00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the novus ordo watch track cast [Music] you can't make the stuff up [Music] there may be a lot of bad news out there these days but here's some good news for a change it's time for another trapcast 00:01 the traditional roman catholic podcast that mops the floor with jorge bergoglio and other false popes and false prophets of the vatican ii church [Music] [Applause] thank you for tuning in this is episode number 33. and now let's get started on february 18th of this year there was an 80-minute live special broadcast on churchmilitant.com on the topic is bergoglio really the pope hosted by michael voris now of course you know how he answered that question but that's not the interesting thing here in fact the show wasn't directed so much 00:02 against set of accountism as against the increasingly popular belief that benedict xvi never resigned validly and therefore remains pope so to speak we've called this belief resignationism others have termed it benevocatism bene papism or the bip theory bip standing for benedict is pope anyway we're going to go ahead now and listen in on a few clips of that program because we just can't let michael voris get away with some of the stuff he said you know some people just have poor memory and i guess church militant was counting on that you'll know exactly what i mean in just a minute scandal must be confronted that means all scandals anything that can be seen as giving a permission to sin any sin and leaving the church counts as a sin as well as leading people out of the 00:03 church that's wicked and sinful as well ah good to know ironically however i remember a day and it wasn't all that long ago when practically everybody was bewildered by and denouncing france's scandals from the rooftops except church militant but not only was the michael voris operation silent then they actually had the gall to condemn those like us and also many non-sateva contests who were taking issue with francis as promoters of spiritual pornography yeah that's what they called it you see on their frequently asked questions page they used to have a link to a page called public criticism of the pope that page was updated a few times over the years until it was finally removed because you know they ended up doing the exact 00:04 thing they had been telling people for years was wrong to do but not to worry folks we've saved a few versions of that page over the years and we're putting links to some of the archived versions in the show notes for this episode tratcast 33 you can access the show notes if they're not already showing on your listening device at trackcast.org simply scroll down to trapcast33 click on that link and that will give you all you need for this show now together with links to some of the archived versions of this page this public criticism of the pope page we're also giving you the original link for what used to be that page so you can see what happens when you click that link now you're sent to a page that asks you to 00:05 make a donation to church militant how interesting well so let's have a quick look at the archived version of the public criticism of the pope page as it was publicly accessible on october 2nd 2017. at the very top we find a quote from saint catherine of siena quote even if the pope were an incarnate devil we ought not to raise up our heads against him but calmly lie down to rest on his bosom he who rebels against our father is condemned to death for that which we do to him we do to christ we honor christ if we honor the pope we dishonor christ if we dishonor the pope unquote yep saint catherine is exactly right it doesn't make a difference as to how immoral of a catholic the pope is as long as he truly is the pope 00:06 and for that he has to be a catholic obviously we must accept his teaching his laws his decisions for the church the case of jorge bergoglio is quite different though because bergoglio does not even profess the true faith he's a modernist through and through so it's not that he's a bad catholic he's not a catholic in any case church militant accepts francis as pope and at this point constantly mocks and criticizes him the very thing that saint catherine said was not permissible because we dishonor christ if we dishonor the pope yeah so church militant obviously had a little change of heart there because they are now disobeying and disagreeing with the saintly advice of saint catherine 00:07 anyway also on that page we find links to as many as six different episodes of michael voris's vortex program in which he makes the case that francis ought not to be criticized publicly that is followed by quite a few paragraphs of text from which i'm now going to quote a little bit quote it is our judgment that most catholics should neither read nor have easy access to articles and essays that could be judged insulting to the pope such writings should be published and reserved for those capable of engaging them without risk of damage to their faith in the church and the vicar of christ we make these recommendations for the same reasons that we discourage people from visiting said of a contest and pornography websites they are potential occasions of sin from which masters of the spiritual life 00:08 are unanimous in their recommendation of flight rather than fight they lead people to think or do things they would not otherwise have thought or done and almost without exception those things are harmful to one's spiritual life unquote so that approach too they have since abandoned since they themselves are now providing easy access to articles and essays that could be judged insulting to the pope as they put it a little further on we find this quote the church herself cannot be our enemy and that perception is precisely what trench and criticism of the pope invites and enables there may be apostasy throughout the church even at the very top but the church doesn't cease to be the church any more than our lord cease to be our lord during his passion and death 00:09 we shouldn't and don't need to go looking for reasons to lose faith in the church unquote so i guess that by reporting on francis's heresies blasphemies and other scandals church militant is now trying to get people to lose faith in the church