00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the novus ordo watch track tradcast [Music] you can't make the stuff up [Music] welcome ladies and gentlemen to treadcast 28 a special edition podcast 00:01 dedicated to continuing our critical review of taylor marshall's book infiltration the plot to destroy the church from within this is part two of that endeavor and it is also the final part [Music] so we're going to wrap it up in this podcast and it's going to be a long one and it's going to be intense so uh fasten your seat belts uh but it will be well worth your time [Music] all right so we are on chapter 21 of infiltration which begins on page 153 in the printed copy the chapter is entitled otavjani intervention against pope paul vi and it is a 00:02 whopping one and a half pages in length now i don't know if i mentioned this in part one back in may but i think the reason why many of his chapters are so ridiculously short is that he wanted to have a total of 33 chapters that's just speculation on my part i have no idea if that is the reason but i noticed that the total number of chapters is 33 and i can imagine that he wanted to have that outcome in any case for those who are not familiar with the term otaviani intervention that is the informal name for a theological study whose proper name is brief critical study of the new order of mass the novus ordo mise it was written by a group of roman theologians that's how they identify themselves the main writer was the french dominican father michelle louis gerard de laurier who later 00:03 became a state of iconist bishop the study was sent to paul vi with an accompanying letter signed by cardinal alfredo ottaviani and cardinal antonio bocce actually he was only bishop bocce because it was the false pope john the 23rd who'd made him a cardinal but that's beside the point now so the otaviano intervention was an attempt spearheaded by cardinal otaviani to stop the new mass or at least get it modified uh before it would take effect the study itself was dated june 5th 1969 the letter accompanying it was dated september 25th and the study together with the letter were given to paul vi on september 29th so that was roughly two months before the mass was going to be mandatory throughout the church in the roman rite paul vi had published the decree introducing it back in april of that year originally the idea had been to have 00:04 a great many cardinals and bishops sign the letter and support the theological study in order to get the new mass stopped but because the text of the intervention was leaked ahead of time and made public by some unscrupulous soul that apparently scared off most of the signers and in the end only octaviani and bachi signed it not one other bishop so anyway that's the background and now we can look at how taylor marshall opens the chapter he says quote when the 1969 novus ordo mise of benini was unveiled the stalwart french missionary archbishop marcelo fev gathered 12 theologians to study the liturgy thoroughly unquote now that's quite a claim that archbishop lefeve was the mastermind behind the ottaviani intervention it's the first time i even heard that now if you've listened to track cast 27 00:05 where we discussed the first part of marshall's book then it probably won't surprise you to learn that marshall doesn't bother to back up his claim so you're left to do your own research and that's what i did lo and behold marshall's claim is supported by wikipedia which mentions as its source a web page by the society of saint pius xii which is the organization lefeve went on to establish in 1970. so the sspx claims that its founder archbishop lefeve is behind the ottaviani intervention well that is strongly disputed for example by father anthony chikata a former sspx priest who was dismissed in 1983 for being a city of a contest father chikada who first translated the ottaviani intervention into english many years ago wrote about the origin of the intervention in an introductory text here is what he said quote in the 00:06 conservative camp were two members of the roman aristocracy victoria christina guerini and emilia pediconi both were friends of cardinal ottaviani then retired from his post as prefect of the holy office and both had wide connections at the vatican and in other ecclesiastical circles the ladies used their contacts to bring together a small group of conservative theologians liturgists and pastors who would prepare a study of the contents of the new order of mass cardinal otaviani agreed it is unclear at exactly what point to revise the study and to present it to paul vi unquote and that is from father chikanda's book the otavian intervention published in 1992 by 10 books page 2. according to a personal email father chicada wrote me on june 29th of last year 2019 all archbishop of fav 00:07 really did with regard to the ottaviani intervention was to ask father gerard de laurier who had written the draft to translate it into french that's it and you can find this mentioned by the way in father chicago's more recent book work of human hands published in 2010 on pages 134 and 135 and we've got that linked in the show notes at treadcast.org just scroll down to trotcast 28 and then click on that link and you will find the show notes there so who's right the sspx or father chicato well strictly speaking i don't know i can't easily verify it independently however consider this archbishop lefeve himself did not sign the letter of cardinal zotaviyani in bachi that was presented to paul vi with the study no other bishop signed it besides those two although lefeve himself had reportedly said that there were 00:08 600 other bishops ready to sign it well that was before the text was leaked in the press and so in the end not even lefeve signed it but all right let's get back to taylor marshall he writes on the same page quote cardinal ottaviani and antonio cardinal bocce wrote an introduction to this document and presented the study to pope paul vi on september 25th 1969 the feast day of saint pius the 10th yeah september 25th is not the feast of saint pius the 10th and never was in the traditional roman calendar it's september 3rd and in the novel sort of calendar it's august 21st but anyway what marshall says isn't even true although the letter of otaviani and bachi was dated september 25th they didn't actually present it to him until september 29th as follow chicago notes in his 1992 book 00:09 and in his 2010 book then on the page 154 of infiltration marshall writes quote pope paul vi received the so-called ataviani intervention coolly the holy see issued a response on november 12 1969 replying that the critical study contained claims that were superficial exaggerated inexact emotional and false unquote yeah he got that from wikipedia because the source citation he gives matches that given by wikipedia it's a french booklet on the new mass but there's no reference given to the actual vatican document the quotation must be accurate though because father anibally boonini the chief architect of the new mass quotes it as well in his memoirs but also without giving proper citation information in his book the reform of the liturgy 1948-1975 on page 287 00:10 boonini says that the quote is from a letter written by cardinal franjos saper to the secretariat of state at the time saper was the pro prefect of the congregation for the doctrine of the faith so it was more of an internal vatican document in any case we know how politics ultimately responded to the ottaviani intervention he made some minor changes to the general instruction on the roman missal which is basically a how-to manual that is included in the front of the missile and it describes how the new mass is to be celebrated and so on but he left the rights and the prayers of the new mass precisely as they were so as far as the new mass before and after the otaviani intervention is concerned it is exactly the same all right moving on to chapter 22 of infiltration it's entitled archbishop lefebvre and the traditionalist 00:11 resistance if based on the title you figure that that must be one heck of a chapter i have to disappoint you because that chapter is even shorter than the prior one at just over one page in length nothing much objectionable in that chapter i only want to mention that once again one can see that marshall didn't carefully proofread his work because he says on page 156 that in using the liturgical books of 1962 archbishop lefeve used quote the missile last issued by pope john the 23rd before he called vatican 2 unquote well not quite marshall meant to say before john xxiii opened vatican 2 but certainly not before he called it because he first called it on january 25th 1959 and officially convoked it on december 25th 1961. so not a big deal 00:12 really but here you can see once again just how sloppy marshall is as though he's in a hurry to get the book finished and he's not really paying all that close attention to what he's writing and that's a book he calls his greatest literary achievement that's frightening for a man who has a phd in philosophy it's also quite disrespectful to the reader in my opinion all right the next chapter is entitled resistance to the novus ordo mise just a few quick things on that on page 159 marshall writes that in 1972 paul vi abolished the quote minor orders of porter exorcist acolyte and subdeacon unquote now it's true that he abolished all those but just for the record the subdiaconate is not a minor order it's part of the major orders just saying on page 160 marshall claims quote paul paul vi decision to authorize layman as extraordinary ministers of 00:13 holy communion broke with western and eastern tradition which absolutely forbade anyone but a priest from administering holy communion unquote that's false it's false to say that absolutely no one but a priest was ever permitted to administer holy communion taylor marshall could have simply looked this up in canon law canon 845 of the 1917 code of canon law says quote the ordinary minister of holy communion is only a priest a deacon is an extraordinary minister authorized by the local ordinary or a pastor granted for grave cause which in case of legitimate necessity is presumed unquote so there before vatican ii not only priests but also deacons could literally administer holy communion with the permission of the local bishop so marshall just doesn't know what he's talking about 00:14 the question is why didn't he bother to look it up yes that takes some work but when you're writing a book on this topic and are happy to rake in the dough with each copy sold then you may just need to spend a few minutes to look stuff up then on page 161 marshall states quote it is difficult to understand how pope paul vi would lament the demonic infiltration of the church while he promoted reforms that encouraged it and then he quotes paul vi saying we would say that through some mysterious crack no it's not mysterious through some crack the smoke of satan has entered the church of god there is doubt uncertainty problems unrest dissatisfaction confrontation unquote well how is it difficult to understand that if we're operating on the idea of infiltration did taylor marshall suddenly forget that 00:15 he was writing a book on the topic of the infiltration of the church you know what when paul vi said that the smoke of satan