00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the Novus Ordo watch 00:01 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one of the most difficult things in life is to keep up with all the garbage that constantly emanates from the Vatican to sect but that's what we're here for we keep track of it all so you don't have to thank you for tuning in this is the 22nd episode of track cast the state of economist podcast that even non c'è data comments listen to even if they don't have the guts to admit it alright let's start with a few quick and light things to kind of get everybody into good mood here and we can leave the deeper heavier stuff for later once you're warmed up a bit on April 20th the normal sort of 00:02 news website crux published a story with the hilarious headline humanity 2.0 Vatican hosts experts to discuss tenderness really you just wonder what journalists are thinking when they put up stuff like that this particular article was written by Cindy wooden and the opening paragraph reads like this quote close to 100 finance seers philanthropists artists tech experts physicians politicians and religious leaders spent more than an hour in a Vatican meeting room talking about tenderness unquote and you you really have to see it to believe it we've got it linked in the show notes for you track cast dot org simply look for track cast 22 and you'll you can click on that link and then you'll find all the notes 00:03 for the show so for those who want to read the rest of the article hey go for it just don't say you weren't warned okay another headline that caught my eye recently was put out by the National non Catholic Register and this is what it says author Pope Francis is a mystic trying to solve the left-right dichotomy in the church oh man I could have fooled me you know seriously the more desperate these people become the more absurd the claims they make but I think there could be a strategy behind it see sometimes the best way to sell a ridiculous proposition is to make it so ridiculous so over-the-top that it becomes credible again because I guess everyone instinctively thinks that it is so harebrained that everyone would 00:04 immediately reject it so therefore it must be plausible I think that's the the unconscious thought process behind it and if I'm not mistaken that's a favorite tactic of Communists the author in question here by the way is Massimo Borghese and he makes his claim about the mystic Francis who quote conceives his mission as initiating processes that the Spirit will bring to a solution unquote oh no doubt they'll come to a solution alright but I don't think it's gonna be a pretty one Borghese book about Francis by the way is called Jorge Mario bergoglio an intellectual biography now honestly to dignify the claptrap that incessantly spews forth from the bergoglio mouth as intellectual is an insult to the human intellect this man promotes a toxic mix 00:05 of sappy greeting-card spirituality Jewish existentialism free masonic naturalism Talmudic psychology and the touch of catholicism on top just enough to make the masses think his doctrine has something to do with the Catholic Church but hey we're also willing to give credit where credit is due and just the other day Francis said something that was actually correct yeah he said something that we must agree with it doesn't happen too often but every now and then he just can't help himself and blurts out something that is the absolute truth on June 22nd after visiting the accumulative churches in Geneva Switzerland he gave his usual in-flight entertainment press conference and he said this quote there can be no akyuu 00:06 Minh ISM with proselytism we need to choose either you are of an ecumenical spirit or you are a proselyte correct that is exactly right you can either practice converting people to Catholicism or you can practice acumen ISM but both is impossible to do because the two are mutually exclusive what do you know Francis is just like a broken clock he's right on the rare occasion and then only by accident next can you believe it it's already been over three years since the arrival of laudato si that's the incredibly edifying encyclical Francis wrote about protecting the environment yeah and so of course the Vatican is commemorating this significant anniversary with a special international 00:07 conference taking place on July 5th and 6th entitled saving of the common home and the future of life on Earth by contrast back in 2007 when it was the 100th anniversary of the big anti-modernist and cyclical posh nd Domenici courageous of Pope st. Pius the tenth the Vatican under Benedict the sixteenth commemorated that with absolutely nothing well priorities you know save the earth or save souls okay the next two stories we can lump together under the rubric false principles have consequences a controversy has erupted in the Society of st. Pius the tenth United States District regarding the question of 00:08 whether Ascension Day is a holy day of obligation meaning Mass attendance binds under pain of mortal sin you see the difficulty for the lefeve rights is this they recognize the country's bogus Ordo bishops as legitimate Catholic Bishops who possess ecclesiastical jurisdiction and these bogus or doe bishops have decided that Ascension Day is not a holy day of obligation except in the states of New Jersey Pennsylvania Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusetts Vermont New Hampshire Maine and Nebraska so the question is what's the SPX going to do the traditional thing to do is to observe Ascension Day as a holy day of obligation and I don't recall the sspx in former times really caring about what the modernist Novus Ordo bishops had to say about it but then if they are the legitimate Catholic Bishops then they 00:09 certainly have every right to determine what days are holy days of obligation and what days aren't so the SSPX is in a bit of a difficult spot here because they have to do a balancing act between recognizing the supposed áfourá T of the Novus Ordo bishops on the one hand but also not compromising tradition on the other and this is now causing the wildermann among their people as can be seen in a discussion forum thread on the topic that we're linking in the show notes and this is one of the problems you end up with if you're trying to be Catholic in a non Catholic Church it's what you get when you acknowledge non Catholics as legitimate Catholic authorities of course the general idea is well we'll submit to the Novus Ordo hierarchy in all things except when they legislate something that's harmful okay but the problem then obviously 00:10 becomes that you need to have some kind of objective way to determine what is and isn't harmful contrary to the determination of the supposedly legitimate ecclesiastical authority and that's where you run into absurdity see God promised that the church would never universally teach or legislate evil and not that the church would do so but then the splinter group of your choosing would infallibly remain steadfast and oppose all the evil from the church okay that's just crazy so who decides what is harmful is removing Ascension Day as a holy day of obligation harmful well