00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the novus ordo watch track cast [Music] you can't make the stuff up [Music] if you're thinking that it's about time for 00:01 track cast number 30 you are entirely correct welcome ladies and gentlemen to another episode of the traditional roman catholic podcast that tells it like it is [Applause] and that means we are not afraid to say we are sad of a contests in other words we party like it's 1958 originally i was going to begin this show with something else but what do you know breaking news out of vatican city this past wednesday april 28th the man who calls himself pope francis uttered a little bit of heresy at his general audience 00:02 what's one more at this point he referred to our blessed lord as a quote divine human person unquote now the infallible catholic dogma is that our lord is a divine person only not a divine human person and you might say wait wait a minute is our lord not both god and man yes he is that is in his divine person are hypostatically united the eternal divine nature and the created human nature so he is one person a divine person who has two natures one human one divine that is the ancient catholic dogma revealed by god but apparently that is not good enough for jorge bergoglio the man currently playing pope 00:03 and of course for him that wasn't even the first time using that term divine human person in reference to our lord he'd used it before at least once on december 30th 2015 also at a general audience now could that have been simply a mistake an oversight yeah i think that's possible perhaps not terribly likely but possible but then that's just speculation at the end of the day it doesn't matter the result is the same he spoke heresy and that heresy has been broadcast on youtube and published on the vatican website for the whole world to see the catholic dogma that jesus christ has a divine nature and a human nature united in one single divine person is clearly taught 00:04 in any dogmatic theology textbook for example in father ludwig ott's fundamentals of catholic dogma where we read quote the dogma asserts that there is in christ a person who is the divine person of the logos the word and two natures which belong to the one divine person unquote and that's from page 144 of the popular 10 books reprint edition of 1974. and this is the dogma even in the vatican 2 church heck even tim staples of the novels ordo apologetics organization catholic answers agrees with us on this in a 2018 article entitled is jesus a human person he writes quote there is only one person 00:05 or subject in christ and that person is god a divine person cannot change into a divine human mix unquote precisely see the second person of the holy trinity is obviously a divine person and this one divine person could not possibly become or take on another person a human person because then you would have two persons two different beings one divine another human nor could the second person of the holy trinity transform himself as it were into a divine human person as francis turned it because that would mean that god has changed which is impossible it's a heresy to say that god can change he is immutable now 00:06 for those who think that this is really not a big deal you know divine person human per the human divine person what's the difference let me remind you that a single letter a single iota can make the difference between the true faith and heresy there was once a controversy in church history over a single letter over an iota which is the greek letter for i that was the so-called homo ucion controversy and it goes back to the fourth century where that single letter made all the difference between christ being god or merely being like god in his essence in the show notes for this episode you can find a link to where the catholic encyclopedia discusses that whole issue and you can find the show notes for this episode on the official 00:07 tradcast webpage at tratcast.org simply scroll down to episode number 30 and click on that and it'll take you to that so actually it's funny but uh that is the perfect segue now into what was going to be my uh first story here today and that is the release of a new book about some of france's many heresies and errors it's roughly 440 pages in length and was released on march 8th and i figure that many people probably haven't heard about it yet it's called defending the faith against present heresies letters and statements addressed to pope francis the cardinals and the bishops with a collection of related articles and interviews now to be clear this is not a state of a 00:08 contest book its editors are john lamont and claudio pierontoni both of them well known recognize and resist traditionalists meaning they oppose francis and his theological junkyard but nevertheless insist on acknowledging him to be the true pope of the catholic church and vicar of christ now that scenario a valid pope teaching dangerous errors and heresies in his magisterium and nevertheless being the true pope and therefore the teacher of all christians and the rule of faith for the entire church that scenario is such a blatant contradiction that the people who take this position have no choice but to abandon at least implicitly what the church teaches about the papacy and the magisterium in her traditional doctrine but then of course that means that they're not really traditionalists 00:09 and so that's why we like to call them semi-traditionalists or pseudo traditionalists they think of themselves as genuine traditionalists of course but when it comes to the catholic tradition on the papacy they reject that sometimes explicitly sometimes implicitly because francis just doesn't fit the bill we said of a contest take a different approach one that is consistent with catholic doctrine and that is we affirm the true teaching and instead reject francis because although it is possible that a man claimed to be pope who isn't it is not possible that the perennial catholic teaching on the papacy be false now that's it in a nutshell of course it's all a bit more complicated than that and there are nuances and and so forth but that's the long and the short of it anyway this new book defending the faith 00:10 against present heresies contains the full text of the famous dubia of the novel's order cardinals braun miller burke kephara and meisner it also contains the filial correction that was issued in 2017 and four other statements and things against francis and his teachings that you may recall were issued over the years all of which predictably accomplished absolutely nothing why because as long as francis is acknowledged to be the pope he wins which is not surprising considering that the pope as such is a monarch he is the highest catholic authority on earth and he is subject to no one and can be judged by no one that's how it works in the catholic church so if you think that you can challenge francis or 00:11 force him to do something while recognizing him as pope you're quite mistaken and the proof is in the pudding i mean look at it what does francis do with undesirable circumstances he ignores them out of the four ordo cardinals who submitted the dubia in 2016 the dubia are requests for doctrinal clarification regarding what is taught in the exhortation