00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the novos Ordo watch track cast [Music] you can't make this stuff up [Music] thank you you know these days a lot of people think there's a need for artificial intelligence now I don't know about you but I think a lot could be accomplished if we could 00:01 just have a little more natural intelligence [Music] thank you hello and welcome friends and foes of trentcast the traditional Roman Catholic podcast that does not cling to be more Catholic than the Pope only more Catholic than the antipope [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is episode number 35 and we'll get right down to business [Music] when you put together a podcast like this you always ask yourself what's the best topic or story to start with and that's not always an easy decision because if you pick the wrong thing and people don't find it interesting or relevant to them they might just turn 00:02 off the thing altogether and then they won't hear the rest of the podcast either can't really blame them so I'm really taking a risk here starting with a rather sensitive subject but it's important the controversy regarding the consecration of the Holy oils for the Society of Saint Pius X at the chrism mass of Holy Thursday in Germany now normally that would be a non-issue right one of the sspx Bishops conducts the ceremony and the holy oils are consecrated that's what happened for example here in the United States where sspx Bishop Alfonso de galloretta consecrated the oils at St Thomas Aquinas seminary in Virginia but in Germany it wasn't an sspx Bishop conducting the ceremony it was Vedas 00:03 juander who is the former novos Ordo Bishop of core Switzerland he retired in 2019 and decided to basically join the sspx not as a member but he decided to live at one of their houses and to collaborate with them and help them where needed wander had been appointed a close contact for the sspx by Rome by the Vatican years prior in order to get to know them and have a better relationship with them for the purposes you know of dialogue and eventually getting them regularized I guess in the Vatican II Church but as he was reading their material and pouring over their arguments wander says he became convinced that they're basically right and so that is why he is now with them 00:04 now what does that have to do with the consecration of the Holy oils well the problem is that wander was ordained a bishop in 2007 in the novus ordo Rite of Paul VI that was originally published in 1968 and that right is not just doubtful but certainly invalid which means that he who has consecrated a bishop in that right does not actually become a bishop despite appearances the sacrament is not conferred and we'll talk about the the issues with the validity of that right a bit later what that means is that wander is not a bishop but remains what he was before Amir Layman or perhaps a priest he was ordained in the doubtful Noble's Ordo 00:05 right for the priesthood in 1971. so when the sspx announced on its German Seminary calendar that the consecration of the Holy oils would be presided over by Bishop wander that was cause for alarm for the first time ever at least to my knowledge the sspx allowed a novosordo prelate to consecrate the holy oils now you might say what's the big deal the holy oils are only sacramentals and not sacraments so even if they're not validly consecrated what is the problem well the problem is that at least two of the three types of oil that are consecrated during the chrism mass of Holy Thursday are part of the necessary matter of the sacraments of Confirmation and extreme unction respectively and anyone can look this up in any pre-vatican II treatment of the sacraments let me quote from father Nicholas Halligan from his book the 00:06 administration of the sacraments page 84. he is speaking of confirmation here quote the matter of this Sacrament is chrism or olive oil mixed with Balsam which is consecrated by a bishop on the last preceding Holy Thursday and with which by an imposition of the hand the forehead is Anointed in the form of a cross this chrism must be used and in the way prescribed even by a simple priest who legitimately confirms it is necessary for validity that the matter used be pure olive oil mixed with Balsam when the amount of chrism is too far diminished other olive oil should be added to it even repeatedly but in a lesser quantity it is never allowed to administer confirmation without chrism or to receive the chrism from heretical or 00:07 systematical Bishops the making of the sign of the cross while anointing with the chrism is necessary for validity no instrument may be employed in the anointing but the right hand itself four fingers is directly laid on the head and the anointing made with the right thumb to use any finger even of the left hand other than the right thumb in the anointing without justifying cause would be a venial sin but not invalidating validity requires only the imposition of the hand which accompanies the unction and not the extension of the hands at the beginning or end of the ceremony unquote I've deliberately quoted everything he wrote on the matter of confirmation including a lot of detail that isn't directly relevant to the wander controversy and the reason I did that is 00:08 to demonstrate how seriously the church considers these details that are necessary for or that help Safeguard validity and we'll return to that later next let me quote father Halligan regarding the matter of the sacrament of extreme unction in the novel sorto it's called anointing of the sick its last rights is what we're talking about before I do that though let me just explain what the three types of oil are or rather what they're called because this is going to be relevant now for extreme unction so we already heard about sacred chrism which is used in confirmation it's also used in baptism for example and in Episcopal consecration but there it's not necessary for validity next there is What's called the oil of catechumens and then there's the oil of 00:09 the infirm or oil of the sick and with that let's listen now to Father Halligan explain what is the necessary valid matter for the sacrament of extreme unction quote the valid matter of extreme unction is