00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the novus ordo watch [Music] you can't make the stuff up [Music] 00:01 welcome everyone you are listening to episode number 31 of trapcast a highly contagious podcast that is a super spreader of solid orthodox roman catholic information coming at you in an easily digestible and entertaining format [Music] at trapcast we unmask the errors of the novus ordo religion and pseudo traditionalism and we offer cedevacantism as the only reasonable antidote to the pandemic of heresy and blasphemy unleashed upon the world since the great reset 00:02 of vatican ii before we begin i'd like to give a special welcome to all you nicodemus's out there who are eagerly listening right now while at the same time hoping that no one will ever find out you're listening to a state of a contest podcast that's okay welcome to you as well we've got a lot planned for this episode different things not all just one topic including a fun game that we're gonna play later on and um as always it will be a lot of solid catholic information delivered with just a touch of that humor that is so necessary in our times because there's no reason why you couldn't combine good information with a little bit of fun right so yeah you'll definitely want to stick around and listen to this podcast all the way to the end and hey if there's a topic that doesn't interest you you can 00:03 just skip ahead i won't tell on you okay promise all right it's always hard to know where to begin such a big podcast but here's something that was in the novels ordo news recently that caught my eye on october 4th we read the following headline on crux being different must never lead to exclusion discrimination pope says that was the headline on october 4th now you might say okay what's newsworthy about that francis has been saying that since 2013 so who cares well the reason this caught my eye is that this story came just three days after france's own new law took effect that requires all visitors to vatican city to present a so-called green pass 00:04 to be allowed entry which means you have to show proof that you've either been vaccinated against covet 19 recovered from it recently or you've taken a particular kind of test showing that you probably don't have it everyone else you guessed it is excluded marginalized and discriminated against in a september 29th article for crux reporter ines san martin writes quote as of october 1st employees who fail to provide one of the three will be banned from entering their offices and will be considered absent without cause and without pay according to a decree signed by the vatican secretary of state italian cardinal pietro paralyn 00:05 the decision announced last week extends to all personnel from cardinals to lay people head of die casters and the gardeners who work in any vatican offices the rules include outside collaborators contractors and even delivery personnel unquote now i find that very interesting for a church that supposedly doesn't ever want to exclude anyone for any reason and no discrimination and stuff now keep in mind that they don't ask people to prove that they're immune to any other contagious diseases right they also don't require people to be catholic to work there heresy is still permitted well yeah i mean otherwise they'd have to kick francis out right 00:06 oh but there's another problem here see if this new vatican requirement we're about ensuring that no one who comes into the city-state is a carrier of the sars cough ii virus then there would be some logic behind it however that's manifestly not the case since they will let you in if you've been what they call fully vaccinated and yet it is public information now that being fully vaccinated does not mean that you cannot carry or spread the virus to others nor does it mean that you can't get the disease so in other words the vatican is happy to let you in if you have the virus or covet as long as you can prove that you've been so-called fully vaccinated so that means that these rules which took effect october 1st do not ensure 00:07 that there is no spread of the sars kof2 virus in the vatican and yet perfectly healthy people with no symptoms who won't do the green pass thing are not allowed to work in vatican city anymore or for the most part aren't even allowed to enter there are some exceptions but they're just that exceptions now that is what i would call excluding and marginalizing people by a man who insists that being different must never lead to exclusion or discrimination all right enough of that depressing topic let's move on to some other things an utterly useless new book has just been published it's called from benedict's peace to france's war catholics respond to the motu proprio traditions costodes 00:08 on the latin mass it's 406 pages containing 70 essays written by numerous authors in reaction to france's decree gradually phasing out the traditional mass in the vatican ii church the editor of the book is peter koizneski whom by the way we have critiqued quite forcefully on novel's order watch numerous times not to be confused with peter hoynowski of the sister lucy truth project now why do i say it's a useless book well because supposing francis to be the pope for a moment it simply doesn't matter what these authors think about his liturgical decree they have no business judging what comes from the holy see popeyes the 12th said that explicitly in his september 10th 1957 address 00:09 to the general congregation of the society of jesus he commended the jesuits for not doing what the recognize and resistors are doing on a daily basis pope pius said quote let no one take from you the glory of that rectitude in doctrine and fidelity in obedience due to the vicar of christ among your ranks let there be no room for that free examination more fitting to the heterodox mentality than to the pride of the christian and according to which no one hesitates to summon before the tribunal of his own judgment even those things which have their origin in the apostolic sea unquote when francis released his decree traditionis custodes on july 16th of this year 00:10 we immediately provided critical analysis and commentary in tradcast express episode number 136 and uh in a few blog posts where we also go through some of the reactions from the semi-tracks and for those of you who missed that we're putting the most important links in the show notes for this episode to get to the show notes go to trackcast.org and scroll down to the trapcast episode list and click on episode number 31 and on that page you will find them yeah so aside from the fact that it doesn't matter who disagrees with the liturgical decisions of the roman pontiff or how many people there are who do these semi-trads aren't even all that many i mean considered relative to the entire novus ordo church of what is it 1.3 billion people or something 00:11 in fact if you look at who the highest ranking clerical contributors are yes you find some cardinals and