is that it i mean come on you know either their approach was wrong then or it is wrong now in any case what a ridiculous ecclesiology they have hey look the church may be an apostasy but that doesn't mean it ceases to be the church because then the gates of hell would have prevailed i mean seriously do these people ever listen to themselves if you believe that the catholic church can spread apostasy then you've already lost faith in the church and that has nothing to do with oh you know it's the passion of the church well there's no doubt that the catholic church is undergoing her own mystical 00:10 passion right now but that does not mean she can start teaching heresy or that she can persecute the faithful or lead souls to hell our lord was cruelly scourged beaten and crucified but he did not betray his disciples he did not mislead anyone he did not suddenly preach a false gospel or do the work of the devil so there is no analogy between the passion of christ and the vatican ii church further on in the text church militant writes this quote those who relentlessly criticize the church her leaders and especially the holy father risk doing immense harm to the church herself and discouraging both potential converts and those struggling to stay faithful through the crisis that is all around us unquote 00:11 all right so much for scandal must be confronted scandal must be confronted and there's more quote a line must be drawn when it comes to harsh criticism of the holy father even when he says or does things that would invite appropriate criticism when said or done by those of lower ecclesiastical rank aaron priests and bishops can be replaced the pope cannot the pope represents and symbolizes the unity of the church in a way that bishops and priests do not unquote okay so again i suppose that's no longer the case now since church militant constantly bashes francis now and quite rightly so of course next church militant appeals to sacred scripture to make its case for refusing to report on bergoglio's heresies blasphemies and other scandals as of late 2017 when this page was still up 00:12 the argument being made is that francis is behaving somewhat like noah who ended up accidentally exposing himself after he drunk too much wine and cham one of his three sons told his brothers sem and japheth about it the passage in question is genesis chapter 9 verses 18 through 27 and i'm going to read that now from the douay-rheims version quote and the sons of noah who came out of the ark were sem cham and japheth and chem is the father of canaan these three are the sons of noah and from these was all mankind spread over the whole earth and noah a husbandman began to till the ground and planted a vineyard and drinking of the wine was made drunk and was uncovered in his tent which when cham the father of canaan had seen to wit that his father's nakedness 00:13 was uncovered he told it to his two brethren without but sem and japheth put a cloak upon their shoulders and going backward covered the nakedness of their father and their faces were turned away and they saw not their father's nakedness and noah awaking from the wine when he had learned what his younger son had done to him he said cursed be canaan a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren and he said blessed be the lord god of sem be canaan his servant may god enlarge japheth and may he dwell in the tents of sem and canaan be his servant unquote so this is a bit difficult to understand in this archaic language but essentially noah's son chem thought it was hilarious what his father had done and gossiped to his brothers about it whereas those brothers immediately went to cover him up so as to preserve or 00:14 restore his dignity and so church militant was making the argument that we should not be like cham and expose bergoglio's scandals but instead cover them up refuse to talk about them and so keep the dignity of the papacy intact here is what church militants said quote a strong case can be made that pope bashing sites and publications and those who write for them are walking in the footsteps of cham by telling others of their father's nakedness scripture gives us the example of sem and japheth who covered the nakedness of their father their faces were turned away and they saw not their father's nakedness the sons of noah knew that their father was naked but they chose to cover it unquote 00:15 so that was michael voris's position then right in as late as october of 2017 but that's all been abandoned since right now they're big time into the business of exposing the scandals of the quote unquote pope which is of course why they have since removed that page and by the way as far as covering up france's uh heresy scandals and blasphemies that really does give a whole new meaning to the term covering the news doesn't it and back then they were also saying this quote no good is served by giving people the impression that the pope is not catholic even if it can be alleged that there is reason to believe he is not trashing the holy father discourages those struggling to remain faithful to the catholic church as well as those considering conversion to the catholic church unquote okay so apparently then lots of good is now being served 00:16 by making clear that bergoglio is not a catholic and that no longer apparently discourages conversion to the vatican ii church interesting how things change now the last sentence on that public criticism of the pope page underwent a little adjustment over the years in the november 4th 2016 version of the page the last sentence read quote churchmilitant.com will not engage in public criticism of the pope period unquote by october 2nd 2017 roughly a year later that had morphed into quote churchmilitant.com will not engage in harsh public criticism of the pope period unquote and now well now they do in fact engage in harsh public criticism 00:17 of the man they believe to be the pope period okay now why am i bringing all of this up is it not permitted to change one's position of course it is but the reason i'm bringing it up is not because you know oh look vorace changed his position how dare he no it's because voris now pretends that he didn't change his position that he had always criticized francis from the very