00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the Novus Ordo watch cast you can't make the stuff up [Music] [Applause] 00:01 [Music] [Applause] hello hello we are finally back again with a full-length episode of trap cast a traditional Catholic podcast like no other [Music] [Applause] trap cast number 19 is where we're at and you can count yourself lucky because you are among the point zero zero zero zero zero one percent of humanity who actually listens to this podcast so welcome to another episode and let's get started you've probably noticed that things are getting more and more chaotic in the novus ordo Church and every time 00:02 you think that it can't possibly get any worse you are quickly reminded that oh yes it can Francis has been making it very difficult to keep up the facade that John Paul the second and Benedict the sixteenth had put up the facade that no matter how bad things are in the church the Pope is in charge and he's Catholic and conservative and although he may be weak at times nevertheless he means to do the right thing and he is at heart a real stalwart defender of Catholicism now that's always been a mere facade in the Vatican to church but until Francis this facade had some credibility on the surface and had the appearance of credibility well with Francis that's over you may recall that various commentators journalists and bloggers at first after Francis election tried the usual spin of oh that's not what the Pope really said or oh this must have 00:03 been a translation error or let me tell you what Francis is really up to with all this and oh if only the Pope knew about this scandal he'd do something about it well you know it's Francis now and so know the illusion of the pro life pro orthodoxy liturgical hardliner Pope that is definitely over with Francis I think that at this point the only ones left defending the men or ultra-leftist like Blaise supa CH Austin ivory massimo fagioli and presumably the apologetics comedians at catholic answers although even there you can see that not everyone whom they have on their radio program or who writes with them on occasion is on board with the idea that there is no orthodoxy problem with Francis for example Steve Ray who is a convert to the Novus Ordo from Protestantism and has written a book on the papacy he 00:04 certainly expressed some opposition to Francis on his website at Catholic - convert 'don't come and then of course you've got the Michael Voris church Disneyland operation where every open modernist gets opposed denounced and exposed as a heretic except Francis so that's a very clever way of dealing with the problem by the way you know you largely just pretend that it's not there how do people deal with the in-your-face apostasy of Francis well as we predicted more and more in the novus ordo are warming up to the idea that Francis isn't the Pope because Benedict the sixteenth still is now we've been telling you for a while that this is what's going to be the preferred option for those who want what we may want to call a sate of accont ISM light it's so painfully obvious that Jorge bergoglio 00:05 isn't a Catholic that they can no longer sustain the idea that the man is or possibly could be the Vicar of Christ on earth without making the office of the papacy completely meaningless but since they don't want to touch say about Conte ISM with a ten-foot pole they now have a fairly comfortable alternative to fall back on or so they think saying that benedict xvi is the pope just seems a lot less nutty than saying that we haven't had a pope or at least not a known Pope since Pius the 12th and since on the surface there are some superficial circumstantial evidence about Benedict's resignation or france's election not having been valid this is just a very appealing option for those who want to dump francis but don't want anything to do with sate of account ISM which makes me suspect that the whole thing with Benedict's resignation and France's election was a setup from the beginning the resignation with all its weird circumstances and Frances election 00:06 with the rumors about the same Galan group allegedly trying to predetermine the outcome of the Conclave all that is just perfect to create the ultimate chaos in the Vatican to church and hurt as many souls as possible Franciscan forces ultra modernist agenda on the whole church while Benedict stays in the background to welcome all those sheep who in their confusion and disgust with Francis are looking for a way out the problem with that is that it's a deception you see Benedict the sixteenth is a Vatican to man through and through sure he had some traditional externals also called sheep's clothing by the way but on the inside it's nothing but Vatican 2 modernism the people who now flock to Benedict the sixteenth as they're back up after realizing that Francis cannot be Pope do not understand the nature or the gravity of the situation we're in if 00:07 you'd like to know the facts about who Joseph Ratzinger is and what he believes check out our website our topical page on Benedict the 16th at Novus Ordo watch.org we'll include a link to that page in the show notes for this episode at trap cast org you will realize that far from the antidote to modernism Benedict the sixteenth was one of the pioneers of the whole Novus Ordo revolution at Vatican two and he has never retracted or change that for example consider what he said in 1982 after he had already been appointed head of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith by John Paul the second here's what he said but presumably in reference to the Society of st. Pius the tenth and Archbishop Marcello FF quote we are witnesses today of a new integral ISM that may seem to support what is 00:08 strictly Catholic but in reality corrupts it to the core it produces a passion of suspicions the animosity of which is far from the spirit of the gospel there is an obsession with the letter that regards the Liturgy of the church as invalid and thus puts itself outside the church it has forgotten here that the validity of the liturgy depends primarily not on specific words but on the community of the church under the pretext of Catholicism the very principle of Catholicism is denied and to a large extent custom is substituted for truth unquote that's from his book principles of Catholic theology page 377 it was published in the original German in 1982 and released in English in 1987 by Ignatius press in the same book he also says the 00:09 following about opposition to vatican ii quote we must be on our guard against minimizing these movements without a doubt they represent a sectarian zealotry