00:00 [Music] and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the novos Ordo watch trapcast [Music] you you can't make the stuff up [Music] ladies and gentlemen trotcast is back 00:01 with episode number 34. let that sink in welcome everyone proponents and opponents of city vacantism and those who are unsure of what to think about it all this podcast is for you [Music] foreign if you've been wondering how things are going in the Vatican II church with 00:02 regard to ecumenism how much all of that journeying has accomplished in the last six decades let me point you to a new story that just came out on November 18th the title is why Catholics and Orthodox might once again celebrate Easter on the same date when I saw that headline on my screen it hit me they've been doing ecumenism for 60 years and they cannot even agree on what day of the year to celebrate Christ's Resurrection but hey they think that if they dialogue and pray long enough then eventually they'll come to an agreement on Dogma such as whether the Holy Ghost proceeds from the father and the son or from the father only in fact if you've been following this podcast and the novel's auto watch 00:03 website for a while you may recall this story from January of 2017 when the head of the vatican's ecumenical office the so-called Cardinal Kurt lamented that there was no consensus among the various parties at The ecumenical table regarding even so much as the goal of ecumenism in other words they can't even agree on why they're talking to each other it's insane in a talk given on January 10th 2017 at the theological faculty of potter-born Germany Cox said that there are about as many ideas about the goal of ecumenism as there are concepts of what the church is or should be he said and I quote each church and ecclesial Community has its own specific ideas about what church and church unity mean and each strives to turn its 00:04 denomination specific concept into the goal of ecumenism this means that the lack of agreement about the goal of the ecumenical movement is essentially rooted in the fact that an ecumenical understanding about the nature of the churches and church Unity is largely wanting unquote very very interesting but you know what's even more interesting even though they all disagree on what the goal of ecumenism is they all agree on what it is not namely conversion to the Roman Catholic religion how ironic because that of course is the only permissible long-term goal that any dialogue with Protestant or Orthodox denominations could have 00:05 and yet the only Orthodox position regarding that is the one rejected by all the ecumenical participants including the Vatican in late 1949 the holy office under Pope Pius XII issued an instruction on The ecumenical movement that was already blossoming everywhere and this instruction issued to the Catholic Bishops of the world made clear that when discussing religious matters with Protestants quote the whole and entire Catholic Doctrine is to be presented and explained by no means is it permitted to pass over in silence or to veil in ambiguous terms the Catholic truth regarding the nature and way of justification the constitution of the church the Primacy of jurisdiction of the Roman pontiff and the only true Union by The Return of the dissidence to 00:06 the one true church of Christ it should be made clear to them that in returning to the church they will lose nothing of that good which by the grace of God has hitherto been implanted in them but that it will rather be supplemented and completed by their return however one should not speak of this in such a way that they will imagine that in returning to the church they are bringing to it something substantial which it has hitherto lacked it will be necessary to say these things clearly and openly first because it is the truth that they themselves are seeking and moreover because outside the truth no true Union can ever be attained unquote so there we have it the Catholic Church teaches that the only legitimate religious unity that can be had according to the faith taught by Jesus 00:07 Christ is by all people being Catholics submitting themselves to the true Vicar of Christ and the Bishops in communion with him by adhering to the faith taught by this church and by participating in the same worship right same mass and sacraments that are authorized by this church and by persevering in communion with the other members of the church that's it and that is the perennial immutable teaching it cannot change and it's not negotiable and yet that is the one thing that Vatican II ecumenism excludes as a goal and that goes to show just how diabolical that ecumenism is it's not about converting souls to the true church it's about accepting other religions other denominations as also 00:08 somehow part of the true church of the mystical Body of Christ remember what Vatican II says in the decree on ecumenism unatates read integration number three namely it says that quote all who have been justified by faith in baptism are members of Christ's body and have a right to be called Christian and so are correctly accepted as brothers by the children of the Catholic Church unquote and so they actually believe in a divided Church they believe that the body of Christ is not one in faith government and worship but is divided and the task of ecumenism according to the novel sorto understanding is to heal those divisions and establish what they call full communion with each other 00:09 but that is a heretical position because it is a dogma of the Catholic faith that the mystical Body of Christ is one and undivided in the Nicene Creed we profess I believe in one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church and in his encyclical letter mystery corporis Pope Pius XII clarifies as follows quote actually only those are to be included as members of the church who have been baptized and profess the true faith and who have not been so unfortunate as to separate themselves from the unity of the body or been excluded by legitimate Authority for grave false committed foreign one spirit says the Apostle were we all baptized into one body whether Jews or Gentiles whether Bond or free as 00:10 therefore in the true Christian Community there is only one body one Spirit one Lord and one baptism so there can be only one faith and therefore if a man refused to hear the church let him be considered so the Lord commands as a heathen and a publican it follows that those who are divided in faith or government cannot be living in the unity of such a body nor can they be living the life of its one Divine spirit unquote that's Pope Pius XII in Mystic corporis number 22 issued in 1943. let's remember too that in his encyclical Humane generes of 1950 Pius XII teaches very clearly that quote the mystical Body of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church are one and