beginning and so with all of this background that i just gave you let's now go back and listen to the audio of the february 18th 2022 special broadcast of church militant live on whether francis is really the pope now lots of people are you know sort of have the opinion oh church military you know they don't say anything about the pope and all this sort of stuff and 00:18 everything let's be very clear first of all about our credentials church militant has resisted francis's bad papacy look at this list here these are just a smattering of various stories that we have done since he was elected in 2013. we have gone in great depth in the china deal and mccarrick's ties to it and mccarrick's you know horror and the nightmare of him and everything that he did we about him slamming tradition uh you know restoring mccarrick just a matter of weeks according to archbishop vegano uh we've you know covered that a matter of weeks after francis uh was elected uh his frightening embrace of homosexuality and people like james martin and you know saying civil unions are probably a good thing and all of that we've gone and covered all of the synods the extraordinary families uh centered on the family the ordinary synod of the family we confronted all kinds of you know cardinals and archbishops on everything who are towing the pope francis line guys bring the graphic back 00:19 up please if you could we have also uh you know we were the ones who broke the news that he told a high ranking obviously uh uh resident cardinal of rome quote i want the confusion church militant brought you that news because it was told directly to us other outlets picked it up we're the ones who told you those are direct words from pope francis himself and we're the ones who told you that we've told you about him covering up bad bishops promoting bad men demoting good ones so we're just putting all of this out here right now to let you know that we have viewed the pope francis papacy as very problematic from day one and we have treated it as best we can as loyal catholic oh really now from day one well let's see day one was march 13th 2013. that was a long time ago and in the very beginning not only was church militant not covering any of the bad stuff about bergoglio well 00:20 i guess they were actually covering it yes um no michael voris actually bent over backwards to spin francis into an ultra conservative remember that but those aren't the only comments homilies and remarks the holy father has made that are catholic in challenging catholics to be more stalwart and rigid yes rigid in their faith he said quote but when we start to cut down the faith to negotiate the faith a little like selling it to the highest bidder we take the path of apostasy of disloyalty to the lord did you hear that seminary formation teams bam pope francis talks like a pope like the successor to saint peter bam what a decisive thing to say my oh my there goes yet another pope being all catholic and all that yeah bam that was the famous bam vortex of may 6 2013 00:21 duly linked in the show notes so that is what michael voris was doing on day one so to speak other examples abound for instance in a video dated november 26 2013 vorace was making the case that after the first eight months francis was now advancing to the mature stage of his pontificate becoming francis the pope take for example these first few months of our holy father's pontificate he has been warmly embraced by atheists and rock stars and a fawning diabolical media seemingly with more thrills for him than even over obama heck even the child killer in chief was oozing over the vicar of christ recently but what is not being reported by the theological modernists and the social liberals is that pope francis is distancing himself now from the image that has been painted 00:22 of him by that crowd and becoming more of francis the pope as opposed to just warm and fuzzy pope francis now look i won't blame michael voris for allowing francis to mislead him with some conservative quotes but i do blame him for now claiming that he's been critical of francis from day one that's simply not true vorus was doing all he could to present francis as that modernist smacking super pope he never was in fact even as late as april 8th 2016 the day the scandalous exhortation amoris letizia was released church militant gave a rather positive presentation of the document and quick reminder here in the mars letitia bergoli slyly included a loophole 00:23 in paragraph 305 and especially footnote 351 a loophole that basically permits unrepentant adulterers to receive holy communion furthermore francis even says in paragraph 303 that people can legitimately arrive at the conviction that god desires them to commit adultery on account of the complexity of their situation so what did michael voris do did he rip the document to shreds did he expose all this not at all the church militant report on amors letitia simply cherry-picked the good and orthodox stuff and was silent on the rest you can see it for yourself because we put the link in the show notes what's particularly distasteful about that is that on march 21st 2013 vorace 00:24 was busy condemning the secular media for quoting francis selectively and so spin his message now many of the media and their secular slap dogs aren't so concerned or even believing that pope francis is going to come out and give his seal of approval boom to same-sex marriage or contraception or whatever but but but if they can keep the public mindset about him one of look how different he is from benedict it will be all the easier for them down the road to start selectively quoting from future sermons and encyclicals and whatever so they can spin his words now it is true that vorus and his gang did cover the controversy about amoris letizia especially what high-ranking prelate said about it and then the dubia and all that but church militant tried to do what they could to save francis to find an acceptable interpretation etc 00:25 in no way were they you know exposing how bad francis is from day one not at all in fact three days after the release of amoris leticia church militant writer bradley eli published an article on the church militant website entitled pope francis no communion for divorced and