00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location [Music] 00:01 it's the Novus Ordo watch drag cast you can't make the stuff up [Music] [Applause] [Music] do not believe the rumors do not believe the rumors we have not been hacked by the Russians that is not the reason why you've had to wait three months for a new episode of the show [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no there's just been too much going on 00:02 that's all it is welcome ladies and gentlemen to a brand new full-length episode of trap cast a traditional Roman Catholic podcast like no other well not long ago we celebrated the great feast of Pentecost and in the novus ordo sect that came with some additional enthusiasm this year because 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the so called Catholic Charismatic renewal movement which is basically a whole religion by itself and for this reason it's very popular among nobles or doze and Protestants because it's yet another thing that is in Catholic the charismatic renewal people I don't know they're always looking for some new outpouring of the Holy Ghost like a new Pentecost and that by itself is heretical already we don't need a new 00:03 outpouring of the Holy Ghost because the first one in 33 AD was good enough if you're looking for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our day you obviously haven't understood the first one because that one outpouring 2,000 years ago is applied to each and every one of us today in the Sacrament of Confirmation that's where we receive the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost knowledge wisdom understanding piety fortitude fear of the Lord and counsel so we don't need a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit the whole charismatic movement is a cesspool of heresy heresy about the nature of the church the necessity of the church for salvation grace faith the sacraments and so forth now Francis of course loves it as he loves anything that isn't Catholic and he showed up at their big ecumenical anniversary celebration in Rome on June 00:04 3rd for the vigil of Pentecost and of course he gave a speech he always has something to say and he endorsed of course their pseudo sacrament of baptism in the spirit he acted as though Protestants and Catholics all belonged to the true church and that this church however is divided and unity needs to be sought in a reconciled diversity then of course he promoted for the umpteenth time his accumulated all over will link the whole speech he gave in our show notes so you can suffer through it for yourself go to track Cass org look for episode number 18 and there you will find the link alrighty what has been happening in the blogosphere well John salsa is getting on my nerves but I guess that's nothing new really so he posted this big article on the remnant sections lien blog entitled note to sate of acontece heresy 00:05 does not automatically sever one from the church and then he spent all this time arguing essentially that yes heresy does separate one from the church automatically but only spiritually and not legally now Steve Sperry over at Catholic top gun calm has responded to solve us essay and we'll just put a link to that as well but what I'd like to say is this first I find it odd that salsas article sets out to explain what Pope Pius the 12th meant when he taught in his encyclical mr. cheek or priests that heresy by its nature severs a man from the body of the church and then the funny thing is that out of all the sources he uses to explain that not a single one is from after the time Pius the 12th wrote that encyclical 1943 now that doesn't mean that what he quotes is necessarily wrong but why wouldn't you just use theologians that wrote on this 00:06 after mr. cheek or Perez because this way you're making sure that they have definitely incorporated PI's the twelves teaching in their explanations and conform to it so we don't need to reinvent the wheel here we can simply look this up what is the Catholic position on heresy and church membership I consulted three pre-vatican two theological works that were written after mr. G corporis to answer that question let's start with Monsignor gerard van nord who is also quoted by salsa but misrepresented quote a heretic is one who denies a truth of divine and catholic faith that is a truth which has been revealed by God and proposed by the church for our belief heretics are classified as public or occult formal or material a public heretic is one whose heresy is known to a large number of people even if he has not formally joined the ranks of a heretical Church and a cult heretic is one whose errors 00:07 in faith are either totally unknown or known only to a few a formal heretic is one who stubbornly and guiltily adheres to heresy a material heretic is one who innocently and in good faith subscribes to some heretical doctrine ok so standard explanation here then public heretics are not members of the church they are not members because they separate themselves from the unity of Catholic faith and from the external profession of that faith obviously therefore they lack one of the three factors baptism profession of the same faith union with a hierarchy pointed out by PI is the twelve as requisite for membership in the church the same pontiff has explicitly pointed out that unlike other sins heresy sysm and apostasy automatically sever a man from the church by the term public heretics at this point we mean all who externally 00:08 deny a truth or several truths of divine and Catholic faith regardless of whether the one denying does so ignorant Lee and innocently a merely material heretic or willfully and guiltily a formal heretic it is certain that public formal heretics are severed from church membership it is the more common opinion that public material heretics are likewise excluded from membership theological reasoning for this opinion is quite strong if public material heretics remain members of the Church the visibility and unity of Christ's Church would perish if these purely material heretics were considered members of the Catholic Church in the strict sense of the term how would one ever locate the Catholic Church how would the church be one body how would it profess one faith where would be its visibility where its unity for these and other reasons we find it difficult to see any intrinsic 00:09 probability to the opinion which would allow for public heretics in good faith remaining members of the church unquote so that was then North Christ's Church pages 239 241 and 242 then father Joachim Salah very from his treatise on the Church of Christ quote that formal and manifest heretics are not members of the body of the church can well be said to be the unanimous opinion among Catholics that merely material heretics even if manifest are members of the church is defended by Franz Olin DeGroat Durbin e kappa r ontario and a few others but the contrary opinion is more common and then a little further down he says reason recommends the same doctrine for a formal and manifest heretics and schismatics were members of the body of the church that would be the end of the unity and uniqueness of the visible Church which is repugnant the church is 00:10 the congregation of the faithful says Mattox have ceased being congregated and heretics have ceased being faithful unquote so that's followed Jorkins Oliveri and for those who would like to read the entire section that pertains to that it's pages 422 to 427 and that is part of the sock retail OG a Summa vol 1 B and we'll have a link to that in the show notes and lastly let's go to Father Ludwick odds this is going to be very short from his book fundamentals of Catholic dogma page 311 quote public heretics even those who err in good faith material heretics do not belong to body of the church that is to the legal Commonwealth of the church however this 00:11 does not prevent them from belonging spiritually to the church by their desire to belong to the church both of McClay za and through this achieving justification and salvation unquote so that actually sounds very much like the opposite of what Sol's that was saying doesn't it but that is the teaching of the church and that's what we have to ascend to so exit John Saul's up next let's go to Frank Walker he is the editor of the canon to 12.com news aggregator website now you can tell he's really struggling because he can see what an apostate Francis is but somehow it seems he just can't get himself to say that Francis isn't the Pope and it's a very common symptom these days and