00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the Novus Ordo 00:01 watch drag cast you can't make the stuff up [Music] all right finally trap cast has returned and this is episode number 21 the first one of 2018 [Music] [Applause] [Music] trap cast is Novus Ordo watch for your ears where we are not more Catholic than the Pope only more Catholic than the anti Pope as always ladies and gentlemen there is so much to talk about but so little time in which to do it but we do our best here and this show is going to have a pretty good mix of different topics so if you don't particularly care 00:02 for one topic talked about here just hang on and keep listening because we're going to get to a lot of other things as well all right today we'll start by congratulating Michael Voris of church militant the new year wasn't even a full month old yet when he already qualified himself for the hypocrite of the Year award by releasing a vortex episode On January 30th called Catholic media failures with the intriguing subtitle there are consequences to silence here are a few excerpts from that show Catholic media is overall in a woeful state most especially Catholic establishment media meaning those who will not or cannot report everything going on in the church because their bread is buttered by the bishops and their lackeys it's astonishing really 00:03 the claim to be journalists and reporters and sources of information come on not really at least not everything and certainly not the most important things the dreadful miserable horrible job the bishops and the establishment have done at passing on the faith that is the headline for the past 50 years and most Catholic media with rare exception who get paid by the establishment directly or indirectly report on next to none of this and certainly never place the blame where it needs to go because they would have their names stricken from every monument in Egypt like Pharaoh did Moses and sisal be dimille's the Ten Commandments and a little bit later in the same broadcast he says this they should start speaking the full truth of the chaos in the church or stop posing as reliable sources they are every bit as bad as the CNN fake news Empire but 00:04 in some ways they're even worse they deprive you of the necessary knowledge to understand the full context of what is going on in the church even though they themselves know it now if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black Michael Voris king of not reporting what he ought to report specifically the many horrible things said and done by Francis has the hutzpah to denounce other news outlets for not reporting the known truth this is incredible that's exactly what he's been doing or not doing with regard to Francis and he even made it into an official Church militant policy which he can find on their website which will link to in the show notes in that policy that he drew up some years ago after more and more people were getting annoyed that he was always blasting anyone and everyone for being liberals and heretics except Francis in that policy you see things like church militant will not engage in public 00:05 criticism of the pulp period and criticizing the Pope is spiritual pornography and this is just like laughing about Noah's nakedness and other garbage like that he's basically taking a holier-than-thou approach which he will only extend to Francis of course the Pope is different yeah he's got that right when the very same evils and heresies and scandals he denounces when other people commit them are perpetrated by the man acknowledged to be the Pope then they're infinitely worse than if they're just committed by some lower ranking clergyman but no Voris loves spending his time bashing people like Timothy Dolan blaze supe j-- James Martin and all these other modernist pseudo clerics but when it comes the worst of them all the one at the top that is responsible for the whole thing 00:06 and could end it any time he wished their Boris falls silent and suddenly discovers that such criticism is not permissible just where such critical reporting and Theological reputations would matter the most because they would show that the man who claims to be the Pope can't possibly be Pope for one thing because he's obviously not a Roman Catholic there the intrepid hammer of heretics Michael Voris suddenly lays down his arms well it's kind of important to know whether the man who claims to be the Vicar of Christ isn't actually the vicar of the devil instead that's actually a little bit more important than knowing if father James Martin was booed off stage in Tennessee but no for Voris exposing the truth about Francis that's just spiritual porn yeah likely story I'm sorry but the inevitable question that people will be asking themselves especially after hearing 00:07 Voris denounce those other news outlets for worrying about their paychecks too much is well mr. Voris who's paying you now look I don't know who's paying Michael Voris I don't know who his main benefactors are and honestly I don't really care but for someone who's been misleading and keeping in the dark his own audience about Francis for so long he sure has guts to be accusing other media outlets for doing the same thing with regard to people under Francis and doing it basically for the money hey Francis underlings are simply following their masters lead you can blame them yes but then blame him too it makes no sense and is really disingenuous to blast the Novus Ordo Cardinals and bishops and priests for doing the very same things in essence that their boss the suppose at Pope does so Horace wants to play 00:08 good Catholic who will not criticize the Pope well very good mr. Juarez that's very noble of you because indeed we are not permitted to trash a troupe hope to make fun of him or to resist or criticize his Magisterium but we've got news for you mr. Voris it's not permissible to do that with regard to bishops either on December 17th 1888 pope leo xiii wrote an apostolic letter to the archbishop of Tours france in which he addressed the issue of journalists publicly criticizing bishops here's a quote from that letter quote in fact it is always true and manifest to all that they are in the church to grades very distinct by their nature the shepherds and the flock that is to say the rulers and the people it is the function of the first order to teach to govern to guide men through life to 00:09 impose rules the second has the duty to be