amoris leticia out of those four cardinals two have already died francis will just ignore the matter until the problem goes away all by itself and he can get away with it because the secular and church media are on his side at least for the most part so what if some dozen prelates or scholars issue some accusation or correction against francis he'll ignore it and while the semi-trad and conservative bloggers and media 00:12 outlets are busy reporting and commenting on it francis just keeps going he keeps making bad appointments he keeps writing bad documents he keeps calling bad sentence he keeps making bad laws he keeps giving bad speeches and sermons and so on that's what he's been doing and quite effectively so while the semi-trads are trying so hard to do a good thing by proving his teachings to be false and sometimes even heretical it's ultimately just a big distraction because they cannot win for as long as they accord him the very status then gives him all his destructive power namely the papacy anyway in the show notes we're including a link to this book and we're also linking our extensive analysis of the open letter accusing francis of heresy that the semi-trads released back in 2019 00:13 our analysis makes a very powerful case well documented against the convoluted resistance theology that these people have been using and spoiler alert i'm going to give you now a one sentence summary of the entire piece the signatories of the open letter used heretical theology to ask heretics to accuse their pope of heresy yeah no wonder that didn't go anywhere all right let's go ahead and uh look at some objections against the state of akana's position now and uh formulate a response one objection that i've seen come up is if the catholic church was so robust and the faith was so strong before vatican 2 then how come so many people went along 00:14 with the modernist revolution why did so many people fall for it now that's a good question to ask but i think it has a very clear and fairly simple answer because the catholic faith demands submission to the pope and all the changes came from someone who appeared to be the pope that is what made the revolution so successful they had to put in a false pope that would be recognized as the true one and that's exactly what they did now it is a dogma of the catholic faith that the pope has a primacy of jurisdiction over each and every catholic in his encyclical quanticora of 1864 pope pius ix was adamant that submission to the pope cannot be reduced merely to the acceptance of dogmatic definitions 00:15 here's what he said quote nor can we pass over in silence the audacity of those who not enduring sound doctrine contend that without sin and without any sacrifice of the catholic profession ascent and obedience may be refused to those judgments and decrees of the apostolic see whose object is declared to concern the church's general good and her rights and discipline so only it does not touch the dogmata of faith and morals but no one can be found not clearly and distinctly to see and understand how grievously this is opposed to the catholic dogma of the full power given from god by christ our lord himself to the roman pontiff of feeding ruling and guiding the universal church unquote that's paragraph five of the encyclical quanta quora and this was taught dogmatically at the 00:16 first vatican council in 1870 quote if anyone thus speaks that the roman pontiff has only the office of inspection or direction but not the full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the universal church not only in things which pertain to faith and morals but also in those which pertain to the discipline and government of the church spread over the whole world or that he possesses only the more important parts but not the whole planitude of the supreme power or that this power of his is not ordinary and immediate or over the churches altogether and individually and over the pastors and the faithful altogether and individually let him be anathema unquote and that's found in chapter three of the dogmatic constitution pastor eternus you can find that in denzinger 1831. 00:17 so yeah that is how the modernists were able to pull it off that is why so many people accepted the revolution it came from the very top it came from the apparent popes starting with john the 23rd and that's important to remember in fact because sometimes people will make it seem like it was all a matter of disobedient lower clergy that introduced abuses and interpreted the council in a wrong way and and so on you know some of that is no doubt true but that's ultimately not how the revolution was imposed it came from the top it was john the 23rd who had the idea for an ecumenical council and who was very imprudent and arrogant about getting it to start as early as 1962 when his assistants were telling him that there was no way they could get everything prepared in time for it to 00:18 start by 63 even he didn't care he wanted his counsel and then look at the people he appointed alongside many good and orthodox prelates he rehabilitated and appointed a lot of bad theologians people who'd been censored who'd been silenced who were already under investigation by the holy office for suspicion of heresy you know men like joseph ratzinger eve congar and carl rauner that was john the 23rd doing that and of course the funny thing is it was john xxiii himself as angelo roncalli who was one of those marked suspect of heresy by the holy office so that fits actually and you can find that confirmed in in any decent biography on on john the 23rd okay i mean it's no secret it's it's definitely uh not something disputed even 00:19 so don't forget that the entire mess we're in was the work of the false popes that came on the scene in 1958 and after it was their decisions their counsel their magisterium their canon law their curia that imposed all of those things in 1960 two years before the council even began john xxiii had already instituted what was then called the secretariat for promoting christian unity so he was very eager to kick off the ecumenical agenda even before the council even made ecumenism official for this new church because remember before john the 23rd there was no ecumenism for a catholic i mean not what what is known as ecumenism today the only type of ecumenism if you want to call it that that was acceptable 00:20 before john the 23rd was that of bringing non-catholics into the catholic church by converting them by showing them that their heretical sects were false and that the catholic church alone is the true church founded by our blessed lord jesus christ himself so for example pope pius xi wrote in 1928 quote the union of christians can only be promoted by promoting the return to the one true church of christ of those who are separated from it for in the past they have unhappily left it unquote that's from the encyclical mortalium animals paragraph 10. and to clarify the reason pius xi says that protestants have left the catholic church even though of course he is well aware that most protestants alive at the time had probably been raised in their heretical sects and didn't start out as catholics and then 00:21 converted to protestantism the reason pius xi says that they left the catholic church is that they are validly