00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the Novus Ordo watch drag cast you can't make the stuff up [Music] ladies and gentlemen your ears are not deceiving you it really is true you are 00:01 listening to a brand new full-length episode of trap cast the traditional Roman Catholic podcast that is not more Catholic than the Pope just more Catholic than the anti Pope [Music] [Applause] we are the Vatican two sects worst nightmare because not only do we expose and refute its countless errors heresies and scandals but also and this is where it really hurts we point out that the people claiming to be the Catholic hierarchy are in fact nothing but a bunch of non Catholic charlatans and usurpers who hold no authority in the church whatsoever [Music] 00:02 so welcome to a new track cast it's been a while since we had the last one and that is mainly because it's becoming increasingly difficult to find large chunks of time to set aside in which to produce a podcast because so much happens every day that continually interrupts the flow of work required for longer projects like a try of cast and yes it is a long project see in order to crank out a full-length show with all the preparations and post-production things you have to do you really need about two full days to get it all taken care of and that's two days in which you can basically do nothing else now imagine you're at a candy store and they have 500 different kinds of chocolate to choose from but you can only pick ten of them and that's kind of how it feels preparing a track cast these days you have such an arsenal of stories and issues and topics to choose from that no matter which ones you end up picking you'll always wish you'd also picked some of the others you just can't win so 00:03 we have no choice but to go over some topics in the show and leave others aside today I'd like to begin by honoring a request that a listener had made some time ago and that is talk for a little bit about what someone just coming out of the novels or a church ought to do to educate himself in the true Catholic faith and here I'm not talking about how to be received into the Catholic Church by a set of economist priests or whatever but simply what books to read and what resources to use to learn the true faith and undo the damage of novels or to education now we could do a whole show on just that but let me just mention some basics first as a general principle you want to read approved Catholic literature from before roughly 1960 especially papal encyclicals theological manuals catechisms devotionals and spiritual books as far as encyclicals go you can 00:04 find I think all of them they began in 1740 with a pontificate of Pope Benedict the 14 you can find them at papal encyclicals dotnet now you have to stop with Pius the 12th because after him is when all the Novus Ordo junk started being taught by the false popes but that is the place where you can read all of the true papal encyclicals now of course you can't really you know read all of them I mean there's hundreds of them and without further guidance you really wouldn't know which ones to pick right which ones are the really important ones the ones that are most significant for our times so what I suggest you do is get a book called Pope's against modern errors that book contains the most significant papal encyclicals and apostolic letters from 00:05 1832 to 1950 that's from Pope Gregory the sixteenth Murari vows to Pius the 12th Himani generates that's a total of sixteen papal documents in about three hundred and sixty pages it's an excellent little compendium that you'll want to read and if you've never been exposed to the pre Vatican to church before what you'll find in these documents is a completely different religion from what you've been led to believe is the Catholic religion you'll find refutation z' and condemnation z' of all of the Novus Ordo garbage you hear day in and day out throughout the new Vatican to church especially from Francis and is five predecessors of unhappy memory the Pope's against modern errors addresses and condemns such errors and heresies as liberalism acumen ISM modernism Freemasonry naturalism indifferentism communism and so forth so really the surest way of getting to know the true Catholic religion and 00:06 seeing the errors in the Vatican to religion is to read those papal documents you'll derive tremendous profit from them and then there's one in supply coal you'll definitely want to read that is not contained in that book but can be found at papal encyclicals net and that is Pius the 12th 1947 and secular maybe on tour day on the Sacred Liturgy in it you'll find condemned the very revolutionary changes in liturgy that Paul the sixth implemented in 1969 with the creation of the so-called new Mass the Novus Ordo me say which is the worship service that if you're just coming from the Vatican to church is what you know as the Catholic Mass that is condemned in that document media tour day by Pius the 12th find it at papal encyclicals dotnet then are another excellent source 00:07 another great book that I cannot recommend highly enough is liberalism is a sin by the 19th century Spanish priest father Felix Sarda Esau Levani that book is the death knell of the Second Vatican Council it makes mincemeat out of many of the sophism errors and heresies of that council and especially also the so called spirit of vatican ii and the best part about this book is that it was explicitly endorsed and recommended by the Holy See under pope leo xiii and the way that happened is that some liberal-leaning priests in the 1880s basically denounced father-tsar de to the Holy See for having written this book liberalism is a sin and that liberal priests thought that the Vatican would examine and then condemn the book right for being too rigid well turns out that the Vatican did examine the book but they found it so well written and so 00:08 Orthodox that they gave it their highest praise and instead started investigating the liberal priest who denounced it so that little book is also a must read to understand true Catholic doctrine and how it differs from the modernist garbage we are given today by the way all of these books that I'm mentioning here we're linking all of them in our show notes at track cast dot-org so you can just go there scroll down and click on the link to episode number 24 and you'll find all the for there to where he can order those titles now as far as traditional catechism goes something substantial that will really teach you the traditional faith but without it being you know like an eighth volume dogmatic theology set I would suggest the following books all of which have their advantages and disadvantages you'll want 00:09 to simply look into all of them and then simply decide which of them works best for you there is first and foremost the good old catechism of the Council of Trent also known simply as the Roman catechism it was first published in the 16th century by order of Pope st. Pius v & edited by st. Charles Borromeo that catechism covers the essentials in some death but not too much okay it was actually written for parish priests as a guide on how to instruct their people then there's the more exhaustive book the Catechism explained by Father Francis spur hago published in 1899 and another edition in about 1921 or thereabouts that is a big book with a nice index and plenty of example and so that's very useful if you like more of a 00:10 Baltimore type catechism where the faith is presented in question-and-answer format you can probably do no better than Cardinal Peter Gaspari is the Catholic catechism from 1932 problem is that book is not in print currently but you can download a scanned electronic version and we have the link for that also in the show notes the Catholic catechism by Cardinal Peter gaspari and finally if you're looking for a really nice family catechism one that keeps things simple and also uses beautiful illustrations to explain not just the doctrines of the