has entered the temple of god he was probably boasting and even if he wasn't even if he was expressing surprise that's totally compatible with what an infiltrator would do first he causes chaos within the organization and then he plays innocent lamb and and acts all surprised that everything is a mess it worked for paul vi didn't it ah but you see marshall probably doesn't want to accept that paul vi was himself an infiltrator since marshall believes that paul was a true pope see later on on page 192 he says about john paul ii quote whether one admires john paul ii or not he was certainly not an infiltrator of the church unquote well it doesn't work that way you can't 00:16 say the church has been infiltrated look at the fruits and and then the very individuals most responsible for those fruits get a pass because you'd rather not say that they were some of those infiltrators you're denouncing such a thesis simply can't be taken seriously and in holding it i think marshall is once again showing himself to be little more than a storyteller a man who's using his name face and influence to direct other people's minds in a particular predetermined direction regardless of what the facts actually are next is chapter 24 on the infiltration of the vatican bank under paul vi we can pretty much skip over that marshall mentions that paul vi mysteriously hired the freemason and mafioso michaelis and dona as a financial advisor and says that this quote points to deep free masonic infiltration in the corridors of the 00:17 vatican by 1968 three years after vatican ii unquote he says that on pages 166 and 167 yeah it really does point to masonic infiltration and it points to the idea that perhaps paul vi was one of the infiltrators himself but of course it sounds better if you attribute it to mystery instead right you've probably heard it before paul vi was an enigma you know i i don't think there is much mystery there if you suppose that he tried to wreck the church while retaining the occasional appearance of piety orthodoxy and sincerity then there really isn't much mystery left next chapter 25 infiltration and the mysterious death of john paul the first sloppy proofreading can be found on page 174 where marshall writes that the money the vatican lost 00:18 is nothing to sneeze it instead of sneeze at chapter 26 is on john paul ii on page 180 marshall claims that during the second conclave of 1978 the one that elected carol voitiwa that quote the conservative cardinal siri agreed to support voitiwa unquote now that's quite a claim and as usual marshall fails to provide any evidence for it but that made me curious and so i started to dig a bit marshall relates all these details about what happened during the conclave but nowhere does he tell you where he got his information from but it gets better on page 180 he writes that there's a rumor that john paul ii had first wanted his papal name to be stannislaus the name of a polish saint and he puts a footnote there it's footnote 124 in the book 00:19 and that footnote has a reference to the article of foreign pope in time magazine of october 30th 1978 page one the problem is that article i looked it up does not mention anything about john paul ii wanting to pick a different papal name so here marshall finally does mention a source in a footnote and then it turns out that the source doesn't even mention what he implied it does and as for cardinal siri supporting voitiwa well here's what that time magazine article a foreign pope says about that quote when genoa's giuseppe cardinal siri the front-runner at the start of the conclave was asked what he thought of john paul ii's inaugural message delivered only half an hour earlier he snapped peevishly i can't remember what he said unquote no folks 00:20 cardinal siri was no supporter of john paul ii in the conclave who knows where marshall got that idea from it's evident though that he didn't read the source which he put as footnote 124. let's move on to page 185. marshall writes quote the 1983 code of canon law introduced the rule that catholic clergy may administer penance anointing of the sick and holy communion to christians in danger of death but not in full communion with the catholic church provided that they manifest catholic faith in respect to these sacraments and are properly disposed canon 844 paragraph four unquote actually it's even worse not even danger of death is required marshall references 00:21 canon 844 paragraph four he should have looked at paragraph three as well which says quote catholic ministers administer the sacraments of penance eucharist and anointing of the sick illicitly to members of eastern churches which do not have full communion with the catholic church if they seek such on their own accord and are properly disposed this is also valid for members of other churches which in the judgment of the apostolic sea are in the same condition in regard to the sacraments as these eastern churches unquote so marshall's greatest literary achievement is once again found wanting on pages 185 and 186 he talks about how john paul ii significantly changed the process of canonization yet once again without any documentation remember whenever a claim is made 00:22 concerning a fact and that fact is not self-evident then if you give no documentation you're basically just telling stories they may be true they may be false the reader has no way of knowing and so you're not doing him a favor he has to accept what you say on your mere say so now if you're a recognized authority on the subject then that's fine then you can get away with that but taylor marshall is definitely not an authority on church history you know this book infiltration could have been such a great work it could have been a gold mine of well-researched and properly presented information about the modernist takeover of the catholic church instead marshall offers this half-baked piece of fluff that gives an initial appearance of respectability but once you give it a closer look you realize it's totally shallow and to me it seems like it was simply meant 00:23 to be a tool for marshall to get himself quick name recognition and influence and credibility in the triad world while francis is still alive and there's this huge window of opportunity to reach and influence a lot of people who've had it with francis that's what i think the primary aim of the book is and i'm sure taylor doesn't mind it being a cash cow to boot all right on page 187 marshall talks about the assisi interreligious prayer for peace abominations and he mentions that the buddhists placed a buddha on top of the tabernacle which is true and that they burned incense to it and taylor says emphatically that they did this with permission from the pope that's a quote but the problem is he he doesn't give a source to back that up he doesn't show when where how john paul ii gave that 00:24 permission and that would have been really important to to point to because defenders of john paul say that although john paul ii permitted them to whatever pray there he would have never allowed them to put a buddha on the tabernacle had he known that they were going to do that you can look it up online that's what i did that is what they say that john paul ii wasn't present in the in that location when that happened and it wasn't authorized by him so what we have here is par for the course marshall makes an important claim and doesn't back it up and on top of that he misspells the phrase dalai lama on the same page making it into dali lama all right then we come to that one curious sentence we already mentioned earlier on page 192 marshall proclaims quote whether one admires john paul ii or not 00:25 he was certainly not an infiltrator of the church unquote now that is a completely unreasonable conclusion to arrive at given all the evidence he has given in this book up to that point he doesn't simply say that it's not clear if john paul was himself an infiltrator or that it's doubtful or whatever he doesn't say that he goes much further he says he was certainly not an infiltrator and that's completely unjustifiable i mean at the very least he would have had to say that you know maybe he wasn't an infiltrator so how is it that such an unreasonable conclusion is coming from a phd in philosophy what's going on here did he suddenly lose his reasoning abilities i doubt it i suspect that he needed to put that in there 00:26 in order to make the publisher happy or maybe opus dei remember sophia institute press that's the publisher isn't exactly anti-john paul ii there are conservative novus ordo publisher in fact they even publish books by opus dei authors so i think that marshall's claim that uh waitiwa was certainly not an infiltrator is simply damage control a sort of disclaimer that he had to put there in order to be allowed to publish it's definitely not something you would conclude from reading his book then on page 193 marshall writes that despite drinking deeply of vatican 2 john paul ii nevertheless quote still retained the piety of a catholic unquote well okay that's maybe the impression you would have if you simply accept that his external pious acts at face value 00:27 without evaluating them in their entire context you know against the assesi abominations and stuff but i think a more perceptive assessment of john paul ii's apparent piety would be that he simply clung to enough outward devotions so as to better deceive the masses there you're welcome next we can skip over chapters 27 and 28 and then it gets interesting in chapter 29 which is entitled infiltration and the plot against benedict the 16th the funny thing is that this title doesn't reflect the content of the chapter the chapter isn't about infiltration or some plot against benedict it's about some of the main things benedict did he issued three encyclicals published some more in pontificum 00:28 allowing wide use of the latin mass and he tried to reconcile the le feveris society of saint pius the tenth and rescinded the 1988 excommunications against the four surviving bishops what that has to do with infiltration and the plot against benedict xvi is anyone's guess what's clear is that the chapter is once again ridiculously short two pages in total but in exchange for that marshall allowed himself only one egregious typo on page 214 where he writes each another instead of each other or one another chapter 30 is called infiltration of the vatican bank and the butler of pope benedict xvi on page 218 marshall speaks of a quote negative u.s 10.5 million dollar deficit for vatican city unquote yes 00:29 you heard that right a negative deficit hilarious chapter 31 is entitled infiltration and the election of pope francis and it starts off on page 223 with a reported vision of the venerable anne catherine emmerich an augustinian nun of the early 18th and 19th centuries marshall calls the vision an allocution which is another hilarious howler he meant of course the word locution not allocution an allocution is a speech given by the pope a locution is words or thoughts that are supernaturally communicated to the intellect on page 225 marshall writes about bergoglio's election on march 13th 2013 quote mission accomplished for the san gallo mafia at last they delivered to the world a revolution in tiara and cope 00:30 as had been promised by the free masonic document alta vendetta more