baptized let me just briefly explain this because there's a lot of confusion about this in our day especially because vatican ii muddied the waters and actually taught error on this first the true catholic teaching is the following and i'm just going to quote from monsignor gerard van nort's book christ's church the revised english edition published in 1957 please bear with me here because this is a longer quote but it tells you all you need to know so that's why i want to quote it in full when senior van nort christ's church pages 245 and 246 quote from the fact that baptism is properly the cause of engrafting into the church two facts 00:22 follow a all validly baptized babies even if they were baptized by heretics and in the midst of dissident christian sects are members of the roman catholic church the baptismal character conjoins them not to any sect but to the church of christ moreover since such children are incapable of rational activity human acts they cannot cut themselves off from the church by acts of heresy or schism neither can they be separated by the sword of excommunication forex communication presumes guilt such children consequently remain members of the church until after reaching the age of reason they separate themselves from the church by entering into heresy or sism publicly and if in so doing they act in good faith they are not deprived of all relationship with the catholic church 00:23 still they are not catholics they have severed even though blamelessly one of the bonds requisite for actual membership in the church should they become converted in mature life it is often a comfort to them to know they are not betraying an ancestral spiritual heritage but simply returning to their father's house b all validly baptized persons always objectively remain subject to the church here it is important to distinguish between being subject to the church and being a member of the church the former term has a far wider connotation and extension consequently though all its members are subject to the church not all its subjects are members so for example a visitor in a foreign land is temporarily subject to the laws of that land 00:24 again a soldier who is a deserter is legitimately tried and punished by the army authorities yet neither the visitor nor the soldier is strictly speaking a member of the society to which he is subject similarly even though public heretics public systematics and total excommunicates are not actually members of the church they are never completely deprived of all relationship to the church for the baptismal character once received by these people is indelible and although they prevent its unifying force by their own actions which considered purely abstractly and objectively are evil they do not thereby destroy that character that is why as long as they live by law and obligation they belong to the church and are subject to its jurisdiction even though they may be in invincible 00:25 ignorance on both counts they are like sheep wandering outside the sheepfold whether they fled from it of their own accord or were put out of it for a time because of some disease they are not exempted from the power of the shepherd unquote so that is the traditional pre-vatican ii teaching about the consequences of a valid baptism received by people who are not catholics and that is the reason why pope pius xi and all true popes really treat protestants and other validly baptized non-catholics who profess to be christians as having left the church and needing to return to her even if they spent their entire lives in a protestant sect and never left the church in the sense in which that is usually understood so anyway the traditional teaching is very clear 00:26 it's not confusing it's not wishy-washy it's pretty black and white so let me elaborate a little bit here and point out that there are four types of non-catholics non-catholics are either infidels by which we mean people who have never been baptized or their sismatics by which we mean baptized people who although they adhere to the true faith nevertheless refuse to submit to the lawful pope or refuse to maintain communion with other members of the church or they're heretics by which we mean baptized people who profess to be christians but reject one or more catholic dogmas and lastly there is the category of apostates by which we mean baptized people who have totally abandoned the faith either in that they no longer even claim to be followers of christ and either become atheists or 00:27 agnostics or join another religion such as buddhism judaism islam etc or embrace a heresy that completely undoes all of god's revelation such as modernism naturalism or indifferentism so you can guess which of these categories pope francis falls into right he is of course an apostate and if that wasn't obvious before february 4th 2019 it was definitely obvious then because that's the day he signed the declaration on human fraternity with the muslim grand imam of al-azhar ahmad al-tayeb which we've linked in the show notes and what does that declaration it says that god wills there to be a diversity of religions in the same way as he wills there to be different sexes 00:28 races colors and languages i mean if you affirm that there is nothing left of catholicism if god wants a diversity of religions then jesus christ is not god then religion really has no meaning then god did not reveal anything and all religions are false anyway the point being here that protestants are not catholics they're heretics they're not members of the true church established by christ and if they want to be part of the true church then they must abandon their errors and convert to the only church established by jesus christ the holy roman church which is one holy catholic and apostolic so that's the traditional catholic teaching it was all crystal clear for 1900 years but then came vatican ii 00:29 that abominable council threw a monkey wrench into it all by saying that all who are validly baptized and profess faith in christ are members of his body members of the body of christ on account of their baptism regardless of whether they're catholics orthodox lutherans methodists whatever if they're baptized and believe in christ they're members of his body according to vatican ii this is what the decree on ecumenism states quote for men who believe in christ and have been truly baptized are in communion with the catholic church even though this communion is imperfect all who have been justified by faith in baptism are members of christ's body and have a right to be called christian and so are correctly accepted as 00:30 brothers by the children of the catholic church unquote that's vatican ii decree unitatus red integrazio number three promulgated by paul the sixth in 1964. so vatican ii introduces the idea that you can be a member of christ's body and yet not be a member of the catholic church that is in direct contradiction to pope pius xii teaching that quote the mystical body of christ and the roman catholic church are one and the same thing unquote that was taught in the 1950 encyclical humanities number 27 but according to novel's order doctrine you can be a member of the body of christ without 00:31 being a catholic you're just in partial or imperfect communion with the catholic church