faith and the sacraments and the Lord's Prayer but also goes into things like explaining the setup of the Catholic altar and different religious orders how to gain indulgences and so on you'll want the my 00:11 Catholic faith catechism by Bishop Laura voir Mauro published in the early 1950s another really important kind of book to read is an apologetics book that shows the rational basis of the entire Catholic faith from the ground up okay it's it's one thing to be educated in the doctrines of the faith that the church teaches but you also need to understand the foundations why do we believe what we believe why do we believe in the Bible and in the Catholic Church why do we believe in Jesus Christ why do we even so much as believe that we have a soul that needs to be saved how can we prove the existence of God in the first place so these foundational issues are very important and for that I would recommend a book by Father Anthony Alexander called college apologetics proof of the truth of the Catholic faith 00:12 it was originally published in 1954 and is quite readable it's it's quite easy to follow now regarding vatican ii and the whole new religion that began with john xxiii in 1958 a brand-new book just came out that i want to tell you about and that is an enormous eight hundred and nine page whopper called vatican ii exposed as counterfeit catholicism the authors are two priests of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen Fathers Francisco and dominic reddick II there are not just biological brothers but also identical twins in publishing this book which took about eight years to complete they have done a great service to the church because this book is not only very thoroughly researched it is also very readable for the average layman it covers not only 00:13 the inside story of Vatican 2 but also contains chapters on each of the false popes and their respective backgrounds it includes a bibliography that is something like 50 pages long and it's got a total of over 3,000 footnotes Vatican 2 exposed s counterfeit Catholicism so of course we have that linked as well and we're linking to a page where you can download a preview file that will let you look at some of the pages of that book and later in this program I'll tell you how you can receive that book as a gift from us now I could go on and on about what our great traditional Catholic books but we'd never finish so let me just point you to our resource page called now what which has a ton of links to traditional Catholic sermons traditional Catholic 00:14 book and gift stores and a great many helpful tips that you can use to help you live a truly Catholic life and these extremely dark and difficult times so check out the link for that hour now what page and now ladies and gentlemen it is time once again for the most dangerous minutes in podcasting we're going to look at the words of Jorge bergoglio the man known as Pope Francis 00:15 [Music] from the Jorge's mouth [Music] yes we're going to take a look now at what has recently emanated from the Jorge's mouth although I have to admit that some of this isn't exactly recent we'll start something from September 25th 2018 chaos Franck was visiting Estonia and he said the following - an ecumenical meeting of the youth quote you boys and girls young people know this when a Christian community is truly Christian it does not engage in proselytism it only listens welcomes accompanies and walks but does not impose anything unquote yeah except climate change openers tolerance migrant worship and all the other stuff he never shuts up about right but hey when it comes to such insignificant little issues as the true faith and salvation 00:16 of your soul heaven forbid you should ever actually you know talk about it in any meaningful way you only get to listen welcome accompany and walk remember what Francis said two years prior in the nation of Georgia he said this quote there is a big sin against human ism proselytism you must never proselytize the Orthodox they are our brothers and sisters disciples of Jesus Christ unquote you can't make it up but it's ironic because here he's talking about never imposing anything and he does it by imposing I'm sick of this guy by the way when you look at the New Testament at the Gospels what do you see Christ doing do you only 00:17 see him listening accompanying welcoming walking whatever that means anyway no you don't you see him imposing things for example just as he ascends into heaven God incarnate says to his disciples go ye into the whole world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be condemned that's mark 16 verses 15 and 16 and John 8:24 Christ says to the Jews if you believe not that I am he you shall die in your sin how's that for imposing something pretty rigid huh or how about what Christ says in st. Matthew's Gospel chapter 10 but he that shall deny me before men I will also deny him before my father who is in heaven do not think that I came to send peace upon earth I came not to send 00:18 peace but the sword for I came to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man's enemies shall be they of his own household he that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me and he that taketh not up his cross and followeth me is not worthy of me it's Matthew 10 verses 33 to 38 it doesn't sound like just welcoming listening accompanying and walking to me so let's finally cut this Bragg Olien poppycock that makes christ into some kind of effeminate village idiot you know it's funny that the novus ordo sec all these claims to be so scriptural right and there were liturgy and in in there Magisterial texts and all and they're always preaching about how we 00:19 must allow ourselves to be nourished by God's Word and all that and then they contradict Scripture or left and right on such simple and fundamental issues so no proselytism isn't a sin against humanism rather a human ism is the sin all right another thing I wanted to talk about that came from the apostate lips of Jorge bergoglio is what he said in a letter addressed to the chief rabbi of Rome ricardo d sin ye last year in september Francis sent him greetings on the occasion of three Jewish feasts that were all celebrated in quick succession Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur and Sukkot now although the full text of that letter has not been released or at least I haven't been able to find it anywhere Vatican News did publish some excerpts of it in a news post on September 18th and that's where I'm quoting from now 00:20 quote the Pope writes that he hopes that these festivities might revive the memory of the benefits received from the Most High he also extended his thought to all the Jewish communities in the world that they might find in these feasts the source of further graces and spiritual consolation unquote this is apostasy for 2,000 years now the Old Covenant has been over okay over no more that's because God Himself came to earth brought the Mosaic Covenant to an end and established the New Covenant all right that's why it's called new just look at Hebrews 8 13 and 10 9 for example to see evidence of that or simply recall that rending of the veil in the temple when Christ died on the cross that signified that the old law was over forever over and done with once 00:21 the new covenant was fully in effect and the initial period of transition was over in 70 AD when the Jewish temple was destroyed it became a mortal sin of false worship to observe the Mosaic law the 15th century council Florence taught the following in its decree cantate domino quote this council firmly believes professes and teaches that the matter pertaining to the law of the Old Testament of the Mosaic law which are divided into ceremonies sacred rites sacrifices and sacraments because they were stablished to signify something in the future although they were suited to the divine worship at that time after our Lord's coming that had been signified by them ceased and the sacraments of the New Testament