00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the novus ordo watch track cast you've gotta be kidding [Music] us you can't make the stuff up [Music] [Applause] [Music] and here we are it is time again for treadcast 00:01 the traditional catholic podcast you don't have to be a said of a contest to enjoy or benefit from but you might just end up becoming one [Applause] [Music] welcome everyone to episode number 32 with a new theme song [Music] hope you like it trying to keep it informative sophisticated and fun all at the same time [Music] there is so much to talk about we might as well delay no longer and get started as things keep getting worse under pope francis in the vatican it seems that more and more people are becoming shall we say comfortable with the idea that perhaps 00:02 benedict the 16th is the real pope and francis wasn't elected validly for example the former catholic answers radio host patrick coffin has recently made a push for that position and of course it is rather enticing for many because it provides a way out of the horrific mess that francis has made and at the same time it appears to people not as extreme or far-reaching and inconvenient as cerevacantism so it functions pretty much like a pressure relief valve and so of course for many it is an attractive alternative to state of accountism yet what those who embrace that position seem to forget is that joseph ratzinger benedict xvi is no less of a modernist than francis he's just more polished about his heresies and he camouflages a lot with 00:03 traditional externals like beautiful vestments and stuff whereas francis is like a bull in a china shop right he just walks in and tramples on everything and doesn't care so in a sense benedict xvi is actually more dangerous than francis because he makes himself look traditional while poisoning souls whereas francis doesn't really bother with that but even the devil saint paul says transforms himself into an angel of light in second corinthians 11 14. the wolf in sheep's clothing will be able to devour many more sheep than the wolf undisguised so that's important to keep in mind don't let anyone deceive you with external appearances and we've covered this before in prior podcasts but it's been a while and i think that it might be a good idea to bring this up again because the fact remains that regardless of 00:04 whether you align yourself with francis or with benedict either way you are guaranteed to get one thing more vatican ii make no mistake about that benedict xvi is not a beacon of orthodoxy he never was the novus ordo church was already a modernist sewer long before francis came along francis is just putting everything on steroids before francis was benedict before benedict was john paul ii and before him was paul vi the difference between those may be one of style but definitely not a substance it may be one of degree but not of kind let me give you a clear example of what utter trash joseph ratzinger preaches as 00:05 catholicism in 1981 when ratzinger was archbishop of munich he gave a lenten sermon in which he talked about original sin now let's do a quick mental exercise if you had to explain to someone what original sin is what would you say how would you phrase it just very basically maybe think about that for a moment before you listen further how would you present the catholic doctrine on original sin well probably you would explain that original sin is the first sin committed by adam in the garden of eden and the consequences of this first sin of disobedience to god who had commanded adam and eve not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil included the loss of the supernatural life of sanctifying grace in the soul not only for adam and eve personally but 00:06 for all of humanity that would descend from adam because he adam had acted as the head of the human race so original sin and its consequences are transmitted by generation to every descendant of adam because he had forfeited that gratuitous gift of sanctifying grace with which god had endowed his soul which was meant not only for him and eve but for all of humanity so this means that all of us as adam's progeny are conceived and born without sanctifying grace in our souls and with a propensity for sin that's called concupiscence furthermore on account of original sin we are all subject to pain suffering and physical death that is more or less how a catholic explains original sin and its consequences in a nutshell because that is what the catholic church teaches on the matter 00:07 in fact here's a quote from an encyclical of pope pius xi from 1937 in which he defines the meaning of original sin quote original sin is the hereditary but impersonal fault of adam's descendants who have sinned in him it is the loss of grace and therefore of eternal life together with a propensity to evil which everybody must with the assistance of grace penance resistance and moral effort repress and conquer the passion and death of the son of god has redeemed the world from the hereditary curse of sin and death unquote that's paragraph 25 of pius xi's encyclical mitt brennan der sorge now this doctrine is absolutely crucial in the catholic religion because so much depends on it 00:08 because if original sin weren't real as defined then there would have been no need for a redeemer for jesus christ incarnate to restore us to grace if human nature since the fall weren't afflicted with this absence of the supernatural life of the soul from the moment of conception then there would be no need for baptism as every person would then be conceived and born in sanctifying grace not in sin now we know by faith that only the blessed virgin mary was conceived without the stain of original sin but even that only by a special and singular privilege of god who communicated the merits of jesus christ the redeemer to her soul in such a way that she was never even for a moment under the dominion of the devil in other words whereas for everyone else original sin is taken away by baptism 00:09 after the stain has been incurred the blessed virgin mary was prevented from ever contracting it in the first place by the saving work of christ even though our lord of course hadn't yet come to earth and redeemed us at the time of the blessed mother's immaculate conception that is of no concern to god who is outside of time and not subject to temporal considerations anyway the catholic teaching on original sin is pretty clear and straightforward now let's look at how joseph ratzinger benedict xvi explained original sin in his 1981 lenten sermon in the cathedral of munich and you will see very quickly that his definition of original sin is totally different