we'll talk about that more later but right now I want to address something that Frank Walker said in his video cast of April 7th of this year now unfortunately that video is no longer up 00:12 and I didn't save it so I can't play the audio for you so I hope you'll just trust me on this Walker said in that video I think it was around the 1 minute and 30 second mark he said verbatim quote to be in union with Francis is a sin unquote now to say that and to maintain at the same time that he is the Pope is absurdity on stilts that is the epitome of sysm but it highlights the quandary that the semi traditionalists have on the one hand Catholic teaching requires them to be in union with the Pope on the other hand Catholic teaching requires them not to be in union with heretics so what is the necessary conclusion the necessary conclusion is that either Francis isn't a heretic or Francis isn't the Pope but this middle ground sort of position where you can have your Pope but yet not being union with his religion is absolutely 00:13 impossible and you know father Paul Robinson of the Society of st. Pius the tenth trying to defend this very absurd idea just the other day when he published an article entitled unity of faith with Pope Francis and canonical recognition of the SPX in all seriousness he argued that Catholics don't have to hold the same faith as the Pope now we blew that out of the water big league in our response entitled the sspx and Pope Francis theological absurdist and on full display and of course we have both linked in the show notes so you can examine all of this for yourself at your leisure now one more thing regarding canon two 12.com on that same day April 7th the top story there was false Church thanked by Francis for sacrilegious communion guidelines Malta Archbishop Shekinah okay's contraception that was 00:14 the biggest headline and yes we do have a screenshot of it in case anyone wants to see it so when I saw that headline false church I was thinking to myself what does it take can we please figure out that if it's a false church then its head is a false Pope how come everything about this religion is false except its head it blows the mind if you hold that Francis is a true Pope but he's not a Catholic and his church is a false Church you are doing incalculable damage to the papacy and we've been through there's a few times on this podcast so I won't repeat it all again here but I mean you can just listen to the prior episodes at tract Cass org so look at what Francis is doing to so many people who mean to be good and faithful traditional Catholics they are abandoning faith in the papacy instead of abandoning Francis that's 00:15 what he's doing to them all the while they think they're being faithful to Catholic tradition by the way a Novus Ordo priest by the name of Linus Clovis spoke at the Rome Life conference recently back in May and essentially said the same thing about a false church an anti Church well so far so good there certainly is an anti Church in Rome that is opposing the true church that's for sure except that father Clovis claimed that this anti church was prophesied and opposed by Saint John Paul the second now this is utter nonsense no one made the anti church more palatable to the people than John Paul - that's the guy who promoted the disgusting theology of the body which we've called a porn ology because that's basically what it is that's the Pope who started the inter-religious a seesee world day of 00:16 prayer for peace back in 1986 that's the same john paul ii who loved his ax man when visiting been in in 1993 lauded the voodoo witch doctors for their sense of celebration and their regard for the moral life and whatnot so if we want to talk about an anti church we can we can but it's not one that was opposed and warned against by john paul ii it's one that was endorsed facilitated and promoted by him the blindness of some people is just staggering the anti Church didn't just come to the fore under Francis it clearly came to the fore at Vatican 2 after the first false pope john xxiii had prepared the way and all the successors happily joined in the charade you know aside from personal intentions that the individuals involved here may have what i think is happening here objectively speaking is that people who realize that something is really 00:17 wrong and can even conceive of a false church masquerading as the true one are being directed in such a way that they amount to a false controlled opposition because this is exactly what this is if you oppose Francis perhaps even agree he is a false Pope but you juxtapose him with John Paul the second and Benedict the sixteenth perhaps as heroes of Orthodoxy well then you're just as misled as before you're still caught up in the same modernist prostate and church except you're actually in a worse place now because now you think you've escaped the deception of the anti Church when you really haven't and that's how controlled opposition's work alright let's move on to something else for a while Steve Cal Meyer a Novus Ordo apologized a model Novus Ordo apologist one who defends everything that is wrong with a 00:18 Vatican two sect wrote a post on his blog entitled all roads lead to Rome now I had mentioned in the last track cast number 17 that I was going to cover this in the next episode and here we are Cal Meyers blog by the way is appropriately named the fifth column and it quickly becomes clear why that is the author destroys the very foundations of Catholicism under a veneer of defending the church Cal Meyers posed all roads lead to Rome defends Frances first ever hope video back in January 2016 which you may recall was a big promotion of apostasy where representatives from four different religions exclaimed that they have believed in something or other and his conclusion france's conclusion at the end of the video was that the only certainty in matters of religion that we can really have is that we are all children of God and that's the man the 00:19 SSPX is trying to be recognized by just as an aside I mean the thing was so bad that you could just scream we'll put a link to that in the show notes together with our commentary so you can you can see that again if you if you don't recall it anyway so Kel Meyer in his typical Novus Ordo way tries to defend this and here's what he says in his blog post quote some people are upset but Pope Francis recently taught yet another truth of the Catholic faith all religions ultimately lead to God many Catholics mistakenly believe this is an error it is not unquote now this is outrageous all religions ultimately lead to God well you know what I guess you can say that is vatican ii doctrine that is nobles order doctrine so in that regard yes cal meyer is definitely being a faithful defender of his modernist religion actually jives perfectly with what father Ronnie era come to La Mesa 00:20 the preacher of the anti papal household said on March 29th 2002 in the presence of that great hero of Orthodoxy john paul ii that false religions quote are not merely tolerated by god but positively will by him as an expression of the inexhaustible richness of His grace and His will for everyone to be saved unquote apostasy blasphemy this is pure blasphemous apostasy false religions are from the devil himself and their purpose is to lead men away from God from Christ from the truth but Vatican 2 and the Novus Ordo religion turned this around and just like Francis does with the Moors leticia make every error into a partial affirmation of the truth this is diabolical now let's look at what Kel Meyer says next in his post quote keep in mind that Jesus Christ is the path to God no one can come to the 00:21 Father except through Christ likewise the only way to fully know Christ is through the Catholic Church but the point the Pope wanted to stress was simple all roads lead to Rome unquote now here we have typical Novus Ordo BS and I don't mean barbra streisand strategy is affirm the traditional Catholic teaching in words first and then undermine it by explaining what it supposedly really means notice how Cal Meyer snuck in the word fully when he says that the only way to know Christ fully is through the Catholic Church actually no the only way to know Christ at all is through the Catholic Church because the Catholic Church alone has been entrusted with divine revelation Protestant sects may proclaim some truths about Christ sure but those are truths that were stolen from the Catholic Church so at the end of the day it's still through the castle 00:22 Church that such truths are known but it