00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the Novus Ordo watch drag cast you can't make the stuff up [Music] 00:01 and it is time again for trap cast the traditional Roman Catholic podcast like no other ignore it at your own risk [Applause] [Music] this is episode number 20 the last one in 2017 [Music] thank you for tuning in as the years progress especially with France's at the helm of the newest Ordo sect the news that's coming out of the Vatican is getting increasingly absurd I can't find suitable adjectives anymore to describe 00:02 what we're witnessing the twilight zone is reality TV compared to what is going on in the modernist dens in Rome if you've been keeping an eye on our website Novus Ordo watch.org and especially if you review the news digests we put out about once or twice a month or we give you a roundup of the latest craziest stuff coming from the modernist Church then you'll know exactly what I mean just take for example the abominable travesty of a nativity scene that was set up in st. Peter's Square I mean you could not allow your children to see it in our post on the topic we called it the Frankie Horror Picture Show and for good reason now I don't want to get into all the details you can just read about them in our post if you're if you're not aware yet of what this is all about it's sorted stuff okay let's just say that as was reported by LifeSite news on December 20th there is an LGBT connection and it really shows all right 00:03 so we'll put a link to that into our original post and the show notes to this episode which you can always find at track cast dot-org just look for episode number 20 now in terms of Novus Ordo and specifically Vatican News 2017 was probably the most grotesque horrific and absurd year yet at least in recent memory let's do a quick review of the biggest stories of the year in January we heard the Vatican proclaim that Martin Luther was a witness to the gospel something that Pope Leo the 10th obviously missed back in the 16th century then we had the amusing admission of the Vatican's chief human esteem and rest as Cardinal Kurt Hoff that among the different partners volved in the ongoing ecumenical dialogue they cannot even agree on why they're even talking that's right forget agreements on theology they can't 00:04 even so much as agree on the point of humanism hang on I think that deserves a special effect just a second yeah very good in February an Anglican even saw in liturgy was celebrated at Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican yep and then there was the story of Francis fearless Lee standing up for tradition well okay so it was pagan tradition but come on okay in March the news broke that the Vatican was allegedly working in secret on an ecumenical Rite of mass which I don't know if it's true or not but I think it's kind of beside the point since they already have their IQ manacle heretical liturgy with a new mass of Palo six so I don't see why they would need another one then in April Francis committed one of the most heinous acts of blasphemy so 00:05 far when he claimed in a week-day homily that our Lord Jesus Christ quote made himself the devil unquote when he died on the cross for us by the way all of these stories that I'm referencing here they're all linked in the show notes to this episode so that you can look them all up now at your leisure and get the details and verify that what I'm saying is true also in April Francis sent a video message to the so called TED Conference and Vancouver in which he called for a revolution of tenderness yeah and in the same month Francis appointed Hellboy as a consult to the Vatican's department of communications and in case you don't know who Hellboy is it's the individual the world knows as a father James Martin SJ which clearly stands for Society of Judas then the month of May saw the Francis show at Fatima 00:06 where he scared everyone with that monster runs and that monstrance that looked like a ventilator or an airplane turbine it was hideous okay in june francis proclaimed the heresy that god cannot be God without man and the superior general of the Jesuits father Arturo Sosa heretic Lee claimed that the devil is just a symbol for evil and it was our post on this very story that Archbishop Garrick against vine who is the prefect of the anti papal household and the private secretary to Benedict the 16th was asked about in an interview by journalist Paul bada in the same month francis joined the campaign for in a religious friendship that was launched by the so called elijah interfaith Institute he appeared as one of the stars there 00:07 together with a bunch of you know heretic ol pseudo bishops and Muftis and rabbis and whatnot in july francis threw a monkey wrench into the neverending negotiations with the Society of st. Pius the tenth by suddenly requiring their full acceptance of Vatican 2 and the legitimacy not just the validity but the legitimacy of the mass of Paul six the new mass and France has posted also in July a new complaining sign on his apartment door in the Casa Santa Marta with all the maturity of a thirteen year old and no offense here two thirteen year olds by the way okay when you were thirteen you're allowed to do that okay not when you're 80 also in July the Italian philosopher marchello Parra who is an atheist slammed Francis for not being concerned about the salvation of souls whoa I mean you know it's bad when atheists are complaining that you're not 00:08 concerned about salvation okay in August Francis invoked his supposed Magisterial authority to declare quote we can affirm with certainty and with Magisterial authority that the liturgical reform is irreversible unquote and here he's talking of course about the modernist happy meal service of Paul the sixth in August Francis