00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the Novus Ordo watch drag cast you can't make the stuff up [Music] all right folks it's finally time for another trap cast the traditional Roman 00:01 Catholic podcast from Novus Ordo watch and this time it's a special edition dedicated entirely to Taylor Marshalls book infiltration the plot to destroy the church from within and that was released with a lot of fanfare on May 31st of last year and boy there is a lot to say about it [Music] all right so welcome to episode number 27 now before we begin a quick warning as you know we live in times of coronavirus and I'm sitting very very close to the 00:02 microphone here so you may want to move six feet away from the speaker just to ensure you're keeping a safe enough distance or at least make sure your antivirus software is up-to-date that should work - all right well I thought we could start off with just a little bit of humor here before we get all serious now I realize that you might be asking yourself if this review of Taylor Marshalls infiltration isn't coming a bit late considering that the book was released just about a year ago now and yes you have a point there but I did first have to find the time to get all my ducks in a row which means I first of all of course needed to read the whole book and take critical notes while reading and that usually involves a little bit of research and then I had to find the time to put a podcast together all the while chaos Frank in the Vatican is busy making an ever bigger mess of things on a daily basis 00:03 and then of course we had the the Amazon Senate we had the Pachamama incidents now the coronavirus lockdown and so on and so forth and then it was you know year-end of course which means a lot of administrative tasks for Novus Ordo watch which is keep in mind a nonprofit organization so yeah it was a bit of a challenge to find the time needed to put together something worthwhile on this book all the while keeping the blog going and you know staying up to date with the news and then I have to say I'm a big fan of doing things properly okay I'm not into sacrificing quality for the sake of quantity if something is worth doing it's worth doing right and that usually takes a bit of time now granted of course sometimes I fail in that it's not like everything Novus or don't watch but it's just perfect but at least the general intent is always to produce high quality content all right so let's get 00:04 started with part 1 of a review of Taylor our Marshalls infiltration I say part 1 because in the course of preparing this podcast I realized I was going to have to break this into two parts ok meaning two separate podcasts otherwise this was just never gonna finish and I mean seriously who wants to listen to like a three and a half hour podcast right okay so let's begin with some introductory remarks the first thing I want to say is that as a set of economists I'm obviously biased against the author in this theological position of recognize and resist and it will be silly for me to pretend that on this objective third party observer because I'm not okay nonetheless I'm gonna try very hard to make this a fair review meaning I'll really try to make this objective as much as possible have all my points of 00:05 criticism grounded in a in a fair reading of the text and assessment of the facts and I'm also gonna try not to be nitpicky okay which is kind of hard for me but I'll try let me start with a general description of the work infiltration is a hardcover book published by Sofia Institute press specifically by their imprint crisis publications in the back of the book the publisher explains quote Sofia Institute press Awards the privileged title crisis publications to a select few of our books that address contemporary issues at the intersection of politics culture and the church with clarity cogent see and force and that are also destined to become all-time classics unquote now with a description like that the 00:06 publishers set expectations pretty high and the problem with high expectations is that it's very easy to fall short of them and as we'll see in this and the next podcast that's exactly what happened with infiltration the print edition of infiltration has a few photos in it and the main text spans just over two hundred and forty three pages on which are printed a total of 33 chapters followed by another fifty or so pages of various appendices etc now at 33 chapters over 243 pages the average chapter is only about seven pages in length that's not wrong or anything but I did find it odd for example that chapter 22 entitled Archbishop Lefebvre xizt ensign one page in length I mean 00:07 with that chapter title you'd expect a little more so the extreme brevity of some of the chapters is puzzling to me but you know it may have something to do with the fact that perhaps Taylor Marshall wanted the total number of chapters to come out to 33 which lo and behold is exactly how many numbered chapters his book has infiltration has been released also in electronic format and is available even as an audio book as of early May 2020 it's received one thousand six hundred and seventy ratings on amazon.com and sports basically a five star collective rating the actual number is four point eight out of five with eighty-eight percent of reviewers giving it a full five stars how is that possible I mean is the book really that good we'll talk about that in detail 00:08 either in this or in the next podcast because Taylor shall we say helped facilitate that a bit ahead of release day but before we get into all that and discuss also of course the content of the book let me first give you my overall assessment in just a few sentences this is my summarized opinion of infiltration the plot to destroy the church from within I would say that this book has some merit in introducing people who are not at all familiar with what's happened to the Catholic Church in recent decades with introducing them to the basic theme of the infiltration of the church by diabolical forces especially Communists and Freemasons it discusses this and related concepts and gives a basic overview of some of the main historical facts theological issues 00:09 and personalities involved Marshall draws together many different anecdotes and historical tidbits about the infiltration and persecution of the Catholic Church and those are valuable to know and handy to have collected in between two covers as far as academic quality is concerned the work is poor very poor now granted it's not trying to be an academic book but considering that Taylor Marshall has a PhD in philosophy I would have expected a lot more okay the biggest problem in the book is very inadequate and often entirely non-existent documentation of the claims that he makes and extremely sloppy footnoting he makes claim after claim 00:10 after claim in this book and comparatively speaking almost none of it is backed up the book has three hundred and seven numbered pages and I don't know how many asserted facts but only 181 total footnotes which means Taylor is telling you a lot of stories but you would have no idea if