bishops but none of them hold any significant position in the novel's order church to begin with every single one of them is either retired or has some kind of inactive or simply insignificant status there is not a single active head of a diocese among them not one the only two who come close are athanasius schneider and robert mutzarts who are active in a diocese but both of them are only auxiliary bishops not ordinaries so neither of them actually leads a diocese and who are the others let's see there are the following novels ordo cardinals walter braun mueller retired 00:12 raymond burke retired gerhard mueller retired robert sarah retired joseph zen retired then there's two archbishops so-called thomas gullickson and carlo maria vigano but both of them are only non-ceos and they're retired to boot so they too don't play any active role in the vatican ii church and and of course vegano has been hiding in the last what three years so nobody even knows where he is and that's it okay those are the cardinals and bishops in the new church who have contributed to that book against traditions custodes all the other contributors are either lower ranking clerics or laymen now compare that to the vatican ii church having over 3 000 dioceses and 00:13 roughly 5 000 living novus ordo bishops in other words the resistance against traditions custodes is comparatively tiny it is no threat to francis all right another book that was published earlier this year that i'd like to discuss briefly is the book are canonizations infallible revisiting a disputed question it too is an anthology of essays by various recognized and resist writers and it is also edited by peter kwazneski now this book is a serious academic effort aimed at discovering the truth of the matter based on its own description it argues both sides of the issue though it's clear that the overall thesis being put forward is that no 00:14 canonizations are not infallible now the motive behind bringing up this whole issue in the first place is simple the vatican ii sect which they believe to be the catholic church has been canonizing some moral scoundrels as saints how is this possible quite simply it's possible because the man they believe to be the pope isn't the pope that explains it all but that is something they refuse to accept or even consider and so they have to look for another way to explain why someone like antipope paul vi can be declared a saint now i'm not going to offer a review of the content of this book here because i haven't studied it i just want to make some general observations on this topic that i think are often overlooked let's start by examining what a pope 00:15 actually says when he canonizes someone as a saint see the funny thing is the vatican ii church has retained the traditional formula of canonization in other words pope pius xii for instance used the exact same words when declaring people saints that francis used for paul vi on october 14th 2018. now there may be differences in the surrounding rights and definitely in the process that is used by the vatican to conclude that someone is a saint but the actual solemn formula that declares the person to be a canonized saint for the entire church that formula is still identical to what it was before vatican ii so here are the words that francis pronounced when he canonized paul vi 00:16 there were other people canonized alongside with him in the same ceremony and of course he mentions those names too but i'll omit those here because they're they're not relevant uh to what we're trying to do here's what francis said quote for the honor of the blessed trinity the exaltation of the catholic faith and the increase of the christian life by the authority of our lord jesus christ and of the holy apostles peter and paul and our own after due deliberation and frequent prayer for divine assistance and having sought the counsel of many of our brother bishops we declare and define blessed paul the sixth and the others to be saints and we enroll them among the saints decreeing that they are to be venerated as such by the whole church in the name of the father and of the son 00:17 and of the holy spirit unquote now we've got the source for this linked in the show notes so you can verify that we're not making this up folks if words have any meaning and if francis is a true pope then paul vi is a saint francis declared and defined him to be one and decreed that he is to be venerated as a saint by the entire church and he ratified this in the name of the holy trinity if a peter kwazneski christopher ferreira john lamont athanasius schneider whoever can just come along and say no he's not 00:18 then what is a papal declaration worth but let's be really generous here and say okay for the sake of argument let's say that this is not an infallible declaration let's say this could be wrong and the saint in question might not actually be a saint okay might not actually be in heaven well at the very least you would have to concede that even if not infallible the declaration is nevertheless authoritative okay that means it binds your conscience right or wrong you must accept again if we assume that francis is a true pope you must accept that paul vi is a saint in heaven and is to be venerated as such that means that even if you have reasons to believe that he is not one 00:19 well your doubts your suspicions have no authority at all whereas the papal declaration does so your objections don't mean squat your conscience is bound by the words of the pope and that's my first observation i think that the question of the infallibility of canonizations as legitimate as it is in itself should not be the focal point at the end of the day it's not about infallibility it's about authority the pope's solemn declaration has authority your opinion doesn't people keep forgetting or they keep misunderstanding that the church's authority does not come from her inability to be wrong 00:20 it comes from her divine commission to teach rule and sanctify which was given to her by jesus christ she is the divinely appointed teacher and ruler of all catholics when she speaks therefore catholics have a duty to listen even if what she teaches is not infallible keep in mind that when christ commissioned the 72 disciples he didn't grant infallibility to them but he did give them authority saying he that heareth you heareth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me and he that despises me despiseth him that sent me that's luke chapter 10 verse 16. now again don't think i'm making this up in 1935 ken george smith wrote the following in an article for the clergy review called 00:21 must i believe it quote herein lies the source of the obligation to believe what the church teaches the church possesses the divine commission to teach and hence their arises in the faithful a moral obligation to believe which is founded ultimately not upon the infallibility of the church but upon god's sovereign right to the submission and intellectual allegiance of