00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the Novus Ordo watch cast [Music] I have a confession to make 00:01 I have to admit I've been really scared preparing for this episode there is such a tremendous amount of stuff that ought to be talked about here I didn't even want to look at it all but here we are it is trap cast number 23 thanks for tuning in once again and welcome [Music] by the way for the best possible podcast experience we suggest you accept cookies specifically we recommend chocolate chip and peanut butter those go great with some tea or coffee as you sit back relax and listen to the show and a little humor here everything else is serious enough come on you know this podcast was supposed to be ready for release no later than 00:02 September 30th and here we are in the middle of November well I can tell you that the main reason for this delay was the whole drama that began on August 25th with the release of the first testimony of the former Vatican NCO to the United States Carlo Maria Vigano that whole drama which is still ongoing of course really threw a monkey wrench into everything because it added an extra layer of breaking news research and commentary to an already very busy news cycle so it's just tough you know it's tough to keep track of everything to keep it all straight and of course you have to ensure that you don't unwittingly end up publishing fake news so well we want everyone to be able to come to novels order watch and know that what you're reading is reliable and credible okay you may not like what you see but that's another story just the other day I was thinking of 00:03 compiling a list of big-name normal sort o and semi traditionalist apologists and pundits who used to defend Frances but have given up cents because it just got too ridiculous here's the list of names I came up with off the top of my head father John Zul store Geoffrey Maris Patrick Madrid Jimmy akin Tim Haynes Michael Voris Phil Waller Michael Matt Christopher Ferrara Patrick coffin and Taylor Marshall and all of these have either turned on Francis after trying for a while to spin everything in the best possible way or they've simply stopped defending him because it just became a full-time job to explain this guy right so I and I think that's a that's a pretty significant list that's quite a few names and and those are just the names that I can 00:04 think of off the top of my head now why am i mentioning this well just as a little reality check to keep in the back of your mind for all those listeners who are new to our website or to this podcast or the state of akanda 'sm in general you know 5 1/2 years ago we were criticized or ridiculed by a number of different novel sore toes and resistance traditionalists and now everyone can see what that criticism was really worth you didn't have to be a psychic to see back then already that bergoglio was not a Catholic all you needed to know was the basics of Catholicism and understand how modernism works unfortunately though too many people allow emotion or human respect to determine what they believe it's just not cool not socially acceptable to be a say of a contest and while for most people that is everybody's own personal business it's a different matter when you run a website 00:05 a blog a newspaper or a video channel or something and then publish your rationalizations to the world because now you're responsible for the people you mislead and I'm afraid that we see this happen a lot we continually find supposedly traditional Catholic or conservative Catholic websites willing to publish all sorts of crazy ideas about the papacy in order to address the let's call it the Francis phenomenon okay but there is one theory they will not tolerate they will not admit SATA mechanism as even a possibility that is the one thing they won't allow and so they don't mind if the ideas that they putting forth are in direct contradiction to the Catholic doctrine on the papacy as long as they don't have to say that Francis is not the Pope they're more ready to say that being doesn't mean much than to say that 00:06 Francis isn't the Pope that's how crazy and absurd it's gotten and those few that do say now that Francis isn't Pope hold that it's only on the grounds that Benedict the sixteenth is really the Pope because he never resigned validly or that the 2013 Conclave was invalid because of some violation of Conclave rules by the so-called st. Gallen mafia and for a recent example of what's being proposed as traditional Catholicism look no further than the remnant on November 8th a writer by the name of Jason Morgan published a blog post entitled SATA vacation ISM and in a somewhat light-hearted manner he proposed as a solution to the Franciscan Dundrum the idea that a pope remains pope even if he is clearly a heretic it's just that at that point at the point it becomes evident he must be refused submission he didn't use those exact words but that's 00:07 basically what he argued and so to him that is kind of a best of both worlds synthesis of state of account ISM on the one hand and the idea that Francis is fully Pope on the other a pope in name only scenario now that this idea is both heretical and systematic either didn't occur to him or didn't matter to him because hey diabolical disorientation or something we can just decide to suspend the perennial validity of Catholic teaching because we decide it's necessary that's what these people think apparently now on November 9th we published a devastating response to Morgan's blog post entitled missing the forest for the trees and we've got it linked in the show notes for this episode tract cast 23 you can find that at track cast dot org just scroll down 