began and that whoever even after the passion placed hope in these matters of the law and submitted 00:22 himself to them as necessary for salvation as a faith in Christ could not save without them sinned mortally yet it does not deny that after the Passion of Christ up to the promulgation of the gospel they could have been observed until they were believed to be in no way necessary for salvation but after the promulgation of the gospel it asserts that they cannot be observed without the loss of eternal salvation all therefore who after that time observed circumcision and the Sabbath and the other requirements of the law it declares alien to the Christian faith and not in the least fit to participate in eternal salvation unless some day they recover from these errors unquote and you can look that up in den zinger number 712 in his book series a manual of moral theology the Jesuit father Thomas later writes quote the ceremonies and practices of the Jewish religion signified that the Messiah was to come 00:23 and so now after the coming of our Lord they could not be employed without superstition meaning false worship in as much as falsehood in religion is a grave injury to God this species of superstition is mortally sinful unquote that's page 140 in volume one of his manual of moral theology the fifth edition from 1925 and of course we've got that linked for you as well this book is actually available for free electronically think about it this makes perfect sense the old law which was imperfect and devoid of grace foreshadowed the new law which is perfect and capable of sanctifying souls all the ceremonies of the old law pointed to a future fulfillment in Christ so once the fulfillment has taken place and the old ceremonies have been 00:24 replaced by the Catholic sacraments and sacramentals and all the church's liturgical services and so on to then go back to what came before to what is imperfect to the signs and shadows rather than the reality and observe them which speak of or point to a future Messiah when that Messiah has already come and fulfilled everything that is necessarily an incredible blasphemy and implicit rejection of the faith so for Francis to say not only that the keeping of the Old Testament ceremonies now that what they signified has already been fulfilled is the source of grace and spiritual consolation is a scandal in its own right but what makes it even worse what clearly makes it apostasy is that he's telling that to a representative of the Talmudic Jewish religion a religion that denies that these Old Testament ceremonies have been 00:25 fulfilled in Jesus Christ that is a blasphemy and it is apostasy of course for Francis that's par for the course but you know so Francis is here blaspheming and he's giving credence to the false Jewish religion and explicitly confirming an unbeliever in his rejection of Jesus Christ so that's like a triple mortal sin I'm telling you Francis is vying for the hottest place in Hell then according to Vatican news Francis continued with his letter to the rabbi saying quote made the Most High bless us with a gift of peace inspiring us toward greater diligence - promoted untiringly unquote well you know if Francis sincerely wants peace for his Jewish friend well why won't he tell him about the Prince of 00:26 Peace sometime hey just a thought and will we know the answer of course because Francis doesn't really believe in the Prince of Peace himself all right do we want to do one more from the Jorge's mouth it's dirty business I know but someone's got to do it okay one more this one is very recent on April 7th this year passion Sunday just a few days ago Francis visited the Church of San Giulio in the Diocese of Rome and at one point he answered questions from children and a girl named Carlotta asked him about how to deal with doubts in the faith and one of the things he said in response was this quote even getting angry at Jesus can be a kind of prayer Jesus likes seeing the truth of our heart don't make pretense in front of Jesus 00:27 unquote so this is clearly blasphemy once again he tells you that getting angry at God is a legitimate way of praying it's unbelievable we have a link to the video where you can hear him say it in Italian together with a translation and this was posted by the rotted Chile blog so it's not even a set of a Cana source then two days later on April 9th francis was back in the in preaching his daily homily at the Casa Santa Marta and guess what he said he pointed out that complaining against God is a sin no kidding we've got a link to the Catholic Herald in covering that story and so you can see that once again Francis is doing the utmost damage to souls yet always while giving himself some plausible deniability and so those people who want to justify complaining 00:28 against God can appeal to Francis in support and those who want to condemn complaining against God can appeal to Francis in support you see how the game works it's not a new game by the way by no means in 1794 Pope Pius the sixth condemned it in the bull al quorum fee day he called it an quote erroneous pretext that the seemingly shocking affirmations in one place are further developed along Orthodox lines in other places and even in yet other places correct it as if allowing for the possibility of either affirming or denying the statement or of leaving it up to the personal inclinations of the individual such has always been the fraudulent and daring method used by innovators to establish error it allows for both the possibility of promoting error and of excusing it unquote BAM yep BAM is right that is exactly what 00:29 we've been seeing with the modernists since Vatican 2 you know when Francis dies I think a lot of people will attend his funeral just to make sure he's actually getting buried that much apostasy blasphemy impiety and scandal all wrapped into one person claiming to be a Catholic I'm not sure the world has ever seen that before certainly not in someone claiming to be the Pope anyway we're going to take a break here in just a minute but before we do I'd like to change gears and say just a few words about a topic that is very important for the practice of the traditional Catholic faith but that often gets neglected ignored or dismissed perhaps because its significance is not well understood so I'd like to help out by explaining some of the underlying principles the topic is modesty in dress 00:30 not just at mass but in general both men and women have an obligation to be modest but the standards for male modesty are a lot different and yeah easier than for female modesty so I'd like to offer a few encouraging words here to our dear lady listeners concerning female modesty and the beauty of femininity which is exemplified of course in the Blessed Virgin Mary now speaking from my own experience I can say that there is really nothing more wonderful for a man to see than a woman who is dressed modestly because that is a great testimony to her femininity let me explain see the purpose of clothing is to conceal the body not to reveal it and if you look at scripture the first time that people put on anything was Adam and Eve right after the fall right after they committed original sin that's 00:31 because at that point they were no longer master over their passions for they had lost the state of original innocence the need to clothe ourselves is in part a punishment for original sin just like labor is and bodily suffering but even aside from being a punishment it's also necessary because we all suffer from concupiscence which means we're naturally inclined to vice rather than to virtue to sin rather than to holiness and since impurity is a sin of weakness rather than of malice we must do whatever we reasonably can out of charity not to be a needless occasion of sin to another so modesty is really the safeguard of purity if you want your children to be pure make sure they learn to dress modestly now that alone won't suffice of course but it's an essential part and if you