his creatures he that believeth shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be condemned it is the god-given right of the church to teach and therefore it is the bound duty of the faithful to belief unquote again that's from father george smith writing in the clergy review in the 1930s i've put a link to that whole essay in the show notes so you can read 00:22 the entire thing so when the pope issues a solemn judgment that a man or woman is in heaven then that declaration is binding on consciences even if it were not infallible it would still be authoritative remember the pope any true pope possesses the keys to the kingdom of heaven which christ gave to simon peter after the resurrection and announced in matthew 16 19 and i will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth it shall be bound also in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth it shall be loosed also in heaven so what the pope binds is bound but let's be even more generous 00:23 and say that it's not even binding on anyone that it's simply optional the canonization of a saint right so that would mean that you can take it or leave it you can believe that paul vi is a saint in heaven who is to be venerated by all or that he is not it's up to you but even in that case the papal judgment would still have to be spiritually safe to accept in other words precisely because it is optional it is a legitimate option and that would mean that it is entirely safe for a catholic to venerate paul vi as a saint in heaven to pray to him to imitate him and to let his supposedly saintly life be a model for one's own 00:24 that is the absolutely least you would have to grant given his canonization but the semi-trads can't even grant that much because of course paul vi known life was far from holy admirable or worthy of veneration or imitation and that brings me to my second observation it's not about infallibility or even authority it's about basic credibility a church that can declare as lousy of a character as paul vi giovanni batista montini to be a saint in heaven worthy of veneration and imitation is much more than not infallible or even not authoritative such a church is not even credible see it's one thing to say that paul vi was declared a saint but he might not be 00:25 in heaven because even though he had outstanding virtue and led a saintly life for one reason or another that we don't know about he didn't make it in the end okay that's one thing it's quite another thing to say that paul the sex was declared a saint but his life was a monstrous scandal that caused the loss of faith hope and charity in hundreds of millions of souls by the universal imposition of heresy blasphemy and untold sacrilege affecting the entire church for generations to come the former is odd but debatable the latter is utterly absurd and would render the church much less than not infallible or not authoritative it would make the catholic church into a cruel 00:26 joke lacking all credibility to be a divine guide for anything it would simply be laughable to say that a pope can make such a declaration of sainthood for paul vi and then he was the exact opposite of a saint and it won't do for people to argue that a future pope could set the matter right because if such a declaration of canonization isn't even credible well there's no reason why a future papal judgment should be credible either much less binding or even infallible the pope again if we assume francis to be pope for a moment the pope has already rendered a judgment on paul vi a solemn one right now and that judgment is that he is to be venerated by the entire church as a 00:27 catholic saint that is the papal judgment a future papal judgment could not trump this one since each pope only has exactly as much authority as any other pope in other words don't fall for this red herring that francis is a true pope but we have to reject all of his stuff now because oh a future pope will overturn it all one day if the church can fail now then she can fail at any other point in history too and there is no reason to say that she was true in the past and will again be in the future but as a doctrinal and liturgical trash heap in the meantime and this once again shows just how important the pope question is 00:28 the integrity of the catholic faith as a whole hinges on it anyway these are my two observations on the issue of novus ordo canonizations oh actually one last thing here isn't it ironic that the people who say that a future pope is going to need to overturn all these fake post-vatican two saints are the same people who blew a gasket when paul vi did exactly that well almost he removed saints from the liturgical calendar he believed couldn't be proven to have existed historically and if i remember correctly that was saint george and saint philomena the semi-trads were up in arms about that and now they're essentially asking for the same thing 00:29 you see the more obvious the apostasy in the vatican ii sect becomes the more difficult it's getting for these recognize and resist apologists to come up with argumentation that meets even the criteria of basic credibility coherence and common sense i mean at some point you just can't keep this going you just can't defend the idea anymore that this hellhole of blasphemy and apostasy in vatican city has anything to do with the roman catholic church of pope pius xii it's not the same doctrine it's not the same worship and it's not the same disciplinary laws what is the point of insisting on francis as a valid pope if you say there are no consequences to his being pope 00:30 right at least no consequences except for the ones you agree with you know like valid bishop appointments and stuff in the catholic church the holy see the pope is the final arbiter of anything touching on faith and morals anything touching on the sacred liturgy anything touching on ecclesiastical discipline when the pope renders a decision that's it that decision is legally valid and there is no authority on earth that can question or overturn it he is the final arbiter the first vatican council in 1870 states explicitly quote and since the roman pontiff is at the head of the universal church by the divine right of apostolic primacy we teach and declare also that he is the supreme judge of the faithful and that in all cases pertaining to 00:31 ecclesiastical examination recourse can be had to his judgment moreover that the judgment of the apostolic see whose authority is not surpassed is to be disclaimed by no one nor is anyone permitted to pass judgment on its judgment therefore they stray from the straight path of truth who affirm that it is permitted to appeal from the judgments of the roman pontiffs to an ecumenical council as to an authority higher than the roman pontiff unquote that's from the dogmatic constitution pastor eternos of vatican 1 chapter 3. you can also find it in denzinger number 1830 and that what i just quoted is precisely what so many recognize and resist people do not accept