that is the antithesis of catholicity we cannot resist them to firmly unquote you can find that on pages 389 and 390 anyway enough of Joseph Ratzinger for now again if you want to find out the truth about the men go to our Benedict the 16th page linked in the show notes my guess is that right now his job is to keep those who are fed up with Francis from leaving the Novus Ordo sect and embracing that have a Conte ISM unfortunately this seems to be working because online you can find more and more people now seriously toying with the idea that Benedict never validly resigned and is the real Pope I realize that this is more satisfying emotionally than having to say that we've had no known pope since 1958 but unfortunately 00:10 it is not based on Catholic teaching or principle and so it is chaos all over the sspx is divided the resistance sspx is divided AWT n and the Knowles Order apologists are divided various so-called Cardinals and bishops are divided the Fatima Center is now divided the laity are divided over and more than ever so keep that in mind when someone tells you that ooh you say - ever contests are just so divided yeah well you know in our case any division we have is the necessary consequence of the truth of our position there is no Pope the governing authority in the church is absent as far as we are empirically able to tell so for that reason we are left to deal with anything and everything on our own more or less that's not a disproof of satyam account ism that's 00:11 just what the very position entails in practice disunity or disorder among the city of arcanas goes to show how important the papacy is and how the Pope is indeed as Catholic doctrine says the principle of unity in the church the ultimate teacher and legislator for all Christians take that away and you will have disunity and problems so disunity or this order and sate of account ISM is natural and makes sense because as we maintain there is no Pope but all those novels Ordos conservatives semi traditionalist etc who acknowledge Francis or Benedict as Pope well they have a pope in their minds and they still have chaos and that is the difference and it shows that in their religion the Pope really is not the principle of unity is not the supreme monarch and teacher of all Catholics in their religion the Pope decrees or 00:12 teaches something and then each of the faithful decides on his own what to do with that let me give you an example to illustrate what I mean so the 1983 Novus Ordo code of canon law promulgated by john paul ii in 1983 with a full force of his suppose at apostolic authority legislates that baptize non Catholics ie Orthodox Protestants and so forth can receive Holy Communion extreme unction and absolution and confession under certain circumstances without first converting to Catholicism and not just in danger of death but also for some other unspecified grave necessity that is canon 844 paragraphs 3 and 4 of Novus Ordo canon law so john paul ii legislates this and here is how that is received by the various factions of the oso unified Novus Ordo Church the people 00:13 at Catholic Answers say ok great a new law is on the books will take it and defend it then a bit to the right of counseling answers you'll have people saying hmm oh well this law can possibly mean what you think it means it can't mean that Protestants can receive Catholic sacraments that's not what it means it can't then further to the right of that you'll have people saying look I don't understand this I I agree it looks like it's saying that Catholic non-catholics can receive the sacraments but look perhaps it's not right but what we really need to do here is pray for the Pope okay let's just pray for the Pope then to the right of that group you have people like Christopher Ferrara the remnant columnist he would say something like off this is clearly evil 00:14 and we have to reject it but it's not really a law because of reasons x y&z and then to the right of that you have people like the late John denarii and Society of st. Pius the tenth saying nope this law is evil will resist it end of story so that's typically how centrist and right-of-center people in the North sort of sect would respond to an evil law that has been legislated by as opposed true Pope now what about those left-of-center you might wonder well that's easy those to the left of Catholic answers would say Catholic sacraments for Protestants we've been doing that since the 60s finally the Pope's coming around and even further left than that you'll find people saying you guys need to stop with all that magic sacrament stuff what counts is the spiritual experience and 00:15 all of these people ladies and gentlemen are part of the same Vatican to church you can find all of these in the same church and why is that well at the end of the day all of these people have one thing in common they all accept the false popes since 1958 as valid this is what accepting manifest non Catholics as Pope's does to you the church's unity of faith and government has been completely destroyed and there's only a semblance of unity assemblance that comes from everyone in all of these groups saying that Francis or whoever is Pope but not necessarily acting like it well with all this chaos it's not surprising that the folks at the semi traditionalist newspaper the remnant sponsor an annual so-called Catholic identity conference 00:16 and that is held this year from October 27th through the 29th in Weirton West Virginia if you look at the schedule for that conference this year you see that the speakers include the Cossack bishop Etha nation I der currently the darling of the semi traditionalists then there are also of course Michael Matt the of the remnant as well as Christopher Ferrara John Rao Elizabeth you're at Penton and a number of in Dalt and SSPX priests I can tell you right now that this identity crisis self-help conference no matter how well intended is not going to accomplish anything and that is for three reasons first because their ultimate standard for determining the Catholic identity is not traditional Roman Catholic doctrine but only bits and pieces of that doctrine as determined by their refusal to countenance state of account ISM they simply do not use Catholic principles 00:17 secondly because they do not allow the position they take to be determined by the evidence rather they are selective about what evidence they will and won't accept so as not to allow for the undesirable conclusion of state of account ISM and third because they're trying to appeal to too broad of an audience as to be able to come to a certain clear and truly Catholic conclusion