from the true catholic understanding that i just outlined but what that means is that ratzinger denies the true concept of original sin 00:10 because he has substituted for it another listen to this this is joseph ratzinger speaking explaining what he believes original sin means and i apologize for the awful inclusive translation but that's what's printed quote finding an answer to this this being the question what original sin means finding an answer to this requires nothing less than trying to understand the human person better it must once again be stressed that no human being is closed in upon himself or herself and that no one can live of or for himself or herself alone we receive our life not only at the moment of birth but every day from without from others who are not ourselves but who nonetheless somehow pertain to us human beings have their selves not only 00:11 in themselves but also outside of themselves they live in those whom they love and in those who love them and to whom they are present human beings are relational and they possess their lives themselves only by way of relationship i alone am not myself but only in and with you am i myself to be truly a human being means to be related in love to be of and for but sin means the damaging or the destruction of relationality sin is a rejection of relationality because it wants to make the human being a god sin is loss of relationship disturbance of relationship and therefore it is not restricted to the individual when i destroy a relationship then this event sin touches the other person involved in the relationship 00:12 consequently sin is always an offense that touches others that alters the world and damages it to the extent that this is true when the network of human relationships is damaged from the very beginning then every human being enters into a world that is marked by relational damage at the very moment that a person begins human existence which is a good he or she is confronted by a sin damaged world each of us enters into a situation in which relationality has been hurt consequently each person is from the very start damaged in relationships and does not engage in them as he or she ought sin pursues the human being and he or she capitulates to it unquote that is from joseph ratzinger's fourth lenten sermon of 1981 00:13 published in the book in the beginning a catholic understanding of the story of creation and the fall translated by boniface ramsay published by erdmans in 1995 and you can find what i just quoted on pages 72 and 73. in fact if you go to the show notes i'm linking our blog post on that where you can find not only the text that i just quoted but even a scan of the relevant book pages so that is how joseph ratzinger explains original sin for him original sin is essentially a damage in human relationships or a loss of relationship it's something that comes from without from outside the individual or at least from outside the soul and in fact has apparently nothing to do with the soul as a matter of fact the word soul is completely absent from his explanation 00:14 and not only that he also makes no mention of sanctifying grace or of anything supernatural well i mean he does mention sin that's true but he doesn't define sin as a voluntary violation of god's law he defines it as rejection of relationality and destruction or loss of relationship so he remains totally on the level of the natural but does anyone even know what that means a rejection of relationality does ratzinger know what it means ask five different people and you'll get six different answers now it can certainly be admitted that original sin has something to do with damaged human relationships there's no doubt about it he says that as soon as human beings begin their existence they are confronted by a sin damaged world okay fine but that is a consequence of 00:15 original sin it is not what original sin is remember the quote earlier from pope pius xi about original sin being the loss of grace in the soul that we have all inherited from adam since the fall original sin is propagated through generation wherefore every human being is subject to it because every human being is a child of adam and again the only exception to that is the blessed mother because god himself intervened to prevent the stain on her soul but if you take ratzinger's view of original sin what happens to the immaculate conception i mean considering that even the virgin mary was born into a world damaged by sin so if that's what defines original sin that every human being is confronted with relational damage well you can draw the conclusion 00:16 so that was from a sermon ratzinger delivered in 1981 later that very year john paul ii appointed him head of the vatican's congregation for the doctrine of the faith and with that position he became the official watchdog of orthodoxy it is laughable so the long and the short of it is if you reject francis and then embrace benedict all you're doing is swapping one modernist for another don't fool yourself you haven't escaped the poison you've simply rejected the more distasteful kind in favor of that which is more pleasant to swallow so yeah benedict and francis are not that far apart theologically and why would they be they are both men of vatican 2 and the new theology through and through and you can actually see parallels in how they approach theology 00:17 for example we just looked at ratzinger's idea of original sin and what we saw is that he took a rather remote secondary aspect of the consequences of original sin damage in human relationships and he made that the primary and essential content of the doctrine of original sin all the while totally ignoring what original sin actually is so he took what is rather peripheral and made it central well francis does the same thing not always of course but i would say rather frequently he zeroes in on a secondary matter that is only remotely related to the gospel while neglecting and often contradicting the primary and proximate things that pertain directly to the core of the gospel let me explain what i mean using a quote 00:18 here from father edward lean's book why the cross page 54. father lean writes the following about naturalists about people who reject or don't understand the supernatural and spiritual essence of the gospel quote the passages that reveal jesus in the exercise of works of mercy in healing disease in consoling grief and an overcoming death are given an undue emphasis by naturalists in this way the central truth is obscured the truth namely that the conflict of the redeemer was primarily with spiritual evil and only incidentally with physical evil his purpose was to banish from