want others to look at you with pure intentions then do not give them 00:32 needless occasion for impure thoughts I want to add that modesty is also an incredible witness if you're dressed modestly you're testifying that you respect God you respect yourself and you respect those you meet a woman who is dressed modestly also commands respect by that very fact alone because modest dress confers on her a kind of visible dignity that has simply not had any other way and modesty and dress allows a man to enjoy conversation and interaction with the opposite sex without constantly having to guard his eyes and that means less distraction less focus on the body more focus on the person and her character now I don't want to get into all the details about exactly what counts as modest and not modest and you know the basic idea is to sufficiently cover the body and to de-emphasize the contours of the body 00:33 and I know that can be difficult to determine sometimes and yes there are some gray areas but I would just say this it all starts with a genuine intention to be modest just like any other virtue right before anything else you have to sincerely desire that virtue and ask God for grace to practice it so if that's a virtue you're currently struggling with why not start there and if you'd like to know more about this whole issue what you can or should wear and how to obtain modest clothing and so forth or if you just want to better understand the subject there are plenty of resources available online and we're linking some of them in the show notes and of course I would be remiss if I didn't mention here the phenomenal work by mrs. Rita Davidson a book called immodesty Satan's virtue a very important read so I want to 00:34 encourage all Catholic ladies to whom it may apply get rid of those jeans ditch those pants be modest wear dresses wear skirts wear blouses it is so beautiful and really manifests your dignity all right that's all I wanted to say about that issue and now let's take a brief timeout before we return with lots more to talk about it's not just a podcast it's a trap cast drag cast [Music] [Applause] we hope you are enjoying the sample of the motet Felix na is from the album sacred choral music by Nicholas Wilton 00:35 sung by the acclaimed English choir magnificat if you appreciate such a sacred choral music please support the traditional Catholic composer Nicholas Wilton by buying a copy of a CD or purchasing downloads of individual tracks from for Marks music comm that is fo you are ma RK s mu si si calm or his website Catholic music co uk there is more information and also a new CD of his piano music available on those websites [Music] 00:36 if you're looking for EWTN this ain't it trap cast [Music] Catholic triumphalism is here to stay and this podcast is evidence of it track 00:37 cast is Novus Ordo watch on-the-go for your ears [Music] unapologetically and refreshingly tzedakah contests [Music] you may have noticed that the semi traditionalists of the recognizing resist camp have been in overdrive mode lately spending an enormous amount of time battling sate of account ISM in the last few weeks and months we've seen article after article video after video blog post after blog post of all sorts of people desperately trying to keep you from concluding that the Manifest apostate occupying Vatican City isn't actually the Pope to mention just a few names we've seen stuff by Athanasius Schneider John Hunwick Roberta D'Amato Chris Ferrara Michael Matt Taylor Marshall Steve's go Jack 00:38 Peter Kwasniewski and so forth now that's a really good sign actually it shows that obviously a lot of people are starting to figure it out they're starting to understand that someone as obviously non Catholic as Francis cannot be the Pope of the Catholic Church and that is why you can and must refuse him submission resist his teachings and laws and so the pundits and bloggers and youtubers of the recognizing resist camp are taking notice and they're increasing their efforts to oppose set of account ISM they obviously wouldn't be doing that if they didn't see a real need for it so I think we can say that's actually a really good sign what all of these people have in common is that in their purported efforts to provide clarity and truth about the problematic pontificate of Pope Francis is that somehow they 00:39 always know from the outset that whatever the right answer is it's not that Francis isn't the Pope that's the one thing they all agree on regardless of how they get to that conclusion that's the one thing that's always certain right off the bat and that's what makes their efforts so contemptible if you're going to try to figure this thing out then from the outset you have to admit at least as a possibility that Francis might not be the Pope even if you end up not concluding that at least it would show your and sear and people could take you seriously but what's really happening is people are simply trying to come up with ways to denounce Francis while at the same time not having to conclude that he's not the Pope that's all it is so it's time that we countered some of the sophistry and we've done it many times in Prior podcasts so if you're new to this show make sure you listen to all 23 00:40 prior episodes as well as the many Express podcasts we've made a total of 81 so far because you'll get a truckload of information from those and all for free of course as a general rule I'll say this a lot of the arguments you hear from these semi trans these recognize and resistors are basically the very objections against the papacy and papal authority that the liberals the Protestants the Gallic ins the modernists the old Catholics and the rationalists made in the 19th and 20th centuries if you look at what these people say what objections they make against set of akkad isms supposedly inflated view of papal Authority you find those objections answered in the pre Vatican to Catholic theology manuals so arguments from historical cases of the past like Pope's liberius Han aureus the first or john xxii arguments about 00:41 st. paul resisting saint peter to his face and Galatians 2 or the charge of ultra montón ISM all of that is answered in the regular Catholic theology books before vatican ii and yet you have these semi trots popping up all over the place with their false and misleading argumentation and of course they're being treated by their readers and listeners as though they were these great lights that Catholics should look up to in these dark times it's sickening so I really can't take any more of these self-appointed gatekeepers of true Catholicism that are all insistent than Francis's Pope but then act in opposition to what he teaches so that they're effectively setting themselves up as an alternate áfourá T against the person they claim is the Vicar of Christ see that's what makes it so absurd we say to economist don't have a pope that's why the remaining clergy 00:42 and faithful have to do what they can to educate people about the real Catholic religion but these false traditionalists these recognize and resistors are always doing what they're doing in opposition to their supposedly legitimate hierarchy and that is definitely not permit it talk about sysm and that's why we call them semi trance they want to be traditional right but only up to a point when it comes to the traditional teaching about the papacy the Magisterium and the church then they're certainly not interested in being traditional anymore then they start hurling epithets like apalla tree and an anti / uber papal list and ultra mountain ISM around and the repeat the same objections against the papacy that the heretics of the past used against Vatican 1 so anyway let's look at some 00:43 of what they've been arguing as of light first let's have a brief look at this charge of ultra montón ISM that keeps being brought up it's used by people who apparently have no real clue about what the term means or where it came from they just seem to be happy that they