00:00 and now coming to you from an undisclosed location it's the novos Ordo watch track cast [Music] you can't make the stuff up [Music] thank you congratulations dear listeners you have made an excellent choice by tuning in to trapcast 00:01 a podcast in which we contrast genuine traditional Catholicism with the frightful reality that is the Vatican II religion currently presided over by the Argentinian apostate Jorge bergoglio also known as Pope Francis foreign [Music] with razor sharp analysis and just a touch of humor we keep you not only informed but also entertained welcome then ladies and gentlemen to trapcast36 let's go [Music] [Applause] Deja Vu is defined as a feeling of having already experienced before what is happening now I get that feeling when I look at the current ecclesiastical landscape because 00:02 it looks to me as though we're in a situation now very similar to how it was in the late 1950s and early 60s after the death of Pope Pius XII there are quite a number of parallels to that except that this time of course everything is taking place at a more advanced level that is one step further removed from traditional Catholicism let me explain what I mean in the last 10 years Francis has done so much damage to what the conservatives in the Vatican II Church would recognize as Orthodox Doctrine you know strict opposition to abortion euthanasia and sexual immorality some emphasis on the supernatural the life of Grace and eternal life as the goal of human existence and so on that at least was the perceived Orthodoxy before Francis 00:03 came along in 2013. with francis's arrival and the utter chaos that followed and still endures to the present at first the conservatives tried to spin the new false Pope as being just as Orthodox as his predecessors I remember distinctly Michael Voris for example slamming the secular media for daring to suggest that bregolio's obvious difference in style was reflective of a difference also in substance well we all know how that went Pope Francis talks like a pope like the successor to Saint Peter and so it seems to me now that in a sense Francis is to his immediate predecessors what John the 23rd and Paul VI were to popes Pius XII Pius XI and all the popes before them for example just as John the 23rd called the council taught false Doctrine caused a massive upheaval and triggered a 00:04 revolution That Was Then carried out by Paul VI so too Francis has been calling synods left and right especially now the upcoming Synod on synodality he has made a complete mess of things and has taught things contrary to the faith and by that I mean things that are contrary even to the doctrines of his immediate predecessors whether they actually are or aren't isn't even the point here the point is that that is how people perceive it and by that I mean to include not just the average conservative Noble sort of pewsetter but also big names such as Ralph Martin Jeffrey myris Joseph Seifert Phil Lawler Henry sear I think George Weigel even to some extent or another they see Francis as deviating from sound Doctrine and by sound Doctrine I mean what they recognize as such in the magisterium of 00:05 John Paul II and Benedict XVI with bergoglio everything has been up one level you might say collegiality has become synodality ecumenism has become human fraternity and religious liberty has become divinely willed religious diversity and so we have an interesting scenario here because the same people who vigorously oppose traditionalists for daring to suggest that John the 23rd and Paul VI and the post-concilia magisterium deviated from the traditional catholic magisterium of Pope Pius XII now take a very similar line with regard to Francis vis-a-vis the prior novusordo magisterium and just as Paul VI all but outlawed the traditional Latin Mass so Francis has now once again forbidden it not entirely 00:06 but he's put severe restrictions on it and set a process in motion that will eventually phase it out altogether also just as with Vatican II there is once again this ominous atmosphere of a new beginning a great reset if you will and of course bergoglio continually talks about the God of surprises and the newness of the spirit and denounces clinging to the past and all that similar to how John the 23rd spoke of a new Pentecost and denounced the prophets of Doom who as it turns out were actually right the situation now is eerily similar to that of the 1960s with the difference that some of the Novelties of the 60s are today's Orthodoxy which the Uber modernists like Francis are trying to go beyond in order to bring about an Ever greater apostasy and just as we had strict Defenders of 00:07 the new orientation in the 1960s so also today we have the various apologists for bergoglio and his surpriseiology people such as Mike Lewis Austin Ivory Tim Staples Michael Lofton and Jimmy Aiken and just as we had our Cardinal otavianis and Archbishop fevs back in the 1960s and after so now we have the former U.S nuncio Archbishop vegano Bishop Strickland of Texas and Bishop Schneider of Kazakhstan and we even have the first post Benedict state of a contest so to speak those who believe the chair of Saint Peter has been vacant since either Benedict's death in 2022 or his resignation in 2013. and heck for almost 10 years we even had a Siri thesis of sorts like those people who believe that Cardinal Joseph Siri of 00:08 Genoa was the secret Pope after Pius XII a good number of people in the noble sort of church think that Benedict XVI secretly remained the true Pope until his death on December 31st 2022 among those we can count Patrick coffin Alexis bonolo and Anne Barnhart so what does all of this mean to be honest I don't know but I do know it is a creepy kind of deja vu ladies and gentlemen as the apostasy and the doctrinal and moral chaos in the Vatican reach of fever pitch at ever greater speed the reactions