earth the ills that appear to god as such not those that appear so to the pain-dreading nature of man unquote now when you look back at the last nine years of francis 00:19 yes it's been nine years already what is it that he is constantly emphasizing it's the secondary the more peripheral the natural and horizontal aspects of the gospel while either ignoring de-emphasizing undermining or distorting the primary aspects the central aspects the most important and supernatural characteristics of the gospel not all the time of course but quite often especially when he's in front of a mixed audience an audience that includes many non-catholics especially jews muslims and pagans and so francis is frequently harping on helping those in need putting the poor at the center accompanying the marginalized caressing the unemployed whatever interestingly enough these are all things that are basically compatible with just about any religion 00:20 at the same time francis has practically no regard for the supernatural he is simply not interested in saving souls and i think the reason is that he doesn't believe that souls are in need of salvation that's why he could say in 2018 that atheists go to heaven if they are good well excuse me but there is no goodness that has merit before god apart from supernatural charity and supernatural charity is impossible without sanctifying grace and there is no sanctifying grace apart from the virtues of faith and hope so an atheist is excluded from being supernaturally good by definition because he has no faith and consequently also no hope and no charity again supernaturally speaking so 00:21 what francis said there about good atheists implies a denial of original sin a denial of the necessity of faith hope and charity and a denial of the necessity of a redeemer the guy is a demon similarly when a homosexual atheist met with francis in the vatican in 2019 did the false pope show concern for the supernatural life of his soul of course not instead he confirmed him in his sinful ways i'm talking about the case of stephen k amos a british comedian when amos told francis that he didn't feel accepted in the catholic church because he's a sodomite did francis explain to him however gently and diplomatically that the church wasn't there to make him feel good but to lead him to salvation 00:22 did he tell him that we are all sinners who must constantly repent and conform our lives to the gospel of course not here's what the frankster told him quote we are all human beings and have dignity it does not matter who you are or how you live your life you do not lose your dignity unquote that was reported on april 19 2019 link is in the show notes so obviously amos was overjoyed at being told that he can just stay in mortal sin and all will be well the problem is those who die in the state of mortal sin go to hell dignity or no dignity of course there's also a great double standard here 00:23 if instead of being a same-sex pervert amos were a hardcore racist who engages in human trafficking and in the exploitation of migrants who oppresses the poor defrauds his employees and trashes the environment for the sake of greed do you really think francis would have told him it doesn't matter who you are or how you live your life you don't lose your dignity of course not and so you see that this bergolian mercy or accompaniment or whatever you want to call it is applied only very selectively to those sins bergoglio doesn't have much of a problem with yeah see francis is very one-sided for example he speaks about the devil but never about hell he speaks about the earth but rarely ever about heaven he speaks about mercy and forgiveness but he never mentions what qualities our 00:24 repentance must have in order for us to be eligible for forgiveness francis always just mentions asking god for forgiveness as if that were enough well it's not enough in fact while i was preparing this podcast francis doubled down on this in a speech he gave on april 23rd to pilgrims of the pastoral community of our lady of tears here's what he said quote such is the heart of god god is waiting waiting for what for forgiveness to forgive us he is restless he is incorrigible he wants to forgive to forgive he only asks that we ask him for forgiveness unquote and that was a computerized translation because as of the time of this recording the vatican hasn't yet released an official english translation so if by the time you look into this if at that point there is an official 00:25 translation it will probably be slightly different so just be aware of that so francis keeps saying that all you need to do to be forgiven is ask god for forgiveness that is totally false to be forgiven of mortal sin it is not enough to simply ask god for forgiveness nor is it enough to go to confession strictly speaking because you can go to confession and not be properly disposed the church teaches that our contrition must have the following qualities in order to be able to receive a valid absolution it must be interior supernatural universal and sovereign in the show notes you'll find a link to an article on contrition from the catholic encyclopedia that explains all that and i'm not trying to cause people to have scruples 00:26 i'm just saying it's wrong for francis to always give the impression that all that is required to be forgiven is to ask for forgiveness that's just not true but like i said francis ultimately doesn't care about the salvation of souls and you know what perhaps he doesn't even believe in god that would certainly explain a lot let's look at another example bergoglio's constant concern about the environment now it's obviously true that we ought not to trash the beautiful planet god has given us it is part of his creation and we are to subdue it but not exploit or destroy it okay fair enough that has some connection with the gospel 00:27 i guess but it's pretty remote now in 2015 francis published a super long encyclical on the environment called laudato c and in 2020 the vatican commemorated the fifth anniversary of that document which is ridiculous anyway because what what kind of an anniversary is year number five okay uh anyway the vatican commemorated the fifth anniversary of laudato c by launching a special laudato c year where they encouraged participation in all kinds of activities and raising awareness and they also presented a special prayer and now there's even ecological stations of the cross and whatnot it's insane well as saint john the baptist said he that is of the earth of the earth he is and of the earth he speaketh that's john 3 31 00:28 but hey even if one wants to say that this is important enough a topic for an encyclical and