00:08 to episode 23 and then click on that link so because we have it linked I'm not going to repeat all the arguments here now that we make in the blog post you can just go and read them for self which you'll want to do anyway because as always we have all our ducks in a row in terms of documenting the evidence for our position we don't just sound off at the keyboard here and say stuff about such a serious matter without backing it up so in short for the semi traditionalists the the recognize and resist traditionalists like those at the remnant the name of the game is still anything but state of account ISM and judging by recent articles and things it's the season again for desperately trying to find arguments against state of account ISM and that's no doubt because more and more people are becoming said of economist or are seriously looking into the position once 00:09 they've overcome the initial biases against it or misconceptions about it of course for some people perhaps the real hang-up is the name save if account is 'm sounds horrible doesn't it now some of you listening might not know of what it actually means the term comes from the phrase say de vacante that's Latin and means the chair being empty and is in reference to the chair of st. Peter which we believe is vacant that is there is no Pope and there has not been one since Pius the 12th died in 1958 at least not that we have certain knowledge of you know Santa mechanists are simply the Catholics who refused to change their religion after Pius the 12th died and their progeny of course plus new converts but that's really all it is if you want to find one group of people that believes exactly what the church believed and taught while pi is the 00:10 twelfth was still Pope it's say Davich honest no other group that calls itself traditionally Catholic does that not the Semite rats nope not the Society of st. Pius the tenth not the fraternity of st. Peter and other indole groups not the new resistance as as px now I understand that they mean to but they don't an actual fact and since they acknowledge the modernist hierarchs as valid catholic authorities but nevertheless refused their religion they've had to mess with Catholic doctrine on church authority in order to justify that you can't have the Catholic hierarchy teaching one thing and the faithful believing another that's not how authority works in the Catholic Church and in that case you might just as well not have a hierarchy at all because it's worse than useless it's dangerous and a hindrance to salvation we said if our Kaunas have simply remained what catholics were up 00:11 until 1958 we believed no strange new doctrines and we do not refuse submission to anyone we acknowledge as a legitimate Catholic Authority now it's true that the consequence of that given what has happened is that we are basically left bewildered unable to point to any legitimate scheppers that we know of but that is what it is that's just the situation we find ourselves in and st. Paul says in a second letter to the Corinthians we walk by faith and not by sight that's 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 7 and we don't have all the answers but we don't have to have all the answers and at least we don't mess around with church teaching to make it fit and what we want to see because once again we're Catholics so then why don't we just call ourselves that why do we call ourselves set of a connaissance that's such a 00:12 cumbersome and scary sounding word well because unfortunately in our day the term Catholic is totally ambiguous everyone claims to be a Catholic everyone whether it's richer or or Nancy Pelosi on the left or Robert Barron and Karl Keating in the center or Bishop Richard Williamson and Marian Horvat on the right so to simply say we're Catholic doesn't I'm afraid tell you anything anymore it just doesn't communicate which used to be communicated by that term so we cannot simply say well we're Catholics even though that is indeed all and all we care to be alright let's look at some more or less recent news headlines I'm sure you've heard about the Vatican China deal a provisional agreement between the unholy sea and communist China concerning the appointment of Catholic Bishops well Novus Ordo bishops but you know they call it Catholic Bishops well this 00:13 agreement that France is authorized has brought all the government appointed bishops of the communist controlled Chinese National Church into full communion with Rome and has made them the legitimate bishops of their dioceses some of which dioceses were even created by the communist government and not even by the Vatican and they're now legitimate dioceses so with a with a stroke of a pen Francis handed it all over to the chickens and is leaving the persecuted underground church hanging out to dry in exchange for the chai calms allowing him to veto certain bishops appointments something like that it's utterly disgraceful and a total betrayal of the people who through all the communist persecution over the decades have remained faithful to the Holy See or to the what they thought was the Holy See 00:14 the sysm between China and the Holy See started in the 1950s when Pope Pius the 12th condemned the false communist-controlled hierarchy they had established and you can read about that in what I believe was Pius the 12th last encyclical at a postal orem principies of June 29th 1958 and of course we have that link for you in the show notes well I think it's not surprising why wouldn't the modernist Vatican make a deal with China I mean they're just as communist as China now so it makes sense okay might as well declare full communion now unlike the SSPX the Society of st. Pius