of the recognize and resist pundits are becoming more and more absurd one of the latest examples as with this recording is a piece put out by Robert Morrison at the remnant on July 18th entitled Pius XII sumani generis and the 00:09 holy ghost's protection of what John the 23rd rejected now first of all the idea that a true Pope which is of course what Morrison believes about in John the 23rd the idea that a true Pope could reject the magisterial teaching of his predecessor is already absurd Humane generis was Pope Pius XII 1950 encyclical against neo-modernism by the way it is an absurd idea but still that position is to be expected from The Remnant so that's not really news but here's The Clincher Morrison tries to explain how the Holy Ghost protected the church when John the 23rd rejected Pope Pius xii's encyclical listen to this utterly asinine commentary quote for 60 years so many Catholics have experienced tremendous anxiety over the thought that God's promise to protect 00:10 the church had become void with Vatican II however if we approach this deep mystery in a rational manner trying to make the most sense out of the evidence signs God has permitted in his loving Providence we can see that the Holy Ghost protection of the church was exercised by making it perfectly clear that John the 23 rejected that protection for his counsel with the benefit of hindsight we can recognize that from the first day of the council there were already clear signs that John the 23 fundamentally rejected Pius XII sumani generis and the indispensable protections of the faith contained therein it is as though God compelled John the 23rd to leave us this unmistakable confirmation that he was rejecting the protections of the Holy Ghost and I'm skipping ahead now although John 00:11 XXII obstructed the protections of the Holy Ghost with respect to his counsel the Holy Ghost never ceased protecting the church in large part that protection consisted of Permitting it to be abundantly clear that the council did not benefit from the protections of the Holy Ghost as such no Catholic can follow any Innovations of the council that deviate from what the church has always taught even more significantly the holy ghost's protection of the church has extended to allowing it to be painfully obvious that the council's errors have caused disastrous fruits this fact both adds a profound reason to avoid the errors denounced by Pius XII and his predecessors and allows the true doctrine of the church to shine forth more brilliantly unquote folks I wish it 00:12 were satire in two paragraphs Robert Morrison just claimed that the Holy Ghost protects the Catholic church not by preventing an ecumenical council from teaching doctrinal error but by allowing it to do so in an obvious way so that everyone can see the council isn't protected by the Holy Spirit you can't make the stuff up this is what the author calls approaching this deep mystery in a rational manner this is just appalling do these people ever think about what they write or do they just throw stuff out there as long as it supports their position I mean come on by that logic I guess the Mormons are protected by the Holy Ghost the Muslims the methodists even the so-called old Catholics after Vatican won right they could say that papal infallibility is such obvious nonsense 00:13 that everyone can tell that the Holy Ghost was obviously not protecting the first Vatican Council in 1870. this is Comedy Hour for the remnant to publish something so absurd shows that they're completely out of ideas they're recognize and resist Enterprise is intellectually bankrupt they're out of answers out of excuses out of spin they're done they're scraping the bottom of the barrel and it's even the wrong Barrel Francis has blown the lid off the false traditionalism of recognize and resist and even though the resistors don't realize it now or don't appreciate it is actually for their own good but then even as with the scribes and Pharisees back in the day people still have to freely Ascent to the reality in 00:14 front of them it is not only a matter of the intellect but also of the will the editor of the remnant by the way is Michael Matt and I have a question for him that he himself recently asked of novel's ordo apologists I want to throw his own words back at him What's it gonna take to convince you guys yes Mr Matt what will it take that's what I want to know too none are so blind as those who refuse to see that sound bite by the way was taken from the June 25th 2023 video Church in Flames traditional Catholics Predator priests and the Latin Mass published by The Remnant on YouTube putting the link in the show notes you can find the show notes at trapcast.org simply scroll down to episode 36. anyway let's go back to Morrison's article his thesis about the Holy Ghost 00:15 protecting the church not by preventing evil from being taught by making it obvious that evil is being taught he seems to contradict that later on in his article when he tries to explain why so many people and even today didn't seem to notice what was supposedly so obvious he quotes Bishop athanasius Schneider on this and then comments quote if great Shepherds of the church such as Bishop Schneider come to this realization only after considerable prayer and reflection it is no wonder that so many faithful Catholics still labor under the mistaken belief that the Holy Ghost protected the council from error unquote so which is it did the Holy Ghost protect the church by making the council's errors obvious never mind that you'll never find such a ridiculous idea in any pre-vatican II 00:16 Catholic theology book or are even great Shepherds of the church and so many faithful Catholics incapable of seeing it for so long because if a large number of people cannot see the obvious for decades then how is the church being protected you can't have it both ways you