that's already where people disagree but hey maybe not ascension Thursday but then what about the Immaculate Conception or Christmas how far can it go until it becomes harmful or what about the so called Luminous Mysteries that john paul ii 00:11 added to the Holy Rosary in 2002 may who in the sspx praise those and yet if you think about it they're not harmful or sinful to pray I mean they're all biblical events the Luminous Mysteries are Christ's baptism in the Jordan the wedding at Cana the proclamation of the kingdom of God the Transfiguration and the institution of the Holy Eucharist as anyone in the Society of st. Pius the tenth really going to argue that those are sinful or harmful mysteries to meditate on course not and yet why have they not included them in their rosaries see once you reject submission to lawful ecclesiastical authority it's over now of course I'm not saying that anyone should submit to the Novus Ordo hierarchy no I'm saying that if you seek to hold fast to traditional Catholicism 00:12 then the only way you can refuse submission to the Novus Ordo hierarchy as you must is if you hold that they are not the legitimate Catholic hierarchy anything else does violence to Catholic teaching the very teaching that traditional Catholics are bound to Oh hold and what is so difficult about recognizing that the Novus Ordo hierarchy is not Catholic and they didn't just abolish ascension Thursday they've abolished the whole Catholic religion for goodness sake you know a participant in the comm box of our blog made a great point the other day this was in a thread about the 30th anniversary of the Episcopal consecration zuv Archbishop Marcela 5:39 teen 88 a few days before that the prefect of the Congregation for bishops Cardinal Bernard Ganton had sent 00:13 Archbishop Lefebvre Notty of excommunication if he went ahead with the unauthorized consecration of Bishops LaFave and his defenders of course ignored it essentially claiming that this was invalid and that the penalty would not in fact be incurred and yet are these not the very same people who argued today that before Francis could be considered a public heretic he would have to show himself pertinacious by ignoring or refusing a canonical warning issued by the cardinals isn't it funny how that works if Francis gets a canonical warning from his underlings mind you if he gets a canonical warning and ignores it he's toast he's to be condemned he's lost his office and that's proof positive right there and yet when a canonical warning is issued against the Society of Saint Pius the tenth from the very authority that they recognize as legitimate then it can be ignored and 00:14 resisted with impunity oh this is just rich it goes to show that at the end of the day the Society of st. Pius the tenth only adheres to one principle and that is the sspx is the final authority it is judged by no one and nobody can appeal from its judgment and now for our second story under the category of false principles have consequences the parishioners of the traditional Latin Mass parish of st. John Kenya sand Chicago are outraged because even though their pastor the Reverend Frank Phillips who had been temporarily removed due to allegations of misconduct has been found innocent of all charges he will not be returning to the parish and as faculties for priestly ministry will remain withdrawn how is that possible easy 00:15 his boss calls the shots and his boss is Cardinal blaze sue pitch the ultra modernist dirtbag sue pitch is an arch enemy of anything that remotely resembles Catholicism especially the traditional Latin Mass so it's not surprising that he would do whatever he can to hurt this indole parish and I wouldn't be surprised if he closes it all together at some point or does something to make the parish insufferable for everyone and this shows the absurd predicament that the whole in dolt movement the movement to have the traditional Latin Mass but under the auspices of the Novus Ordo hierarchy is really in like the SSPX they too are trying to be Catholic in a non Catholic Church and now they're suffering because they're being humiliated by a super 00:16 modernist false hierarch appointed by Francis who in reality has nothing to do with the Catholic Church well that's what you get when you acknowledge non Catholics as Catholic authorities that's what you get when you're seeking permission to be Catholic from non Catholics yes it may work for a while for as long as they don't interfere too badly and you can pretty much do your own thing but the principle is flawed and therefore you're going to run into trouble before long if you're content to accept non Catholic wolves as your legitimate Catholic Shepard's then don't complain when the wolves are starting to do what wolves do eat the Sheep so here too we see that false principles have consequences submit to a modernist and you will eventually get modernism all right our next story is just over a year old but it really doesn't matter because it's no 00:17 less relevant today in fact even more so it could be entitled arsonists warned of conflagration or modernists warned against modernism or offering the cause of the disease as the cure a Novus Ordo priest by the name of Linus Clovis spoke at the Rome life forum in the Eternal City on May 18th 2017 as talk was entitled the anti Church has arrived so far so good we can agree the problem is he presents Paul the sixth and John Paul the second as having tried to fight the anti Church when the truth is of course that they are two of the individuals most responsible for its emergence and continued existence ooh so Paul the sixth lamented that the 00:18 smoke of Satan had entered the church yes he said that indeed on June 29 1972 and he was probably secretly boasting I mean John the 23rd lit the fire and Paul the sixth made sure that it was going to burn everything down and then he disingenuously complained about the smoke of Satan ironically Father Clovis says that quote it is necessary that we face squarely the reality of our situation that is since ignorance is a cause of fear we must both admit that there is a problem and identify the nature of the problem thank God this work has already been done for us by st. Pius the tenth one masked modernism the enemy within by Saint John Paul who alerted us to the anti Church the form of the enemy within and by Pope Paul the sixth who on the 00:19 60th anniversary of the miracle of the son described the extent of the success of the enemy within unquote folks this willing suspension of disbelief has got to stop especially today over 50 years after vatican ii when everything is so clear if you're looking to figure out this horrible situation we're in with the anti church in rome then the first thing you need to do is stop with the silly illusions the Novus Ordo anti Church in Rome was imposed from the top john xxiii prepared the way and laid the foundations Paul the sixth formerly instituted and codified the new church and gave it its fall sacraments it's ugly art and architecture and all that as for John Paul the first his 33 day stint in the Vatican is completely irrelevant and 00:20 John Paul the second made the new church attractive to the masses