the tenth is not yet in full communion with the modernist Vatican but they're working on it and I'm sure that before long they too will enjoy status in the new church alright let's stay with the Vatican a bit longer on 00:15 September 11th the private secretary of Benedict the 16th who also happens to be the head of the papal household of Francis arch layman guerre against vine gave a lecture praising the book the Benedict option by the American author and columnist Rod Dreher the occasion was the official release of the Italian translation of that work which had been released in English in March of 2017 now I haven't read the book but as far as I understand there's nothing really objectionable in it the main thesis of the book is that Christians should withdraw to some extent from mainstream society into special communities in order to keep the faith and keep ourselves away from the allurements of the world kind of like Saint Benedict that's that's the main thesis of the book and there's no problem with that I 00:16 don't think and no the problem is with what ghin spine said in his speech first of all in 2016 before he published this book Rod Dreher converted from the Novus Ordo religion which he believed to be Catholicism to Eastern Orthodoxy now that is a scandal but of course against fine said nothing about that and acted like this book was written by a Catholic and he treated the author accordingly although even by novel sort of standards get this even by noble sort of standards drear defected into sysm and heresy but then that's par for the course a Novus Ordo line all the baptized are Christians no matter what they have a right to religious liberty and in any case conscience is primary and we're all one big happy ecumenical family anyway and drear by the way converted to Eastern Orthodoxy because of the sex 00:17 abuse scandals yeah even says that in any case that is not the main thing I want to focus on what I want to focus on is what gainst vine says during his speech regarding the German Lutheran theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer who is somewhat well-known because he was part of the resistance against the Nazi regime and was executed for it on April 9th 1945 in a concentration camp here is what Ganz vine says quote we had learned earlier from st. john paul ii that in our historical hour the true and perfect accumulator allowing us to call in our need upon the saint Edith Stein next to Dietrich Bonhoeffer as intercessors in heaven unquote unbelievable unbelievable again spine is 00:18 saying that a Lutheran theologian died a martyr and is now in heaven because he was executed by the Nazis now mind you he did not die a Catholic it's not like he converted shortly before his death or something no he went to his death as a Lutheran in the 15th century the Council of Florence defined the following quote those not living within the Catholic Church not only pagans but also Jews and heretics and schismatics cannot become participants in eternal life but will depart into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels unless before the end of life the same have been added to the flock and no one whatever almsgiving he has practiced even if he has shed blood for the name of Christ can be saved unless he has remained in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church unquote and that's from the Bull cantate domino of the Council 00:19 of Florence and you can find that in den zinger number 7:14 what Gentz fine said clearly implies a denial of this teaching and that is so even if we assume that Bonhoeffer was in good faith that is if he innocently did not realize that his heresies were contrary to God's revelation and if we assume that he died in perfect contrition and therefore in the state of sanctifying grace and went to heaven the church could still not consider him a saint or a martyr because he did not profess the true faith but was the member of a heretical sect and gave no sign of repudiating his adherence to Lutheranism you know these matters are very important well not not in Novus Ordo mind of course but that's just the point so for again swine to act as the bone heifer were a Catholic saint and a martyr saying that we can now call upon him as our intercessor in heaven is a 00:20 monstrous scandal and yet there is no outcry no one in the audience probably even recognized that as a heresy and I know it's a touchy subject because it involves Nazis and concentration camps and all that but that has nothing to do with the principle resisting the Nazis the way Bonhoeffer and countless others did was a very heroic and Noble thing to do but that doesn't make you a Catholic or a saint that's the point now again swine is no stranger to heresies had to say in a Christmas interview in 2016 again swine was asked what he would answer to someone who asked him to prove the existence of God here is how he responded quote there is neither proof that God exists nor is there proof that God does not exist faith does not operate based on proof 00:21 faith lives by witnesses and witnessing if I'm convinced by a witness and by what he says then this sets faith ablaze everything else does not lead to faith but remains outside of faith this is true also and especially in our times unquote that is heresy pure and unadulterated heresy the name of this heresy is fede ISM and it denies the dogma of the proved ability of the existence of by reason alone which was defined at the first Vatican Council on April 24th 1870 in the dogmatic Constitution de Phileas quote if any one shall have said that the one true God our Creator and our Lord cannot be known with certitude by those things which have been made by the natural light of