also revealed that in the late nineteen seventies he had spent six months in therapy with a Jewish psychoanalyst and that kind of explains a lot doesn't it then September in September an English translation was made available for the first time of the controversial book penned in 1995 by Victor Emmanuel Fernandez whom France is appointed Archbishop shortly after his election in 2013 Fernandez is France's ghost writer and one of his main theological advisers the book in 00:09 question written by Fernandez is called heal me with your mouth the art of kissing and we'll just leave it at that oh of course September also saw the release of the filial correction of Francis for the propagation of heresies all that it has predictably gone nowhere but I'm sure it was fun for a few while it lasted in the month of October Francis had the Cathedral of Bologna Italy cleared of its pews so he could have lunch there together with a bunch of prisoners poor people and refugees two of the prisoners by the way used the opportunity to escape well maybe they misunderstood the meaning of free lunch but anyway on October 31st the Vatican released a postage stamp honoring Martin Luther remember that witness to the gospel right honoring Martin Luther for the 500th anniversary of the Protestant 00:10 revolution the stamps showed Luther and his disciple Philip Melanchthon at the foot of the cross of Calvary in November just last month Frances outlawed the sale of cigarettes throughout the entire point one seven square miles of Vatican City the reason given was that quote the Holy See cannot contribute to an activity that clearly damages the health of people unquote okay but then not all tobacco products were outlawed only the sale of cigarettes Vatican press secretary Greg Burke noted quote the sale of large cigars though will continue since the smoke is not inhaled unquote okay you can't make the stuff up okay alright no more cigarettes in Vatican City on the other hand heresy is still permitted and France is the same month once again claimed that Judas Iscariot might not be 00:11 in hell directly contradicting the words of Jesus Christ that the son of perdition is lost see st. John's Gospel chapter 17 verse 12 and wrapping up our little absurd Vatican / Novus Ordo news year in review we come to the month of December when Francis blasphemously declared that the Muslim ro hinge a tribe and Bangladesh was quote the presence of God today unquote because they were driven out of Myanmar by the Buddhists and when visiting Myanmar Francis had given the country's president a life of Buddha as a gift well why would you give him a life of Christ for example right when you can give him the life of Buddha come on and of course it was also in December that the Vatican published the latest edition of The Octopus Dali chase sadie's the 00:12 act of the Apostolic See in which Francis declared that the permissibility of unrepentant adulterers to receive the Novus Ordo sacraments of penance and communion in certain cases is authentic Magisterial teaching and that ladies and gentlemen are the highlights or I should say the lowlights really of 2017 brought to you by the free Masonic Novus Ordo sect that currently occupies the Catholic structures in Rome who knows what 2018 is going to bring but I'm gonna make a prediction here right now that will just be more of the same okay more heresy more blasphemy more absurdity more of france's apostolic journeys across the globe and more hand-wringing from the recognize and resist traditionalists who will once again do and say anything at all to keep from concluding that Jorge bergoglio isn't actually the Pope of the Catholic Church you know this thing is really reaching such proportions now that you would have 00:13 to be the world's biggest doofus not to see what's going on here and honestly I think that's God's providential design our Lord is making it so painfully obvious that the Vatican two sect is not the Catholic Church and its head is not a true Pope that no one who cares about the truth and dispassionately investigates the matter can fail to come to the right conclusion here before long I mean what more has to happen for people to figure this out or could it be that some people just don't want to reach the only reasonable conclusion here is really frightening to see how many people are so willing to distort and even throw overboard the Catholic teaching on the papacy rather than to say that one particular man's claim to the papacy is false it's really scary to see that because what are you starting to mess around with doctrine you're in mortal sin and if the doctrine in 00:14 question is a Dogma well then you're in heresy and yet so many people act as though Catholic teaching on the church and on the papacy non the Magisterium or just their personal toys that they can play around with so that they can still maintain that Francis is the Vicar of Christ it just doesn't mean anything these people are playing with fire look no one is saying that you have to have all the answers okay heaven knows we don't have all the answers here but just because we can have all the answers doesn't mean that we can't have some and it's better to have some very inconvenient answers that we can know to be true than to have a boatload of answers that make you feel good but that are false or at least not known with sufficient certitude you know when I look at how many people are still fighting said of ikana ISM tooth and nail though there were not enough evidence yet I'm always reminded of that gospel passage for our Lord tells the story of 00:15 the rich man and Lazarus it's st. Luke chapter 16 finding himself in hell after having lived a godless life of luxury the rich man begs for Lazarus to be sent from the dead to his brothers so that they would do penance