the same 00:11 thing unquote I mean it doesn't get any clearer than that does it now in 1951 the same popi as the 12th issued the encyclical letter sempiternus Rex in paragraph 37 referring to the Eastern Orthodox pies the 12th wrote quote but alas for long centuries many of those who dwell in the East have unhappily Fallen away from the unity of the mystical Body of Christ of which the hypostatic union is the most luminous prototype would it not be holy salutary and in accordance with the will of God that at last all these should return to the one Sheepfold of Christ unquote so there we have the very clear teaching that the Eastern Orthodox are not part 00:12 of the mystical body are not part of the one-fold of Christ but are called to return to it but that is contradicted as we just saw by Vatican II and it is also contradicted more recently by Pope Francis who said to the Russian Orthodox patriarch Carol quote we are Shepherds of the same holy flock of God unquote so the contradictions could not be any more obvious and this is where logic comes in anyone who says that the Vatican II teaching the teaching of today's modernist Vatican is correct must logically say that the teaching of Pope Pius XII and all his predecessors was false but if Catholic teaching can be wrong for 1900 years and on such an important 00:13 and fundamental matter to vote until the Glorious 1960s came along well then you cannot say that the Catholic church is the church founded by Jesus Christ because Christ's Church we are told in first Timothy 3 15 is the pillar and ground of the truth in other words it would not be a solution to say that Vatican II simply corrected what the Catholic church had gotten wrong for 19 centuries no it is Vatican II doctrine that is wrong and the only way that is possible is if the man who ratified the documents was not in fact the true Pope because remember that each of the 16 Vatican II documents including this decree on ecumenism very specifically was solemnly promulgated by Paul VI as follows and I quote 00:14 each and all of these matters which are set forth in this decree have been favorably voted on by the fathers of the council and we by the apostolic Authority given us by Christ and in Union with the father's approve decree and establish them in the Holy Spirit and command that they be promulgated for the glory of God unquote it is impossible that the man who spoke these words was the Roman pontiff had he been a true Pope he would have dropped dead before being able to approve this Council and you can look this up for yourself check the show notes for the link to the decree unitatata's read into grazio where you'll find that formula of promulgation included at the end of the text and for those who are not yet familiar with how this works everything quoted or 00:15 mentioned on trapcast that is of any significance you can find properly documented and Linked In the show notes which you can access by going to trapcast.org and then scrolling down until you see a link to this particular trotcast episode which is trapcast 34 and when you click on that it will then take you to the full page for that episode and that will have the notes and links and everything you need right there okay so that's trapcast.org scroll down until you see episode trapcast34 and then click on that link now we've just said a lot about the mystical Body of Christ and with that I'd like to segue to something related something Francis said in early November when he visited the Muslim Kingdom of Bahrain on November 4th 2022 the false Pope met 00:16 with members of the Muslim Council of Elders and of course he gave an address there since he always has a lot to say and naturally it was filled with poppycock okay now most of that I already addressed in a blog post which I'll link in the show notes one of the things Francis said is that Transcendence and fraternity alone will save us well I did say it was poppycock right well you see he was addressing Muslims so of course he wasn't going to say anything that might actually lead them to Jesus Christ instead it was all just on the lowest common denominator of a shared humanity and appeal to one most high god without of course mentioning father son or Holy Ghost but that was covered in the blog post but there was another thing Francis said 00:17 to Muslims that I didn't address in my post and it is this quote let us encourage one another to forget the past and sincerely achieve Mutual understanding and for the benefit of all to preserve and promote peace Liberty social justice and moral values these are duties incumbent upon us as religious leaders in a world that is increasingly wounded and divided that beneath the surface of globalization senses anxiety and fear the great religious Traditions must be the heart that unites the members of the body the soul that gives hope and life to its highest aspirations unquote wow that is a mouthful let me repeat the main portion here the 00:18 great religious Traditions must be the heart that unites the members of the body the soul that gives hope and life to its highest aspirations what body is he talking about obviously not the mystical Body of Christ the church no he's talking about Humanity and you're more than welcome to read the entire speech so you get the full context but yes it's clear from the context that he's speaking about Humanity in general whether baptized or not whether Believers in Christ or not theist or atheist doesn't matter he's saying that for all of humanity as a whole the various religions need to be the force that unites all Humanity a force that gives hope and life to the 00:19 highest aspirations of all mankind now since Francis used the metaphor of people being members of the body of humanity and the religions being the heart and soul of that body ladies and gentlemen would it be unreasonable to say that Francis might have just given us a first glimpse of the mystical body of the Antichrist and why am I saying that because remember what pope Saint Pius the tenth wrote in his 1903 encyclical a supremi paragraph five referring to Saint Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians Pius X says that the distinguishing Mark of antichrist is that quote man has with infinite temerity put himself in the place of God raising himself above all that is called God in such wise that although he cannot utterly extinguish in 00:20 himself all knowledge of God he has condemned God's majesty and as it were made of the universe a temple wherein he himself is to be adored he sitteth in the temple of God showing himself as if he were God unquote now Francis is proposing the idea of a Humanity that has a purpose apart from Supernatural Union with Christ through sanctifying Grace but there is no ultimate goal for Humanity other than the beatific Vision in eternity the goal of seeing God face to face the one God who is three persons