than 150 years before unquote what's noteworthy here is that marshall only says that about the 2013 conclave that elected francis and yet it was the conclave of 1958 which produced john the 23rd that set the modernist revolution in motion and it was the conclave of 1963 that gave the world paul vi who approved vatican ii and gave us the new mass and the whole novel's order religion the revolution in tiara and cope began in 1958 not in 2013. by means of vatican 2 john xxiii and paul vi brought the french revolution into the catholic world the free masonic ideas of equality liberty and fraternity were reflected in vatican ii's doctrines and decrees regarding 00:31 collegiality religious liberty and ecumenism there is your revolution in tiara and cope francis is just the latest rotten fruit of that revolution and by the way unlike john xxiii and paul vi francis doesn't even use a tiara and scopes aren't that great either all right moving on we now get to the really good stuff chapter 32 the second to last chapter is entitled solving the current crisis now that's quite an audacious title because spoiler alert taylor actually solves nothing at all in that chapter he thinks he does i'll give him that but in fact in the last chapter 33 he even admits that what he proposes in chapter 32 is just the diagnosis and not the cure not the solution but regardless 00:32 let's have a good look at that chapter now solving the current crisis marshall brings up all possible positions one could possibly embrace in response to the infiltration of the catholic church in that chapter the first position he mentions in critiques is becoming what he calls a modernist catholic now that's already a completely unacceptable way of putting it there is no such thing as a modernist catholic any more than there could be a protestant catholic an aryan catholic a jansenist catholic or an astorian catholic for instance by become a modernist catholic martial basically means become what we call a novus ordo right or more specifically become a novus ordo who's entirely loyal to francis and all his erroneous and heretical teachings and ideas so in other words go vatican ii all the way become a bergolian novel sordo and reject everything pre-vatican 2 00:33 that contradicts that that's one possible response to all this marshall says but he doesn't recommend it at the same time he doesn't exactly condemn it either he merely says on page 230 quote most serious and informed catholics cannot swallow this pill unquote which is an odd way to put it because that's not an evaluation of the position it's not a judgment instead it's well it's not a judgment about what you know about the position itself instead it's a descriptive statement about other now granted he does go on to say that catholicism can't change can't contradict itself but he doesn't come right out and say no this is not an option this is not right this is a betrayal of christ or something to that effect instead he concludes quote if one refuses to accept the modernist version of catholicism 00:34 as intellectually dishonest he must find a new narrative unquote well you know what this isn't about finding a narrative this is about finding and embracing the truth and the truth about this we know from first of all the roman catholic faith and then from what can be known from reason and from history it's not about finding a narrative but maybe that was another stipulation from the publisher i don't know now there's another thing to be pointed out here regardless of how he phrases it here we all know that marshall holds that if you follow francis and the vatican ii religion then then you've contradicted the catholicism of the past right and that's an impossible position because the church can't contradict herself well okay but that means that if you accept the 00:35 supposed pope since vatican ii is legitimate then catholicism has refuted itself because then catholicism does contradict itself see you can't say on the one hand that catholicism can't ever change and can't contradict itself and then on the other hand claim that those supposed popes who did change and contradict it are still legitimate and valid popes it's just that their teachings don't count precisely because they do contradict i mean that reduces the idea that catholicism is unchangeable to a meaningless slogan the only way out of that is to hold that those apparent popes were false popes and therefore their teachings don't count and by the way marshall may think that the way out of this conundrum is to reject the new teachings and embrace the old ones but the truth is that if francis and his five predecessors are true popes well then you could just as well take the opposite approach 00:36 and accept all of the new teachings while rejecting all the prior ones because those two approaches are actually equivalent in terms of absurdity in terms of contradicting the very truth marshall himself puts forward namely that catholicism cannot ever change i mean think about it if the church can teach error and heresy today then there's no reason why she couldn't have done so in the past as well or at any point so it really doesn't matter then if you stick to the old and reject the new or if you accept the new and dump the old either way you're saying that the church has misled you in matters of eternal salvation either now or in the past and so that would mean that the church then is not the ark of salvation not the pillar and ground of the truth as saint paul writes in his first letter 00:37 to saint timothy chapter 3 verse 15. marshall's next option that he discusses is becoming an atheist now since marshall is willing to bring that up as a possible option not as the correct position obviously but nevertheless one that some misguided souls might unhappily consider one would expect that marshall who has a doctorate in tomistic philosophy that he would just you know take the opportunity and totally destroy atheism even just in fairly general terms that he would explain how atheism is totally impossible and absolutely not an option one can consider but instead of doing that he writes two sentences that are supposed to explain why he doesn't think atheism is a viable option for him here's what he says on page 231 quote for myself 00:38 i cannot accept atheism because i have personally encountered christ his blessed mother and the saints in my life i also remain fully convinced of the existence of god and his full revelation of himself in the incarnate person of our lord jesus christ unquote that is his answer to the atheist objection that is utterly pathetic but not only that it is also very dangerous because it is manifestly weak and subjective marshall doesn't as a tomist would explain why atheism is objectively impossible and unworthy of a rational creature instead he dismisses atheism on the grounds of his own subjective experience that is neo-modernism in fact that is exactly the kind of stuff francis would say that it's all about an encounter with christ 00:39 and once you've encountered him you want to share that experience with others and that's what evangelization is about you want others to also have that experience that is vatican 2 theology and marshall knows it he doesn't even attempt to refute atheism here not even in the most general way he's not telling you why atheism is false or impossible instead he's telling you what he's personally convinced of which has nothing to do with anything his response only says something about himself it doesn't say anything about the error of atheism so here as a thomist philosopher remember this guy gives online courses and stuff he uh directs the new saint thomas institute that he found it here he could have really hit a home run because this is right up his alley here 00:40 he could have used his extensive education to hammer atheism proving it to be intellectually untenable even even just very briefly right or he could have referred you he could have referred the reader to other sources where atheism is refuted at length instead he offers two sentences about his private experience wow i mean that's almost an invitation to atheism because he's saying between the lines that there really isn't any way to refute it he just personally doesn't like it because he's had certain experiences unbelievable and to further underscore just how serious this is remember that the first vatican council declared it a dogma that the existence of god can be proved by reason alone you can check denzinger 1785 and 1806 and also the oath against modernism which pope saint pius the tenth 00:41 instituted in 1910 to be sworn by catholic clerics and teachers that oath includes the following line right at the beginning quote i profess that god the origin and end of all things can be known with certainty by the natural light of reason from the created world see romans 1 19 that is from the visible works of creation as a cause from its effects and that therefore his existence can also be demonstrated unquote so what marshall said there on atheism is utterly disgraceful and i really don't understand why he did that beats me next he uh talks briefly about the protestant option which we're going to skip and then the eastern orthodox option 00:42 on page 232 now for that one marshall mentions as one of the reasons for rejecting it that quote the orthodox have already ecclesiastically approved divorce and remarriage and contraception unquote yeah so if that means that eastern orthodoxy is not the true religion for those reasons then that would also disqualify the novel sword religion headed by francis wouldn't it marshall goes on quote it seems apparent to me that pope francis actually holds the eastern orthodox position on the papacy collegiality divorce and the pastoral notion of economia revamped as being true to conscience unquote does this man have any idea what he's saying he says it is clear to him that francis the man he claims is the vicar of christ the pope of the catholic church that francis 00:43 holds the eastern orthodox view of the papacy and and of other things i mean hello the eastern orthodox view of the papacy is that there is no papacy okay they believe that yes there is the primacy of rome but it's only a primacy of honor of service of love and not one of jurisdiction over the universal church which is dogma right so that view of the eastern orthodox is heresy so according to taylor marshall francis is actually an eastern orthodox rather than a catholic but hey not to worry he's nevertheless the pope the head of the catholic church doesn't have to be a member of the catholic church the pope doesn't have to be a catholic the pope 00:44 doesn't have to believe in the papacy well that's quite the narrative i'd say all right next we finally come to the topic of say devakantism taylor marshall explains what he thinks is wrong with sadavacantism and why he doesn't take that position here's what he says on page 233 quote the state of akon is told that the papal conclave of 1958 was irregular since the white smoke and ringing bells indicated a papal election but no pope appeared on that occasion they point to this oddity and suspect that cardinal siri was violently elected but falsely pressured to resign no one knows exactly what happened within the conclave of 1958 but cedarvacantis resolutely affirmed that cardinal roncalli 00:45 was not validly