olive oil duly blessed for this purpose by a bishop or by a priest who has obtained The Faculty to do so from the apostolic sea even in the case of necessity this blessed oil must be used although for lawfulness it must be pure and a mixture of extraneous matter renders it invalid if it is no longer olive oil if the supply of blessed oil oil of the infirm becomes too diminished other olive oil may be added even repeatedly but in a lesser quantity although it is not certain that the oil of the infirm alone renders the administration of extreme unction valid 00:10 in practice and outside of necessity the proper oil of the sacrament is to be used in the case of necessity and in the absence of the proper oil the oil of the infirm another sacred oil oil of catechumens or sacred prism may be employed under a condition but the sacrament must be later conditionally repeated with the proper oil unquote again this is from the administration of the sacraments by father Nicholas Halligan and uh this was just from page 344 and a link to this book is available in the show notes just go to trapcast.org and scroll down to trotcast35 click on that link and that will get you to the show notes so again we see just how much care the church insists upon to ensure that a 00:11 Sacrament is administered validly the church is very meticulous in that matter and here we're talking about extreme unction which is extremely important for persevering in Grace until death which very often is imminent for those who receive extreme unction so with all of that it's pretty clear what's at stake here confirmation and extreme unction are the two sacraments that require oils consecrated by a valid Bishop for their valid Administration that means that for example if Bishop Bernard filet who is a valid Bishop were to confirm someone with invalid chrism the Sacrament of Confirmation would not be conferred the person would not be confirmed likewise if a valid priest heck even if Pope Saint Pius the tenth himself 00:12 were to come back from the dead and administer extreme unction to you and use invalid oil the sacrament would not be conferred and what makes this even scarier is that it's going to be difficult to know exactly how and where these holy oils of the false Bishop vedus wander get distributed right where they end up where they will actually be used because the sspx is probably not going to volunteer that information just as they tried to hide as much as possible the fact that it was wander who did the Chrismas in Seitz kofen in Germany on April 6. yeah that was really interesting they did announce it beforehand in their Liturgical Calendar Maybe by mistake but in everything else they avoided mentioning wander or showing his face like the plague on the website of the sspx German District they published 19 photos of the 00:13 chrisum mass and holy oil ceremony and in not a single one of them can you see the face of veda's wander either wander is not visible at all or you can only see him from behind and not identify him or you can only see his hands or he is so far away that you cannot possibly recognize him it is remarkable that in 19 photos they made sure you cannot tell who the bishop is in a single one of them not even in the group photo that was taken after the ceremony they show three group shots and not one of them is taken from the front they're all either from the side or from the back so it's very noticeable that they were trying hard not to reveal the identity of the bishop and also in the little news article that 00:14 accompanied the release of the photos in which they speak about the chrism Mass there is complete silence about the identity of the bishop or pseudo Bishop and lastly the sspx YouTube channel for the german-speaking world released no video of the ceremony and there was no live stream either but yes it was wander and in fact somehow one picture got leaked showing juander standing there and that was later posted at a Spanish-speaking set of a conscious blog of course I'll include the link in the show notes folks I think it's very suspicious that the sspx is not being upfront about this now I'm sure that from their perspective they're thinking look let's not cause unnecessary controversy a lot of people are going to 00:15 be upset even though there's technically nothing to be upset about let's just kind of hide who the celebrant was and let's just wait for this thing to blow over that's probably how they Justified it before their own consciences I don't know now you might ask well why should they want to hide that from their own people if the sspx accepts novus ordo ordinations as valid and that is their public position then why would that disturb any of their people well because you see the sspx didn't always accept novusordo Episcopal consecrations is certainly valid that didn't happen until late 2005 when faced with the question of whether the newly elected Benedict XVI who had been made a bishop in the noble sorto right back in 1977 whether that man was 00:16 even a valid Bishop can you imagine what situation the sspx would have found itself in with regard to the Vatican if they had acknowledged Benedict XVI Joseph ratzinger as a valid Pope but not a valid Bishop that would have poisoned the relationship between the lefevres and the new pope from the get-go and they would probably be light years away right now from any kind of concession or regularization so clearly they had a conflict of interest they really needed those novus ordo Bishops to be valid now I want to be fair here and acknowledge that this conflict of interest alone is not enough to say that therefore they couldn't possibly have come across objective evidence showing that the noble sort of ordinations are valid after all I'm not saying that they're in bad faith about this or forced a preconceived 00:17 desirable conclusion I have no evidence of that what I am saying though is that this sudden discovery that novel's Ordo Bishops are valid sure came in handy for them in 2005. ransinger was elected Benedict XVI in April of 2005 and the Angelus the official magazine of the sspx United States District published the first of two parts of a new study of the 1968 Rite of novosordo Bishops ordinations in December of that year and part two was published