Father Son and Holy Ghost the goal of seeing this God is the reason for which each and every human being was ever created in the first place and ever will be created there is no other vocation for mankind 00:21 that is why it is so important to seek the conversion of all people to the Catholic faith but Francis being a modernist doesn't believe that of course he doesn't believe that the Roman Catholic religion is objectively true that it has permanent and objective validity for all time and all people and in the speech to the Muslim Council of Elders on November 4th he just confirmed it again and notice how he increasingly refers to the various religions simply as religious traditions don't underestimate the significance of that choice of words see by Framing religions as mere religious Traditions he is slowly trying to change people's understanding of religion from a system of faith and worship rooted in divine revelation 00:22 to a conglomeration of cultural habits and practices with no objective claim to being true much less revealed by God the idea is to make all religion relative and subjective you know we all have our beliefs we all have our Traditions our preferences our opinions what we grew up with what gives us strength and and meaning and identity and that is exactly how Francis has been acting from the beginning recall for example that in 2014 when he was addressing refugees some of whom were Christians others were Muslims and he told them that they should find Solace and strength in their respective religions Christians by turning to the Bible and Muslims by turning to the Quran 00:23 don't believe it we've got video of it and I'm including it in the show notes it was January 19 2014 at Sacred Heart Basilica in Rome Francis said the refugees should have meetings to talk about the terrible hardship they'd encountered that made them leave their Homeland and hear his words verbatim quote sharing our experience in carrying that cross to expel the illness within our hearts which embetters our life it is important that you do this in your meetings those that are Christian with the Bible and those that are Muslim with the Quran the faith that your parents instilled in you will always help you move on unquote folks there is not one ounce of Catholicism in this man 00:24 I don't need to explain that the Quran is not from God it contains horrible blasphemies against the Holy Trinity and insults against Christians among other things but Francis believes that Muslims are just fine as Muslims because Francis is not a Catholic and so obviously he is not interested in converting people to Catholicism why should he it's not his religion either instead he wants to have people of all religions United under some kind of lowest common denominator something about Transcendence and human fraternity precisely as he preaches and he's getting there slowly gradually step by step he has replaced the Ark of Salvation the Catholic church with the ark the fraternity yes he used that term Ark of Fraternity 00:25 in 2019 in Abu Dhabi and I'm linking it in the show notes he has replaced the anchor of Salvation which is the supernatural virtue of Hope with fraternity yes he called fraternity the anchor of salvation for Humanity back in February of this year during a video message for the International Day of human fraternity he has replaced the gospel with the wisdom of the elders as he called it and he's replaced our blessed Lord Jesus Christ with Transcendence and fraternity here's what he told Muslims on November 4th 2022. quote amid these tragic scenarios while the world pursues the illusions of strength power and money we are called to Proclaim with the wisdom of our elders and fathers that God and Neighbor come 00:26 before all else the Transcendence and fraternity alone will save us unquote we know from the Catholic faith that the way to the goal of our existence is Jesus Christ he alone is the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except by him as we read in John 14 6. and we also know that his way is the way of the Cross which he traced out for us but at the inter-religious Congress and Kazakhstan this past September Francis proclaimed that man is the way for all religions foreign we know from our Holy Faith that what God has revealed is absolutely certain since God can neither deceive us nor can 00:27 he be himself deceived or make a mistake and so we know that all dogmas of the Catholic faith are more certain than anything else and yet in a so-called Pope video of January 2016 which focused on the topic of inter-religious dialogue and cooperation Francis denied this when he said of the various religions quote many think differently feel differently seeking God or meeting God in different ways In This Crowd in this range of religions there is only one certainty we have for all we are all children of God unquote and we could go on and on but I think you get the picture the indifferentism the modernism the liberalism it's through the roof it's a complete repudiation of the Roman Catholic faith and those of us who might think that this is only a western phenomenon 00:28 that all Catholic Orthodoxy is being preserved in the Eastern rites need to look again because although the Eastern rites have preserved their liturgical Traditions as far as I know they are still in communion with Francis and accept all of the teachings of the new church from John the 23rd and Vatican II all the way down to francis's latest contributions to the false novus ordo magisterium and you can see that demonstrated in a shocking way in remarks made earlier this month by Cardinal Lewis Rayfield Saco who is the Chaldean patriarch of Baghdad Iraq let me quote from an article published by Asia news on November 14 2022 which summarizes in quotes bits and 00:29 pieces from the patriarch speech here we go quote we are all responsible warns the Chaldean primate for what happens on our planet and in our country God he warns will not ask whether we are Shia Muslim or Sunni a Catholic Christian or an orthodox but will judge on our concerns and for what we have done for our sisters and brothers only this morality he warns can truly guarantee peace and security that are the way and the light for eternity unquote this is blatant indifferentism and to show that let me quote Pope Gregory the 16th from his Landmark encyclical against the errors of 00:30 liberalism murari Vos published in 1832. quote now we consider another abundant source of the evils with which the church is Afflicted at present indifferentism this perverse opinion is spread on all sides by the fraud of the wicked who claim that it is possible to obtain the Eternal salvation of the Soul by the profession of any kind of religion as long as morality is maintained surely in so clear a matter you will drive this deadly error far from the people committed to your care with the admonition