submissive to the first to obey to carry out orders to render honor and if subordinates usurp the place of superiors this is on their part not only to commit an act of harmful boldness but even to reverse as far as in them lies the orders so wisely established by the Providence of the divine founder of the church if by chance there should be in the ranks of the episcopate a bishop not sufficiently mindful of his dignity and apparently unfaithful to one of his sacred obligations in spite of this he would lose nothing of his power and so long as he remained in communion with the Roman pontiff it would certainly not be permitted to anyone to relax in any detail the respect and obedience which are due his authority on the other hand to scrutinize the actions of a bishop to criticize them does not belong to individual Catholics but concerns only 00:10 those who in the sacred hierarchy have a superior power above all it concerns the supreme pontiff for it is to him that Christ confided the care of feeding not only the lambs but even the sheep at the same time when the faithful have grave cause for complaint they are allowed to put the whole matter before the Roman pontiff provided always that safeguarding prudence and the moderation counseled by concern for the common good they do not give vent to out cries and recommendations which contribute rather to the rise of divisions and ill-feeling or certainly increase them unquote yeah BAM exactly mr. Morris that was from Pope Leo the 13th apostolic letter ESTs on a molestin and we have the entire document linked for you in the show notes and so this is why we've been 00:11 calling the church militant Enterprise Church Disneyland because so much of it is make-believe spin omitted facts and so on they live in a fantasy land but not only by failing to report on certain things but also very much by spinning truth and thereby distorting it as early as March 2013 in fact right after france's election we were already calling Michael Voris out on this on the ridiculous super conservative spin that he was gratuitous ly and against contrary evidence putting on Francis we've got a few links lined up for you in the show notes so you can see for yourself how badly Voris was spinning the facts to make it look as though france is where this reincarnation of st. Pius the tenth basically and that's where these sound clips come from that we use here like this one Pope Francis talks like a pope like the successor to st. Peter or that one there 00:12 goes yet another Pope being all Catholic and all that right and now you know why we started calling his vortex program the ignore Tex and the distort X and this phenomenon of denouncing the Church of nice while neglecting to mention that this Church of nice also has a pope of nice this we called the Voorhis virus and honestly I had no intention of bringing this up again but when I saw in late January that Voris of all people was blasting the other Novus Ordo news organizations for not doing their job I was beside myself because it is so hypocritical he is the last person on earth to talk and you know you'd think that if Voris has chosen this path of selective reporting and spinning that at least he'd shut up about everyone else but no he goes out 00:13 there in front of the cameras and has the audacity to denounce others for that of which he himself is guilty on a much more serious scale I say more serious because no one has more potential to deceive Souls than the man who is believed by the masses to be the Pope of the Catholic Church alright enough of Michael Voris but we might as well turn to Francis now since we've already mentioned him everybody knows and it's not like he's tried to keep it a secret everybody knows that Francis does not care for the traditional Latin Mass and yet he has now out of the blue granted to the fraternity of st. Peter and a few other similar organizations a special permission an IND alt to celebrate the 00:14 holy week liturgy from before 1955 for the next three years now let me repeat that because it's it's easy to miss the impact of this Francis has granted permission to the fraternity of st. Peter to use the traditional Holy Week rites from before Pope Pius the 12th made changes to them that is HUGE for those who are not quite familiar here's a little bit of background the fraternity of st. Peter is the religious community that came out of the Lefevre ISM in 1988 when the Society of st. Pius the tenth formally broke its communion with John Paul the second in response to the unlawful Episcopal consecration zuv Archbishop Marcelo Feb on June 30th 1988 pope john paul ii declared that Lefevre and the other bishops had excommunicated themselves he called them says mattock and offered to those who had hitherto been part of 00:15 the Asus px but didn't agree with these consecrations to found their own new religious congregation known as the fraternity of st. Peter in full communion with the Novus Ordo sect but while retaining basically all of the traditional liturgical rites now what's important to understand here is that both the SSP X and the fraternity of st. Peter the FSSP have only been using the liturgical books of 1962 those books were last modified by John the 23rd so that was after Pope Pius the 12th it's the 1962 missile that they refer to when they talk about the traditional liturgy the traditional Latin Mass now compared to the liturgical rites approved by Pope Pius the 12th the 1962 rites are fairly similar most people in the pew would not be able to tell the 00:16 difference that's not to say that there aren't any problems with the 1962 books but all things considered the changes are not very noticeable compared to the books in use until the death of Pope Pius the 12th so the fraternity of st. Peter had never requested to use any liturgical rites other than those of 1962 at least not to my knowledge had they wanted to use what came before that the most logical thing would have been to ask to be allowed to use the 1955 rites which were modified by Pope Pius the but Frances didn't even grant them that he just granted them the use of the liturgy from before 1955 well for Holy Week only not for the rest of the liturgical year but for Holy Week but still that's significant because pi is the twelfths Holy Week reforms in 1955 were rather far-reaching at least for 00:17 Good Friday and Holy Saturday so the Ephesus P now gets to use the old Holy Week in use from before Pius the 12th reforms