he filled it with charisma he gave it personality and a conservative veneer and boldly led it into so many foul and filthy errors especially the the whole inner religious peace prayer blasphemies the theology of the body the evil new code of canon law the incredibly offensive directory for the application of principles and norms on the cuman ISM the whole idolatry of man and the worship of the youth the introduction of altar girls then this whole idea of the Pope as popstar the endless travelling around the globe and kissing the soil upon arrival the veneration of false religions and so on and so forth but Clovis is right on one thing John Paul the second did alert us to the existence of the anti Church in 00:21 1977 as Cardinal Karol vitia he wrote in his book sign of contradiction quote the church succeeded during the Second Vatican Council in redefining her own nature unquote folks if you're looking for a new church an anti Church look no further than the Church of the Second Vatican Council boy tiwa himself publicly stated that it was a church of a different nature that means it's a new church a different church not the church founded by Jesus Christ and therefore not the religion of Jesus Christ necessarily then it is a religion of the devil and yes you can look up that quote from widows book for yourself we have a scanned image of the page from which it's taken so just look for that in the show notes for this episode it's found on page 17 of the 00:22 1979 edition published by Seabury press and the book again is called sign of contradiction here is more from the Reverend Clovis quote it is self-evident that the Catholic Church and the anti Church currently coexist in the same sacramental liturgical and juridical space unquote isn't that interesting unfortunately the author here does not explain how one would know whether one is participating in the unholy rites of the anti Church or in the divine worship of the true church it all coexist somehow in the same space in the Vatican two church apparently the Son of God shares a space with the devil unbelievable unbelievable Clovis continues quote the latter meaning the anti Church the latter having grown stronger is now attempting 00:23 to pass itself off as the true church all the better to induct or coerce the faithful into becoming adherents promoters and defenders of a secular ideology should the anti Church succeed in common dear during all the space of the true church the rights of man will supplant the rights of God through the desecration of the sacraments the sacrilege of the sanctuary and the abuse of apostolic power unquote yeah like that hasn't happened in the Vatican to church in that church preaches religious liberty over the rights of the true religion it has completely desecrated the sacraments and rendered a good number of them invalid there is sacrilege galore in the sanctuary okay where there still is a sanctuary that is and in many cases has been replaced entirely and turn into a worship space so I don't know what 00:24 Clovis thinks he's doing here but if people like him are supposed to be the defenders of Orthodoxy that are going to hold the line against the anti Church then heaven help us all right do we have time for one more or should we take a break hey let's do one more with a little audio here for the fun of it okay the following soundbite is from Father Joseph Pfeifer formerly with the Society of Saint Pius the tenth and for the last few years he's been on his own with a few other associates who left or were expelled from the SSPX because they opposed the liberalizing influences there in the second half of June Father Pfeiffer gave what he called a doctrinal conference and I want it respond to something that he says there that someone pointed me to because I want to 00:25 show how absurd the argumentation has become here is father Pfeiffer obey dream the sixth stay that is beyond question that a pope can earn and mater is touching the faith he can teach heresy and decrees and many women fathers are heretics if by the Roman Church you mean its head or pontiff it is beyond question that he can err even in matters touching the faith he does this when he teaches heresy by his own judgment or decree ttle and truth many fathers are heretics Bojan the 20 seconds so father Pfeiffer tells you that Pope Adrian vi said that the Pope can air in matters of faith can teach heresy and that many Roman pontiff's were heretics now let me show you all the things that are wrong with this number one the individual in question was not Pope when he said this that was before he became Pope so it's misleading to say that Pope Adrian vi said these things because as Pope he did 00:26 not he said them as a theologian long before he became Pope number two certain ideas regarding the papacy were still permitted to be held back then we're talking the sixteenth century but they're no longer permitted today because the church has since condemned them as errors or otherwise forbidden them to be held number three how does father Pfeiffer think he can square what he just said with a dogmatic Constitution posture attorneys of the first Vatican Council and other Magisterial teachings on the papacy as the perpetual guarantee of Orthodoxy that can never fail you can't go by a theologian from the 1500s if what he said was subsequently contradicted by the church's Magisterium come on number four the question of papal heresy came 00:27 up at the first Vatican Council as the council fathers were debating papal infallibility let me quote you the report on this of Archbishop John Purcell of Cincinnati who before the dogmatic definition was opposed to papal infallibility and therefore can hardly be accused of being biased in our favor here here is what Archbishop Purcell wrote quote the question was also raised by a cardinal what is to be done with the Pope if he becomes a heretic it was answered that there has never been such a case the Council of Bishops could depose him for heresy for from the and he becomes a heretic he is not the head or even a member of the church the church would not be for a moment obliged to listen to him when he begins to teach a doctrine the church knows to be a false doctrine and he would cease to be Pope being deposed by God himself 00:28 unquote now you can look all of that up by clicking on the links that we've provided in the show notes ok it's all there totally documented what I just quoted and also the things about posture Turner's and Adrienne the sixth number five even if we assume is true for the sake of argument the false claim that father Pfeiffer made that a pope Adrienne the sixth said that a pope can air and teach heresy and that many pontiff's were heretics has it not occurred to father Pfeiffer then by the same token then maybe it was Adrienne the sixth who was teaching heresy in that very instance how do we know that that teaching isn't heretical if the Pope can teach heresy so you see that at Pfeiffer here is giving you complete theological junk and yet people continually look up to these recognize 00:29 and resist clergy as the reliable guardians of Catholic tradition and orthodoxy they are not now just for fairness sake I have to point out that