the remnant is always going to be wishy washy in its position in its principles etc because they're trying to reach an audience that is too diverse they're trying to appeal to the big tent conservative novels or toes indulge traditionalists SSP Xers and at this point probably also those who believe Benedict the sixteenth is the Pope so that the end result is that they will always be tempted to promote a lowest-common-denominator position now on September 8th the remnant released a three-minute promo video clip for their 00:18 identity crisis conference and I'd like to say a few things about that first the title it's called Catholics rising a major event coming soon see there we go already with a lack of principal they say there are Catholics rising and if you look at the video it's clear that they're rising against Francis and basically the whole Vatican to religion so what does that mean for Francis and his underlings are they not Catholics then and if not then why are the remnant people why are they part of that church anyway I can't play the clip for you because all of the text is just displayed on the screen so there's there's no audio okay just music so I'm going to have to go through this by reading some of the text so a few seconds into the clip a quote of Saint Jerome appears that says quote I suppose 00:19 the gates of hell to be the doctrines of heretics by which men are ensnared and drawn into hell unquote now we'll get back to that in a moment let me continue describing the video first then a bit later the following words appear on the screen what is happening to the Catholic Church it's becoming a new religion and then a little later still many Catholics have had enough they want their church back their school's back their nun's back their religious life back their priests back their mass their rosary there are large families their buildings their reputation for chastity and service their faith their Catholic identity and then it announces the conference well ladies and gentlemen let's think about all this for a minute so the video clip announces that the Catholic identity has been lost or 00:20 stolen and needs to be recovered right they want their church their faith their priests nuns Mass rosary and Catholic identity back they want it all back because they don't currently have it or at least the Vatican the heart of the church the headquarters doesn't have it anymore I mean that is the problem that they're describing right well with that in mind let's go back to the first slide of the clip where Saint Jerome is quoted as saying that the gates of hell are the doctrines of heretics so if the remnant agrees that the gates of hell are the doctrines of heretics and if the gates of Hell cannot prevail against the Holy See according to the promise given by Christ to Saint Peter in Matthew 16:18 then what follows given that the Vatican has lost the Catholic identity the faith the mass the priesthood and so forth the only possible conclusion is that Francis 00:21 and as five predecessors are not valid Pope's the Sea of Saint Peter is vacant I mean they can't have it both ways on the one hand say that Rome has lost the Catholic identity so much so that it's a new religion and yet also maintain at the same time that the gates of Hell have not prevailed now I'm sure that there are some people listening right now we're thinking oh wait a minute Christ said that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church not that they wouldn't prevail against the Pope or the Holy See but those who make such an objection have really never read Catholic teaching on the papacy or even the gospel attentively for example here's an excerpt from the apostolic letter in terra pox of Pope Saint Leo the ninth quote the Holy Church built upon a rock that is Christ and upon Peter or caphis the son of John who was first called Simon because by the gates of hell that 00:22 is by the dispar tations of heretics which lead the vein to destruction it would never be overcome this truth itself promises through whom are true whatsoever things are true the gates of Hell will not prevail against it the same son declares that he obtained the effect of this promise from the father by prayers by saying to Peter Simon behold Satan hath desire to have you that he may sift you as wheat but I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not and thou being once converted confirm thy brethren therefore will there be anyone so foolish as to dare to regard his prayer as in any way vain who's being willing is being able by the seat of the chief of the Apostles namely by the Roman Church through the Saint Peter as well as through his successors have not the comments of all the heretics been disapproved rejected and overcome and the hearts of the Brethren 00:23 and the faith of Peter which so far neither has failed nor up to the end will fail been strengthened unquote that was Pope st. Leo the ninth you can read this for yourself in den zinger 351 likewise the first Vatican Council declared quote so this gift of truth and a never-failing faith was divinely conferred upon Peter and his successors in this chair that they might administer their high duty for the salvation of all that the entire flock of Christ turned away by them from the poisonous food of error might be nourished on the sustenance of heavenly doctrine that with the occasion of sysm removed the whole church might be saved as one and relying on her foundation might stay firm against the gates of hell unquote that's Vatican 1 dogmatic Constitution 00:24 posture at Turner's den zinger 1837 see this is exactly what I meant when I said earlier that for the semi traditionalists like the people at the remnant their ultimate standard for determining the Catholic identity is not traditional Roman Catholic doctrine but only bits and pieces of that doctrine as determined by the refusal to countenance sate of account ISM the quotes you just heard from Pope Leo the 9th and Vatican one do the semi transit no they don't and that's exactly why we call them semi traditionalists oh they're traditional all right but only until that traditional Catholic doctrine conflicts with their position and it does very much conflict with our position when it comes to doctrine regarding the papacy the Magisterium and the church and this is why this Catholic identity conference is doomed from the start sure people will hear nice talks and 00:25 enjoy some good food and great company meat people have masses some valid some not so valid but at the end of the day it will do nothing but perpetuate the problem of the Vatican to church because all these people refuse to