convert and ultimately be saved and not end up in hell like him but he is told that no they should just hear Moses and the prophets that should be enough they shouldn't need someone to come back from the dead to appear to them to amend their lives and he says no no they will convert if they're visited by someone from the dead to warn them and what does Abraham say in response let me quote it to you it's from Luke 16:31 quote and he said to him if they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they believe if one rise again from the dead 00:16 unquote now what is my point my point is that it's not right to keep asking for more and more proof beyond that which has long been given which is more than sufficient very often that's just an excuse and excuse not to have to admit the evidence and draw the consequences that follow from it for whatever reason a few years ago Geoffrey Knight gave a very informative and helpful talk on that called culpable ignorance and the great apostasy which we've linked for you in the show notes you know one of the arguments that has offered sometimes and in my experience especially as of late again state of account ISM is that well we simply deserve Francis as Pope we get the Pope's and the bishops we deserve and so that's why we have Francis on his gang now and of course this automatically this argument automatically stifles all theological discussion of the issue it's deceptive because it doesn't deal with what is obviously a theological issue on theological grounds rather it appeals to 00:17 your sense of humility because surely no one would say that we deserve better right I mean aren't we all terrible sinners could anyone really say that we don't deserve bergoglio could anyone be so proud as to maintain that so this is sometimes used as a knock out argument that shuts up all critics and totally avoids all theology so how do we respond to it though well we respond to it by pointing out that the argument assumes falsely that God gives us what we deserve he does not if God gave us what we deserve well we would all be in hell or at least headed there and the Messiah would have never come to deliver and redeem us no God does not give us what we deserve he gives us what is conducive to our salvation that is the error in the 00:18 argument and what is conducive to our salvation the papacy for example the Pope as the guarantor of sound doctrine and church unity and in the novus ordo sect they have neither no sound doctrine and no unity so it's not a question of what we deserve it's a question of what God has promised us despite our sinfulness and what these promises permit and exclude as a possibility now one of the things God has promised is a pope who would always always be the rock to which a Catholic can cling and be sure that he will not be led astray into any heresy any sysm and the impiety or any pernicious error God did not promise that there would always be a Pope at all times he only promised that when there is a pope he cannot fail in his mission and 00:19 if bergoglio hasn't failed well then failing has no meaning so that is how we answer the objection that God gives us the Pope we deserve no he doesn't God will never give us stones when what we need is bread by the way did you hear that Francis might canonize as a Saint Paul the sixth next year in 2018 yeah the man who gave the world the Vatican two documents the new mass the ugly churches and really almost all of the post conciliar changes yeah it looks like he's soon going to be the next ridiculous Novus Ordo st. Pope because as you know since 1958 all popes have been Saints John the 23rd and John Paul the second already are Paul the sixth is already blessed and of course John Paul the first has just been declared venerable so you can see what's going on here since Vatican 2 that just has been so much papal holiness I mean we haven't seen anything like it since the first 00:20 few centuries we're just so blessed with this whole new springtime of Vatican 2 aren't we it's amazing oh yeah here let me share with you a little anecdote I happened to come across the other day while I was doing some research it shows the holiness of st. John the 23rd in action quote both Pius the 12th and John the 23rd had made serious attempts to reduce the length of religious ceremonies in st. Peter's but tiring hours officiating in long liturgies under the weight of richly embroidered vestments were still a burden on the Pope's physical stamina Pope John made it a point not to go through such occasions on an empty stomach halfway through the opening ceremony of the Second Vatican Council he had a reviving cup of espresso and a sandwich while sitting on his throne in the Basilica concealed behind a wall of Cardinals and prelate unquote that was from the book Pope première president by 00:21 roland Flamini published in 1980 so can you believe that the oh so holy john xxiii was sitting on the usurped papal chair during the council in st. peter's basilica enjoying a meal behind a wall of cardinals because he couldn't wait till the session was over and apparently didn't want to excuse himself I mean what do you say to that fatso all right well we got off topic a little bit here but let's get back to the future' canonization of blessed Paul the sixth Joe Bonni Batista Montini by the way did you know that when Paul the sex was lying in state and the Vatican his skin started to turn dark and ventilators were installed to dispel the intolerable stench that was emanating from his corpse yeah that was in August of 1978 and they had to inject more formaldehyde into his body so they could get him 00:22 transported from Castel Gandolfo where he had died to the Vatican when that was reported by Time magazine on August 21st 1978 you can find that quoted on our Paul the sixth topical