that is like heaven on earth for them they must be beside themselves for joy and gratitude Francis is giving them something here that they would have never dared to ask for of course the big question now is why why in the world would Francis of all people make them this huge of a gift a gift they never even dreamed of requesting remember Francis emphasized just this past August 24th that the 1969 Novus Ordo liturgical reform of Paul the sixth is irreversible yes that's the word he used irreversible and now he's granting to the FSSP 00:18 this extremely generous in dolt to celebrate the holy week in use before 1955 so why is he doing that well I don't know the answer but knowing what a sly devil Francis is and knowing how much many people who mean to be faithful traditional Catholics are attached to liturgical externals I very much suspect that Francis has a sinister motive here he's not doing this out of the sheer goodness of his modernist heart in fact if he has to soap up the indle traditionalists to such an extent he's probably got something really really bad and that he needs to keep them quiet about the in dolt is granted for three years only for now so that means that if the FSSP wants to have this extended 00:19 beyond that limited time frame they're gonna have to behave if you know what I mean yeah Francis knows what he's doing he may have no clue about theology but he knows how to get what he wants so I suspect that whatever move Francis may be planning perhaps getting rid of clerical celibacy or allowing women Cardinals or deaconesses or something he's trying to get on the good side of those who could make the most noise come on don't say this could never happen right could never happen I mean he's already basically been dispensing people from observing the sixth commandment as long as they have a really good reason okay so III think his motive here is to keep his traditionalists busy and distracted and very indebted to him for years to come that's my suspicion 00:20 Francis is doing this because he wants to keep them quiet and grateful and busy with their pre Pius the 12th Holy Week while he goes on ransacking whatever is left of Catholicism and souls oh one little detail that I almost forgot despite the generous concession to the FSSP that they can now use the pre Pius the 12th Holy Week of course there is one little exception they're not allowed to use the traditional good friday prayer for the conversion of the Jews can't have that nope they are required to use the version Benedict the sixteenth published in 2008 and the show notes we're going to link our blog post explaining the difference between the traditional Catholic Good Friday prayer for the conversion of the Jews the Novus Ordo prayer for the Jews and the benedict xvi version look for the post called the crucified christ betrayed the Novus Ordo Good Friday prayer for 00:21 the Jews so yeah there always has to be that little grain of incense offered to the Jews and goes to show you who's really in charge at the Vatican okay let's look at some recent headlines and provide just a little bit of sane reality based commentary what have we been seeing in the news in the last few weeks and months let's start with this headline from LifeSite news.com January 26th 2018 Archbishop to Trudeau you're confused if you think you can be pro-abortion and Catholic that is in reference to the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who claims to be a Roman Catholic and is of course a big supporter of killing children in the womb also known as abortion the supposed Catholic Archbishop of Ottawa Terrance Prendergast said that Prime Minister 00:22 Trudeau is confused if he thinks he can be Catholic and support abortion yeah that's it it's a question of confusion no doubt if someone could just clear up this unfortunate confusion for him then he would amend his ways right that's it you know this is one of the biggest reasons why everything is as bad as it is because those in authority or in this case those who claim to be the Catholic authority do not lift a finger to do what is in their putative power to do there is no reason why Trudeau could not have long been excommunicated by arch layman Prendergast and the people who now say stop complaining at least Prendergast is speaking out against that the people who say that have not understood how serious the situation is we should be grateful that at least he's 00:23 saying supportive abortion isn't reconcilable with being a Catholic well guess what it's not even reconcilable with being a decent human being Trudeau advocates the murder of little babies before they're born and all he gets is an occasional slap on the wrist now we're supposed to be grateful that he at least gets that much this kind of minimalism is so very gravely responsible for so much evil in this world as Pope st. Pius the tenth one's very aptly remarked the chief strength of the wicked lies in the cowardice and weakness of good men all the strength of Satan's reign is due to the easygoing weakness of Catholics I haven't seen a reliable source for this and I've seen it attributed to st. Pius v at times but it really doesn't matter 00:24 who said this because it is so true so mr. prenderghast by not even attempting to do what would be in your power if you actually were a legitimate Roman Catholic Archbishop you to share in the guilt of mr. Trudeau sitting there and saying oh he's really confused doesn't do a thing for anyone and you know as well as we all do that confusion isn't the problem here by the way Prendergast's is a Jesuit just saying alright next headline comes from Catholic news agency dated March 13th 2018 botched execution shows death penalty must end Catholic group says I know there are people listening right now who oppose the death penalty well the true Catholic position is that the 00:25 death penalty is morally good and appropriate for capital crimes but to those who are not convinced of that I'm just going to ask you to bear with me for a moment here because what I'm about to say is not so much about the morality of capital punishment as it is about dismantling a stupid argument I am really allergic to bad arguments so anyway the story is that a Novus Ordo anti-death penalty group called Catholic mobilizing Network saying that the botched execution of Doyle Lee ham in Alabama on the February 22nd shows that the death penalty must end and my question is how does a botched execution argue against