remarried catholics yes you heard that right that article was based on something francis had said in an interview a few weeks prior prior to the release of amoris letizia and so bradley eli was using those comments to now put spin on amors letitia and so that's exactly what i mean when i say that they were doing all they could to save francis now again i'm not trying to blame them for falling for bergoglio's misleading tactics i am blaming them for now pretending that they were critical of francis from the very beginning quite the contrary in fact the obvious 00:26 refusal on vorus's part to condemn francis for the very same things he was constantly blasting other high-ranking clerics for is what we nicknamed the vorus virus on novus order watch likewise it was because of michael voris's habit of ignoring france's scandals while happily reporting on the scandals of everyone else that we called his vortex program the ignore text and we had quite a few blog posts on that those are linked in the show notes as well at some point vorace then began to accuse those who were exposing francis as spiritual or ecclesiastical pornographers while presenting himself as the righteous one covering noah's nakedness now while it is true that church militant has exposed a lot of bad stuff from francis 00:27 that basically all didn't start until the middle of 2018 well over five years into bergoglio's reign of error so the report on when francis said i want the confusion yes it was church militant that broke that story but that wasn't until october 7th 2019 got the link in the show notes all right let's listen to some more from the church militant special live broadcast of february 18th 2022 we'd also like to remind you that of what we did almost five years ago in a vortex you holy father as every catholic must do and in a state of sin should accuse and judge yourself guilty now while you still have air in your lungs and dispose of the wicked heretics and sodomites you have shamelessly collected around yourself so that they may never have a role in electing your successor 00:28 then as your last act in office you should resign the papacy and spare holy mother church and the people of god any further harm and evil that you could inflict upon them that was five years ago so anybody who wants to say oh we don't really say anything about the pope hogwash we have been on this track from the very beginning wrong that was not five years ago mr vorus that video entitled church militant statement on the pope was published on august 27 2018. so late august 2018 through mid-february of 2022 that's more like three and a half years not five years it's amazing how voras could get that wrong considering he could have just looked up the date of publication on his own website where the video and the transcript were published or on youtube by the way 00:29 in response to that change of editorial policy at church militant a day later on august 28 2018 chris jackson published a blog post at the remnant entitled now that it's safe and five years late michael voris okays criticism of francis so vorus is definitely stretching the truth here for the sake of damage control again it's totally fine if you need to change your position changing one's position in the light of new evidence is a noble thing it's not something to be embarrassed about but if you do change your position then for heaven's sake admit it and don't pretend that you didn't but maybe michael voris thinks his viewers are idiots or simply have very poor memory all right let's go back to the audio of 00:30 the special broadcast of february 18 2022 the main topic of course is whether francis is really the pope or not vorus says that there are only four options and they are the following first benedict is still the pope which means francis is not number of catholics seem to hold that position benedict is not the pope but neither is francis because the conclaved was rigged and invalid number three the conclave was valid but pope francis at some point after becoming like becoming elected pope became a heretic and he is no longer the pope the sea is now empty and francis is pope but he's just a bad one leave this up for a moment guys and back the prompter up please he is one of only one of those four possibilities is the case when we 00:31 look at the question is he the pope or is he not that's it and that is already not correct the one position that actually corresponds to the facts here was not mentioned by michael voris let's review he says there are only these four possible options francis isn't pope because benedict xvi says francis isn't pope because the conclave was rigged and therefore invalid francis isn't pope anymore because he lost the papacy on account of heresy and francis is the pope but a really bad one those are the four positions mentioned by vorus now next he proceeds to explain why the first three of these four options are not correct and the fourth one is yet the truth is that none of these four scenarios is actually the case the true 00:32 position is that francis isn't the pope because he is by divine law incapable of being pope regardless of who or how many people elected him back in 2013 he was already a public and manifest heretic an obvious non-catholic and here i want to leave out of consideration the question of what's called sade privationism which is basically a subset of cedivacantism which holds that francis was technically elected but could not validly accept the election okay at the end of the day all said of a contest are in agreement that the 2013 conclave did not produce a true pope not because it was rigged but either because it was unlawful altogether being simply a gathering of modernist pseudo-cardinals or as the said privationists told it was a meeting of valid electors but the man they 00:33 designated did not in fact become pope so ironically the one position michael voris does not address in the special broadcast on whether bergoglio is the pope is the state of a contest position that's why i didn't even bother covering this on on the novel sort of watch blog at the time because for the most part it really was not a challenge to say devakantism now you might say well wait a minute vorace's third scenario is that francis lost the papacy on account