00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the Novus Ordo watch trap cast you can't make the stuff up [Music] in all the chaos and confusion of our times we can take solace from the fact 00:01 that each day that passes is one day closer to the end of the Vatican to religion greetings and welcome ladies and gentlemen to trap cast number 26 the Novus Ordo watch podcast that is not more Catholic than the Pope as some may think only more Catholic than the anti Pope [Music] accept no imitations [Music] well folks I'm sure you've noticed that everything is getting crazier faster and more obvious by the day every day it is a challenge to get through the barrage of news and latest developments in the Vatican to church figure out what's 00:02 actually significant enough to mention or analyze and critique and then when you finally decided that you're going to focus on this topic or that news item then BOOM six other big stories pop up that demand your immediate attention and then everything gets reshuffled and you're back to square one and that's what's been happening and that explains why at this point I still haven't covered for example the conference in Rome just ahead of the Amazon Synod in October that a number of semi traditionalist big shots spoke at and tried to once again justify their fall's opposition to Francis and the whole Vatican to religion although that is still in the works at least in theory so as soon as there's enough time that's going to happen now I said false opposition of course I don't mean to imply that everyone in it is somehow of bad will malicious evil or whatever not at all many people are caught up in it 00:03 by mistake but that doesn't make it any less of a false opposition by false opposition I mean those people and organizations that resist the Vatican to religion in some fashion but ultimately always recognize the hierarchy from which that religion comes as the legitimate Catholic hierarchy thereby undercutting all of their resistance and that's exactly why they can never win so to speak we live in a time of great deception and it's very important therefore to understand that if we want to prevent or escape such deception we can't let ourselves be swayed by emotional considerations what I mean is that so often people will determine their theological position by what they feel rather than what they understand so for instance they'll say they can't Eve that the new mass is invalid or displeasing to God because they know so many good Catholics who go there and 00:04 they live holy lives and there's no way that God would allow them to be so deceived or that so-and-so is a really great and holy priest or Bishop who's provided such good guidance to me and he believes Francis's Pope so that's why I believe Francis is Pope to that kind of emotional false reasoning is a recipe for disaster you're just asking to be deceived let's remember the warning our Blessed Lord gave us in Matthew 24 verses 24 and 25 quote for there shall arise false Christ's and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much as to deceive if possible even the elect behold I have told it to you beforehand unquote now the famous 19th century English priest Father Frederic Faber said the following about that quote we must beware then of 00:05 dangers from within we must be upon our guard even against Catholic books periodicals journals and pamphlets however specious they may be our blessed Redeemer said of the false prophets of the last days that they should deceive if possible even the elect now we must remember that if all the manifestly good men were on one side and all the manifestly bad men on the other there would be no danger of anyone least of all the elect being deceived by lying wonders it is the good men good once we must hope good still who are to do the work of Antichrist and so sadly to crucify afresh the Lord whom they do more than profess to love bear in mind this feature of the last days that there deceitfulness arises from good men being on the wrong side unquote and we have 00:06 that source linked for you in the show notes for this episode which you at track cast dot-org just scroll down to track cast number 26 and click on that link there so this is absolutely crucial people need to stop being attached to particular individuals that they look up to as their guiding lights to safely navigate them through the current ecclesiastical nightmare the only guiding light you can always rely on per Catholic dogma is the Pope well we don't have one currently so don't look for a substitute because there is none and for heaven's sake please don't consider me your guiding light either because I'm not and that's one of the reasons why I don't even tell you my name because it shouldn't matter I'm not important here I'm just trying to make known what the Church teaches and has said about these things because 00:07 the church is the arc of salvation and her guidance is safe to follow now at this point you have to ask yourself of course how much more obvious it can get the month of October was particularly rough with that Amazon Senate in the worship of that disgusting Pachamama statue in the Vatican and all that but that was just the latest implementation of the Abu Dhabi heresy that was proclaimed in February of this year in the United Arab Emirates remember Francis signed the declaration with a Muslim Imam that said that God wills the diversity of religions just as he wills there to be a diversity of