they're actually true or not because he's not telling you how he knows these things for the most part he's just not giving you sources and that's not to say that the stories are false not at all only that the reader has no assurance that they're true because the author's mere say-so is not good enough I mean Taylor Marshall is not a recognized authority in church history okay he's not an expert on the subject a real and properly credentialed 00:11 church historian could get away with just asserting things but Taylor Marshall who not too long ago was still defending Frances amoris Laetitia by the way can't do that so when the publisher the Sophia Institute Press says on its website that this book is quote carefully documented I'm sorry but I don't see how that's anything other than simply a lie I mean it's not carefully documented everything's footnoted yeah right and that was Taylor Marshall on the right on point podcast being interviewed by Paul and Olivia Ingrassia in their episode number 104 on June 17th 2019 the link to that whole interview is available in the show notes for this track cast number 27 and you can find that remark that 00:12 everything is footnote at in context at the 10 minute 35 second mark of the right on point podcast so no unfortunately not everything is footnoted on the contrary only very few things are backed up and some of the things that our document had even turn out to be inaccurate upon examination but we'll get to that later I'll have plenty of examples theologically the book is standard recognized and resist fair and the author's critique of said of account ism at the end reflects the rest of the book ok sloppy superficial and in my opinion clearly written in haste with no concern for detailed action see yes a lot of the book to me at least reads like the author had to meet a deadline for publication and didn't have enough time to give everything due 00:13 attention and more or less left it in its rough draft state in my opinion the book is simply a hack job ok nothing to brag about it has its usefulness yes but it's lacking in much documentation and is not reliable theologically and not a serious effort not for someone who has a doctorate in philosophy now if you think I'm being too harsh here keep in mind that this book has been advertised as though it were basically you know second only to the Summa Theologica of st. Thomas Aquinas ok so when the standard has been raised that high I'm going to take the Liberty and measure it accordingly well hey in a tweet dated May 31st 2019 the day of the release Marshall said of infiltration that it is quote the greatest literary accomplishment of my life unquote unfortunately that tweet is no 00:14 longer online but of course I had saved the snapshot so I'll put that in the show notes for you at track cast dot org scroll down to trap cast number 27 and click on that link and you'll get all the information there now I can tell you right now that my reaction to him declaring that this book is the greatest literary accomplishment of his life my reaction is quite simply I'm sorry to hear that ok and no I'm not just trying to be unkind here I really mean that because as we'll see throughout this podcast if that's the greatest thing he's ever written then I really don't want to read his other stuff ok his book is sloppy it's partly erroneous it lacks real theology and without much documentation a lot of the stuff he says you simply can't rely on it may be true it may be false you wouldn't know it without doing 00:15 your own research all right now let's finally go ahead and look at the content of infiltration and we'll begin with the foreword which was written by Bishop Etha neisha Snyder the famous auxiliary of the Archdiocese of Santa Maria Santa Seema in Astana in Kazakhstan and by the way since the topic here today is infiltration the city of Astana Kazakhstan is considered to be the Illuminati capital of the world we've got a link for you in the show notes on that anyway mr. Schneider wrote the foreword to Marshalls book and we're going to look at that now because we have to take issue with it quote the first infiltration in the church happened with the apostate apostle Judas Iscariot since then there have been in 00:16 the church intruders priests bishops and even in very rare cases popes whom our Lord called wolves in sheep's clothing unquote that's from F&H Leiter's forward for infiltration page Roman numeral 11 all right so what's wrong here well two things first Judas Iscariot for all his wickedness didn't infiltrate the Apostolic College he was called by Christ to join him and so he did and eventually he fell away that has nothing to do with infiltration okay it was obviously very bad very evil but it wasn't infiltration second Pope's who are bad who are immoral are not infiltrators either false popes are okay they are the ones who are truly wolves in sheep's clothing immoral popes true popes that are great public sinners are not wolves and 00:17 sheep's clothing they're not false popes they're not infiltrators so at the very outset we can see already that even the books very main topic is being framed in a way that is inaccurate okay and that simply doesn't speak well for the work in terms of credibility or quality okay that's all that needs to be said on this with regard to ethanol's forward and we'll move right on to chapter 1 in which Taylor Marshall points out quite correctly that the enemies of Christ have wanted to establish a satanic revolution in the Catholic Church with the Pope as the devil's puppet what he fails to mention though is that that is precluded by the divine promises given by Christ in Matthew 16:18 about the gates of hell not prevailing against the church which 00:18 means in turn that any apparent Pope under the control of Satan could not be a real Pope but would have to be by divine guarantee a false Pope don't believe it well here's what Pope Pius the ninth Todd on the matter in his 1853 encyclical in turn multiple each s number seven quote now you know well that the most deadly foes of the Catholic religion have always waged a fierce war but without success against this chair they are by no means ignorant of the fact that religion itself can never taught her and fall while this chair remains intact the chair which rests on the rock which the proud gates of Hell cannot overthrow and in which there is the whole and perfect solidity of the Christian religion unquote now this would have been kind of relevant 00:19 for Taylor Marshall to bring up wouldn't it I don't know why he didn't but it's clear that it certainly contradicts his recognize and resist position as does the remedy PI's ix prescribes in the same encyclical the antidote for the anti-catholic attempts to overthrow the papacy and that is oh shucks Oh horror complete obedience to the Holy See here's what the Pope says quote therefore because of your special faith in the church and special piety toward the same chair of Peter we exhort you to direct your constant efforts so that the faithful people of France may avoid the crafty deceptions and errors of these plotters and develop a more filial affection and obedience