in January of 2006. the author was not an sspx priest but one of the recognize and resist Dominicans of every year France by the name of Father Pierre Marie the original in French had been published in the fall of 2005 and so the 00:18 Angelus published an English translation shortly after that so denying or doubting the validity of novosordo right Episcopal consecrations is not something exclusive to say de vacantus so don't say that this controversy is just afraid of O'Connor is trying to beat up on the sspx until circumstances forced them into making a decision either way the sspx happily acknowledged that the validity was questionable and that included initially Archbishop Marcel LeFevre himself the founder of the Society of Saint Pius X now I'm not saying that everyone in the sspx considered the noble sort of Bishops invalid until 2005. some did some didn't the point is it was a contested issue and to this day not every lefevreus is convinced that the noble sorto right is valid 00:19 for example take Bishop Bernard tisier de malare as recently as June 29 2016 he said in an ordination sermon and this is a quote obviously we cannot accept this new tampered with ordination right which casts doubts on the validity of numerous ordinations done according to the new right unquote now that was in reference to Priestly ordination but I imagine that if he doubts the validity of the Priestly ordinations done in the noble sorto right then he will doubt Episcopal consecrations all the more because the problems with that right are much greater in fact what do you know in a letter dated August 12 1998 in response to someone who had sent a material by Dr Rama Kamara Swami on the subject Bishop TCA 00:20 responded as follows quote after reading it quickly I concluded there was doubt about the validity of Episcopal consecration conferred according to the right of Paul VI the phrase spiritual principalum governing spirit in the form introduced by Paul VI is not sufficiently clear in itself and the accessory rights do not specify its meaning in a Catholic sense unquote you can find a scan of this letter with a translation in the show notes so that was 1998. interestingly enough back then the Society of Saint Pius X also had a case similar to that of Bishop wander now in that Anova sordo Bishop from the Philippines had decided to join the society or at least work with them and pretty much adopt their recognize and 00:21 resist position and that was Salvador Lazo Lazo who died in 2000 he was the retired ordinary of San Fernando de la Union in the Philippines his Episcopal consecration had also taken place in the new Rite and that was on February 3rd 1970. in May of 1998 just as the 10th anniversary of Archbishop lefevre's consecration of the four sspx Bishops was looming Bishop Lazo wrote a declaration of faith that he sent to the false Pope John Paul II in which he basically declared himself a traditionalist and rejected ecumenism the new mass and so on and you can find a copy of this declaration Linked In the show notes also 00:22 so it was a situation very similar to that of today with Vida swander and now it gets interesting because now we ask how did the sspx ACT back then considering that Lazo was a novos Ordo Bishop quite simply they did not want him to ordain or confirm because they believed the novus ordo right of Episcopal consecration promulgated by Paul VI in 1968 to be invalid or at least doubtful and Bishop Tessier in the letter I quoted from a few minutes ago specifically stated quote as regardsman senior Lazo it would be difficult for us to explain these things to him the only solution is not to ask him to confirm or ordain unquote and so we see with concrete examples that holding Bishops ordained in the 00:23 novel's auto ride to be invalid is not something only said of akanas do in is something many recognize and resist traditionalists also held many years ago mostly before 2005. another point I should make is that there are sspx resistance priests those priests who left the sspx or were kicked out basically because the sspx was no longer sspx enough for them some of them have spoken out publicly against the society allowing Bishop wander to celebrate the Chrismas and attempt to consecrate the holy oils and among them are for example a certain father Rousseau and the father Pino who are both former sspx priests who are now with the resistance 00:24 so again nobody can say that this is just state of akanas trying to stir the pot now when I brought up this issue of the wander chrism Mass tragedy on Twitter I was appalled at some of the reactions I was getting from supposed traditional Catholics some of them were rather quick to dismiss the concern about sacramental validity I remember one person suggesting that the church supplies no the church does not supply the church can and sometimes does Supply missing jurisdiction for certain acts but never does the church supply for a lack of proper matter or form of a sacrament or for missing holy orders you might as well believe that a Layman can offer mass and if the people aren't aware he's a Layman then it's a valid Mass anyway because oh the church supplies no that's not how it works you 00:25 will not find that in church law or in Catholic teaching others treated the concerns about the validity of the Holy oils consecrated by wander almost as if it were a kind of pharisaical legalism as if in the end it didn't really matter if the holy oils were validly consecrated because well you know God isn't Bound by the sacraments and God can make it valid anyway or God will just Supply the sacramental grace anyway it's insane I think it's even a kind of blasphemy because it's essentially tempting God because you're presuming that God will basically work a miracle when he has not at all promised that he would do that see God has promised for example that he will transubstantiate Bread and Wine into his body and blood when a valid priest pronounces the right words 00:26 with the right intention that he has promised but he has not promised for example that he will grant The Graces that would come through the sacrament of extreme unction when the sacrament is not validly administered now he may do so perhaps in an individual case out of his pure goodness and mercy or