00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the Novus Ordo watch drag cast [Music] [Applause] [Music] according to a new poll 100% of people identifying as Pope in Vatican City do 00:01 not believe in Catholicism and that's probably the reason why you are listening to this program now [Music] welcome listeners everywhere it is finally time for another trap cast the traditional Roman Catholic podcast that is judgemental bigoted exclusionary triumphalist and everything else the Jesuit apostate in Rome doesn't like and we'll pertinacious about it too this is episode number 25 and we're ready to start [Music] 00:02 ladies and gentlemen did you know that Jorge bergoglio whom some call Pope Francis is not a liberal or a heretic that he is actually an Orthodox conservative Catholic yeah well at least that's what we're told on the history and apologetics blog of Dan Marcum there's a post entitled 24 plus anti-liberal statements by Pope Francis and the idea there is to prove that Francis is orthodox by showing various quotes of his supporting a total of twenty four Orthodox theses so for example point number two says he is strong on no salvation outside the church and then Markham lists four things Francis has said that lends support to that doctrine now of course we all know that if there's one thing Francis doesn't believe in it's no salvation outside the church so what's going on here well quite simply Francis 00:03 is a modernist trying to destroy any remnants of Catholicism in people's minds and he does it using the tried-and-true modernist playbook for every 50 heretical or erroneous things you say also say three Orthodox things and so what Markham has done is simply pulled out the few Orthodox things he said on occasion and catalogued them all into a single post saying haha look here look at how Orthodox Francis is well the problem is that while Markham is giving you friends is twenty-four Orthodox statements he isn't quoting all twenty four thousand heretical things Francis s said so that's like taking a bank account statement and pointing to all the credits and bragging about how much money you're taking in while at the same time not showing anyone all the debits that are hitting your account and putting you seriously into the red 00:04 so mark ins 24 anti-liberal statements prove nothing except that Francis talks out of both sides of his mouth yes you and find a statement by him saying that whatever we have to be faithful to the deposit of faith to the doctrines handed down from apostolic times yes you can find him saying somewhere that we ought to bring people to Christ so they can be saved yes you can find him mentioning hell and the danger of people going there it's just that you have to look very long and very hard and that countless other things he said and done either outright contradict deny or relativize those words or at the very least outweigh them by sheer quantity and this tactic is not even new it's quite common among modernists and part of their strategy of subverting the church from within they spread their poison by acting and speaking in such a way that everyone 00:05 will take heresy from them while they themselves retain a modicum of plausible deniability should someone claim they're heretics and one way to do that is to contradict oneself on occasion tell different people different things perhaps depending on who one is talking to it was Pope Pius the 6th who pointed that out in 1794 when he condemned the local synod that had been held in the Italian city of pistoia a few years earlier that Synod by the way was a kind of theological precursor of vatican ii in any case here's what Pius the 6th wrote quote in order not to shock the ears of Catholics the innovators sought to hide the subtleties of their tortuous maneuvers by the use of seemingly innocuous words such as would allow them to insinuate error into souls in the 00:06 most gentle manner once the truth had been compromised they could by means of slight changes or additions and phraseology distort the confession of the faith that is necessary for our salvation and lead the faithful by subtle errors to their eternal damnation this manner of de simulating and lying is vicious regardless of the circumstances under which it is used for very good reasons it can never be tolerated in the Senate of which the principle glory consists above all in teaching the truth with clarity and excluding all danger of error moreover if all this is sinful it cannot be excused in the way that one sees it being done under the erroneous pretext that the seemingly shocking affirmations in one place are further developed along Orthodox lines in other places and even in yet other places 00:07 corrected as if allowing for the possibility of either affirming or denying the statement or of leaving it up to the personal inclinations of the individual such has always been the fraudulent and daring method used by innovators to establish error it allows for both the possibility of promoting error and of excusing it it is as if the innovators pretended that they always intended to present the alternative passages especially to those of simple faith who eventually come to know only some part of the conclusions of such discussions which are published in the common language for everyone's use or again as if the same faithful had the ability on examining such documents to judge such matters for themselves without getting confused and avoiding all risk of error it is a most reprehensible technique for the 00:08 insinuation of doctrinal errors and one condemned long ago by our predecessor st. Celestine who found it used in the writings of Nestorius Bishop of Constantinople in which he exposed in order to condemn it with the greatest possible severity once these texts were examined carefully the impostor was exposed and confounded for he expressed himself in a plethora of words mixing true things with others that were obscure mixing at times one with the other in such a way that he was also able to confess those things which were denied while at the same time possessing a basis for denying those very sentences which he confessed in order to expose such snares something which becomes necessary with a certain frequency in every century no other method is required than the following whenever it becomes necessary to expose statements that disguise some suspected error or danger under the veil of ambiguity one must denounce the perverse 00:09 meaning under which the error opposed to Catholic truth is camouflaged unquote damn that was Pope Pius the sixth in the Apostolic Constitution alka Turin fidei and we have that text linked for you as we always do in the show notes for this episode at track cast dot-org simply look for the link to trap cast 25 now I can give you a very beautiful example of Francis advancing contradictory ideas you see Markham's post of francis 24 anti-liberal statements is a bit dated it was published in 2015 and as you know the brig Olien tongue has moved