the death penalty all it does is it argues against watching it I mean you might as well say that a three-car pileup argues against automobiles no it doesn't it's not supposed to happen 00:26 it just argues for defensive driving maybe maybe what happened in Alabama on February 22nd is that an inmate was supposed to be executed using lethal injection and they couldn't find a suitable vein so for two and a half hours they try to find one and ended up puncturing him like 11 times and they stopped when the death warrant was about to expire now let me quote from the Catholic news agency article quote the events surrounding this execution attempt highlight the brokenness of the death penalty set Catholic mobilizing Network which works to end the death penalty the horrific violence that doily Ham experienced should serve as a poignant reminder of the need to end the death penalty once and for all unquote what horrific violence did he suffer that he got punctured 11 times that's the horrific violence and that supposedly shows that the death penalty 00:27 must end if anything it shows that they should have a few execution methods lined up in case one of them doesn't work that's what that shows so really I cannot stand bad logic a botched execution shows the death penalty must end no it just shows they need to do a better job now look I know that the death penalty is an ugly punishment but that's because the crimes that merit it are ugly crimes if you want to reduce the number of executions I have a great idea work to reduce the number of capital crimes that's the way to do that and ultimately the way to reduce crime is to preach the gospel and convert souls to Jesus Christ and His Holy Church so that they will lovingly submit themselves to the sweet yoke of his law by the way I want to apologize for still 00:28 not having followed through on the promise to put up a blog post an in-depth post on the Catholic teaching about capital punishment it will happen I just like to be very thorough as you know producing quality rather than quantity and that's why that still hasn't happened yet a post on that is way past due especially since Francis has gone on record now condemning the death penalty as intrinsically evil speaking of Francis let's look at another recent headline from the Catholic Herald published March 15th Pope Francis if you are in a state of mortal sin you cannot receive Communion when I read that headline my first thought was well good thing adultery is not a mortal sin anymore I mean this is how absurd the whole thing is now on the one hand Francis can sound really tough 00:29 and conservative about how we're not allowed to approach Holy Communion if we're in the state of mortal sin but then at the same time and with the other side of his modernist mouth he teaches that those who are in a state of public adultery might not be in mortal sin if they can convince themselves that they have a really good reason to be committing adultery the two-facedness of the whole thing is staggering but let's go ahead and read a little from the article in the Catholic Herald because it gets better quote any Catholic who has committed a mortal sin cannot receive Holy Communion unless they have been to confession the Pope has said continuing a series of talks on the mass during his general audience on March 14th Pope Francis reminded Catholics of the need to obtain absolution for grave sins before receiving the Eucharist in remarks to Polish pilgrims after his catechesis on the our Father the Pope 00:30 said we know that one who has committed a serious sin should not approach Holy Communion without having first obtained absolution in the sacrament of reconciliation unquote did you get that he said that only in his remarks to the Polish pilgrims he said at an Italian and the Vatican website then translates it later but the point being that that wasn't even part of his actual catechesis that's just something he included and his little shout-out to the poles at the end of the general audience look the whole thing is so ridiculous at this point that it is its own best parody and on that note we'll take a much-needed break don't go anywhere 00:31 we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] we hope you are enjoying the sample of the motet Felix na is from the album sacred choral music by Nicholas Wilton sung by the acclaimed English choir Magnificat if you appreciate such a sacred choral music please support the traditional Catholic composer Nicholas Wilton by buying a copy of a CD or purchasing downloads of individual tracks from for Marks music comm that is fo you are ma RK s mu si si calm or his website Catholic music co uk there is more information and also a new CD of 00:32 his piano music available on those websites [Music] 00:33 if you're looking for EWTN this ain't it trap cast [Music] you are listening to track cast number 21 [Music] the second segment now trap cast is the traditional Catholic podcast that gives you the truth about Francis otherwise we'd be Michael Voris [Music] alright there's lots more to cover so let's get right to it I'd like to talk about the Society of st. Pius the tenth for a moment the SSPX you may remember that in April of 2017 the Vatican announced that Francis was 00:34 granting Novus Ordo bishops permission to among other things allow Novus Ordo priests to officiate SSPX weddings and then have the SSPX priests offer the nuptial mass just look at the show notes for the link to a blog post on that whole issue well in any case now that it's been almost a year the first such weddings have been celebrated and there's a particular case in Canada that's making the rounds in the blogosphere because it really shows the insanity of it all what happened is that an sspx couple got married in a normal sort of church with the novus ordo priest witnessing and receiving the exchange of consent right in front of the Novus Ordo table while the sspx priest stood nearby and watched and then after the vows were exchanged the SSPX priests proceeded to offer the nuptial mass on the high altar which was located 00:35 right behind the Novus Ordo table so it was a bit shall we say an odd sight yeah and you're going to see a lot more of that I'm sure so a debate has broken out now among SSPX adherents who are fighting over whether that is a good thing or a bad thing and the side that opposes this Novus Ordo ization is saying that by having an oval sort of priest officiate the wedding the