to this Apostolic See be vigilant in act and word so that the faithful may grow in 00:20 love for this Holy See venerated and accepted with complete obedience they should execute whatever the sea itself teaches determines and decrees unquote again that was Pope eyes the ninth encyclical inter multiplied Ches paragraph seven alas instead of quoting Pius the ninth Marshall goes on to quote Paul the sixth about the smoke of Satan having entered the church when Paul the six himself was of course the ripe fruit of the very infiltration Marshall laments and announces oh well next let's skip one chapter and move on to chapter three which is about Our Lady of La Salette and the secret entrusted by the 00:21 Blessed Mother to Melanie Calvin now I've said I'm not going to be nitpicky so I'm not saying this is a big deal or anything but I want to bring this up because I've said that Marshalls documentation is sloppy and here's a clear example of them footnote number 12 found on page 25 says quote the Holy Office under Pope Benedict the 15th placed a reprinting of the 1879 version of the secret on the index of forbidden books on May 9th 1923 unquote and what's wrong here is that the Pope in 1923 was pius xi not Benedict the 15th he died a year earlier okay again that's no big deal that's a mistake that can easily creep in but it's the kind of thing that should be caught when proofreading okay especially when Marshall had so many people read over his manuscript before publication and he says that in this 00:22 book and so I just want to draw attention to it to this as an example of sloppiness in this greatest literary achievement of Marshalls life okay and unfortunately sloppiness in documenting sources is not the only problem in this book as we've been saying oftentimes the documentation is lacking altogether for example in Chapter six on page 44 we find Marshall quoting Cardinal Mariano Ram Pola denouncing Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria's imperial intervention in the 1903 Conclave as quote an affront to the dignity of the sacred College unquote let's well and good except Marshall doesn't provide any source for Cardinal Ram polas words I don't doubt that he sent them but if you're going to quote somebody's and words verbatim you need to put the source from which you've 00:23 taken those words okay I mean any senior in high school knows that junior probably and Taylor Marshall again has a PhD in philosophy from the University of Dallas okay next let's look at a different example where Marshall does give a source for a quotation but an improper one on page 50 Marshall quotes Pope st. Pius the tenth speaking informally about how to deal with modernists he said quote for they should be beaten with fists in a duel you don't count or measure the blows you strike as you can unquote now that is a great quote and it is quite accurate but as the source for these words Marshall gives the book Hitler's Pope by John corn well this is 00:24 pathetic first of all the book Hitler's Pope is an anti-catholic smear job against Pope Pius the 12th not exactly the kind of book you want to be quoting from as a Catholic if you can help it okay secondly Cornwell's book is not a primary source for these words of Pius the tenth probably not even a secondary source but more like a tertiary one and while you can't expect Marshall to chase down the ultimate reference to whatever it might be probably the Vatican's records of the testimony given for the canonization proceedings of Saint Pius the tenth he should at least have given the citation that Cornwell himself gives as the source for this quote and that is Carlo Falcone e's book the Pope's in the 20th 00:25 century published in 1967 at least that book is actually on Saint Pius the tenth in part and it is what serves as the source for John corn well and it's not an anti-catholic book again Marshall is a PhD in philosophy he knows he can't do that he knows how to properly source and Anand document and footnote so this kind of outrageous sloppiness tells me that Marshall just didn't care to spend much time with his sources probably because he was in a rush to get it done I don't know that that speculation but one thing is clear he didn't do a careful enough job now in case you're wondering how Marshall even thought of finding this quote in the book Hitler spoke to begin with I have a 00:26 theory okay that book with the corresponding page number is listed as the source for those words of st. Pius the tenth we're on Wikipedia could it be ladies and gentlemen that Taylor Marshall didn't care to dig any further than Wikipedia and his research on the Saint Pius the tenth now Wikipedia remember can be edited by anyone like I said pathetic okay more sloppiness can be found on page 56 of infiltration which is part of Chapter seven Taylor Marshall says that Pope Benedict the 15th added the title Our Lady of Peace to the litany of Loreto yeah except he didn't the title Pope Benedict adit was Queen of Peace not Our Lady of 00:27 Peace again not a huge blunder or anything but another instance of sloppiness that could easily have been avoided now the letter in which Pope Benedict the 15th decrees that our Lady would be invoked as Queen of Peace in the litany of Loreto Marshall himself actually quotes from two pages earlier on page 54 and he footnotes at wrong okay he references it as a letter of April 27th 1915 but that's not correct Pope Benedict's letter is dated May 5th 1917 the title of the letter is a venti set day apparel a Milanovich n toquyen D G which translates as the 27th of April 1915 now that's an odd title for a letter I know but in ecclesiastical documents the title is always determined by the first few words of the text and the Pope's 00:28 first five words happen to be the 27th of April 1915 because he starts out by referencing a letter he had written on that date so once again you can see that Marshall wasn't being all that careful and documenting this carefully document at work another example of the high quality of Taylor's work can be found on pages 56 and 57 there Marshall writes and this is concerning Fatima quote just as these visions ended with the Blessed Sacrament so they resumed almost eight months later on the Feast of the Blessed Sacrament May 13th 1917 unquote wrong again the Feast of the Blessed Sacrament as any Catholic should know is Corpus Christi what is celebrated on May 13th 00:29 is the feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament that's different then in chapter 8 on the Conclave of 1922 on page 76 Marshall writes quote Cardinal guy Don Odle I allegedly said to Cardinal rathi we will elect your eminence if your eminence will promise that you will not choose Cardinal gaspari as your Secretary of State unquote and here Marshalls footnote points to David Kurt sirs book the Pope and Mussolini like Cornwell kertzer to is an anti-catholic and you just wonder why marshall didn't try to find a Catholic source to document this quote or at least a Catholic friendly or a neutral source like for instance heirs of the fisherman by John Peter Pham and it's not like Curt sirs is the only book that has that