I didn't listen to anything else from that so-called doctrinal conference of follow Pfeiffer but that right there is a deal-breaker oh and by the way the only book that I'm aware of that still repeated the quote from the theologian Adrienne who later became Pope Adrian about many Roman pontiff's having having been heretics the only book to repeat that after the first Vatican Council in 1870 was a book by Paul Violette called the infallibility of the Pope and the syllabus and that work was placed on the index of forbidden books under Pope st. Pius the tenth just saying okay all right I'd say it's time for a break now lots 00:30 coming up still we're going to expose some heresy and the remnant will unspin Christopher Ferrara and we'll also have a new episode of from the Jorge's mouth don't go away [Music] we hope you are enjoying the sample of the motet Felix na is from the album sacred choral music by Nicholas Wilton sung by the acclaimed English choir Magnificat if you appreciate such a sacred choral music please support the traditional Catholic composer Nicholas Wilton by buying a copy of a CD or purchasing downloads of individual 00:31 tracks from for Marks music comm that is fo you are ma RK s mu si si calm or his website Catholic music co uk there is more information and also a new CD abyss piano music available on those websites [Music] 00:32 if you're looking for EWTN this ain't it trap cast [Applause] [Music] returning from our little break we will now continue with our second segment of this track cast number 22 [Music] trap cast is produced by Novus Ordo watch your Catholic beacon of sanity in a world gone mad [Music] 00:33 you know as I was starting to prepare for this podcast episode I came across a headline that made me literally burst into laughter it's from Christopher Ferrara's column Fatima perspectives on Fatima org installment number 1211 the headline is France is a scarlet letter a little F from Frances gives the society German Bishops everything they want now what I find so funny about this is that Ferrara uses the label siz Matic to refer to the German Novus Ordo bishops it makes you wonder does the man have the faintest idea what's ISM even means let me give you the full story here this is important because it shows how badly for our twists reality in order to continue to promote the false but convenient recognize and resist position see if Ferrara were just some lone blogger out 00:34 there with no real audience then this would be no big deal but of course he's a well respected and influential author columnist and commentator to whom a lot of people look up especially people who get their information about what supposedly constitutes traditional Catholicism from the Fatima Center and the remnant first the background please bear with me here because this is going to take some time but I trust you'll find it quite informative back in February the Novus Ordo bishops of Germany had decided in their plenary assembly that they were going to produce a guide about the permissibility of Protestant spouses in mixed marriages to receive the Novus Ordo version of Holy Communion Edward Penton from the National Catholic Register reported this as follows on February 22nd quote German bishops have voted overwhelmingly in favor of producing a guide for Protestant spouses 00:35 and reception of Holy Communion under certain conditions at their spring conference in Ingolstadt the German Bishops Conference agreed that Robeson partner of a Catholic can receive the Eucharist after having made a serious examination of conscience with a priest or another person with pastoral responsibilities affirms the faith of the Catholic Church wishes to end serious spiritual distress and has a longing to satisfy a hunger for the Eucharist unquote a few individual dissenting voices among the German Novus Ordo episcopate then appealed to Rome asking them to step in and prevent this guide from becoming reality in response Francis ordered the different parties to come to Rome to tell them essentially that he wasn't going to get involved and that they'd 00:36 better figure this out on their own that was in early May then on May 25th the prefect of the Vatican's doctrinal office sent a letter to Cardinal marks the head of the German bishops telling him that Francis had told him that the guide on a long communion for Protestants was quote not ready for publication and this was hailed by some as a great victory that the Vatican had shot down the inner communion proposal but the fact is that the objections from the Vatican were not objections of theological principle but of pastoral prudence including what this would do to ecumenical relations with churches outside of Germany and so forth you still with me so far good because it gets better Francis was asked about this during his inflight press conference returning from Geneva on June 21st and there he said 00:37 that he supported ladarius letter la Darya being the head of the doctrinal office in Rome Francis said that he supported ladarius letter and noted that the problem with the proposed German inter communion guide was that it conflicted with the 1983 code of canon law which says that the decision on whether a Protestant gets to receive Communion is made by each local bishop for his own diocese in other words Francis is totally cool with it if individual bishops want to make that call for their diocese he just doesn't want it to be a universal norm for all of Germany the novus ordo news website crux reported on Frances words as follows quote Francis said the problem with having an entire bishops conference deal with such questions is that something worked out in an Episcopal conference quickly becomes universal at the same time Francis praised the bishops efforts saying their 00:38 document was well thought out with a Christian spirit whatever the German conference may come up with in the end the Pope said likely will be an orientational document so that every one of the diocesan bishops can determine by himself with the code of canon law already permits unquote and then guess what happened on June 27th the German bishops released the very document that Francis had forbidden them from releasing but they did so with a clever trick they published it as an independent document and not as an official document of the German Bishops Conference basically they just published the text without associating it with the National Conference of German bishops there is no author and no Association mentioned and so they release this and 00:39 it is now no longer called a pastoral handout but is simply now an orientation aid it's clever but of course not without France's blessing you see Cardinal Marx is also part of France's advisory council in the Vatican and so he has more access to the unholy father than most other people did and Marx has now produced a document in which he summarizes conversation he had with Francis on June 11th and that includes the following points number one the May 25th letter from prefect la Daria is to be understood only as containing recommendations and not instructions as to how the bishops conference must act number two Francis doesn't want the pastoral handout on inner communion