languages races and sexes that is apostasy and we've gone over that before so I won't do that again here now if you need more information on all that please have a look at the show notes we've got some links for you there then in September Francis told the youth in Mozambique that religious differences are necessary so that's pretty much the 00:08 consequence of the Abu Dhabi heresy if God wills there to be different religions then differences between religions are necessary and so if all of that is true then what's to keep anyone from worshiping the pagan fertility goddess Pachamama in the Vatican right and so that's exactly what we saw so the apostasy is super obvious now the question then is how could it be a deception if it's obvious how could something so obvious deceive anyone especially the elect and so another question presents itself could it be that the real deception the ultimate deception is related to this apostasy something else now keep in mind we're talking here about the devil's last hurrah it's not going to be your run-of-the-mill kind of deception it's going to be complex in nature and colossal in terms of magnitude it'll be huge 00:09 it'll sway almost everyone now I don't have any special divinely communicated insights here I'm not an Oracle but I do have an educated opinion the ultimate deception here could be not Francis and his henchmen but precisely those who appear to be offering the antidote to Francis but are doing so from within the Vatican to church the Novus Ordo sect in other words I'm talking about people such as the Novus Ordo Cardinals and bishops Raymond Berg Gerhard Ludwig Mueller Robert Serra Carlo Maria Vigano Athanasius Schneider and so forth quite possibly including benedict xvi himself this whole intro Novus Ordo anti Francis movement is still developing and we'll have to see what else happens but don't consider it out of the question that one day a number of these resistors 00:10 are going to have a coup inside the Vatican dragged Francis out of its Casa Santa Marta and bring back Benedict the sixteenth I'm not saying I believe this will happen only that we can't rule it out we've seen a lot of odd things in the last six to seven years in the Vatican wouldn't you say and so again don't allow yourself to be distracted by whether the individuals I mentioned here are of goodwill or not whether they're sincere pious meaning to be orthodox or militias and detention of deceivers it's simply the doesn't matter I mean it matters to their souls of course but not to the objective reality of what's happening either way the result is the same now you know that if Francis were to be removed from the Vatican and Benedict put back in that everyone who considers himself an Orthodox faithful conservative traditional Catholic would be cheering and celebrating thinking that the great deception had finally 00:11 come to an end and yet we know that all they would get is more vatican two Ratzinger Benedict the sixteenth is one hundred percent a man of the council he is a modernist to the core he just prefers to hide it a bit under pretty vestments and plumes of incense so the only thing of bringing back of Benedict would accomplish is returning to the modernism of Ratzinger rather than the modernism of bergoglio whoop-dee-doo but at this point so many people are so tired of francis that they'd welcome all the errors and heresies of benedict with open arms and just as a reminder among the many dogmas and doctrines Benedict denies we must include papal primacy as defined by Vatican 1 original sin as a deprivation of sanctifying 00:12 grace the necessity of infant baptism no salvation outside the church the physical resurrection of Christ and so forth you can check out links in the show notes for documentation on that this is serious business but most people would not care as long as they're finally rid of bergoglio and all his drivel about tenderness and existential peripheries now who knows what's actually going to happen there's really no predicting this thing but that something big will happen in the very near future is pretty clear because Francis turns 83 this month and only has one lung and Benedict is already 92 meanwhile the Vatican whistleblower in hiding Archbishop Maria Vigano has given an exclusive interview to LifeSite published on November 6th and in it he said quote for all of us Catholics the landscape in the Holy Church is becoming darker by the 00:13 day the ongoing progressive offensive for tens a real revolution not only in the way the church is understood but also in the apocalyptic images it gives to the whole world order with deep sadness we see the present pontificate marked by unusual facts disconcerting behavior and statements that contradict traditional doctrine and which so a general doubt in souls about what the Catholic Church is and what her true and immutable principles are it feels as though we are in the grip of a religious chaos of a gigantic proportion if this atonic plan is successful Catholics who adhere to it will in fact change religion and the immense flock of our Lord Jesus Christ will be reduced to a minority unquote now again I'm not interested in whether Vigano is being sincere or malicious or whatever let's just look at what he's saying he's 00:14 warning that Francis and his cronies are trying to change the Catholic religion ok fair enough but the problem with that is the implication that the Catholic religion hadn't already been changed before