of the apostle that there is one God one Faith one baptism May those fear who can drive the notion that the Safe Harbor of Salvation is open to persons of any religion whatever they should consider the testimony of Christ himself that those who are not with Christ are against him and that they disperse unhappily who do not gather with him therefore without a doubt they will 00:31 perish forever unless they hold the Catholic faith whole and in Violet unquote this again was Pope Gregory the 16th from his encyclical murari Vos paragraph 13. or take the following from Pope Leo the 13th quote everyone should avoid familiarity or friendship with anyone suspected of belonging to masonry or to Affiliated groups know them by their fruits and avoid them every familiarity should be avoided not only with those impious Libertines who openly promote the character of the sect but also with those who hide under the mask of universal tolerance respect for all religions and the craving to reconcile the maxims of the Gospel with those of the revolution these men seek to reconcile Christ and 00:32 Belial the Church of God and the state without God unquote that was Pope Leo the 13th from the encyclical custodi de cuella Fede number 15. that was published in 1892. now this describes bergoglio to a T he preaches Universal tolerance and respect for all religions and he tries to twist the gospel into a promotion of masonic Liberty equality fraternity so you can see just how obvious the departure from the pre-vatican II teaching is it is clear that we're not merely talking about a change of emphasis or a development of Prior teaching we're talking about a contradiction to the traditional teaching if the one 00:33 is true the other must be false [Music] and now we'll take a quick break and return in a few minutes with more trapcast foreign [Music] cast [Music] are you a traditional catholic homeschooling family looking for a solid curriculum or are you just interested in great Catholic Books then visit Saint Jerome library.org and learn more about our extensive traditional catholic offerings including lesson plans and materials for preschool to grade 12. [Music] operating since 2018 St Jerome library and school is run by a traditional 00:34 catholic sit of a contest family room School uses both classic and original books including works by our clergy such as Bishop Donald Sanborn and the late Father Anthony Jakarta nothing should be compromised when it comes to the faith especially not our children's education visit St 00:35 jeromelibrary.org that's s-t-j-e-r-o-m-e Library dot org [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] with the second segment of the 34th episode of trapcast novos order watch for your ears [Applause] [Music] and by the way please don't believe the rumors we said if a contests are not more Catholic than the Pope we're just more Catholic than the antipope [Music] 00:36 all right before we continue with the program let me just give you a quick heads up that this is the last big podcast of 2022 as the end of the year is approaching and fast and if you would like to support this apostolate with a tax deductible Financial contribution you can easily do so by going to novos ordowatch.org donate and there you will see what options are available online or offline to make a donation to keep the non-profit organization alive that is responsible for this podcast and for the novels or to watch website that org is called interregnum Foundation and it is Thoroughly dependent on the voluntary Goodwill offerings of individuals like you so if you benefit from this content or if you think other people benefit from it and consider it worth supporting 00:37 please consider making a donation at novosordowatch.org donate okay enough of that and now let's get right back into it on February 11th of this year yes I know many months ago I saw an article on the official News website of the Society of Saint Pius X the sspx and the title was we must maintain tradition and pass it on now that title made me chuckle because it is so ironic for the lefeverus to say that and for several reasons first they themselves do not maintain tradition nor pass it on and I'll say more about that in a minute and secondly that it is the job of the Holy See to maintain tradition and pass it on it is not the job of a self-appointed parallel Authority 00:38 rivaling that of the supposed Holy See yes I know the sspx was originally founded with the approval of the local Bishop but that approval was eventually withdrawn right Archbishop was suspended and eventually declared to have excommunicated himself besides when the sspx was founded in 1970 it wasn't founded with a stated intent to correct the errors of the Holy See or to function as a stand-in that keeps the Gates of Hell from prevailing while the Holy See goes off the rails and leads the church into apostasy let's recall the words of Pope Pius IX addressing his Bishops he says quote now you know well that the most deadly foes of the Catholic religion have always waged a fierce War but without success against this chair he's talking about 00:39 the chair of Saint Peter against this chair they are by no means ignorant of the fact that religion itself can never tolerant fall while this chair remains intact the chair which rests on the Rock which the proud Gates of Hell cannot overthrow and in which there is the whole and perfect solidity of the Christian religion therefore because of your special faith in the church and special piety toward the same chair of Peter we exhort you to direct your constant efforts so that the faithful people of France May avoid the crafty deceptions and errors of these plotters and develop a morphilial affection and obedience to this Apostolic see be vigilant in act and word so that the faithful May grow in love for this Holy See venerated and accept it with complete obedience they should execute 00:40 whatever the sea itself teaches determines and decrease unquote that's from the 1853 encyclical inter-multipleges of Pius IX paragraph seven and I've quoted this multiple times in the past on this podcast because it needs to be repeated again and again because you're probably not going to get this from the sspx or similar recognize and resist outfits it contradicts their position completely because it makes clear that as long as there is a pope reigning as long as the sea remains intact as Pope Pius says the Catholic Church cannot be overcome similarly Pope Pius VII in his encyclical diosatis had written quote men should realize that all attempts to overthrow the house of God are in vain for this is the church founded on Peter 00:41 Rock not merely in name but in truth against this the Gates of Hell will not Prevail for it is founded on a rock there has never been an enemy of the Christian religion who was not simultaneously at Wicked war with the Sea of Peter since while