acknowledge the simple truth that people who are manifest non Catholics cannot be valid Catholic authorities and you cannot be a Catholic against the Pope and I know people always like to bring up the argument that well well you don't have the authority to say that Francis is an Pope you can't say that because you don't have the authority well the problem with that objection is that it assumes as true something that is false it assumes that it requires authority to be able to know and point out that Francis cannot be the Pope of the Catholic Church but that isn't true it simply does not require authority to draw a necessary conclusion from true premises and that's all we're doing and 00:26 look at what happens if you don't do that then you either have to say that Francis is a Catholic which is clearly not in line with the empirical evidence or you have to deny all sorts of teaching on the papacy like the Semite rats do okay but neither of these is an option so the conclusion that Francis isn't Pope is necessary and because it is necessary it is entirely certain and so unlike what many people mistakenly think to say that Francis is not the Pope isn't to say that the gates of Hell have prevailed it is the only way in fact to say that the gates of Hell have not prevailed because if a man like that can be the Pope of the Catholic Church well then what is the point of the papacy what makes the papacy special then what would it mean for the gates of hell to 00:27 prevail against the church in the shownotes - this track cast 19 we're going to link a powerful article that we published in late 2015 entitled have the gates of Hell prevailed the papacy and SATA vikas ISM in that article we argue this matter at length explaining from the church's own sources what the gates of Hell are and in what sense Christ has guaranteed that they will not prevail against his church now some people have taken the very odd stance that right now we cannot say that Francis isn't the Pope but we will be able to say that once he refuses the formal correction that Cardinal Raymond Burke has threatened him with for example this was argued just recently on the blog Romo Lakota Escom in the post Benedict is still not Pope published on September 14th the author writes quote if Francis 00:28 is an anti Pope or a pope who has fallen into formal heresy this will be revealed in the formal correction process related to the Dubya this would happen at the end of two or three warnings should Francis fail or refuse to one profess the faith and practice of the Apostolic See and to reject those opinions and interpretations which have contradicted it even if they had once been his own unquote now this is a very popular idea these days but it makes no sense whatsoever and it is not compatible with Catholic teaching on the papacy let me explain we already know that Francis is not a Catholic that he is a pertinacious public heretic we have over four years of hardcore evidence and if you don't believe it check out our topical page on Francis linked in the show notes 00:29 it's got the whole laundry list second because we already know of his being a non Catholic there is nothing essential that his reaction to the Dubya or some formal correction could establish that we don't already know and third if you take the position that Francis is the Pope right now then there is nothing and no one no authority on earth that could take that pontificate away from him if you want to argue that some of his underlings can propose a correction to him such that if he refuses it he forfeits the papacy then you are saying that these men these Cardinals or whatever that they are superior to the Pope because only a superior could make a correction binding on francis conscience but of course the Pope has no superior so really this whole Dubya or formal correction business is a gigantic waste of time 00:30 but it sure keeps people distracted doesn't it keeps them busy now if you want to argue as we said if a con is do that you don't need a legal judgment to know that he's not the Pope then we agree with that but then we don't need a formal correction for that either because it is already plenty evident that the man is not a Catholic all right let's change gears for a little bit and look at some recent headlines and supply some hopefully insightful commentary for example on September 16th we read the following big headline on Canon two 12.com scholar Claudio Piron Toni Catholics now utterly distrust the papacy official persecution of faith within the church has begun and this headline linked to an article at 1 Peter 5 which we're going to link 00:31 in the show notes and there you have it accepting Francis as Pope has consequences it leads to a distrust of the papacy not just Francis of course but any of the false Vatican 2 Pope's so you have to decide you either believe that Francis is Pope or you believe in the papacy it's one or the other then another reason headline is from LifeSite news.com posted on September 15th theologian predicts how Pope Francis's teaching could be used to allow contraception now this really struck me as odd because if there's one teaching that virtually no one in the Vatican to church adheres to it's the prohibition against contraception I mean even couples who would never think of divorce and remarriage are nevertheless contracepting like there's no tomorrow 00:32 heaven forbid you should have more than two children I mean you can't have that and then of course you know there's also that for those few that actually do adhere to Humanae Vitae oftentimes they you know practice a quote-unquote natural kind of contraception the whole NFP thing but we won't get into that now so anyway I find this concern about friends as possibly scheming to overturn the official Novus Ordo prohibition against contraception rather silly with amoris Laetitia Francis has already given away the store a mores Letizia basically teaches that when God said thou shalt not commit adultery he really meant hmm it would be ideal if you didn't commit adultery but your particular case might be different yeah check it out paragraph 303 of amoris Laetitia and in fact if you're interested in that whole topic 00:33 listen to our track cast episode 13 that was our amorous leticia Super Show and it was close to two and a half hours and for that show we even released an official transcript so you can read the show as well as listen to it and you'll find it all at track cast dot-org but back to the headlines on September 20th I came across this headline from Vatican insider the Pope do not listen to the voice of those who spread hate and divisions which I thought