quote but then of course 00:30 it is the one mentioned in Wikipedia so maybe that has something to do with it but to make matters worse Marshall didn't even quote accurately Curt sirs book has cardinal de lai saying to cardinal Rathi who by the way became pope pius xi we will vote for your eminence if etc and yet marshall renders the quote as we will elect your eminence if not only is that sloppiness it even changes the meaning somewhat i mean come on even wikipedia got it right copying and pasting shouldn't be that hard now i imagine there are a number of people listening right now who may be thinking you know come on what's the big deal well by itself considered as an isolated incident sure it may not be that big of a deal because we all make 00:31 mistakes that's fine but when you consider it in connection with all the other gaffes and issues in his book you really just you can't help but conclude that taylor marshall wasn't putting enough effort into his greatest literary achievement and we're not even done yet with that episode marshall also quotes cardinal rotties response which can likewise be found in the kertzer book however after that quote he puts a footnote to thomas Reese's book inside the vatican and references page 94 there so you get the impression that the quote of rotties response is found on page 94 of the reece book except that's not see the book doesn't give any quote of either cardinal de lie or cardinal Rottie instead it simply mentions that carla gaspari supporters ended up voting for rod 00:32 and in that way Kaspari was able to remain Secretary of State now I'm sure it's complete coincidence that the Wikipedia entry for the Conclave of 1922 also references the Reis buck right after the kertzer book right in any case Taylor Marshalls footnoting is a mess keep that in mind next time someone tells you that an infiltration everythings footnoted man this has been exhausting hey why don't we take a quick break I'm sure you're ready for one too and we'll be back here in just a few moments with more about Taylor Marshalls hack job infiltration is not just a podcast it's a what is true restoration 00:33 and why is it the answer for you and the Catholic world at large on no other internet platform can you access a treasury of Catholic educational material mostly in audio format covering such courses as the Summa Theologica of San Thomas Aquinas Catholic spirituality Sacred Scripture Catholic history people encyclicals the true nature and consequence of the Second Vatican Council and much much more most talks videos and transcripts are designed by leading clerics of our time many of whom are lecturers in the world's top english-speaking traditional Catholic seminary to provide the most beneficial information for our times the interviews are delivered in a specific style to be captivating and comfortably understood by the average layman and true restorations extensive repository collectively provides all that is required for acquiring the most comprehensive religious online education with the option of full annual 00:34 membership or monthly subscription you can easily access this unique and extensive spiritually enriching and deeply instructive knowledge base to aid your journey to true wisdom and understanding the Catholic teaching at its best online visit true restoration org that's t ru e as in the one true faith r e st o r a tion as in to restore all things in 00:35 Christ org if you're looking for EWTN this ain't it trap cast [Music] all right we're back again with more track casts the traditional Catholic podcast made by we're not afraid to say it say Dave vac contests the people who are not more Catholic than the Pope only more Catholic than the anti Pope [Music] all right this is trap cast number 27 a 00:36 special-edition trap cast dedicated entirely to reviewing Taylor Marshalls book infiltration the plot to destroy the church from within okay now we'll move on to chapter 9 on page 89 of this book Marshall talks about Annabel EBU Nene the chief creator of the new mass and the new sacraments after presenting some anecdotal evidence that boo Nene was in fact a member of the Masonic Lodge Marshall says quote this became a scandal in Rome and Pope Paul the sixth was forced to send his chief liturgist and recently minted archbishop to Iran as prone nco a surprising and obvious demotion and exile unquote now that is indeed what is commonly said and in my opinion it's probably true but here I 00:37 just want to add that it is actually not quite so certain that that was the reason Paul the sixth sent him to Iran even though it may appear that way in the book Anabella benigni reformer of the liturgy that was published in english in 2018 author Eve sharone discusses this topic and on page 174 he concludes quote whatever the case may be this accusation of belonging to Freemasonry was not the determining factor in Archbishop paninis dismissal unquote and he presents other reasons for why politics may have done that so I just wanted to point that out for people interested in the details of that case and I'm not even faulting Tayla Marshall here I just wanted to let people know that it's not quite so certain if Paul the sixth exiled him to Iran for being a 00:38 freemason or whether he did so for other reasons however there is something to fault taylor marshall for here as well on page 90 he writes quote when the italian Masonic registry was released in 1976 on the Malibu Nene's name was found on the Masonic register along with his free Masonic codename buong unquote now Marshall puts a footnote here and provides his source for that and what do you think his source is I mean we're talking here about something rather significant the Masonic register revealing that the chief architect of the new mass of Palo sex was a member of Freemasonry what source did Marshall get this from what does he provide as documentation for this claim no it's not Wikipedia this time get this his source is the book most asked questions about the Society of st. Pius the tenth you 00:39 can't make it up and then he doesn't even provide the year of publication which would have been useful since there have been a number of editions of this book and the 1997 Edition that I have doesn't mention that on the page indicated now I'm not disputing that boo Nene's Masonic code name was boo on or at least the deaths what was reported in the press back in the 70s not disputing any of that no the point is that you cannot use a book about the Society of st. Pius the tenth as your evidence for that that is utterly ridiculous and with a PhD in philosophy Taylor Marshall knows that all right the next thing I want to take issue with is found in chapter 10 on page 95 footnote number 56 Marshall quotes Pope Pius the 12th when he was still Cardinal 00:40 Eugenio Pacelli speaking to count enrico galley Yahtzee and this is taken from the book P ladoos iam div only stuff which translates as Pius the 12th before history Cardinal Pacelli says quote I am concerned by the Blessed Virgin z' message - Lucia of Fatima Mary's persistence about the dangers that Menace the church is a divine warning against the suicide of