page which will include in the links for you yeah so looks like formaldehyde Paul is now up for canonization after medical doctors and Vatican theologians recognized a miracle that was supposedly worked through his intercession the miracle being that a baby who could have been miscarried wasn't miscarried but was born healthy yeah like that never happens clearly evidence of a miracle there now let's not forget though that it was Benedict the sixteenth not Francis it was Benedict the sixteenth who first put Paul the sixth on the road to Novus Ordo sainthood by proclaiming that Montini had lived a life of heroic virtue yeah 00:23 could have fooled me that was in 2012 but you know this is how the modernist sect works not only can anti-catholic monsters and destroyers of Christendom like Paul the sixth be real Pope's in the new church they can even be declared Saints and the suppose it traditionalists in the Novus Ordo Church well they may complain but ultimately they don't care and I'll just keep doing what they've been doing and that is recognize and resist latest case in point Christopher Ferrara the president of the American Catholic Lawyers Association contributor to the Fatima Center and Star columnist at the remnant in his post of December 23rd at Fatima perspectives calm Wales the ridiculous farce is the potential Paul the sixth canonization and lays out the options he thinks he has in rejecting it when it happens he lists the following two 00:24 options a canonizations aren't infallible so therefore even the devil like Montini could be declared a saint or B they are infallible but they really only guarantee that the individual in question made it to heaven not that his life is worthy of imitation and above and beyond that he considers a third way out quote but what if the Pope acts on the basis of a miracle that is not really a miracle what if the process of canonization is compromised by ideological or other motives that prompt the promoters of the cause to stretch the evidence to fit a preconceived decision to canonize no matter what I have no answers to these questions but surely they are valid and demand further theological study unquote well actually instead of asking for further theological study to allow you to kick the can down the road mr. Ferrara you could just look it up in the church's pre-vatican to theology manuals 00:25 you know and when we do that here's what we find the following is from Father Joachim a Salah varies date ecclesia on the Church of Christ which is part of the famous sacra taillow GA Summa the eighth volume dogmatic theology collection of the Spanish Jesuits that was just recently released in English translation quote the end of the infallible Magisterium demands infallibility concerning these decrees this is in reference to the decrees of the solemn canonization of saints for the end of the infallible match terraeum demands those things that are necessary in order to direct the faithful without error to salvation through the correct worship and imitation of the examples of Christian virtues but for such a purpose infallibility concerning decrees on the canonization of saints is necessary therefore the end of the infallible 00:26 Magisterium demands in ability concerning decrees of the solemn canonization of saints and then a little further down the church claims for herself infallibility concerning the solemn decrees of the canonization of saints for the church in a practical manner claims for herself infallibility concerning the decrees which she defines with a solemn judgment but the church with a solemn judgment defines the decrees of the canonization of saints unquote and that was from numbers 724 and 725 of on the Church of Christ by father Joachim salivary from the mid-1950s there's a lot more of course it flushes out and you know proves the the various assertions but obviously I can't quote it all here but certainly we're happy to link the book to where 00:27 you can get your own copy so you can read and verify this for yourself so yeah we can just look the stuff up you know and the fact that some of these things aren't taught definitively that is infallibly isn't relevant because we have to adhere to it anyway under pain of mortal sin Pope Benedict the 14th said the following concerning the denial of the infallibility of the canonization of saints quote if it is not heretical the denial still it is temir area springing scandal to the whole church smacking of heresy affirming an erroneous proposition we will say this about anyone who dares to assert that the pontiff erred in this or that canonization that this or that Saint canonized by him is not to be honored with the worship of Dhulia unquote and that quote is found once again in father 00:28 Salah various book on the Church of Christ paragraph number 726 but as Ferrara asks what about canonizations that are based on a miracle that isn't really a miracle or if the motive for the canonization is bad or whatever then what well frankly the answer is then nothing it doesn't matter the infallibility of a canonization does not derive from the process used or from the purity of the motive or anything else like that it couldn't possibly because no matter what process you use it's always going to be a fallible human process what's infallible in a canonization is not the process used or the motive for which it's done but the judgment that a certain soul is in heaven and worthy of our imitation and honor that is what's 00:29 infallible and that infallibility is guaranteed by the Catholic Church which was founded by God himself and endowed with this privilege of infallibility and so once again you can see here that the Neo trads the recognize and resist traditionalists do not believe in the Catholic Church and how could they seeing that they identify