is absurd to now go ahead and praise the Protestant sects for some of the truths about Christ they proclaim because not only have they stolen them from the Catholic Church they also mix those truths with damnable errors in fact the only way you can get these truths about Christ from them is if you take the whole package that they have to offer and that is filled with heresy so if someone steals a bottle of water from you pours a glass of that water and then puts arsenic in it and then offers it to you you don't say hey thanks I commend you for the elements of h2o you've given me I thank God for using you to help me stay hydrated I mean what utter nonsense is that but that's exactly what Vatican 2 doctrine is and Cal Meyer exemplifies it in that blog post so no the truth is quite simply that not all roads lead to 00:23 Rome and not all religions lead to God this is simply a more sinister version of the modernist error condemned explicitly by pope pius xi in more Tahlia money Mo's paragraph number two that all religions are more or less good and praiseworthy in Paes the eleventh day the reason given for that false claim was that they all in different ways manifest and signify that sense which is inborn in us all meaning a religious sense a yearning for the divine transcendent the absolute in our day the reason given is that all religions contain more or less elements of the truth and Cal Meyer is one of the biggest promoters and defenders of this idea now let's raise the question isn't it true though isn't it true that all religions do contain some elements of truth well yes that is indeed so but what's wrong is the conclusion that the Vatican 2sec draws from that and Cal Meyer in particular a Peter Craig does 00:24 another one by the way the Vatican 2 SEC concludes that therefore all religions are partially good they all lead to the truth by means of those things in them that are true and God does not refrain from using them as means of salvation that is false in fact the opposite is true the fact that they contain some truths makes them all the more dangerous because it makes them more believable now as always there's no need to take my word for this I'm not important here I just want to point you to the Catholic sources where you can see these things for yourself so I'm going to give you a quote from the 1886 book liberalism is a sin by father Felix Sardis Albani this book was examined by the Sacred Congregation of the index under pope leo xiii and was not only found to be free from error but it actually received the congregation's endorsement and praise here's what that book says about the idea that as Catholics we should always 00:25 praise truth wherever it may be found and that this truth will lead us ultimately to the full truth here's father Serra you Silvani is speaking about those Catholics who are tainted with a liberal spirit quote they hope to show that it costs a Catholic nothing to recognize merit wherever it may be found they imagine this to be a powerful means of attracting the enemy alas the folly of the weaklings they play a losing game it is they who are insensibly attracted not the enemy they simply fly at the bait held out by the cunning Fisher who satanically guides the destinies of liberalism let us illustrate when Arnold's light of Asia appeared that's a pagan book about the person who became the first Buddha when Arnold's light of Asia appeared not a few Catholics joined in the cores of fulsome praise which greeted it how charming how beautiful how tender how pathetic how humane would lofty morality with exquisite sentiment 00:26 now what was the real purport of the book and what was its essence to lift up Gautama the founder of Buddhism at the expense of Jesus Christ the founder of Christianity the intention was to show that Gautama was equally divine teacher with as high an aspiration as great a mission as loftier morality as our divine Lord Himself Buddhism in the borrowed garments of Christianity was thus made to appeal to the ideals of Christian people's and gaining a footing in their admiration and affections to usurp the throne in the Christian sanctuary here was a work of literary merit although it has been greatly exaggerated in this respect praised extravagantly by some Catholics who in their excessive desire to appear impartial failed or refused to see in Edwin Arnold's light of Asia a most vicious anti-christian book what difference does it make whether a book be excellent in a literary sense or not if its effect be the loss of souls and 00:27 not their salvation what is the weapon in the hands of the assassin be bright or not if it be fatal those spiritual assassination be brilliant it is nonetheless deadly heresy under a charming disguise is a thousand times more dangerous than heresy exposed in the harsh and arid garb of the Scholastic syllogism through which death skull grins in unadorned hideousness Arianism had its poets to propagate its errors in popular verse Lutheranism had its humanists amongst whom the elegant Erasmus shown as a brilliant writer are no Nicole Pascal through the glamour of their baletta over the serpentine doublings of jansenism Voltaire's wretched and fidelity when its frightful popularity from the grace of a style and the flash of his wit shall we against whom they aim the keenest and deadliest shaft contribute to their name and their renowned shall we a system in 00:28 fascinating and corrupting youth shall we crown these condemned errs of our faith with the laurels of our praises and laud them for the very qualities which alone make them dangerous unquote that was father Felix our days Albani from his book liberalism is a sin chapter 18 and yes you can actually read the whole book for free online you know where to find a link this right there is the death knell of the Vatican 2 nonsense about partial truth and all that let's go back to quel Myers post now here's what else he says quote every pursuit of truth no matter where it starts it followed deeply enough leads to Catholic faith on well that is either true or false depending on exactly how he means that if he means that God will assist with His grace anyone who searches sincerely for the truth and does not refuse the grace has given him then yeah that person will 00:29 ultimately be led to the faith by the grace of God the problem that Kel Myra entirely ignores is that the false religions he extolled so much do not give you just bits and pieces of truth they also dump on you loads and loads of error and the only way you can get to even the bits of truth is by accepting the full package of lots of error mixed with a little bit of truth so yeah sure the Lutheran's will will give you the truth about the divinity of Christ that's great except that they don't offer you only that when you come to them they give you the whole package deal with denial of Catholic dogma about grace justification sacred tradition the papacy the Immaculate Conception and so on in his post Kel Meyer uses one of his favorite analogies to illustrate the supposed truth of what he's saying he likens the different religions to 00:30 mathematics to illustrate how they all have a little bit of truth but the Catholic Church has the fullness of truth here's Kel Meyer quote pagans only understand the theological equivalent of arithmetic and nothing beyond it Islam is a haphazard conglomeration of Judaism Christianity and paganism it can get to theological algebra it knows that God is all merciful all compassionate it knows that Mary is a sinless Virgin Mother it knows Christ is sinless and the judge on the last day islam knows that we are to submit ourselves totally to god become a slave of christ as Paul says although Muslims would say Allah instead of Christ but beyond these basics Muslims cannot go the Jews understand geometry they first gave us the theological measure of the universe they know God is the lawgiver that God does not deceive that he wants to choose life so that we and our descendants might live through the Jews God revealed the importance of liturgy 00:31 even though the Jewish liturgy was just practice and has no real effect they taught us the central truth that is monotheism non liturgical Christians like the Protestants can do trigonometry they know God is three persons in one divine substance but they don't get any farther they have two sacraments baptism and marriage but they don't understand very much about either of them they don't understand liturgy at all so we can say they know a lot about triangles but they don't know much about other geometric shapes or how everything fits together