of heresy and that's the state of akana's position but it's not i have yet to encounter a single state of a contest who believes that francis was elected and started out as pope as a true pope but then lost the pontificate on account of heresy i mean the heresy was already front and center when he was novel sort of archbishop of buenos aires in argentina for example in an interview book 00:34 published in 2010 which he co-authored with his friend abraham skorka who is a jewish rabbi by the way bergoglio says this quote the church officially recognizes that the people of israel continue to be the chosen people nowhere does it say you lost the game now it is our turn unquote you can find that in the book on heaven and earth english translation published in 2013 page 188 now that is heresy because it is directly contrary to divine revelation i mean the new testament is filled with references to the old covenant being over and the church being the new chosen people the catholic church let me just mention one single passage 00:35 and this is uh matthew 21 43 where our blessed lord himself says to the jews quote therefore i say to you that the kingdom of god shall be taken from you and shall be given to a nation yielding the fruits thereof unquote and of course to claim that the old covenant is still valid still operative for the jews also implies that jesus christ is not the messiah or that he is the messiah but that he lied when he said i am the way and the truth and the life no man cometh to the father but by me that's john 14 6. anyway to return to michael voris for this third scenario about francis losing the pontificate on account of heresy he goes off on taylor marshall who had been arguing that francis spoke heresy when he said that no one can exclude himself from the church that even 00:36 heretics and apostates are part of the communion of saints voris makes the point that although it's clearly wrong that teaching of francis does not rise to the level of heresy okay fine let's grant that but then even if that one doesn't there's five million other things francis has said and taught that do rise to the level of heresy but of course vorus only focuses on that particular one how convenient hey if you want to see a whole laundry list of bregolian heresies errors blasphemies and other scandals go ahead and check the show notes for a link entitled the facts about pope francis and yes we're talking real heresies here for example on june 26 2016 on the return flight from armenia francis held 00:37 a press conference aboard airhead one and explicitly affirmed that he believes that martin luther was right on the doctrine of justification here's what he said quote i think that the intentions of martin luther were not mistaken he was a reformer perhaps some methods were not correct and i'm skipping ahead a little bit today lutherans and catholics protestants all of us agree on the doctrine of justification on this point which is very important he did not air unquote and by he he was referring to martin luther now that is explicit pertinacious heresy because obviously francis knows that martin luther's doctrine of justification was condemned infallibly by the council of trent so it really 00:38 doesn't get much more heretical than that we're talking about a doctrine condemned by anathemas and there you have francis saying that luther was right and effectively trent was wrong now of course the typical objection you will hear at this point is that oh well that was just francis speaking informally at a press conference that's not a magisterial document okay let's grant that that press conference wasn't part of his magisterium which is questionable by the way because he has said in the past that whenever he speaks it's magisterial but okay let's grant that this was not an exercise of the magisterium so what it's still heresy it's still francis telling us what he believes just like martin luther told the world what he believes 00:39 so if luther was a heretic for saying it then so is francis and no there does not have to be a canonical warning given first before one could say that francis is being pertinacious first if we assume he is pope then no warning could be given him because for a warning to be canonical and effective it has to come from a superior and the pope of course has no superior on earth second the purpose of a warning is to ensure that the person who uttered heresy is aware that what he said is contrary to church dogma but in france's case it's already clear that he is aware of that for one thing because it's his job to be aware more than anyone else's on earth actually and secondly because it's simply inconceivable that 00:40 he wouldn't know that martin luther was condemned as a heretic by the church and thirdly because he's speaking in the very context of overcoming the divide between catholics and lutheran's unjustification so there is no way you can say that francis isn't being pertinacious here he's making clear that in the debate between martin luther and the council of trent he agrees with luther now keep in mind what we read in the book moral theology 1958 edition by the dominican fathers john a mchugh and charles j callan in article number 829 b the authors write quote for formal heresy it is not required that a person give his ascent out of malice or that he continue an obstinate rejection for a long time or that he refused to heed admonitions given him 00:41 per tenacity here means true consent to recognized error and this can proceed from weakness for example from anger or other passion it can be given in an instant and does not presuppose an admonition disregarded unquote yes got it linked in the show notes now there's no need to go through everything michael voris says in his documentary since like i said it's not really interacting with the state of akana's position anyway and some of it is just so weird and dumb so obviously false that it doesn't really require a refutation for example one of the things he says is that if benedict the 16th were secretly still the pope then any bishops appointed by francis would not be 00:42 validly ordained that's just embarrassingly stupid and it's amusing too because he's saying this while he's blasting other people for their theological errors it's