the monstrous Novus Ordo sect with the Immaculate Bride of Christ back in 2011 after john paul ii was beatified by benedict xvi Ferreira wrote an article for the remnant in which he said that it would be impossible for the church to declare him a saint in a formal canonization well but that's exactly what Francis did in 2014 but then how can we reject the absurd canonization of Paul the 6th or John Paul the 2nd well there is one 00:30 option that doesn't conflict with Catholic teaching in the least and it's also the one option that Ferrara curiously does not mention and that is the consideration that the man who performs the canonization Francis is not a valid Pope that would explain how all of this can happen wouldn't it but of course Ferrara won't go there nope can't do it better to distort and deny all of Catholic teaching than to say that the infernal apostate occupying the Vatican is not the Vicar of Christ and for what it's such a shame you know if all who call themselves traditional Catholics refused to recognize Francis as a legitimate Pope he would have a huge dent in his credibility always keep that in mind at the end of the day Francis doesn't care if people resist 00:31 him as long as they consider him a valid Pope why because that is what gives him all his putative power and authority right I mean if the world didn't think that this man is the Pope he couldn't do what he's doing so it's very important that we shout from the rooftops that he is not the Pope that is his Achilles heel take that away from him and there's nothing left but Jorge the apostate all right I think it's time for a quick break you can take a moment to refill your coffee or tea and then head right back here because we're gonna go full steam ahead with more track cast it's Novus Ordo watch for your ears [Music] 00:32 are you interested in truly Catholic radio programming one that addresses not only the current crisis in the church and world but also discusses literature art doctrine spirituality and current events then tune in to member supported restoration radio at WWDC our Asian radio network org restoration radio the network for the dinking Catholic [Music] 00:33 if you're looking for EWTN this ain't it trap cast [Music] see that was quick wasn't it very quick track cast number 20 continues now and I am ready to make a prediction yes a prediction I'm going to go way out on the limb here and say that when Francis dies the only reason there will be so many people attending his funeral is to make sure that he's really getting buried [Music] now speaking of Francis let's take a look at what the Vatican's chief apostate had to say in as general audience of December 13th of this year the topic was the obligation of going to mass on Sundays and holy days Francis 00:34 said quote we don't go to Mass to give God something but to receive from him what we truly need unquote false false false now of course we receive graces from assisting at mass especially but not only if we receive Holy Communion worthily but to say that we don't go to Mass in order to give God anything is plainly false and quite possibly even heretical every Catholic child who's made his First Holy Communion knows that the Holy Mass and I'm talking about the real Catholic Mass not the noble sword or worship service the real Catholic Mass is offered for four ends to adore God to thank God to make reparation for sin to God and to petition God and with the exception of the last one all of 00:35 these are things we give to God adoration Thanksgiving and reparation now it's good to see Francis admit that in the normal sort of worship service that isn't the case because that's yet another piece of evidence proving that the modernist happy meal isn't the Catholic Mass it's long been clear by the way that the modernist Mass isn't meant to be a propitiatory sacrifice offered to Almighty God instead the impression has always been given from the very beginning that Mass is something primarily for man for the people who attend and that's also why everyone always wants to receive Communion for most people and I don't think I'm exaggerating here for most people going to Mass without receiving Communion doesn't really make any sense because in the novus ordo church Mass is essentially just a meal and why would you attend a meal if you're not going to partake of it right and so that's why even though hardly anyone goes to confession everyone lines 00:36 up for communion now listen to what the Council of Trent decreed in the sixteenth century against the Protestant revolutionaries quote if anyone says that in the mass a true and real sacrifice is not offered to God or that the act of offering is nothing else than Christ being given to us to eat let him be anathema unquote that's Trent session 22 Canon one you can find it in den zinger 948 here it's probably a good idea to answer an objection that is typically raised at this point and that is the argument that God doesn't need our praise Thanksgiving or adoration well of course he doesn't need it but that doesn't mean we do not owe it to him see very often this gets confused just because someone doesn't need something doesn't mean I don't owe it to 00:37 him for example if I borrow $20 from a millionaire that means I owe him $20 I can't say well he doesn't need the $20 so therefore I don't owe it to him no it has nothing to do with that so likewise we have a strict obligation to render to God all our worship and love remember the greatest commandment thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart and with I whole soul and with I whole mind and with I whole strength that's mark 12:30 now that's a commandment an order it's not a nice suggestion or an ideal so we owe this to God and part of how we fulfill this obligation is by offering him and so far as we