Francis as far back as Vatican 2 in the early 1960s so by warning that Frances is trying to change the Catholic religion vegan o is actually indirectly reinforcing the belief that until Frances the Catholic religion was fully intact and that his predecessors Benedict the sixteenth John Paul the second Paul the six then John the 23rd had been Orthodox and that is the great deception yes I know Francis makes them all look Orthodox by comparison but only by comparison Francis rejection of the true Catholic faith is simply more visible and to a greater degree than the others but it's 00:15 not of a different kind so yeah the best way to drive home the point that no substantial change in the Catholic religion occurred between 1958 when John the 23rd was elected in 2013 when Francis was elected is to keep talking about how they are now trying to change the Catholic religion it's really clever diabolically clever now vegan old to his credit has actually come out since and said that Vatican 2 as well has changed Catholic teaching in a statement translated and published by Robert Moynihan of inside the Vatican magazine Vigano said quote the teachings that preceded Vatican 2 have been thrown to the winds as intolerant and obsolete the comparison between the pre conciliar Magisterium and the new teachings of the Vatican to documents Nostra Aetate a and denita T's Himani to mention only those 00:16 manifest a terrible discontinuity which must be acknowledged and which must be amended as soon as possible unquote and this he published on November 19th of this year in the Italian original at Aldo Maria Valley's blog so perhaps Pagano is indeed going to take an anti Vatican 2 stance from now on he then also have to criticize though the post conciliar Magisterium especially Paul the 6th and John Paul the 2nd but both of those are canonized saints now the Vatican to church so not sure how he's going to do that but be that as it may the point is the Catholic religion was changed substantially at the Second Vatican Council in the early 1960s and the Vatican - was wrong so were the supposed Pope's that implemented and developed its teachings we have to reject any endeavors or projects that 00:17 directly or indirectly promote the idea that the Novus Ordo Magisterium was Orthodox until Francis came along in 2013 in other words quoting Vatican 2 or the Novus Ordo Catechism or an encyclical by john paul ii against francis actually does more harm than good now I know that some will say that that's at least a step in the right direction but I say no it's not it's a step in the wrong direction opposing Francis with Vatican 2 only helps to cement the lie that Vatican 2 was Orthodox it actually legitimizes that abominable Council if you've convinced the whole world that Francis is a heretic and not the Pope but at the price of legitimizing Vatican 2 and the post conciliar Magisterium through 2013 you've accomplished absolutely nothing 00:18 in fact if made people believe in Vatican 2 all the more so yeah there are different ways in which people will be deceived about this the worst kind of deception though is the kind in which people are trapped thinking they've escaped the deception and it seems to me that this is where it's headed Frances apostasy is so obvious that the real deception will be found in the false opposition against him that's just my opinion but it's not unreasonable so speaking of the deception of the false opposition let's have a look at some of the nonsense that has recently been proposed as being legitimate ways of responding to Frances apostasy without having to draw that unwelcome because inconvenient conclusion that Francis isn't the Pope and of course that's a bit of a slippery slope you know once you say Francis can't be the Pope because he's not a Catholic and has done things the true Pope is incapable of doing well then of course you have to apply the same standard to 00:19 us Novus Ordo predecessors and before you know it you'll be concluding that you're in dolt Mass isn't valid your marriage annulment is toast you've never received valid absolution in your life and you're going to have to cancel all night adoration because it's really just bread in that monstrance so I understand that that's not a fun picture to entertain and I can totally sympathize with anyone not wanting to go there but sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do at the end of the day the reality of it is what it is and if your confessor isn't a valid priest believe me you're not going to want to find that out at your particular judgement you're gonna want to know that now anyway Father Jurgen Wagner is the district superior of the United States District of the lefebvre's Society of st. Pius the tenth and in January 2019 he wrote the following in his newsletter he 00:20 begins by quoting the prophets at cariah's chapter 13 verse 7 smite the Shepherd and his flock shall scatter so upon the common folk my vengeance shall fall and father Wagner says this quote and who are the Shepherds here on earth they are none other than the bishops including the heir of st. Peter the Pope who has been tasked by Jesus Christ to oversee the universal church many of the Shepherds including the pontiff's of the past half century have been struck they have been struck by modernism liberalism relativism and indifference ISM there is a crisis in leadership in the wake of the striking a tragic number of sheep have been scattered through defection to another