this sea remains strong the survival of the Christian religion was assured unquote again that's diosati's paragraph six of uh Pope Pius VII now given all this clear solid teaching the question of course arises well how come everything fell apart so to speak after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958. and there is only one possible response the men who appeared to be in charge of 00:42 the Catholic Church were not in fact real popes and that is quite a claim isn't it and yet it alone can explain what has happened the Colossal apostasy the massive loss of faith and so many Souls the collapse of religious life the perversion of true Doctrine the Turning of the Holy Mass from the sacrifice of calvary into the sorry novusordo Happy Meal that goes on at your local Parish and so on and so forth these are consequences these are effects which require a proportionate cause think about church history for a minute it's been roughly 2 000 years since our blessed Lord died on the cross and from there the church came into existence from the sacred wound in a side and this church began with only a handful of apostles who had been tasked 00:43 essentially with converting the entire world not by force of course but by preaching the gospel baptizing teaching ordaining and so on these men had to battle the immense Roman Empire on the one hand which was debauched idolatrous and utterly cruel and on the other hand the unbelieving Jewish synagogue and for both the Gentiles and the Jews the Gospel of Jesus Christ which the apostles began to preach was considered Madness on Pentecost Sunday they started with a total of only 11 men and yet their mission was successful even though the doctrine they were preaching the holy gospel was not terribly appealing in a worldly sense 00:44 I mean what Roman soldier for example would have wanted to hear about having to believe in a crucified Jew who rose from the dead and now gives us his flesh to eat and his blood to drink so that we will have eternal life after death and that in order to make it to heaven we have to believe not only in his Doctrine including that of there being one single God who is nevertheless Father Son and Holy Ghost but also that of keeping the Ten Commandments practicing mortification and undergoing every sacrifice in order not to lose the state of grace it was simply not something the average Gentile would have had an interest in hearing about and of course the same was true for the Jews whose official leaders the high priests and the Pharisees and so on were even persecuting the apostles and 00:45 telling the other Jews not to join what they thought was this nutty sect and that's why Saint Paul says in First Corinthians 1 23 but we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews indeed a stumbling block and unto the Gentiles foolishness and yet the apostles and their successors were able to carry out exactly what the Lord had commissioned them to do they were successful the church spread and grew and although starting from a Tiny Seed became an immense tree just as our Lord had foretold in Luke 13 verses 18 and 19. to what is the kingdom of God like and where unto shall I resemble it it is like to a grain of mustard seed which a man took and cast into his garden and it grew and became a great tree and the birds of the air lodged in the branches thereof 00:46 and so until the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958 the church survived in marvelous fashion every persecution every infiltration every human weakness and ineptitude every malice every heresy every sin every oppression every evil clearly all that is a miracle it cannot be explained by natural causes alone the only thing that can sufficiently explain this is the supernatural help of almighty God the propagation and endurance of the Catholic church is a social Miracle whose author is God himself but then all of a sudden it seems like that protection that Divine assistance was withdrawn so that within a few years that huge 00:47 marvelous glorious Catholic Church collapsed into a small remnant of those who still adhere to the same Doctrine and worship the church had up until the death of Pius XII while the rest following false Shepherds went astray into so many of the very errors that had been condemned by Pius XII and his predecessors at this point the institution that calls itself the Catholic church is unrecognizable when compared to the Catholic Church of Pope Pius XII and before and by that I mean specifically when you compare the doctrine and worship of the two unrecognizable how is this possible that is the great mystery of our time but we've not been blindsided entirely let's take a quick look at what father 00:48 Sylvester Barry who was a seminary professor in Maryland wrote in his book The Church of Christ first published in 1927. quote the Prophecies of the Apocalypse he's talking about the Book of Revelation here the Prophecies of the Apocalypse show that Satan will imitate the Church of Christ to deceive mankind he will set up a Church of Satan in opposition to the Church of Christ Antichrist will assume the role of Messiahs his Prophet will act the part of Pope and there will be imitations of the sacraments of the church there will also be lying wonders in Imitation Of The Miracles wrought in the church unquote that's on page 119 of the 1927 edition of Father berries the Church of 00:49 Christ and that book is available uh for free it's been scanned in uh in the link you can find in the show notes there's also a 1954 Edition and uh the page numbers though don't line up so if you have the 1954 Edition you can find that quote on a different page now in his discourse regarding the end of the world which you can find in Matthew 24 Mark 13 and Luke 21 our blessed Lord spoke not only of great turmoil and confusion persecution Wars and bloodshed but also of a great spiritual deception let's not forget that in order for a deception to be great to be impactful it has to be pretty clever and so there will be false miracles to make that great deception even more well 00:50 deceptive our Lord told us so so stay away from purported Miracles and private Revelations and things allegedly revealed in an exorcism in our day if you give Credence to that you're begging to be deceived the safest thing to do is to adhere firmly to the teachings of the Catholic church until the death of Pope Pius XII that cannot be wrong and besides it is Our obligation to adhere to those teachings anyway and we have to do that even if we don't know or cannot explain everything that has happened since the passing of the last true Pope why does God permit a great deception a deception so great that almost everyone will fall for it it is a punishment for sin 00:51 listen to Saint Paul the Apostle quote and then that Wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming him whose coming is according