can the Holy Sacrifice of the mass through the hands of the priest all right changing gears now I'd like to get to an interview that was given by 00:38 louisvil recce Oh a few months ago now I think it was last month actually Baraka runs a blog at a king a Catholic com and in terms of a theological position he is essentially a recognized and resist adherent though he no longer believes that Francis is a valid hope he thinks that Benedict the sixteenth is the Pope and so he would fall into the category of resignation ISM the position that Benedict the sixteenth resignation was invalid and so Francis couldn't validly be elected Pope since Benedict is still raining now that's a completely indefensible position but that's not the issue we're going to discuss now instead I'd like to go through the first quarter hour or so of the interview louisvil rokkyo gave to catholic culture and that's culture spelled k UL CH you are and the audio of that is available on youtube and of course we have that link for you and the 00:39 show notes already so all you need to do is click okay the interview was published on November 17th as episode number one of the Catholic culture podcast called Saturday night trad and then the portion that i want to examine moretti Oh enunciates so many anti-catholic howlers that run afoul of catholic doctrine then i just can't let this go this has to be addressed and refuted because it's such an affront to the Church's teaching in that interview for recchia really exemplifies what is wrong with the recognize and resist position we'll begin at the two minute and 53 second mark here's Louie Vecchio talking about conservative noble sore toes then we can 00:40 trust them explicitly just as a child could trust it it's loving parents and unfortunately that's a mistake what vecchio says here is absolutely crazy and very detrimental to faith and piety the problem isn't that Novus Ordo czar being obedient and chili in their trust of the church the problem is that they mistakenly think that the Novus Ordo sect is the Catholic Church the attitude is not what's wrong here it's the identification of the modernist sect with a church of our Lord Jesus Christ that is why it is so important for people to point out and emphasize that the Holy See is vacant and that that modernist monstrosity although it's occupying the Catholic structures is not the Catholic Church because it cannot possibly be here let's have a quick look at what the nineteenth-century priest father Frederick Faber said in a sermon given in 1861 which has been published in a 00:41 little booklet entitled devotion to the church quote but we may forget and sometimes do forget that it is not only not enough to love the church but that it is not possible to love the church rightly unless we also fear and reverence it our forgetfulness of this arises from our not having laid sufficiently deeply in our minds the conviction of the divine character of the church the very amount of human grandeur which there is round the church causes us to forget occasionally that it is not a human institution hence comes that wrong kind of criticism which is forgetful or regardless of the divine character of the church hence comes our setting up our own minds and our own views as criteria of truth as standards for the church's conduct hence comes sitting in judgment on the government and policy of Pope's hence comes that 00:42 unfilial and unsaved carefulness to separate in all matters of the church and papacy what we consider to be divine from what we claim to be human hence comes the disrespectful fretfulness to distinguish between what we must concede to the church and what we need not concede to the church hence comes that irritable anxiety to see that the supernatural is kept well subordinated to the natural as if we really believed we are just now to strain every nerve lest a too credulous world should be falling a victim to excessive priest and ultra montón ISM only let us once really master the truth that the church is a divine institution and then we shall see that such criticism is not simply a baseness and it is loyalty but an impertinence and a sin unquote now how far louis Verrocchio's position is removed from that and why why because he 00:43 believes the Vatican two popes to be true Pope's with the exception of Francis here's more of Moretti oh now we're at five minutes and 41 seconds previously blind to the fact that the Pope's really can mislead the faithful and they really can't see and do things that are injurious to the faith no they cannot at least not in the exercise of their Magisterium and their official governance of the church and so forth they are divinely prevented from doing something that is in and of itself heretical or injurious to faith or morals as is clear from Catholic teaching on the papacy now I don't mean to elaborate here now but I do want to just you know remind everyone once again of one quote from Pope Pius the ninth quote religion itself can never totter 00:44 and fall while this chair was referring to the chair of st. Peter while this chair remains intact the chair which rests on the rock which the proud gates of Hell cannot overthrow and in which there is the whole and perfect solidity of the Christian religion unquote and that is from his encyclical inter multiple each s number seven back to rokkyo we are now at six minutes and 43 seconds and here he's talking about the Novus Ordo me say the new mass of Paul the sixth and it's offensive to the Lord because is injurious to the people who attend no the new mass is not offensive to God because it is bad for the people it is offensive to God primarily because it is not true Catholic worship it is heretical 00:45 blasphemous and sacrilegious that's why it's offensive to God a little bit later in the interview