a lot since then point 21 in mark ins post says that Francis is opposed to communion for the divorced and remarried as evidence for that Francis is quoted 00:10 from his very first in-flight press conference aboard air had one during his return flight from World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro where he said this quote about the problem of communion to those persons in a second union that the divorce might participate in communion there is no problem when they are in a second Union they can't I believe that it is necessary to keep this within the entirety of pastoral care of marriage unquote yeah that didn't age well did it we all know of course what Francis says about that issue now since in 2016 he released his exhortation amoris Laetitia which has caused so much controversy precisely because it permits unrepentant public first to receive the Novus Ordo version of Holy Communion well only of course in 00:11 individual cases wink wink to summarize it really doesn't matter if someone can find 24 things Francis has said that our Orthodox the problem is with the 24,000 things he said that aren't and yes that's actually backed up by Catholic moral theology you see there's a principle that says bonum ex integra causa malam ex come quite effective and that means good is from the entire cause evil is from any defect in other words for a thing to be good it has to be entirely good for it to be defective it is enough if it is defective in only one respect and that's why you can't have Catholicism in degrees or elements that's why someone who affirms 99% of Catholic dogma and denies only one single dogma is just as 00:12 much of a non Catholic as one who denies almost all dogmas it will be wrong to say that someone who denies only one dogma is more Catholic than someone who denies say 12 dogmas that's simply not true I know that colloquially we sometimes talk that way but theological II it's really inaccurate there is no such thing as being more or less Catholic than another any more than a woman can be more or less pregnant than another that's why Pope Benedict the 15th Rodan as 1914 encyclical at bayit II see me quote such is the nature of Catholicism that it does not admit of more or less but must be held as a whole or as a whole rejected unquote that's paragraph number 24 so therefore even if Francis were a heretic with regard to only one or two dogmas he would still be a complete non Catholic and all the 00:13 Orthodox statements in the world that he's ever uttered wouldn't make a hill of beans worth of a difference one drop of poison is enough to turn a healthy drink into a deadly one just as one pin pops the entire balloon all right time to move on to something else here on August 5th the semi traditionalist erotic chili blog published an interesting account of what happened to a man who was living in his own little diocesan traditional Latin Mass bubble and one Sunday had to attend a Novus Ordo Mass because his car had broken down well listen to it yourself here's what he wrote and I'm not gonna quote the whole thing just the most important parts so he was on his way to his regular traditional Mass but his car broke down and had to get towed and he felt obliged to attend the new Mass at 00:14 his local parish church of st. Lawrence in West Haven Connecticut quote as soon as I walked through the door I wanted to leave I found a choir of four or five led by a lady on a piano or keyboard made to sound like one and a guitar the choir a collection of older men in shorts and older women with the exception of one was practicing 15 minutes before Mass it is very hard to recollect one's self and get ready for the sacred mysteries while listening to mostly off-key choristers going through their rehearsal but that was the least of it what they were singing the usual made it all the worse one strangely reminded me of a Dorothy Provine ditty from the film the great race he shouldn't a hadn't a oughta know swang on me but the genre was the same a kind of Andrew Lloyd Webber meets the lemon lighters circa 1964 there are no memorable verses but a mirthful chorus just like a toothpaste commercial you'll 00:15 wonder where the yellows went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent and like commercials it's all about me I US God was mentioned even Jesus but only insofar as either could do something for me I US and there was no note of sacrifice it was all meal bread and wine the mass began and it attempted to be a formal expression of the Church's teaching on the mass the two celebrants and the deacon did try to make things real everything around them however bespoke informality informality breeds music that is different and outlook than Gregorian chant and informality breeds an attitude of laxity by the people in the pews most of whom were wearing shorts and such even though the place was air-conditioned if it's a family meal why worry about the way one is dressed and it breeds al-aksa Dean 00:16 receiving the sacrament kneeling to receive our Lord comes from understanding who you are and who he is standing bespeaks a fuzzy at best understanding of what we are receiving and whom we are meeting in that reception mass as I like to say is not supposed to be a near occasion of sin this had all the earmarks for the first time in my life I prayed for Eucharistic prayer - and it was granted I didn't receive though I went to confession the day before I was truly anguished by what I was experiencing a true degradation of what is supposed to be the source and summit of our lives some will read this and see it as being pharisaical I'm worrying about forms and formulae I lived through the liturgical hell that was 1965 to 70 and then the jettisoning of those forms with the missile of 1970 people began leaving the pews the priesthood and consecrated life the year after the changes came about 00:17 newer changes didn't stem the tide they increased the outflow we changed what we did which explained who we are if the church could change that it could change anything official proclamations to the otherwise notwithstanding someday someone brighter than I will figure the church's role in the West's demise I suggest they start with the first Sunday of Advent 1965 yes things led up to it but that was the date it came apart for good meanwhile the church is imploding and for some reason leaders aren't looking at first causes denying our forms tradition and devotions that grew up over 1,500 years caused a rupture that rupture was prompted by reform in the liturgy it couldn't happen until then yet here we are if our churchmen were running the Ford Motor Company that still be making Etzel 's and telling mr. ford it was 00:18 because the people don't know what a great car it is they only have to be catechized i had thoughts of leaving at communion but thought wryly jesus was called down here and he can't be too happy about it i stayed as a penance god has a sense of humor but my walking into st. lawrence church on the 18th Sunday