he may not that is totally up to God he certainly has not promised that he will and so it is presumptuous to sit there and say oh well even if the holy oils are invalid God will take care of it he'll make sure that everything will be all right for those who don't know better that that is just not Catholic teaching remember the words of Father Halligan that I quoted earlier all the details he mentioned to ensure 00:27 sacramental validity well with that flippant of an attitude as I saw on Twitter from people who consider themselves traditional Catholics not even realizing how much they've been influenced by modernism on this with that dismissive of an attitude why father Halligan and all the Church of sacramental theologians must have been scrupulous Pharisees or complete idiots but God isn't Bound by the sacraments yes that's true but it misses the point the dying sinner doesn't have a right to God's mercy and forgiveness that's a Grace we don't deserve and cannot Merit look if you're a farmer and you plant crops you know those crops won't grow without sufficient rain but then God isn't Bound by the weather 00:28 is he no he doesn't need rain to make the crops grow right he could just work a miracle and have them grow without rain that is true but it is not in accordance with the ordinary course of Providence God expects us to act in accordance with the laws of nature which he made see God can feed you miraculously there's no question about that but he has not promised to if you decide to be Reckless and not eat anymore well God is not going to work a miracle to keep you from starving so this is not a question of God's power it is a question of God's Providence it is not a question of what God can do but of what he will do so it's simply scandalous to take such a Carefree attitude to something so 00:29 serious as the validity of sacraments especially sacraments for the dying whose judgment by God is imminent people who take such a serious matter so lightly are not trusting in God they're tempting God now you might say well I'm not a lefeverist I have nothing to do with the Society of Saint Pius the tenth so what do I care well not so fast first of all you should care about the salvation of your fellow man regardless but secondly even beyond that the issue may very well impact you at some point also because maybe one day through some circumstance an sspx priest will be anointing you as you lie dying or someone you love so this is a matter that could potentially concern anyone to sum up 00:30 we're not accusing the sspx of being inconsistent if they accept the noble sort of ordinations as valid as they do then it makes sense that they would allow Vita's wander to consecrate their holy oils the problem rather is first that the sspx is wrong in accepting the 1968 right of ordination and even if they are sincere in their error sincerity cannot make an invalid Sacrament valid and second they are not forthcoming about who offered the prison Mass on April 6th they have tried to hide the fact that Vedas wander was involved so whether in Germany or any other countries those oils may end up being used in whoever receives confirmation or last rights with these oils 00:31 will always be left wandering all right I know this has been pretty lengthy and rather dry and perhaps a little tedious and so let's get into some lighter stuff now actually before we do that yes I know we still need to explain just what the problem with the 1968 right of Episcopal consecration is like why we say it's invalid but we'll do that later in this program because it's also quite Technical and I think right now we need to change gears a little and um hey why not go through some quick recent news stories you may have missed on May 8th 2023 the Argentinian apostate Jorge bergoglio stage name Pope Francis set the following during an audience with religious of the congregation of 00:32 the Holy Ghost after quoting something from the prophet isaiahs he said quote when I hear this I am reminded of God's hand caressing caressing the people caressing each of you the tender God who always caresses unquote well no there's no commentary needed here right he's got this weird obsession with the words caress and tenderness and he uses them all the time and in ways that don't really make sense or where the words just don't fit it's like when in 2017 he told participants in a Ted conference that there needs to be a revolution of tenderness and I think what he usually means by that word tenderness is Corporal Works of Mercy as part of the love of neighbor but of course he could just say that if 00:33 that's what he means right instead he blathers on incessantly about tenderness normal people just don't talk like that but tenderness is only one of his weird words another one as we've seen is caress on February 27 2021 during one of his bazillion interviews Francis was asked by a journalist quote you told me several times about your new roses how conscious are you of them unquote and this is what bregolio answered quote new roses need to be fed with mate mate is a tea that they drink down there in Argentina neuroses need to be fed with mate not only that they must also be caressed they are a person's companion throughout his life I remember once reading a book 00:34 that interested me a lot and made me laugh out loud its title was rejoice in being neurotic unquote [Music] yeah you know what maybe we should just leave it at that right because I guess it explains a lot unfortunately though I still have more from Francis and I can't not share it with you oh you know what we forgot our little Jorge bergoglio jingle one second I'm embarrassed here it is [Music] 00:35 from the Jorge's mouth [Music] thank you yup it's all straight from the Jorge's mouth so here's another one on May 4th 2023 bergoglio gave an address to participants in a conference of the organization of Catholic universities of Latin America and the Caribbean in it the papal Pretender said this quote perhaps the mission of the university is to prepare social choreographers men and women who Envision in the people a dance a dance where everyone contributes to the grace of total movement and no one is excluded unquote yeah sorry I had to do that to you I was thinking you know why should only I suffer