elected as pope john xxiii either because he was a freemason and a heretic or because the election itself was invalid unquote all right look i'm not trying to beat up on the author here simply because he disagrees with state of accountism okay i am not opposed to legitimate discussion of issues but for heaven's sake at least make a bit of an effort to get the basics right i mean what marshall says here is just idiotic he's reducing state of accountism to problems with the 1958 conclave i mean that's part of it and we certainly maintain that you eventually have to conclude that the election of roncalli as john the 23rd was invalid or that if it was valid then that he lost the pontificate at some point thereafter 00:46 but we're not saying of a contest because we suspect someone else was elected pope or because we just happened to think that roncalli wasn't violently elected i mean that misses the essence of the state of akon this argument i'll explain that in a little bit but for right now let me quote some more from taylor marshall quote they also note that the third secret of fatima was to be revealed in 1960 and that john the 23rd refused to reveal it because it indicated that he was an anti-pope or warned the church of an impending false and heretical council unquote really i don't know what source he's using for that since of course he doesn't tell us it's not like everything's footnoted in his book but this is really the first time i've heard the claim that the third secret of fatima says john the 23rd is an anti-pope hey maybe it does it certainly could but i've never heard that before and i 00:47 think that if that were a major argument made by state of akandas i would have come across it at some point now the idea that the third secret talks about an evil council yes that is the suspicion many people have not just said of a contests keep in mind that many of the semi-traditionalists like taylor marshall believe vatican 2 to have been evil erroneous or even heretical they just think that john the 23rd and paul the sixth were true popes nonetheless in any case the third secret of fatima is totally peripheral to the issue of cedivacantism marshall further quote say devakantism is attractive because in one swoop all the problems of infiltration modernism vatican ii paul the six's new liturgies and a pope kissing a koran disappear unquote well yeah obviously a lot of problems do disappear 00:48 but not the problem of infiltration it would just mean that the infiltrators succeeded in usurping ecclesiastical offices and creating a pseudo-catholic sect masquerading as the catholic church you know that very false church which marshall himself mentions on page 223 quoting approvingly from aunt catherine emmerich's vision of may 13 1820 where she says quote i saw how baleful the consequences of this false church would be unquote and yes that was may 13th the very day on which our lady of fatima would first appear in 1917. so marshall himself quotes this as part of the introduction to his chapter 31 on infiltration in the election of francis next marshall says quote i have noticed an increasing number of 00:49 young men weary of the effeminacy of the post-conciliar liturgy and doctrine rallying to sativac autism as a logical calm and stoic solution to ecclesial chaos unquote okay so the question then is whether state of akandism is a logical calm and stoic solution to the ecclesial chaos since vatican ii actually even more so the question is whether the state of accountism is true and that is ultimately the only question that really matters you know the mere fact the state of akandism can explain all the evils heresies and blasphemies from the novels ordo popes by denying that they were ever real popes is hardly an argument against state of occultism and the whole point of taking any position in this right doesn't even matter which one is because you need to have a position that can account for what we've been witnessing in accordance 00:50 with catholic doctrine so don't argue and i'm i'm not saying he's even doing that here although it does seem to me that he's hinting at it don't argue that because cetera countism does that therefore it can't be right because well you know that's the easy solution that would actually answer it oh my goodness next marshall claims that cedarvacantism originated chiefly in the late 1970s when father gerard de laurier proposed his material formal thesis also called say deprivationism which argues that the novel sort of popes were popes materially but not formally now that gets misunderstood a lot what it basically means is that they were pope elect but never actually pope in other words they were in possession of a valid election a valid designation 00:51 to the papacy but never received the papacy because of a voluntary obstacle preventing it and if i'm not mistaken father gerard de laurier said that that obstacle was not having the objective intention to promote the good of the church for instance by intending to teach heresy or meaning to overthrow the church or whatever not sure exactly uh what he said but the idea is not to evaluate that position now um but only to describe that position so people can understand what he said now the idea of an obstacle preventing what would otherwise occur by a divine promise is found also for instance in the sacraments if an unbaptized adult voluntarily receives the sacrament of baptism but has no supernatural contrition meaning that he persists in grave sin as he has no intention to give up 00:52 his mortal sins then that baptism is valid but it remains fruitless that means that the indelible baptismal character is indeed imprinted on the soul but the man's sins are not forgiven not his personal sins and not even original sin so obviously that would be a great sacrilege for such a person original and mortal sin is forgiven when he receives his first valid absolution in confession or when he attains to perfect contrition whichever comes first all right he could not receive baptism again because baptism was valid the first time and a baptism cannot be repeated so i just want to mention that as an aside to show that father gerard's idea regarding an obstacle preventing the papacy from being received by someone who has been elected to it and accepted 00:53 it is by no means without any kind of theological justification okay now of course the papacy is not a sacrament and i'm not saying that there is an equivalence here but sacred theology does allow reasoning from analogy and hey father gerrard wasn't just anybody he had taught at the pontifical lateran university in rome when pius xii was still pope and apparently he was a papal advisor to the uh for the dogma of the assumption in 1950 and uh also pius the 12th confessor for a very short time anyway marshall is oddly imprecise and confusing in a summary of father gerard's position on page 234 uh marshall writes quote his hypothesis suggested that paul vi was in fact the pope materially and 00:54 functionally but due to heresy he lacked the formal charism of the papacy the pope was deprived of something and hence his position became known as cedar privationism unquote that is marshall's entire explanation of the material formal thesis readers who aren't already familiar with it are not going to have the faintest idea what father gorard meant to say that paul vi was pope materially without explaining what that means is going to make people draw the wrong conclusion okay it really just means he had received a valid designation to the papacy but he was not pope in any way shape or form he merely had the potential to become pope had he removed his voluntary obstacle and who knows what marshall means by being pope functionally okay he doesn't explain and to say that according to the guardian thesis paul vi 00:55 lacked the formal charism of the papacy without elaborating on it is also going to have people guessing we're talking here about matter and form as understood in scholastic philosophy and sacred theology all right next marshall gets to his critique of city of accountism but notice that up to this point he really hasn't dealt at all with the essence of the state of wakanda's argument all he's done is said something about the 1958 conclave about the third secret of fatima and about father gerard de laurier's thesis which uh was meant to explain how it is that the noble sort of popes aren't true popes so what is the essence of the city of akana's position well in a nutshell it's this the traditional catholic faith specifically the teachings about the papacy the church and the magisterium 00:56 cannot be sustained cannot be upheld unless we suppose that the apparent popes who followed pius xii are not true valid legitimate popes catholic teaching on the papacy precludes john the 23rd through francis from doing what they did in their official capacities but it's not even just about those individuals more broadly it's ultimately about the entire church after well over five decades since the council it's evident that the entire institution that is being run by these modernists cannot possibly be the roman catholic church the doctrines laws liturgy and sacramental rights that have been coming from the vatican since the election of john the 23rd cannot possibly have come 00:57 from true popes or from the catholic church in short the argument is this the catholic church is indefectable but the vatican ii church has defected therefore the vatican ii church is not the catholic church that in a nutshell is the state of akana's argument now i'm not going to get into the individual proofs here now or the different ways that that can be argued that's all over the novus ordo watch website and is also discussed in many other podcasts but that is the state of iconist position and taylor marshall doesn't address it at all and of course the question is why not anyway here is marshall's critique from page 234 quote my objection to state of accountism is twofold 00:58 said of akanas do not present a consistent theological narrative for the origin of a crisis without a pope and they also lack a consistent solution for the formal restoration of the papacy on earth unquote let me stop right there for a moment so there he is with his narrative again there's no consistent narrative for the origin of it all well even if that's true and i'm not saying it is or isn't well that would be of secondary importance the main question is whether by catholic theology the papal claimants after pius xii can be true popes whether that's possible that is the question and whether the establishment that calls itself the catholic church but teaches all these anti-catholic things is really the catholic church and if the answer to these questions is no then that's as much of a consistent narrative as we're going to need i'll say more about that in a minute the 00:59 second objection taylor mentions is that state of akhon is lack a consistent solution for restoration ah so if you don't know how to cure cancer you'd better not diagnose the patient with cancer right yeah that makes a lot of sense you know the diagnosis is determined by an examination of the patient by the symptoms he exhibits by what the various tests show and so on it's not determined by whether the doctor knows what to do about the disease now marshall elaborates he he writes quote saint of acconduson teaches