especially not the la 00:32 feverists the people of the society of saint pius the tenth founded by archbishop marcel lefevre the very existence of their apostolate is based on the refusal to accept the judgment of men they believe to have been true popes so in their world if the pope renders a judgment they disagree with well that's just too bad for the pope they'll do their thing with or without papal approval this refusal of submission to the roman pontiff has a name in church law and in the moral law it's called schism and schism puts you outside the catholic church as pope pius xii made absolutely clear in his encyclical mr chic corporis paragraph 23 quote not every sin however grave it may be is such as of its own nature to sever a man from the body of the 00:33 church as does schism or heresy or apostasy unquote now of course the le feveris and other recognize and resist people bring up all kinds of arguments or rather excuses for why they are nevertheless permitted to do what they're doing but that just proves my point they decide whether what they're doing is legitimate not the pope the man they believe to be the pope right they are the final arbiter not the vicar of christ and yes i know they have all sorts of good intentions and they're just trying to be catholic and doing the best they can yada yada but that's beside the point the point is that their position is wrong and indefensible you know the funny thing is that pope pius ix shot down all of such resistance 00:34 arguments in his 1873 encyclical letter quartus supra which you'll find linked in the show notes that document is little-known but it reads like a direct condemnation of every sspx argument just about every sspx argument used to justify their position please do have a look at it you won't believe how many parallels there are between the armenian systematics whom pius ix was refuting and the apologists of the society of saint pius the tenth especially during the 1980s and 90s now let me give you a good concrete example of how we see this final arbiter problem in the daily apologetics of those semi-traditionalists those recognize and resistors because it happens all the time but i think it often just doesn't get noticed 00:35 so here's an example on august 18 2020 writer chris jackson published a post at the remnant entitled the true vatican 2 faqs ok faqs meaning frequently asked questions the true vatican 2 faqs now the background to that is that on august 7th 2020 the novus ordo auxiliary bishop of los angeles robert barron had published on his word on fire ministries website some questions and answers on the second vatican council being a good novus ordo bishop baron of course defended the council right in line with the novus ordo magisterium now of course that didn't sit well with recognize and resistors and so jackson took it upon himself to ask the same questions as baron did but provide his own alternative answers and those were then published at the remnant now 00:36 never mind that baron is a bishop in the vatican 2 church of which jackson is a member and he operates baron does he operates his apostolate with the approval of that same vatican ii church by raising him to the rank of bishop francis himself obviously endorsed what he's doing because now he can do it even more effectively because now he can do it with more authority but never mind the remnant disagrees so one of their columnists can simply contradict that and that is then the true view of the second vatican council see that's how it works in resistance land right and once again the question ultimately is who decides who is the final arbiter if the remnant really wanted to know what a catholic can and must think about vatican 2 00:37 they could simply send an inquiry the so-called dubium to the vatican congregation for the doctrine of the faith and i guarantee you they would be more than happy to answer their questions and i likewise guarantee that their answers would be much closer to those provided by robert barron than to those given by chris jackson of course jackson's answers to the questions on vatican 2 are entirely one-sided he does quote some putative authorities but only when and where they support his position for example jackson quotes archbishop marcello fava a lot the problem is lefeve wasn't an authority on these matters and his appeal to him as an authority is disingenuous the vatican certainly didn't agree with or endorse lefeve's criticism of the council right and the only reason why jackson considers lefeve an authority to 00:38 begin with is that he agrees with him that's it would he cite archbishop fev if he didn't agree with him of course not take another example in one question jackson uses as his authority then cardinal joseph ratzinger of course only for one particular quote and it's from an interview to boot not even some official church text and guess what the rat singer quote jackson presents is a quote he happens to agree with and that is the only reason he quotes him and ratzinger said the opposite jackson would be arguing now that that's just the words of one cardinal in an informal interview and therefore it has no authority and it's utterly non-binding that's how the game is played then on the question of the authority of vatican ii jackson does quote the very 00:39 supposed pope who promulgated it paul vi except he quotes him very selectively and omits those things from paul's words that contradict his position and then he doesn't even provide the correct reference i don't think that was intentional i think he was just being sloppy because ultimately for these people this isn't about paul the sixth actual position on the council or what their obligation of adherence actually is this is just about finding this or that proof text in order to defend their position jackson quotes paul vi as follows quote in view of the pastoral nature of the council it avoided proclaiming in an extraordinary manner any dogmas carrying the mark of infallibility unquote that is correct paul vi did say that but there's something else he said that 00:40 jackson didn't tell you about right after these words paul vi said quote but it still provided its teaching with the authority of the supreme ordinary magisterium this ordinary magisterium which is so obviously official has to be accepted with docility and sincerity by all the faithful in accordance with the mind of the council on the nature and aims of the individual documents unquote that's part of the paul vi quote you don't typically hear about from the recognize and resist people and honestly i think most of them don't even know that paul vi said this because the quote has long been circulated in this truncated version and people tend to just copy and paste mindlessly and never bother to check any sources and it looks like that's exactly what jackson did as well the quote worked for 00:41 him and that's all that mattered and so he even got the citation wrong paul vi actually said these words in his general audience of