hilarious anyway there are a few more sound bites though from that special church militant broadcast that i think are important enough to comment on and so we'll look at those and then we'll finally go to a break and move on in the course of his presentation about how bergoglio has supposedly not been proven to be a heretic michael voris shows himself very concerned about scandal and he claims that to say that francis is a heretic is a huge scandal to souls that leads people out of the church here's what he says the scandal caused two souls whatever the scandal is a scandal is 00:43 something that so weakens somebody's faith that they believe in their mind they now have permission to go sin god hates sin and this is why scandal must be opposed because it leads to sin okay so by that definition of scandal mr boris which of the following two scenarios do you think will incite people to sin the idea that the mother earth worshiping blasphemer who agrees with martin luther permits holy communion for adulterers encourages sodomites in their lifestyles and tells jews they have their own valid covenant with god is indeed the vicar of christ on earth who keeps the gates of hell from prevailing and whom we should follow or is not in fact the vicar of christ and just a charlatan whom we should not follow which of these two scenarios do you think michael voris is more likely to ruin people's faith in catholicism and so put their souls in 00:44 danger to ask the question is to answer it people can lose their faith weak souls can be so damaged by such an announcement that it becomes a great sin it is a great sin to lead souls out of the church or to dissuade them from coming in what man calls himself a good catholic would want to chance standing before our blessed lord the judge with that on his soul now of course here vorus is just begging the question obviously if bergoglio is not the pope then you can't lead anyone out of the catholic church by demonstrating that he's not the pope in fact if bergoglio is not the pope then it is a great act of charity to say so and then michael voris is actually the one endangering souls by arguing 00:45 otherwise and keeping people attached to the apostate from buenos aires it is precisely by pointing out that francis is a false pope that we help people not to quit catholicism francis is the one literally scandalizing souls left and right precisely because all the evil he does is understood to be coming from the pope that's what scandalizes people so making the case that francis is not the pope actually helps to undo all the scandal all right one final thing from michael voris church militant is not talking about we shouldn't be resisting the pope when he's in error we're not talking about not correcting whatever a pope may say that's stupid or incorrect or confusing or misleading or whatever we've been doing that all the time oh that is good 00:46 to know mr voris by the way what about this we are assured by the son of god that the church and the church in the person of the pope cannot preach error yeah that was from a vortex episode called attacking the pope broadcast on march 21st 2013 so long ago alright it's time to take a quick break from the madness and we will return in just a few moments don't go anywhere [Music] ignore this podcast at your own risk trackcast is a production of novusortowatch.org we watch the vatican 2 church so you don't have to go to novusardo watch.org novus novusortowatch.org and see for yourself 00:47 that the vatican ii church is not in fact the catholic church of the ages [Music] we hope you are enjoying the sample of the motet felix nanques from the album sacred choral music by nicholas wilton sung by the acclaimed english choir magnificat if you appreciate such a sacred choral music please support the traditional catholic composer nicholas wilton by buying a copy of his cd or purchasing downloads of individual tracks from 4marxmusic.com that is f-o-u-r-m-a-i-k-s m-u-sic dot com or his website catholicmusic.co.uk there is more information and also a new cd of his 00:48 piano music available on those websites [Music] trap cast [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey thanks for sticking around 00:49 [Music] this is trap cast number 33 the traditional roman catholic podcast where we are not more catholic than the pope just more catholic than the antipope [Music] you know there's been a barrage of online material against cedivacantism recently especially coming from the website one peter 5. it seems like at least once a week or so there's some new article coming out against you know ultra montanism hyper uber papalism poetry that dreaded spirit of vatican one or on the limits of papal infallibility whatever it's like an obsession it seems and i think i know why probably because more and more people are becoming said of a contest people are starting to figure it out and 00:50 that is very bad news for the semi-trads the recognize and resist people ironically though the editor of one peter 5 timothy flanders just said this in a live streamed video broadcast of august 8th 2022 this is important for us today because like saint maximilian we we may see the masons completely surrounding saint peter's basilica we may see them with their satanic parade boasting that the pope will be the slave of satan we may see it in so many words and so many scandals out there but the more violently the storms engulf the rock of peter the more we believe in the rock of peter uh no you don't you don't i don't even know how you could say that with a straight face 00:51 it is precisely because they don't believe in the papacy that they've been rethinking it and their own dr peter kwaznievsky has been at the forefront of it his recent two-volume anthology the road from hyper papalism to catholicism is subtitled rethinking the papacy in a time of ecclesial disintegration now t.s flanders may have convinced himself that he and his fellow semi-trads are standing firm in their belief in the papacy while the masonic armies are surrounding saint peter's but the truth is that they actually agree that it is evident that the masons are now inside saint peter's and that the so-called pope is now himself spouting masonic doctrine that's what all their resistance is about 