in ordinary time 8th Sunday after Pentecost was a watershed moment for me I wondered if the Novus Ordo Mass is so far beyond redemption it can never be reined in it can't the deficiencies in the right what it doesn't say coupled with the forced informality makes a lethal brew the future is the past the Novus Ordo mass can't survive it must not only true Catholic liturgy evoking true Catholic piety an explaining true Catholic doctrine with no apologies can 00:19 survive the Novus Ordo Mass fails on all counts unquote yeah welcome to your own religion sir that is your church that is your mass or pseudo Mass it is the official worship of the institution you believed to be the Immaculate Bride of Christ who according to traditional Catholic teaching is spotless in her sacraments and in her sacred laws imposed on all oh and in preserving the faith too by the way yeah so it's not looking too good is it and well for those who don't believe it here's some evidence Pope Pius the 12th and cyclical mr. G corporation graph number 66 quote certainly the loving mother the church is spotless in the sacraments by which she gives birth to and nourishes her children in the faith which she has always preserved in 00:20 violet in her sacred laws imposed on all in the evangelical counsels which she recommends in those heavenly gifts and extraordinary graces through which with inexhaustible fecundity she generates hosts of martyrs virgins and confessors unquote pope pius xi and cyclical cross premise number 22 quote not least among the blessings which have resulted from the public and legitimate honor paid to the Blessed Virgin and the Saints is the perfect and perpetual immunity of the church from error and heresy unquote pope leo xiii apostolic letter onam ingress ii quote in the catholic church christianity is incarnate it identifies itself with that perfect spiritual and in its own order sovereign society which is the mystical body of Jesus Christ and which has for its 00:21 visible head the Roman pontiff successor of the Prince of the Apostles it is the continuation of the mission of the Savior the daughter and the heiress of his Redemption it has preached the gospel and has defended it at the price of its blood and strong in the divine assistance and of that immortality which have been promised it it makes no terms with error but remains faithful to the commands which it has received to carry the doctrine of Jesus Christ to the uttermost limits of the world and to the end of time and to protect it in its inviolable integrity unquote and lastly Pope Pius the 12th once more this time from an allocution he gave On June 2nd 1944 in which he said quote Mother Church Catholic Rome which has remained faithful to the 00:22 Constitution received from her divine founder which still stands firm today on the solidity of the rock on which his will erected her possesses in the primacy of Peter and of his legitimate successors the assurance guaranteed by the divine promises of keeping and transmitting in violet and in all its integrity through centuries and millennia to the very end of time the entire sum of truth and grace contained in the redemptive mission of Christ unquote that right there is sufficient proof that Francis cannot be a legitimate Pope because in him there is quite manifestly no assurance of keeping and transmitting and violet and in all its integrity the entire sum of truth and grace contained in Christ's redemptive mission nor does the Catholic Church or what people think as the Catholic Church stand firm on the 00:23 solidity of bergoglio and this really gets to the heart of the matter about city of accont ISM versus other positions at the end of the day everything can be boiled down to the basics if the Vatican to church is the Catholic Church then everything the church has traditionally taught about herself also applies to the Vatican to church then everything the church has traditionally taught about the Pope also applies to the people officially considered Pope's since the death of PI's the 12th in other words John the 23rd Paul the 6th John Paul the 1st John Paul the 2nd Benedict the 16th and now Francis then all official teachings since the death of PI's the 12th are though perhaps not infallible nevertheless safe for a Catholic to embrace but of course virtually everyone who's listening to this podcast say Davich honest or not everyone knows that what emanates from 00:24 the Vatican these days is doctrinally not safe but in fact a great danger to faith and morals so ever since vatican ii which closed in december of nine sixty-five people have been trying to resolve this obvious conflict to reconcile these apparent contradictions the traditional teaching is that the church cannot lead you astray in matters of faith and morals for as long as she is guided by a valve Pope the whole point of the papacy the whole reason why Christ instituted it is to guarantee orthodoxy right faith and morals for the entire church not just in Magisterial teachings but also in terms of liturgical rites that are doctrinally sound and pleasing to God invalid sacraments and disciplinary laws for the whole church that are in harmony with the Catholic faith and with right reason and just in general the guarantee that 00:25 souls can become holy can Santa fie themselves by embracing the church and using the helps she offers that is the purpose of the church the church is the Ark of salvation the Divine Embassy as it were on earth so then when Vatican 2 happened and began a doctrinal and pastoral revolution in the church people started trying to figure this out they tried to find a theological explanations to account for what was happening and so essentially three main currents were formed the first one simply denied that there was a genuine break with the past people who took that position said that the council taught nothing that conflicts with the prior teaching and that any contradictions were only apparent and that the solution was to properly understand the council and that that is the way to solve the problem of that akin to well that position is 00:26 basically taken by people like a cardinal Raymond Burke dr. Robert Frost eg Patrick Madrid and organisations like Catholic Answers and EWTN we like to call it the conservative Novus Ordo position or that sometimes refer to as the hermeneutic of continuity position I'm sure you've heard of it the second main current that developed was one that says that the contradictions between the council and traditional Catholic teaching are manifest and that would be that it will be foolish and not honest to deny them but that that doesn't mean that the church has defected or anything because the council and the Post conciliar Magisterium do not claim infallibility so it's not infallible and therefore we can and must reject it problem solved that is the position we call recognize and resist because the people who hold 00:27 it will recognize the papal claimants after Pius the 12th as valid and legitimate in