was a rather hateful and divisive statement but anyway also on September 20th I saw the following tweet from Vatican journalist Edward Penton Cardinal Serra unauthorized liturgical practices strike discordant notes in church and produce a noise which disturbs souls well to which I must respond well it's not just the 00:34 unauthorized ones though it's the authorized ones as well because the new Mass is itself the liturgical abuse all of this it is critical to understand what the real problem is you need to get the diagnosis right before you can think about what the solution is unfortunately many people and many of them well-intentioned that's that's not the issue many people fail right there at the first step they do not correctly identify the nature of the problem and so of course any remedies they try to apply are bound to fail and the problem gets worse and worse and worse and that's why if you look at what has happened since Vatican 2 everything has progressively gotten worse now some might say no it didn't things actually got better under benedict xvi but that's not true you see what benedict did was he distracted you with some nice 00:35 external 's especially his some more on pontifical to keep you in the game and while you were in a delirium over what the remnant was telling you was the great restoration of tradition benedict humiliated christ in the synagogue in cologne held another interfaith prayer meeting at RCZ peters obeisance to the jews at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem perpetuated the World Youth Day frenzy and appointed Cardinals like Reinhardt Marx Donald Wuerl francesco coco Palmieri o Reiner welke and Louis Hegel so at best Benedict was a speed bump on the way to hell on the lighter side a headline that appeared on September 6 at Hollywood Reporter dot-com Jonathan Pryce to play Pope Francis in Netflix movie now I thought that was odd because they could have just used Jorge bergoglio I mean he's already playing Pope Francis in the real world 00:36 oh yeah Anthony Hopkins is going to play benedict xvi that's the cannibal from The Silence of the Lambs all right it's time for us to take a break here but before we do I want to remind you of why you're not Novus Ordo anymore here is reason number 6042 [Music] tragg cast are you interested in truly Catholic radio programming one that addresses not only the current crisis in the church and world but also discusses literature art doctrine spirituality and current events then tune in to member 00:37 supported restoration radio at WWDC our Asian radio network org restoration radio the network for the thinking Catholic [Music] if you're looking for EWTN this ain't it trap cast [Music] 00:38 all right we're back now with our second segment you are listening to trap cast episode number 19 the traditional Roman Catholic podcast where we are not more Catholic than the Pope just more Catholic than the anti Pope thanks for keeping me company [Music] you know a lot of Knowles or doe Cardinals seem to have an awful lot of time on their hands and one of those especially now is the heretical Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Miller until July 1st the head of the Congregation for the destruction of the faith earlier this year Ignatius press published a book length interview with him under the title the Cardinal Miller report an 00:39 exclusive interview on the state of the church this is basically modeled after the book that came out over 30 years ago in 1985 called the Ratzinger report in which the then Cardinal Ratzinger talked at length about the state of the novus ordo sect and that was a very popular book back then now I'd like to quote you a few things from that book the Ratzinger report to demonstrate that so much of the stuff we hear in the normal sort of conservative camp these days was already said back then 30 years ago and really nothing has changed so if you fell for it then please do not fall for it again when you hear it from various conservative prelate s-- this time around for example chapter 2 of the Ratzinger report is entitled a council to be rediscovered on page 29 we read about how it is not Vatican 2 in its documents 00:40 that are problematic but the quote manifold interpretations which have led to many abuses in the post conciliar period unquote let's see what I mean back in 1985 a mere 20 years after Vatican 2 ended they were already talking about how the council had to be rediscovered well apparently it had somehow gotten lost in those 20 years and now was time to reconnect with the real Council then Ratzinger says it is also our fault if we have at times provided a pretext to view Vatican 2 as a break and an abandonment of the tradition there is instead a continuity that allows neither a return to the past nor a flight forward neither an Akron mystic longings nor unjustified impatience unquote sound familiar folks this is the hermeneutic of reform 00:41 in continuity stuff that benedict xvi has been preaching he said it already as far back as 1985 and it is now once again being sold to us as the great solution to the vatican ii problem well then where is it where is this continuity don't just talk about continuity demonstrate it do it live it but they can't because it's just words these are words that are meant to do nothing other than keep you hanging on hanging on to their false church in the hope that somehow one day someone will show that it really is not a new religion but the same religion as before no break just continuity and that's why we're hearing the same stuff from back then still today thirty years after the Ratzinger report and fifty years after vatican ii don't let them get away with 00:42 it again they fooled us 30 years ago they can't fool us anymore and by the way for those who think that benedict xvi brought some restoration of tradition here's what Ratzinger said about restoration and the Ratzinger report page 37 quote if by restoration is meant a turning back no restoration of such kind as possible there is no going back nor is it possible to go back unquote and then he talks about how restoration is really the search for a new balance after certain exaggerations and yada yada yada oh and then my personal favorite is what Ratzinger says about the Sacred Liturgy remember this is from 1985 he says on page 125 quote it seems that certain abuses associated with the post conciliar years are lessening it seems to me that a reconciliation is in process and some people are becoming 00:43 where that they went too far and too fast unquote yeah so that's what he was saying 30 years ago and how is it looking in the novus ordo folks how's it