altering the faith in her liturgy her theology and her soul I hear all around me innovators who wish to dismantle the sacred chapel destroy the universal flame of the church reject her ornaments and make her feel remorse for her historical past a day will come when the civilized world will deny its God when the church will doubt as Peter doubt it she will be tempted to believe that man 00:41 has become God in our church as Christians we'll search in vain for the red lamp where God awaits them like Mary Magdalene weeping before the empty tomb they will ask where have they taken him unquote now that quote is fairly well known and though Marshall does reference the correct and original source he doesn't give the name or location of the publisher which is standard practice and he also doesn't mention who translated the passage which would have been nice since the book he's quoting from is written in French so again he's being sloppy and by now we can see that Marshall sloppiness isn't isolated to a few rare cases it's all throughout the book see when someone pays that little attention to sources it simply makes you wonder what's going on especially because here we're talking about a book that isn't worth much without source documentation right I mean what good is 00:42 it to narrate things about an infiltration of the Catholic Church if in the end it's all just based on your say-so for a book like this documentation is crucial because even if you're right in everything you say unless you're documenting it people wouldn't know it's right as we said in the first segment so that's the reason why I'm attaching so much importance to Marshalls abysmal documentation practices it matters it's crucial to provide good sources everything footnoted ah yes thanks and with that common tailor actually reveals that he knows very much how important proper documentation is because otherwise it's just Taylor telling stories and I don't think too many people would be interested in that oh and then regarding this quote of Cardinal Pacelli to count Galeazzi in 00:43 one of his many interviews about his book Marshall said that some people disputed the authenticity of this quote and he emphasized how he located the original source for that and I was really puzzled when I heard that because it's not like that was particularly difficult to find I mean it shouldn't take you more than three minutes on Google and you'll have the original source and even before the internet was as big and is widely used as it is today that source was given in the pertinent literature like in Chris Ferreira and Tom woods book the great facade published in 2002 there you'll find it referenced on page 7 and again on page 60 for instance that was 18 years ago so it's not like Marshall pulled off this tremendous find of some mysterious hidden work so I found that really odd that he acted like he had you know whoa 00:44 located the real source that source has been around alright let's move on to chapter 11 which is about Pius the 12th as the Pope of Fatima on page 98 Marshall quotes from the second Secret of fátima as follows quote when you see a night illumined by an unknown light know that this is the great sign given you by God that he is about to punish the world for its crimes by means of war famine and persecutions of the church and of the holy father to prevent this I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the communion of reparation on the first Saturdays if my requests are heeded show will be converted and there will be peace if not she will spread her errors throughout the world causing Wars and persecutions of the church the good will 00:45 be martyred the Holy Father will have much to suffer various nations will be annihilated in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me and she shall be converted and a period of peace will be granted to the world unquote now leaving out of account the fact that the source marshal references is only a secondary source meaning it in turn quotes another source and aside from the fact that marshal didn't even transcribe the quote accurately he changed punctuation and added a word leaving all of that out of account I want to draw your attention to the fact that marshal obviously didn't pay close enough attention to our lady's words here because our lady here speaks of persecutions of the church and of the Holy Father and she says that the Holy 00:46 Father will have much to suffer now if you look at the so-called Pope's of the Vatican 2sec they didn't have much to suffer did they and they certainly weren't the object of persecution rather they caused much suffering especially Francis they have been the ones to persecute the church by changing the Catholic religion changing the faith the mass the sacraments and causing untold spiritual suffering for souls so this is one major part of fátima that the recognize and resists traditionalists like marshal like John Salazar Chris Ferreira and others always seemed to gloss over during the great apostasy the Pope is persecuted he doesn't do the persecuting okay he endures much suffering he doesn't cause suffering for Catholics certainly not 00:47 with regard to their faith or their spiritual health all right then for Chapter 12 we hear about Anabella Bernini again okay on page 103 Marshall writes that quote in 1948 Pius the 12th appointed the controversial priest father Annabella Bernini to the Commission for liturgical reform unquote yes Pius the 12th did do that but Marshall doesn't say whether or not Bernini was controversial already back then if he was known to be controversial and if so why okay so it's not clear whether he's faulting the Pope or or what I mean is he saying that Pius the 12th did know or could have known should have known that boo Nene was a bad apple or is he saying that Benini didn't reveal himself to be a liturgical reco Vater until sometime later what's Marshall saying were not told he just states that pi is the 12th 00:48 appointed the controversial blue meanie then on the pages 104 and 105 Marshall makes a whole bunch of claims about PI's the 12s revision of the Holy Saturday Easter Vigil but without offering any proof for what he's saying so for instance he's criticizing the transfer of the Easter Vigil from the morning to the night and he makes arguments against that but he doesn't back any of it up so for example he claims that the people PI's the 12th had put in charge of looking into revising the Easter Vigil quote concluded that they would need to rewrite the entire Holy Saturday Mass to can form holy Saturday to this night timeslot unquote well okay maybe so but he sure doesn't give any evidence for it no documentation nothing it's the same old problem we see recur in his book again and again the reader is simply 00:49 being asked to believe Marshall to trust him well for a book on the infiltration of the Catholic Church that supposedly carefully documented I'm sorry but that's not good enough now when Pope Pius the 12th made changes to Holy Week in 1955 he called his revisions a restoration PI's the 12th revised order of Holy Week is therefore called the restored Holy Week on page 104 of