SSPX can now no longer claim that there is a state of emergency in the church and yet that state of emergency or state of necessity argument is precisely the basis on which they've always hung the legitimacy of their entire apostolate so this is kind of a big deal right I mean they've always said that although normally you are not allowed to consecrate bishops without the papal mandate and you can't hear confessions and officiate weddings and so forth without the proper off of the local ordinary in their case it's 00:36 all different because you know there's the state of necessity since Vatican 2 that allows them to do all these things even in direct defiance of the Vicar of Christ himself that's been their rather convenient argument and who proclaimed the state of necessity by the way well they themselves did of course in particular it was their founder Archbishop Marcel LaFave and so this discussion about whether or not the sspx is now in effect giving up their claim as to their being a state of necessity although very interesting is actually beside the point well they should be fretting about is not whether the SSPX still does or doesn't claim the state of necessity but where the sspx think it got the right to essentially suspend all of catholic teaching on the Magisterium the papacy in the church simply because they decide it's the right thing to do 00:37 in the first place come on every heretic every sabbatic every apostate has a reason for his heresy his sysm and his apostasy right but that's not how it works in the Catholic Church and Pope Pius the 9th made that very clear in his magnificent 1873 encyclical cuartos supra against the Eastern Orthodox here's what he says quote every sysm fabricates a heresy for itself to justify its withdrawal from the church nor can the Eastern Churches preserve communion and unity of faith with us without being subject to the Apostolic power in matters of discipline teaching of this kind is heretical and not just since the definition of the power and nature of the papal primacy was determined by the ecumenical Vatican Council the Catholic Church has always considered at such an deported thus the bishops at the ecumenical council of chalcedon clearly declared the supreme 00:38 authority of the Apostolic See in their proceedings then they humbly requested from our predecessor Saint Leo confirmation and support for their decree even those which concern discipline unquote we're linking to that encyclical in our show notes and I would highly recommend that anyone who thinks the Society of st. Pius the tenth has a leg to stand on to read that encyclical because it totally demolishes the Lefevre sophisms so much so that it reads like it was written specifically to Bishop Fellay or Archbishop Lefebvre Lee so that's what the sspx er should be reading and should be discussing amongst themselves and not whether the SSPX has given up its claim about there being a state of necessity Catholic teaching knows of no such thing as a state of necessity that people can simply declare and then use it to suspend whatever church teachings they think they need to contradict for the time being until they decide it's once again safe to adhere to the 00:39 Apostolic See that's preposterous you know these are the same people that always fault us say to vikon is for saying that the Vatican two popes aren't true popes how can you say that you don't have the authority to make that call you can't decide that and then they proceeded to decide that even though these men are Pope's nothing they teach legislate or condemn has any force and must even be resisted sometimes under pain of heresy or mortal sin which totally usurps the authority that rightfully belongs to the Holy See and totally contradicts Catholic teaching on the papacy if you want to see how badly the SSPX and all the recognize and resist traditionalists contradict Catholic teaching on the papacy go to our show notes and click on the link entitled Catholic family news and the 100 percent challenge that blog post 00:40 quotes a lot of Magisterial documents on the teaching and legislating authority of the Roman pontiff and those who adhere to the SSPX or similar groups should review that and ask themselves honestly how much of that teaching they actually affirm and not just in theory but also in practice as Pope Pius the 9th wrote and as a teen 77 and cyclical Quay in Patriarca to quote what good is it to proclaim aloud the dogma of the supremacy of st. Peter and his successors what good is it to repeat over and over declarations of faith and the Catholic Church and of obedience to the Apostolic See when actions give the lie to these fine words moreover is not rebellion rendered all the more inexcusable by the fact that obedience is recognized as a duty again does not the authority of the Holy See extend as a sanction to the measures 00:41 which we have been obliged to take or is it enough to be in communion of faith with the sea without adding the submission of obedience a thing which cannot be maintained without damaging the Catholic faith in fact venerable brothers and beloved sons it is a question of recognizing the power of this sea even over your churches not merely in what pertains to faith but also in what concerns discipline he who would deny this is a heretic he who recognizes this and obstinately refuses to obey is worthy of anathema unquote yep that is one of the texts quoted in the 100 percent challenge to Catholic family news that I mentioned just moments ago so you can see it's definitely worth checking out yeah you see the citation pi is the tenth and similar traditionalist groups want a papacy without consequences that's why they're so quick to affirm that Francis is the Pope no matter what and then 00:42 proceeded to ignore him trash him mock him disobey him denounce him and so forth but such a papacy does not exist it is certainly not the Catholic papacy and you cannot maintain the faith of the Catholic Church by contradicting that very faith anymore than you can borrow your way out of debt but what about us they have a conscious then right don't we usurp authority to declare bergoglio and as friends to be false hierarchs non Catholics and not the successors of the Apostles this objection has made all the time and though I've addressed it many times I'd be glad to do it again for those who have not heard our response before or who may have forgotten it in a nutshell it simply does not require authority