the Vatican to church as the Catholic Church although resist all the teachings laws canonizations and so forth that they consider to be at odds with the traditional pre-vatican to teaching well-known organizations and people who subscribe to that position include the Society of sin Pius the tenth the remnant the Fatima center tradition in action Archbishop Marcela Feb Bishop Richard Williamson Bishop Bernard filet Father Chad ripburger Roberta dammit a Michael Davies Christopher Ferreira taylor marshall john salsa robert cisco michael matt steve's go jack and many others that's an extremely popular position especially right now when a lot of people just cannot take france's anymore and it's it's really a kind of best of 00:28 both worlds position because you can reject all the modernist junk yet at the same time you also get the affirm that the Vatican's establishment is still the Catholic Church that the man who has acknowledged by the world to be the Pope actually is the Pope and you can easily tell yourself that all the sacraments that you avail yourself of are valid and so on so it's an extremely convenient and popular position now being convenient and popular by itself wouldn't make it wrong but I'm just explaining why it's so popular and if you know how to promote it it's quite lucrative to just ask Steve Kojak another moniker for this position that we use here is semi traditionalism because it is traditional only to an extent and certainly not with regard to the traditional doctrines of the papacy the church and the Magisterium and 00:29 lastly the third main current to emerge in response to the errors of vatican ii is said of a ism and that's the position we take here a novel sort of watch because it alone makes sense it acknowledges the contradictions for what they are and identifies the new teachings and ideas coming out of vatican ii and the post conciliar Magisterium as errors in some cases even heresies the very things condemned before the council such as religious liberty accumulative but since a true roman pontiff and the true catholic church cannot per the promises of christ teach heresy or other pernicious errors detrimental the souls in the name of Christ and by his authority to the universal Church then the only possible conclusion is that the person who approved the council and that's giovanni battista Montini commonly known as Pope 00:30 Paul the sixth was not a valid Pope infallibility actually has very little to do with it all even if the council had proclaimed nothing that falls under the umbrella of infallibility assuming Paul the sick stuff then a true Pope for a moment it still could not have come from the authority of the Catholic Church because the church cannot teach ideas that undermine sound doctrine and are a danger to souls it would make no sense whatsoever to think that the church could teach the most obnoxious heresies to all of her faithful with the mean little disclaimer that hey we never said it wasn't fallible I mean how is this supposed to work right the successors of the Apostles United to the supreme pontiff the Vicar of Christ meet in council and solemnly approved decrees and constitutions for the universal Church which are then generously implemented throughout the diocese's of the world and then what each catholic is supposed 00:31 to get on google and figure out if he can accept it maybe subscribe to the remnant and keep current on Ferrara's column at the fatima center or do we need to watch taylor marshall videos now and get Roberta that might A's take on everything to ensure that the church isn't leading us astray this time I mean is this how Christ set up his holy Catholic Church is that how it works I mean what is this if not a complete joke now I know that the argument will come back that will you say to her Connors have the same problem you say Francis isn't the Pope when everyone else says he is and that's impossible it can't be up to each one of us to decide who the Pope is well agreed to an extent it's certainly not up to us to simply you know decide that bergoglio isn't the Pope rather it's a logically necessary conclusion because the alternative would be to conclude that the church has defected that Jesus Christ has given us 00:32 a worthless in a dangerous Church he tells us to cling to it but clinging to it actually leads us to hell that is a heresy and a blasphemy saying that Jorge bergoglio isn't the Pope is neither a heresy nor a blasphemy now some like Robert Sisko will say that it is a dogmatic fact that Francis's Pope because when he was elected he was accept that peacefully by the whole church and universal peaceful acceptance by the whole church is an infallible sign of the validity of someone's papacy well of course that argument assumes that the people who are considered Catholics nowadays even though they adhere to the Vatican 2 religion which Sisko himself rejects as a false religion that those people are in fact Catholics and make up the Catholic Church which is absurd I mean those are the people not all of them of course but 00:33 the vast majority of them those are the people that for go to confession that live together before marriage that practice contraception that think the death penalty is immoral that believe in freedom of speech and religion that don't know how to pray the rosary that do a climate fast during Lent that think Aquinas is a zodiac sign for whom icons are only something you put on your computer desktop who've traded in their spouse for a new one and then gotten an annulment and who think that the mass is a shared meal of bread and wine well in the case of the new mass of course they're actually correct but it's by accident so you see what I'm saying the vast majority of novel sore toes at least in the West especially North America and Europe and also in Oceania wouldn't know Catholicism if it hit them in the face and here I'm not even trying to assign blame for the purposes of this discussion it doesn't matter if they're 00:34 at fault or not the point is that these can hardly be the people who are infallibly testifying to Francis legitimacy let me give me a break you might as well ask Barack Obama so on that point alone Robert cisco's argument is worthless it assumes something that isn't true or at the very least something disputed by said of ikana so he can't assume it without begging the question and I'm referring here to his article dogmatic fact the one doctrine that proves Francis's Pope which was published on us codex 1 Peter 5 blog which is really a theological comedy site so it makes sense that they would let Sisko publish that there but anyway my favorite part of Cisco's article is his quote from Cardinal Lewis Bo who was an eminent theologian of the late 19th 00:35 and early 20th century sisqó quotes Cardinal Bo as follows quote one point must be considered absolutely incontrovertible and placed firmly above any doubt whatever the adhesion of the Universal Church will be always in itself an infallible sign of the