of Rico himself says that the new mass is a false law of prayer and therefore establishes a false law of belief and that the novel sort of funeral mass the so called mass of Christian burial contains heresy in the text of the missile itself now realizing that it is of course absurd to say that the Catholic Church can give to her children a heretical mass that is offensive to God and leads people out of the church beretti oh goes ahead and draws an absolutely absurd inference here he is at the 12 minute 56 second and so the 00:46 conclusion must be drawn from that realization and it's a difficult thing to look at squarely I must admit but once you look at it you have to realize this mass did not come from Holy Mother Church it came to us through the hands of sinful men Paul the sixth anabolic booney and others it's not Liturgy of the church unbelievable of course the modernist mass did not come from the Catholic Church but from anti Catholics like Paul the sixth and a nibble a Benigni but miraculous Paul the six was a true Pope and Benigni a legitimate Roman Catholic Archbishop that is absurd if Paul the sixth was a true Pope and the new mass came from Paul the six then guess what then the new mass came from the church okay these people like very Kiev they always want a papacy without consequences it's unbelievable know if 00:47 Paul the sixth was the Pope then he Church is the Catholic Church in the worship service he inflicted upon all is the valid and legitimate spotless Roman Catholic Mass that is what follows from holding Paul the six to have been a true Pope you cannot have your cake and eat it too you cannot have Paul the sixth as Pope and yet not have his mess so for Horatio to say that the new Mass did not come from the Catholic Church and yet came from a true Pope is absurdity on stilts its theological Disneyland all right one last clip now we're at the 15-minute six-second mark and their greatest fault is trusting again no their fault is not trusting Pope's their fault is in identifying 00:48 someone as Pope who isn't Pope and to whom therefore the divine assistance given to the papacy does not apply see the Masons and the other enemies of the church were smart they knew that the only way to destroy the Catholic Church was to put in a false Pope Catholics were always going to obey and be led by the Pope so they needed to put in a false Pope an anti Pope but make everybody believe that he was the true Pope since a false Pope would not be protected by papal infallibility nor be assisted in any way by the Holy Ghost a false Pope could do whatever he pleased now of course the Catholic Church can never be destroyed but she can become very small she started off we recall as just a handful of people in the Upper Room on Pentecost Sunday that was the true church right there the Catholic Church can never be overcome by the 00:49 powers of Hell but like her divine Lord she can seem to be overcome for a short while and that's what we're experiencing right now fear not only believe our Lord said in st. Mark's Gospel chapter 5 verse 36 do we then truly believe we walk by faith and not by sight st. Paul says in a second letter to the Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 but what do the recognized and resistors do instead of faithfully clinging to the Church's teachings on the papacy and therefore rejecting the papal imposters in Rome these suppose a traditionalists decide to junk the Catholic teaching instead of junking the papal claimants it is unbelievable see it's entirely possible that a certain man who claims to be Pope isn't Pope but it is not possible and quite 00:50 injurious to the faith to say that the Catholic teaching is false now another example of how wrongheaded this whole recognizing resisting is can be found in an article published on December 7th 2017 and the 1 Peter 5 website the essay is entitled authentic Magisterium and religious submission by one dr. john joy who is the co-founder and president of the st. albert the great center for scholastic studies now joy spends most of his time arguing that the authentic Magisterium is not infallible that is true but big deal so what well joy says if it's not infallible then it means it could contain error yes that is true too but it could never be a serious error an error that has a harmful effect and it could most certainly not contain heresy see some people think that just because 00:51 something isn't guaranteed to be free from error means that it could contain heresy but no that doesn't follow heresy is a very specific kind of error and one that is extremely pernicious because it poisons the soul think about it if the papal Magisterium the authentic or non infallible kind could teach you heresy something that directly contradicts God's very revelation what would that say about the church the church would not only not be the Ark of salvation the church would not be credible even as a human institution and she's a divine institution one founded and commissioned by God himself to teach supernatural truth and be our safe guide to eternal salvation so although a papal teaching that is only taught with the authentic Magisterium and authentic here means authoritative by the way although such a teaching could conceivably contain error it could not contain any 00:52 error that is detrimental to Souls and most certainly not heresy if that were possible the church couldn't possibly demand submission of intellect and will but that's exactly what she does every Catholic must adhere to authentic Magisterial teaching externally under pain of usually mortal sin and almost everyone must adhere to it even internally meaning give it his real assent of the mind the only people who are sometimes permitted not to assent internally are specially qualified theologians who are as familiar