to point out that what cannot be true is 00:43 not true it is the authority of human reason so to speak enjoyed by all who are in possession of their faculties that assures us of the truth of this claim the question whether Jorge bergoglio is a public Catholic or a public non Catholic cannot be a matter of opinion we know what he professes in public and we know how he acts in public that is all we need to be able to make a judgement not a legal one not a legal judgment but a cognitive one and the objective evidence says or screams rather that the man is not a Roman Catholic any seven-year-old child would not be allowed to make his First Holy Communion if he uttered the things that Francis professes Francis is not a Catholic but a modernist he's a naturalist Acciona Stanek humanist an indifferent hist a communist and he 00:44 embraces a whole lot of other isms that do not begin with Catholic the evidence against Francis is so overwhelming that no one who knows what Catholicism is and what Francis has been saying and doing can deny it there is no room for opinion here no one is allowed to say that a man who professes Francis's heresies and errors is a Catholic we can say this with certitude because we know what Catholicism is and therefore we also know necessarily what is not Catholicism that is what contradicts Catholicism these are two sides of the same coin if we know what a Catholic is then we also know what a heretic is if you know one you know the other now notice that everything that I've just said pertains entirely to the order of fact not to the order of the law no said of economist could issue a legal judgment against Francis because such a 00:45 legal judgment would indeed require special Authority but the legal judgment although desirable is not necessary to be able to know that Francis is an apostate and therefore not Pope it is not necessary because the fact of France's apostasy is manifest if it weren't manifest we wouldn't be talking about it in canonical language Francis departure from the faith is notorious in fact and even in an ecclesiastical trial what as notorious does not need any further proof much less an official judgment here's a quote on that from the Catholic Encyclopedia quote the judge and in general the person in authority holding what is notorious to be certain and proved requires no further information and therefore both may and ought to refrain from any judicial inquiry proof or formalities which would otherwise be necessary for these inquiries and 00:46 formalities having as their object to enlighten the judge are useless when the fact is notorious such is the true meaning of the axiom that in notorious matters the judge need not follow the judicial procedure unquote and that is from the entry notoriety notorious in the Catholic Encyclopedia of 1911 we've got it linked of course in the show notes so does this mean that the state of acontece can demand that others agree with us on the question of whether Francis is a true Pope or not well the answer to that is yes and no we'll need to draw an important distinction here binding someone else's conscience would indeed require ecclesiastical authority and that's something no set of economists has if any set of our counters were to pretend that he has the right of himself to bind somebody else's conscience he would be mistaken and act 00:47 unjustly and the words no city of accountants could say you must be a state of acontece because I say so that would clearly be impermissible but then really nobody is doing that and if anyone is doing that he's wrong at the same time that's not the whole story although we cannot demand that others accept sate of account ISM because we say so nevertheless we can demand that others accept church teaching except the empirically verifiable facts about what Francis says and does and draw the logically necessary conclusion that follows from both said of account ISM is the only conclusion that does not run into conflict with Catholic teaching which means that it's the only conclusion that is possible and therefore it's also necessary it's for this reason that others have the 00:48 obligation to embrace it not because we said if icon is say so as though we had any authority to bind their consciences but because according to Catholic teaching no other conclusion is possible and since we have an obligation to adhere to Catholic teaching with us also have an obligation to embrace set of accont ISM in short the necessity for people to be said of a contest does not arise from city of acontece say-so it arises from the fact that all are obliged by Catholic teaching and the manifest empirical facts to arrive at that conclusion so it has nothing to do with you know hubris or pride arrogance or presumed Authority or anything of the kind it's very much like explaining to someone that if he understands what one means what two means what equal means and what plus means then he must 00:49 conclude necessarily that one plus one equals two or to use another analogy if jack is a bachelor and all bachelors are unmarried then we must conclude necessarily that Jack is unmarried no other conclusion is mitad or possible and we cannot hide behind the cop-out that we don't have the authority to say that jack is unmarried welcome to the binding force of reason you are listening to track cast the one-of-a-kind state of account is podcast that is triumphalist rigid intolerant and everything else that Jorge bergoglio pours all in one this podcast is being provided to the world free of charge in case you hadn't noticed you're welcome it's not free to produce though intent and if you'd like 00:50 to help keep this effort going you can do so by making a donation at the donate link found in the show notes or simply go to Novus Ordo watch.org slash donate and if you're in the United States your donation is even tax-deductible Pope Francis talks like a Pope like the successor to Saint Peter go away sorry about that all right now ladies and gentlemen we've saved the best for last it's time now to discuss the remnants agony over the upcoming canonization of Pope Paul the sixth the man who gave to the world the decrees of the Second Vatican Council the so called new Mass and is really the one man most responsible for the institution of the Novus Ordo sect in all its essential features yep the Vatican announced that in October of this year Paul the six will be declared a saint by Francis who has already pretended to 