about Francis and what he called the right-wing marriage argle bargle okay by right-wing sheay means people that don't think Francis is the greatest thing to happen to the church since the Holy Ghost descended on Pentecost Sunday okay here is what Shay says quote I find the whole thing ridiculous francis's observation that most marriages are probably invalid is as is typical for him the observation of a pastor on pastoral reality what amazed me was that anybody doubts it much less has a cow about we have a 50% divorce rate we have people entering into marriages constantly for the most fluff brained and immature reasons we have a 00:35 population that believes that gay marriage is a marriage how much more obvious can it be that vast numbers of people have not the slightest idea what marriage is what its purpose and meaning is and why they are getting married unquote yeah gee maret I wonder what part the Vatican 2 sect played in making sure that people would have a completely messed up understanding of marriage these days Paul v 6 fired up the annulment Factory decades ago and Francis just hit the turbo accelerator button and to complain now about the supposed pastoral reality is hypocritical to the nth degree besides you know who also has a really messed up view of what a marriage is Francis okay he believes that repeatedly fornicating with one and the same person equals a marriage that's how bad it is 00:36 yeah so I think we know what entity is to a large part responsible for that pastoral reality it's the same entity that is now claiming to have the solution unbelievable so as usual sheay opened his big mouth but once you start digging a little you realize it's all hot air okay he does not give you Catholicism as we saw earlier Catholic teaching does not require that you pass a quiz on what marriage is before you can marry validly in fact let me quote father arinac again quote error as to the essential object of the contract vitiates the consent like ignorance error as to the essential properties does not as long as it remains simply an error of the Mind whether antecedent or concomitant thus a man who intends to 00:37 form a real contract of marriage although he does not believe in its indissolubility or sacredness will be married validly provided he does not exclude those properties by a positive Act of the will even though he would exclude them if he thought of it unquote let me translate that into a bit easier to understand language what this means is that if you have no idea what consent you are giving and receiving the marriage vow then it is invalid okay then it's not a real marriage so if you think that marital consent is about letting your sweetheart use your kitchen whenever she likes and you get to use hers if you think that's what a marriage is and that's what you consenting to then your marriage is definitely invalid okay although you'd have to prove that in order to get an annulment if on the other hand you know that marital consent pertains to the use of the other's bodily functions that by 00:38 Nature generate Offspring and you consent to that then it's a valid marriage and it doesn't matter if you don't know it's indisoluble as long as you don't make an act of the will at that very time that you do not intend to enter this Union if it is indisoluble and that too would have to be proved of course before an analment could be granted but even if you would not want to end a union that's indisoluble if you thought of it but you don't actually think of it at the time of the exchange of the marriage vow then it's still valid that's what father arinac is saying and that is the Catholic position according to her Doctrine and canon law and it also agrees with common sense that something so natural so necessary for the survival of the human race as marriage would be very easy to contract and not not require special knowledge in 00:39 sacred theology or in philosophy to make it valid but for maret of course this is just the right-wing Panic machine that doesn't have a clue about what real Catholicism is like he does all right enough of mar shet let's go to the blog non ven Pim that's Latin it means I did not come for peace from our Lord's words in Matthew 1034 they put up a nice post entitled dear transcript Gators you forgot to delete the heresy this is in reference to francis's damage control about whether he meant most marriages today are invalid or only some because of the indissolubility issue the Blogger points out that the much bigger issue in francis's words was not the indissolubility thing but is claimed that continual fornication with 00:40 one and the same person is is a marriage so uh that's a good post from nonv pachim and we've got that for you in the show notes then let's go to uh Damen Thompson's contribution at the British news site The Spectator the headline is Pope Francis says most marriages today are invalid this is a disaster for the Catholic Church Thompson writes quote the pope thinking aloud in the manner of some Maverick Parish priest after a couple of glasses of wine at dinner has just told millions of his flock that they are not really married unquote yep the problem is just that Francis says these things when he's sober okay but uh hey nice to see that Thompson now agrees that Francis is a disaster as we've said from the 00:41 beginning when most other people including Thompson were asleep at the wheel next oh yeah Jimmy Aken we couldn't possibly skip over him he of course published 11 things to know and tread share excuse me now the funny thing is and I think this is a first for him uh the funny thing is that in in all these 11 things he doesn't even really try to exonerate Francis he basically doesn't have an answer he says that what Francis said is a staggering claim and not supported by anyone or anything he knows of and we may suppose that Francis