and the roman pontiff do you see how that wreaks havoc on everything now why did vatican 2 do that why did that ungodly council change the teaching on the church and on church membership and all that quite simply because this was necessary for ecumenism vatican ii needed to find a way to open up the catholic church to the ecumenical movement and of course there was no way to do that with the traditional ecclesiology right the participants in the ecumenical movement won't accept you if you insist that you alone are right and they're all wrong and they need to join you because you're the true church right that's not that's not going to fly so 00:32 vatican 2 had to find a way to get the foot in the door somehow and that's how they did it and so notice this isn't just a difference in disciplinary approach this opening on ecumenism is grounded in a doctrinal change and that is why you find that changed doctrine in the council's dogmatic constitution lumengencium number eight where it says that the church christ it subsists in the catholic church as opposed to the prior teaching that the church christ founded is the catholic church and you can read more about that in our post entitled christian unity without catholicism francis spews ecumenical bilge at general audience which is linked in the show notes 00:33 so remember that next time you hear that vatican ii is all just pastoral right no it's not and besides pastoral is not the opposite of dogmatic or doctrinal so the two aren't mutually exclusive anyway i guess you could say that pastoral refers more to action to what is to be done and dogmatic refers to what is to be believed but it goes without saying that the two must obviously be in sync with each other since action flows from belief the church's actions are in accordance with her beliefs and teachings at the very least her actions cannot contradict what she teaches and believes so don't fall for this pastoral counsel nonsense if vatican 2 came from a true pope then it is salutary safe binding and orthodox if on the other hand you recognize as a theological junkyard then it's absolutely certain that it 00:34 didn't come from a true pope this isn't that hard to figure out is it so it's clear that at least on ecumenism vatican 2 abandoned perennial church doctrine and of course no one has been more emphatic on that than jorge bergoglio right pope francis he called it a great sin against ecumenism to convert someone from the eastern orthodox to catholicism that happened in 2016. well it's nice to know that bergoglio does believe in sin isn't it and now you know how the vatican ii revolution was successful despite its craziness because it came from false popes that appeared to be true popes and were accepted by most as such how is that possible how is it possible that virtually the whole church 00:35 accepts false popes as true popes i hope to discuss that at some length in a future blog post for now let me just say that i think there's no quick and easy answer to that at least for the time being perhaps we'll just have to contend ourselves with the knowledge that no matter what the explanation is as to how that is possible we know they're false popes because by their magisterium they've led the people who adhere to it into abandoning the catholic faith into rejecting the roman catholic religion as it was known until the death of pope pius xii in 1958 and such a thing is impossible for true popes to do because it is tantamount to a defection of the church well look if it were possible there'd be no point to the papacy 00:36 because christ instituted it precisely so that the faithful would always have a sure guide to safely follow in matters of faith and morals by clinging to the pope the faithful can rest assured that they are with the true church and the true faith that they are with christ and that is what distinguishes the holy see from all the other dioceses in the world because although any and all bishops and dioceses could fall from the faith and could defect into heresy or schism the roman sea can never do that for as long as there is a true pope reigning that is and no i'm not just saying that this follows clearly from the perennial papal teaching about the papacy we've got that linked for you in the show notes it's a whole collection of quotes straight from the papal magisterium over centuries it's not complete of course 00:37 but some of the best possible excerpts are found there and those are teachings you never hear quoted from the non-said of akana's traditionalists from those who claim to be keeping the old faith but except francis and his five predecessors as true popes and i think i know why it doesn't fit the vatican two popes don't fit the catholic teaching on the papacy because they're not popes so here's a quick rule of thumb for you that'll come in handy if francis is not the rule of faith if francis is not keeping the gates of hell from prevailing then he's not the pope because that's what a true pope does not just what he's supposed to do it's what he actually does yes even pope honorius can check the show notes 00:38 for a link on that wow time flies why do i always talk so much well let's get to a second objection that i hear a lot and that is that saint of accountism must be false because there are eucharistic miracles in the vatican ii church the short answer is no there aren't but you probably want to hear the longer answer well the longer answer is this first the catholic church is always very skeptical with regard to the claims of genuine miracles the church does not rush to accept alleged miracles as true because it would be highly imprudent to do so because imagine if the church rashly recognized something as miraculous and then later someone discovers that it really wasn't a miracle that there's a 00:39 perfectly normal explanation for it well the church would lose all her credibility see nothing is served nothing is gained by rushing to accept as authentic a reported miracle and so only after long careful investigation and only after all other possible explanations have been definitively exhausted does the church ever pronounce a miracle as authentic and even then the church only permits belief in the miracle and doesn't require it and yet nowadays people are very quick to accept something as miraculous simply because they've seen it on tv they've seen it on youtube or they've seen photos on some blog or some person they trust has told them that there's been a miracle that's very imprudent our first reaction to reported miracle 00:40 should always be one of doubt and skepticism if we lived in say 1946 instead of 2021 if there were would appear to be a miracle we would submit the case to the local bishop and i don't know possibly will be brought to the holy see for a judgment but the exact process doesn't matter here the point is that it is for the church to judge whether a true miracle has occurred or not and we see that for example even with the miracle of the sun at fatima on october 13th 1917. that was witnessed by somewhere between 50 seventy thousand people and yet the church didn't immediately accept it it took thirteen years until nineteen thirty for the church to officially declare it worthy of belief so remember that the church herself does not rush 00:41 to accept claims of miracles