some special vatican effort well where were the special festivities for the 100th anniversary of saint pius the 10th encyclical against modernism now granite that was in 2007 under benedict xvi but of course he didn't do anything either but the 100th anniversary of the death of saint pius xi that happened under france's watch that was in august of 2014. what did francis do we're talking about the 100th anniversary of the death of a pope from the last century that is a canonized saint francis didn't so much as mention it not one syllable from the man that has something to say about every mudslide in 00:29 bolivia similarly you see absolutely no vatican effort being made to stamp out one of the greatest heresies afflicting the world in our day and that is religious indifferentism the idea that it doesn't really matter what you believe as long as you're sincere and as long as you have some kind of decent moral code especially in the western world that heresy is rampant and of course it's really apostasy because if it doesn't matter what you believe that means that there's salvation in pretty much any religion and that undermines all of catholicism at the very root and makes jesus christ not only irrelevant but also a liar how important it is to adhere to the true gospel of christ can be seen in countless passages of the new testament 00:30 and among them are the following you can look these up for yourself it's matthew 12 30 mark 16 16 acts 4 12 galatians 1 verses 8 through 9 and 2nd john 9 to mention just a few now of course we know why the vatican doesn't care about stamping out that heresy of indifferentism and that's because the novus ordo authorities in the vatican are actually in favor of it and none more than pope francis himself who declared in the document on human fraternity with the muslim grand imam ahmad al-tayib quote the pluralism and the diversity of religions color sex race and language are willed by god in his wisdom through 00:31 which he created human beings unquote so yeah now you know why francis and his gang constantly emphasize the secondary aspects of the gospel it's because they've repudiated the primary ones they've abandoned the central supernatural teachings of the gospel and so they must necessarily reduce the gospel to the humanitarian aspect of love of neighbor without however subordinating that love to the proper love of god just a few months before issuing his condemnation of modernism with the encyclical pashendi pope saint pius xi gave an address to cardinals gathered at the vatican in which he described the modernists as follows listen closely and see if this doesn't sound familiar quote 00:32 rebellious are those who profess and spread under subtle guises the monstrous errors regarding the evolution of dogma the return to the pure gospel that is to say stripped down as they say from the explanations of theology from the definitions of the councils from the maxims of asceticism and the emancipation from the church but in a new way without rebelling so as not to be cut off yet also without submitting so as not to violate their own convictions and finally concerning adaptation to the times in everything and speaking and writing and in preaching a charity without faith very accommodating to unbelievers which unfortunately opens the way to eternal ruin for all you can see venerable brothers how we 00:33 who must defend with all our strength that deposit entrusted to us have reason to be in anguish in the face of this attack which is not a heresy but the synthesis and the poison of all heresies which seeks to undermine the foundations of the faith and annihilate christianity and all these and a thousand other errors they propagate in pamphlets and magazines in ascetic books and even in novels and they wrap them in certain ambiguous terms in certain nebulous expressions in order always to leave a way open in their defense so as to avoid incurring an open condemnation and yet to take the unwary in their snares unquote that's from the elocution akoliamo of april 17 00:34 1907 by pope pius the 10th you'll find the link to the full text in the show notes folks does this not sound almost exactly like what we see in our day the inevitable consequence of the modernist heresy is the annihilation of the religion jesus christ founded now of course we know that the modernists cannot ultimately succeed because the catholic church and the catholic faith are indestructible but the point is that modernism is of such a nature that the foundations of the true religion are undermined by it and thereby the destruction of all dogmas is assured if this heresy of heresies is embraced and that is why catholicism has fallen apart since the second vatican council 00:35 because modernist ideas were introduced under the cover of ambiguity not only by words but also by actions and omissions by exaggeration by a shift of emphasis and similar tactics and the result is the utter mess that is the vatican ii church an institution that is a theological zoo in which just about anything goes except pre-vatican ii catholicism [Music] all right before we continue a few quick housekeeping items first i'd like to give a quick shout out to all of you dear souls out there who have been supporting the novus order watch apostolate financially spiritually and also with volunteer work and sharing our content you're very much appreciated and your work your generosity are the reason why we don't currently have to have special fundraising campaigns 00:36 that usually require a lot of time and energy so i'm very grateful for that anyone interested in making a financial contribution can do so at novelsardo watch.org slash donate novus ordo watch.org donate or simply go to the show notes and you will find a link there as well on another note in recent weeks i have been interviewed on two separate podcast shows so if you have not already seen or heard those you can check the links in the show notes one was with kevin davis at the catholic family podcast released on march 23rd and that's on video so if you've always wondered what i look like you'll be able to find out the other one was with stephen heiner on the true restoration podcast restoration radio 00:37 and it was released on april 18th and that one is audio only and uh the two interviews cover quite a bit of different ground the one with kevin davis is mostly about the work of novus ordo watch and a little behind the scenes stuff and some current issues and the one with stephen heiner is mostly about my person my background especially my conversion story from the novus ordo religion to real catholicism and also how novel sorta watch began in any case if you're interested you can