didn't really mean it that's that's basically Akin's response so folks let me tell you one thing's for sure things are really really bad when even aen gives up all right so now there is one thing from Akin's post 00:42 though that I that I really want to quote he says the following quote experience has shown that Pope Francis is a man who makes dramatic and inexact statements particularly when speaking off the cuff this is related to his make a mess philosophy According to which it is better to get people's attention and shake things up rather than Let the church slide into cultural irrelevance now unquote this is vintage aen okay vintage Ain BS because think about this for a minute it's better to get people's attention and shake things up than to become irrelevant well you know it all depends on how you get people's attention and what kind of shakeup you're causing a wise man once said that it's better to keep your mouth shut and perhaps appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt the truth is that what Francis 00:43 make a mess philosophy has accomplished is that no one takes him or his church seriously and that is the ultimate irrelevance anyway Akin's posts are always good for a laugh and my personal favorite thing to do there is always to read the comments in the combox okay because a lot of people have caught on and are starting to tell a can to basically get a new job all right then at the week columnist Michael brenon dowy wrote a piece called forgive Pope Francis for his sins against reason he says quote Pope Francis has a problem he believes he heads a religious organization so inept and impotent it cannot even marry its own members reliably unquote yeah well you know make a mess 00:44 right and then comes the generous super merciful marriage Terminator to clean it up by dishing out annulments and ruining families uh dowy then tries to use the argument that Francis isn't the first pope to deny the faith but it's just hot air he doesn't even try to provide any documentation so uh we can just skip over that but hey nice try right then the remnant Chris Ferrera the retired attorney who is the remnant's chief rhetorician published a feature article entitled the rise and fall of Pope Francis which I think is a really puzzling headline because Francis hasn't fallen yet so I'm not sure what that fall is about but um as usual Ferrera makes many excellent points against bolio and I really like how he put it when he said that Francis seems to think 00:45 of cohabitation as a kind of marriage preparation cuz that's exactly what he thinks and Ferrera also rightly criticizes Francis for his ridiculous statement that frowning on cohabitation and telling fornicators that they need to get married is sticking our noses into people's moral lives yeah that's what Francis said well actually it's a spiritual work of Mercy called admonishing The Sinner but Francis of course doesn't give a hoot about the Spiritual Works of Mercy because he doesn't care about souls he only cares about bodies you know soup kitchens Etc but all this was actually quite foreseeable because bolio of course had a public record in buenosaires before he was elected a record we pointed out from the very beginning by the way while people like Chris Ferrera were still trying to spin Frances into an orthodox 00:46 ho Holy Father so for example on April 21st 2013 about 5 weeks after his election as Pope we published a blog post on the book on Heaven and Earth that bergolo had co-authored together with his friend Abraham skorka who is a Jewish rabbi and in this book bolio says that a priest in the confessional who tells the penitent that he must do this or that is guilty of spiritual harassment I mean you can't make the stuff up here let me let me give you the exact quote uh from this book on Heaven and Earth this is from page 114 of the English edition here's what bolio says quote religion has a right to give an opinion as long as it is in service to the people if someone asks 00:47 ask my advice I have the right to give it to them the religious minister at times draws attention to certain points of private or public life because he is the parishioner's guide however he does not have the right to force anything on anyone's private life if God in creation ran the risk of making us free who am I to get involved we condemn spiritual harassment that takes place when a minister imposes directives conduct and demands in such a way that it takes away the freedom of the other person God left the freedom to sin in our hands one has to speak very clearly about values limits Commandments but spiritual and pastoral harassment is not allowed unquote so see the priest has no right to tell the penitent that he has to stop sinning he can only give suggest 00:48 questions opinions you know a company and this this BL is exactly what we now see with bolio as Pope so-called well we saw it coming we pointed this stuff out from the very beginning what was Ferrera doing then he was busy carrying the water for father gruner who needed to have high hopes for the new pope and so for example in the spring 2013 issue of the Fatima Crusader uh page two Ferrera was denouncing those who after a few days were quote already publicly rending their cyber garments and pronouncing the new pope anathema unquote well who was right counselor there was nothing rash about it because we went by objective manifest evidence that was publicly available Ferrera wasted roughly 6 months before he finally turned on 00:49 Francis because he realized that defending the guy was just no longer sustainable these are not people who go by objective evidence and Catholic principles no matter what the consequences these are people who go by emotion wishful thinking and expediency and you know if they all just kept it to themselves it wouldn't nearly be as bad but they've set themselves