00:51 give that status to John the 23rd and John Paul the second Paul the sixth is also sometimes referred to by other names his baptismal name for example is giovanni battista Montini and I personally like to call him formaldehyde Paul because when his body was lying in state and the Vatican in August of 1978 he stunk so badly that they had to install fans to dispel the putrid odor excuse me the odor of sank and yeah they had to inject more formaldehyde into his rotting corpse so that people wouldn't pass out from the stench at the funeral anyway if Paul the sixth is a saint then of course the recognize and resist traditionalists like the SSPX or the gentleman at the remnant newspaper have a big problem so on February 10th the remnant editor Michael Matt released a new episode of the remnant underground entitled st. 00:52 Pope Paul the six when pigs fly of course it'll be a cold day in hell before they will ever say Pope Francis when pigs fly but we already discussed that issue now in that video Michael Matt pushes the typical recognize and resist line against novels order canonizations but also tries to reconcile that with the pesky fact that church teaching is that the canonization of saints is infallible so let's have a listen to what mr. Matt argues beginning at the six minute four second mark and then we'll skip around a bit the majority opinion among theologians in the past was that papal infallibility does in fact come into the canonization process right we accept that and so under normal circumstances you wouldn't you know you wouldn't come out and start questioning Saints well I don't know if it passes muster with me right you wouldn't do that no Catholic would do that but that was then when this 00:53 consensus was made by theologians that was then that was before everything in the church kind of went crazy the majority opinion among theologians was based on what it was a base it was based on established criteria such as that the cause for a given canadas ation the cause had to overcome all of the objections of the devil's advocate and this was a tough guy okay now wait a minute there's a few things wrong here Matt makes it seem as though the Catholic teaching on the infallibility of canonization is simply an opinion that one can either share or not share and it just so happens that the majority of theologians hold that view and so that gives it a greater likelihood of being true but that's really not the case as explained by the theologian father Joachim salivary in his on the Church of Christ the infallibility of canonizations is theologically certain it is a dogmatic fact to deny a dogmatic 00:54 fact or a theologically certain conclusion is a mortal sin against faith then Matt claims that the theologians who argued for the infallibility of canonizations did so based essentially on the thorough investigative process with the devil's advocate trying to derail the canonization which the candidate had to withstand and overcome I'm sorry but that's ridiculous no matter how good a process is it's never going to be infallible and neither could it be the cause of an infallible judgment because obviously a fallible cause can never have an infallible effect and so for Michael Matt to make that assertion is rather amazing and unless he can quote evidence in that regard but I suspect that Matt simply made it up he probably just imagined that the theologians in question based it on the investigative process okay 00:55 let's go back to the audio now at eight minutes and three seconds because without the devil's advocate how do we know if the majority of theologians in the past would have still maintained that papal infallibility comes into the canonization process or declaration we don't know that um actually we do and that's because the infallibility of canonization z' isn't based on the presence of the devil's advocate because the testing of a candidate for sainthood by devil's advocate is hardly infallible well it's not to say that it's useless it's just to say that it cannot be a cause of infallibility and now we'll go to eight minutes 27 seconds so now in this case there's no there's no devil's advocate anymore so the Vatican kangaroo court can pretty much do whatever it wants right I mean that's how it seems to me if you eliminate these things they can do whatever they want and here you can see that despite his declarations to the contrary Michael Matt really believes that the Catholic 00:56 Church remember he thinks that the Novus Ordo sect is the Catholic Church he believes that the Catholic Church is just a human institution that is exactly how he's approaching the whole matter here you take away the devil's advocate you're left with a kangaroo court well sir if it's God's holy church then there is no kangaroo court the church is divine whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven Christ set to st. Peter in Matthew 16:19 and by the way our Lord said that in the very context of the gates of hell not prevailing which he mentioned in the verse before that see this is the problem when you try it all cost not to be say devour contest you end up with having to twist and distort everything and by doing that you destroy it all and by the way even with the devil's advocate how do you know that the Cardinal who had that role wasn't corrupt wasn't influenced by political 00:57 considerations wasn't bribed and so forth well you don't know that so in any case it will do no good to hinge infallibility on the devil's advocate I'm picking up now at 8 minutes and 41 seconds let's go back to Michael Matt well then the argument of course is well no because the Pope's words you know the Declaration of Canada's ation those words suffice those are infallible but again maybe that's maybe that's the case but really so what's the point of the process what's the point of the process well mr. Matt the Pope has to know whom to canonize and so of course he uses all the ordinary human means to ascertain that that's how it works in the church and that's how it works for Dogma to the Pope's ex catheter pronouncement is guaranteed to be infallible but to know what to proclaim as Dogma a lot of 00:58 theological research has to be done and just as grace builds on nature so infallibility is the gift that God grants to a human process the fallible human process doesn't cause the infallibility as Matt erroneously thinks any more than nature causes grace no it is God who prevents the Pope and the church