that from 1958 until around 1980 100 of the cardinals who were present in the 1958 conclave 100 of the bishops and 100 of the lady were duped into submitting to antipopes and their doctrine without a true pope on earth as a valid rival 01:00 unquote here the very phraseology is odd he says sativa kantism teaches that well zetavakandism is a diagnosis based on catholic doctrine it doesn't teach anything he should have said at the very least that satavacandism appears to imply that everyone was duped and to be honest if the state of akana's conclusion is necessary then i don't care what that implies about the cardinals or the bishops or whomever okay that's not the primary issue what follows follows it definitely beats accepting francis as pope and then refusing him submission so you're not tainted by his religion i think part of the problem here is that we simply don't have all the facts in my opinion we simply don't know a lot of things about what happened at the 1958 conclave 01:01 or shortly thereafter who knew what and who did what behind the scenes and to show you that i'm not just saying that consider for example whitman senior joseph clifford fenton an orthodox american theologian who attended vatican 2 to assist cardinal ottaviani what he wrote in his personal diary after the election of john xxiii he references a friend of his who told him something about the 1958 conclave the moniker spelling that he uses is a reference to cardinal francis spellman of new york here's what monsignor fenton writes in his diary for november 2nd 1960. quote our maltese friend who was born in alexandria told us that he saw spelly coming out of the conclave looking white and shaken unquote now obviously that's not proof of anything 01:02 but my point is that this is one of a number of indicators that something very sinister took place after the death of popeyes the 12th and we just don't know a whole lot of stuff yet and we've seen the results right we can see the fruits and we have to conclude an enemy has done this so what we do know is that whatever happened accounts for the situation now with this weird vatican ii church that came into being after pius the 12th so that's all that's my opinion okay uh but i think it's a reasonable one and always remember too that we're talking here about the mystery of iniquity most likely right the devil's last hurrah so don't don't make the objection that oh you can't explain it all yeah well no kidding okay the point isn't to be able to explain it all with some 01:03 consistent narrative as marshall seems to think but to explain as much as possible in accordance with catholic doctrine whatever we cannot figure out will have to remain shrouded in mystery now notice i said mystery not contradiction the catholic church is not a human institution taylor seems to think she is because he thinks that the church can teach all kinds of garbage and lead her children astray and when that happens then it's necessary for individual believers to resist and and get others to resist as well until the church rescinds all her false teachings and corrupt sacramental rights that is treating the church like a merely human institution no different from the anglican church for example but the roman catholic church is a divine institution 01:04 what the heck happened after pius xii died beats me what we know is that what emerged after the conclave of 1958 was a strange new church teaching a strange new religion now that wasn't obvious right away of course and that's the reason why practically everyone fell for it and i say practically since i obviously have no way of knowing what everyone thought or did of course it would be good to be able to explain exactly what happened and how and who did and thought what about it and so on but that's more more of a luxury discussion in my opinion the question isn't what people could or should have known by 1963 the question is what is obvious now for us in 2020 we have the benefit of hindsight so let's not refuse 01:05 to make use of it on the grounds that we can't then quite explain what this would mean for the initial years before it all became obvious in second corinthians 5 7 saint paul writes quote we walk by faith and not by sight unquote and that is key god will put an end to this mess in his time how will he restore everything i don't know but then i don't know how god transubstantiates bread and wine into his body blood soul and divinity either the virtue of faith does not require or seek demonstration it accepts divinely revealed truths on the authority of god having revealed them god cannot lie god cannot be mistaken he said that the gates of hell would not 01:06 prevail against his church he didn't say that you and i would always have all the answers so when we come to a point where we have to say i don't know what's going on here i can't explain it then that's fine assuming of course that we've done all we reasonably can do in this matter and as long as we adhere to and profess all of the church's teachings just as they were taught and believed until the death of pius 12. see if the gates of hell can't prevail against the catholic church but they have obviously prevailed against the vatican ii church then the only possible conclusion is that the vatican ii church is not the catholic church now that may not be enough of a consistent narrative for taylor marshall but then the problem is with taylor marshall okay and it sure beats reinterpreting the church's dogmas about her own 01:07 indefectability and infallibility to the point where they become meaningless all right back to taylor marshall i noticed that in the amazon kindle edition of his book he inserted an extra footnote that refers readers to john salza and robert cisco's book true or false pope for what he calls a thorough explanation and refutation of state of accountism yeah son zanzisko's book was so awesome that they couldn't even get the distinction between internal and occult heresy right and their book is so theologically flawed that one of their own resistance priest the reverend paul kramer published a massive 676 page response entitled to deceive the elect got it linked in the show notes anyway that just as an aside and notice 01:08 marshall was happy to include a footnote on where to find a you know supposedly a refutation an explanation of state of accountism but he didn't think to do that for refuting atheism very interesting on pages 234-235 marshall objects to the state of akana's position because as he argues quote the sudden ecclesial crisis was not signaled by approximate marian apparition miracles prophecies by holy priests or signs and wonders even padre pio of pietro china who spoke regularly with jesus mary the saints and the holy souls failed to learn that john the 23rd and paul vi were anti-popes unquote ah so taylor marshall needs signs and wonders in order to conclude that francis isn't pope funny that he doesn't need signs or 01:09 wonders to conclude that the catholic magisterium is leading souls to hell with its teachings or to conclude that a rite of mass promulgated by the roman pontiff is junk and of course he invokes padre pio obviously forgetting that no one is obliged to believe padre pio was a saint or even very holy now i'm not saying he wasn't holy i'm just saying that since he was never canonized or beatified by a true pope no one is obliged to believe in his holiness or to consider him you know a standard for anything so once again a really lousy argument from taylor marshall one that relies on emotion and popular piety rather than on catholic doctrine and his uh argumentation about miracles and private revelations made me think of luke 16 31 where our lord tells the story of the rich man and lazarus 01:10 quote and he said to him if they hear not moses and the prophets neither will they believe if one rise again from the dead unquote you know just just go by pre-vatican ii traditional roman catholic teaching and if that isn't good enough for you well then neither will you believe if you know there be signs and wonders about it on page 235 of infiltration marshall elaborates on his second objection to state of economism saying quote the second problem with state of economism is that it lacks a means for restoring the papacy on earth if there has not been a valid pope since 1958 then there are no valid cardinals walking the earth hence the canonical process that elected popeyes the 12th in 1939 and its successors previously is no longer an option any future papal conclave in accord with canon law 01:11 is now an impossibility unquote here you can tell that marshall has obviously not done the least bit of research on the subject else he's deliberately making an argument that he knows to be flawed that objection is one of the oldest and lamest in the book how do we answer it we answer it by pointing out that pope pius xii constitution on how to elect a roman pontiff is of course merely ecclesiastical law meaning it's human law it's not divine law and such human law automatically ceases when its fulfillment becomes impossible no i'm not making this up this is a general principle of law taught by the church 01:12 for instance in the 1957 book canon law a text and commentary by two eminent canonists fathers lincoln buscarin and adam ellis both of whom were consulters for the holy see we read on page 35 quote it is common doctrine that a law ceases to bind without repeal in two cases first if the circumstances are such that the law has become positively harmful or unreasonable second if the purpose of the law has entirely ceased for the entire community unquote what this means is that pius xii law on how the supreme pontiff is to be elected namely by the cardinals in conclave has ceased because there are no more valid cardinals now what happens when there are no more valid cardinals how will the church 01:13 then elect the pope on that question theologians have been divided and have written in fairly general terms right there is no definitive guidance or clear procedure basically the answer given is that the duty to elect a pope would fall to the clergy of rome since the pope is the bishop of rome or it would fall to the universal church whose head the pope is now i don't want to go down that rabbit hole now because we're not going to get a definitive answer anyway and all i mean to do here is show how shallow marshall's objection is he didn't bother to look at this issue in a serious manner and so i also don't feel terribly obliged to respond to him seriously now it is true that the church must always have a way to elect or otherwise select a pope okay that follows from catholic dogma and is contained in vatican one's 01:14 dogmatic constitution pastor eternus which says quote thus then as he meaning christ sent the apostles whom he had selected from the world for himself as he himself had been sent by the father so in his church he wished the pastors and the doctors to be even to the consummation of the world unquote that's denzinger 18 21. the question is whether such pastors and teachers must always exist in actuality or whether it's a phases that they exist potentially meaning that they can be appointed or elected that the capability is there even if for the moment there is no consensus on how it would be done now this is obviously a difficulty with state of accountism okay it's not a contradiction