00:52 they're not standing firm against the masons they think the masons have been successful in getting the vicar of christ himself now to promote the ideas of the lodge so they have actually abandoned faith in the papacy by their stubborn refusal to let go of the idea that francis is in fact the pope meanwhile the remnant long a recognize and resist publication that has always opposed sedivacantism is easing up a little on july 29th of this year chris jackson posted a long article entitled how about we keep the papacy and dump bergoglio now that of course is precisely what we've been saying here on this podcast and on nova's auto watch for years and yet it always fell on deaf ears and especially on the deaf ears of chris jackson 00:53 so what changed i'd be curious to know and also considering that john salza and robert cisco have written articles against state of akkantism in the remnant for years i i guess that's an admission now that their argumentation really wasn't that convincing after all in any case jackson does not quite make the said of akana's case but he's at least waded far into said of a contest territory which was always anathema to the remnant in the past so we're glad to see this initial opening to sanity on the part of the remnant now and hopefully they'll eventually all come to understand that you cannot do both retain the true catholic faith and accept francis as pope just as a matter of logic the one or the other has to go 00:54 in any case it seems that the remnant is producing all kinds of contradictory stuff now and i don't know how their readership is taking it but it's just a complete mess at this point let me illustrate what i mean for example on february 10th 2022 the remnant published an article called the tragedy of new church by their tokyo correspondent jason morgan in that piece morgan denounces that vatican ii church as follows and i'm i'm summarizing and paraphrasing here using my own words i'm not quoting but this is what he says he says that new church the vatican ii church he calls it new church is inherently contradictory a humanistic man-made institution has a modernist identity thwarts or destroys whatever good people would do is not the catholic church 00:55 was born in schism rupture chaos duplicity misdirection and bifurcation is a sham is a mockery a mock-up of catholicism has diversity as its god just like satan compels the vatican to persecute christians has set up a false mass in place of the true mass is an exiled camp of lost souls maybe the ape of the catholic church is a stand-in for the real church and has a pope that may be the antichrist okay so all of that is asserted by jason morgan in his tragedy of new church article of february 22nd published in the remnant and yet two months prior the editor of the remnant michael j matt wrote this 00:56 quote even if we wanted to leave the church which we do not that would not help the situation since there would then be even less opposition from within we must stay on in order to expose and oppose these infiltrators unquote and in april of 2021 matt had written quote ours is not a call to leave the church and it never can be and it never will be our fathers in the faith watched christ die on the cross and then went on to build his church not abandon it and also we cannot abandon the catholic church because of one bad pope or 1 000 bad bishops unquote so which is it remnant is the vatican ii church the 00:57 indefectable roman catholic church that alone has the true worship and outside of which there is no salvation or is it a diabolical apostate new church that offers to god a counterfeit mass ruins people's faith and tries to drag souls to hell at every opportunity see this is about so much more than just the status of one single individual jorge bergoglio this is about the catholic church the mystical body of christ and the remnant wants to have it both ways on the one hand they're preaching that the vatican ii church is the mystical body of christ hanging on the cross that we must not abandon and yet on the other hand they're preaching that the vatican ii church is basically the mystical body of the antichrist which we must flee and detest and 00:58 denounce jason morgan writes those who want to remain catholic will have to find their way out of new church at some point michael matt on the contrary writes why francis will never run me out of my church well hello this is the blind leading the blind by the way you can find all of these things linked in the show notes now fast forward to june 28th 2022 the remnant publishes an article by robert morrison entitled keeping the faith at the intersection of indefectability and grim reality in that write-up the author candidly states that the vatican ii church which he apparently believes to be the catholic church appears to have defected and then he tries to reconcile that somehow with the catholic doctrine of the indefectability of the church morrison writes quote 00:59 teachings on indefectability lead some catholics to believe that the church has defected based on the current crisis after all the vast majority of catholics would identify the visible church to be the one led by francis and his apostate colleagues animated by the anti-catholic spirit of vatican ii and following a sentinel path to hell unquote and then a little later the same author says quote satan wants us to conclude that the church has defected which is perhaps why our lord promised us that it never would unquote and then in the last paragraph of that article he writes quote something would be amiss if satan and his minions were not trying to convince us to abandon the fight by thinking 01:00 that the church had been defeated unquote so maybe robert morrison and michael matt could have a chat with jason morgan about not putting out contradictory narratives in the same you know traditional catholic newspaper right now look obviously we live in very difficult and confusing times and you can't expect any publication to get everything right all the time that's understood and of course different contributors may have somewhat different views on things but for heaven's sake whether or not the vatican ii church is the indefectable roman catholic church outside of which there is no salvation or an