his book Marshall comments quote sadly Pope Pius the 12th unwisely chose father Annabella Bernini to accomplish a restoration of something that never previously existed unquote now if he wants to argue that that may be fine for him to do but then he's going to have to provide evidence and then he'd also have to interact with evidence brought up to the contrary for example in the April 1957 edition of the American 00:50 ecclesiastical Review Father John H Millar published an article entitled the history and spirit of Holy Week which explains the restored vigil of Pius the 12th from a historical perspective if Marshall thinks that's bogus he needs to address the evidence and refute it instead he just makes claims like he does with the issue of con celebration when page 105 he writes that father Bernini convinced Pius the 12th to permit kinsella bration in 1956 but again no evidence given it's just a claim so Marshall basically leaves it to the reader to do his research Marshall asserts and then the reader gets to figure out if what he says is true awesome of course that modus operandi continues also in chapter 13 on page 107 Marshall 00:51 says about pi is the twelfth quote his friends and acquaintances noted a drastic change in his personality beginning in 1954 unquote again that may be true or it may be false I have no idea it would have been really great if Marshall had given us a source for that claim but of course he didn't and I would have taken real work you know real painful research it's much easier to just assert lean back and claim everything's footnoted and I'm not even disputing it I'm just saying he needs to prove it now some might say that that's not serious enough of a claim to require documentation okay but then how about this one on page 108 referring to giovanni battista Montini the future Paul the sixth Marshall says that quote in effect it was Montini who ran the Holy See and the papacy from 1955 until the death of PI's the 12th in 1958 00:52 unquote that's quite a claim especially considering that Montini was the archbishop of milan at that point evidence given by Marshall none on the same page talking about the Third Secret of fátima Marshall writes quote when the Third Secret came to the Vatican it was placed in a safe in the papal apartments as shown in a photograph in paris match magazine unquote while there the author is at least doing us the favor of identifying the magazine the volume and addition year of publication and page number would have been nice to know as well but yeah that's kind of absent on page 111 Marshall notes that quote the Confessor of Pope Pius the 12th had been the stalwart omus theologian Michel Louie Gerard DeLaurier Opie who had helped to write the 1950 dogmatic decree on the 00:53 bodily assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary unquote I believe that is correct not that he provides any documentation for it but what I find interesting here is that although he lost father Gerard to Laurier as a stalwart Thomas he fails to mention that that great thinker eventually became a state of a contest and was consecrated a bishop in 1981 he just thought that that would have been nice to mention likewise on page 111 Marshall refers to the Vatican two declaration Nostra atonte as quote the controversial document on the nuoc you - ohm unquote yeah except that the Vatican two decree on Okuma ISM is unit at is read integrate Co what Marshall is talking about here Nostra Aetate a is the declaration of the church to non-christian religions that's 00:54 in a religious dialogue not accumulative to are related but they're not the same thing see when an author fails to understand such basic distinctions he's just not helping his credibility next we're going to skip to chapter 15 where Marshall claims that when John the 23rd announced his intention to convoke an ecumenical council the conservative Cardinals Ernesto Ruffini and Alfredo italiani supported the idea now that's the first I ever heard that which doesn't mean it's not true of course but again Marshall doesn't provide any evidence so you're being asked to simply believe him sorry Taylor not good enough then in chapter 16 on Vatican 2 Marshall writes quote devout Catholics often defend Vatican 2 by saying that it was hijacked and that is certainly the case but the 00:55 question is when and by whom as will become clear pope john xxiii and his favorites Benigni baya and Montini had already set the optimistic new order or Novus Ordo agenda Benigni would create the Novus Ordo liturgy bayit would create Novus Ordo a queue and primacy of conscience over dogma and Montini would become the Novus Ordo Pope unquote and that's from pages 127 and 128 when I first read that I thought to myself oh that's interesting so Marshall believes the new church gave him a false liturgy a false Okuma nism but a true Pope yeah that makes sense right everything Novus Ordo is false except the Pope he's definitely real and legit couldn't possibly be fake got it moving on to chapter 19 and you can see I'm skipping here because the chapters are fairly short and we need to get through 00:56 this chapter xix is entitled theological infiltration of vatican ii and it talks about how the new theologians such as Karl Rahner had a major impact on the council's theology but the odd thing is that Marshall calls it an infiltration when of course these new theologians with all their crazy ideas had been officially appointed by John the 23rd to participate in the council in other words they had been invited to be there okay and so they showed up that's not infiltration by definition infiltration is secret or deceptive Rahner didn't infiltrate the council he was ordered to go to it by a man Marshall believes was the pope john xxiii I mean he says so himself on page 137 John the 23rd 00:57 appointed runner as aparatus or expert at Vatican 2 Marshall says that so he really can't speak of infiltration here and he can't speak of theological infiltration either since the theology of Colorado was not a secret in fact Marshall himself says on that same page that the new theologians that engineered the council had been suspect of heresy under Pope Pius the 12th so to speak of infiltration with regard to Vatican 2 is wrong it wasn't an infiltration of the council it was an invitation to it given by john xxiii that the new theologians happily accepted now it's true that they hijacked the council in a sense because they were able to get all the preparatory work junked and replaced it with their own theology but hijacking and infiltration are two different things 00:58 so here marshall is continuing the false notion of infiltration that was introduced by Athanasian Eider in the books forward when talking about Judas having supposedly infiltrated the church that we talked about earlier in the first segment still on the same page a page 137 and going into page 138 Marshall writes quote rauner introduced a new ecclesiology in which the Church of Christ is not the Catholic Church but rather subsists in the Catholic Church this seems to contradict the teaching of Pope Pius the 12th and as 1943 encyclical mr. G corporis that the