to be published as a text of the bishops conference because this is a matter for the universal Church but the text of the handout can and is supposed to be an 00:40 orientation and study aid for the local bishops and thirdly since the text of the handout is supposed to be an aid to the individual diocesan bishops it can therefore naturally be published so these things marks resolved with Francis and Francis has indicated his approval of this summary of the conversation by initialing the paper that marks had written up with a capital F for Francis and then dating at June 12th 2018 that ladies and gentlemen is the background to Ferrara's peace in as Fatima perspectives column so let's look at one crucial paragraph there for our complains quote here's how Pope Francis signature now being touted as a papal Authority by Cardinal marks appears on the note f12 618 that is Frances wish to green-light the sacrilege diocese by 00:41 diocese but did not wish to sign his entire name to the document unleashing it evidently because of an instinctive refusal to commit fully the authority of the papacy to this incredible act of ecclesial destruction in accordance with his general modus operandi Francis prefers the wink and the nod to an explicit papal endorsement of heresy and sacrilege a little F will do to signify his agreement to let each Bishop do what he cannot authorize as Pope but wishes to give the impression he has authorised unquote now this is typical Ferrara instead of giving you a cool analysis of the facts and then drawing a reasonable conclusion from them he gives you spin meaning he gives you a heavily slanted interpretation of the fact that is designed to support the preconceived conclusion he wants to persuade you of first if you look at the 00:42 actual document that Francis put his initial on and we've got that linked for you in the show notes for this episode so you concede for yourself if you look at that document then you see that Francis simply initialed and dated it somewhere in the margin and typically that would simply mean that he read the text and agrees with it that makes sense because it was a brief note put together by Cardinal marks recapping the conversation he'd had with Francis so it will make sense that Francis to signal his approval would initial and date it Ferrara though makes it seem like Francis should have signed the document with his full name and decided not to because he didn't want to use the fullness of his supposed to papal authority to authorize the sacrilege that makes no sense whatsoever and the only reason why Ferrara is arguing it is because it bolsters his thesis of the great facade which is that all the evil changes since vatican ii have all been 00:43 only seemingly imposed but not actually now don't get me wrong I'm not trying to defend Francis or Cardinal Marx here I'm simply trying to show how Christopher Ferrara misleads his readers he's a lawyer by profession and he thinks like a lawyer meaning he's got a case to argue and so whatever he finds that he can spin in support of his position that's what he's going to use had Francis signed his name instead of just initialing this would not have made a hill of beans worth of a difference because all the initial or the signature means is that Francis agrees that the recap of the conversation Marx provided is accurate that's it so when Ferrara says that Francis initialing rather than signing shows an instinctive refusal to commit fully the authority of the papacy to this incredible act of ecclesial destruction it's pure baloney any way 00:44 you look at it Francis is obviously authorizing each German bishop make his own determination about which Protestant to allow to receive Novus Ordo Communion whether he does that with a signature or an initial or a back slap is really irrelevant this isn't about a signature this is about what Francis told Marx and is authorizing him to do Farrar continues quote father Gruner never ceased to denounce the fakery by which the entire church has been subverted since Vatican 2 the false appearance of a command where none has actually been given and none can be given because no command destructive of the faith can be anything but void ab initio meaning from the outset no matter what a piece of paper may say so it was with the non-existent banning of the Latin Mass a fraud exposed by benedict xvi and some more important if acum so what was with the 00:45 papal Reis grip that Francis authorized Secretary of State Pietro parolin to issue stating that the intrinsically impossible permission to administer Holy Communion to public adulterers is authentic Magisterium unquote and there you have Ferrara's entire idea of how the infallibility and in defect ability of the church works the Pope and the church can impose anything they please and when it's bad or wrong or heretical or harmful then it doesn't count that is not only false theologically it's also ridiculous I mean what Protestant couldn't say the same thing about his church what value is there in saying that the church cannot give evil if all we mean by it is that when she does then it doesn't count I mean that's just stupid 00:46 okay what kind of church is it where the Pope the Vicar of Christ teaches and governs his church but then some lawyer from Virginia comes along and says no no no no no this isn't right this isn't traditional that's not what we did before this is contrary to the gospel and so we have the right and the duty to resist it yada yada yada what is this well whatever it is it's certainly not Catholic ecclesiology here listen to these beautiful words from a real Pope quote the discipline sanctioned by the church must never be rejected or be branded as contrary to certain principles of natural law it must never be called crippled or imperfect or subject to civil authority in this discipline the administration of sacred rites standards of morality and the reckoning of the rights of the church and her ministers are embraced unquote 00:47 and that was pope gregory xvi in his encyclical murari voz number nine then also Pope Pius the 12th quote certainly the loving mother the church is spotless in the sacraments by which she gives birth to and nourishes her children in the faith which she has always preserved in violet in her sacred laws imposed on all in the evangelical councils which she recommends in those heavenly gifts and extraordinary graces through which with an exhaustible fecundity she generates hosts of martyrs virgins and confessors unquote and that's from the encyclical mr. cheek or paris' number 66 so listen closely mr. Ferrara when the Church teaches that she is spotless and infallible in her Universal disciplinary laws in her liturgical rites in the canonization of saints and so on then that is precisely what it means it means that a true Pope cannot promulgate evil not that he can but since he's not supposed to 00:48 you can simply ignore it no it actually cannot happen and because it cannot happen therefore it will never happen no Pope will ever do such a thing God Himself guarantees it well excuse me but I'm tired of this okay these are the people who hold themselves up as the great defenders of traditional Catholicism and when