when reading this stuff but but no he really said that 00:36 and I used a computerized translation here because the Vatican has not yet released an official English translation as of the time of this recording okay so only Italian and the original Spanish but by the time you listen to this podcast they may have the official English version up and so the wording that they use then might be slightly different but in essence it'll be the same crazy message and hey maybe we should be grateful that the Vatican has actually even reported these words because you see at this point Francis talks so much garbage that not everything gets transcribed or reported anymore and I'm not kidding on April 26th the longtime Vatican journalist Sandro Magister published a post on this blog entitled Francis the 00:37 communicator with a press office all his own at Santa Marta in a Magister describes francis's magisterium as quote that gigantic and disorderly Archive of spoken and written words unquote that come from the lips of Jorge Mario bergoglio and he goes on to say that the bergolian magisterium quote has it all and too much to the point that the clerks charged with recording his speeches have for some time found themselves having to trim and remove at least some excessive scurrilous Expressions gutter talk unquote yeah don't you hate it when that happens right you're a clerk hired to record the August words of the Holy Father and then you're like what I can't write that but of course we live in an age of 00:38 ubiquitous recording devices and media coverage so whatever he says will eventually get out one way or another but let's be honest those words of Francis that are officially reported by the Vatican are bad enough for example yes we are definitely not short on concrete examples here let's rewind to April 6 2023 which was Holy Thursday same day as Vida swanders attempt at consecrating Holy oils and Francis as usual washed the feet not of priests as he should but basically of everyone else right this time it was juvenile prisoners again and he gave them a sermon that was mercifully short at least but filled with Lutheranism or some other heresy at least not 00:39 Catholicism in fact he very seriously misled the young prisoners he preached to he must hate them considering what he said and didn't say he once again preached forgiveness without repentance without Contrition read the homily yourself and notice that although he preaches salvation and forgiveness through Christ repentance or Contrition are not mentioned as a condition he essentially tells the poor prisoners that there is nothing they need to do to be forgiven by God he tells them in fact and this is a quote now that God quote loves us just like we are Jesus is never shocked at our weaknesses he has never astonished because he has already paid he just wants to accompany 00:40 us he wants to take us by the hand so that life won't be so harsh for us unquote that is what Jorge brigolio preaches to criminals in a prison instead of gently leading them to repentance he tells them there is nothing they need to worry about nothing they need to be ashamed of everything is already forgiven they're just fine the way they are and all God wants now is to make life easier for them you have got to be kidding how much more Twisted can it get that is such a perversion of the true gospel of Christ yes God loves them and wants to forgive them of course nothing is lost they can still attain the ultimate happiness the ultimate reason for their existence which is the beatific Vision 00:41 Eternal happiness in heaven but they need to prepare for justification to get right with God they need to have Supernatural contrition they need to be willing to do Penance they need to be willing to make restitution if applicable and like any other Christian they will need to take up their cross and follow the lord Jesus because only the way of the Cross will lead to Eternal salvation see Francis could have just told them that in a nicer way perhaps but his obligation would have been to communicate that in essence because that and that alone is the gospel and not the incessant drivel about accompaniment an unconditional love and tender caresses and all that jazz what he said to those kids in prison is actually similar to what he said on August 18 2021 at his 00:42 Wednesday audience when he said that we must observe the Ten Commandments not in order to be justified but quote as an aid to the encounter with Jesus Christ unquote well that's the new theology for you smart sounding drivel that has no clear meaning but accomplishes its purpose which is to subvert the true Doctrine and cause great Confusion And if someone accuses you of heresy you can always say well that's not what I meant anyway going back to that prison homily Francis also blathered about the Dignity of being sinners yeah that's a new one even for him I think and it reminds me of when a few years back he spoke of the Holy Eucharist not as the bread of angels but as the bread of sinners 00:43 see and there we go again that wording bread of Sinners suggests that it should or at least can be received in the state of mortal sin but at the same time there is just enough wiggle room to wear a Jimmy Aiken or a Tim Staples or some other Noble sort of apologist can say no we we have to interpret this in an orthodox way and you know we're all Sinners and and he just means that it's for Sinners to become holy yeah well you can of course spin it that way but it is Spin and everyone else will get the intended message that by putting it that way bread of Sinners which is not a traditional name for the Holy Eucharist Francis is hinting at his approval of sacrilegious communions I mean that's obvious 00:44 because if he must use the term bread which of course has to be understood in a metaphorical sense because it's not bread it's the body and blood of Christ but if he must use the term bread then he ought to use the term holy bread of eternal life which is found in the Canon of the Roman Mass or the term bread of angels wouldn't that have been something to say to the juvenile Prisoners the Lord Jesus wants to give you his very own body and blood to consume under the appearance of bread but before you can receive this bread of angels this