liturgical Christians such as the Eastern Orthodox and the Coptics have access to the full spectrum of liturgical and sacramental life through the power of the seven sacraments they plumb the measure of the infinite Godhead doing the equivalent of single variable calculus that is they understand how the Sun works to teach us how the Spirit works to sanctify us but they don't fully understand how the Father works to govern us only Catholics 00:32 can plumb the divine infinity to its depth only Catholics have mastered not only calculus but all the other branches of the theological spectrum as well we understand as fully as men can the relations between the Father Son and spirit we understand the full spectrum of how he has always intended governess father to teach us son and to sanctify us Holy Spirit unquote yeah very cute mister Cal Meyer except you've completely missed one inconvenient little fact all of these false religions advertise themselves as experts in mathematics giving you all of mathematical knowledge and whatever mathematical truths they offer the offer only in conjunction with mathematical error and absurdity that is the difference mr. Cal Meyer and that 00:33 difference is conveniently left out in your false analogy all right now Cal Meyer concludes saying the following quote thus it is not that all the other religious are wrong rather none of the other faith systems can provide the comprehensive knowledge of Christ that only Catholic faith can unquote false false false false I can't believe this garbage see how he doesn't evaluate the religious doctrine packet of each religion according to whether it is true or false he evaluates it according to how closely it approaches the fullness of truth this is the ecclesiological equivalent of amoris Laetitia in fact amours Letizia was based on this very ecclesiological model if you recall what was discussed at the senate's we put up a post about that that will link in the show notes entitled what's good for the goose is good for the gander how the october senate refutes 00:34 vatican two's falls ecclesiology in a more is Letizia the focus is no longer on whether people's intimate relationships are morally good or bad those are outdated concepts the question now is only how close to these situations come to the objective ideal of marriage and that's what you have here with other religions the question is no longer asked is this religion true or false is this the religion Christ established but rather how closely does this religion resemble Catholicism how close is this religion to Catholicism well the traditional way to answer that question is to say not close enough because there is no such thing as almost Catholic it's an all-or-nothing deal just like with Christ in Luke 11 23 quote whoever is not with me is against me unquote that is what Christ taught not whoever is not fully with me is 00:35 partially with me if you're not in the true church you're not in the true church and if you're in a false church or a false religion then it doesn't matter how many similarities it has with the true church think about this in simple terms if you're coming out of a shopping mall and you're looking for your car in the parking lot and you find a card looks very similar to yours but isn't yours guess what it's still not your car it's not even almost your car it's not your car at all in any way shape manner or form it's not your car just as much as any other car isn't your car the similarities to your car are completely irrelevant it's not your car that's what matters all right one last quote from Cal Mayer before I blow a fuse here quote all religions pursue deeply enough lead to Catholic faith the study of truth always leads to truth every ladder we climb 00:36 every road we walk leads us to Rome unquote once again false false false and honestly such idiocy all religions if pursued deeply enough lead to Catholicism really so if I immerse myself deeply in Talmudic Judaism or in voodooism or some New Age religion then that will lead me to Catholicism such blasphemous absurdity ladies and gentlemen is considered top-notch orthodoxy in the novus ordo sect nowadays and that alone says all you need to know now we'll take a break soon but before we do that let's have a look at a little more from the blogosphere because there's so much that needs to be addressed in just so little time and so few resources Christopher Ferreira as you're perhaps know has a column at Fatima perspectives calm on March 10th of this year he published a post entitled was Pope Benedict driven from office by 00:37 the wolves he mentioned Ferrera begins a short article with these words quote history will forever record the shocking words the drama the shocking words of the newly elected Pope Benedict the sixteenth at the mass for the inauguration of his papacy pray for me that I may not flee for fear of the wolves those words turned out to be a prophecy unquote actually mr. Ferrara you know very well that Benedict himself is the wolf and has been since the 1950s and continues to be today what Ferrara is do here is simply once again bring to the for his pet narrative of the glorious Benedick the innocent lamb of pristine orthodoxy who is fiercely being persecuted by terrible wolves inside that modernist Vatican that has conspired against this great restorer of tradition this is nothing but Ferrari and propaganda do we really need to 00:38 repeat all the facts about Joseph Ratzinger and how much ruin this man has brought to souls with his modernist theology we'll put a link to the Ratzinger record in our show notes so you can review all this for yourself and you can decide if this man is a lamb or a wolf you know it's funny a few weeks before john paul ii died Ferrara was still denouncing Ratzinger as a modernist termite as exactly the kind of wolf that he is now suggesting Benedict as being threatened by he sarcastically referred to him as our only friend in the Vatican let me quote that for you the essay appeared I think in the mid February 2005 issue of the remnant and it's available online quote yes our only friend in the Vatican has struck again more and more it becomes apparent that this man is perhaps the most industrious ecclesial termite of the post conciliar epoch tearing down even as he makes busy with the appearance of building up the 00:39 longer Ratzinger guards catholic doctrine the more porous the barriers that protect the become indeed as I have pointed out more than once on these pages it was Ratzinger who wrote in 1987 in the second edition of his principles of Catholic theology that the demolition of bastions in the church is a long overdue tasks the church he declared must relinquish many of the things that have hitherto spelled security for her and that she has taken for granted she must demolish long-standing bastions and trust solely the shield of faith now it seems that with the bastions all but demolished even the shield of faith is about to clatter to the ground unquote so yeah mr. Ferrara I'm not too worried about Benedict the sixteenth having to flee from the wolves I mean he's their daddy now on April 21st Ferrara published another post for Fatima perspectives with the title can a pope resign the papacy while still remaining the Pope 00:40 the question lingers and in this post for our argues that Benedict the 16th resignation may have been invalid because he has allegedly said that he resigned not from the office of the papacy as such but only from the ministerial aspect of the papacy while retaining the contemplative aspect now of course that's a bunch of modernist flapdoodle and Ferrara realizes this you can't just decide the papacy can be expanded into a dire key where you have an active member and contemplatively this is just baloney that was made up by Joseph Ratzinger but the interesting part is that Ferrara concludes from this not that Ratzinger is a heretic who denies the papacy and therefore couldn't be Pope no he concludes from this that Ratzinger's abdication was invalid so Ferrara is turning everything on its head now heresy doesn't keep you from being Pope it keeps you from not being Pope 00:41 this has everything upside down it's absolutely crazy but you see this is the stuff that people are driven to if they desperately try to make sense of a state of affairs while excluding a priori from the outset the only correct diagnosis the chair of st. Peter is vacant look I know that's not a pretty diagnosis I know this raises a lot of difficult and uncomfortable questions but I can't change it it's true nonetheless Ferrara is a blind man leading the