january 12 1966 jackson said it was december 1st 1966 almost a year later ironically he cites the january 21st 1966 edition as printing the text from which he's quoting when at the same time he's saying that paul vi didn't speak these words until 10 and a half months later why did jackson make that mistake well a quick web search reveals the answer he simply copied and pasted what raymond toke wrote on his website catholic apologetics dot info because that website has the exact same mistake on it verbatim you know this kind of carelessness this kind of sloppiness makes me really angry because it shows that that these people 00:42 are more interested in scoring a point in in publishing a defense of their position then in getting the facts right jackson didn't care enough about this to do any serious research he simply went on raymond toke's website looked up what it says there about vatican 2 and blindly copied and pasted raymond toke by the way is now a priest for the society of senpai's the 10th so he's now father raymond tok uh but that website has been up for decades and so he put that together long before his ordination so this is how seriously chris jackson and the remnant take these matters we're talking about matters of faith hope and charity here these are matters impacting people's salvation for heaven's sake and yet they care so little to ensure that what they're saying is actually true anyway so that was a clear example of selective quoting while omitting the 00:43 full context or while omitting other things paul vi said that contradict the narrative jackson and the remnant want to convey yeah see jackson could have quoted from paul the six's allocution of may 24th 1976 for example right in which the fake pope addresses specifically the claims of archbishop lefeve for example paul vi said this quote it is even affirmed that the second vatican council is not binding that the faith would also be in danger because of the reforms and post-conciliar directives that one has the duty to disobey in order to preserve certain traditions what traditions is it for this group here he means little feverish is it for this group not the pope not the college of bishops not the ecumenical council to decide which among the innumerable traditions must be 00:44 considered as the norm of faith as you see venerable brothers such an attitude sets itself up as a judge of that divine will which placed peter and his lawful successors at the head of the church to confirm the brethren and the faith and to feed the universal flock and which established him as the guarantor and custodian of the deposit of faith unquote so why didn't chris jackson quote that from paul vi easy because he doesn't agree with it but when you quote as an authority someone who says something you agree with only because you agree with it then the authority you're really following is yourself and that is exactly what the semi-traditionalists that recognize and resist people are ultimately doing and that is the essence of private judgment following yourself rather than 00:45 the church see accepting paul vi as a true pope has consequences now am i saying that they should follow paul the sixth no of course not i am saying they should draw the only possible and logically consistent and necessary conclusion that paul vi was not a legitimate pope what are some other authorities quoted by jackson let's see well he pulls out the late english writer michael davies a high school teacher by profession if i recall correctly and also archbishop carlo maria vigano another non-authority in the new church oh and for one question he quotes raymond tope directly yep for the question whether parts of vatican ii's doctrine could be removed or reversed in the future 00:46 because raymond toke is an authority on that right yeah toe quotes ratzinger but ratzinger's quote doesn't address that besides ratzinger is a modernist so who cares again the way they proceed is that they try to find quotes they can use as proof texts for their position whether or not the person in question actually is a catholic authority that can pronounce on the matter is completely irrelevant as long as it makes their position work because they are the final arbiter on all those questions not the people they insist are the legitimate ecclesiastical hierarchy when you think about it it is an utter shame how many goodwill people out there follow these self-appointed recognize and resist writers thinking them to be beacons of traditional catholicism when they're really just the blind leading 00:47 the blind whose work wittingly or not attacks and repudiates the actual traditional catholicism as found for example in the papal magisterium before vatican ii and now it's definitely time for a quick break lots more to come when we return in a few minutes and we'll finally get to our fun game that you can participate in don't go anywhere it's not just a podcast it's a trap cast [Music] treadcast [Music] did you know that sushi pay media produces traditional catholic content including content for true restoration do you want to be part of a traditional catholic production team that specializes in audio and video if you have three to six hours a week that you can dedicate to the cause and 00:48 if you want to work on projects that enable you to access catholic content before it goes public you would be interested to know that sushi bay media has current opportunities available all sushi pay media staff are eligible for a free to restoration monthly membership and a 75 discount on a true restoration annual membership during their employment experience in audio and video production is a bonus but not required all we want is a can-do attitude and reliability sushi bank media will provide training and ongoing coaching for all successful applicants to register your interest please contact us by emailing info at sushibaymedia.com that's info at s-u-s-c-i-p-e media dot com [Music] ignore this podcast at your own risk tradcast is a production of 00:49 novusortowatch.org we watch the vatican 2 church so you don't have to go to novusardo watch dot org novusortowatch.org and see for yourself that the vatican ii church is not in fact the catholic church of the ages [Music] tradcast [Music] all right ladies and gentlemen thanks for sticking around for another segment of trapcast the podcast that is not more catholic than the pope 00:50 only more catholic than the anti-pope okay now as promised our fun game it's a quiz actually and you can participate in it from wherever you are no matter what you're doing right now just by guessing by thinking by doing your best to come up with the right answer what can you win absolutely nothing but it will probably be penance for your ears so there is a spiritual benefit the name of the quiz is who said it francis or the dalai lama 00:51 all right cue the jingle we created for this who said it [Music] i know i know this is this is going to be controversial i know some people are going to be really upset now