confession outright apostasy or in the formation of Sue's Matic groups propped up by novel theories of how the church can continue to abide with no Shepherd at all unquote ooh now there we have a little dig at 00:21 SATA makanda zoom at the end did you notice well I think that's ironic since he just said that the Shepherd would be struck and then he complains about people who recognize that that means the Shepherd will be dead he'll be gone absent not to be found oh well what father district Superior is doing here is giving a novel meaning to the term struck he's saying that it means the Pope will defect into heresy apostasy whatever but still be the Pope and yet our Lord applied the words of Zacharias to himself in Matthew 26 31 and obviously we know how our Blessed Lord was struck and it wasn't a defecting into heresy or apostasy it was the giving of his life for his sheep and it stands to reason that if our Lord's vicar imitates his master in all things 00:22 then at one point he too will be struck in the same or a similar way and that's exactly what's prophesied in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 were st. Paul speaks of the restraining power the papacy being taken out of the way so that the mystery of iniquity can prevail for a short while using the operation of error and punishment for people's sins especially their lack of love for the truth that the Pope himself cannot defect into heresy at least not without immediately losing the pontificate is taught by Vatican 1 dogmatic Constitution posture returners chapter 4 quote this gift of truth and never failing faith was therefore divinely conferred on Peter and his successors in the sea so that they might discharge their exalted office for the salvation of all and so that the whole flock of 00:23 Christ might be kept away by them from the poisonous food of error and be nourished with the sustenance of heavenly doctrine thus the tendency to sysm is removed the whole church is preserved in unity and resting on its foundation can stand firm against the gates of Hell unquote you can find that also in den zinger 1837 though the wording there is a bit different because it's a different translation so exit father wagner talked about false opposition next we need to take a look at an argument by father Thomas why nandi if the name sounds familiar there's a reason for that why Nandi is a Novus Ordo Capuchin who was a member of the Vatican's international theological Commission and who was theological advisor for the doctrinal Committee of the United States Conference of useless Novus Ordo bishops 00:24 but that's probably not why you've heard of him you've heard of him because he's one of the few voices in Novus Ordo land who have publicly challenged Francis on July 31st 2017 he sent a letter to Francis that was later made public in which he basically slaps Francis on the wrist a little for all the scandal he keeps giving in terms of doctrinal errors appointing bad bishops confusing people and so on well anyway on October 8th of this year wine Andy released a fairly brief essay on the website the Catholic thing entitled Pope Francis and sysm after giving a brief summary of the problems with Francis he declares quote what the church will end up with then is a pope who is the Pope of the Catholic Church and simultaneously the de facto leader for all practical purposes of Asus Matic Church because he is the head of both the appearance of one church 00:25 remains while in fact there are two the only phrase that I can find to describe the situation is internal papal sysm for the Pope even as Pope will effectively be the leader of a segment of the church that through its doctrine moral teaching and collegial structure is for all practical purposes says Mac this is the real sysm that is in our midst and be faced but I do not believe Pope Francis is in any way afraid of this ISM as long as he is in control he will I fear welcomed it for he sees the somatic element as the new paradigm for the Future Church unquote ladies and gentlemen you can't make it up a true Pope who is the head of the Catholic Church and at the same time of a systematic non Catholic sect 00:26 so I guess Vicar of Christ and Antichrist at the same time now of course why nandi loaded up his assertions with adverbs effectively and for all practical purposes and whatnot and those are his get-out-of-jail-free card if he gets called out on it theologically he can always get off on that technicality now qualifications like that are fine to make in principle but why nandi doesn't tell us in straight terms what he does mean he says what it is effectively but he doesn't say what it is actually and the funny thing is that he then says this is the real sysm that is in our midst ah so it is a real sysm after all and not just an effective one oops so why not a claims that there is or will be an internal papal sysm yeah well the problem is that there can be no such thing because the Catholic Church is one 00:27 unified by definition and the Pope is the principle of that unity now the principle of unity cannot be divided but of course why nandi being a vatican ii man thinks of everything in terms of elements and so he locates a somatic element in the Pope so that it can be both the Pope of the Catholic Church and the head of a false religion so I guess that's how francis keeps the gates of hell from prevailing them that's awesome and you know why nandi is considered top-notch Orthodox well if that's