and so we shouldn't either okay don't jump to conclusions when you hear someone say there's been a miracle don't believe it now in our day submitting a purported miracle to the church for authentication is not an option so the safest thing to do is simply to ignore any reported miracle that's always entirely safe because we already know everything we need to know to save our souls right i mean we have that in traditional church teaching we have everything we need to know in our traditional catechisms and we know that's correct we know that's true we know we have to follow that so you know in that sense there's really no need for some private revelation or miracle of course some people will say now that you should just submit your alleged miracle to the novus ordo church because that is the true church but since that's the very issue under discussion 00:42 it's not a legit argument you can't have the novels order church authenticate a miracle and then use that miracle as proof that the novice order church is true right that's a circular argument first you use the new church to prove the miracle and then you use the miracle to prove the new church can't do it now the ultimate author of any genuine miracle obviously is god we know that the catholic church is god's church and therefore we know that her teachings are true but that means that if anything now contradicts this true body of doctrine that we've received from the church then it cannot be from god and whether you're conservative nova sorto or city of a contest or in between all of us agree that until pope pius the 12th death in 1958 what was taught and believed then is indisputably true 00:43 because if it was true then it has to be true now so when the vatican ii church then comes along with all these new ideas and practices that are repugnant to the catholic religion of 1958 and before then we know that we must dismiss any claims about miracles in that new religion because any such miracles cannot be real because god would have to be the author of them and then god would be contradicting himself because he would be giving credence to that new and false religion so while we do not have access to the church's judgment now on any particular alleged miracle in our day what we can do first of all is look at who or what is being served by that claimed miracle for example a eucharistic miracle at the new mass would obviously imply that god approves of the new mass 00:44 impossible it would also mean that god endorses the vatican ii church likewise impossible that's the church that continually spits him in the face with ecumenism in religious dialogue saying that protestant sects are used as means of salvation that god wants there to be different religions human fraternity is the way to go instead of christ the king and so on and so forth and here we're talking about the official teachings and the official acts of the novel sort of church so all that is enough to know that any purported miracle that would confirm and authenticate this garbage must be false now that is not to say that the people who are reporting such supposed novel sort of miracles are all malicious deceivers or anything of 00:45 the kind they might be but they could also be sincere so this is not a judgment on any individuals right we're more than happy to leave that to god it's not about judging people it's about making a judgment about the event that is claimed to be miraculous so the long and the short of it is just because someone shouts miracle and there's something that looks miraculous at first sight and you can't explain it doesn't mean there's a real miracle there and remember too that the eastern orthodox for example claim to have a miracle of the holy fire in jerusalem the day before easter every year but god cannot contradict himself there's no way he could establish the catholic church as his church and then work a miracle in favor of the eastern orthodox religion because that's a systematic and heretical religion so it's impossible 00:46 and likewise with the vatican ii church god cannot on the one hand want all non-catholics to become catholics and be subject to the roman pontiff and then also on the other hand endorse vatican ii ecumenism god always remains the same he doesn't change the god whose church taught for 1900 years that non-catholics must become catholic can't now all of a sudden approve of a church that says no that isn't so so with all of that it's clear that we ought not to pay any attention to these purported eucharistic miracles in the vatican ii church if they're not miracles what are they honestly there's no need for us to explain these phenomena because we know from our adherence to the indisputably true catholic religion 00:47 that these phenomena are not miracles from god and that's all that matters in ii thessalonians chapter 2 verse 9 saint paul mentions that the coming of the antichrist will be accompanied by lying wonders and yet how many will run after the antichrist screaming miracle miracle because he'll do stuff they can't explain there is a lot actually that human nature can accomplish that looks beyond the powers of nature when in fact it isn't you can read in exodus chapter 7 how moses and aaron work miracles before pharaoh true miracles and yet pharaoh's magicians mimic those miracles with their own trickery and then of course there are things that demons can do that are beyond our natural capacity but that are not impossible for angelic beings and that's what demons are they're fallen angels 00:48 so the mere appearance of a miracle does not mean there is a real miracle and of course our blessed lord warned us himself against false miracles against deceptive signs and wonders that will be so powerful that they would deceive if it were possible even the elect and the elect are the people who actually will be saved in saint matthew's gospel chapter 24 verses 24 through 26 our lord speaks about the end of the world and here's what he says quote for there shall be then great tribulation such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now neither shall be and unless those days had been shortened no flesh should be saved but for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened then if any man shall say to you lo here is christ 00:49 or there do not believe him for there shall arise false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much as to deceive if possible even the elect behold i have told it to you beforehand if therefore they shall say to you behold he is in the desert go ye not out behold he is in the closets believe it not unquote and that would be my ultimate response to the claim of eucharistic miracles in the new mass in the vatican ii church believe it not and now let's take a quick break don't go away [Music] track cast 00:50 are you a traditional catholic homeschooling family looking for a solid curriculum or are you just interested in great catholic books then visit saint jerome saintjeromelibrary.org and learn more about our extensive traditional catholic offerings including lesson plans and materials for preschool to grade 12. operating since 2018 st jerome library and school is run by a traditional catholic sid of a contest family st jerome school uses both classic and original books including works by our clergy such