to the working of Satan in all power and signs and lying wonders and in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved therefore God shall send them the operation of error to believe lying that all may be judged who have not believed the truth but have consented to iniquity unquote that's second Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 8 through 11. can anyone doubt that what we have witnessed since the death of Pius XII is 00:52 precisely this operation of error in action now obviously on account of everything that has happened we have great reason to lament but let's not forget that we have even greater reason to rejoice because what we have been witnessing is the Fulfillment of Prophecy which confirms the truth of what we believe we know how all this ends we know who will win in the end we just have to make sure we will be among the sheep and not the goats when our Lord comes to judge the living and the dead and so just as the Catholic church is a social Miracle which proves her Divine Foundation because her growth and Triumph would not have been possible without a sufficient cause which is the supernatural 00:53 assistance of God so the collapse of Catholicism after Pius XII especially after Vatican II must likewise have a cause that is sufficient to explain it so what is it God has promised in the words of Pope Pius IX that the Catholic religion cannot totter and fall while the chair of Saint Peter remains intact because this chair rests on the rock of Saint Peter which the Gates of Hell cannot overthrow in accordance with the Divine promises now we know that God who is all good and all-powerful is always faithful to his word he cannot lie he cannot deceive us and he cannot make a mistake he does not go back on his promises for the papacy and yet we see an apostasy unfolding after the death of Pius XII not right 00:54 away but gradually and it begins with John the 23rd but God has assured his assistance to even the most inept of Roman pontus so that the church will never go astray yes popes can make bad decisions and bad decisions can have terrible and harmful consequences even for the church but popes cannot whether deliberately or by accident popes cannot turn the church away from her Divine mission up Eric Salmons nor can they make the church lead souls to Hell instead of Heaven they cannot pervert her magisterium with heresy they cannot make the holy sacrifice of the mass into a Protestant meal service with a Jewish table blessing they cannot invalidate the church's sacramental rights and they cannot 00:55 canonize false Saints if we look at the spiritual wreckage that is before us today whether in Rome in the Vatican or throughout the world of anything that goes by the name of Catholic church and yet is affiliated with Jorge bergoglio and adheres to the Vatican II religion it is clear that this could not have been caused by any men who were assisted by God but since the Popes are assisted by God unfailingly we have certain proof that the alleged popes after Pius XII were not in fact true popes so just as only God's assistance to the papacy can explain how even the weakest most inept and most immoral of popes could keep the Gates of Hell from prevailing against the church keeping her Doctrine pure and her sacraments 00:56 unstained so it is the lack of God's assistance for the alleged popes after Pius XII that can explain the top-down apostasy that began with the election of Angelo Roncalli as Pope John the 23rd on October 28 1958. but then the lack of God's assistance for John the 23rd Paul VI John Paul the first John Paul II Benedict XVI and now Francis can only be explained if these men were not true popes because otherwise it would mean that God isn't faithful to his promises which would be a blasphemy now some people will object and say well what are you talking about God's assistance the pope is only infallible when he defines a Dogma ex-cathedral well that's not entirely true but be 00:57 that as it may we're not talking about infallibility right now we're talking about a more General Divine assistance that God has given to the church through the papacy and no I'm not making this up this is standard Catholic teaching and if you've never heard about that before it's probably because you've been getting your information from recognize and resist sources such as the Angelus 1 Peter 5 The Remnant Catholic Family news the Fatima Center or crisis magazine so I'm including a link in the show notes to a lot of quotations from the Catholic magisterium regarding the papacy so you can verify all of this for yourself The Perennial Catholic teaching is that it is the pope and no one else not an Archbishop LeFevre or Bishop Schneider or even a saint athanasius it 00:58 is the pope who keeps the Catholic Church always adhering to Christ to his true Doctrine to the true and unstained worship and to salutary law and government and the pulp can only guarantee all that because he is himself assisted by God as Pope Pius the 11th wrote in his encyclical kasty canubi e paragraph 104 a characteristic of all true followers of Christ lettered or unlettered is to suffer themselves to be guided and led in all things that touch upon Faith or morals by the Holy Church of God through its Supreme Pastor the Roman pontiff who is himself Guided by Jesus Christ Our Lord unquote and so the only way to explain what happened after Pius XII is deposit that the men who succeeded him were false 00:59 popes false Shepherds that alone can explain that what all the evils all the heresies oppressions and persecutions against the church could not accomplish in 1900 years the Abominable second Vatican Council and the false Shepherd that imposed and perpetuated it accomplished in but a handful of years let that sink in all right and for our last item here on this trotcast 34 let's have a look at one of France's favorite topics and that is mercy and forgiveness no there's nothing wrong with preaching God's mercy and forgiveness we all need that but of course in France's case he preaches a false mercy and a false 01:00 forgiveness and he does this not only by what he says but also by what he doesn't say this year on April 14th which was Holy Thursday Francis visited a prison in the city of chivita Vecchia north of Rome he washed 12 prisoners feet and he preached a homily in which he said the following quote God forgives everything and God forgives always we are the ones who grow tired of asking for forgiveness each of us perhaps has something there in our heart which we have been carrying for some time which agitates some skeleton hidden in the closet but ask Jesus for forgiveness he forgives everything all he wants is our trust to ask for forgiveness you can do it when you are alone when you are with others when you are with 01:01 the priest this is a beautiful prayer for today but Lord forgive me I will seek to