mystical body of Christ and the Catholic Church are one in the same entity unquote yeah except that the subsists in formulation wasn't introduced by Karl 00:59 Rahner it was introduced by the Dutch Jesuit father Sebastian Trump come on even wikipedia says that but don't take my word for it or Wikipedia's anyone who seriously researches this will quickly find that it was father Trump who came up with that formulation and that is actually quite tragic because Trump was not a modernist he was Orthodox he was part of the italiani Fenton camp in fact and this is incredibly ironic father Trump had been the ghostwriter of Pope Pius the 12th magnificent and cyclical on the church mr. G corporis and that goes to show that even a brilliant theologian can come up with an idea to solve a difficulty and be unaware of its wide-ranging consequences in this case the theologian proposed wording that is actually subversive of the true doctrine 01:00 anyway the long and the short of it is the subsists in clause of vatican ii Sluman gentium does not come from collar on ER as taylor marshall claims but from Sebastian Trump and you will find that for example in the article subsisted in non exclusive identity or full identity by Christopher Molloy published in the Thomas vol 72 issue number one January 2008 you can also find it in the article salvation and the church Feeney Fenton and the making of lumen gentium by Guardian Zoot vex published in Levein studies volume 37 pages 147 to 178 and lastly you can find it too in the article heck ecclesia subsisted in ecclesia católica the subsistence of the 01:01 Church of Christ as a starting point toward Catholic unity my Reverend Nicola der pitch published in Alpha Omega volume 21 number 2 in 2018 now for all those interests that we have linked these articles in the show notes for you so you can do what Taylor Marshall clearly didn't do and that is real research although I'm not encouraging anyone to actually read these articles because you know they're all written by Knowles or toes so I'm just linking them as documentation that Taylor Marshalls greatest literary achievement is not quite so great you can access the notes for this show at track cast dot org just scroll down to trap cast number 27 and click on that link continuing now we're not done yet with page 137 of Marshalls book he writes quote Cardinal Ottaviani 01:02 attempted to convince Pius the 12th to excommunicate runner on three occasions all to no avail unquote now for that specific and significant of a claim can you guess what evidence the author provides you got it absolutely none Taylor once again just wants you to believe him I know this is getting old alright skipping ahead to page 143 Marshall says quote Pope Paul the sixth promulgated denied at his home on a on December 7th 1965 and the next day he closed the Second Vatican Council and stayed at the Magisterium of the church did not wish to pronounce itself under the form of extraordinary dogmatic pronouncements this effectively hamstrung the council it's true that theological statements are made throughout the conciliar documents yet the council made no 01:03 extraordinary dogmatic pronouncements nothing binding came from vatican ii paul the six clarified this a little over one month later when he explained in view of the pastoral nature of the council it has avoided proclaiming in an extraordinary manner any dogma carrying the mark of infallibility by a divine miracle the pope a fad akin to taught that vatican ii contained no extraordinary dogma and did not carry the mark of infallibility meaning the documents of vatican ii are fallible and may contain error unlike the previous twenty ecumenical councils the pope placed an asterisk next to vatican ii unquote oh man where to begin first of all the quote from Paul the sixth that the Magisterium of the church did not wish to pronounce itself under the form 01:04 of extraordinary dogmatic pronouncements is not from the closing speech the day after December 7th but is from the closing speech given on December 7th there were actually two closings because on December 7th Paul the six closed the fourth session of the council and on December 8th he closed the council altogether and the funny thing is that Marshall actually got it right in the footnote this time he just didn't get it right in the text what a mess secondly although the quote Marshall gives is accurate it's only a partial quote but he doesn't indicate that he makes it look as though he were quoting the entire sentence and get this the portion he omitted contradicts what he claims and we'll look at the full quote in just a minute but first I want to mention that second quote of Paul the sixth at Marshall provides suffers from the exact same problem the words are quoted 01:05 accurately but the sentence is truncated and the portion he left out contradicts the point he's making so you really have to ask yourself how did this man get a PhD in philosophy I mean you do that in your doctoral dissertation and it's over okay you can kiss your PhD goodbye all right so let's look at the full quotes now remember Marshall is saying that Paul the six by a divine miracle or divine providence said at the end of Vatican two that hey the council isn't infallible isn't binding and he basically issued one gigantic disclaimer ring an asterisk that's what Marshall is saying now here is what Paul the sixth actually said and yes we have that link in the show notes for you so you can look it up yourself quote but one thing must be noted here 01:06 namely that the teaching authority of the church even though not wishing to issue extraordinary dogmatic pronouncements has made thoroughly known its authoritative teaching on a number of questions which today weigh upon man's conscience and activity descending so to speak into a dialogue with him but ever preserving its own authority and force it has spoken with the accommodating friendly voice of pastoral charity its desire has been to be heard and understood by everyone it has not merely concentrated on intellectual understanding but has also sought to express itself in simple up-to-date conversational style derived from actual experience in a cordial approach which make it more vital attractive and persuasive yes spoken to modern man as he is unquote that's the first quote 01:07 from the closing speech of the fourth session of the council December 7th 1965 taken straight from the Vatican website the next quote is from Paul the sixth speaking at its general audience on January 12 1966 quote some people have asked what authority what theological qualification the council intended to attribute to its teaching since it clearly avoided issuing solemn dogmatic definitions that would involve the infallibility of the Magisterium the answer is clear for anyone who recalls the council declaration issued on March 6th 1964 and repeated on November 16 1964 in view of the pastoral nature of the council it avoided any extraordinary statement of dogmas that would be endowed with the note of infallibility but it still provided its teaching with the authority 01:08 of the supreme ordinary Magisterium this ordinary