blind he's acting like a physician who does not have the cure for cancer and so he refuses to diagnose the patient with cancer even though that's exactly what's ailing him you know it's one thing to disagree about something and that's fine you can talk about it but this sort of persistent refusal to face up to the fact is very detrimental to souls and very displeasing to Christ now another person in the blogosphere 00:42 who is going out of his way not to be a site of a contest is father John Hunwick whom we've criticised in this podcast before in May he published a four-part series on his mutual enrichment blog with a catchy title is the Pope a heretic now it was obvious from the get-go how Mr Hunt wig was going to answer that question no but how he got to that answer well that's another story to me that four-part series looked like a little more than mr. Hun wig trying to convince his audience that he's an exceptionally learned man who's got it all figured out and who can use a lot of fancy terminology to ultimately say very little but to get to the heart of the matter hun week's ultimate thesis was this quote and dear readers that is precisely why pop-up or goleo cannot be deemed a heretic to be definable as a heretic he would need to have advanced formally with full understanding and 00:43 responsibility propositional errors it is perfectly clear to me that he has quite simply not done so unquote false on both counts no it is not necessary to advance formally propositional errors that deny Dogma in order to be deemed a heretic in fact one need not use words at all gestures and actions can suffice to deny Dogma that's because we don't only use words to communicate but don't take my word for it rather go to the show notes and look for the essay entitled essay on heresy by Arnaldo vidi gall Zahara da Silveira which is a survey of catholic theology on that issue but aside from that of course Francis has made propositional claims that deny dogma he said again and again that Catholics in mortal sin are not Christians which is a heresy he said that Protestants are members of the body 00:44 of Christ which is a heresy he said that there is an accumulative C and which he himself has actually acknowledged might be a heresy and he even used that very term heresy and he indicated that he doesn't care if it is heresy he's claimed that God cannot be God without man he said that Christ's Authority came from the people rather than from the Godhead and on and on so mister hun wick can live in his own little dream world if he wants to but one day he will be forced to wake up from it and I just pray that he'll wake up before his particular judgement and wig also says this quote to judge Pope bergoglio by the canons of formal logic is quite simply to make a John ray error unquote no not even Jorge bergoglio is above rational standards all human beings are subject to the same human reason that comes with being human you know mr. Han wick with this kind of tripe you only assess the enemy it is 00:45 precisely these endless defenders like you sir in whatever colorful ways they dream up that exacerbate the problems we have today it is the constant looking for excuses that makes the so much worse than it has to be this isn't the same Catholic analysis of the fact this is just propaganda designed to excuse Francis because that's all it does it only helps Francis now I'm not going to judge anyone in particular but let me just say that I have a suspicion that for many people who come up with these wild defenses of Francis and have a very selective vision when it comes to Benedict the 16th and John Paul the second I have a feeling that ultimately they're defending the status quo only because they want to protect themselves and that may very well be subconscious I don't know you see saying that Francis is not the Pope and that all of the Vatican 2 popes have been charlatans has some very undesirable consequences and 00:46 especially if you're someone like mr. Heinrich who was ordained a priest in the novus ordo sect which means he's not even a valid priest so I realized that's a difficult thing to accept even just on an emotional level I realize that but you know what at the end of the day reality is what it is and it takes virtue it takes fortitude especially and grace to be able to face that but face it you must heaven is not for wimps what did our Lord say it said quote the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent bear it away unquote that's Matthew 11 verse two you have to understand that we must do whatever it takes to get to heaven eternity is forever and that is a pretty long time so for all of you out there who have persuaded yourselves that no matter what Francis is the Pope and the Vatican two sacraments are valid and so forth ask yourselves if what's really 00:47 driving this isn't perhaps your desire to protect the church so much but the desire to protect yourself from uncomfortable consequences just saying now also don't despair there's nothing to despair over make an act of hope even if you are a noble sort of priest and you're starting to seriously question whether your donation was valid you're not the first one and you won't be the last if you'd like send us a note to trap cast at Novus Ordo watch.org trap cast at Novus Ordo watch.org and we can connect you with a former Novus Ordo priest who came to that realization himself one day converted to real Catholicism and was then ordained properly as a real Catholic priest so if you'd like to make contact with someone like that let us know and of course we will treat the matter with the utmost discretion that goes without saying and 00:48 now ladies and gentlemen I'd say it's time for a short break [Music] tract cast are you interested in truly Catholic radio programming one that addresses not only the current crisis in the church and world but also discusses literature art doctrine spirituality and current events then tune in to member supported restoration radio at WWE ester ation radio network org restoration radio the network into thinking Catholic [Music] [Applause] 00:49 if you're looking for EWTN this ain't it trap cast [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] ladies and gentlemen have no fear trap cast is still here we are back with our second segment of episode 18 thanks for 00:50 sticking around I don't know about you but I'm just sitting here totally closed in on myself in my self referential little world it feels great by the way but I do it just to annoy Francis yeah now because it seems like every other day now he warns against the danger of being closed in on oneself and that the church cannot be self referential heaven forbid you know like like until he appeared on the scene the Catholic Church didn't know what she was doing for almost 2,000 years she was just concerned with herself never preached the gospel never converted people never helped anyone never went out to the peripheries and then speaking of peripheries you want to see some real peripheries and now the Catholic Church dealt with those then have a look at the martyrdom of the North American martyrs in the 17th century I'm talking about saints Isaac Joe John Deborah boo for their companions they were Jesuits by the way and they did real evangelism work 00:51 preaching the true gospel and not the Frances gospel among the Iroquois Indians in Canada and for that they were eventually gruesomely tortured by those that they were working to convert and I think they were eaten alive or something well that is real Catholicism they didn't go out there and preach religious liberty and freedom of conscience and existential ISM and all that junk they didn't go to North America in order to just open a string of soup kitchens waiting to see if a few pagans would eventually ask them why they're doing it so they can witness anyway I'm sorry I just needed to vent a little the daily barrage of Francis blather is simply too much for any rational being to take and it's usually always the same stuff you know insufferable tripe about interpersonal relationships and that really has nothing to do with the gospel per se it's all naturalism concerned mostly with the temporal affairs of this world living your dreams reaching out to others building bridges and on and on 00:52 and what Francis preaches might as well be proclaimed by the Secretary General of the United Nations or the Dalai Lama or some Grand Master at the local watch I mean who would actually die for that all right well in this portion of the program now we're going to do major penance and listen to some of the