can't say the Holy Spirit made it obvious but then also maintain that even many faithful prayerful Catholics couldn't figure it out and still cannot not to mention the not so prior full ones you know I find it really infuriating that the remnant puts out such junk under the label of traditional Catholicism I find it infuriating especially because they reach so many people with us how in the world did it ever happen that this is considered the Orthodox antidote to the Vatican II religion it's really 00:17 tragic because this isn't a game this isn't a joke there are so many good will Pious people who just want to be real Catholics and raise their families and please God and this is the stuff that they get inundated with under the label of Catholic tradition so Morrison refers to athanasius Schneider as one of the great Shepherds of the church well of course he says that because he agrees with Schneider he likes what Schneider says and does so it's a rather subjective judgment by the same token though others in his church May differ in their subjective judgments they might and many do say that Cardinal Joseph Tobin or Bishop Robert McElroy are great Shepherds because they agree with them the difference would be however that Tobin and McElroy are actually 00:18 shepherds in the noble sorto church and by that I mean they are actual dioces and Bishops local ordinaries heads of dioceses unlike Schneider and here I'm totally sidestepping the issue of whether the ordinations are valid that's irrelevant to the point I'm making Schneider is only an auxiliary bishop and that means he doesn't even have his own flock so in that sense he is not really a Shepherd at all his job is only to help the real Shepherd of his diocese and various Episcopal functions and that Shepherd is Archbishop Thomas petta in the Archdiocese of Maria Santisima in Kazakhstan he is the real Noble sort of Shepherd there and only there I just want to point that out because these recognize and resist people have created a fantasy world for themselves a real bubble in which they live and in 00:19 that bubble Schneider is a great Shepherd because he presumes to correct Francis in public and the semi-trads like that but outside of that bubble in actual Noble's Ordo land and what everybody else believes is the Catholic church and how it's supposed to be in in that world Schneider is not important at all he's just an auxiliary in the Diocese of only 54 000 registered as Catholics with no external jurisdiction over anyone and I'm not trying to put them down I'm just relating the objective facts contrary to Morrison's wishful thinking and I think that's important people need to know when they read these recognize and resist articles how much of it is just spin all right we'll come back to the remnant later on but now let's take a look at some recent news from novo's Ordo land 00:20 the Archdiocese of Munich in Germany is advertising an ecumenical Requiem service for a glacier yes a glacier that's the ice that sits on top of a mountain the notice on the archdiocesan website announced it as follows and by the time you're listening to this it's already taken place quote in order to draw attention to the consequences of rapidly advancing climate change and the importance of preserving creation the Catholic and Protestant churches in wordenfelser land are organizing an ecumenical Requiem for the Zuck Spitz Glacier in the chapel of the visitation of the Virgin Mary zaksh spits plot on Tuesday 25th of July at 12 noon unquote what do you say to that afterwards the dwindling Glacier will be blessed in a church ritual 00:21 well that's nice look since their idea of church is not for the Salvation of souls they've got to have some kind of substitute right otherwise these pseudo-clerics will just be out of a job you know the funny thing is that typically all these people believe in evolution right in macro Evolution they believe that basically every living creature that exists evolved out of a single organism a primordial soup of bacteria or or something or maybe even inanimate matter and yet these same people are worried about disappearing species and whatnot well if everything can simply evolve from practically nothing then what's the problem oh and by the way whatever happened to survival of the fittest maybe the glacier just didn't make the cut 00:22 now look I'm not saying we shouldn't take care of the environment that we shouldn't try to preserve biodiversity it is God's creation and some of it can be irretrievably lost I'm just pointing out the irony here if you believe in evolution which is an absurd position then this stuff shouldn't matter to you then everything comes from nothing you just have to give it enough time all right let's go to the Vatican for some news no doubt everyone has heard by now that Francis has appointed Victor Manuel Fernandez we call him Smoochy because in 1995 he published that disgusting book Heal Me with Your Mouth the art of kissing that he has been appointed now head of what used to be the holy office the congregation for the doctrine of the faith now it's actually called the dicastery for the doctrine of the faith but it really should be called the 00:23 dicastery for the destruction of the faith because that's all it's for anymore now Allah has already been written about Fernandez and how good of a fit he is for that dicastery so I don't want to spend much time on him here by the way even the secular press has started reporting that given his background maybe he's not the most suitable candidate for that position of You Know Chief guardian of Orthodoxy I'm going to link a few posts in the show notes for this episode and leave it at that but I do want to mention that Fernandez has responded to his critics about that book and has said that hey don't make such a big deal about it that was 30 years ago it was not meant as a great work of theology it was