you look closely they do not uphold the traditional Catholic doctrine in its traditional understanding and of course they cannot because they insist that the Vatican two popes are legitimate and that's what kills it all that's what throws a monkey wrench into it all again and again so you see these things matter whether Francis is Pope or not matters while it matters to a Catholic anyway and it's simply not true to maintain as Ferrara does that a lot of these evil laws from the Vatican two 00:49 sect were not genuinely imposed that is all just this great facade that's always been his claim but it's simply not true let's take the banning of the traditional Latin Mass for example Ferrara says that it was never really banned and they all just conspired to make it look like it was nonsense on October 28th 1974 the modernist Vatican's Congregation for divine worship issued a notification making this very clear let me quote from it quote when a conference of Bishops decrees that the translation of the Roman Missal or any part of it for example the order of mass is obligatory in a region mass weather in Latin or the vernacular may be celebrated lawfully only according to the right of the Roman Missal promulgated on the 3rd of April 1969 by authority of Pope Paul the sixth unquote now Ferrara of course points to benedict 00:50 xvi because in 2007 he wrote a letter to the world's Novus Ordo bishops accompanying his apostolic letter some more on Pontifical on the use of the traditional Latin Mass according to the missile of 1962 and here's what he said quote I would like to draw attention to the fact that this missile was never sure ethically abrogated and consequently in principle was always permitted unquote and so Ferrara ceases that and says see I was right the old Latin Mass was never actually forbidden and benedict exposed the fraud yeah well not quite if there's fraud here it was purpose by Benedict that the old Latin Mass was forbidden can be proved from the simple fact that you needed an end alt to be allowed to offer it an end alt is a concession a special permission for something that is forbidden by the 00:51 common law the first in dealt was given by John Paul the second in 1984 in the document Quattro or a pig a nose the Congregation for divine worship stated quote the supreme pontiff grants to diocesan bishops the possibility of using an indulge whereby priests and faithful may be able to celebrate Mass by using the Roman Missal according to the 1962 edition unquote and then some conditions are enumerated in that document so when Joseph Ratzinger Benedict the sixteenth says in 2007 that the 1962 missile was never forbidden he's simply verifiably lying and Ferrara is actually using a double standard here you see if benedict xvi had not said that and had claimed instead that the old mass had indeed been forbidden you know what Ferrara would have said he would have said that what Benedict says 00:52 there has no authority because well for one thing it's false and besides it's not part of his Magisterium anyway because it's not part of the text of some more implant if acum at all but is just contained in an accompanying letter that is utterly non-binding so at best Benedict was merely expressing an opinion and that opinion happens to be wrong hey maybe Ferrara would have even said that Benedict not including it as part of some more Pontifical was on his part an instinctive refusal to commit fully the authority of the papacy concerning this error no who knows but that's how it works for Chris Farrar that's the theology of the remnant and the Fatima Center and the semi treads whatever the Holy See may publish our mandate it's always subject to review and 00:53 cancellation by the self-appointed Board of sifters and resistors well who needs modernism when you have traditional Catholics like that but hey not to worry this is Maddox according to Ferrara are the German Novus Ordo bishops yeah remember the title of his post is Francis scarlet letter a little F from Francis gives the TSA's Matic German Bishops everything they want but what is sysm if we suppose that Francis is a true Pope which is what Ferrara believes then sysm is exactly what Ferrara is doing refusal of submission to the Roman pontiff that is sysm the official definition for sysm is refusal of submission to the Roman pontiff or of communion with members of the church who 00:54 are subject to the Roman pontiff so then please tell us mr. Ferrara how are the German Bishops in sysm if Francis is Pope then for them to be in sysm would mean they're refusing submission to Francis so what does Ferrara want here does he want them to submit to Francis really no I don't think so so this makes no sense whatsoever and it shows that Ferrara is really just a very skilled rhetorician and by the way the latest on this whole topic of communion for Protestants and the Novus Ordo Church at least as of July 4th is that the pretent Bishop of Potter born arch layman Hans Joseph Becker has announced that in his diocese Protestants will now be allowed to receive the invalid Novus Ordo cookie only of course in individual 00:55 cases wank wank you know I find it absolutely amazing what a gigantic fuss is being made about this communion for Protestants thing because aside from all the theology and all the theoretical considerations the simple fact that in the Vatican 2 sect especially in Germany virtually anyone who walks up to receive communion will actually receive it you can count on one hand the number of cases where someone is actually refused Novus Ordo Communion and talk about individual cases so just like with amours Leticia and the question of communion for public adulterers this is a complete non-issue in the practical order and now ladies and gentlemen from 00:56 the Jorge's mouth [Music] from the Jorge's mouth [Music] rarely does a day pass when this man Jorge bergoglio doesn't have something blasphemous something heretical erroneous or just downright stupid to say so let's let's look at a few recent things on June 13th his wickedness released a message for the world day of the poor which is observed in October every year and in this message he makes this blasphemous assertion quote far from the disciples of Christ nourishing sentiments of contempt or pietism towards the poor they are called to honor them giving them precedence out of 00:57 the conviction that they are a real presence of Jesus in our midst unquote here we see a typical modernist tactic the literal and physical real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist is marginalized and reduced to being simply one way among many of Christ's presence in the world really not significantly different from Christ symbolic and entirely subjective presence in the poor and the downtrodden and the unemployed and those who have to wait in line at the immigration office and on and on it goes until they figure out that everyone at some point is disadvantaged or inconvenienced in some way and then everyone becomes Christ and that's really what the false Vatican two gospel 00:58 is anyway man is God man is Christ and therefore God and there's more in that message for the world day of the poor listen to this quote I invite my