they're going to object and say that that's not fair that's way too difficult and you know granite this is definitely going to be a challenge this is not going to be an easy quiz so but you know what let's just go ahead now and start and let's just see how it goes okay i'm going to read you the first quote now and you tell me if you think that this is a quote from the supposed pope or from the 14th dalai lama who for those of you who aren't that familiar with paganism is a buddhist okay 00:52 so quote number one i think we'll do a total of five or so we'll say oh and wait just to be clear dalai frances is not an acceptable answer okay so you're gonna have to answer either francis or dalai lama here we go quote one i call religion an imminent transcendence namely a contradiction but the true religions are the development of the capacity that humanity has to transcend itself towards the absolute who said it [Music] wrong it was pope francis in an interview he gave just before his trip to sweden in october of 2016. the transcript was published in la 00:53 chivalta catolica and also online and of course we're linking to it in the show notes okay next one ready here is quote two what's past is past nothing can change that but the future can be different if we choose to make it so we have to cultivate a vision of a happier more peaceful future and make the effort now to bring it about this is no time for complacency hope lies in the action we take who said it [Music] wrong it was the dalai lama 00:54 in a tweet sent on october 15 2021 all right let's move on to quote number three our ancestors viewed the earth as rich and bountiful which it is but what's more it is our only home we must protect it not only for ourselves but also for future generations and for the countless species with which we share the who said it [Music] wrong it was the dalai lama in his message to the climate conference cop 26 in glasgow on october 31st 2021 all right quote four a constant tension exists between fullness and limitation 00:55 fullness evokes the desire for complete possession while limitation is a wall set before us broadly speaking time has to do with fullness as an expression of the horizon which constantly opens before us while each individual moment has to do with limitation as an expression of enclosure people live poised between each individual moment and the greater brighter horizon of the utopian future as the final cause which draws us to itself who said it [Music] wrong it was the frankster the so-called pope francis he said this in his apostolic 00:56 exhortation evangelii gaudium released on november 24th 2013 and you can find it there in paragraph number 222. this is a boatload of fun isn't it i hope you're enjoying this as much as i am okay one more here is quote five it's a very short one quote five appearances notwithstanding every person is immensely holy and deserves our love oh this is difficult who said it [Music] wrong it is pope francis yes ladies and gentlemen it really was chaos frank 00:57 that is a quote likewise from evangelii gaudium paragraph 274. you just can't make the stuff up all right so that was five want to do more let's do let's do one more okay one more just for the fun of it okay here is quote number six peace in the world depends on peace within if we have that we'll approach problems in a spirit of dialogue compassion and respect for the rights of others always a better solution than resorting to a use of weapons and force external disarmament depends on inner disarmament who said it [Music] wrong it was the dalai lama in a tweet sent on 00:58 august 16 20 21 look i know this wasn't totally fair but i think we can all learn something from this fun little exercise namely francis and the dalai lama are getting harder and harder to tell apart but at least the dalai lama doesn't claim to be a catholic [Music] all right before we move forward as francis would say and come to our next topic i'd like to let everyone know that on october 8th of this year yours truly gave a presentation at the fatima conference in spokane washington hosted by the congregation of mary immaculate queen at mount st michaels the talk was entitled eclipse of the church the case for said of akantism and the objective was to give a coherent easy-to-follow introduction or 00:59 high-level overview to what has happened to the catholic church and why this was not a lecture focusing on detailed theological arguments about said evacuntism but an explanation that looks at the big picture of our situation and makes sense of it by focusing on the purpose for why christ became incarnate and founded an indefectable church to begin with not only as an organized society but as his very own mystical body in which he is pleased to suffer just as he did in his physical body on earth one of the benefits of such an approach is that it focuses on what is essential and avoids a lot of the unnecessary argumentation that people often tend to get caught up in and so it is really not a polemical talk nor is 01:00 it overly academic i would say it is a very accessible and also edifying presentation so if you haven't listened to it yet i've got the link in the show notes again it's called eclipse of the church the case for set of akantism and it's available in audio and video and also we have the full transcript available for download which includes plenty of footnotes with all the documentation you need for the many quotes used in the lecture all right moving on i don't know if you've heard about the developments at one peter 5 this past summer but a founder and director steve skojak has resigned and sold the corporation to crisis magazine so skojak is no longer involved in one peter 5 and in fact he has tragically become an angry apostate now who is busy on twitter and on his own personal blog 01:01 explaining to people why he doubts not only the catholic church and the dogma of original sin but even the existence of an all-good god it's really utterly frightening and i won't dwell on it here in fact i won't even link to the stuff he said but i did want to point it out so that people know what's going on and can pray for him and his family and as tragic as this is it's not unexpected because you could see this coming from a mile away okay on april 3rd 2017 skojak had published an article on one peter 5 entitled stand fast the storm will break and in it he made the case for what he called a practical state of accountism and by that he meant that we must recognize francis as the true pope but act like he isn't now i published a substantial response 01:02 to that on april 25th of that year entitled anything but said of accontism analysis of a curious phenomenon and in that response which you can find linked in the show notes for this episode i pointed out that such a state of affairs in which one denies in practice what one affirms in theory cannot last long i wrote quote the discrepancy between one's thoughts and one's actions will quickly resolve itself into