check out those two podcasts the links are found in the show notes and lastly i apologize to all of you who've emailed novel sort of watch and are still waiting for a reply it's simply becoming more and more difficult to keep up with one-on-one correspondence there just aren't enough hours in the day all right and uh now i have an idea 00:38 we'll take a quick break and be right back it's not just a podcast it's a trap cast [Music] track cast [Music] are you a traditional catholic homeschooling family looking for a solid curriculum or are you just interested in great catholic books then visit saintjeromelibrary.org and learn more about our extensive traditional catholic offerings including lesson plans and materials for preschool to grade 12. [Music] operating since 2018 st jerome library and school is run by a traditional catholic city of a contest 00:39 family st jerome's school uses both classic and original books including works by our clergy such as bishop donald sanborn and the late father anthony chakata nothing should be compromised when it comes to the faith especially not our children's education visit st jerome library dot org that's s-t-j-e-r-o-m-e library dot org [Music] [Applause] [Music] we hope you are enjoying the sample of the motet felix nunchues from the album sacred choral music by nicholas wilton sung by the acclaimed english choir magnificat if you appreciate such a sacred choral music please support the traditional catholic composer nicholas wilton by buying a copy of his cd or purchasing downloads of individual 00:40 tracks from 4marksmusic.com that is f-o-u-r-m-a-i-k-s m-u-sic dot com or his website catholicmusic.co.uk there is more information and also new cdf's piano 00:41 music available on those websites [Music] track cast [Music] [Applause] and we're back again back with another segment of trotcast 32 it's a good thing you stuck around because there's lots more content coming at you now and we'll start with a few news items first kennedy hall colomniates citavocantism in an article posted at crisis magazine on april 8th 2022. it's called too many red pills can be bad for your health and init hall argues that it's a good thing to see through the lies and partial truths one has been fed so as to arrive at reality but that we 00:42 shouldn't overdo it and question reality itself and that he claims is what satavacantism does here's what he says quote we might see through an unhealthy ultramountainism or papalism in the church in recent decades but then we go one step further and begin to doubt the papacy as a whole falling into the new matrix of cedivacantism an ecclesial view based on partial even if convincing truths that require speculation about things we simply cannot know unquote now that's just garbage okay and let me say up front that i have no problem with someone who says that he's not convinced by the said of akana's position and believes it to be false so i'm okay with people criticizing said of accountism as long as the position is presented fairly and the criticism is 00:43 reasonable but that's not the case here cedivacantism is not a matter of doubting the papacy and if hall doesn't understand that he shouldn't be talking about it instead said evacantism is the very opposite of doubting the papacy it's actually taking the papacy extremely seriously so seriously in fact that we actually believe what the unquestionably true popes have taught about it say devakantism isn't a more extreme position than the recognize and resist position that hall espouses it is a fundamentally different position the said of a contest is not a le feverist who has decided that in addition to resisting the papal magisterium he's also going to throw out the popes themselves because who's going to stop him instead the saint of a contest is a catholic who recognizes per the 00:44 traditional teaching that all catholics must ascend to everything the pope teaches not just the infallible stuff and then tries to apply that to the supposed popes after pius xii and notices that that's not possible without at the same time abandoning the traditional catholic faith of two thousand years yes the novus ordo magisterium presents a new religion and even many recognize and resistors acknowledge that and therefore the said of a contest concludes necessarily that the apparent popes who have been imposing this new religion by their magisterium cannot possibly be true popes the only other conclusion would be that the doctrine of the papacy itself is false 00:45 but that would mean that catholicism is false and obviously that would be heresy and so we are said of a contest precisely because we believe in the papacy not because we doubt it we are said of a contest because with all our hearts we wish to be and forever remain catholics we believe in catholicism we believe in the papacy that is why we're said of a contest it's not because we've lost faith in the papacy no we believe in the papacy so much that we recognize that an apostate like jorge bergoglio doesn't qualify for the office and the results prove it so what kennedy hall did there is he grossly misrepresented the state of akanda's position he created a straw man he could easily knock down 00:46 but that's not honest and it's not right again it's fine if he wants to say that he doesn't believe cedivacantism is correct we can talk about that but then he needs to present it accurately and explain why he doesn't find the position convincing all right moving on on april 7th the conservative novus ordo publication the wanderer released an article by the reverend kevin cusick entitled heretical bishops must not be obeyed now when i came across that i chuckled because i thought isn't that interesting all of a sudden these people remember that one can in fact recognize a public and manifest heretic even without a legal church judgment see it's only when arguing against state of accountism that this issue about the legal declaration comes up 00:47 not really at other times although to be fair i don't know if this particular author the reverend cusick or even the wanderer as a whole has explicitly said in the past that one cannot say whether someone is a heretic without an official judgment both the author and the publication though are obviously opposed to sativacantism and that is typically one of the main arguments used against us that we can't say so and so is a heretic because there first need to be warnings and then the declaration or whatever so next time that comes up remind your opponent that even novus ordo clergy have no problem recognizing heretics when the heresy is manifest and in this particular article kusik is talking about the heresies of the german