brother bishops priests and in particular deacons on whom hands have been laid for the service of the poor as well as religious and the lay faithful men and women who in parishes associations and ecclesial movements make tangible the church's response to the cry of the poor to this world day as a special moment of New Evangelization the poor evangelize us helping us to discover everyday the beauty of the gospel let us not waste this opportunity for grace let all of us feel on this day that we are debtors towards the poor because stretching out our hands reciprocally one to another a salvific encounter be created which strengthens our faith renders our 00:59 charity active and enables our hope to continue secure on the journey towards the lord who is returning unquote and there you have it again an inversion of the supernatural order giving precedence to the natural Christ instituted the church to evangelize the poor not the other way around remember here's a quote from Saint Matthew's Gospel chapter 11 verses 4 & 5 and Jesus making answer said to them go and relate to John what you have heard and seen the blind see the lame walk the lepers are cleansed the Deaf hear the dead rise again the poor have the gospel preached to them but in France's religion it is the poor who preached the gospel to the church because it's all about works of charity 01:00 it's all about the corporal works of mercy it's all about man about the body about the temporal world man is France's object of worship under the guise of an authentic faithfulness to the gospel to mercy and compassion Francis is trying to gradually turn Catholicism from a religion focused on the supernatural into an NGO focused on alleviating temporal needs and that's all that evangelization is ultimately about for Francis and if you keep in mind now that the Antichrist when he comes will be a great humanitarian you can see that what we see in our day is definitely a preparation for the Antichrist and that's why Francis could very well be the false prophet according to sacred tradition the false prophet will herald the arrival of the Antichrist in a way similar to how Saint John the Baptist 01:01 heralded the arrival of the true Messiah Jesus Christ so in order for the masses to accept the Antichrist the roads must first be leveled for his teaching to become acceptable and accept it and one way to do that especially the way to get catholics to do that is to put in a false Pope who is believed by most to be a true Pope but actually isn't and one who will lead the flock down into the abyss and yes God will allow that it's part of the mystery of iniquity that God has foretold he will permit to deceive the world in punishment for its sins and unbelief the operation of error it's called in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and Christ Himself said quote for there will rise up false Christ's and false prophets and they shall show signs and wonders to seduce if it were possible 01:02 even the elect unquote and that's Mark 13 22 also listen to what father Sylvester Berry wrote in his explanation of the apocalypse of Saint John otherwise known as the book of Revelation back in 1921 yes 1921 so he can't be accused of say Davich honest bias okay here's what he wrote commenting on chapter 13 of the Apocalypse listen carefully because this has the potential to give you goosebumps listen to this quote the Beast arising from the earth is a false prophet the prophet of Antichrist our divine Savior has a representative on earth in the person of the Pope upon whom He has conferred full powers to teach and govern likewise any Christ will have his representative in the false prophet who will be endowed 01:03 with the plenitude of satanic powers to deceive the nation's as indicated by the resemblance to a lamb the Prophet will probably set himself up in Rome as a sort of anti Pope during the vacancy of the papal throne mentioned above but the elect will not allow themselves to be deceived they will recall the words of our Lord than if any man shall say to you lo here is Christ or there do not believe him unquote ladies and gentlemen father Barry in 1921 we're living it folks were living it all right here another gem from the horse's mouth while he was in Geneva at the ecumenical World Council of Churches on June 21st Francis encouraged his human achill audience to work together to collaborate and carrying out works of charity 01:04 wherever possible here's what he said quote the Lord the Good Samaritan of mankind will examine us on our love for our neighbor for each of our neighbor so let us ask ourselves what can we do together if a particular form of service is possible why not plan and carry it out together and thus start to experience a more intense fraternity in the exercise of concrete charity unquote now although this might sound fair enough at first once you really think about it with the way things are today in the cumin ISM it quickly becomes absurd I mean why should anyone think that a Catholic working in a soup kitchen side-by-side with some lesbian pro abort Methodist bishop s is something desired by Christ why should anyone think that and I guess if some Islamists then comes along and kills that Bishop Asst 01:05 mistaking her for a Christian then what I guess she goes to heaven then and as part of the true church somehow because a human ISM of blood this is nauseating but that's where they're at today welcome to the fruits of the cumin ISM it took him over 50 years to get to this point all right one more item from the Jorge's mouth and then we'll move on On June 6th Francis had a chat with seminarians and it's always best when he speaks off-the-cuff because that's when you get what he really thinks that's when you get the real him the unfiltered truth about what's really in his mind let me quote from the report provided by crooks and I think there won't be need for a lot of commentary quote according to the Pope we fear the Holy Spirit and tried to cage him within gestures and doctrine an easy way to spot if the Holy 01:06 Spirit is active within someone Francis added is by seeing whether he has a sense of humor for me a sense of humor is the human behavior that is closest to grace he said it's that good relativism the relativism of joy the relativism of spirituality that relativism which is born from the Holy Spirit beyond the spiritual formation that Francis mentioned it's important to cater to the human formation of priests as well spontaneity and not rigidity is key for a priest to be able to be with his brothers and flock the Pope said though he warns about the dangers this might entail without discernment if you don't know how to caress well as fathers and his brothers it's possible that the devil might lead you to pay for caressing Francis warned be careful unquote 01:07 there's your mystic Francis again what do you say to that now let's let's just leave it at that thus far our examination of some of the words that have recently impiously proceeded from the bergoglio lips but hey not all the wickedness emanating from the vatican these days comes directly from Francis sometimes it comes from some member of his Curia so for example on April 20th of this year Cardinal