either changing one's actions to align with the thoughts or changing one's thoughts to correspond with the actions the cognitive dissonance of a practical set of aquatism will be coming home to roost unquote and for steve skojak now it has all right so crisis magazine has taken over one peter 5 and the new editor-in-chief is timothy flanders 01:03 contributing editors include eric sammons peter kwazneski kennedy hall and others in other words one peter 5 remains firmly in the grip of the false traditionalists of the recognize and resist position and so the content seems to be more or less the same as before okay last big topic for today on july 14th of this year the die hard novels ordo website where peter is published an article on traditionalism that merits some discussion it was written by dr pedro gabrielle and is entitled the modernist root of radical traditionalism now with a title like that it was sure to get some attention so let's have a look at it in the article gabrielle argues that 01:04 there is a prevalent attitude among what he calls radical traditionalists that mirrors the modernist error of religious imminentism condemned by pope saint pius xi in 1907. now by and large i think the author is right in his criticism though um i want to make sure or i want to make clear that the traditionalists he's referring to are those that are in communion with the vatican ii church like the diocese and indulge people and i think that what he criticizes can also be found a lot in those traditionalists that recognize the novus ordo hierarchy as valid and legitimate but resist it such as the society of saint pius the tenth and similar resistance groups now i can't rule out of course that the error gabrielle describes may even be present among some said of a contest 01:05 and if it is it needs to be weeded out because it's a serious matter so anyway what is this modernist religious imminence or vital imminence that pope pius x warned against put in simple terms it's basically the idea that faith and religion have their origin in the personal religious feeling of each individual believer in the context of pedro gabrielle's critique he's basically arguing that these traditionalists are basing their theological position on a subjective experience of the traditional latin mass and perhaps by extension at least also of other traditional practices and to make that point he quotes the reverend mark goring a novel sort of 01:06 priest in canada who said on matt frad's pints with aquinas podcast quote the lord is anointing the traditionalists when people go to traditional masses they're experiencing god and they're staying and it's causing them to want to be holy and love jesus that's the work of the holy spirit unquote another example gabrielle gives is that of an unnamed commenter on facebook who counseled a convert to attend the extraordinary form meaning the traditional latin mass and quote sit back while you feel the holiness coursing through you unquote indeed this is the kind of talk you really do hear from a number of these traditionalists who place so much emphasis on the experience of the sacred liturgy now there's 01:07 nothing wrong of course with having a positive experience at the traditional mass but that can't be the reason why you go there that can't be the basis of your theology as a point and honestly to speak of holiness flowing through you by experiencing the traditional mass is just nonsense besides if that's going to be your argument for the traditional mass well how are you going to counter someone who says that he gets that same holy experience when practicing yoga so see how dangerous this is so insofar as pedro gabrielle is criticizing such an attitude i think he's right on the money he writes quote when the focus of one's faith becomes the profound religious experience something not unique to 01:08 christianity this is not a far cry from the point where someone might infer that all existing religions are equally true for otherwise they would not live unquote again right on the money there is just one problem with gabrielle's entire argumentation one that completely pulverizes his own position all this stuff about subjective religious experience as the basis for faith and religion is what has been preached from the house tops by the false vatican ii popes and the novels ordo hierarchy as a whole in fact that is probably why these semi-trads make this argument about experiencing god at the traditional mass to begin with because the excessive focus on experience and religious sentiment is what they were taught in novel sort of catechism 01:09 but more on that in a minute let me quote some more from gabrielle he writes quote radical traditionalists often say they prefer the extraordinary form traditional mass because it elicits a more authentic religious experience in them the corollary is that they will harshly criticize the ordinary form new mass for failing to produce that same experience online you can read many testimonies they write about how they felt the first time they attended the extraordinary form it is not uncommon for them to express how they felt robbed of this profound way to connect with the divine the problem with this kind of reasoning as pies the tenth so rightfully asserts is that it opens the door to religious indifferentism unquote very 01:10 very very true now of course for a hardcore novel sort of website like where peter is to complain about religious and differentism is irony on stilts their fake pope openly teaches that god wills a diversity of religions and here they're complaining that what some are saying about the traditional mass could lead to indifferentism i mean hello i remember when i first went to what i thought was a traditional catholic mass back in 1998 it was a diocesan indole liturgy i did not have a good experience at all as far as feelings go i was shocked i was confused i was put off because it was so different from what i'd grown up with and i felt pretty much left out well that's the fruit of years of novel sort of catechesis okay thank you very 01:11 much in any case i am glad now that i didn't have a positive experience because you don't want to make religious decisions based on subjective experience you want to make them based on reason and faith and nevertheless i kept returning to the traditional mass or what i thought was the traditional mass because i'd been reading about it and i understood i didn't feel but i understood that it was right and that the novel sort of mass was at least compromised and inferior but let's go back for a moment now and look at what pedro gabriel missed in his critique of this religious sentimentalism this imminentism that he rightly criticizes let's see how about paul vi anti-pope giovanni batista montine 01:12 1976 was the year when things got really heated between the vatican and archbishop lefeve because lefeve was ordaining priests without the necessary permission of the local bishop and uh even against the express prohibition of