senator way and he says directly about the chief 00:48 german novus ordo bishop garrick betsing quote betzing is no longer catholic and can no longer be entrusted with the care of souls if he does not understand and believe that something remains true even if no one believes it unquote well kousik has a problem though his supposed pope believes betsing is a catholic and you know why because his pope isn't a catholic either [Music] all right next let's go to an article published on life site on march 17th 2022 by stephen cox the title is why i stand with archbishop vigano and his analysis of the russia ukraine conflict now don't worry i'm not interested in 00:49 the russia ukraine debate one way or another i just want to focus on something that the author said in that piece but before i do that let me mention that i have said for a while now that many semi-trads many recognize and resist traditionalists consider vegano much more of a pope than francis not of course in terms of him literally holding the office of the papacy but as far as following him reverencing him giving him attention and perhaps even a kind of obedience basically accepting him as a kind of de facto pope certainly way more than they ever would for francis in the show notes i've put three tweets from the past two years where i've said that where i've said that vegano is treated as a quasi-pope by many semi-trads 00:50 now let's look at what stephen cox wrote this is march 17 2022 and i quote let me say i believe archbishop vegano is the answer to decades of prayers and penance by catholics who have begged god to send them a prelate who can see through the lies of the world and guide them through the fog that has enveloped the church in this regard i view him as a sort of old testament prophet this isn't to say he's impeccable for no human being is but i can't recall a single public statement his excellency has made that doesn't read like one of the great social encyclicals of the 19th century even as critics would be hard-pressed to deny the gifts of the holy spirit are plainly visible in his writings it seems to me god is giving him graces otherwise reserved for a pope unquote and there you go they've got their de 00:51 facto prophet and their de facto pope now what does that say about their supposedly real pope well obviously the assistance of god is not visible in him in any way shape or form and there is nothing to distinguish him from any other non-pope now while we're on this topic let's take a look also at what jason morgan published over at the remnant the other day this piece is entitled say your prayers francis church and was put up on april 12th sad to say it is yet another manifesto of schizophrenic ecclesiology here are some quotations from the article quote the novus ordo regime what i have been calling new church left the company of the catholic church the moment traditions costodes went into 00:52 effect new church removed itself from the protective canopy of the mass and it stalled itself as a separate false church in opposition to the bride of christ until july 16th 2021 i prayed for new church so did many other catholics but now the prayers of the faithful and those of the novels ordo regime are at odds their prayers are the opposite of ours we do not pray in unison any longer traditions costodes ensures that we can't the fictive link has been abandoned new church has nothing to do with the catholic church new church's prayers are now insults to the living god and then a little bit later he says the novus ordo regime is the devil clothed investments laughing at christ crucified and at his mother at the foot of the cross those who are still in the pews at new church masses sink deeper into this 00:53 blasphemy with each passing day it is time to end new church let us have this thing out once and for all you say your prayers new church call on your idols and pretenders your false prophets and apostate priests unquote so remember the remnant is not said of a contest they recognize and resist they believe francis is the pope they believe the vatican institution is the catholic church they believe the people that make up the novus ordo regime are the legitimate roman catholic shepherds with ordinary jurisdiction okay so you can't make the stuff up this is completely messed up anti-catholic theology and yet the remnant prints this as top-notch traditional catholic 00:54 commentary and then when people take the stuff to heart and actually escape new church run away from it because they realize francis cannot be the pope why then michael matt the remnants editor comes out and yells at people for abandoning the church for giving up on christ remember that we covered this in trot cast number 29 where i presented some sound bites from mr matt and there's no need to repeat that all here you can just click on the link in the show notes that will take you to tratcast29 and uh it begins at the 39 minute 29 second mark track cast and now ladies and gentlemen we return to one of our most popular segments from the jorge's mouth [Music] 00:55 from the jorge's mouth [Music] from the jorge's mouth jorge being of course jorge bergoglio the man who deceives the world by presenting himself as the pope of the catholic church when in actual fact he is but a modernist apostate who teaches a lot of things but certainly not roman catholicism well well what do we have here on april 2nd 2022 francis took a quick trip to the island of malta where by the way they built a temporary ramp made of concrete and reportedly costing about 48 000 only for him for that particular visit so that francis and his motorcade could easily get off a catamaran and indeed that is what happened the 00:56 ramp was used for a total of 200 seconds and so it's already been demolished again because it was purposely built in such a way that it was not going to last so they tore it down again after it had served its purpose and you can find the link to the times of malta in the show notes and read all about it there yeah so francis went to malta on april 2nd and while he was there he also of course met with his fellow jesuits as is his custom for trips abroad where he lets them ask questions so he can then share his profound insights with the ears that are blessed enough to be present for the occasion and so one question was the following how do you connect evangelization and climate change yeah no doubt that is one of the burning questions all evangelists around the world are asking but 00:57 more interesting was france's answer he said quote not taking care of the climate is a sin against the gift of god that is creation for me it is a form of paganism it is using what the lord has given us