human reason let him be anathema if any one shall have said that divine revelation cannot be made credible by external signs and for this reason men ought to be moved to faith by 00:22 the internal experience alone of each one or by private inspiration let him be anathema if any one shall have said that miracles are not possible and hence that all accounts of them even those contained in Sacred Scripture are to be banished among the fables and myths or that miracles can never be known with certitude and that the divine origin of the Christian religion cannot be correctly proved by them let him be anathema unquote and that's from den zinger numbers 1806 1812 and 1813 that was the first Vatican Council now this dogma of the ability of our reason to prove the existence of God and the credibility of divine revelation etc this Dogma is absolutely crucial because it is the foundation of the Catholic religion may you take that away and all you have left is emotion and arbitrariness and that's exactly what Protestants have at least those 00:23 Protestants that are fides I'm not sure that all of them are but certainly most of them they make what they call a leap of faith but that's not a virtue it's pure foolishness by the same token you might as well believe anything else and I mean anything if you simply believe without any rational reason to do so then whether you adhere to Jesus Christ or to Muhammad or to Buddha or to the Flying Spaghetti Monster it's all the same the reason for belief is the same you simply so choose but the true religion is not based on a whim it is based on reason I mean that our belief in God and his revelation is eminently reasonable the existence of one transcendent God who is all good who is all-knowing all-powerful who made the world and so forth can be proved by reason alone from history it can be 00:24 shown that Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be the true God incarnate and proved it by many miracles especially his very own resurrection from the dead and this Jesus Christ established a church to last until the end of time to teach the divine truth that is necessary for all men to be saved and whatever this church teaches as divinely revealed this we accept on faith meaning on the authority of God who reveals it and who can neither lie nor make a mistake so our faith is grounded in reason not in our betray honest otherwise if it were all arbitrary then no one could be said to have an obligation to embrace the faith to begin with and any religion would be as good as any other and anyone's choice of religion would be as good as anyone elses which incidentally is exactly what the modernists 00:25 ultimately believe you know as long as you believe in something right against fine is a genuine modernist heretic but I don't think I've ever seen him getting bad press from the conservative novels orders or from the Semite rats because you know how it is as long as you oppose abortion and hold the line on other issues of sexual morality in the new church you're golden for a lot of these people and gainst fine often appears with benedict xvi since he's his secretary and i guess just for that reason alone he gets a pass but this is serious business to be a heretic it doesn't matter what Dogma you deny it doesn't have to be about adultery or the divinity of Christ for example all heresies are equal in the sense that they all reject one thing that God has revealed and prefer one's own judgment over that of God and so it's actually kind of secondary what Dogma it is you reject once you've 00:26 made yourself the standard of what is true over against God you've rejected the whole thing in principle and that's why heresy and apostasy differ only in degree and not in kind the heretic denies one or several dogmas but continues to call himself a Christian the apostate rejects everything hook line & sinker and that's why modernism is so dangerous by subverting the very foundation of all faiths of what it means to have faith okay by denying the very concept of faith and dogma modernism completely undermines the entire religion and is therefore a true apostasy a complete falling away from the faith let me quote you housing Pius the tenth described modernism in as encyclical posh nd number 39 quote and now with our eyes 00:27 fixed upon the whole system no one will be surprised that we should define it to be the synthesis of all heresies undoubtedly were any one to attempt the task of collecting together all the errors that have been broached against the faith and to concentrate into one the SAP and substance of them all he could not succeed in doing so better than the modernists have done they have gone further than this for as we have already intimated their system means the destruction not of the Catholic religion alone but of all religion unquote the logical end result of modernism is atheism and that's why there has been such a tremendous falling away from the Catholic faith since Vatican 2 all right this was pretty dense let's move on to something a bit lighter now the Vatican is creating an international Observatory against cyberbullying according to the 00:28 website Rome reports that's not wrong or anything but it just goes to show how once again the Vatican is concerned about and involved in every except in what they're actually supposed to be doing I mean if that were the Catholic Church how about an international Observatory monitoring preventing and fighting the spread of false doctrines for example or bad books bad movies pornography I haven't heard anything in that regard lately no because you see it's all about conscience and religious freedom and maturity and whatnot besides they're way too busy trying to get