but it's a difficulty but whatever the case may be you don't solve this conundrum by saying that therefore francis is the pope 01:15 you just can't accept his magisterium or his saints or his annulments or his laws or anything else you don't think jibes with pre-vatican ii teaching that is definitely not the way to solve it so let me state this clearly just because you don't know what the correct answer is to a given problem doesn't mean you cannot know what is not the correct answer simple example imagine you have a multiple choice math test and the problem you're asked to resolve is what is 456 divided by 19. well without using a calculator you may not know whether the right answer is 24 26 or 34 okay but you do know that the right answer is not 220 okay so 01:16 that's pretty much what we're dealing with here taylor marshall is complaining that state of accountis can't demonstrate whether the answer is 24 26 or 34 so therefore it must be 220. i mean that's just utter baloney so in short the difficulty of restoring a pope does not validate a man we know cannot be the pope it's not that difficult so marshall concludes on page 235 quote since sativacanus cannot produce a consistent origin narrative and cannot provide a means by which the current crisis will be resolved with a future valid and orthodox pope it is an untenable theological position it is broken at both ends unquote actually it's not broken at both ends it merely 01:17 contends itself with diagnosing the situation in light of catholic doctrine and then letting the chips fall where they may but notice that there's one thing taylor skipped over entirely and that is the answer given by say to privationism the material formal thesis he brought it up in that chapter as being the position advanced by father gerard de laurier he never refuted it and then he completely ignored the solution it provides for how to get a pope because that is perhaps the best part about the material formal thesis it gives you a very easy and very clean solution to the problem of getting a new pope i won't get into the details of it but i do want to outline it for you now please don't rush to judgment about this because there is very strong theological support in favor of this position 01:18 there are also some difficulties with it and i'm basically neutral on the issue okay i i don't endorse it neither do i condemn it in my experience though most of the people who reject it have not quite understood it or are not aware of the evidence in favor of it in terms of pre-vatican 2 theology anyway so how would we get a true pope under the material formal thesis well the long and the short of it is that according to this thesis the novus ordo cardinals although they are not true cardinals are nevertheless valid electors of the pope and have the power to elect a valid pope the only requirement would be that the man they pick be actually a catholic and not you know a modernist or some other public heretic that would solve the problem wouldn't it 01:19 that is that that would be a very clean very easy solution all things considered and taylor marshall doesn't address this at all he could totally ignores it although he did bring up the say depravationist thesis a page or two earlier so he wanted to talk about sata privationism he did not want to hear uh zeta probationism's answer though to his challenge on how to get a new pope i find that very interesting all right i'm going to put links by the way into the show notes for where you can find an elaborate explanation for the material formal thesis so that you can see for yourself that this isn't made up okay this isn't just like a a convenience-based idea to provide an easy answer to get out of conundrum it's actually founded solidly on catholic philosophy and theology but again the point here is not whether this thesis is true or false the point is that taylor marshall brings it up and then totally ignores 01:20 the solution it provides all the while blasting said avocados for not having a solution epic fail on marshall's part [Music] all right next marshall discusses the resignationist position that is the position of those who say that benedict xvi is the true pope because so they claim he never resigned validly and uh we're going to skip that and go straight to his defense of the recognize and resist position starting on page 239 and boy is there a lot to say about that but you know what before we go there let's finally take a quick break so we can breathe a little bit we'll be right back it's not just a podcast 01:21 it's a trap cast [Music] track cast what is true restoration and why is it the answer for you and the catholic world at large on no other internet platform can you access a treasury of catholic educational material mostly in audio format covering such courses as the summer theologica of saint thomas aquinas catholic spirituality sacred scripture catholic history papal encyclicals the true nature and consequence of the second vatican council and much much more most talks videos and transcripts are designed by leading clerics of our time many of whom are lecturers in the world's top english-speaking traditional catholic seminary to provide the most beneficial information for our times the interviews are delivered in a specific style to be captivating and comfortably understood by the average layman and true restoration's extensive repository collectively provides all that is required for acquiring the most comprehensive religious online education 01:22 with the option of full annual membership or monthly subscription you can easily access this unique and extensive spiritually enriching and deeply instructive knowledge base to aid your journey to true wisdom and understanding the catholic teaching at its best online visit truerestoration.org that's t-r-u-e as in the one true faith o r r-e-s-t-o-r-a t i o n as in to restore all things in christ.org if you're looking for ewtn this ain't it 01:23 track cast [Music] and here we are back again with more of our evaluation of taylor marshall's greatest literary accomplishment infiltration the plot to destroy the church from [Applause] [Music] within 01:24 [Music] continuing with chapter 32 we're now on page 240 where marshall writes quote since no pope since 1950 has exercised his extraordinary magisterium by declaring anything infallibly excathedra the catholic may in good faith and conscience resist errors spoken by a pope on twitter on an airplane or even in a papal document unquote you know marshall at times writes like a sophomore in high school there is so much wrong with what he just said is unbelievable first there is the unstated premise that only those things are obligatory on the catholic conscience that are defined infallibly ex cathedra as though the non-infallible magisterium were not binding or only binding insofar as each believer thinks that the pope didn't make a mistake and of course when a catholic 01:25 does come to the conclusion that the pope got it wrong why then obviously the individual's position prevails over that of the pope right so that would mean that the pope teaches bindingly only when he agrees with you well whom are you really following then the pope or yourself second martial is lumping it all together magisterial document airplane interview twitter comment i doubt that he means that france's tweets and interview comments are just as magisterial as his official documents third marshall says that a catholic may resist what he believes to be errors in papal teaching but may implies that one doesn't have to in other words marshall is saying it is perfectly fine to accept france's errors just as it is fine to resist them did he really mean that 01:26 i doubt it but it's what he's saying so although he argued earlier in the same chapter that it's not theologically tenable to accept the errors of francis and vatican ii here he's now implying that it's just fine to do exactly that if you prefer and if you want to say that no that's not really what he means here he really means you're not allowed to embrace francis erroneous teachings then okay fine but then he's saying that following the non-infallible papal magisterium can lead you to losing the faith and that contradicts the perennial catholic teaching on the papacy that we've shared so many times on this podcast program for those not familiar i'll put a link in the show notes then marshall says that uh what he just said about resisting francis also holds true for resisting vatican ii 01:27 and he repeats the same truncated quotes from paul vi uh that he had already quoted dishonestly in chapter 19 on page 143 and once again he leaves out any ellipsis points so the reader can't tell that stuff has been left out now if you'd like to hear my extensive commentary on that it's discussed towards uh the very end of tradcast 27 which you can find at triadcast.org basically what marshall does is he quotes paul vi from the closing speech of the fourth session of vatican ii on december 7th 1965 and then he quotes paul vi from an audience he gave in january of 1966. in both cases paul vi mentions that vatican ii did not include any extraordinary papal pronouncements no infallible excathedra definitions so marshall concludes triumphantly 01:28 on page 240 quote since vatican ii did not bear the mark of infallibility or the extraordinary magisterium a catholic can claim without impiety that the council may have contained mistakes unquote the problem here is twofold for one thing marshall doesn't quote the entirety of what paul vi said he truncates the sentences cutting them off before they're finished and he cuts them off because the rest of what paul vi says contradicts the recognize and resist position that marshall's promoting i'm not going to give you the full quotes again now you can listen to them in trot cast 27 but basically paul vi was saying that even though vatican ii didn't make any infallible pronouncements nonetheless its teaching is authoritative and binding coming from the supreme ordinary magisterium and it must be accepted by 01:29 all the faithful with docile submission taylor marshall didn't think it was necessary to let you know about that part then the second problem with taylor using these statements by paul the sixth is that they contradict his own recognize and resist position and principle keep in mind marshall's whole position is that vatican ii is not binding because it's not infallible but then in the same breath he's telling you that paul vi comments in his closing speech and at a general audience after the council somehow those are binding those are authoritative i mean he doesn't say that but he does treat them that way so when paul vi invokes his supposed apostolic authority to declare that man has a right to religious liberty in virtue of his human nature then taylor marshall says 01:30 no worries that's not binding resist it but when the same paul vi gives a closing speech or an address at a general audience without invoking any apostolic authority and says that vatican ii didn't make any infallible pronouncements marshall runs with that and takes it as justification for dismissing anything from vatican 2 he doesn't agree with even though paul vi added that of course the teachings of vatican ii are nevertheless binding ladies and gentlemen this is not catholic theology this is not even serious debate this