legitimacy of a determined pontiff and therefore also of the existence of all the conditions required for legitimacy itself it is not necessary to look far for the proof of this but we find it immediately in the promise and the infallible Providence of Christ the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it and behold I shall be with you all days God can permit that at times a vacancy in the Apostolic See be prolonged for a long time he can also permit that doubt arise about the legitimacy of this or that election he cannot however permit that the whole 00:36 church except as pontiff him who is not so truly and legitimately therefore from the moment in which the Pope is accepted by the church and United to her as the head to the body it is no longer permitted to raise doubts about a possible vice of election or a possible lack of any condition whatsoever necessary for legitimacy for the aforementioned adhesion of the church heals in the root all fault in the election and proves infallibly the existence of all the required conditions unquote the original Latin for this is found in Cardinal BIOS book truck tattoos the ecclesia christi treatise on the church of christ vol 1 now this sounds pretty much like a slam dunk for cisco's position doesn't it at least if you agree that the world's Vatican 2 00:37 believers are the Catholic Church yeah well except that Sisko left out a piece of that quote smack dab in the middle of the paragraph he omitted one sentence and acknowledged that omission by putting ellipsis dots and here is what that omitted sentence says quote to be sure for the church to adhere to a false pontiff would be the same thing as if she were to adhere to a false rule of faith since the Pope is the living rule which the church must follow in belief and always follows in fact as will be still more clearly apparent in what is to be said later unquote yeah that part doesn't work so well Francisco does it so let's put everything together now to see what Cardinal Bo is actually saying he's teaching that it is impossible for the entire Catholic Church to peacefully follow a pope in matters of faith and morals who is not 00:38 in fact the true Pope such a man not being the legitimate Pope would not be guided by Christ would not have the grace of the papal office and would never be infallible he would lack all of the protections that Christ has given to the papacy since he would not actually possess the papacy and so he could teach the wildest heresies he could declare the greatest sinners to be Saints he could call a bogus ecumenical council he could destroy the sacraments he could establish impious and harmful laws for the whole church yeah does any of this sound familiar yeah I thought it did so that portion that Sisko cut out totally undermines his arguments since he himself doesn't follow Francis as the rule of faith now notice that Bo does not only say that the church must always follow the Pope and matters of belief which would still be enough to destroy Cisco's argument he 00:39 even says that the church does in fact always follow the true Pope at least for as long as it's everyone peacefully submitting to his teachings but out of all the people that cisco considers real Catholics no one follows Francis and matters of belief and of course he and says that it is forbidden to do so because of the great occasion of spiritual harm and danger that such submission presents to one soul so that doesn't exactly sound like the fulfillment of Christ's promise that the gates of Hell won't prevail does it hey keep in mind the teaching of pope pius xi in his encyclical Kosti kenobi of 1930 he wrote quote characteristic of all true followers of Christ lettered or unlettered is to suffer themselves to be guided and led in all things that touch upon faith or morals by the Holy Church of God through 00:40 its supreme pastor the Roman pontiff who is himself guided by Jesus Christ our Lord unquote and that's paragraph number 104 the in the encyclical Kosti kenobi and no pius xi is not restricting this to just the once in a blue moon infallible x catheter pronouncements because right before what i just quoted in the very same paragraph pius xi said this quote it is quite foreign to everyone bearing the name of a christian to trust his own mental powers with such pride as to agree only with those things which he can examine from their inner nature and to imagine that the church sent by god to teach and guide all nations is not conversant with present affairs and circumstances or even that they must obey only in those matters which she has decreed by solemn definition as though her other decisions might be presumed to 00:41 be false or putting forward insufficient motive for truth and honesty unquote so you see that as soon as you apply the real meaning of the papacy to the man cisco maintains is absolutely the real pope his whole argument falls apart oh he wants a pope alright he just doesn't want the papacy but that's not how catholicism works the papacy has consequences and listen to what Pope Pius the 12th teaches and mr. Chi corporis quote they therefore walk in the path of dangerous error who believe that they can accept Christ as the head of the church while not adhering loyally to his vicar on earth unquote it's paragraph 41 notice that Pope eyes here doesn't say that it is enough to accept someone as Pope he says one must adhere lowly to him 00:42 which means if Francis is the Pope then he is the safe rule of faith for all Catholics because he is then specially guided by Christ our Lord then Robert Cisco go right ahead and submit to your oh so certain Vicar of Christ but of course this you won't do because you know that the man is as heretical as heretics get by the way we have put up an English translation of the entire chapter of Cardinal Bo on the legitimacy of the Roman pontiff from which cisco quotes in his article so you can read everything cardinal bo says in context it's a noble sort of wuntch exclusive so you won't find it anywhere else and we've got it linked in the show notes alright there is so much more to say on this and Cisco's article also had a few other arguments but I can't cover 00:43 it all here else would never finish so let's just keep in mind that the bottom line is this if you're going to say that it is infallibly certain that someone is Pope because of peaceful acceptance by the whole church then you must agree that this Pope cannot lead Souls astray in matters of faith or morals that he is the safe living rule of faith not always infallible but always safe to follow and if you don't believe that if you hold that he must be resisted then you cannot use universal peaceful acceptance as an argument that infallibly proves his validity I think it's time we took a break hey why don't you refill your coffee and we'll be right back it's not 00:44 just a podcast it's a trap cast tragg cast are you interested in truly Catholic radio programming one that addresses not only the current crisis in