if not more familiar with the subject matter as the Vatican's own theologians and have serious reasons to suspect that the teaching is an error but even those few theological experts who are permitted to withhold internalists and are still 00:53 required to give external assent until their objections have been cleared up by the Vatican don't believe it well let's look it up for example we can use Monsignor gerard van Nords dogmatic theology which is available in English vol 3 divine faith there's quite a lot there but let me just quote a little bit from a section to 54 and I'm quoting here from pages 274 and 275 quote the assent given is always founded on the presumption that the authentic Magisterium even though it can air has de facto not aired but this presumption admits of degrees when some decree is laid down the normal condition of the general run of the faithful is as follows either they will not have any arguments of great importance to the contrary or if they do have some strong reasons they will rather easily say to themselves those reasons are not hidden from the Magisterium and still it has not 00:54 refrained from making an app addictive judgment consequently it must have found those arguments superficial and not solidly grounded now people in that condition should unqualifiedly adhere to the Magisterium teaching as at least practically certain that is uniquely probable for in the position described the presumption in favor of the Magisterium sufficiently eliminates purely private arguments still if these arguments are rather serious ones so that in a sense they some would weaken the aforesaid presumption an opinionative assent to the decree as to the more probable position would suffice in fact it can even happen that some expert in the field might have reasons so very serious and solid to the contrary that it would be listed for him to suspend all ascend until infallible Authority makes its intervention meanwhile keeping a reverential silence unquote and here you 00:55 can see that although an expert may be permitted if he has sufficient reason to withhold his internal assent nevertheless he must remain silent externally in other words he must externally still give his assent at least in terms of not contradicting the teaching and so that is the Catholic position on the authentic Magisterium and I really don't understand why websites like 1 Peter 5 and others always publish articles by these academics like Roberto de Matteo or in this case dr. john joy that trying to explain from scratch how to understand the catholic Magisterium when you can simply look it up just grab the church's own dogmatic theology manuals from before vatican 2 and look it up and yeah some of these manuals even answer objections people have brought up from church history like you know the famous cases of popes liberius and Han aureus 00:56 the first john xxii and so forth so we really don't need to reinvent the wheel here we can just look it up and simply go by the pre-vatican to teaching as a matter of fact we have to okay but of course I know that the recognizing resists crowd has a huge incentive to try to modify that pre-vatican to teaching so as to make it fit somehow with the idea that Jorge bergoglio and his five predecessors of unhappy memory are valid popes of the Catholic Church in his own explanation of the kind of submission of intellect and will that is required for the authentic Magisterium dr. john joy says the following quote normally of course it means that the teaching in question should be accepted as true though with the awareness that it could be false in the Scholastic terminology this is the kind of ascent characteristic of opinions rather than 00:57 knowledge when I say I know that something is true my ascend is certain when I say I think that something is true my ascend is given but without certainty and with a recognition of the possibility of error due to the assistance of the Holy Spirit given to the church we can be sure that instances of error in this kind of authentic teaching are rare and yet since they are possible our response must also take that into account so what does the obligation of religious submission mean for Catholics and individual cases of teaching from the authentic Magisterium I think it can be summed up best by saying that we should accept that teaching as true precisely to the extent that it does not conflict with a reformed Obul Catholic doctrine unquote I so after telling us that saying I think rather than I no means we are aware that we could be wrong about what we're going to say joy then says I think we should 00:58 accept the teaching as true insofar as it doesn't contradict in reformable Catholic teaching I thought that was funny you know maybe we should just let the church tell us to what extent and in what way to adhere to her own teaching IRRI formable or not and certainly this idea that each one of the faithful eyes to figure out for himself what constitutes what level of Magisterium and then decide whether it contradicts something prior that is ear afforable isn't going to work and i think joy just showed that because in the end all he can do is give us an opinion on what we should accept or reject and that opinion is certainly no better than the authentic Magisterium itself so if we're going to be traditional Catholics oh maybe we should actually adhere to traditional Catholic doctrine how's that for a New Year's resolution all right 00:59 time now to wrap it up ladies and gentlemen 2017 is over a big thank you to all who supported us in whatever way during this past year please continue to do so in the new year as well without your help this work simply cannot be accomplished happy new year and God bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] 01:00 [Applause] [Music] TRADD cast