is shysterism and marshall is the shyster if i were a novel sorter or a semi-triad who bought infiltration thinking it to be a serious piece of research i'd demand my money back now we're still not quite done yet marshall continues his pathetic argumentation in favor of the recognize 01:31 and resist position on page 240 he writes quote the terminology of resistance derives from the latin vulgate version of saint paul's language and his epistle to the galatians 2 11. i'm going to skip the latin here when however kephas came to antioch i resisted him to his face because he was to be blamed here saint paul recognizes the authority of kaphas saint peter as a valid and true pope but still resists him in defense of the gospel unquote man i i really don't know where he comes up with that stuff first what he quoted from galatians only contains the word resist and not the word recognize so his argument isn't even properly supported second if i'm not mistaken the origin of the term 01:32 recognize and resist is the state of accountist father chikada i think he came up with that descriptive moniker for the non-state of akana's traditionalist position in any case it's very lame for marshall to bring up galatians 2 11 at this point and then not even make a serious argument and that has been answered so many times i'm just going to refer uh people who have not yet seen the city of akanas responds to that argument to our blog post of june 14th 2018 entitled the saint paul resisted saint peter to his face objection which is linked in the show notes for this episode marshall ends chapter 32 by saying on pages 241 and 242 quote i trace out each of these positions in charity with a firm belief that this final recognize and resist position is the only solution that conforms to scripture tradition 01:33 and our contemporary crisis the catholic church has been infiltrated all the way to the top we have a valid pope and valid cardinals but we have received the mantle of saint athanasius and saint catherine of siena to call respectfully and reverently certain spiritual fathers back to christ and the unadulterated apostolic faith unquote you know i don't recall taylor demonstrating that he's received the mantle of saint athanasius and saint catherine of siena i mean anyone can say that right including luther jansen arius queznel feeney dolinger but that comment right there reveals what he really believes which is that the holy see is no longer the guarantor of the catholic faith but is now the purveyor of an adulterated faith 01:34 and that you must now turn to another source one in opposition to the holy see to get the true faith but don't worry it's a reverent opposition and that is what he claims is rooted in scripture and tradition wow well here's something from popeyes x listen to this quote in this one church of christ no man can be or remain who does not accept recognize and obey the authority and supremacy of peter and his legitimate successors unquote that's from pius xi encyclical mortalium animals number 11. did you catch it the pope said recognize and obey not recognize and resist 01:35 alright the last chapter of infiltration is number 33 entitled spiritual weapons against demonic enemies although marshall had just claimed in the closing paragraph of the prior chapter that recognize and resist is the solution to it all he now proclaims on page 243 quote holding to a reverend recognize and resist position is not enough this is the diagnosis not the medicine unquote aha so it's a diagnosis now he just said that it was the solution and he chastised said of a contest for not having a solution we're the ones who point out that state of akhandism is above all a diagnosis but at least it's the correct diagnosis the cure for it is another matter and in my opinion god is withholding that cure from us in order to keep us from thinking that one of us a mere man 01:36 can fix this because that man would then be the savior of the church you know and as we all know there's only one savior of the church jesus christ this last chapter in infiltration is basically just a call to spiritual fortification and perseverance nothing wrong with that in principle obviously but you can't help but notice some inconsistencies for instance on page 244 taylor writes quote we must also attack with sound catholic doctrine and be on guard against all heresy and schism within our ranks unquote okay sounds good sounds good right but considering his recognize and resist position the question that inevitably arises is does the sound catholic doctrine that he 01:37 wants to attack with does that include the living papal magisterium or not and if not that means that he's refusing submission to the man he acknowledges as pope and that is the very definition of schism which he just said we must also guard against is your head spinning yet ladies and gentlemen we've come to the end of the chapters now there follow a number of appendices one of them is a who's who in the book which is pretty useful because he you know does mention a lot of names and it's it's nice to be able to look them up in the back now whether everything he says there is accurate is another matter so for instance he writes on page 259 about john paul ii quote while he supported the reforms of the second vatican council he was generally seen as doctrinally conservative and he upheld the church's traditional teachings 01:38 unquote you have got to be kidding which is it did he support vatican 2 or did he uphold the traditional teachings i have a suspicion that taylor phrased it that way to please the publisher but that's just a suspicion john paul ii most certainly did not teach traditional catholicism he was a huge proponent of the errors of vatican ii he introduced the disgusting theology of the body he advanced the apostate theology that underlies the assisi interfaith prayer meetings and so on even many of the good positions he held were tarnished by his false philosophy and theology so for instance his opposition to abortion would be based more on the dignity of man rather than on the law of god or his limited endorsement of the traditional latin mass was based on respect for the feelings of 01:39 the people who had a nostalgic attachment to it etc so it's it's completely unjustifiable for him to say that john paul ii upheld the traditional teachings it's pathetic now ladies and gentlemen if you've made it this far in the podcast let me ask you what do you now think of taylor marshall's book infiltration the publisher sophia institute press calls it a carefully documented book how is that not a flat out lie but hey at least marshall was able to get the forward written by bishop athanasius schneider now i have to say that going through this book was very tedious but i figured you know someone's going to have to take one for the team here and let the air out of this totally 01:40 inflated hack job and i'm not the only one by the way okay of course there are other people as well who've reviewed the work critically and one of them is kevin simons a conservative novel zordo who is a very thorough and serious researcher he released two pdf files with his findings and he's much more detail-oriented than i've been in these podcasts of course simon's critiques of infiltration are linked in the show notes which you can access at tradcast.org again you just scroll down to trapcast28 and click on that link and that will open the page with all the information that you need and that includes links to more critical reviews of marshall's infiltration by other writers to complement my review here and these people are not even say to a contest all right so also i want to be clear i'm not saying that i agree with 01:41 everything that is mentioned in those reviews okay i just want to uh link them because i think they're worthwhile overall and provide some food for thought now i'm also going to list and link in the show notes some of the video interviews marshall did when his book came out this way you can see how he promoted his own work now that you know how shoddy it is interestingly enough michael voris has since deleted his video interview with marshall i'm guessing that's because marshall ended up endorsing the sspx but we'll link the page anyway so you can see that for yourself you can see that it's been removed by the way the call me jorge blog released a post on april 2nd of this year entitled infiltration who is really doing it and there the blogger presents a taylor martial timeline chronologically reviewing the milestones in marshall's life 01:42 his associations with various groups and individuals especially opus dei uh books he's published and so on all publicly accessible information and uh he wonders if marshall is perhaps not himself part of the infiltration of the church that would explain why he doesn't mention the role of opus dei in this book at all ladies and gentlemen you've been very patient in suffering through this with me and i'll have you know that patience is rewarding because of course i've kept the best for last yeah marshall released his book on may 31 2019 that's when it began to be sold in stores and especially on amazon.com now i knew something was off when in less than 24 hours infiltration already had a solid 5 star rating on amazon 01:43 based on a total of over 800 reviews yes we've got the screenshots to prove it check the show notes now how's that possible how do you get that many reviews virtually all of them positive on the day of release well taylor found a way here is how he did it he used a so-called launch team now it's a smart idea to assemble a few people who will help you promote your new book in various places especially online by making people aware of it answering questions pointing out what a great read it is and so forth that's basically advertising nothing wrong with that in principle but taylor did way more than that for one thing he didn't recruit just a few individuals he recruited a massive number of people in the back of his book 01:44 there's a section entitled a special thanks to our launch team and that section lists the names of the people who read an advanced copy of the book and help promote it now can you guess how many names are listed there no you can't it's a total of eight and a half pages of names in small print i found a way to count them ladies and gentlemen he's got the names of 2024 individuals printed as being part of his launch team and you know what those are only the names of those who agreed to have their names printed those who didn't want their names mentioned and helped anyway are not included in the list unless marshall made it a requirement to have your name printed in the book if you're on this launch team which i can't imagine he would do makes no sense so 2024 known 01:45 launch team members now compare that to only 176 footnotes in the book that's 11 and a half launch team members for each footnote if only he'd had that many researchers helping him so the question presents itself how did marshall get such an army of people for his launch team well i can tell you how on april 3rd 2019 taylor published a post on his blog at taylormarshall.com the post was called dr taylor marshall's infiltration launch team the post has since been removed but don't worry you can find a saved copy in the show notes i'm not making this up the post was an application form