as bishop donald sanborn and the late father anthony cicada nothing should be compromised when it comes to the faith 00:51 especially not our children's education visit st jerome library dot org that's s-t-j-e-r-o-m-e library dot org [Music] if you're looking for ewtn this ain't it [Music] treadcast [Music] aha i knew it i knew you were still going to be here after the break and that's a good thing 00:52 because there is lots more to come in this episode number 30 of tradcast it's novos ordo watch for your ears except no imitations you know i have to chuckle when i hear novel sort of prelates talk about how it is such a scandal that christians are divided and therefore we need to be ecumenical we have an obligation to come together so we can give a credible witness to the world i chuckle at that because these are the same people who are now saying that god wills there to be many different religions because that's diversity and it's an expression of the divine wisdom well which is it is it a scandal that there are different religions or is it the result of god's wisdom is it a problem that needs to be repaired or does god positively want it to be this way they can't have it 00:53 both ways all right on to some more things here i have to say i find it amazing how many people love to talk about how the novus order church is a false church with a counter magisterium and false shepherds and all that and yet somehow they can't figure out that then francis must be a false pope really it's incredible the chief among them now is father carlo maria vigano the former vaticanuncio to the united states who's been blasting france's left and right he's still in hiding and when he's not writing forwards to other people's books he cranks out one message after another that gets posted on the big semi-tried websites like catholic family news the remnant one peter 5 and even life site which is more of a conservative novel sort of site but at this point it all kind of runs together because they're all in agreement that the current holy father 00:54 teaches and legislates dangerous spiritual poison and well apparently they think that as long as dangerous spiritual poison is taught by a real catholic pope instead of an imposter then the indefectability of the church is saved got it by the way do these people ever think about what they're saying you know christ instituted the papacy as the perpetual safe guide for catholics to arrive at eternal salvation if by loyally following the pope you could actually end up being led right into the mouth of the antichrist would that say about christ it's blasphemy christ instituted the papacy so that we would follow the pope not so that we would protect the rest of the church from the pope the papacy is a divine institution it is not a human institution christ 00:55 protects the papacy throughout history and in our day he protects it by keeping it from being validly occupied by apostates like francis the semi-trads though have reduced the papacy to utter meaninglessness to the status of protestant pastorship where the congregation follows the pastor as long as they determine that he's teaching the biblical truth and when they determine that he's not doing that or they can't verify it well then either they ignore him or they resist him or they get him removed but they certainly don't follow him now if if that's all the papacy is then christ didn't establish it because then it's just a human and not a divine institution and then we certainly don't need it and here let me say a few words about the perpetual successors argument the first vatican council teaches the following in the dogmatic constitution pastor eternas 00:56 chapter 2. quote what the chief of pastors and the great pastor of sheep the lord jesus established in the blessed apostle peter for the perpetual salvation and perennial good of the church this by the same author must endure always in the church which was founded upon a rock and will endure firm until the end of the ages surely no one has doubt rather all ages have known that the holy and most blessed peter chief and head of the apostles and pillar of faith and foundation of the catholic church received the keys of the kingdom from our lord jesus christ the savior and redeemer of the human race and he up to this time and always lives and presides and exercises judgment in his successors the bishops of the holy see of rome which was founded by him and consecrated by his blood therefore whoever succeeds peter in this chair 00:57 he according to the institution of christ himself holds the primacy of peter over the whole church therefore the disposition of truth remains and blessed peter persevering in the accepted fortitude of the rock does not abandon the guidance of the church which he has received for this reason it has always been necessary because of mightier preeminence for every church to come to the church of rome that is those who are the faithful everywhere so that in this sea from which the laws of venerable communion emanate over all they as members associated in one head coalesce into one bodily structure if anyone then says that it is not from the institution of christ the lord himself or by divine right that the blessed peter has perpetual successors in the primacy over the universal church or that the roman pontiff is not the 00:58 successor of blessed peter in the same primacy let him be anathema unquote and you can find that in denzinger 18 24 and 1825. now if you listen closely and i know this was a lot but if you listen closely you saw that perpetual succession means that every legitimate pope every roman pontiff every successor of saint peter receives from christ the exact same primacy that saint peter had received in other words this primacy did not end with saint peter as some heretics had maintained but is passed on perpetually until the end of time to all of his legitimate successors that is what perpetual succession means it does not mean that you will have a true pope at all times there can't be periods in church history where there is no pope now 00:59 granite the situation we're in today is a little more complicated and a little more serious than just being without a pope for a few years and certainly vatican 1 does teach that there must always be legitimate shepherds in the church until the end of time in the prologue of pastor eternals the council teaches quote thus then as he meaning christ sent the apostles whom he had selected from the world for himself as he himself had been sent by the father so in his church he wished the pastors and the doctors to be even to the consummation of the world unquote that's denzinger 18 21 the church is visible of her very essence and this visible church is animated by an invisible principle of supernatural life with which god endowed her and both of these elements are essential to the church and in this manner the church will remain 01:00 until the end of time that is what pope leo the 13th clearly teaches in his 1896 encyclical satisf number three where he writes that quote since the church is such by divine will and constitution such it must uniformly remain to the end of time if it did not then it would not have been founded as perpetual and the end said before it would have been limited to some certain place into some certain