just meant as a catechesis for teenagers 00:24 yeah he said that apparently he thought that that would help the situation it didn't it just showed how tone deaf the man is the book by the way has one chapter that contains a collection of short poems about kissing I won't quote this now but in one of the poems written by Fernandez himself he asks to bleed to death from the kiss of a she-wolf enough said on May 19th of this year Vatican news reported man arrested after forcing entry into Vatican City a 40 year old man drives a car at high speed into Vatican city-state and is arrested after forcing two checkpoints of the Swiss guard and the Vatican John darmory yeah that was a quote and you can read the full story for yourself the links in 00:25 the show notes but what I find so interesting about the story is what we see there we see that Vatican City a has closed borders B requires people who want to enter to use the official point of entry C does not allow just anyone to enter but requires a legitimate permit D defends its territorial Integrity with armed guards who are willing to fire shots if necessary and E arrests those who violate its borders meanwhile Francis preaches open borders and generous Hospitality to everyone else another report from Vatican news is dated July 14 2023 the headline is Holy See firmly condemns desecration of religious symbols 00:26 in the article it says quote the Holy See has strongly condemned the desecration destruction or disrespect for religious objects symbols and places of worship reiterating that these acts are an abuse of the precious gift of freedom of expression which feed hatred intolerance and create greater polarization in society unquote the Vatican news article says further quote Monsignor David Putzer said that to willfully insult religious beliefs Traditions or sacred objects constitutes an attack on the human dignity of the believer unquote you know I find that interesting because when Paul VI did it they called it liturgical renewal right I mean when the liturgical Revolution got underway in the late 00:27 1960s and the new Mass was imposed it led to Untold sacrilegious desecrations of altars communion rails ripped out churches gutted statuary thrown away and so on but that's how it's been for decades now the Unholy see is always concerned about desecration when it comes to the religious symbols and paraphernalia of other religions not so much about Catholic things now notice that the Vatican does not condemn the desecration destruction or disrespect of what is truly sacred because it concerns the true God or the True Religion but instead condemns what is merely considered sacred in any and all religions thereby once again treating all religions as equal putting the True Religion revealed by Jesus Christ on the same level as man-made diabolical sects 00:28 concerning article 9 of the Creed I believe in the Holy Catholic Church the communion of saints the catechism of the Council of Trent points out quote just as this one Church cannot err in faith or moral since it is Guided by the Holy Ghost so on the contrary all other societies arrogating to themselves the name of Church Must necessarily because Guided by the spirit of the devil be sunk in the most pernicious errors both doctrinal and moral unquote yeah that doesn't sound exactly like Vatican II does it for those who may not be aware or have perhaps forgotten the Vatican II decree on ecumenism una tatata's red integration States the following in number three quote it follows that the separated churches and communities as such though 00:29 we believe them to be deficient in some respects have been by no means deprived of significance and importance in the mystery of salvation for the spirit of Christ has not refrained from using them as means of Salvation which derive their efficacy from the very fullness of Grace and Truth and trusted to the church unquote that is insane but anyway going back to the Vatican condemnation of desecrating any and all religious objects the immediate context in which that came was an incident where someone in Sweden burned a Quran the Muslim holy book right next to a mosque now look depending on the context in which it is done burning a bad book any bad book maybe prudent or imprudent it 00:30 can lead to misunderstanding it can needlessly provoke anger hatred and violence it can lead to the injury or deaths even of third parties burning a copy of the Quran in front of a mosque is probably not going to help in the conversion of Muslims to the True Religion Roman Catholicism if anything it will probably make such conversion a lot more difficult and needlessly so at the same time the fundamental fact remains that it is in itself and objectively a good and Noble thing to destroy Blasphemous books other bad literature dangerous literature right in decent magazines and and so forth now of course in the Vatican II religion they have long stopped distinguishing the True Religion from false religions and they have totally abandoned the idea that only truth has rights and error doesn't that's that evil triumphalism they always decry 00:31 instead they now base everything on the alleged Dignity of the human person to such an extent that in the event of a conflict even the truth and the rights of God must yield to the Dignity of man and here we see a perfect example of that never mind that God is blasphemed in the Muslim Quran and the Jewish talmud never mind that Hindus worship creatures and Jehovah's Witnesses deny the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ none of that according to the post-catholic Vatican can make it lawful to destroy or denigrate even in the proper context their Blasphemous texts their false Idols their evil doctrines symbols and rights because the people who unfortunately adhere to these diabolical religions have dignity and that dignity is apparently greater than God's