looking today since 1985 have the so-called liturgical abuses become more widespread or not I say so-called liturgical abuses because you know that if the Vatican authorities really believed that they are abuse they would have long done everything in their power to stop them but this is just words every so often you find some novel sort of big-shot talking tough against the novels or the liturgical chaos but as you can see they've done that for decades and nothing ever changes it only gets worse on the whole so as regards the Miller report that came out earlier this year I haven't read it though I've looked through it enough to see that I really don't care to read it and my 00:44 advice is just do not fall again for some tough-talking bogus Cardinal acting as though we all just hang in long enough it'll all be well again and we just need more prayer a correct understanding of Vatican 2 and more reverence in the liturgy folks they've been telling us the same thing for over 30 years and it's been a lie from the very beginning fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me all right before we get into our last main topic I'd like to draw your attention to one thing that rarely gets any coverage and that is the rational proof for the existence of God a lot of people do not realize that the existence of God can be proved from reason alone and that is not only a fact it is also a dogma of the faith in other words if you do not believe that God's existence can 00:45 be proved from reason alone then you are not a Catholic the first Vatican Council defined this as a dogma quote if any one shall have said that the one true God our Creator and our cannot be known with certitude by those things which have been made by the natural light of human reason let him be anathema unquote and that's from the dogmatic Constitution Dave Phileas which you can read in den zinger 1806 and the reason I want to bring this up is because this is one of the dogmas that are most frequently denied by Novus Ordo modernists in the Vatican for example arch Bishop Garrigan Svein the prefect of Francis's household and also the private secretary to Benedict the sixteenth has recently denied the start ma explicitly in December of last year he said in an interview quote there is neither proof than God exists nor is 00:46 there proof that God does not exist faith does not operate based on proof faith lives by witnesses and witnessing unquote and we covered this in a blog post at length which will happily link in the show notes so you can read about all of that this is an important issue because the virtue of faith is defined as the firm adherence of the intellect aided by grace to what God has revealed because he has revealed it he who can neither lie nor be mistaken if the existence of God could not be proved from reason then faith would not be a virtue but idiotic and how can you firmly adhere to something revealed by someone you don't even have any evidence exists divine revelation could not exist without there being a god I mean duh but 00:47 against wine and the other novel sort of modernists deny this thus basing belief in God on a subjective experience you know that encounter thing and in this way they undermine all objectivity of the faith and of doctrine well it's no accident that in 1855 the Vatican issued a decree in which it stated quote reason can prove with certitude the existence of God the spirituality of the soul the freedom of man faith is posterior to Revelation meaning it comes after it and hence it cannot be conveniently alleged to prove the existence of God to an atheist or to prove the spirituality and the freedom of the rational soul against a follower of naturalism and fatalism unquote and that's from den zinger 1650 so the possibility of proving God's existence from reason is crucial and when Pope st. 00:48 Pius the tenth put together the oath against modernism he made this one of the very first things to which assent must be given quote first of all I profess that God the origin and end of all things can be known with certainty by the natural light of Reason from the created world that is from the visible works of creation as a cause from its effects and that therefore his existence can also be demonstrated unquote that's the oath against modernism the Motu Proprio sacrum untii ste tomb it will have that linked for you as well and in 1923 Hopis as xi wrote in his encyclical studium Duchin quote the arguments adduced by st. thomas aquinas to prove the existence of God and that God alone is subsisting being itself are still today as they were in the Middle Ages the most cogent of all arguments and clearly confirmed that dogma of the 00:49 church which was solemnly proclaimed at the Vatican Council and succinctly expressed by Pius the tenth unquote that's from paragraph 16 of that encyclical so having said all this I'd like to direct your attention to a new book recently published by Edward feasor who's a philosopher now he's a Novus Ordo but he's pretty reliable as a philosopher because he's a toe mist and he has done very good work against atheism his latest book is called 5 proofs of the existence of God and was published by Ignatius press and we're linking that in the show notes the book description summarizes the work as follows quote this book provides a detailed updated exposition and defense of five of the historically most important but in recent years largely neglected philosophical proofs of God's existence the Aristotelian the 00:50 Neoplatonic the Augustinian the toh mystic and the rationalist it also offers a thorough treatment of each of the key divine attributes unity simplicity eternity omnipotence omniscience perfect goodness and so forth showing that they must be possessed by the God whose existence is demonstrated by the proofs finally it answers at length all of the objections that have been leveled against these proofs this work provides as ambitious and complete a defense of traditional natural theology as is currently in print its aim is to vindicate the view of the greatest philosophers of the past thinkers like Aristotle platanus Agustin Aquinas lightness and many others that the existence of God can be established with certainty by way of purely rational arguments it thereby serves as a refutation both of atheism and of the fede ism that gives aid and comfort to atheism unquote so if you're into 00:51 philosophy or if you're just interested in understanding how to prove the existence of God from reason alone and refute atheism this is a book you may want to look into because it explains all that and it addresses the most recent challenges to theism okay