holy bread of eternal life remember how pure your soul should be and that purity of soul is available to you through the sacraments of baptism and penance 00:45 that would have been Orthodox and edifying but instead he says nothing of repentance and just blathers about dignity and all is well and we're all Sinners it's despicable you know what let's take a break before I blow a gasket here we're way overdue anyway and uh on the other side will have lots more trapcast [Music] there is nothing we hope you are enjoying the sample of the motet Felix nonquez from the album sacred choral music by Nicholas Wilton sung by the acclaimed English choir 00:46 Magnificat if you appreciate such a sacred choral music please support the traditional catholic composer Nicholas Wilton by buying a copy of his CD or purchasing downloads of individual tracks from four marksmusic.com that is f-o-u-r-m-a-r-k-s-m-u-s-i-c.com or his website catholicmusic.co.uk there is more information and also a new CD of this piano music available on those websites 00:47 [Music] that's awesome [Music] it's not just a podcast it's a trapcast [Music] thank you [Music] and welcome back to the second portion of trentcast 35. [Music] where we clean out the theological sewer of the Vatican II church [Music] it's a dirty job but someone's got to do it [Music] ladies and gentlemen did you know that water creates Sublime communion with God well if you had been reading Vatican news you would have known it on February 00:48 14 2023 a news article was published there reporting on the words of Jackie Raymond of co-founder of the laudato C movement and yeah you probably didn't realize this but according to remand quote we're called to be in close relationship or kinship with water unquote I don't know about you but personally I prefer that uh communion with the forest deal that Francis talks about in his post-senital exhortation karida Amazonia paragraph 56 he writes there quote if we enter into communion with the forest our voices will easily blend with its own and become a prayer unquote hey I'm just reporting what it says right don't blame me but back to the water thing remin says 00:49 quote when we're polluting this Gift of Water we're actually despoiling and diminishing the presence and the power if you like of the spirituality of God for us unquote um you know clean water is important right I think we can all agree on that it's necessary for life we obviously need to fight the pollution of our water but these people are making a religion out of it and you know I'm starting to think that what this whole laudato C movement is about and we discussed its apostasy and traptcast express number 172 if you remember I think they're slowly trying to introduce Hinduism into souls and don't think I'm exaggerating because it was 00:50 the Indian eco-feminist Vandana Shiva and she's someone who would know who said that when she read bergoglio's encyclical laudato C she felt like she was raiding one of the ancient Hindu scriptures it's unbelievable I included the link to that in the show notes at tradcast.org just scroll to episode troutcast 35. anyway Jackie Raymond to go back to the Vatican news article wants us to hear the Cry of water and the songs of water as well and I have to say there are so many cries everywhere now you can't hear a thing anymore everyone and everything is crying right the Earth the poor the oppressed women the Amazon the oceans water in general 00:51 probably outer space as well by now and then of course on top of that bragolio is always talking too I mean I give up actually may I make a suggestion the only cry we should really be concerned about it's funny but we never hear about that one from the Vatican the only cry we should be concerned about first and foremost and above all others is the Cry of the crucified Christ and if we do that all of these other cries will take care of themselves in other news a Jewish rabbi gave the last blessing during a noble sorto mass in Colombia on April 6 2023 funny we keep running into that date well it was Holy Thursday as you know and in the Vatican 2 religion there is a widespread 00:52 belief that the people who adhere to present-day Judaism are the people of the old Covenant and that the Mosaic law is salvific for them that is apostasy that is a complete denial of the coming of Christ and the New Covenant anyway there is Video available of that Rabbi giving his Blessing at the end of the noble sword Omas and there is also an accompanying blog post written in Spanish but I'll link it and if anything you may have to use a computer to translate it Pope Benedict XIV was rather clear in a 1756 encyclical X quo when he said quote the ceremonies of the Mosaic law were abrogated by the coming of Christ and can no longer be observed without sin after the promulgation of 00:53 the Gospel unquote end of story right that was paragraph 61 of the encyclical x quote the chosen people are now the Catholics not the Jews and anyone can now be and in fact is exhorted to be a part of this chosen people of the New Covenant by joining the Catholic Church the gospel is really not that difficult all right last topic for today as promised an overview of why not just state of a contests but also some recognize and resist traditionalists hold that the right of Episcopal consecration or Bishop's ordination promulgated by Paul VI on June 18 1968 is invalid or if we want to be a bit more 00:54 accommodating perhaps of sufficiently doubtful validity such that it must be treated as invalid in practice now I'm not going to go into too much detail because I want to keep this brief and easy to understand so it'll be more like a bird's eye view of the subject and so first let's remember that you can never prove a sacrament to be valid you can possibly prove it invalid for example if you can prove that the priest didn't baptize in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost but in the name of the celebrating Community or something like that that would be evidence that the sacrament was invalid but you cannot prove a Sacrament valid the best you can do is prove that all the necessary elements were in place for 00:55 the sacrament to be presumed valid but it is just a presumption in every single case because the internal