what the Orthodox theologians put out who needs heretics the inmates are running the asylum in the Vatican two sect Francis with his henchmen on one side and the false opposition on the other three years ago the ever-present Bishop Athanasius Schneider also advanced a silly idea about sysm when he claimed in a French internet TV program 00:28 that one can be in sysm with Christ by being subject to the Pope and yes you can find the link to that in the show notes if you want to get the full story on that but why nandi 1ups Schneider now by saying that the Pope can be in sysm with himself I mean this really takes the cake so folks you can definitely file wine on DS argument in your anything but say devar can't isn't folder these people make it up as they go along and it's funny but somehow the conclusion that they come to is always that that blaspheming heretical I Donald her from Buenos Aires is a true Pope and people eat it up they don't care how absurd it is as long as they can still have their Pope and beat him all as well that's what they want that's what they get it's backwards theology started with a 00:29 desired conclusion and then figure out what you have to say that will conveniently lead to that conclusion I've had it with these people and here's another one dr. Peter Kwasniewski a retired college professor for normal Sordo theology who spends his time now freelancing and giving lectures and stuff he wrote an article two years ago that just recently came to my attention entitled but the Pope said so excuses that may not help on Judgment Day in that little essay Kwasniewski presents a fictional dialogue between Christ and the soul at its particular judgment based on past controversies involving true Pope's specifically liberius Han aureus the first and john xxii of course what he writes is totally biased and founded on his own error about the papacy in this actually blasphemous because he puts words into 00:30 our Lord's mouth that are abominable such as referring to a pope as a false prophet and teacher but of course our Blessed Lord established the papacy with a guarantee that it could never lead the faithful astray and in fact the very title of the piece is already misleading the issue is not that the Pope said so that's already a straw man the issue is adherence to the papal Magisterium now according to the very traditional Catholic doctrine that Kwasniewski claims to want to defend and uphold Catholics are bound under pain of mortal sin to assent to everything a pope teaches in his Magisterium and the very scenario that Kwasniewski proposes based on his own tendentious presentation of history of the papal Magisterium misleading souls into heresy or other harmful error such a scenario is ruled out by the divine promises of christ and that's why what Kwasniewski 00:31 did is blasphemous talk about things that won't help on Judgment Day in his 1833 encyclical Quogue ravi ora paragraph 10 pope gregory xvi asked rhetorically quote should the church be able to order ye'll to or permit those things which tend toward the destruction of souls and the disgrace and detriment of the sacrament instituted by Christ unquote in 1885 pope leo xiii wrote in his encyclical immortality paragraph 41 quote whatever the roman pontiff's have hitherto taught or shall hereafter teach must be held with a firm grasp of mind and so often as occasion requires must be openly professed unquote and in the encyclical satis cognitum issued in 1896 paragraph 9 the same Pope Leo taught 00:32 quote wherefore as appears from what has been said Christ instituted in the church a living authoritative and permanent Magisterium which by his own power he strengthened by the Spirit of Truth he taught and by miracles confirmed he willed and ordered under the gravest penalties that its teachings should be received as if they were his own unquote so now you see how important it is whether bergoglio is a true Pope or not if you were a true Pope it will be over then Catholicism would be false in which case he would be a false Pope too because then all popes will be false because then the papacy would be false but don't worry Catholicism is not false Christ did not lie bergoglio simply isn't the Pope so unlike what Kwasniewski tells you the 00:33 error people fall into is not in following the man they believe to be the Pope the error is to think that bergoglio is one and Kwasniewski is simply out of his mind to argue that Our Blessed Lord would have braids souls for following a true Pope and that has nothing to do with the excuse the Pope said so it has everything to do with the fact that Christ's Church teaches that we must under pain of sin adhere to everything the Pope teaches in his capacity as Pope which certainly includes everything that appears in the official documents now if you want to know what excuse is really not going to fly at the Last Judgement I submit it's rejecting papal teaching in favor of a blog post by Peter Kwasniewski you are listening to tract cast the traditional Roman Catholic podcast with an attitude 00:34 but hey it's the right attitude so it's all good all right we are definitely due for a short little break and when we come back there will be a lot more track cast [Music] tragg cast what is true 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this unique and extensive spiritually enriching and deeply instructive knowledgebase to aid your journey to true wisdom and understanding the Catholic teaching at its online best