plastic straws out of oceans and promoting clean water for everyone and meteorite care yeah did you hear about that the Vatican hosted a conference on the care of meteorites back in September the community of curators has been trying to organize 00:29 itself for many years this workshop represents a wonderful opportunity for us and I'm excited and pleased that the Vatican Observatory can host such an important meeting set some Jesuit dufus there for years meteorite curators have had to figure things out independently now we are finally coming together as a community I mean you can't make this stuff up yeah it's all linked in the show notes it's all there you can look it up yourself if you don't believe me look I wouldn't probably believe it myself if I didn't know it was true it is beyond absurd let me quote you something from a Zenit news report of October 26th regarding a joint statement of the presidents of five Continental Novus Ordo bishops conferences in it they're calling on governments to ensure doing the 00:30 following quote keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius shifting towards sustainable lifestyles respecting the knowledge of indigenous communities implementing a financial paradigm shift in line with global climate Accords transforming the energy sector by putting an end to the fossil fuel era and transitioning to renewable energy and rethinking the agriculture sector to ensure it provides healthy and accessible food for everyone with a special emphasis on promoting agro ecology unquote need i say more then in his message for the world day of prayer for the care of creation released on September 1st Pope Francis said this quote we cannot allow our seas and oceans to be littered by endless fields 00:31 of floating plastic here to our active commitment is needed to confront this emergency unquote you know what this world is drowning in it's drowning in heresy and apostasy and infidelity and ignorance in all sorts of doctrinal and philosophical errors in vice and pornography and selfishness and that is a true emergency an emergency of souls but Francis is a naturalist his primary concern is the temporal world and that's also why he's so popular among so many Rowling's Saint John the Evangelist wrote this in Sacred Scripture quote they are of the world therefore of the world they speak and the world heareth them unquote that's 1st John chapter 4 verse 5 Frances concern is not the honor and glory of God and the salvation of souls 00:32 his concern is making the world a better place now let's be clear most of these concerns are entirely legitimate in themselves that not media right care give me a break but you know access to clean water oceans free of plastic better education save for playgrounds stronger adhesives for your dentures whatever that's all fine and good but it's got nothing to do with the mission of the Vatican that's not the Pope's job that's not why Christ instituted the papacy no one needs a pope if his job is to tell people to emit fewer greenhouse gases exercise more or be nice to each other anyone can do that the German journalist Alexander Kistler once referred to Francis as a UN secretary-general with a 00:33 pectoral cross Touche Touche although considering that his spectral Cross has all the Grace and style of the bottle opener no you know again Francis is a naturalist and naturalism is one of the central components of modernism recall that on February 1st of this year and as daily homily he reflected on death without mentioning judgment heaven or hell that's what a naturalist does and we saw it again just the other day on November 8th he received the Prince of Denmark in private audience and you know what he told him he told him that quote the environment is the most important challenge of our time unquote and that's according to the web site info vaticana well I think I've gotten my point across all right moving on with regards to the case of Asya Bibi I'm sure you've heard about it Asya Bibi is a Pakistani woman 00:34 a Catholic well a Novus Ordo but that's what she knows as Catholicism and she's been imprisoned there for roughly nine years on charges of blasphemy against Islam Pakistan is like 95% or so Muslim she was just declared innocent by the Pakistani Supreme Court but now they're afraid to actually set her free because the rabble is roused against her and wants to lynch her because they disagree with the court so right now there are conflicting reports about whether she's still in Pakistan or whether she's been secretly flown somewhere else or whether any country is going to grant her asylum or what all right well anyway for years her family had been trying to get an audience with Francis and they they couldn't they were not successful and so one day in April of 2015 00:35 her family showed up in the VIP section at a general audience and Frances you know he walked past them and he met them but he had it was clear he had no regard for them he listened to the lawyer that was with them explained who they were but then he quickly passed them by and just said he prays for all the persecuted or something like that it was really disgraceful and we're putting the link of that video in the show notes so you can see how he acted then with regard to them now he did finally grant them an audience a private audience in February of this year but he has never to my knowledge spoken out in public about the matter never called for her release or anything of the kind and of course you wonder why why is that what's going on here he who is supposedly always standing up for the defenseless the persecuted the marginalized those without a voice you know why is he so silent regarding the case of Asya Bibi