now let's move on to the last big topic here for today and that is the article Francis expands the fake Magisterium by Christopher Ferreira at the remnant published on September 6th in that piece Ferrara blasts Francis for the infernal claptrap that is found in his new interview book by Dominic Walton entitled Pope Francis politics in society which was released in French on September 6th and is going to be translated and probably show up in stores here but for Christmas now as usual Ferrara is right on the mark with his criticism of 00:52 the bergoglio errors utterly exhausted by the sheer apostasy and idiocy of this man he concludes as follows quote first of all obviously we must keep the faith in spite of bergoglio's relentless attacks upon it unquote and please let me interject you for a second mr. Ferrara keeping the faith is great but the problem for your position is that the faith includes Catholic teaching on the papacy and this is a minor detail that is always conveniently forgotten if you want to keep the faith you must keep what the faith says about the papacy and submission to the Pope all right now Ferrara continues quote secondly we must never for a moment acquiesce by our silence in the man's false teaching but rather according to our station expose 00:53 it and condemn it at every turn as soldiers of Christ and members of the church militant lest anyone especially among our family and friends be lulled into accepting bergoglio's errors unquote and that ladies and gentlemen is semi traditionalist absurdity at its finest submission to the Pope according to mr. Ferrara apparently does not include sharing the same religion as the Pope and far from being the guarantor of the faith the Pope for the semi trance is its greatest enemy imposes the greatest threats against it now we have a saint and doctor of the church who addressed this very idea of acknowledging someone as Pope while resisting his errors and that is Saint Robert Bellarmine a theologian of the 16th and 17th centuries whom Ferrara himself likes to quote whenever he finds 00:54 it useful to his position let's have a look at what st. Robert Bellarmine said about this issue and again Saint Robert bellman st. and Doctor of the Church quote the Pope is the teacher and Shepherd of the whole church thus the whole church is so bound to hear and follow him that if he would air the whole church would air now our adversaries respond and notice he says adversaries our adversaries respond that the church ought to hear him so long as he teaches correctly for God must be heard more than men on the other hand who will judge whether the Pope has taught rightly or not for it is not for the Sheep to judge whether the Shepherd wanders off not even and especially in those matters which are truly doubtful nor do Christian sheep have any greater 00:55 judge or teacher to whom they might have recourse as we showed above from the whole church one can appeal to the Pope yet from him no one is able to appeal therefore necessarily the whole church will err if the pontiff would err unquote Saint Robert Bellarmine from his book on the Roman pontiff de Romano pontiff each a book for Chapter three folks the idea that the Pope can have his own religion that isn't the Catholic religion and yet he is still the Pope is ludicrous he completely destroys everything that church teaches about the papacy as the sole guarantor of the true faith the rock which cannot crumble you know in a recent interview bishop Athanasius Schneider pointed out that the Pope is not the owner of Catholic truth and you know that's very true but 00:56 he is its guarantor okay let me quote nighter for a second quote first of all we should bear in mind that the Pope is the first servant in the church he is the first who has to obey in an exemplary manner all the truths of the unchanging and constant Magisterium because he is only an administrator and an owner of the Catholic truths which he has received from all his predecessors the Pope must never himself behave towards the constantly transmitted truths and the discipline by referring to them as if he were an absolute monarch saying I am the church analogously to the french king louis xiv lathis in wha i am the state unquote actually that is exactly what the Pope is the Pope is the church more than anyone else could be said to be the church because the Pope enjoys the plenitude of the apostolic 00:57 authority given by Christ all authority in the church ultimately flows from the Pope even if all our books all our den zingers and dogmatic manuals and Sacred Scripture and conciliar documents and all of that if all of that vanished the church would not be without the true doctrine because she carries it within herself and if there is one person who could just lay be said to contain all of that in him it is the Pope and that is why Pope Pius the ninth said I am tradition well in case you're not familiar with that anecdote he said that during the first Vatican Council - Cardinal Filippo Gd who had said that bishops are witnesses of tradition let me quote from Dom Cuthbert butlers the Vatican Council published in 1962 by the 00:58 Newman press page 355 quote witnesses of tradition said Pius there's only one that's me unquote and sometimes this is rendered a bit differently that he said throughout its yone that I leads yo and they saw me yo tradition I am tradition now some you know cast doubt on whether he actually said that but it makes perfect sense because it is true if you read the Catholic teaching on the papacy that is what follows the Pope is tradition so speak the source given for this anecdote is the private Journal of Bishop Felix Dupin loop de pon Lu who attended the council anyway sorry I got off on a tangent here let's return now to Chris Ferrara's piece against France's fake 00:59 Magisterium quote he must be confronted day in and day out by the Orthodox Catholics he so clearly despises and seeks to ostracize with his cheap demagoguery even to the point of effectively assisting the secular state he absurdly deems healthy and it's ever-widening witch-hunt for hate speech and hate groups thirdly we ought to consider the real possibility that with this pope we have entered into uncharted territory in the history of the papacy the chair of Peter is occupied by a man who appears to have been violently elected to the papacy is universally recognized as a successor of Peter and yet de facto is a kind of anti Pope in terms of his words and deeds worse not even the literal anti-popes of the past have uttered the falsehoods and inanity x' that flow from bergoglio like a river from its source unquote ah a 01:00 kind