serve others but you serve me with your forgiveness he paid the price like this with forgiveness this is the thought I would like to leave you today serving helping one another and being certain that the Lord forgives and how much does he forgive everything and until what point always he does not Tire of forgiving we are the ones who grow tired of asking for forgiveness unquote now a secular person will probably hear these words and say oh my goodness how spiritual how loving how merciful how christ-like how wonderful but what Francis said there is Thoroughly misleading erroneous and even heretical 01:02 first let's look at what this false pope did not say he did not say one word about repentance much less about the kind of repentance necessary to obtain God's forgiveness he did mention two or three conditions necessary to obtain forgiveness but none of them had anything to do with repentance the first condition he mentioned is that we ask God to forgive us and he claims that we can just do this with a simple prayer nothing there about Contrition nor about the sacrament of baptism or the sacrament of penance apparently these are useless according to him and the second condition he mentions kind of is having the certainty of being forgiven having trust in God's forgiveness which sort of goes along 01:03 with asking for forgiveness and the third condition he comes up with is a quasi-amendment of Life by which he means simply the desire to help other people from now on that's it that's bregolio's idea of being forgiven of all of one's sins by God it is unbelievable now to be clear it is very important to preach the great mercy of God toward any and all Sinners no matter how evil they have been in the past if only they will repent and yes God will pardon even the most horrific of sins including the foulest blasphemy including witchcraft Satanism murder abortion sodomy anything at all if only the sinner will repent but what is repentance well it is not as Francis suggests 01:04 simply asking God for forgiveness and being willing to help out at the local soup kitchen from now on nor is it a simple regret for having sinned look at the case of Judas Iscariot for example right he regretted betraying Christ for 30 pieces of silver he even gave back the money but he didn't have Supernatural Contrition and he didn't seek forgiveness okay let's have a look at the Catholic teaching I'm just going to go by a little booklet called confession it's fruitful practice first published in 1957 which is an excellent little guide for the sacrament of penance and the conditions necessary to obtain God's forgiveness and I'm putting a link to it in the notes so you can access that electronically free of charge or you can 01:05 purchase a copy if you like in order to make a good confession five things are necessary an examination of conscience Contrition purpose of amendment confession with Absolution and satisfaction now I don't want to go into each of these in any detail I really only want to focus on Contrition because that is the most important element that that is the repentance part right so first we have to understand what our sins are that's the examination of conscience then we have to be properly sorry for those sins then we have to seriously intend not to commit sin again at least not mortalson and then we must confess those sins to a priest and receive Absolution and then we must make satisfaction for our sins that is we must perform the sacramental Penance the priest gave us in confession and if applicable we have to make restitution for example if we have 01:06 stolen money we must give it back if we have ruined someone's reputation we must make an effort to restore it and so on but that should be discussed with the priest as far as what needs to be done and in what manner in any case let's talk about Contrition something Francis didn't mention at all to those poor prisoners who would certainly have been in need of hearing it you know instead of just oh pray for forgiveness and you'll be forgiven true Contrition the kind needed to obtain God's forgiveness in confession has four qualities it must be interior it must be Supernatural it must be Universal and it must be sovereign so what does all that mean though 01:07 let's see for contrition to be interior it means that one sorrow for sin must come from the heart it is essentially an act of the will it's not some external show like putting on sackcloth and Ashes and it's not necessarily something that produces any kind of emotion either it can be accompanied by an emotion but feeling is not necessary next Contrition must be Supernatural let me quote directly from the confession booklet on page 15. quote true Contrition is Supernatural it is an actual Grace of the Holy Spirit and it is aroused by Supernatural motives the principle Supernatural motives are one the infinite goodness of God two the suffering and death of 01:08 Christ three the loathsomeness of sin for the Everlasting reward lost by sin 5 the Everlasting punishment to which sin makes one liable unquote now this Supernatural Contrition may be perfect or imperfect imperfect Contrition is enough for having one's mortal sins forgiven by a priest in the sacrament of confession but outside of that Sacrament mortal sin can still be forgiven but for that perfect Contrition is required let's briefly explain both again quoting the confession booklet quote perfect Contrition is sorrow which proceeds from a pure or perfect love of God who is infinitely good and perfect in himself and deserving of all our love it is sorrow for sin because sin displeases God perfect Contrition immediately cleanses the soul from all guilt of sin and 01:09 reconciles it to God even apart from the sacrament of penance perfect Contrition always includes at least an implicit desire and intention to receive the sacrament of penance and the obligation to confess all Mortal sins Still Remains even after one has made an act or acts of perfect contrition unquote and then there is imperfect Contrition which we already said is enough to make a good confession the confession booklet defines it as quote that Supernatural sorrow and hatred for sin which arises from reflection on the heinousness of Sin from dread of the loss of heaven or from fear of hell and its torments unquote it's on page 19. so in short the difference between perfect Contrition and imperfect 01:10 Contrition in terms of the motive is that perfect Contrition arises from the love of God whereas imperfect Contrition arises from the fear of God and of his punishments both however require God's grace so you always want to pray for the grace of true Contrition for your sins next Contrition must be Universal that means that in order to be able to have our sins forgiven and here we're talking about Mortal sins we must be sorry for all of them even if you can't remember all of them because we can't