intention to do what the church does must always be present in the minister and that is something that cannot be verified externally it can only be presumed that's why father Halligan in the administration of the sacraments can write on page 23 quote every Sacrament may be possibly invalid or valid unquote so we cannot have perfect absolute infallible certainty that a particular Sacrament is valid but that's okay because that is not some sort of defect in Catholic theology it is rather how God has established things for his church a greater certitude than 00:56 that is not possible and not necessary it is how God has designed it and how God wills it all right so that just as a preliminary consideration nevertheless just because we cannot ever have absolute certitude doesn't mean we can't have any or that we don't need any in fact before we're allowed to receive a Sacrament we must have moral certitude that it's valid and ordinarily that means we must be so certain of its validity that every prudent doubt is excluded not absolutely every doubt but every prudent doubt and then of course moral theology defines what is and isn't a prudent doubt but we don't need to get into that now since this is just supposed to be an overview so the question is can we have that kind of moral certitude Beyond prudent doubt 00:57 with regard to the validity of Paul VI right of Episcopal consecration and the answer is definitely not so let me explain the reason why the novosordo right of Episcopal consecration is invalid or at least prudently doubtful has to do exclusively with the form of the sacrament remember every Sacrament consists of matter and form and baptism for example the matter is the water being poured over the head and the form is the words I baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost and those words need to be said while the water is being poured in the ordination of a bishop the matter is the laying on of hands on the head of the man being ordained and the form is 00:58 the prayer of consecration now in 1947 popei is the 12th specified what words in that prayer of consecration are necessary for validity and those words have since been replaced by Paul VI with completely different words of course those who believe that Paul VI was a true Pope may not care too much they will say that well since the words for holy orders were not given us by Christ unlike for baptism whatever words one Pope establishes as necessary for validity those can be changed by a subsequent Pope into different words okay let's grant that I'm not entirely sure it's that simple but let's accept that for the sake of argument there are still two further problems number one this makes the entire argument dependent on Paul VI having been a true Pope so 00:59 even if people think he was if they're wrong about that the whole argument collapses and number two although different words could be used that express the same thing as the words decreed by Pius XII nevertheless the words prescribed by Paul VI do not express even that let me explain even if the words are changeable it's obvious they cannot just be changed into whatever right you can't say that from now on the words of the prayer for the ordination of a bishop are going to be uh please tie your shoes or this man will now be a cook or may God bless you right there is nothing in these words that even remotely says anything about the consecration of a bishop so what then is the minimum necessary what does the form of the sacrament need 01:00 to express well according to Pope Pius xii's Apostolic Constitution sacramentum ordinase number three quote the sacraments of the new law as sensible signs which produce invisible Grace must both signify the grace which they produce and produce the grace which they signify unquote then the pope continues and says that the matter of all three degrees of the sacrament of holy orders Deacon priest and Bishop is the laying on of hands now the laying on of Hands by itself is not determinate enough meaning it is used for all three degrees and also by the way for confirmation right so by itself the imposition of hands is not clear enough it doesn't sufficiently signify the grace of the sacrament it doesn't sufficiently 01:01 indicate what is actually taking place so that's where the form comes in the prayer of ordination which of course is a different one for each of the different degrees right there's one for Deacon and then there's a different one for priest and yet another one for Bishop going back to Sacramento ordnis Pius XII says quote the form and the only form is The Words which determine the application of this matter meaning the imposition of hands which univocally signify the sacramental effects namely the power of order and the grace of the Holy Spirit and which are accepted and used by the church in that sense unquote that's uh paragraph four of Sacramento ordinase so the words must signify univocally or univocally that is they must reflect without 01:02 ambiguity what is taking place and they must be the words accepted and used by the church for that so you cannot just substitute your own words instead so basically the ordination prayer must ask God to send the Holy Ghost to make the person being ordained into a bishop and the prayer instituted by Paul VI doesn't do that that is the issue the traditional prayer the one declared to be necessary for validity by Pius XII is this one quote perfect in thy priest the fullness of thy Ministry and clotheing Him in all the ornaments of spiritual glorification sanctify him with a Heavenly anointing unquote and that is from Sacramento ordinis paragraph five now this may sound a bit obscure at first because it's so poetic but you can 01:03 see that since it speaks about a priest receiving the fullness of God's Ministry that can only be the episcopacy because there's only one degree of holy orders that's higher than the priest the bishop has the fullness of ordination and that is also what the church understands by the words all the ornaments of spiritual glorification so the power of order the episcopacy is clearly expressed and so is the grace of the Holy Ghost because the prayer says sanctify him with the Heavenly anointing and the Heavenly anointing is of course the sacramental grace so that's