found an ism to hurl against their opponents well to answer that we can use the very book that I mentioned at the beginning of this podcast father Sarna is albanese Vatican endorsed work liberalism is a sin from 1886 and keep in mind that liberalism here basically means modernism father Sardar responds to those heretics of the 19th century that kept hurling the term ultra montón ISM at Catholics he writes quote ultra montón ISM is catholicity intact and armed from head to foot it is catholicity consistent in all its parts the logical conclusion 00:44 ethic principles to their fullest conclusions in doctrine and practice hence the fierce and unholy opposition with which it is constantly assailed the foe well knows that to rout the vanguard is to demoralize the entire army hence their rage and fury against the invincible phalanx which always stands fully armed sleeplessly vigilant and eternally uncompromising unquote and that quote is taken from chapter 33 of liberalism is a sin we've got that linked in the shownotes and yes that book is available for free electronically as well as being available for purchase in print then Monsignor Umberto Benini who was one of Pope st. Pius the tense chief Bulldogs against modernism wrote the entry on ultra montón ISM for the Catholic Encyclopedia published in 1912 and he wrote quote for Catholics it would be 00:45 superfluous to ask whether ultra montón ISM and Catholicism are the same thing assuredly those who combat ultra montón ISM are in fact combating catholicism even when they disclaim the desire to oppose it and a little later he says this warfare by the rationalist protestant modernist coalition against clericalism or ultra montón ism is fundamentally directed against integral catholicism that is against papal anti-liberal and counter-revolutionary catholicism unquote so there you have it next time you hear some Semite rat's mart aleck complain about ultra montón ISM you know he's got no idea what he's talking about see the problem is that there are just too many people who act like sacred theology is their own personal toy that they can play with as 00:46 they please and the result is very often what I would call a kind of pop traditionalism a popular traditionalism that is mostly about beautiful external ceremonies traditional prayers and customs the old catechisms with some things in there they ignore because you know diabolical disorientation and all coupled with lots of piety and of course rejection of vatican ii garbage well that's very nice but that's not enough it has to proceed from sound theological principles in other words it has to be grounded in traditional catholic theology traditionalism can only be right and true if it is the natural consequence of Orthodox Catholic teaching what we see among the semi trads version of traditionalism though is a butchering of Catholic theology that relies on half-truths selective drive by theology and emotion in order to produce the desired result 00:47 why well because there is one premise they will never question one super dogmatic principle they will insist on no matter what and that is the idea that the papal clayman's after 1958 after Pius the 12th have been true Pope's that satyam OCONUS are wrong that the Novus Ordo Pope's are legitimate and because they refused to give up or even question that premise and nevertheless still want the Catholicism of the past they must do great violence to Catholic teaching to receive the desire result of traditional beliefs and practices traditional liturgy and so on Francis is the square peg that won't fit into the round hole of the papacy and what the Semite rats are doing now since they refuse to give up that square peg is they are damaging that hole until the darn peg fits and so I've said this many times before they're 00:48 actually sacrificing the papacy in order to have a pope the irony is through the roof so that's pop traditionalism for you and you'll find that especially at Catholic family news at the remnant the Fatima Center the Society of st. Pius the tenth and 1 Peter 5 for instance and speaking of 1 Peter 5 here's a case in point on October 2nd 2018 Steve ska jack the editor-in-chief published an article entitled that's not who we are anymore pre and post conciliar Catholicism are not the same religion darn right they're not but if you think that true Pope's can institute a new religion and that this doesn't violate the promises of Christ that the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Catholic Church then you have no clue about Catholic doctrine and shouldn't be writing about it in the first place 00:49 somehow these people refuse to see that it's the end of the papacy and therefore if Catholicism not if the Novus Ordo Pope's aren't true Pope's but if they are they've created a new religion hint hint true Pope's cannot do that if Pope's could do that then there would be no point to having a papacy we wouldn't need it Martin Luther would do just fine in fact such a papacy would be worse than useless it would be positively dangerous and it would mean that Christ has betrayed his flock which is obviously impossible and blasphemous even to suspect in the shownotes to this Trant cast 24 will once again put a link to our page the Catholic teaching on the papacy it's a collection of quotes from sundry Magisterial documents papal documents throughout church history read through that and see if you think that teaching is compatible with the idea 00:50 that popes can create a new religion and don't say that oh well the Pope is not always infallible that has nothing to do with it just because a pope isn't always infallible doesn't mean he is capable of creating a new religion read those teachings and you'll see how utterly absurd that idea is that the true Pope could Institute heresy or even an entirely new religion it's not possible all right for example look at Pope Leo the 13th he talked quote whatever the Roman pontiff's have hitherto taught or shall Hereafter teach must be held with a firm grasp of mind and so often as occasion requires must be openly professed unquote that's from the encyclical in mortality number 41 okay nothing in there about infallibility is 00:51 there so if you think that Francis's Pope go right ahead but then you have to believe and teach what he believes and teaches then goodbye traditional Catholicism you can junk your Baltimore Catechism your Douay Rheims Bible your apologetics books and so on then say hello to gaudium at space pancham Antares amoris Laetitia evangelii gaudium and so forth now some semi tracks try to get around this obvious problem by saying that well we live in apocalyptic times you know like that would somehow mean that Catholic doctrine no longer applies we can probably all agree that we live in the apocalyptic era or at least close to it but just a little reminder from Catholic tradition here listen up all you who consider yourselves traditionalists in Catholic tradition the Pope is the one opposing the Anti 00:52 Christ he's not the one doing his bidding the Pope is persecuted by the Antichrist and suffers because of it he's not the Antichrist Lackey and making the Catholic faithful suffer and if you don't believe it read Cardinal Henry Edward Manning link is in the show notes now let's move on to Michael Matt the editor of the remnant of course the remnant is the poster boy of theology free pop traditionalism what you find there is resistance propaganda disguised as Catholicism and sometimes it's not even disguised that's why I had to laugh when I heard Matt say actually why don't we just listen to exactly what he said here's the audio and the bottom line is this a crisis in the papacy is no excuse to deny the theology of the papacy itself you see we're Catholics in our case were Roman Catholics subject to the see of Peter we 00:53 made certain promises the time of our confirmation including to accept death before denying a single dogma of the Catholic faith and among those dogmas we must die rather than deny he's papal