for his glory and praise as if it were an idol not taking care of creation for me is like idolizing it reducing it to an idol detaching it from the gift of creation in this sense taking care of our common home is already evangelizing and it is urgent if things go on as they are now our children will no longer be able to live on our planet unquote you know this nonsense pretty much speaks for itself i mean what do you say to that 00:58 how do you take care of the climate the climate you can look this up in the dictionary the climate is the average weather conditions over a long period of time for a particular region so what he's saying is that if we don't try to influence the weather conditions in our area we're violating the divine law because that's what a sin is this is nuts and isn't it interesting how all of a sudden this jesuit apostate is concerned about sin well you know in his 2016 so-called apostolic exhortation amoris laetitia in paragraph 303 he claimed that sometimes god may actually want you to commit adultery that's fine according to the frankster no problem because when god said thou shalt not commit adultery well he didn't really mean it right he meant it would be good if you didn't 00:59 commit adultery most of the time so i guess there must have been an asterisk with that commandment a little footnote there but heaven forbid you're not doing your part to influence what the weather will be like in 50 years from now now that is serious business you're sinning bro i mean you just can't make the stuff up so francis says that for him not taking care of the climate like you would take care of grandma i guess not taking care of the climate is a form of paganism well since when does he have a problem with paganism and certainly not at the amazon senate in 2019 that's when paganism was brought into the churches of rome including especially saint peter's basilica in the vatican that's when the wooden figurines of the naked pregnant woman were worshiped in 01:00 the vatican gardens francis himself called them pachamama statues pachamama is a pagan earth goddess ah but hey he didn't have a problem with that because as he said later they weren't there with idolatrous intentions well that's nice but i guess if people don't buy into the climate hysteria then that's idolatry with idolatrous intentions why is anybody listening to this fool sorry folks but we're not done yet with the jorge's mouth on easter sunday francis unloaded some more of his infinite wisdom as part of a program broadcast on the state-run italian television channel ryuno the name of the program translates as faces of the gospels the english edition of vatican news put together a report on it 01:01 and there's just one thing i'd like to focus on that francis said and it's this quote there is a word that explains a feeling when there is an encounter or there is not an encounter when i encounter the lord in his word there is this feeling of amazement astonishment comes when you encounter the lord if you read the gospel intellectually as something historical you will never feel wonder astonishment is precisely the scent that god is passing by he leaves you with this many times we read a passage of the gospel and another time we fall on the same one but it doesn't matter because one day knock on wood you are touched by amazement and we understand what is behind it this is the presence of jesus jesus is present in the gospels he is present that's why you can't read it like a 01:02 novel or a collection of fairy tales no no but how do you feel the amazement do i have to take some pills someone may say to me no just take the gospel with simplicity and love and it will be god who will give you amazement unquote well that was just amazing wasn't it look this may sound really sweet and spiritual at first but it's actually quite shallow and in fact dangerous why is that does god not amaze us oh yes he does do we not encounter christ when we read the gospel yes we do however a particular feeling or experience of amazement or encounter cannot be the basis of our faith because feelings and experiences are subjective 01:03 and can be caused by all sorts of things so what's wrong with what francis said let's go through it step by step so he said when i encounter the lord in his word there is this feeling of amazement well that may or may not be so what qualifies as encountering the lord in his word anyway is it simply reading the scriptures and if so what if i do not feel this amazement maybe i'm not feeling well maybe i'm bedridden and suffering greatly because of a terminal illness right so if i don't experience this feeling of amazement what does that mean does that mean god doesn't love me that god has abandoned me that i'm going to hell francis simply claims that there is an experience of amazement but as soon as you ask some simple rational questions 01:04 about it you can see how quickly it all falls apart so he says further astonishment comes when you encounter the lord again it's another assertion made without evidence of course the term encounter is subjective already and he doesn't define it so it's not even clear what that's supposed to mean not all encounters are positive by the way okay the inhabitants of sodom and gomorrah also encountered the lord and it didn't go so well anyway let's just assume as true francis's claim that astonishment comes when you encounter the lord you know what astonishment also comes from all kinds of other encounters the devil too can astonish you ask adam and eve so can your spouse by the way or your boss the car in front of you or the irs so that doesn't get us anywhere 01:05 bergoglio's sentimental metaphorical assertion that astonishment is precisely the scent that god is passing by is perhaps quite poetic but it really has no substance it's just fluff it sounds good but there's nothing there so francis says that you can feel the presence of jesus when you have this astonishment this experience of wonder right he says just take the gospel with simplicity and love and it will be god who will give you amazement well whether or not god chooses to give you a perceptible consolation is up to him and that will depend on whether such consolation is even good for you because it's easy to get attached to feelings and in the end you're looking for feelings rather than for god right so i mean that's a certain danger but francis of course makes it seem like experience and 01:06 encounter is what it's all about well if that were so then what do you do if say a mormon tells you that he gets this kind of experience this amazement this encounter stuff when reading the book of mormon or a christian scientist when reading the writings