well I think we 00:36 now have the answer you see hacia Bibi was accused of blasphemy because she proselytized a Muslim woman reports on the details differ a little bit but basically what happened is that she was working in a field with some Muslim women back in 2009 and at one point she went to get water from a well and next to the well she found a little cup and decided to use it to drink some of the water herself and as one of the other women approached be be offered the cup with water also to her a very Catholic Christian and generally nice thing to do but the Muslim woman was offended and said that Christians are not permitted to drink from the same cup as Muslims drink and the water in it was therefore now unclean and Asia Bibi then said quote I believe in my religion and in Jesus Christ who died on the cross for 00:37 the sins of mankind what did your prophet muhammad' ever do to save mankind unquote and that is what got the ball rolling and what started the persecution and the allegations of blasphemy I have to say my hats off to her that was a very courageous and charitable thing of her to do god bless her and I think that that is the real reason why Francis won't speak out won't really defend her and only granted a private audience after years of her family trying to get one Francis won't stand up for Asya bebe in my opinion because she engaged in real hardcore evangelization of Muslims she gave testimony to her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and showed that Muhammad is a 00:38 false prophet and then France's religion that is anathema because that is proselytism and he condemns that remember what he said on October 13 2016 in the Vatican a Lutheran girl from Germany had asked him whether she should be content to have secular friends that she gets along with or whether she should make an effort to convert them here is what Francis said in response quote listen the last thing you must do is to speak you have to live as a Christian like a Christian convinced forgiven and on a path it is not licit to convince them of your faith proselytism is the strongest poison against the ecumenical path well he's got that right you must give testimony to your Christian life testimony will unsettle the hearts of those who see you and from this unsettling grows one question but 00:39 why does this man or this woman live like that unquote see for Francis what you're supposed to do is be nice to people caress the elderly open a soup kitchen clean up the environment and then wait till someone asks so why are you doing this and then you can see something like because I love Jesus Christ well you know like like people of other religions couldn't also do those things it's unbelievable that's not what Christ told us to do I mean yes of course he told us practice of works of mercy spiritual and corporal works of mercy but that's not what Christ said with regard to mission and evangelization that's not how that works the churches missionaries preached the gospel they preached the necessity of conversion not not forcing anybody to convert of course but just preaching that it is necessary for them for them to convert if they wish to be saved and 00:40 there are different ways of doing that of course you know depending on circumstances one approach is sometimes better than another but at the end of the day that's what has to be done that's what has to be communicated and you can see that in the New Testament especially in the Acts of the Apostles beginning in chapter 2 so in any case that is what I think is at the root of France's refusal to help Asya be be that plus the fact that her case makes Islam look bad and you know how it is for these people when the facts get in the way of your ideology well that's just too bad for the facts well I'd say it's a time to take a break now we'll continue with more trap cast 00:41 in just a few moments don't go away [Applause] [Music] you [Music] we hope you're enjoying the sample of the motet Felix na is from the album sacred choral music by Nicholas Wilton sung by the acclaimed English choir magnificat if you appreciate such a sacred choral music please support the traditional Catholic composer Nicholas Wilton by buying a copy of a CD or purchasing downloads of individual tracks from for Marks music calm that is fo you are ma RK s mu si si calm or his website Catholic music co uk there is more information and also a new CD of his piano music available on those 00:42 websites [Music] if you're looking for EWTN this ain't it trap cast [Music] 00:43 all right welcome back back to trap casts a traditional Catholic podcast produced by Novus Ordo watch where we are not more Catholic than the Pope as some evil tongues allege but only more Catholic than the anti Pope now before we get back into things I just want to say something real quick you've probably noticed that the end of the year is approaching and if you're still looking to get an income tax deduction you can do that by making a donation to Novus Ordo watch we include a donation link in the show notes or you can simply go directly to Novus Ordo watch.org slash donate your contribution 00:44 supports our work here not just this podcast but all of Novus Ordo watch and quite simply the more financial resources we have the more content we can produce in the long run and please understand that you always only see the final product you don't see how much effort is made behind the scenes how many hours are spent compiling sources researching claims looking up Catholic teaching and ebooks and verifying quotes editing and rewriting text and so on and sometimes you know things just don't work out you might spend an hour looking for a particular video clip only to