things Francis has said lately and we've created a special jingle just for that and I know you're going to enjoy it so here we go from the Jorge's mouth [Music] 00:53 yes from the Jorge's mouth that's right now surely you know that there is no way to cover everything stupid blasphemous heretical or erroneous that Francis says because I could do the show three hours a day and we would get nowhere so what I've prepared here is just a tiny selection first you know Francis still doesn't know why God permits children to suffer and he doesn't fail to point it out as he did most recently on May 27th when he visited a Children's Hospital somewhere in Italy quote often and again I ask myself why do children suffer and I don't find any explanation I only look at the crucifix and stand still there unquote now what may seem to be at first sight an act of humility and that he says hey look I don't have all the answers I'm not going to pretend yada yada well is actually nothing of the sort by saying that he doesn't have an 00:54 answer and back in January of 2015 in the Philippines what he said was even worse because there he said that there is no answer not that just he didn't have one but there isn't one by saying that he's actually causing great harm to the souls of those dear children that he visited in the hospital because he's basically telling them that their suffering is pointless or at least that it doesn't really fit into God's plan that God has not revealed to us why he permits suffering even of the innocent and Francis is effectively scandalizing those children because he is leading them leading them to the conclusion that God is cruel and that for all we know there is no purpose to suffering so what is the answer I'll give you a succinct answer that you can remember whenever somebody brings this up as an objection why does God permit suffering because 00:55 suffering is supernaturally meritorious suffering has a supernatural purpose if accepted in the right spirit it will bring countless Grace's and help to predispose us to eternal life it will help bring about the conversion of sinners it will make reparation for sin and it will make us like to Christ that's the short answer now Francis doesn't understand any of that because he's a naturalist he doesn't really believe in the supernatural the main focus for him is life in this world to put it bluntly if bergoglio had lived at the time of christ he would have cared only for the multiplication of the loaves and for Christ healing the sick and assisting the poor he wouldn't have given a hoot about the spiritual things and Christ's spiritual doctrine the supernatural life of grace the conversion of sinners infinite atonement rendered to an all holy God salvation and so forth and that's why Francis doesn't preach Christ to the secular world or to the Jews to the Muslims to 00:56 the pagans to them he only preaches corporal works of mercy dialog and fraternity which is why by the way Francis is so adamantly opposed to the death penalty now we could do an entire show just on the death penalty and who knows maybe we can do that sometime I'd like to but for right now we'll have to be brief the reason he hates the death penalty so much is that the death sentence is the end of natural life and that is the worst possible thing for a naturalist but of course Francis being Francis he goes a bit further even and draws novels or no principles to their logical conclusion not only does Francis opposed the death penalty he also opposes life imprisonment which he calls a hidden death sentence now this is typical Berg Olien drivel but see how this too follows from his naturalism if earthly life is all there is or at 00:57 least is the main purpose of our existence then not only does the death sentence end it for you but even life imprisonment becomes a kind of death sentence because your life is basically over you are no longer in control of your life and if you take this reasoning to its logical conclusion you will end up opposing all punishment as an affront to human dignity where that ultimately leaves now is life imprisonment Trulia hidden death sentence as bergoglio calls it of course not only unnatural astute say that there is no death sentence at all you don't die from being imprisoned for life you die from well from being human from the death sentence that God gave to all of humanity when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden see Genesis chapter 3 so to call this a hidden death sentence is nothing but attention-grabbing bunk from Jorge bergoglio and consider what this 00:58 means in practice if life imprisonment also needs to be done away with that means that people like Charles Manson Dennis Rader and Kermit Gosnell for example would all be set free thanks to Francis now since we need to move on here I'm not going to get into how what Francis says about the death penalty contradicts Catholic doctrine but hopefully we'll get to that sometime in the future but we'll stay on the topic of Francis for just a little bit longer pope prays for conversion of terrorists was the headline for a post published for the English edition of La Stampa Vatican insider website on May 28th now this deserves some attention because it is very rare that de Francis mentions the word conversion at all la stampa writes that during the Regina Coeli that day francis prayed that the lord quote may convert the hearts of the terrorists 00:59 unquote yay francis is praying for conversion yeah well except that of course he didn't say conversion to what what does he want the terrorists to convert to to peaceful Islam to atheism deism Catholicism he didn't say and why not well we all know the answer to that Francis ultimately doesn't care what religion you are well as long as you're not a Catholic I guess yes now as long as you're not violent or mean he really doesn't give a flip what you believe in next Francis has written the foreword to a new book by Cardinal Peter Turkson by the name of corrosion by the way what is it with all these Cardinals writing books all the time if they have nothing else to do it's unbelievable anyway Francis forward to the book corrosion is 01:00 a real doozy I'm going to quote a few bits and pieces from the translation provided by Zenit org it's so bad you've got to hear it here we go quote always as consequence of the fall corruption reveals an anti-social behavior to the point of dissolving the validity of relationships and therefore the pillars on which a society is founded the coexistence of persons and the vocation to develop them corruption breaks all that and replaces the common good by a particular interest that contaminates any general perspective it is born of a corrupt heart and is the worst social wound because it generates very grave problems and crimes that involve everyone we Christians and non-christians we are snowflakes but if we unite we can become an avalanche a strong and constructive movement behold the new humanism this 01:01 Renaissance this recreation against corruption that we can realize with prophetic audacity we must all work together Christians non-christians persons of all faiths and non-believers to fight this form of blasphemy this cancer that undermines our lives it is urgent to become aware and for this an education and the merciful culture is necessary cooperation on the part of each one according to his possibilities his parents his creativity unquote you know what why don't we just leave it at that okay now the final item from our from the Jorge's mouth portion of the program Francis has come up with some more new Beatitudes you know since the eight Beatitudes of our Lord weren't enough here comes Jorge and adds a few more on 01:02 November 1st of last year already in officially he introduced six new ones including basically blessed are the recyclers in the cumin s and what not anyway just the other day we got three new ones from Jorge the humble and here they are quote blessed are the open hands that embrace the poor and help them they are hands that bring hope blessed are the hands that reach beyond every barrier of culture religion and nationality and pour the balm of consolation over the wounds of humanity blessed are the open hands that ask nothing in exchange with no ifs or buts or maybes they are hands that call down God's blessing upon their brothers and sisters unquote you know the thing is if Christ had wanted to add a few more Beatitudes he would have done just that but he only gave us eight we really don't need 01:03 Francis supplementing here you know this man Francis I must think of himself as