dignity 00:32 God's right not to be offended not to be blasphemed not to be lied about not to be denied that is insane and here we see a fundamental Paradigm Shift between the preconcilier and the post-conciliary church and these two paradigms are inherently incompatible in real Catholicism false religions can be tolerated and even the public exercise of false religions depending on circumstances may have to be tolerated and not outlawed or acted against but never ever can there be a right to practice them or a right not to be prevented from practicing them in public so the novusordo Vatican considers it an attack on the human dignity of the believer to willfully insult religious beliefs Traditions or sacred objects 00:33 again without distinguishing the True Religion from false religions it's all the same according to them because people have rights even when they're in error and if the error offends god well it's just too bad for the Holy Trinity well according to that standard the Vatican II Church would have condemned not only Saint Boniface Winfred who destroyed idols and Heathen temples and cut down the so-called sacred Oak the Pagan Germans were worshiping in the 8th century but also Moses who destroyed the golden calf the Israelites had begun worshiping in Exodus 32 20 it says and laying hold of the calf which they had made he burnt it and beat it to powder as long as the idolatrous Israelites were human and they were then according 00:34 to the false teaching of today's Vatican they possessed that dignity which Moses had an obligation to respect in which Moses had no right to offend against by destroying the idol in fact if this false new novosorto doctrine were correct then even our blessed Lord Jesus Christ would be to blame because he certainly did willfully insult some of the religious beliefs and traditions of the scribes and Pharisees I'm not going to quote it all here I'll just refer you to Matthew 15 Matthew 23 Mark 7 and John 8. folks you can't have it both ways if the new religion of Vatican II is true then the entire church before Vatican II The Gospel and the New Testament itself even the Old Testament would be false then no one would ever have been allowed 00:35 to destroy a statue of Malik Baal or any other demonic Idol because of the Dignity of those devil worshipers folks if this is not the great apostasy I don't know what there will be left to apostatize from trapcast all right I've got yet another new story from the post-catholic Vatican and this one you may have already heard about on May 19th 2023 lifesite published an article entitled Vatican mariologist suggests apparitions about God's punishment are false despite past approval you can't make the stuff up so this Franciscan Friar a certain father Stefano check-in if I'm pronouncing that correctly who is the president of the pontifical 00:36 international Marian Academy has made the following brilliant comment about Discerning true Marian apparitions from false ones quote does a mother want to punish her children by sending them illnesses death no way so the apparitions that speak of punishments from God are absolutely false unquote but of course to be true all apparitions obviously have to jive with Vatican II with the joy and hope the gaudium at space of the new religion and there is no room for punishment there punish people why would God do that right this poor ninevites they didn't know about Vatican II those idiots actually did Penance for 40 days because Jonas the prophet had announced to them that 00:37 God was going to destroy their City didn't they know he was just bluffing God would never have done that they could have just sat back and waited for some Divine caresses and accompaniment instead because hey would a loving God ever punish someone I mean what father punishes his kids right that doesn't ever happen ladies and gentlemen we see here once more the poison of naturalism see this Franciscan fellow is so steeped in the temporal and the mundane that he sees happiness as something that must come from and therefore be sought in this natural temporal world suffering in this world for Eternal happiness in the next that's not even on this radar he can't fathom it because he's a naturalist just like Francis that by the way is why Francis rejects 00:38 not only the death penalty but also life imprisonment as appropriate forms of punishment because both mean the definitive end of happiness in this world now what does a man like that a novel's Ordo priest For Heaven's Sake what does a man like that believe about sacred scripture the Bible is full of God's physical punishments beginning with the third chapter of the very first book and then there's also Cain and Abel Noah and the flood and on and on but of course you know these people don't believe in any of that that's obvious what could such a man as this Franciscan presbyter who thinks God would never punish anyone what could he possibly believe about purgatory about hell 00:39 about picking up one's cross to follow Christ these people are apostates there is no Catholicism left in the Vatican it's all just an empty shell and remember that as Pope Benedict the 15th wrote in his encyclical the faith can only be accepted in its entirety quote such is the nature of Catholicism that it does not admit of more or less but must be held as a whole or as a whole rejected unquote it's paragraph number 24. so if even just one Dogma is rejected the entire faith is thereby rejected because the faith exists only as a whole Christ gave to his Apostles to his church one deposit of faith it is not 00:40 made up of individual parts or elements okay we can only accept that deposit if we accept all of it we cannot pick and choose if someone chooses only certain truths in that deposit and rejects others then he does not accept the deposit at all and makes himself the authority of what is true and false