find out once you've found it that it really doesn't give you what you thought it would and then you can't use it and then at other times you just you have to do hardware upgrades or just administrative 00:45 stuff right and or correspondence and I mean this is a nonprofit organization and so there is you know a lot of office stuff involved as welders bookkeeping to do and reports to file and things like that so if you're ever tempted to think sometimes that nothing is happening here please don't think that okay and anyway I want to thank everyone who's been supporting all sort of watch we've had a good year I'd say about as good as last year and you may have noticed that we only had one single fundraiser this year during Lent and that's because no other fundraiser was necessary and hey recently you've been able to contract another researcher and writer so that's a great news that is one of the fruits of your generosity so please keep it up if everyone who benefits from this podcast and this website helps out just a little bit than this apostle it 00:46 can really flourish alright enough of that let's do let's do something fun now I think it's time for a new episode in our ongoing series from the Jorge's mouth [Music] from the Jorge's mouth [Music] oh yeah man if only I got a quarter every time this man's jaw moves I'd be able to pay off the u.s. national debt in a week Francis has a Twitter account and he's not afraid to use it well of 00:47 course he doesn't do that himself actually he doesn't personally sit there at the computer and send tweets and certainly not in English rather what happens is that these tweets are sent by someone designated and authorized for that purpose I guess it's a whole team since they do that in many different languages and what they do is they just pick something from what Francis has said recently or even in the more distant past and then they they tweet that out and it shows up as the you know tweet from the Pope and so that's how that works okay it's not actually him tweeting but whatever is tweeted is something that he actually said case in point on November 4th the frank ster tweeted this quote Sunday Mass is at the heart of the church's life they are we encounter the risen Lord we listen to his word 00:48 we are nourished at his table and thus we become Church unquote yeah we become Church we sing a new church into being right like that awful novus ordo him wait where is it [Music] so Francis says that at Sunday Mass we encounter the risen Lord we listen to his word and we are nourished at his table now notice that there is nothing here that a Protestant wouldn't say about his own church service at least when it includes some kind of communion right it's a totally Protestant understanding of what Mass is which they usually call the Lord's Supper notice also that what is totally absent from 00:49 Francis tweet is any inkling that the Holy Mass is a sacrifice and not just a sacrifice of Thanksgiving and adoration but a sacrifice of propitiation that is offered to the Most Holy Trinity that is completely gone in fact everything he says in that tweet has to do with what we receive when the fact of the matter is that above all the Catholic Mass is about us giving to God that's why you have to go to Sunday Mass to begin with that's why it's an obligation and that's why you have to go to Mass even if you can't or don't want to receive Holy Communion you see the traditional Catholic catechism teaches that Holy Mass is offered for four principal reasons number one to adore God number two to thank God number three to make reparation for sin to God and number 00:50 four to petition God now all of these things are things that we give to God we give him our adoration our thanks our atonement sacrifice which is Christ and we give him our petitions and yet in the Novus Ordo sect almost all that has ever talked about is the mass as us receiving something from God now of course we do also receive things from God at Mass such as graces and blessings and indeed if we communicate his very body blood soul and divinity but that is a consequence of assisting at mass it is not the reason for it at least not the primary reason remember what the Council of Trent defined against the Protestants quote if anyone says that in the mass a true and real sacrifice is not offered to God or that the act of offering is nothing else than Christ 00:51 being given to us to eat let him be anathema unquote that's den zinger 9:48 in the Novus Ordo the talk is always about mass as a meal it's always a meal a supper and so forth even many of those who still believe in the real presence think the mass is a meal it is not holy mass is a sacrifice not a meal Holy Communion is a meal if you will but the mass is not and the only one who is required to receive holy communion at Mass is the priests distribution of communion to the people is not really part of the mass actually it is inserted into the mass and is in itself optional it does not pertain to what is necessary for there to be a mass so Francis totally distorts what the Catholic Mass is and why it has offered but then again he's speaking of course 00:52 of the Novus Ordo mass not the traditional Roman Catholic Mass so let that be another clue to you okay the Novus Ordo worship services I like to call it is essentially different from the Roman Catholic Mass it is not sacrifice but a meal the Novus Ordo is it has no offer Tory but only a presentation of the gifts it has no offertory prayer but only a Jewish table blessing it has no Canon but only a Eucharistic prayer it has no consecration but only an institution narrative it doesn't even have a priest but only a presider folks if you're still attending