the Messiah and not just with that but also when you consider for example that instead of blessing people he keeps touching them usually on the head he keeps imposing his hand as though he had the power of healing and the gospel we read that our Lord laid hands on people and healed them for example in Luke chapter 4 verse 40 now Francis lays his hands on the sick and doesn't heal them they're just as sick as before that's what distinguishes the true Messiah from the false one but the scary thing is that they all venerate him as though he had the power of healing them did you see what happened at Fatima for the 100th anniversary francis was going around with that hideous ventilator monstrance to bless the sick that we're all gathered in a special area there and as he walked by with the monstrance the people were 01:04 crying out to him trying to touch his garments as though he were the Messiah that the true Messiah was in the monstrance well it wasn't a valid Eucharist of course but you know they all supposedly believed that it was valid that the true Messiah was supposedly in the monstrance the people didn't seem to care that much it was all about Francis frightening absolutely frightening oh and then of course you also have Francis playing Messiah by pretending to dispense people from observing the sixth and ninth Commandments now you know what it's even worse not only does he say you are not bound to refrain from committing adultery sometimes you actually have to commit adultery according to Francis in a Morris Letizia that infernal so-called apostolic exhortation Francis proclaims that God sometimes might be asking you 01:05 to commit adultery yeah I'm not making this up you can check it out for yourself it's an amoris Laetitia number 303 quote yet conscience can do more than recognize that a given situation does not correspond objectively to the overall demands of the gospel it can also recognize with sincerity and honesty what for now is the most generous response which can be given to God and come to see with a certain moral security that it is what God Himself is asking amid the concrete complexity of one's limits while not yet fully the objective ideal unquote man if only King Henry the Eighth had known that I mean he would have told Pope Clement the seventh her look at this concrete situation I'm in I've discerned that God is asking me to marry Anne Boleyn look at how absurd all this is Francis has turned thou shalt not commit 01:06 adultery in 2003 you know Francis cloned Blaise su peach the dirtbag Archbishop of Chicago has said that in amoris Laetitia Francis is exercising his power of binding and loosing yeah yeah nice try mr. su except that even a true Pope cannot dispense from the divine law so when you go to judgment and God asks you why you broke the sixth commandment you can't say well the Pope allowed it okay that's just not gonna fly the Pope can dispense from ecclesiastical laws sure but he cannot dispense from divine law just like the Pope can't allow you to murder or to blaspheme or steal for example right so neither can he allow you to commit adultery oh and speaking of super gen adultery and amoris Laetitia on June 4th the dirtbag gave an interview to 01:07 father Thomas Rasika of the Canadian salt and light television in which he said that in a Moore's Lutetia Francis is calling us all to an adult spirituality out of an adolescent spirituality into an adult spirituality you know since for 2000 years the church was just a bunch of adolescents who had to be told what to do and what not to do as an thou shalt and thou shalt not and now since Vatican 2 we've all finally matured to the point where we discern what is right for us in our concrete situation if you want to see how much spiritual maturity there's been in the Vatican 2 sect just look at the new Mass and compared to the traditional Catholic Mass of the ages that right there tells you all you need to know someone on Twitter pointed out when blaze soup which talks about adult spirituality what he really means is adulterous 01:08 spirituality and that's exactly what's going on here but all right enough of Francis and sue pitch and all that let's look at some other recent news well he you know I really don't like to cover a whole lot of news and the full-length track cast because by the time we can get one of these episodes out the news just isn't all that new anymore and lots of other stuff has happened in the meantime and so I I try to keep the new Z stuff for the mini podcasts we have the trap cast Express which hopefully you've all enjoyed very much and benefited from oh yeah and speaking of benefiting please keep in mind that although we offer all of our content for free all these things cost money and they don't pay for themselves and I gotta eat so if you have a few diners to spare please head on over to Novus Ordo watch.org slash donate and you can make a tax-deductible contribution there plus your donation may qualify for a great incentive gift that we've prepared certainly in this 01:09 month of June 2017 and probably also after so just check it out and take a look Novus Ordo watch.org slash donate and of course we have this link also in the show notes thank you very much and may God reward you for whatever you can do now in case you haven't heard about it yet George new mayor just came out with a new book entitled the political Pope how Pope Francis is delighting the liberal left and abandoning conservatives the author is a contributing editor to the american spectator at spectator dot org now of course there have been countless books about francis but i think this is the first one written by a Novus Ordo that's really critical of him and documents many of the things he said and done that go against Catholic faith and practice I haven't actually read the book but I do have it here and I want to 01:10 read you the table of contents so you can get a good idea of what this book is about because it'll probably serve as a pretty handy collection of evidence against the man here's the table of contents chapter 1 the Pope they have been waiting for - who am I to judge 3 the left long march to the papacy for the liberal jesuit from latin america 5 the unholy alliance 6 the first radical green pope 7 the open borders pope 8 the pacifist pope 9 I don't want to convert you 10 the permissive Pope 11 how Francis is undoing the legacy of pope john paul ii and pope benedict xvi ouch 12 will Paul correct Peter and that's all of those 12 chapters now in these two last chapter titles you can see very 01:11 clearly that the author is obviously not as a devout contest but a conservative Novus Ordo and maybe he's involved I'm not sure but in any case I'm by no means recommending the book as a theological guide to anything but like I said it might prove useful as a handy tool as a as a collection of specific pieces of evidence in the case against Francis and of course what I personally appreciate about the book is that nobles Order watch is mentioned in a footnote it's footnote number 41 in chapter 4 as it's just one tiny little mention but hey that's better than nothing all right moving on our recognize and resist friends are having their annual identity crisis conference again the so called 01:12 Catholic identity conferences coming - we're in West Virginia October 27th through the 29th and it looks like the guest star there is going to be mr. ethem asia's Schneider the Novus Ordo auxiliary bishop of Astana Kazakhstan you know I really wonder when the man is ever actually in Kazakhstan apparently there's not that much to do there I don't know he's easily he's always out and about and giving interviews and attending conferences and you know whatever is I don't know now look the reason I'm being somewhat derisive here is that objectively speaking and I say objectively speaking because I'm not questioning anybody's intentions or piety or goodwill or whatever but objectively speaking what they're doing the the the recognize and resist traditionalists what they're doing there is absurd they're continually trying to uphold an identity that they're very Church rejects the 01:13 absurdity consists in them trying to be Catholic in a non Catholic Church that's why they have to have an identity conference because the religion they mean to believe in is obviously not the religion of Francis and the other Vatican authorities so that's why I call events like this a neo trad self-help conference because ultimately they're all getting together to give each other some hope and - I guess buttress their conviction that they are the real Catholics