apostate counterfeit from hell that ruins people's faith hope and charity surely a consistent position on that fundamental question isn't too much to ask 01:01 on july 28th of this year the remnant published another article by morrison entitled can we accurately diagnose the bergoglio disorder afflicting the church the diagnosis the author ends up giving is the following quote bergoglio is the anti-catholic man permitted by god to wield power over the mystical body of christ as the reputed pope in service of satan and the globalists to advance the crisis in the church through a calculated process of destruction which causes many souls to be lost but which will ultimately purify the church unquote okay now let's contrast these words with pope pius xii description of the pope okay the pope as such meaning any pope quote 01:02 the pope has the divine promises even in his human weaknesses he is invincible and unshakeable he is the messenger of truth and justice the principle of the unity of the church his voice denounces errors idolatries superstitions he condemns iniquities he makes charity and virtue loved unquote again that's pope pius xii from the address ancora una volta of february 20th 1949. so let's see we have a description of what bergoglio is and does and we have a description of what the pope is and does now who in his right mind can't see that these two descriptions are inherently incompatible meaning 01:03 they're mutually exclusive obviously if francis is an anti-catholic servant of satan and the globalists advancing a calculated process of destruction of the mystical body of christ to the eternal damnation of many souls then he is not at the same time the invincible messenger of truth and justice who enjoys the divine assistance even amidst human weakness and who condemns error idolatry and iniquity and makes charity and virtue loved ladies and gentlemen as the apostasy and the vatican organization progresses the recognize and resist position which had been the mainstream traditionalist position for so long is making less and less sense its stubborn defenders are trying at all costs to maintain a position that insists on the one hand 01:04 that bergoglio is the pope and unless you accept that you're no longer a catholic but on the other hand that you cannot actually adhere to his magisterium without running the grave risk of basically being led to hell and that's just absurd on its face because the papacy is not just a label to say someone is the pope means he is the one governing the christian flock and he must be followed because he governs with the authority of christ it is christ himself who guarantees that by following the pope we will not be misled so reason itself leads to the conclusion that either francis is the pope and then what he teaches is entirely safe for a catholic to accept or his teaching is dangerous infernal garbage 01:05 and then he is not in fact the pope but what you cannot have is the in-between position that he is the pope and it's still garbage as i've said in a prior podcast you know you really can't lose being a state of a contest because just assume for a minute that francis were in fact the pope well then what does any of this matter if francis is the pope then atheists can go to heaven then protestant sects are used by the holy ghost as means of salvation then human fraternity is the anchor of salvation and then god wills there to be a diversity of religions so why not also say evocatism if basically everyone goes to heaven anyway because being a christian is only one way of coming to god and not about adhering to a doctrine anyway if it's all about soup kitchens and 01:06 caressing the elderly and if the jews have their own valid covenant with god well then who cares if you go to the latin mass and believe in the old catechism if everything francis teaches is true then you might as well be a state of a contest because then you won't go to hell for that either bam if on the other hand francis is not the pope well then you really want to be a state of a contest so really it's a win-win what is definitely not possible in all of this is that francis is the pope and you're required to accept him to be saved but that you must at the same time refuse him submission and flee his teachings his laws and his canonizations likewise as a matter of eternal salvation right that position is completely nuts in fact let me go one step further and 01:07 say something funny but true even if francis is the pope he's not the pope ha what do i mean by that i mean that if francis were to meet all the criteria for being a true pope and he could still do what he's doing like you know teach heresy in his official magisterium and canonize public sinners as saints and so on then the catholic teaching about the papacy would obviously be false and that would mean that catholicism is false which would likewise mean that our lord did not in fact institute the papacy but if our lord did not institute the papacy then there is no such thing as a real pope then it's just a human invention 01:08 so even then francis would not be the pope but don't worry our lord is truly god and he truly founded the roman catholic church and he truly instituted the papacy jorge bergoglio just happens not to be a valid holder of that office hey it's a necessary conclusion and you know what else it's also a marvelously liberating conclusion to know that that stinkin apostate does not in fact hold the chair of saint peter don't let francis play with your soul unless you reject his claim to being a valid pope he will lead you either into the sin of heresy by making you agree with his manifestly false doctrines or into the sin of schism by making you separate from the man you 01:09 believe to be the pope there is only one way out of this dilemma recognize that jorge mario bergoglio is a lot of things but pope of the catholic church isn't one of them and with that we've come to the end of a very busy tradcast 33. thank you for being a part of it and if you found it helpful please don't forget to tell others about it [Music] friends don't let friends be novus ordo 01:10 until next time god bless you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 01:11 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] track cast you