infallibility another is extra ecclesiam nulla Salus still one more as a necessity of being subject to the Roman pontiff and that was Michael Matt in the video resisting francis to his face standing with vegan all published on YouTube on October 22nd 2018 well he couldn't be more right there is no excuse to deny the theology of the papacy precisely it's not permitted to refuse submission to the Roman pontiff and yet that's exactly what he and his group keep doing not that Francis is Pope but they believe him to be and so they continually go against and 00:54 tell others to go against the person they insist is the legitimate Pope so dr. Matt physician heal thyself the remnant has even published explicit heresy against the papacy in the not-too-distant past remember the article the remnant published on May 25th 2018 by Elizabeth your it's entitled anatomy of a cover-up an open letter to Pope Francis in it the author states quote the College of Cardinals should immediately convene and remove Francis the Bishop of Rome for his gross and grave negligence and personal complicity in the systematic flouting and abuse of his own zero-tolerance policy causing a scandal of epic proportions brought upon the global Catholic Church and the Chilean Catholic Church unquote that is heresy because it denies that the Pope is the highest 00:55 authority in the church it implies that Cardinals have authority over the Pope that they can remove for moral failings that denies the dogma of papal primacy and yet the remnant printed it never admitted the error never corrected it and the essay is still online you can still find that heresy there according to their stats counter it's been viewed over 14,000 times think about this think about how many people are impacted and misled by this heretical statement even if only subconsciously so who's denying the theology of the papacy it's the remnant last month the remnant published even more blatant heresy against the papacy against Vatican 1 in a very poorly written piece by Jason Morgan that was supposed to be a response to our refutation of him last November 00:56 Morgan claimed quote infallibility is a recent invention in fact it wasn't until Vatican 1 that the church decided a fateful day that Pope's could be infallible unquote yes he seriously wrote that and no that wasn't said tongue-in-cheek that is blatant heresy and exactly what Protestants accused the Catholic Church of that papal infallibility is an invention of the first Vatican Council now the remnant has since revised that portion of Morgan's article but that was done quietly without apologizing or even acknowledging that they had printed heresy there's pure damage control the revised version now reads quote the formal doctrine of papal infallibility is a recent formulation in fact it 00:57 wasn't until Vatican 1 that the church defined the extremely limited sense in which Pope's could be infallible unquote well too bad that infallibility wasn't part of our argument at all but we'll let that slide Morgan doesn't have a leg to stand on so he needs to redirect the conversation towards a different topic that of papal infallibility in any case that's the remnant for you in one place they tell you that you can't deny the theology of the papacy and then they have no problem doing exactly that they want to bring back the old faith and then try to do it by denying that faith it's a traditional ism deprived of Catholic theology but it's also a traditional ism deprived even of Reason they utilize a sort of drive by theology at best their method is basically this cobbled together whatever bits and pieces from Catholic theology you can 00:58 use even if you have to twist them to arrive at the desired conclusion that Francis is the Pope but we don't have to submit to him first they start with the desired conclusion and then they look for justification for it that's how lawyers act they have the client they need to defend and so they'll look for whatever can help them get a not guilty verdict and it's perhaps no coincidence that the chief polemicist at the remnant is Chris Ferreira who is a retired lawyer alright I'm gonna need to interrupt here for just a second we'll continue with Ferrara in just a moment and tell you briefly about the special fundraiser we've got going because it only lasts through the end of Lent to conclude on Holy Saturday and I want to make sure I don't forget this so let me make this very quick until April 20th inclusive if 00:59 you make a monetary donation to Novus Ordo watch of at least 40 US dollars you are eligible to receive a free book as an incentive gift the idea is very simple we need to raise money to keep operations going and hopefully increase them and in order to make it worth people's while we offer a great Catholic book in return and what book that is depends on how much you donate this year we're offering a total of 4 books they are the passion and the death of Jesus Christ by sin Alphonsus Liguori papal error question mark a defense of Pope's set to have erred in faith by Saint Robert Bellarmine the anti-modernist reader Studies on the new religion of vatican ii vol 1 on the papacy which is an anthology of state of acontece writings on the papacy edited by father Anthony Jakarta and finally the big new book against Vatican 2 that I mentioned earlier Vatican 2 exposed as counterfeit Catholicism by fathers Francisco and 01:00 dominic reddick II you can get any of these if you make a qualifying donation restrictions apply so please have a look at our Lenten fundraising page with all the details linked in the show notes and remember this offer only lasts through April 20th and even if you're not able or interested in donating take a look at these books anyway just looking doesn't cost anything the idea is to make this the only special fundraiser this year nobody likes fundraisers ok myself included so I'm hoping we can just get enough people to contribute this Lent which of course now is almost over but I just couldn't get the track cast out any sooner and oh well last year it did work okay we only had to have one such special fund drive and so I'm sure we can do it again see if everyone who benefits from 01:01 the Oval sort of watch or from these podcasts can chip in just a little bit then this can easily be accomplished and hey we're willing to show our appreciation to our donors by offering them a tangible gift in return so if you give we give oh and by the way in the United States your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law okey doke now we can get back to business we were talking about the retired attorney and chief semi track polemicist Christopher Ferrara on September 17th 2018 Ferrara published an article in the remnant entitled can the church defend herself against bergoglio in it the author argues that a bunch of reform minded noble sort of Cardinals should get together and oppose Frances yeah by some imperfect counsel they get to decide whether his election was valid or not or whether he's a heretic now 01:02 what they would do if the verdict is not unanimous and they're all divided over at Ferrara of course doesn't say likewise what would be done when bergoglio declares that this imperfect counsel is invalid and without force which if he's the Pope he can actually do that to is something Ferrara doesn't address the article is a bit confusing because it's not quite clear at least not to me what Ferrara's position actually is he keeps talking about the case of Pope Benedict the ninth in his deposition something we had already addressed and refuted a week prior to Ferrara's piece because the same thing had been argued by brother Alexis bond Yolo but then he also he now being Ferrara also talks about whether Francis was even validly elected in the first place and how uncertainty over that would make the election doubtful and then to conclude he actions that if Francis refuses to 01:03 resign then the Cardinals need to declare his removal from office so he's all over the place but meanwhile