Magisterium which is so obviously official has to be accepted with docility and sincerity by all the faithful in accordance with the mind of the council on the nature and aims of the individual documents unquote and that translation appeared in the Pope speaks volume 11 number 2 spring 1966 on pages 152 to 154 now given what you just heard Paul the sixth actually said do you still think that Taylor Marshall is justified and saying that nothing binding came from Vatican 2 hardly and it gets worse Taylor didn't tell you probably because he doesn't know because it didn't do 01:09 enough research he didn't tell you that at the end of each of the 16 documents issued by Vatican to Paul the sixth solemnly included the following words quote what has been set down in this constitution or decree or Declaration whatever type of document at was what has been set down in this constitution has been accepted by the fathers of the sacred council in its entirety and in all its parts and together with the venerable council fathers we by the apostolic power granted to us by Christ approve decree and establish it and we order that what has thus been established in Senate be promulgated for the glory of God unquote so anyone who believes that Paul the sixth was a true Pope like Taylor Marshall for example is obliged to 01:10 affirm that every jot and tittle of the council has been established in the Catholic Church by the Vicar of Christ with his apostolic Authority for the glory of God now some will say that they've never seen these words of Paul the sixth at the end of any Vatican 2 document and that may be because they're not always included in the body of the text because there are the formula of promulgation and some additions instead of repeating them for each document simply mention them only once in the introduction so for example father Walter Abbott's the documents of Vatican 2 mentions the formula of promulgation at the end of each document whereas father Austin Flannery's Vatican Council to the conciliar and post conciliar documents does not include the formula 01:11 with each document but instead just mentions in the introduction page Roman numeral 20 that each document ends that way and if you look at the Vatican website which also has the documents of Vatican 2 you will actually find that they've included the formula for some of the documents but not for others yeah whatever so now you know the rest of the story and you can see what Taylor Marshalls research is worth truncated sentences omitted relevant facts to Dornan evidence not good looks to me like we're gonna have to put an asterisk next to Taylor Marshall back to infiltration on page 145 Marshall talks about the reform of the reform without so much as explaining what that term even means or what it's about it basically means taking the liturgical reform of Paul the sex the the new mass 01:12 and reforming that and this time in a more conservative more traditional direction in line with what its proponents believe is the true spirit of vatican ii in other words put some latin back in the new mass half the presider face the tabernacle instead of the people more reverence and so on that's what's typically understood by reform of the reform but you wouldn't know it from reading infiltration chapter 20 on the infiltration of the Sacred Liturgy on pages 147 and 148 Marshall first quotes from st. Pius the tense Motu Proprio trial a solid G to Dini of 1903 as follows quote filled as we are with a most art and desire to see the true Christian spirit flourish in every respect and be preserved by all the 01:13 faithful we deem it necessary to provide before anything else for the sanctity and dignity of the temple in which the faith will assemble for no other object than that of acquiring the spirit from its foremost and indispensable font which is the active participation in the most holy mysteries and in the public and solemn prayer of the church unquote so that's pi is the tenth now Marshall comments as follows quote liturgical scholars note that this is the first historical exhortation to active participation of the laity in the liturgy the text however has been exaggerated in the Italian translation which reads about teapot Sione ateva and also in the English version which reads active participation in the original latin version of the text the qualifier active is nowhere present quest participate Co 01:14 divinorum mystery' Orem or which is the participation in the divine mysteries the idea of active participation is not the official Latin version of the text it has been added unquote now if that doesn't sound like Marshall did some great research there huh yeah well he may have done some research but it wasn't enough because it just so happens that when you look this stuff up in the official Vatican documents you find out that this Motu Proprio was written in Italian not in Latin the Latin is the translation so when he says that the phrase active participation doesn't appear in the original and was exaggerated by the translators that's false 01:15 it does appear in the Italian original if anything it was toned down for the translation in Latin it should have been obvious that trial a solid cheater Denis was originally written in Italian and not in Latin because the title is Italian that's not a Latin title and Marshall knows it because as a PhD in philosophy he knows one remember how we said earlier that the title of a papal document is always determined by the first few words well it's the case here - and those words are Italian you find that also in other documents such as pi is the tense not as opposed to leak our apostolic mandate which was written in French Oran pius xi Smith bran and Azula gay with burning concern which was written in German then if you look at Marshall source citation on this which is sloppy as always 01:16 points you to page 388 of the Octus sangtae Sade's of course without giving you the volume number but it's volume 36 and when you go there when you look that up you see the latin text of this moto proprio begins on page 387 and there is a footnote there which is kind of hard to miss and that footnote says quote the official text written in italian appears in this same volume on page 329 unquote so there you have it not only is the italian the original language the document was written in it is also the official version of the text the latin is just a translation and not normative so that torpedos Marshalls entire argument about active participation not being found in the original and official 01:17 version of pious the tense Motu Proprio trial Isola g2 Denis well sometimes it's a good idea to actually read the sources you reference all right I'm exhausted we're only about halfway through the book but I think I'm beginning to understand why this is a crisis publication Taylor Marshall has no idea what he's doing [Music] ladies and gentlemen we'll continue our review of infiltration by dr. Taylor Marshall in the next episode tran cast 28 to be released very shortly in the meantime please help us get the word out 01:18 and share this podcast with as many as possible until then god bless you [Music] tragg cast