visit true restoration org that's t ru e as in the one true faith r e st o r a tion as in to restore 00:36 all things in Christ org if you're looking for EWTN this ain't it trap cast [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the views expressed on this podcast are 00:37 correct and you may not be ready to admit it yet but that is the reason you're listening and that's okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] trap cast 26 continues now with our second segment and we'll get back into it in just a moment but before we do I'd like to mention that we're approaching the end of the year and if you're in the United States and still looking for a tax deduction please remember that the novel sort of watch website and this podcast can only happen the way they do because if people like you supporting it financially people from anywhere in the world can contribute in different ways 00:38 including by paypal by a check or money order credit or debit card or direct debit to bank account and if you're in the United States your donation is tax deductible to the full extent of the law just head on over to Novus Ordo watch.org slash donate but enough enough of the money talk let's get back into things we've still got plenty to talk about for example I'd like to say something about a tweet that was sent out by Steve's go check the editor of 1 Peter 5 dot-com on September 10th of this year and the tweet says this quote I learned tonight that the social media friend lost a one-year-old child last night no idea what happened but no indication she was sick none of the arguments were having here matter none of them unquote I have no doubt that the 00:39 trauma and pain one experiences on losing a one-year-old child are beyond description there's no question that that is unimaginable to anyone who hasn't experienced that himself in nowise do I mean to trivialize that in what I'm about to say and I actually know a little bit about the sort of thing from my own experience because although I've never lost a young child I have lost a sibling at an age when that isn't supposed to happen so with that in mind let's evaluate what's Kojak said in that tweet his comment was none of the arguments were having here matter none of them although it's understandable on a human level that that might be someone's gut reaction adhering of such an emotionally difficult thing what he said there is very wrong and very dangerous the arguments he's referring to of course are theological controversies about 00:40 Francis about recognize and resist versus it of account ism about the mass and the sacraments tradition versus Vatican 2 and so on those issues are of the highest importance because they pertain to the life of the soul to the life of grace and ultimately to eternal salvation Scourge ex comment reveals that he hasn't understood that or perhaps these things of all this is just you know playing and in fact when you look at the theological junk published on his site 1 Peter 5 dot-com you really do get the impression that he and as other writers think that sacred theology is the private intellectual playground of anyone with an opinion case in point Eric Salmons Salmons published the article is Francis the Pope on 1 Peter 5 on October 29th and it was so poor in terms of scholarship and theology that I couldn't help but write a powerful 00:41 rebuttal and you can find that link in the show notes the rebuttal is called is Francis the Pope a devastating refutation of Eric Salmons and that was posted at Novus Ordo watch.org slash wire on November 6th now Salmons actually has a master's degree in novels or no theology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville that is really scary anyway to get back to Steve's codex tweet about how none of these things matter because an acquaintance of his lost a child by saying that he makes temporal life more important than eternal life he just declared natural life more important than supernatural life the life of nature more important than the life of grace the that is naturalism its modernism it turns all religious truth into an opinion essentially he basically just said that before the tragedies of human 00:42 life all religious truth must bow and Bend what he said is very subversive of religion as though ultimately these things didn't matter because people experience tragedy that dear one-year-old child if he was baptized is now in heaven and if he was not baptized he is in limbo now enjoying a natural happiness for eternity but the people misled by bergoglio the people who imbibed the errors of the modern world thanks to Vatican 2 are in great danger of eternal damnation now I don't think scourge egg was fully aware of what he was saying and what the implications would be but I wanted to address that because the tweet is still out there for all to see and a lot of people will be swayed by emotion and agree with him that the theological controversies of our day are ultimately not that big of a 00:43 deal well they are a big deal because to put it in one memorable little phrase Catholicism has consequences all right so much for that next we need to look at something the frank ster said to a group of academics on November 14th he was speaking to them about wisdom among other things and here's what he said quote for us Christians wisdom is Jesus crucified and risen but his light illuminates all men all religions all cultures all authentic exercises of humanity unquote so here we have