up as the deao leaders of Trad traditional Catholicism influencing I don't know how many thousands probably hundreds of thousands of people that is the problem and so again ferrera's peace on the rise and fall of Francis is right on the money as far as the critique of the bolian errors goes but Ferrera is simply encourageable in his belief that Francis is the Roman pontiff I mean at this point the evidence is so clear that even a lawyer 00:50 from Virginia should be able to see it but of course there are none so blind as those who refuse to see and you know if it if it only were a side issue an insignificant thing then we could just let it go but that's not the case whether someone can be a public heretic or in this case apostate and still valid occupy the office of Roman pontiff is an issue of the greatest importance since the Roman pontiff is the universal teacher of all Christians the Cornerstone of unity for Christ's flock and the Vicor of Christ to whom all must submit with their intellect and will under pain of Eternal damnation it would be good for Mr Ferrera to review some traditional catholic teaching on the papacy here since he always claims to be so traditionally Catholic for example in his celebrated 00:51 encyclical letter Quant Kura popas I 9th teaches this quote nor can we pass over in silence The Audacity Of Those Who not enduring sound Doctrine contend that without sin and without any sacrifice of the Catholic profession ascent and obedience may be refused to those judgments and decrees of the apostolic sea whose object is declar to concern the church's General good and her rights and discipline so only it does not touch the dogmata of faith and morals but no one can be found not clearly and distinctly to see and understand how grievously this is opposed to the Catholic dogma of the full power given from God by Christ Our Lord himself to the Roman pontiff of feeding ruling and guiding The Universal Church unquote I'm sorry Mr Ferrera but if you're going to be a traditional catholic maybe you'll want to accept 00:52 traditional catholic teaching sometime and not just when it's suits you but at all times otherwise you've lost the right to complain about Francis because then you're both contradicting Catholic teaching towards the end of his piece Ferrera says this quote at this point it is clear bolia has repeatedly proven himself unable to lead and is doing incalculable damage to the church that will take decades to heal Pope Francis should resign and Catholics should demand it so the church can begin recovering from the Havoc his ill-advised and arrogant papacy has wrought unquote No counselor this is not something that will take decades to heal if the Vatican 2ct actually were the Catholic church and Francis the true 00:53 pope then this would bury her because a church that teaches one thing and then the exact opposite and then later the original thing again is not credible no reasonable man could consider such an institution the Church of Jesus Christ see that is the real problem that your position has Mr Ferrera and not some sort of O it's going to take decades to recover from this uh-uh if Francis is Pope it's over really to still consider Francis the pope of the Catholic Church realizing what this even means is to engage in a willful suspension of disbelief but then again in so many 00:54 people it is precisely the will that is the problem certainly not a lack of evidence so to summarize it and put it succinctly here's the one thing you need to remember about the difference between the recognize and resist position of the semi- traditionalists like the Society of St P the 10th The Remnant and all those people and the Sate of aronis position on the other hand here's the difference for the resistors the pope is the problem for the S of our contests the pope is the solution now guess which one of these two ideas is compatible with traditional catholic Doctrine all right we're going to wrap it up here because otherwise this show will never be released okay in the next tradcast barring unforeseen circumstances we will talk exclusively 00:55 about the John salza interview on the Eric Kaji trat cat night program from last October we'll just continue our critique that we started some months ago it's something I'd meant to finish long time ago but you know how it is Francis just keeps everybody way too busy so for tradcast 15 the plan is to continue with and hopefully finish our dissection and reputation of the nonsense spouted by salza against sanism all right also have a listen to the great sermon of Father germon fleece against opinion ISM we have it linked in our show notes it's a brief explanation um I think the sermon is about 20 minutes or so it's an easy to understand explanation for why the question of whether the Vatican 2 Popes 00:56 are real popes or imposters cannot be a matter of opinion but is an absolutely crucial question that has implications for the faith and our entire understanding of the Catholic church so I very much encourage you to listen to that sermon by father germon fleece and uh last thing for today there were a number of requests for a transcript of our trat cast episode 13 that was uh the amoris Letizia superow and that transcript is now available for you to download okay for free of course it's a whopping 29 pages in length but uh that's because it was a 2 and 1/2 hour show all right so ah there's the music playing you know what that means it's time to go thank you for listening as always tradcast is and will remain free of charge we only 00:57 ask that you not keep it a secret all right tell others about it and you've got to admit even if you don't agree with everything said here it's a really informative program no no well then why did you listen all the way to the end gotcha all right until next time God bless you it's the no sporo watch trast