of anti Pope in terms of his words and deeds yeah just not in terms of his person huh I guess it's just words and deeds floating around there Ferreira is wanting to have it both ways he wants to insinuate that Francis is an anti Pope but not actually say it and he needs plausible deniability - you know I didn't say he was an anti Pope some time ago Ferreira called him an anti-catholic Pope and an undertaker Pope and now he's moved on to de facto anti Pope in his words and deeds look just say he's an anti Pope already okay for goodness sakes Ferreira continues quote the astounding spectacle should fill us with dread over the threat it poses to the church to our children to countless other souls into the world at large it should impel us to pray for the church's deliverance from this pontificate but also to pray for Francis 01:01 himself despite the legitimate outrage he provokes and the emotional response to his annex that rises in the flesh it should not however be an occasion for a gleeful gloating in the manner of the state of our contest commentators who delight in what they view as the ultimate confirmation of their theses that we have had no legitimate Pope since Pius the 12th unquote Ferrera just cannot bear the thought that may be said ever Kaunas have been right all along and as far as gloating goes if you look at the content that the remnant has put out about Francis in the last few years isn't that full of gloating I mean if you want to call it that isn't it full of them you know happily telling others that their position has been vindicated visa vie the position of the Neo Catholics like Tim staples and Karl Keating and 01:02 Jimmy akin Jeffrey Myra's and these people now I've pointed out in a track cast before that when the Semite rats are ready to convert the state of account ISM there will not be a gloat fest all Novus Ordo watch about it we will simply welcome them and offer thanks to God more Souls have escaped the snares of Francis but I think that what's happening here is that mr. Ferrara simply dreads the thought that say Davich honest have been right all along and he must pull out all the stops he can to avoid saying so he concludes as follows quote what we are now witnessing is something other than mere sate of account ism what exactly it is only history will tell but it is certainly something that church has never seen before knowing this we should be appropriately forewarned of what would 01:03 appear at this point to be a dramatic heavenly resolution of the absolutely unprecedented bergoglio debacle unquote now this is just rich si Ferreira only knows one thing say tobacconists are wrong sate of akan dismiss false whether it's too much or too little in the right direction he's not sure about he just knows city become ism is false so now he pushes the line that oh well Saint if account ISM can't be it because with all that's been going on mirror said if a conned ISM could never be the right answer we poor said if a Kaunas just can't win here I mean according to Ferreira were wrong even when we're right and now we're wrong because we propose a mere SATA for Conte ISM huh I mean look he's trying to save face is all this is unfortunately he's doing it to the detriment of souls because who 01:04 among Ferrara followers actually believes in the papacy as taught by the Catholic Church in any case what is Ferrara proposing now a hyper sate of accont ISM you know I'm not sure what the point of his argument is here because first of all what what even is a mere state of account ISM at the end of the day no matter how you slice it Francis isn't the Pope and neither are as five predecessors of in felicitous memory now whether you hold the state of privation is position as bishop Donald sand does or whether you believe that Cardinal Seri was elected Pope in 1958 aware that there is currently a true Pope in hiding whatever none of that negates the known fact that Francis is not the Pope and that the Vatican 2 sect is not the Catholic Church I really don't care if you want to call it a a mere city of ikana ISM or state of ikana ISM on steroids or whatever it's at least the correct 01:05 diagnosis and a first step towards making sense of this mess look this this fake Magisterium and great facade theses that Ferrer likes to push none of that stuff is going to work so everything in the new church is fate except the Pope really I mean somehow he's the real deal it's just that all the rest is fake is a facade so we have what fake Magisterium fake Canon Law fake Saints fake mass fake rosary well maybe it's all fate because there is a fake Pope I mean wouldn't that at least be an answer that squares with reason and also with Catholic doctrine on the papacy let me leave you here with one final quote from pope pius xi encyclical Kosti kenobi from 1930 in which he rebukes those who would sift the Magisterium for what they find 01:06 acceptable and dump the rest which is exactly what the semi traditionalists do with the Novus Ordo Magisterium quote wherefore let the faithful also be on their guard against the overrated independence of private judgment and that Falls autonomy of human reason for it is quite foreign to everyone bearing the name of a Christian to trust his own mental powers with such pride as to agree only with those things which he can examine from their inner nature and to imagine that the church sent by God to teach and guide all nations is not conversant with present affairs and circumstances or even that they must obey only in those matters which he has decreed by solemn definition as though her other decisions might be presumed to be fall who are putting forward insufficient motive for truth and honesty quite to the contrary a characteristic of all true followers of Christ lettered or 01:07 unlettered is to suffer themselves to be guided and led in all things that touch upon faith or morals by the Holy Church of God through its supreme pastor the Roman pontiff who is himself guided by Jesus Christ our Lord unquote ladies and gentlemen there can be a false Pope illicitly sitting in the chair of Peter someone claiming to be Pope who isn't that is possible Catholic teaching does not rule that out but there cannot be a true Pope who doesn't even adhere to the Catholic religion there cannot be a true Pope and yet a fake Magisterium and with this we'll call it a day thank you very much for listening so patiently and please spread the word and maybe you can even help us out with our expenses a little but making a tax-deductible contribution at 01:08 Novus Ordo watch.org slash donate until next time may God bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]