rather than submitting to the authority of Christ and of his church and you know what ladies and gentlemen think it's time for a break stay tuned we'll be right back don't go anywhere [Music] track cast ignore this podcast at your own risk [Music] trapcast is a production of 00:41 novusordowatch.org we watch the Vatican II church so you don't have to go to novusordowatch.org novusordowatch.org and see for yourself that the Vatican II church is not in fact the Catholic Church of the ages [Music] not just a podcast it's a trapcast [Music] I want to give a quick shout outs to all Nicodemus listeners out there 00:42 You Know Who You Are I'm talking about people who listen to trapcasts secretly hoping no one will ever find out [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back this is episode 36 of your favorite podcast and now we come to one of my favorite segments you've probably missed it already 00:43 [Music] from the Jorge's mouth [Music] that's right from the Jorge's mouth precious bits and pieces of the infinite wisdom that falls from the Auguste lips of Jorge bergoglio stage name poop Francis and as always he didn't disappoint you may know that world youth day is just around the corner and depending on when you're listening to this show it may have already taken place it's scheduled for August 1st through the 6th and of course France has released a video message for all those who will be attending and as always it's just full of the profound spiritual insights we've come to know and love from the Argentinian Jesuit so here we go Vatican news released the following 00:44 unofficial translation of francis's words quote dear young people who are leaving for Lisbon for World youth day I wish you a good journey I hope you arrive at the encounter filled with joy take this path and make a journey life is about making a journey young people have the vocation to make a journey striver had courageously always looking toward your destination do so with the mysticism of the journey always walking with others and never alone may God bless you and thank you for your efforts and your hard work have a good day unquote I'm so touched this is just so beautiful have more meaningful words ever been 00:45 spoken who will not be edified by such Supernatural insights the mysticism of the journey moving forward with our eyes fixed on the goal it's too bad he doesn't say what the goal was but knowing him he'd probably say the goal is the journey anyway Francis has a lot planned still for the remainder of the year after World youth day he'll travel to Mongolia now that country is not that small size-wise but they have so few Catholics there that they do not even have a diocese if I counted correctly they only have nine churches or chapels in the whole country plus a cathedral for the apostolic prefect which is a missionary jurisdiction 00:46 the total number of people registered as Catholic in the nation of Mongolia is one thousand three hundred and just so you have something to compare that to the tiny island nation of Tonga in the Pacific Ocean has about 15 000 okay that's Tonga so Mongolia doesn't even have 10 percent of the number of Catholics that Tonga has and yet Francis will fly there with his Entourage and blow I don't know how many thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide into the air all the while lecturing everyone else of course to fight climate change that's exactly my kind of humor all right what else is Francis going to be doing this year well he will have a consistory to create more fake Cardinals on 00:47 September 30th and then of course there will finally be The Grand Event the world has been waiting for with baited breath the Synod that's right the Senate on synodality which will be held in October in the Vatican and then again in October of next year to finish it you know all this freak outery over the Senate I find it odd because people who know better or should know better are acting as if the Senate will be some kind of unique event which will definitively determine if Francis is a true Pope or not or if novos Ordo Doctrine will be changed or not well actually the Senate will do neither first because Francis has already done so many things that are impossible for a 00:48 true Pope to do that whatever he does at the Senate won't be the deciding factor for anything and secondly because the Senate does not determine Doctrine the Senate is not magisterial it will of course issue a final document but that document has no magisterial Authority on its own and will only advise Francis as to what he should do I guess they might say it's what the spirit is saying to Francis but at the end of the day the one to change Doctrine will be Francis and he's done it before entirely without a senate even that was the change on the death penalty back in 2018. he just updated the catechism and the footnote for that update simply referenced a speech he had given that prior year Francis says it and boom Doctrine changes that's how that works now for that one for the death penalty I 00:49 guess he knew he could get away with it because most people in the novel sorto disagree with the death penalty anyway even some traditionalists at least outside of the United States so that was not that big of a deal for him to change I think however for something like access to the sacraments for unrepentant adulterers regolio needed a kind of mandate so to speak from the Senate and that's why he didn't touch that topic until after the senates on the family back in 2014 and 15. so if indeed he wants to go ahead and provide some kind of official magisterial opening to same-sex unions or blessings or whatever and I think he does want that he'll be looking for a hefty mandate from the Senate because it's going to get a lot of opposition in this church especially from people in Africa I think and so I suspect he will do what he did with the