the church and world but also discusses literature art doctrine spirituality and current events then tune in to member supported restoration radio at WWE s tration radio network org restoration radio the network for the thinking you have [Music] if you're looking for EWTN this ain't it trap cast [Music] 00:45 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are listening to track cast 25 brought to you by Novus Ordo watch where we bring you the truth about the Vatican to church otherwise we'd be Taylor Marshall [Music] [Applause] [Music] speaking of which I would be remiss if I didn't mention this earlier this year as I'm sure most of you know Taylor Marshall released a book entitled infiltration the plot to destroy the 00:46 church from within it was published by Sofia Institute press and it's so sad but people are going nuts over this they think it's so wonderful when in fact it's quite overrated for right now I only want to talk about this briefly so you don't think we're ignoring such a rather significant book release but I haven't finished reading it yet and I don't want to critique its contents until I'm done so I'm biting my tongue here because I'm really itching to say quite a few things about it but we'll have a feature article on the North sort of watch web site about this book and we will also review it in the next trap cast and we may actually make it a special edition track cast just on that topic now I want to make clear that I'm not into slamming every book on the crisis in the church that isn't say devour contest just because it's not said about contests I wouldn't do that and that's not what's happening here 00:47 there are non set of arcanas books out there that are of great value in other ways for example in in critiquing Vatican 2 or in showing the errors of the new theology or the new Mass but what we see with infiltration is just bizarre because the author of the former anglican cleric taylor marshall has a PhD in philosophy and yet his writing doesn't reflect that at all that's all I'm going to say here for now but you can look forward to some substantial critiques coming up on the blog and in a future podcast ok before we continue I'd like to make one quick appeal to everyone's conscience if you enjoy the content you find on Novus Ordo watch if you find it helpful if you or someone you love benefits from it please help support it I know that this year content has been not quite as copious and appearing as quickly as standard but that's because we've had a bunch of legal issues to comply with and that's been rather time consuming 00:48 and yes that has to do with many missing images you may see on a number of pages we're working on getting all of those fixed but it's going to take some time still and I'm hoping not to have to have another special fundraiser because that would just be so time-consuming again and I'd really like to spend my time researching and writing rather than fundraising which includes a lot of administrative tasks in any case you can support this podcast and novus ordo watch as a whole by making a donation at Novus Ordo watch.org slash donate where you have the option of donating either online by credit card bank withdrawal or PayPal or by check or money order using Google snail mail that's Novus Ordo watch.org slash donate and of course we have link to that also in the show notes and the best part in the United States donations are tax-deductible to the full 00:49 extent of the law alright enough of this let's move on to oh yeah you may be aware that dr. Peter who now ski who is an American philosopher in Idaho has founded the organization sister Lucy truth with the goal of determining with certitude whether or not the woman the Vatican has paraded around as sister Lucy of Fatima since 1959 is in fact that sister Lucy to whom our Lady appeared at Fatima in 1917 together with the other two children the question is quite relevant when you look at photos of the woman known to be sister Lucy all the way up into the 1940s and then contrast those images with pictures of sister Lucy in the 1960s and later on the face of it they just don't look like the same woman but of course that's not evidence that's just a suspicion so what ho now ski did 00:50 is he wanted to put the matter to rest one way or another and so he raised funds and commissioned numerous scientists and other professionals to analyze and examine whatever data is available and so now we have facial analysis dental analysis handwriting analysis forensic art professional opinions from plastic surgeons and so on all of the evidence that has been collected so far with the official scientific reports and professional assessments all of that has been posted at a website at sister Lucy imposter org and that sisters spelled out and imposter with an ER ending sister Lucy impostor dot org so far the verdicts of all the reports have been unanimous the two women in question are not the same person in other words the woman known as sister Lucy of Fatima seen in photographs since the 1960s is 00:51 not in fact sister Lucy a Fatima that at least is what the evidence says that has been gathered so far and if anyone has evidence to the contrary that's fine too then contact sister Lucy truth and submit that evidence the idea isn't to promote one particular theory but to settle the question using the best technology available today so we want to go by evidence not by speculation not by hypotheses theories or whatever now the repercussions of this are tremendous it means that anything purportedly coming from sister Lucy after basically Pope Pius the 12th probably didn't come from her or at least it's highly doubtful that it did certainly the woman who appeared in public as sister Lucy was not her but an imposter according to the evidence collected what happened to the real sister Lucy well that's a question that will be investigated separately interestingly enough and tragically enough none of the well-known recognize 00:52 and resist organizations have shown any interest whatsoever in this investigation or the results and here I mean the Fatima Center the remnant Catholic family News the Society of st. Pius the tenth and so forth apparently they don't care and yet this is an issue that has nothing to do with state of our conda's amor theology at all it's only about whether or not the Vatican used a woman to impersonate sister Lucy and surely that is kind of a big deal wouldn't you say well on May 14th of this year high now ski posted on his ranch at Thomas blog that the term diabolical disorientation now has to be discarded because it actually came not from the real sister Lucy but from the imposter that of course is very unwelcome news for the organization's I just named since they've basically built a whole theology a theology of resistance on that 00:53 foundation of diabolical disorientation a term introduced by the supposed sister Lucy in the 1960s diabolical disorientation is what they always bring up when their theology runs