period of time both of which are contrary to the truth the union consequently of visible and invisible elements because it harmonizes with the natural order and by god's will belongs to the very essence of the church must necessarily remain so long as the church itself shall endure unquote that is the catholic teaching and that is what we must believe and profess granite you definitely run into some difficulties 01:01 as to exactly how that is playing out in our day when we've had no pope since 1958 that we know of and state of akana's clergy don't even claim to have ordinary jurisdiction and i'm not going to try to resolve that here i only want to point out that we have to distinguish between theological difficulties and contradictions difficulties can be overcome but contradictions put an end to everything so the recognize and resist people look at this perpetual succession business and hastily conclude that since they have successors to pope pius xii and we don't therefore we're contradicting the dogma of vatican one and they're not but that is actually false it is true that the church must always have a way to produce a pope if one isn't reigning at least in principle 01:02 that is because she is what's called a perfect society which means she has been endowed by god with all the means necessary to attain the supernatural end for which she was founded by christ that includes the pope as the principle of unity and the guarantor of the faith so even if there is no pope reigning at all times she must retain the ability to choose one at least in theory how the church would produce a pope in our day is another question there are some theories floating around but certainly in the practical order that is very difficult to envision right now but then that's also where faith comes in faith in what god has revealed about his church and such faith in order to be faith must exclude all desire for demonstration as the catechism of trent says for it relies 01:03 on the authority of god revealing now what the recognize and resisters don't seem to grasp at all is the purpose for which god guarantees the perpetual succession in the primacy let's assume for a minute that their idea of perpetual succession were correct and that francis is a true pope can anyone tell me what the point of a perpetual succession of popes would be if someone like francis can be one as vatican 1 says in the chapter i quoted earlier the whole point of perpetual succession in the primacy is the perpetual salvation and perennial good of the church so she would endure firm until the end of the ages and so that the truth would remain in the church forever so unless francis guarantees that he cannot possess 01:04 that primacy that is given in perpetual succession and so it simply doesn't matter that francis has succeeded in some way from pius xii if he doesn't guarantee what vatican one teaches the pope guarantees and of course the same goes for the other fake popes john xxiii paul vi john paul the first john paul ii and benedict xvi who needs perpetual succession if that succession doesn't guarantee what christ instituted the papacy to guarantee the vacancy of the apostolic sea is the only thing that can sufficiently explain the total breakdown of catholicism since the death of pope pius xii no we can't figure out every detail about the situation we don't exactly know how it happened or how it will be fixed but we do know that it is the only explanation 01:05 any other explanation must necessarily deny either the papacy or other dogmas and that is obviously not an option you know what i think we need some levity here we need a little bit of humor all this is serious and depressing enough and we could probably all use a little lightheartedness right now to help us keep going here and therefore i'm going to present to you now long time listeners will have heard this before i'm going to present to you now the first ever said of a contest song against the vatican ii religion it's called vatican ii what the heck are you and is performed by an australian bloke named damo yes we've got the necessary permission to play the song on this podcast so it's all kosher okay and uh after we've played it of course we'll continue with more trot cast oh and for those of 01:06 you who rudely want to jump ahead now and skip this song it's just over four minutes in length so here we go [Music] it started with john 23 when he usurped the papacy a communistic chubby little chappie the masons celebrate the day roncalli gave the store away it cheered them up and made them very happy monteney known as paul the sick an evil man built like a stick implemented lies in a desolation it must be said the day he died they 01:07 pumped him with formaldehyde his legacy sacramental mutilation of vatican you are the great apostasy it cannot be denied the synthesis of all heresies states in disorder and foul depravity departure from the truth you have made compulsory jp won a short time hat upon the vacant seat but glad to hold the top position it is said when he chose to investigate the bankers of the papal state he wound up feeling somewhat kinda dead all that he can too it's easy to tell you are not from heaven you are straight from hell satan's bunch of tools treating us like fools our doctrines are true but your doctrines smell 01:08 an actor and a marxist who received the mark of shiva on his brow kissed the quran and incensed buddha prayed with jews he really shouldn't to be a heretic he showed us how all that dick who what the heck are you a protestant religion which is based on gnosticism we've got saint paul's the tenth you've got eight saints jp too we will keep the old and you can have them research ratzy and you will find he was a v2 mastermind ended up as benedict 16. he plotted multiproprio to strike the treads another blow now lives his final days in quarantine a vatican too please go hit the highway we play by the rules that's why we don't eat mate 01:09 on friday your use of her man new tickle continuity more modernistic just another fallacy of the current nope is out to kill all faith and hope he's living out the vatican to dream encounter solidarity buzzwords are his speciality he takes his rock star status to extreme all that he can do influenced by instead of wine and bread using beer and linguine you've stolen our churches cathedrals and our name our monasteries and convents which suit we will reply where did you come from if you did not exist i would not have to sing this song religious liberty and existentialism 01:10 the dignity of man and [Music] the truth never changes [Music] thank you damo that was vatican 2 what the heck are you and you can download the song for a minimal fee i think it's less than a dollar from true restoration or you can go to their website truerestoration.org and play it online for free anytime you like the link to that as always is in our show notes all right now that we've had this little timeout 01:11 we can get back to business on april 20th of this year the so-called archbishop carlo maria vigano we mentioned earlier released a message denouncing the vatican's upcoming supposed health conference which is to take place may 6 through may 8th hosted among others by the so-called pontifical council for culture among the 114 speakers at the conference