despite of what their church says and this is the kind of contradiction you end up with if your first premise is always that set of account ism is false and honestly since Francis and especially amoris Laetitia their lowest common denominator has been lowered considerably now to think that Cardinal Raymond Burke is now for all intents and purposes considered a traditionalist is ridiculous Burke is a vatican ii supporter through and through 01:14 and a fan of John Paul the second and Benedict the sixteenth but then again that appears to be the case now more and more for suppose a traditionalist like Michael Matt who appear to be inclined to reduce orthodoxy to a question of whether you agree that adultery is a sin and that those who live in such a state cannot receive the sacraments until they repent and so all of a sudden John Paul the second isn't so bad and he's even being held up as the standard of what the voxi that Francis is deviating from I mean we already talked about this earlier but that's how far we've come how far they've come the semi traps and that's why we suddenly see some recognizing resistors speak in glowing terms about the head of the Congregation for the destruction of the faith Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Miller because he opposes communion for adulterers never mind the man has publicly questioned the dogmas of the 01:15 resurrection of Christ the perpetual virginity of Mary and transubstantiation for example but they doesn't matter doesn't matter see because he says remarried divorcees can't go to communion that does it that's all it takes now to make you a Catholic while congratulations Francis you have succeeded you know maybe France's entire purpose is to get everybody to accept John Paul the second and Benedict the sixteenth as ultra Orthodox Catholics because then he succeeded it seems now regarding a summation eiders one more thing I want to say at the recent Rome life conference which was the same conference by the way that father Linus Clovis where he spoke at that we mentioned in the first segment and that same conference as a nation Eider lamented the great apostasy that is obviously afflicting the world today 01:16 well okay great but I'd like to ask this mr. Schneider if there's a great apostasy going on these days who do you think is the great apostate and to give you a hint sir it's the same man whom you recently denounced as promoting the joy of adultery see this is the problem people are not willing to allow the evidence to determine their position a great apostasy can't come about by accident somewhere there is a great apostate remember the Vatican to revolution didn't come from the ground up it wasn't a bunch of laymen rebelling and then a weak hierarchy not doing anything about it and eventually succumbing no it was imposed from the top john xxiii got the ball rolling and put all the mechanisms in place and then Paul the six finished the job John Paul the first only lived for 33 days in his role as papal pretender so he's kind of irrelevant although he lived long enough to ensure he paid sufficient obeisance 01:17 to the modernist revolution by combining both john xxiii and paul the six names into one john paul which had never been done before he also eliminated the papal coronation ceremony and got rid of the Gesu toriel chair all that in 33 days yes I know he resumed using the just--it Oriole chair but he only did that because the people were complaining that they couldn't see their Pope and then john paul ii gave the modernist revolution the necessary charisma to make it attractive for the masses especially the young and he gave it plenty of pseudo-intellectual justification benedict xvi then came along and gave the whole thing a more traditional touch on the outside in terms of external while pushing ahead with the modernist program and now they've got Francis so again it all came from the top so when people tell you about how there are these terrible abuses going on especially in the 01:18 liturgy you can remind them that the new mass itself was the first abuse and that one came from Paul the sixth but well plenty of people are willing to acknowledge so many of these errors and outrages and blasphemies and heresies very few people are apparently willing to allow this evidence to lead them to the only possible conclusion and that is that the institution in the Vatican today is not the Catholic Church anymore but an apostate sect that masquerades as the Catholic Church while the real Catholic Church is eclipsed and underground scattered among those few clergy and laity who still retain the same faith as the Church of Pope Pius the 12th and its predecessors and do not profess communion with a public heretic somehow people absolutely refused to go there now while 01:19 I can understand that it's not desirable in and of itself it is the only possible option because all the other alternatives run afoul of Catholic teaching the church can be underground for a while as she was before a man can claim to be the Pope who really isn't that's possible but that the church should defect and turn from being the Ark of salvation into an arc of damnation that is not possible but people would apparently rather believe in a defected Church the church that is as Protestant as Martin Luther's and that they have to correct and resist which is what they're doing at that Catholic identity conference they would rather believe in such a defective radical church as the true Bride of Christ then believe that Jorge bergoglio and his five predecessors of unhappy memory are not actually Pope's I don't know what it is I guess it's a 01:20 kind of a spiritual version of Stockholm Syndrome now have you heard of Stockholm Syndrome let me give you the definition you'll find in Wikipedia because it gets to the heart of the matter quote Stockholm Syndrome is a condition that causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors as a survival strategy during captivity these feelings resulting from a bond formed between captor and captives during intimate time spent together are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims generally speaking Stockholm Syndrome consists of strong emotional ties that develop between two persons where one person intermittently harasses Beatz threatens abuses or intimidate the other unquote so maybe that's what's happening here in a spiritual sense Francis and his five predecessors have demolished Catholicism to the best of their 01:21 abilities and and people are still sticking up for them he's the Holy Father sister Lucy said he'd have much / yeah exactly he'll have much to suffer but these these Falls Vatican two popes have been causing much suffering that's pretty much the opposite isn't it so who knows maybe it really is a spiritual version of Stockholm Syndrome I don't know it's their survival strategy I guess but the irony is that these people have traded in the papacy for a pope they have decided they would rather have a meaningless papacy but someone to occupy the office than to retain the true nature and significance of this most highly exalted office this divinely instituted office and have no one who currently occupies it so they've purchased their Pope as it were at the 01:22 price of the papacy and because they've done that because they've exchanged the papacy for a pope the result is that they now have neither they have neither the true doctrine of the papacy nor a true Pope and this is terrifying you know if perhaps people don't fully realize this but if you abandon the true doctrine of the papacy you're abandoning the Catholic faith you cease being a Catholic altogether you're just as non Catholic as Francis then if Francis is a valid Pope then the papacy has no meaning then the Catholic Church is just another human institution a fake Church like all the others then the papacy does not infect enjoy God's protection as the Church teaches it does then the Pope can be a communist a modernist a Protestant a radical environmentalist that worships nature a pacifist an atheist anything 01:23 really so by stubbornly maintaining against all the evidence that Francis is nonetheless a true Pope people are distorting and totally abandoning the papacy people take heart the papacy is true it's bergoglio that it's false so stop doubting the papacy and start doubting bergoglio this was trap cast 18 hope you found it informative and worth your while please be sure to tune in again next time and remember you wanted to make that donation now until next time may God bless you [Music] [Applause] 01:24 [Music] you [Music]