paul vi and so he was placed under suspension that year now about a month before the forbidden ordinations in his allocution to cardinals of may 24th 1976 paul vi addressed the controversy with archbishop lefeve and his followers and said this quote it is with profound sadness but with paternal hope that we once more turn to this confrarer of ours to his collaborators and to those who have let themselves be carried away by them oh certainly we believe that many of these faithful at least in the beginning 01:13 were in good faith we also understand their sentimental attachment to habitual forms of worship or of discipline that for a long time had been for them spiritual support and in which they had found spiritual sustenance unquote so there is one reference to religious sentiment then right after the forbidden episcopal consecrations of archbishop in 1988 it was john paul ii who wrote in his so-called apostolic letter ecclesia day of july 2nd the following quote to all those catholic faithful who feel attached to some previous liturgical and disciplinary forms of the latin tradition i wish to manifest my will to facilitate their ecclesial communion by means of 01:14 the necessary measures to guarantee respect for their rightful aspirations unquote and further in the same document quote respect must everywhere be shown for the feelings of all those who are attached to the latin liturgical tradition unquote in 2007 the late father anthony chicata god rest the soul pointed out that the vatican's concessions regarding the traditional mass were always based on some kind of religious sentiment the only kind of desire for the traditional mass you were allowed to have according to the vatican was precisely the subjective preference based on feelings needs nostalgic attachments yada yada that pedro gabrielle now scolds the traditionalists in his church for 01:15 here is what father jakarta wrote in response to benedict xvi's moto proprio samorum pontificum quote with the motu mass meaning the traditional mass liberated by the motu proprio with the motu mass the modernists will now co-opt unsuspecting trads into their own subjectivist program pope saint pius xi condemned modernism because among other things it spurned dogma and exalted the religious sense of the individual believer and the vatican pronouncements that authorize the use of the traditional mass from the 1984 indulge onwards all do so on the basis of slippery and subjective modernist categories like different sensibilities feelings legitimate diversity enjoyment 01:16 various charismata cultural expressions attachment etc ratzinger now repeatedly sounds this theme attachment affection culture personal familiarity mark of identity dear to them attraction form of encounter and sacrality which attracts everything is reduced to the subjective unquote bam that is exactly what happened and it is the vatican's doing are you listening pedro gabrielle the very religious subjectivism you are rightly criticizing in certain traditionalists is the result of the program kicked into gear by the modernist vatican oh and by the way who's always talking about encounter 01:17 clearly a religious experience as the origin of faith that's right the frankster his phoniness pope francis for example on june 25th 2016 when he was visiting armenia francis said during sermon quote faith is born and reborn from a life-giving encounter with jesus from experiencing how his mercy illumines every situation in our lives unquote there you go encounter an experience another example on april 24th 2015 francis said during his daily homily at the vatican guest house the casa santa marta quote our faith is an encounter with jesus 01:18 this is the foundation of our faith unquote once again a subjective experience then just the other day october 10th 2021 francis said during the angelus quote this is the starting point of faith letting oneself be loved by him by he who is father unquote so here too we're talking about a personal experience oh and in case you're worried about indifferentism well francis sure isn't during his general audience of january 22nd 2020 the false pope said quote ecumenical hospitality implies the desire to know the experience that other christians have of god and the expectation to receive the spiritual gifts that stem from it unquote sounds a bit subjective to me there what do you 01:19 think look i could go on and on with more examples because the guy just never shuts up but i think you get the point it is the vatican modernists who've been preaching a subjective internal religious experience as the foundation for faith and religion that is common novus ordo theology in our day listen to this brief clip of bishop michael olson of fort worth texas who gives a definition of faith in a televised program around 2013 that will really freak you out this is what he says faith begins by a lived experience of god we articulate that experience as best we can and share it with others who've had like experiences which we form doctrine we return to living that faith and then reflect further on it as it grows among people 01:20 now that is pure modernism no wonder francis made this guy a bishop it fits right in so my piece of advice for dr pedro gabrielle would be if you're concerned about modernism you may want to turn your attention to the casa santa marta and the modernist in chief who resides there who happens to be the head of your religion and all of his lackeys because your church sir is infested with modernism to put it differently if you're on a crusade against carnivores don't be looking for who's got a few pieces of bacon hidden inside a garden salad at the local vegetarians club while at the same time you're cheering the crowd pigging out at the 99 cents burger fest at the texas roadhouse [Music] all right it's time to take a look at the clock here well time flies when you're having fun ladies 01:21 and gentlemen i hope this podcast was enjoyable and informative for you and although it took you only what an hour and 15 minutes or so to listen it took countless hours to prepare and produce researching writing editing and so on it's a lot of work and if you'd like to support this effort financially you may do so at novoswatch.org donate and of course you can also find this link in the show notes novel sorta watch which produces this podcast operates almost entirely on the kind and generous donations of individuals like you and a big thank you to all who are already making this work possible or have done so in the past and i know there are also many who would like to but are not able to and you are appreciated as well well folks hopefully there will be 01:22 another full-length track cast by the end of december no guarantees because you never know what happens but it is a possibility in the meantime if you like this podcast please tell others about it if you didn't like it please keep it to yourselves 01:23 either way until next time god bless [Music] [Applause] [Music] track cast [Music] you