into contradiction with a traditional doctrine so for example they can say that the ideas put forth by an ecumenical council are junk because diabolical disorientation they can say that the saints canonized by a true Pope may in fact not be Saints at all because I volatile disorientation they can say that the new mass of Paul the six is a defective right of mass perhaps even invalid because diabolical disorientation and they can say that the Pope and with him the entire Church can adhere to a new and false religion because you guessed it this orientation yeah come to think of it maybe I understand now why they'd rather not bother with that sister Lucy impostor thing okay next if you thought that the senate's on the family in 2014 and 15 00:54 were really bad and admit it you did think that well then put your seatbelt on because you ain't seen nothing yet in October of this year there's going to be the Amazon Synod in the Vatican no Jeff Bezos won't be attending it's not that Amazon okay we're talking about the pan Amazon region in South America the Vatican has released a working document that they'll be using for their discussions that is so bad that even some Novus Ordo Cardinals specifically Muller Braun Mueller and Burke are calling it heresy even apostasy that document that that working document for the Amazon Senate amaura's Leticia look like Sacred Scripture by comparison erotic celli is on record saying that it doesn't even rise to the level of toilet paper though I'm not gonna say that because I don't see any reason to insult toilet paper 00:55 like that well excuse me but I mean at least toilet paper doesn't contain heresy all right well anyway let me quote you some highlights from the working document so you can see for yourself what kind of a theological freak show this is going to be these are all quotes the cry of the Amazon speaks to us of struggles against those who want to destroy the life as conceived integrally in the Amazon life is inserted into linked with and integrated in territory territory is a theological place where faith is lived and also a particular source of God's revelation epiphanic places where the reserve of life and wisdom for the planet is manifest a life and wisdom that speaks of God in the Amazon the caresses of God become manifest and become incarnate in 00:56 history women must assume a leadership role within the church listening to the voice of the Spirit in the cry of the Amazon peoples and in the Magisterium of Pope Francis requires a process of pastoral and missionary conversion to this end it has suggested to discard rigid positions that do not take sufficient account of the concrete life of people and the pastoral reality in order instead to meet the real needs of indigenous peoples and cultures it is necessary to grasp what the Spirit of the Lord has taught these peoples throughout the centuries faith in the god father mother creator communion and harmony with the earth solidarity with one's companions striving for good living the wisdom of civilization going back thousands of years that the elderly possess and which influences 00:57 health life together education cultivation of the land the living relationship with nature and Mother Earth the capacities of resistance and resiliency of women in particular rights and religious expressions relationships with ancestors the contemplative attitude the sense of gratuity celebration and festivity and the sacred meaning of the territory a process of discernment is needed regarding the rites symbols and styles of celebration of indigenous cultures in contact with nature which need to be integrated into liturgical and sacramental rituals it is necessary to be attentive to grasp the true meaning of symbols that transcends the merely aesthetic and folkloric specifically in Christian initiation and marriage it is suggested that the 00:58 celebrations should be festive with their own music and dances using indigenous languages and clothing in communion with nature and with the community a liturgy that responds to their own cultures who has to be the source and summit of their Christian life and linked to their struggles and sufferings and joys encourage the men and women religious who come from abroad to be willing to share the local life with their hearts heads and hands in order to unlearn models recipes schemes and preset structures and to learn the languages cultures traditions of wisdom cosmologies and mythologies of the indigenous peoples that sin it is going to be an utter madhouse but don't worry Francis will be there keeping the gates of hell from prevailing Hey look for the 00:59 semi trash it will just be one more thing to resist write on Twitter you're already seeing people say things like well if at the Amazon Center day they all are women's ordination or if they get rid of clerical celibacy then I'm gonna leave then I'm gonna be a sate of a contest and if those people I say don't kid yourselves you're not going to leave the Vatican to church then either and why should you if a mor is Letizia in the acceptance of sin as partial virtue wasn't enough to make you take action then nothing else will either because anything else is just going to be a different degree of what is essentially the same thing heresy so why should you not convert when there's this blatant heresy in amoris Laetitia but then definitely convert when there's some other blatant heresy in whatever post sin a little exhortation Francis is going to publish after the Amazon Senate so don't say there's just this one more thing that you need that one more thing and if that happens well then you're 01:00 going to become a sate of economists no you're not because what needs to happen to trigger that conversion has long happened and you resisted it now there's always hope that you'll still accept God's grace in the future and act on it but you can do that now you don't have to wait for the Amazon Synod now speaking of resistance and switching gears here the state of recognize and resist theology has recently been beautifully on display at the 1 Peter 5 web site where the left hand apparently doesn't know what the right hand is publishing on July 24th contributor David Mitchell published a post entitled there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church so far so good that's a Dogma after all and even though they're mistaken about the Vatican 2 Church being the Catholic Church nevertheless the principle holds no one can be saved outside the Catholic Church now two days later at 1 Peter 5 Steve's 01:01 Kojak posts an article entitled the Novus Ordo paradigm what it is and why it matters and that post includes the following sentence quote Novus Ordo ISM and Catholicism are not the same religion unquote which is true of course it's just too bad that the religion taught and practiced in the and throughout the institution he believes to be the Catholic Church outside of which there is no salvation is the Novus Ordo religion but if the Novus Ordo religion is