and this is rather funny Ferrara's co-religionists robert cisco and john salsa whose anti set of accounts book true or false Pope Ferreira has endorsed or insistent that we have infallible certitude that bergoglio is a true pope because he was according to them accepted universally and peacefully as Pope by all Catholics and that makes it a dogmatic fact that he is the Pope but not enough Ferreira has since come back with yet another piece this time published as part of his Fatima perspectives column at Fatima org on March 21st of this year Bishop Athanasius Schneider had just released a lengthy essay on the question of a heretical Pope one which father Anthony Jakarta has just demolished by 01:04 the way and Ferreira of course immediately seized the opportunity to fire a few more solvers against said of ikana 'sm the funny thing is Snyder's conclusion was basically that there wasn't anything that could be done about a heretic Pope he could and should be corrected and resisted yes but he cannot be removed from office and so we should all just suffer it and pray so no deposition the exact opposite of what Ferrera had argued in September and yet and it's March twenty first installment Ferrera approvingly quotes Schneider's conclusion quote the act of deposition of a pope because of heresy or the declaration of the vacancy of the papal chair because of the loss of the papacy EPSA facto on behalf of a heretical Pope would be a revolutionary novelty in the life of the church and this regarding a highly important issue of the 01:05 Constitution and the life of the church one has to follow in such a delicate matter even if it is of practical and not strictly of doctrinal nature the sure way of the perennial sense of the church quote and here you can see what a complete mess it is in resistance land there the blind leading the blind and as I said earlier the only thing they always agree on is that said of account is amaz and that incidentally is the one thing that's giving rise to all this crazy drive-by theology in the first place whatever it takes to say that said of accountant ISM is false as a resistance trad you can say and argue whatever you want as long as you don't ever say that Francis isn't the Pope what utter madness follow these people at your own risk it's all garbage 01:06 alright last case in point today Professor Roberto demet a he's an old Sordo historian who's been busy giving lectures left and right about how Catholics should act under Frances reign of error and that of course Francis is definitely the Pope at least until further notice and we'll get to that in a moment so on November 29th of last year demet AE gave a talk in Rome entitled Pope Francis five years later continuity of rupture in the church an english translation of it was published on LifeSite and more recently now also on Catholic family news ladies and gentlemen that talk was theological Comedy Hour when you read it you really have to ask yourself if these recognize and resist icons ever listen to themselves do they ever really think about what they're saying and reason through what the logical implications 01:07 and consequences are unlike his co-religionist athenais shush Nider Dimity agrees that a pope can indeed cease to be pope for public heresy and I'll assume that he also agrees that a man who is a public heretic before any papal election cannot validly be elected to the papacy to begin with but the Dimity sets the bar artificially high for what qualifies as public heresy in a speech on November 29th he said quote a pope can lose his pontificate for many reasons including heresy but these reasons must be incontrovertible the heresy but also the invalidity of the election must be manifest and widely known to the whole church because the church is a visible Society and not an invisible congregation of elected people as 01:08 Protestant sects are in order to speak about notorious and manifest heresy it is not enough that the Pope professes or publicly favors heresy it must be perceived as such by Catholic public opinion the bishops and especially the Cardinals who are the electors and counselors of the Pope must recognize these facts and see their consequences until then a pope must be considered legitimate unquote now you can probably guess as to the source he gave for making these claims correct none whatsoever he simply asserted them and then left it at that so let's think about this for minutes Dimity is saying that as long as the faithful don't recognize that their pope teaches heresy in other words as long as they follow the pope into heresy 01:09 he's still the pope but once they've pretty much all realized that he's a heretic that's when he stops being pope so just when he's the most dangerous he's legit and as soon as the jig is up and everyone's figured out he's been misleading them that's when he ceases to be pope that's awesome that's why that's why I said do these people ever listen to themselves this is what I mean when I say that these semi trans have made Catholic theology their own little playpen this is comedy now de Matteo goes on and starts talking about Jose Antonio Loretta's recent book called Pope Fran paradigm shift which we've mentioned on a trap cast Express before and demet a says quote the last 20 pages chapter 10 and the conclusion suggests how we ought to behave in this dramatic situation the solution you Retta offers us is a 01:10 balanced solution the position of Jose Antonio yareta which is our position is balanced because it is based on the fundamental distinction between the church which is holy and immune from all error and the men of the church who can sin and error unquote aha so let's make clear we understand what the professor is saying the Vatican to church even under Francis is holy and immune from all error wait a minute that's the same church that has introduced the new Mass that has made a mockery of the canonization of saints that has as part of its papal Magisterium all of France's encyclicals apostolic exhortation x' letters constitutions and Motu Proprio x' francis sermons and speeches that's the same church that has cranked out manifestly false sayings such as John the 23rd 01:11 John Paul the second Paul the sixth and Oscar Romero it's the same church that has just updated its catechism to say that the death penalty is never permissible when we know the opposite is true and it's the same church that dishes out marriage annulments like candy and has now thanks to Francis made abortion grounds for annulment in other words if a woman wants to get her marriage declared null she can get pregnant have the baby killed and then apply for an annulment it is diabolical don't believe it we'll go ahead and look it up it's in France as so-called apostolic letters Metis you Dex Domino's yeas O's for the Western Church and Metis ed Missouri courses for the Eastern Churches article number fourteen for both they were released on September 8th 2015 but they're officially dated August 15th 01:12 of that year of course a real slap in the face of the Blessed Mother and we've got the links to these documents in the show notes but don't worry that church is entirely holy and free from all error right it's just the individual sinners like Francis that are the problem here in other words we're going to say that the church is all holy and all perfect because whenever she's not and then we'll just blame it on the people and not only is that theologically untenable it also renders the truth of the church's perfect holiness in spotlessness meaningless because with all the things I just enumerated canonization of saints surgical rights doctrine canon law and so forth if that's not the church but only individual sinners in the church who can be evil and mislead you well then what's left for the church to be holy and spotless about the truth is and this is the point of it all 01:13 that the church is always the safe guide in matters of salvation in the encyclical Sapienza Christiani number 24 pope leo xiii taught quote it