the new Mass you have got to stop and get the heck out of there not only is the new mass invalid even if it were valid you cannot go there because it's not the true 00:53 worship of the Catholic Church it's a masonic modernist protestant service offered by a false church in union with a false Pope so you have no business being there and God is most certainly not honored by your assistance at it quite the contrary I forgot who it was but someone once aptly remarked that the Novus Ordo Mass is the New Testament version of the sacrifice of Cain alright what else have we recently heard from the jorge's mouth one more one more from the frank ster here on September 18th his wickedness and his daily sermon did it again he again said as he had done before years ago that Christ's Authority came from the people from being close to the people here is what Vatican News reported quote what gave Jesus authority 00:54 Pope Francis explained was that he spent most of his time on the road touching embracing listening and looking at the people in the eye he was near them the Pope said this is what gave him authority unquote now that is demonic that is a complete reversal of the truth that is straight from hell it's like authority from below you know like God's authority is dependent on being recognized by the people this is modernism on steroids obviously the truth is that Christ's Authority came not from below but from above directly from his Heavenly Father with whom he is one and to whom he is equal quote for he received from God the Father honor and glory this voice coming down to him from the excellent glory this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear you him unquote 00:55 that's a second Peter 1:17 other relevant scripture passages here are John 10:30 where Christ says I and the father are one and John 823 where our Blessed Lord says you are from beneath I am from above Christ received his authority from the people unbelievable Francis is a demon but no one cares no one cares not a single voice at his daily Santa Marta sessions stands up and denounces him or at least walks out okay at least not that we've heard about not one and don't wait for any of these normal sorta Talking Heads to be outraged about it this topic is not intriguing enough you see it's not about human sexuality not about life issues not about who gets to receive Holy Communion this is just you know damnable blasphemy it's just a direct attack on 00:56 Christ himself in terms of gravity blasphemy is even worse than heresy and Francis has been blaspheming God left and right and our topical page on Francis which we're gonna link in the show notes has all the information all the links you need to see how much blasphemy this man has committed in the past few years he's made jokes about the Trinity he said Christ made himself the devil and and so forth and and that's why we call him his wickedness instead of his holiness see these these little epithets and monikers we use here they're all rooted in reality they're not just simply gratuitous insults okay they're all justified alright ladies and gentlemen there is so much more I have here to talk about that there's just no way I could fit it all into one show and 00:57 I don't think you'd want a five and a half hour show at a time so um let's do this I know it's probably not going to happen but I will try as hard as I can to put out another full-length trap cast before the end of the year how's that I can't guarantee it because you just never know what happens for all I know Francis might decide to set the Vatican on fire tonight and then we'll be covering that but I'll try okay see whatever time is spent doing one thing is time away from doing something else and so it's very difficult to juggle it all all right before we go I have a book recommendation to make and I don't want let you go without it so here we go to set of ikana Sleiman mr. Dylan fellows and mr. Christopher Conlon have published a phenomenal little work called contra Crawford a defense of baptism of desire and periodic 00:58 countenance as the title suggests it's a work defending the traditional Catholic teaching on baptism of desire and baptism of blood as well as an issue relevant to the married and it does so in a way that is easy to follow and that makes clear at the outset what is really at the root of the errors that are being refuted here which is a false view of how the Catholic Church teaches the faithful specifically through her ordinary Magisterium you see a lot of people seem to think that the Catholic Church teaches the faithful directly by means of infallible statements and conciliar pronouncements and then anything less than that is just a bunch of opinions that have value only insofar as they don't contradict the infallible teachings which they nevertheless totally can and that's just a completely 00:59 crazy and absurd view of the church's Magisterium and so the authors tackle that issue right up front and best of all the book is enjoyable and easy to read okay it's not dry it's not boring it's not tedious to go through and it's available in electronic format for free so you can just download it as a PDF file and it is also available as a paperback and would probably make a pretty nice Christmas gift for some people you know where to find the link that's right in the show notes for this episode trap cast number 23 man so much more to talk about like sweet Paul the sixth for example yeah you heard about that the semi treads are trying their darndest to get around it but we won't let them it'll have to wait till next time though 01:00 please keep us in your prayers and God bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] track cast [Music]