of mary baker eddie or a jehovah's witness when reading the watchtower or a muslim when reading the quran or a jew when reading the talmud well it's checkmate france's subjective experience-based theology can justify any religion it's modernist in fact let's have a quick look at pope saint pius the tense encyclical against modernism because he speaks about the role subjective experience plays in the modernist system he writes quote what is to prevent such experiences from being found in any religion in fact 01:07 that they are so is maintained by not a few on what grounds can modernists deny the truth of an experience affirmed by a follower of islam will they claim a monopoly of true experiences for catholics alone indeed modernists do not deny but actually maintain some confusedly others frankly that all religions are true unquote that's from the encyclical pashendi issued in 1907. it's paragraph number 14. yes so francis theology logically leads to saying that all religions are true and now you know why francis has said that religious differences are necessary that god wills there to be a diversity of religions and that the different religions manifest the richness of 01:08 different ways of coming to god yes he really said all of these things check the show notes jorge bergoglio is a modernist [Music] and last but definitely not least i'd like briefly to talk about a curious scripture passage found in the old testament i'm talking about isaiah's chapter 22 and this is something someone on twitter made me aware of a while back and i'm afraid i don't even remember who it was so i can't give credit here but i really thought i should bring it up before we look at a few verses of isaiah 22 let's first recall what our blessed lord said to simon peter at caesarea philippi in matthew 16 verses 18 and 19 quote and i say to thee that thou art peter and upon this rock i will build my 01:09 church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and i will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth it shall be bound also in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth it shall be loosed also in heaven unquote now this as we know announces the institution of the papacy with simon peter being designated as the first pope which office was conferred on him after the resurrection when christ told him feed my sheep feed my lambs that's in john 21 15 through 17. now the giving of the keys of heaven to saint peter is prefigured in the old testament in isaiah's chapter 22 verses 20 through 22 as follows quote and it shall come to pass in that day 01:10 that i will call my servant eliakim the son of helsius and i will clothe him with thy robe and will strengthen him with thy girdle and will give thy power into his hand and he shall be as a father to the inhabitants of jerusalem and to the house of judah and i will lay the key of the house of david upon his shoulder and he shall open and none shall shut and he shall shut and none shall open unquote this passage is traditionally understood to be a foreshadowing of the papacy and it's easy to see why eliakim mentioned here was the regent the administrator of the kingdom of judah while king manassas was in the hands of the assyrians and so eliakim received the power of the keys meaning the power to rule in the king's stead during his absence which 01:11 foreshadows the papacy in as much as the pope is the vicar of christ while our heavenly king is absent from this world so to speak until he returns in glory to judge the living and the dead so that's the traditional understanding but that's not even what i want to focus on here i'm just mentioning this for context for background because the passage in isaiah 22 continues and that's where it gets really interesting listen to this quote and i will fasten him him being eliakim and i will fasten him as a peg in a sure place and he shall be for a throne of glory to the house of his father and they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father's house diverse kinds of vessels every little vessel from the vessels of cups even to every instrument of music 01:12 in that day saith the lord of hosts shall the peg be removed that was fastened in the short place and it shall be broken and shall fall and that which hung thereon shall perish because the lord hath spoken it unquote that's isaiah's 22 verses 23 through 25. now if we remember that eliakim's role is foreshadowing the papacy this could be foreshadowing the time when the papacy is removed is taken out of the way for a time to allow the mystery of iniquity to advance as is prophesied in 2 thessalonians chapter 2. now with that in mind let's look at that passage again and this time i'm using the monsignor ronald knox translation to make it easier to understand quote i will fix him securely in his place 01:13 like a peg that is to carry all the royal honor of his father's house all the honor of his father's house will rest upon him as a man's goods rest on a pig the smaller of them hear a cooking pan there an instrument of music a day is coming says the lord of hosts when the pig that was once securely fixed will be dislodged from its place suddenly it must break and fall and all that hung from it be ruined the lord decrees it unquote isn't that an interesting scripture passage to be clear i am not claiming that this is definitely a prophecy of our state of prolonged state of akante all i would say is that such an interpretation of the passage seems possible and in what i've researched i have not seen anything that would rule it out as a possibility and of course many scripture passages 01:14 have more than one meaning right because there are different senses of scripture so it's not like it can only mean one thing in any case whatever all the possible meanings of this passage may be it's very clear that in the roman catholic church the pope is the linchpin the peg as it were holding everything together remove him for a long period of time and it all falls to pieces the last 60 years have proved that beyond the shadow of a doubt but let that not be a reason for sadness much less for despair because all this only serves to prove and confirm the truth of the holy roman catholic religion and with that we've come to the end of trapcast 32 thank you for listening i hope it was worth your time 01:15 and maybe you want to tell others about it keep in mind friends don't let friends be nova zordo [Music] also remember to check the show notes for all the documentation of today's content and please tune in again next time until then god bless [Music] 01:16 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] 01:17 [Applause] [Music] so [Music] track cast [Music] you