first of all a bit of an ambiguity I don't know how he meant it but one can easily understand him to be saying that Jesus Christ is wisdom only for us for Catholics and not wisdom 00:44 objectively and necessarily for everyone so he's making Christ's relative for us wisdom is Jesus Christ crucified but for Muslims wisdom is the Koran for the apostate Jews it's the Talmud for Buddhists it's Buddha and so forth secondly Francis claims that Christ's light illuminates all religions now that is blasphemy notice he didn't simply say that Christ illuminates all men which is a truth found in the Gospel of st. John chapter 1 verse 9 and as much as all true light comes from Christ and he refuses it to no one who sincerely asked for it and does not place an obstacle to it no Francis said that Christ's light enlightens all religions and that is entirely in line with his abu-dhabi heresy that we already in talked about in the first segment in which he declared that God wills the diversity of religions and 00:45 it's also consonant with Vatican 2 which declares in principle that there's a little bit of the true church in every religion and as a consequence of that all religions are salvific to a greater or lesser extent that is heresy a religion is either true or its false either wholly true or wholly false because every religion was either founded by God or founded by man now if it was founded by man it is a false religion and if it was founded by God it is the true religion the only true religion because God only founded one true religion and it's absurd heretical and blasphemous to suggest that God would illuminate false religions with his truth because that actually would give them credibility and make them even more dangerous but that's typical 00:46 Vatican 2 theology for you nothing is black and white anymore it's all just different elements different shades different gradations of gray in 2nd Corinthians 6:14 s in Paul asks rhetorically what Fellowship has light with darkness and I guess Francis would respond well there's at least a little bit of light there and soon they'll probably be applying their elements doctrine to God himself and say that the true God subsists in the Trinity but exists also in elements in other gods you know partially and imperfectly also in Hindu idols in pantheism and animism and Unitarianism and so on if you follow these developments in North sort Erland closely you can see that it's getting more and more obvious where this is all headed they're trying to blend together all religions into one one big apostate 00:47 sect that will agree on the lowest common denominator that of humanity fraternity works of charity and leave all the rest - everyone's dearly held traditions and subjective convictions which cannot claim for themselves to be objectively true or valid though because that would be trying to impose them on everyone else as though we alone had the truth that's where this is going all religions are fine all are valid it's all the same God just experienced in different ways and so let's just agree to disagree on specific doctrines and just unite on the level of human dignity and fraternity while always being in dialogue that is Antichrist doctrine and Francis as always as it's happy cheerleader by the way in that same speech to academics which you can find linked in the show notes the papal Pretender also claimed that 00:48 there is a covenant between man and inanimate matter he said quote the Covenant is the keystone of creation and history as the Word of God teaches us the covenant between God and men the covenant between generations the covenant between peoples and cultures the Covenant in school between teachers and learners the covenant between man animals plan and even the inanimate realities that make our common home beautiful and colorful unquote what you didn't know you had a covenant going with rocks and dirt and oil well you'd better remember that next time you're outdoors because if you break that covenant you know what that's called right that's a sin buddy and for that kind of sin there's not gonna be easy forgiveness from bergoglio 00:49 not like bigamy or an unrepentant adultery where you can get your discernment process and accompaniment scheduled and all that oh no breaking your covenant with what makes mother earth colorful that may almost be as bad as proselytism and you know what that living covenant with the earth does Rigaud leo tells us in the same speech he says quote to open the paths of the future to a new civilization that embraces humanity and the cosmos in universal brotherhood unquote and there is your fraternity again ladies and gentlemen this has nothing to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ this is all just Masonic and political garbage all right times just about up now for this podcast but I do still have something a bit fun a bit on 00:50 the lighter side okay let's take a look or rather a listen at how Michael Voris of church militant has been dealing with John Allen John Allen is a very competent journalist who is an expert on the Vatican the problem is he's not a Catholic but a modernist he considers himself a Catholic I suppose but he's just a liberal normal sort o for many years he wrote for the so called National Catholic Reporter an ultra left-wing publication that supports women's ordination and stuff like that a few years back he joined the Boston Globe and now writes for crux at crux now.com now listen to how Michael Voris