Jean Louie Turin proclaimed that mohammedans otherwise known as Muslims the members of Islam have a right and a duty to proclaim their belief in Allah and to share their religion with others well that's what I call doctrinal development back in 1965 Vatican 2 said they have a right to exercise their religion in private and 01:08 in public and now the post conciliar Church has moved on to declaring it even a duty and not just to exercise that false religion but even to preach it to others in the annual Vatican message to Muslims on the occasion of Ramadan the president of the so called Pontifical Council for inter-religious dialog wrote quote dear Muslim brothers and sisters in His Providence God the Almighty has granted you the opportunity to observe anew the fasting of Ramadan and to celebrate Eid al Feder and right there that's blasphemy then yada yada yada and then we all have the right and the duty to witness to the all-powerful one we worship and to share our beliefs with others while respecting their religion and religious sentiments unquote so yeah there you have it now Muslims don't only have the right to 01:09 practice their religion they even have the duty to do so and to share it with others but heaven forbid we Catholics should preach the true religion then it's get off your high horse you profs daizen triumphalist you gotta get rid of those rigid certainties you insecure crete reciting Pharisee ya know all we get to do is wash migrants feet and scrub the floors of the local soup kitchen you know because then we're witnessing but the Muslims of course know they get to share their religion with others honestly if what we're witnessing here isn't the great apostasy then I don't know what else the great apostasy would be it's a colossal loss of faith at its very roots and it's almost universal there's nothing left of the old faith in the external Catholic 01:10 structures and this reminds me of what st. John the Apostle wrote in his first epistle chapter 2 verses 22 to 23 who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ this is Antichrist who denies the father and the son whosoever denieth the son the same hath not the father he that confesses the son hath the father also and speaking of denying Christ when someone denies Dogma he denies the truth revealed by Jesus Christ and we had a case of that recently at the remnant remnant newspaper dot-com one of their contributors Elizabeth your wrote an article on Frances protection and promotion of Bishop Juan Bosch in Chile whom he has since removed burrows had long been accused of covering up sexual abuse perpetrated by father Fernando 01:11 Carr edema abuse he's been convicted of by the way okay so these are these are not just allegations anyway Elizabeth your concludes her article at the the remnant with these words quote the College of Cardinals should immediately convene and remove Francis the Bishop of Rome for his gross and grave negligence and personal complicity in the system at flouting and abuse of his own zero-tolerance policy causing a scandal of epic proportions brought upon the global Catholic Church and the Chilean Catholic Church unquote so here your is saying or implying that a valid Lear aning Pope because that's what she believes Francis to be that a validly reigning Pope can be removed from office by his underlings that is heresy the first Vatican Council 01:12 declared in chapter 3 of its dogmatic Constitution passed returners quote the judgment of the Apostolic See whose authority is not surpassed is to be disclaimed by no one nor is anyone permitted to pass judgment on its judgment therefore they stray from the straight path of truth who affirm that it is permitted to appeal from the judgments of the Roman pontiff's to an ecumenical council as to an authority higher than the Roman pontiff unquote now in the show notes will link our entire article on the impossibility of judging or de posing a true Pope so you can see all this for yourself you can see all the argumentation all the evidence for that a true Pope cannot be brought to trial by anyone nor can he be removed that's divine law it's traditional Catholicism the Catholicism that the 01:13 remnant supposedly stands for the blogger Louie Vecchio who believes Francis isn't Pope but Benedict the sixteenth is he also noticed this heresy at the remnant and wrote a post about it and we'll link to that in the show notes as well well you know this is serious stuff denial of dogma is heresy now I remember someone commenting about this on Facebook when we put out a post about the this heresy at the remnant somebody commented and said that really we need to be more charitable here and we should assume that the author Elizabeth your only made a mistake and didn't mean to write something heretical and that may very well be true but what really annoys me about that kind of a comment is that it's totally beside the point the idea is not here to render a judgment on the subjective guilt or 01:14 innocence of Elizabeth your which obviously only God can do anyway the idea is to point out that what has been said is heretical and therefore gravely damaging to souls because it misleads them it contradicts God's very revelation and for that damage to be done it doesn't matter if the author meant to speak heresy or not and so I find this frustrating why is it that people always focus on subjective guilt or innocence of an individual and not about the objective facts and the damage done and aside from that there's a few other things that need to be noted here number one if Elizabeth your does not even know that the Pope cannot be removed from office for being morally 01:15 bad then what is she doing writing for supposedly traditional Catholic publication secondly how in the world did this slip past the watchful eye of the editor where is Michael Matt okay why didn't he censor this why didn't he tell the author that she made a mistake there and that this needs to be taken out or corrected and thirdly why now that it's out in the open is the error still not corrected this heresy is still up on the remnants website and it's been weeks I believe so even if you want to allow for making mistakes and not catching something which can happen why in the world is the heretical statement still there everyone can draw his own conclusions here well ladies and gentlemen we are fast approaching the end of this podcast but 01:16 I've got one more thing for you I really don't know whether to laugh or cry about this on May 8th of this year blogger Steven O'Reilly of the Roma Lakota East blog wrote quote if Pope Francis were not a true Pope things would have been far worse than they have been unquote well I guess they are just so blessed in the novus ordo church to have Francis keeping the gates of hell from prevailing imagine the horror and the chaos the heresy and the sacrilege the blasphemy and the impiety that would ensue if Jorge bergoglio weren't there to keep it all from going to hell [Music] some people just can't be helped hey everyone thank you for listening it's been a pleasure as always to have your company please don't forget to support 01:17 noble sort of watch and tune in again next time god bless [Music] tragg cast