from error in both cases infallibility is based on God preserving his church not on some human process then Matt says obviously his infallible statement is based on the process no it's not a process that had to be worked out meticulously to prevent the Pope from making a mistaken declaration of canonization you see no I don't see that's complete nonsense the fallible human process does not cause infallibility now let's skip to nine minutes 44 seconds it doesn't make any sense to me that the Pope would just 00:59 get to trash that whole process of canonization you get rid of two out of three miracles Nick's the devil's advocate and maybe even canonized somebody for purely political reasons and then we have to accept that as infallible well maybe even if it doesn't seem to make sense to me again here you see that Matt believes the Catholic Church to be a merely human institution yet he's always out there claiming that the divine element of the church has not been compromised as only the human element that is in really bad shape of course he never defines just what constitutes the divine and the human elements and I think I know why I mean here you can see that he questions the divine element just as much as the human element because it is obviously the divine element that guarantees infallibility and protects the church from proposing to the faithful public sinners as Saints for their veneration 01:00 and imitation for the remnant the Catholic Church is simply another human organization that is only as reliable as the people in it human weakness corruption and sin can Swart the infallibility of the church according to these suppose a traditional Catholics well with traditional Catholics like that we don't need modernists I'm sorry I know I'm sounding here but this needs to be said aside from personal piety and virtue and good intentions and all that the remnant has been doing so much damage to Catholicism because of its utter refusal to let Catholic doctrine be its guide no matter the consequences why is someone like Michael Matt being looked to by so many traditionalists as some kind of a guiding light and promoter of the true traditional Catholic position beats me now let's forward to the 18 minute mark where Matt is speaking in the context of the upcoming supposed canonization of 01:01 Paul the sixth anyone who believes in fact the Holy Ghost is involved with this obvious political chicanery and opportunism is just drinking the Neo Catholic kool-aid by the VAT full that's exactly right the Holy Ghost obviously has nothing to do with these fake canonizations of the Vatican to church but what makes this a blasphemous affront on Matt's part is the fact that he claims that this church is the Bride of Christ the Roman Catholic Church guided and protected by God and that is what throws a monkey wrench into it all and as far as I can tell the only reason it's done is because they want to avoid the conclusion of SATA mechanism for whatever reason I don't even care what the reason is because honestly no reason is good enough you know I have no problem whatsoever with someone looking at all the facts and then trying to figure this thing out even if he makes a 01:02 mistake if he comes to a wrong conclusion in the end we're all just human beings here and of course that outcome ISM does have its share of difficulties its share of less than ideal answers or sometimes no clear answers but at least not contradictions so if Matt were simply trying to figure this out would that be totally cool but you can tell he's not because although he's considering different possibilities about infallibility and the processes and this and that there's one thing he has already determined from the outset before any investigation he not accept the idea that the man who performs all these absurd canonizations isn't actually the Pope now that would explain at all wouldn't it and it would totally leave intact the Church's position on the infallibility of canonizations it would not contradict Catholic teaching in any way and yet that is the one position that the 01:03 remnant absolutely refuses to consider even so much as a possibility and matt says in the beginning of the video that he doesn't have all the answers right but then as always excludes a priori the one position that can perfectly explain why Francis can do these things now some people say oh but what about the motive of a canonization they're clearly trying to canonize Vatican 2 and icons of the modernist Revolution and these political motives render the canonization suspect when otherwise they'd be infallible that's the objection well the answer to that is simply show me where in any theology book before vatican ii the motive for a canned eyes a ssin had anything to do with its validity I've seen no such thing and it really wouldn't make any sense I mean either someone is a saint worthy of our veneration and imitation or he's not the reason why he's canonized but really has 01:04 nothing to do with that in fact you know one of the motives of Pope Pius the 12th in canonizing Pope Pius the tenth in 1954 was to help stem the resurgent modernism in his time that was obviously a good motive but the modernists didn't think so so do we now have to know the motive for each canonization before we accept it and how do we evaluate that who gets to say if a motive is good enough likewise about the process who gets to decide when the process is good enough no you can see here that all of these considerations treat the Catholic Church as a merely human institution that is only as reliable as her members are holy now I know that since the release of that remnant underground video on February 10th the remnant has put out an article by Christopher Ferrara called 01:05 the canonization crisis and I was originally going to dissect that right here on the show but it turns out it's a bit too complex for that and so we'll instead have a response to it on our blog at Novus Ordo watch.org / wire so you can look forward to that alright ladies and gentlemen it's been quite a show thank you for sticking around for so long and please remember to tell your friends family members neighbors clergy everyone tell them all about trap cast and for those of you who think this effort is worth supporting you know to find that donate link in the show notes I hope you enjoyed this show and God 01:06 willing we'll see you next time god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] trad cast