the traditional prayer but then came Paul VI one of the imposters and he changed the traditional prayer into this quote so now pour out 01:04 upon this chosen one that power which is from you the governing Spirit whom you gave to your beloved Son Jesus Christ the spirit given him to the Holy Apostles who founded the church in every place to be your temple for the unceasing glory and praise of your name unquote this prayer speaks about a governing Spirit who is to be poured out upon the person okay fine countless hours have been used arguing about who or what that governing spirit is now let's just agree at least for the sake of argument that it's the Holy Ghost let's just grant that the main problem that I see here is that even though the holy spirit is being invoked it is not expressed what the holy spirit is supposed to do Pius XII said the prayer must Express the power of order and the grace of the 01:05 Holy Ghost where is the power of order let's read it again so now pour out upon this chosen one the one being ordained that power which is from you okay so it's talking about the power from God the governing Spirit okay we've already said let's agree that it's the Holy Ghost whom you gave to your beloved Son Jesus Christ the spirit given by him to the Holy Apostles who founded the church in every place to be your temple for the unceasing glory and praise of your name all right so the prayer asks God the Father to pour out the holy ghost or at least that governing Spirit but to do what to what end we're not told the Holy Ghost you got to remember is poured out also in baptism in confirmation and in the ordinations of deacons and Priests for example 01:06 so the mere fact that God is being asked to pour out the Holy Spirit cannot be sufficient for validity for an Episcopal consecration just as the laying on of Hands by itself means nothing definite right it's indeterminate so this prayer too is indeterminate it does not without ambiguity Express the sacrament that is supposedly being confected now some will say wait a minute it's talking about the governing spirit and that means episcopacy because the bishop governs his flock but that argument fails on two counts on three actually first the governing spirit and that phrase is by the way a hapless translation of the Latin spiritum principalum there's long been a controversy about what that term actually means or how it should be translated 01:07 German equivalent is Fort Geist which translates as Exquisite Spirit or Noble Spirit or excellent Spirit nothing there about governing another English translation I've seen renders it as guiding spirit but governing or not the adjective merely determines the noun it describes the spirit not the man being ordained or the power being conferred and then not every Bishop governs A Flock anyway dioces and Bishops do but not titular Bishops not auxiliary Bishops and not retired Bishops besides the assignment over A Flock and the necessary jurisdiction for that are given with the canonical appointment they do not come with ordination but with an office being conferred so that argument too Falls flat but then what about the part of the prayer that says of the spirit whom you 01:08 gave to your beloved Son Jesus Christ the spirit given by him to the Holy Apostles well that's a lot of words but all they do is describe that Spirit further there's still nothing there about what that spirit is being asked to do but some will say it says the spirit given by him to the Holy Apostles who founded the church in every place to be your temple for the unceasing glory and praise of your name yes that's true and it's simply talking about the Holy Apostles and what they did it still doesn't say much less without ambiguity what the spirit is supposed to do or what power of order is being conferred that the apostles founded the church in every place is one thing but that says nothing about what is happening to the man over whom that prayer is being prayed 01:09 in the end what we're left with in the novel's Ordo Rite of Episcopal consecration is a prayer that at best asks God to send down the Holy Spirit upon a particular person but without specifying what for and since that does not express the power of order and possibly not even the grace of the Holy Ghost it does not signify unambiguously the grace of the sacrament and therefore must be considered invalid now I know there are a ton of objections that can be made and that have been made but as we said in this podcast we're just going to provide an overview so I just wanted to cover the basic arguments so that people understand what all this fuss is about and I know all of these things can be difficult they can be tedious and frustrating but they matter and that is why for decades a lot of people both 01:10 inside and outside of the Society of Saint Pius X have not accepted Nova's Auto Bishops as certainly valid as valid Beyond prudent doubt and so please don't fall into the Trap of thinking that whoever now questions Vitas wanders holy oils just hates the society or hates Bishop wander or just wants to cause trouble that's a very emotional reaction to what is actually a rather cerebral matter remember the words of Our Lord to Saint Peter in Matthew 16 19. whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven Pope Pius XII bound the church to the words he specified as being the form of the sacrament of holy orders and necessary for validity even if you think that Paul VI was a true Pope 01:11 will you really say that although he gave you Vatican II which you don't consider binding and The ecumenical directory of 1967 which you don't consider binding and the new Mass which you don't consider binding that when it comes to Episcopal consecration all of a sudden his words are binding and they can overthrow the decree of Pope Pius XII so you will follow Paul VI when it suits you but not when it doesn't if that's what you want to do if that's your theology you will follow the theology at your own risk [Music] and with that we have come to the end of troutcast 35. thank you everyone for sticking around 01:12 God bless you and we'll see you next time [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] 01:13 [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you fredcast [Music]