belongs to the pope to judge authoritative ly what things the sacred Oracle's contain as well as what doctrines are in harmony and what in disagreement with them and also for the same reason to show forth what things are to be accepted as right and what to be rejected as worthless what it is necessary to do and what to avoid doing in order to attain eternal salvation for otherwise there would be no sure interpreter of the commands of God nor would there be any safe guide showing man the way he should live unquote see you can always cling to the church and lean on her like a little child knowing you will not be misled you will never receive anything from her that will 01:14 endanger your salvation that's why she's called Holy Mother Church that's not exactly an accurate description of the Vatican to church is it would you really entrust your soul to Francis as you're safe guide to show you what is right and wrong what is to be believed and what is to be rejected ma didn't think so de Matteo elaborates quote infallibility is reserved only to the Pope when he teaches under certain conditions or to the ordinary Magisterium when it reaffirms with continuity and consistency the immutable truths of the church unquote false or at least it's not the whole story the church is also infallible in her universal disciplines such as her found in the code of canon law which is affected by the changes Francis made to marriage annulments we 01:15 just talked about because that was actually an update to canon law and the church is also infallible in the canonization of saints in the liturgical rites she authorizes universally and so on I mean you can just look it up in the theology books from before Vatican 2 with regard to the ordinary Magisterium it is true that the ordinary Magisterium is infallible only when universal but they might a like all other resistant strands is misinterpreting what is meant by universal something that is taught universally means it is taught throughout the church by a moral unanimity of all bishops in union with the Pope whatever is taught in such a way is infallible on faith and morals of course and as divinely revealed but that is infallible de Mateus position though is that universality refers not just to space throughout the world but also to 01:16 time from the beginning until now and so he like all his co-religionists think they can reject all the novelties from the Novus Ordo Magisterium on the grounds that this new stuff was never taught before so it's therefore not the universal ordinary Magisterium and therefore now fallible well of course that sounds nice but it's false that's not what the Catholic Church understands by universality and if she did it will be quite odd because how is the average Catholic in the pew especially in times before modern communication and education how would the average Catholic know whether something was taught for 2,000 years or not right or 1500 years or whatever the case may be and if something was always taught for all the prior time what then is the role of the Magisterium other than repeating what 01:17 everyone already knows to be true anyway see this false argument was also made around the time of the first Vatican Council in 1870 opponents of papal infallibility were saying that this teaching was new that it hadn't been believed always and everywhere and that therefore it couldn't be taught it couldn't be part of the Magisterium or at least he could never be infallible it couldn't be Dogma and they appealed to st. Vincent of Larenz to the rule he offered called the Vincentian canon that the standard of Orthodoxy was what had been believed always everywhere and by all well in 1875 Cardinal John Franz illan set the record straight on that he published an article showing that the Vincentian Canon was to be understood not in the sense that all three criteria had to be met always everywhere and by all but that any one of these by itself 01:18 was sufficient to guarantee orthodoxy whenever something has been believed always or everywhere or by everyone Cardinal Franz Ilan's entire essay on that has been translated into English and we're making that link available to you in the show notes and let no one say that this is just Cardinal Franzel ins private opinion or whatever the book in which he included that essay was published by the Holy See under Pope Pius the 9th and no that doesn't make a nun fallible but it does make it authoritative and a truckload better than what the semi trance have to say but back to de mati the second error in what he said is to suppose that only what is infallible is also binding on the Catholic conscience that's simply not true let's quote pope 01:19 pius xi on that from his encyclical Kosti Canoe be ii of 1930 quote wherefore let the faith will also be on their guard against the overrated independence of private judgment and that Falls autonomy of human reason for it is quite foreign to everyone bearing the name of a Christian to trust his own mental powers with such pride as to agree only with those things which he can examine from their inner nature and to imagine that the church sent by God to teach and guide all nations is not conversant with present affairs and circumstances or even that they must obey only in those matters which he has decreed by solemn definition as though her other decisions might be presumed to be false or putting forward insufficient motive for truth and honesty quite to the contrary a characteristic of all true followers of Christ lettered or unlettered is to suffer themselves to be guided and led in all things that touch 01:20 upon faith or morals by the Holy Church of God through its supreme pastor the Roman pontiff who is himself guided by Jesus Christ our Lord unquote again that's pope pius xi and cyclical Kosti kenobi ii number 104 so listen up dr. de mata pius xi didn't say well you know the Pope is a sinner too so he can teach you all kinds of garbage but you you folks who can read and think go ahead and always check that whatever it comes from the Holy See is actually correct and traditional and not heretical or otherwise harmful the Souls I mean what an absurdity that would b-but that's basically what the semi trans believed that the Pope can teach all sorts of junk even heresy just not X can third row and when that happens the entire church 01:21 needs to rise up and say hey dude what are you doing and then if the Pope is nice if he's a good Pope then he will retract and condemn his own heresy and everything is fine again that is theological absurdist an and try to find that in traditional Catholic teaching so once again we see that those who style themselves traditional Catholics are really not traditional at all or only in certain respects hence our moniker semi trance all right we'll stop here um it's been a very long show and I thank you all for listening you know the the key to figuring out this whole mess is really not that difficult read the traditional Catholic teachings on the church on the papacy and on the Magisterium if what you find there you cannot apply to the Vatican to church to 01:22 Francis and his five predecessors and to the Novus Ordo Magisterium then their goose is cooked then the Vatican to church is not the Catholic Church its heads are not true Pope's and its Magisterium is a bunch of hooey okay and no amount of resistance in the world can change that and to help you with that we've put up a post called the Francis papacy test make sure you click on that and see for yourself test for yourself if it's possible that Francis could be a true Pope do it give it a try it's a lot of fun the Francis papacy test alright ladies and gentlemen this was Trant cast number 24 please spread the word if you liked the podcast share it with friends and family and maybe even with enemies 01:23 and if there's nothing else you remember about this show remember this one thing state of accont ISM is the position where every Pope is a Catholic until next time god bless [Music] [Applause] [Music] trap cast