to be on his launch team here's what the introductory text says quote thank you for wanting to join our launch team for infiltration the plot to destroy the catholic church from within 01:46 we are looking for 200 launch team advanced readers who are one willing to read a private do not share advanced copy of the book in pdf format two give us feedback three write a review of infiltration on amazon.com for and help promote it when it debuts on may 20th 2019 tentative publish date if we select you then your name will be printed on the last page of the book with a thank you from me if you are willing to help me promote the book please fill in the forms below and we will notify you within the week if you have been selected godspeed taylor marshall unquote the application consisted of nine questions people were requested to answer including the following are you willing to read your advanced digital copy of infiltration book in under one week so that you have it read before it goes to 01:47 the public are you willing to write a review of infiltration book on amazon.com and not in the form of a question applicants can select yes or no as to whether they are willing to promote infiltration on social media through facebook instagram twitter or by emailing friends so how does this get tailored hundreds of overwhelmingly positive reviews on amazon it's not like he told anyone what to write in the review or what rating to give his book true enough but there really was no need to tell people that since he was obviously going to choose for his launch team only those applicants who answered that they were committing to promoting his book which implies that they're not going to give it a bad rating and presto there was taylor's army of positive amazon reviewers and since they got an advanced copy and promised to read the book within one week 01:48 it was clear that they would have their reviews ready by launch day which ended up being may 31st and although he said that he was recruiting only about 200 people given the number of names printed in the book it turned out to be over 10 times that many so that's how he ended up getting over 800 reviewers on day one and as of now mid july 2020 the book has a total of 1742 reviews showing a solid five stars with an average rating of 4.8 stars now last year one of the taylor martial launch team members contacted nova's order watch and forwarded a bulk email that taylor had sent to every team member requesting that when they write their amazon review to please not say that they received an advance copy now why might that be 01:49 the tailor perhaps not one prospective buyers of his book to see that virtually all of the reviews being posted in the first few days are by people whom he recruited to write reviews for him that would look rather inglorious wouldn't it look if nothing else taylor marshall is clever hey there's a reason why the number one interpersonal skill that people have endorsed him for on linkedin is fundraising i'm not kidding check the show notes for a screenshot now if i'm not mistaken what marshall did there with his strategically procured amazon reviews is a practice called astroturfing according to dictionary.com the definition of astroturfing is quote the deceptive tactic of simulating grassroots support 01:50 for a product cause etc undertaken by people or organizations with an interest in shaping public opinion unquote yep i think that would qualify so no wonder infiltration quickly became a bestseller on amazon reaching number one in catholicism on launch day now the question i have is why why did taylor marshall write this book a work so poorly researched and written and yet marketed like a pro why i don't know the answer but let's look at what dr marshall has achieved with this book so far number one he must be making a killing on it considering how well it's been selling it's safe to assume that he's made a good amount of money on it number two it's given marshall an immense amount of name recognition he's a star everyone in the conservative novus ordo and semi traditionalist camp 01:51 now knows taylor marshall he's been interviewed by a lot of people faith goldie michael voris john henry weston mike church he's even been on tv on fox business discussing the book with lauren green and of course he just recently appeared on one american news and gave an interview there and that triggered a tweet from president donald trump who quoted taylor saying that there is a war on christianity and in response to that taylor sent a tweet thanking the president and including of course a link to his book on amazon for more sales number three lastly and i think this is the most important benefit for him with the name recognition there comes the power to influence that in my opinion is ultimately the motive behind the book and i suspect that opus dei is ultimately behind it and taylor was just chosen to be the front man 01:52 by publishing infiltration and getting so many positive reviews and having his face all over the conservative novus ordo and semitrad websites marshall receives the power to influence countless souls with his ideas and that means he can help shape and direct what people are thinking about francis about vatican 2 about the novels ordo church and of course also about city of accountism so to conclude my review let me issue a challenge to taylor marshall considering how bad the quality of the content of his book is how little serious research was put into it how poorly it was proof read how sorely it's lacking in proper documentation and considering how dishonestly it was advertised i challenged taylor marshall to do two things number one disclose how much money he has made on the book 01:53 so far and number two donate five percent of those profits to a charitable cause that both he and i can agree on look five percent is not a terribly huge amount but i think it will be quite appropriate given everything that's wrong with this greatest literary accomplishment of his now we've spent two long podcasts going through infiltration and looked at many things in it that are wrong misleading improperly sourced and so forth but there are also a number of things that are simply missing from the book things that you would expect to see given that the aim is to expose the infiltration of the catholic church for instance there is no mention whatsoever of the book the plot against the church by maurice pinay published in 1962 a copy of that book was given to every bishop that attended the second vatican council to inform them 01:54 about the free masonic communist jewish infiltration into the church and their revolutionary plans to no avail obviously but still that's significant and needs to be included in a serious book about the infiltration of the church we've got a link to that book in the show notes likewise marshall could and should have mentioned franco bellagrandi's book nikita roncali counter life of a pope which was released in 1994 and caused quite a stir at the time the book is about john the 23rd and in it bellagrandi a former member of the vatican noble guard relates how count paulo cella of monte luce told him about an encounter he had a few days before the 1958 conclave with the high free masonic authority in touch with the vatican who told him that cardinal siri would not be the next pope 01:55 because the masons had already picked roncalli and that they had their representatives in the conclave and the church was in their hands i'd say that's pretty significant to mention isn't it even if you don't believe that it's true it's still the testimony released by a vatican insider and he wasn't even a state of a contest to my knowledge so move over saint galin mafia okay the real takeover occurred in the conclave of 1958 not that of 2013. also marshall made no mention of patrick henry amlar and his booklet questioning the validity of the masses using the new all english canon published in 1968 after the first vernacular masses had been introduced even before the full novulsarto mise in october of 1967. 01:56 those masses had already changed the words of consecration to such an extent that they were now invalid or at the very least highly doubtful another thing marshall doesn't talk about is the controversy about whether sister lucia fatima was replaced around 1960 by an imposter now there's ample scientific evidence for that from real professionals in their fields who stand behind their evaluations with their names and reputations all of which you can review at the sister lucy truth website at sisterlucytruth.org marshall also doesn't bring up the famous article how the jews changed catholic thinking by joseph roddy which appeared in look magazine in january of 1966 just after vatican 2 closed nor does he mention the book judaism in the vatican an attempt at spiritual subversion by leon de ponsons 01:57 same for the book the new montanian church by father hoa kin science iariaga published in 1972 there is so much more that marshall could have discussed but it seems obvious to me that substance based on solid research with good documentation that was not the aim of this book infiltration is closer to tabloid journalism than it is to academic study and for a phd in philosophy that is inexcusable and it's a pity because this could have been a really great book even if the author ultimately didn't decide in favor of satellitism it could have still been great research and great content on everything else but i guess not by the way on twitter taylor has blocked nova sorto watch which means now i can't see what he tweets and 01:58 he doesn't really see my tweets either and that's not an unusual thing to do i mean i've blocked a few accounts myself usually it's people who are just nuisance or who try to waste my time by distracting me or just accounts that are blasphemous or immoral in other ways but i want to mention why i got blocked by taylor marshall because i think it's revealing i don't recall the date anymore unfortunately and i do have a screenshot of the tweet that i'm going to put in the show notes but it doesn't show the date but in any case it was some time not too long after the release of his book when he was you know heavily promoting his greatest literary accomplishment and so one day he tweeted out the following quote if you're in new york city i'd love to meet you i plan to attend solemn high mass at holy innocence this sunday unquote to which i responded something like 01:59 what taylor really means is that he would love for you to meet him and that is what got me blocked yeah i must have hit a nerve so is marshall himself an infiltrator into the church or into what he thinks is the church i don't know i doubt it i suspect he's more of a useful idiot being played by opus dei for their nefarious ends but whether he is or isn't an infiltrator one thing is for sure if you purchased a copy of infiltration thinking it to be a well-researched and thoroughly documented work exposing the internal subversion of the catholic church then taylor marshall has definitely succeeded in infiltrating your wallet and this concludes this lengthy trapcast 02:00 28 hope you found it informative and useful please don't forget to share it with others because the truth as our blessed lord said 02:01 will set us free until next time god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] track cast