not Catholicism then how can there be no salvation outside the institution that has replaced Catholicism with Novus Ordo ISM either there's no salvation outside the Catholic Church and therefore Catholicism or there's no salvation outside the nobles or doe church and therefore Novus Ordo ISM it can't be both since let me quote again Novus Ordo 01:02 ISM and Catholicism are not the same religion but to make it even worse on July 29th a third contributor at 1 Peter 5 Nishant Xavier published the essay the Filioque a call to the separated east to come home and so as the title suggests the author is beckoning the Eastern Orthodox to convert to what he calls the Catholic Church but of course the institution he has in mind is the Vatican 2 Church which preaches Novus Ordo ISM which we know from Steve's cojac isn't Catholicism so as you can see this is a total mess and the reason it's a mess is that they're trying to reconcile two fundamentally irreconcilable things namely that the legitimate Roman Catholic hierarchy under the Pope can defect to a false religion and still be the legitimate Catholic hierarchy invested with the authority of Christ they believe in a 01:03 church that is the Catholic Church but doesn't adhere to Catholicism they believe that the Catholic Church the Immaculate Bride of Christ can become unfaithful to her divine spouse they believe in a non Catholic Pope and that is what throws a monkey wrench into it all now it's not like we said if our Kaunas have all the answers but at the very least we acknowledge that what contradicts the Catholic faith cannot be true and we act accordingly and embrace the necessary consequences that leaves some questions unanswered and it raises some new ones that's very true but it doesn't involve us in concert mr. e as possible contradictions are not you know often people will say that state of account ISM is a dead end but that's not true it's an open end an end that leaves room for faith and for divine providence and doesn't try to have everything figured out first before we accept it the worst thing we can do is accept a manifestly false solution just so we can say we 01:04 have a solution that's madness that is a dead end the semi traditionalists recognize and resist position that is a dead end it's a dead end because it does away with the traditional teaching on the Magisterium on the papacy and on the church just so it can have a pope a pope who's papacy is essentially meaningless for the Semite rats francis is at best a figurehead with a primacy of honor and they're not even quite so sure about the honor part I've said it many times before and I'll say it again you cannot keep the faith by denying the faith if you have to deny Catholic teaching in order to maintain that Francis's Pope then you have nothing now of course the Semite rat's challenge set of ikana on the living Magisterium right where is your Pope where is your Magisterium where is your teaching Church and to 01:05 that I'm just gonna have to say I don't know I don't know what happened to the Catholic Magisterium I don't know where the teaching Church is but I do know that it's not in the Vatican I do know that it's not the vatican ii church because that's a den of heretics and apostates with the worst of them at the top now I'm talking about heretics and apostates not just you know corrupt people I'm not just talking about sinners like evil men that would be entirely possible in the Catholic Church you can have evil Cardinals and evil Pope's but here we're talking about non Catholics so I do know that the Vatican 2 church is not the Immaculate Bride of Christ because it is a most dangerous monster from which we have to protect ourselves so we don't end up in hell by unwittingly adhering to its teachings and that's essentially admitted by the Semite rats because that's the precise reason why they resist in the first 01:06 place they resist the Vatican to church because it's obvious that it's a danger to Souls so much so that objectively speaking there is no salvation inside of it and so that's the very opposite of the Catholic Church outside of which there is no salvation now you've got to keep in mind that a Magisterium and a teaching church is worthless if what it teaches is not the unadulterated Roman Catholic faith then you don't have the visible teaching Church then you have nothing a church whose teaching must be resisted is not the Church of Jesus Christ remember what our Lord said about those he sent with his authority quote he that heareth you here with me unquote that's Luke 1016 and the church is referred to in the first letter of st. Paul to Timothy as the pillar and 01:07 ground of the truth and you can read that in chapter 3 verse 15 now that's hardly an apt description of the Vatican to church is it clearly the answer I don't know is not very satisfying but not knowing something is still better than thinking to know something that isn't so I don't know is an acceptable answer for individuals in these difficult times but contradictions are never an acceptable answer God doesn't demand us to have all the answers to have it all figured out but he does demand us to have faith in his word to trust his promises and the st. John the Baptist said in Luke 3 verse 8 God can turn stones into children of Abraham so don't doubt the power of God don't doubt that the church will be restored precisely at the time and in the manner that God has determined from all eternity remember that having faith means firmly accepting what God has 01:08 revealed not because you agree with it or you find it convincing or you think it's true but because he who cannot lie or be mistaken has revealed it that's what it means to believe to have divine faith you accept what God has said on his authority and aided by grace of course so to sum up we have to distinguish very strictly between what is impossible and what is merely improbable or otherwise hard to fathom it's possible to have no Pope and it's possible not to know where the living Magisterium is today and what the heck has happened to the church exactly since Pius the 12th died but it's not possible that the true Catholic Church should teach anything other than Catholicism it's not possible that the sovereign pontiff should no longer be the safe living rule of faith it's not possible that the Ark of salvation should suddenly turn into a most dangerous 01:09 institution that poisons souls with all kinds of heresies errors blasphemy sacrileges and impiety it is not possible that you should cling to the true Catholic Church and be led astray by her if these things were possible then and only then what the gates of Hell have prevailed and so we're saying our contests precisely because we believe with all our hearts that the gates of Hell cannot prevail against God's Holy Catholic Church and with that we'll end this podcasts thank you for listening if you liked it please spread 01:10 the word and god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] drag cast [Music]