sentence on the 00:50 family and that is try to get as much Progressive junk into the final document as possible while looking to see how much conservative pushback there is in other words he'll just see what he can get away with if there isn't much pushback or just from very limited quarters then he'll probably give a closing address at the senate in which he praises the assembly as the voice of the people of God and therefore the voice of the spirit and you know signs of the times and that stuff and then he'll incorporate the Senate's recommendations in his post-synital exhortation and thereby make them magisterial and all I can say is for that final document watch the footnotes if on the other hand there is a lot of opposition and he doesn't think he can incredibly get what he wants then he'll do what he did in 2015 and say yet the Senate closing address that 00:51 the church can't be reduced to political categories like Progressive and conservative and that really both sides are crazy and he the successor of Peter has now come to step in and put an end to these insufferable skirmishes between progressives who want the church to be a flower without roots and the conservatives who want the church to be perpetually fixed on the roots thereby stifling growth and suffocating the spirit that's what I think is going to happen one of these two Alternatives depending on how things go for him now the Senate is scheduled to end as I said in late 2024. which means the magisterial people document wouldn't be released until 2025 and frankly I don't think Francis is going to make it to 25. he'd be 88 then and I just don't see that happening 00:52 anyway time will tell okay having covered all that let's go back to the remnant on July 8 2023 Michael Matt published a 40-minute video entitled inside the Vatican Pope Francis Bill Clinton and Alex Soros in that video Matt talks about some of francis's latest chaos and then he says stuff like this they're making a chaotic mess of the church in her human element as we always say and it's on purpose church and her Divine element friends is fine not worried about it the church in the human element has been totally infiltrated ah yes the human element is back and you know with regard to francis's personal moral failings such as giving a thumbs up to a Blasphemous artist or meeting with Wicked people yeah that would pertain to his personal sinfulness and in that sense to the human element of the church but the 00:53 Divine element concerns the church's nature Doctrine sacraments laws Saints and Michael Matt is not worried about that really no that's not how it is he simply says that that's all part of the human element as well and as he said in a YouTube video years ago the Divine element was God the angels and the Saints something to that effect fantastic Theology and so traditional next matte contrasts francis's new made-up doctrines with the teaching of the first Vatican council's dogmatic Constitution pastor eternus chapter 4 where it says quote for the Holy Spirit was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might by his Revelation make known some new doctrine but that by his assistance they might religiously guard and 00:54 Faithfully expound the Revelation or the positive Faith transmitted by the apostles unquote and then Matt makes one of the most crucial mistakes of the recognize and resist crowd he interprets these words from the first Vatican Council in a normative sense rather than in a descriptive sense what do I mean by that if taken in a normative sense it would mean that the council's teaching merely establishes a norm for the pope to follow as in the pope is supposed to teach sound Doctrine and not make up his own teachings but Vatican 1 is not simply establishing a norm here because that wouldn't make any sense it would be totally insufficient any Pastor in the church is not supposed to teach a false gospel 00:55 indeed any person anywhere at any time what makes the papacy so different so unique from any other institution in the world is that it is Guided by the Holy Ghost and this Holy Ghost will assist the Pope in such a way that he will not indeed cannot ever teach his own doctrines rather than the true gospel and so that passage from Vatican 1 only makes sense if taken in a descriptive way the council describes in what Manner the Holy Ghost assists the papacy it does not simply give the pope a rule to follow in other words the council does not say what the pope ought to do it says what the pope does next Michael Matt announces the Bellarmine moment ladies and gentlemen 00:56 our Bellarmine moment is here we don't come over this before but it's time to get serious remember St Robert Bellarmine doctor of the church said therefore just as it would be lawful to resist a pontiff invading a body so is it lawful to resist him invading souls or disturbing a state and much more if he should Endeavor to destroy the church I say it is lawful to resist him by not doing what he commands and by blocking him lest he should carry out his will end quote but the point is we have doctors of the church who are talking about popes who can go so far off the rails that they actually began to try to attempt to destroy the church Bellarmine doesn't say they cease to be posed matter of fact he says we can't even judge them if they do that but we must resist them if they're trying to destroy the church you know some people can 00:57 spend decades repeating their same old talking points without ever learning anything that argument Matt just made using the resistance quote of Saint Robert Bellarmine was refuted as far back as 2004 by Father Anthony chicada that was almost 20 years ago let me quote from that article and of course it's linked in the show notes for troutcast 36 at troutcast.org quote anyone who actually consults the original sources and who understands a few fundamental distinctions