get Absolution for only some of them and not for others if we're not contrite for all of our mortal sins then we're really contrite for none of them there is no middle ground between the state of grace and the state of mortal sin your soul cannot be in both to an extent it's either in 01:11 the one state or in the other the two are mutually exclusive so with regard to mortal sin Contrition is an All or Nothing matter that is not the case for venial sin because venial sin is not incompatible with the life of sanctifying Grace so so far we have seen that Contrition must be interior it must be Supernatural and it must be Universal lastly Contrition must also be Sovereign or Supreme meaning that it must be our greatest sorrow more so than sorrow for losing all of our Earthly possessions or our family members again it's not a feeling we're talking about but an act of the will so that is a brief overview of the basics regarding Contrition and you heard none of that from Francis and by the way if you're new to this whole topic please don't take my 01:12 explanations here as a complete presentation of the subject it's not I'm just going over some important elements that Francis habitually neglects and my goal here is just to show the stark contrast between the actual Catholic teaching and the brigolian blather about how you just need to ask God to forgive you and you trust him and you're forgiven that's false that's heresy and by saying that Francis certainly did not do those prisoners any favors now it's okay to say hey look he can't explain everything during a brief sermon in a prison okay fair enough but it's not just that he didn't explain it all in detail he told them things that are false it is false to say that all you need to do is ask God for forgiveness and even your most heinous sins are forgiven then 01:13 that is simply not true so anyway you can find more information about Contrition and the conditions for a valid and fruitful reception of the sacrament of penance in an article on the topic from the Catholic encyclopedia which I'm including in the show notes and then also a link to more information about perfect Contrition as the key to heaven now I've been saying that France's comments to the prisoners about forgiveness are heretical so it's time to prove that what Francis said is heresy condemned by the Council of Trent in its sixth session on justification against the errors of the Protestant so-called reformers listen to this Canon 1. if anyone shall say that man can be justified before God by his own Works which are done either by his 01:14 own natural powers or through the teaching of the law and without divine grace through Christ Jesus let him be anathema Canon 12. if anyone shall say that justifying faith is nothing else then confidence in the Divine Mercy which remits sins for Christ's sake or that it is this confidence Alone by which we are Justified let him be anathema and Canon 13 if anyone shall say that it is necessary for every man in order to obtain the remission of sins to believe for certain and without any hesitation due to his own weakness and in this position that his sins are forgiven him let him be anathema now there are probably a few more canons that will be applicable to what Francis said but I think these three will be enough to make the point you can find these in denzinger beginning at number 01:15 811. and it's not like bergoglio doesn't know he's preaching Lutheranism right protestantism because remember on his return flight to Rome from Armenia in 2016 Francis said that with regard to justification Martin Luther quote did not err unquote find it in the show notes if you don't believe me so it's clear that Francis is preaching Lutheranism protestantism and he's doing so boldly and with pertinacity he distorts the gospel and deprives it of its strength by preaching heresy and Grave error on such a fundamentally important matter as how to obtain the Forgiveness of one's sins and he's doing that by what he says by what he does not say and by placing excessive emphasis on 01:16 forgiveness and mercy while at the same time de-emphasizing God's justice and the consequences of sin especially the Eternal consequences have you ever noticed bergoglio practically never mentions God's justice or his punishment of sin except when he can use it to advance his political agenda then he suddenly remembers there are you know things like moral obligations and that God judges us at the end of our lives for how we've treated others and you know it would be bad enough if Francis spread this false Mercy Doctrine in his sermons but no he also instructs his own novos Ordo priests who hear confessions never to refuse Absolution to anyone which is an outrage and a sacrilege I'm linking an article from the daily compass on that dated November 15th 01:17 the priest has an obligation to ensure as far as he reasonably can that the penitent has sufficient sorrow for sin and that the Absolution will be valid if a priest were to absolve a penitent who confesses his sins but isn't really sorry for them or tries to hide some Mortal sins the Absolution would be invalid and a sacrilege this goes to show that France's false Mercy Doctrine is Not an Accident an unfortunate choice of words or something it's got real method behind it it seeks to destroy very deliberately the true Catholic understanding of sin and forgiveness and God's mercy and the long-term effect of this will be of course that people are encouraged in their sins oh God never tires a forgiving don't you worry right or they come to confession half-heartedly without real Contrition 01:18 and purpose of amendment and then they receive an invalid and sacrilegious absolution now true most noble sorto priests aren't even validly ordained so it's going to be invalid anyway but that's not the point now and so what Francis will have accomplished in the end with his false Mercy Doctrine is that he will have encouraged people to sin more to not take sin all that seriously and to presume on God's mercy people will have no understanding of what is required for True repentance and they will be deceived by invalid absolutions in confession all the while he looks incredibly holy and merciful in the process Pope Francis Jorge bergoglio is an anti-catholic charlatan a deceiver a false prophet a fake Pope and a spiritual criminal of the worst 01:19 sort and you know why he can do so much damage why he can successfully deceive so many because people recognize him as the pope of the Catholic Church take that recognition away from him and there's nothing left but Jorge the apostate [Music] and now we have come to the end of troutcast 34. hope it was of benefit to you don't forget to check the show notes at trentcast.org thank you for listening and tune in again next time God bless you 01:20 [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] cast [Music] foreign