blasts John Allen on two recent episodes of his vortex program the first clip I'm going to play is from October 1st 2019 the vortex episode 00:51 entitled propaganda war crooks website was founded by John Allen originally in concert with the Boston Globe is an attempt to capitalize and monetize Pope Francis news when that joint business venture failed Allen was able to rescue the flailing entity by turning in part to the Knights of Columbus for grants and subsidies Allen is much better known for his long career at the National Catholic Reporter another rag full of dissenters attempting to dismantle the church more than 50 years ago the editors were told they could not call themselves Catholic by their local bishop they in essence told him to drop dead and they've remained as defined ever since Allen prospered in that environment at National Catholic Reporter Allen in fact is so Catholic light predominantly liberal that Bishop Robert no one really goes to hell Barron's actually brought Allen on board as a regular contributor to his self promoting vehicle word on fire so here we can immediately discern a joining of 00:52 the forces a nexus the Vatican crooks website America magazine M word on fire alright so far so good what he just said there is typical Michael Voris stuff so nothing unusual about that and we have another clip that sounds very similar at some point it became public information that John Allen although married separated from his wife and now lives with a concubine and this is what Voris is referring to in this next clip taken from the vortex of October 30th 2019 entitled reports are let's listen a few weeks ago Bishop Robert Barron brought Alan on board as a contributor to his word on fire self-promotion outfit so here's the Catholic man objectively committing adultery who reports non-stop on Vatican affairs and were supposed to think his reporting can be trusted his wife can't trust him why should we and frankly this tidy little arrangement between Allen and 00:53 Baron calls into serious question barons legitimacy Allen's dalliance Azhar a very poorly kept secret in church reporting circles it's a little hard to believe that Baron didn't know anything about them but let's give him the benefit of the doubt if he didn't he does now so watch and see what Baron does Allen has always been suspect in his coverage of church affairs having written for the notorious National Catholic Reporter for years and years a rag promoting non-stop dissent in a hundred different ways but now since he's having his own affair his coverage of church affairs is even more unreliable how can any Catholic Reporter actively living against Church teaching give you the straight dope on church teaching he and others are not computers they are human beings composed a body and soul and conscience --is and emotions and feelings it goes beyond belief to think that their own convictions motivated by willful sin do not spill over into their 00:54 presentations of course they do Catholic reporters reporting to Catholics should be living as Catholics anything less is just unacceptable all right so now we've got a pretty good idea of what Michael Voris thinks of John Allen not so much as a private individual but in his role as a reporter covering Vatican and other church news and as we just heard Voris say allen has always been suspect in his coverage of church matters and yet the following is a clip from Boris's program miked up a February 10th 2015 entitled the uncaf leaked media Voris had actually invited allen on his show to interview him not to argue with him or take issue with his work at all but rather as a pundit to discuss the secular media's poor coverage of catholicism Voris and allen 00:55 were chatting almost like there were buddies and they ended their conversation on a very chummy note yeah that's very good point John we got to wrap it up here thanks very much for - we'll be in Rome a little while for there we go out and grab a grab a bite or something always happy to treat you to a plate of a mattre Chiana Michael anytime I'll take that thanks very much [Applause] well yeah that didn't sound too critical did it there was not one critical word about or to Alan in that entire segment perhaps I'm being too nit picky here but it seems to me Voris owes an apology either - as viewers or to John Allen you can listen to and watch the full Voris Allen conversation and also the other programs that we played clips from in their entirety at the links given in the show notes ok before we conclude this 00:56 track cast I have a quick announcement to make I did not forget of course about the review of and promising of Taylor Marshalls book infiltration the plot to destroy the church from within originally I wanted to make it part of this podcast but I've decided to dedicate an entire track cast to just that so it'll be a special edition trap cast number 27 and I'm planning on that to be released as early as January so shouldn't be too long of a wait and you won't regret it in the meantime if you enjoyed listening to this podcast and if you listened to all the way to the end then you probably did why don't you tell your friends and family about it just don't keep it a secret and if you didn't like it well you know we all have our crosses ladies and gentlemen thank you 00:57 for listening until next time god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] 00:58 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] track cast [Music]