i kid you not are anthony fauci chelsea clinton cindy crawford jane goodall deepak chopra and other such characters now no doubt these people are all very concerned about your health so oh you know what maybe this is a typo and they really meant vatican hell conference instead of health conference well that would that would make more sense anyway 01:12 so father vigano writes quote the holy see has deliberately renounced the supernatural mission of the church making itself the servant of the new world order and masonic globalism in an anti-christic counter magisterium unquote of course there is no question that the modernist vatican ii church especially under francis is indeed not fulfilling the supernatural mission of the catholic church and has in fact established an anti-christian magisterium but for heaven's sake that's only possible because there is also an anti-pope at the helm there is not just a fake church but also a fake pope how difficult can this be this idea that the catholic church can abandon her divine mission seems to be gaining in popularity among 01:13 the recognized and resisters of course it's heresy but that doesn't seem to bother them at least they're not said of a contest right so back in 2016 christopher ferreira argued against novels ordo apologist mark shea that the catholic church had abandoned the great commission never mind that pope leo xiii taught in 1902 that the church quote has preached the gospel and has defended it at the price of its blood and strong in the divine assistance and of that immortality which have been promised it it makes no terms with error but remind remains faithful to the commands which it has received to carry the doctrine of jesus christ to the outermost limits of the world and to the end of time and to protect it in its inviolable 01:14 integrity unquote that's from pope leo's apostolic letter anum ingressi ferrara of course tried to lawyer his way out of it but that's not our topic now the link to our post examining his debate with shea is included in the notes for this episode so you can click on that if you'd like more information another purveyor of this heretical and blasphemous idea that the catholic church can abandon her divinely given mission is eric sammons who just recently became editor of crisis magazine he's just published a book entitled i kid you not deadly indifference how the church lost her mission and how we can reclaim it now this book is not out in hard copy yet but an electronic version for kindle is already available and so i just purchased that and i am utterly shocked at the brazen heresy and blasphemy 01:15 in the title but also in the conclusion of the book where salmons writes that the church the bride of christ has had her head turned she's forgotten her royal standing she's cast aside and abdicated and forgotten her mission yes these are verbatim the terms he uses he stops just short of saying that the bride has become a harlot but he clearly does make the point that the catholic church has defected of course if pressed on it i'm sure he would deny that but that is clearly what he is communicating and the title alone confirms it right the subtitle how the church lost her mission now i have to say that i fear that this notion of the church being able to go astray and abandon her mission that this is going to become more popular and remain popular among the semi-trads for a long time to come 01:16 certainly vegano is going to be peddling it for the remainder of his days i'm sure yet always insisting of course that the hierarchy that is responsible for the church's defection from the faith is the true and valid hierarchy and the chief apostate at the head of it all is naturally the legitimate vicar of christ even though he does not fulfill the promises that christ gave to the papacy at all so in his april 20th message vigano speaks of quote the superimposition over the true church of a sect of heretical and depraved modernists who are intent on legitimizing adultery sodomy abortion euthanasia idolatry and any perversion of the intellect and will the true church is now eclipsed denied and discredited by her very pastors betrayed even by the one who occupies the highest 01:17 throne unquote and yet at the same time he's insisting that these heretical prelates of that modernist sect are also the true and legitimate catholic shepherds with whom you must be in communion he believes at one and the same time that the church is indefectable which he affirms in the same letter but also holds that the holy see has deliberately renounced the supernatural mission of the church in an antichrist counter magisterium now he can talk all he wants about some superimposition of a heretical sect over the roman church but at the end of the day if the holy see has a valid pope reigning then the acts of the holy see are the acts of the pope in catholic doctrine there is simply no room for vegano's admixture of the true church with a false church the church cannot be 01:18 both okay she cannot be the true church and the false church the church of god and the church of satan or the church of the antichrist okay just like christ cannot be god and the devil in one just like the messiah cannot be the christ and the antichrist at the same time now look i don't know what vegano's motives are whether he's sincere or not but i do know that what he does is utterly deadly to souls he says so many important good and true things and he points out many injustices he leads souls into so much light and truth but then at the decisive crossroads he points them in the wrong direction and he leaves them ensnared in the devil's trap remember our lord's words there shall arise 01:19 false christs and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much as to deceive if possible even the elect but despite all that there is no reason to be discouraged christ has not left us orphans the holy ghost is always with us and god can infuse the virtues of faith hope and charity wherever souls are properly disposed even apart from the sacraments so if you're looking for help for guidance for consolation make sure you click on the link in the show notes that is called now what how to be a real catholic today and also the one entitled perfect contrition the key to heaven especially for our times clearly every day that passes makes matters more obvious i suppose that the reason 01:20 why god is allowing it to happen this way is so that everyone who takes catholicism seriously will have every chance to see it and will therefore be without excuse all the evidence is there you just have to be willing to accept it but just like two thousand years ago people today often do not want to admit what is right in front of their eyes because once they do they have to act and that might be uncomfortable that might have undesirable consequences but don't keep pushing it out telling yourself that you need just one more thing just one more piece of evidence and then you'll draw the conclusion as our lord said in luke 16 31 if they hear not moses and the prophets neither will they believe if one rise again from the dead [Music] 01:21 a busy show has come to an end thanks for sticking around so long if you found it worth your time please tell others about it 01:22 until next time god bless you [Music] track cast