in canon law comes up with a completely different set of conclusions about what the famous resistance passage really means to it one Bellarmine is talking about a morally evil pope who gives morally evil commands not one who like the post-vatican two popes teaches doctrinal 00:58 error or imposes evil laws two the context of the statement is a debate over the errors of galicanism not the case of a heretical pope three Bellarmine is justifying resistance by Kings and prelates not by individual Catholics four Bellarmine teaches in the next chapter of his work chapter 30 that a heretical pope automatically loses his authority unquote and by the way there is another Bellarmine quote that Michael Matt never cites and it's this one quote the pope is the teacher and Shepherd of the whole church thus the whole church is so bound to hear and follow him that if he would air the whole church would air now our adversaries respond that the 00:59 church ought to hear him so long as he teaches correctly for God must be heard more than men on the other hand who will judge whether the pope has taught rightly or not for it is not for the Sheep to judge whether the shepherd wanders off not even and especially in those matters which are truly doubtful nor do Christian sheep have any greater judge or teacher to whom they might have recourse as we showed above from the whole church one can appeal to the pope yet from him no one is able to appeal therefore necessarily the whole church WIll air if the Roman pontiff would air unquote that's from the book on the Roman pontiff by Saint Robert Bellarmine book 4 chapter 3 and I used the Ryan Grand translation and that is also linked in the show notes so yeah I'd say it really is Our bellerman Moment by the time the 01:00 official magisterium of an apparent Pope is a sewer of heresy and blasphemy that is your Divine clue that the man in white who's spouting this garbage is not in fact the Roman pontiff if you try by hook or by crook to nevertheless make him be the Roman pontiff you are necessarily utterly destroying the Catholic teaching on the papacy in the process whether you mean to or not obviously if the papacy has any meaning then you cannot simply take an apostate teacher like Jorge bergoglio and say he's the Roman pontiff with no impact to the correct understanding of the papacy but somehow Matt thinks that's above his pay grade so no I'm not a state of a contest and neither was Bellarmine I am perfectly content to let history and a future Pope judge Francis and declare whether or not you know he 01:01 retained his office during this period that's for somebody else it's above my pay grade so that's above his pay grade that which follows necessarily from Catholic Doctrine applied to the observable facts of our day that's above his pay grade but constantly correcting criticizing rejecting the papal magisterium and telling others to do the same even to the point of saying the pope is the head of a false church that is not above his pay grade I find that very interesting this idea that we have to wait for a future Pope to judge Francis before we can know if he was a pope or not is neither true nor helpful because a Catholic would have to know now whether following Francis is safe and necessary for salvation or not 01:02 and contrary to what Matt thinks that does hinge on whether he's the Pope I understand what I'm talking about here well I'm sorry but it's not apparent you don't care whether Francis is the pope or not because you do not submit to him anyway but submission to the Roman pontiff is necessary to be a Catholic it is necessary for salvation these things matter you can't just yell them away and this resistance to the Pope is between me and God not you not anybody in this audience who's going to lecture me about how you can't do that that's not right you must declare that he's not the pope if you're going to resist him no no that's not it it's my conscience that matters excuse me sir but you've been spreading your position for decades and this very video 01:03 at the time this trapcast is being recorded has 45 000 views on YouTube you're impacting a lot of people if you want this to be just between you and your conscience and God then For Heaven's Sake stop publishing the remainder of the Michael Matt video is so theologically atrocious that I've just decided to let it go from here on except for this one ironic sound bite don't let Francis please don't let friends think of all the great popes in history all the Beloved Saints Pius the 10th Pius V lapanto the hero popes we're not talking about a warring against the papacy we're not talking about throwing the popes away or discarding the Theology of the papacy because of a guy like Francis he's just one bad Pope that went off the rails where do you start where do you start so he wants you to think of all the sainted popes well right away my question will 01:04 be does that include John the 23rd Paul VI and John Paul II because those were canonized as Saints by Francis see it with recognize and resist you cannot escape the problem Michael Matt can yell all he wants changing the Theology of the papacy is precisely what he's doing and he's doing it for the sake of having Francis be a true Pope what a bad bargain oh and then Francis is just one Pope who went off the rails as far as I recall the remnants resistance didn't start with Francis in 2013. The Remnant was founded in 1967 precisely because they could not in conscience go along with the new orientation of Vatican II which is why they split from The Wanderer then long before Francis there was the 01:05 resistance of the remnant against Vatican II against Paul VI John Paul II and even against Benedict XVI to an extent so I don't know if Michael Matt knows what he's arguing anymore oh well another big recognize and resist icon as of late has been Dr Peter quijneski and we're going to need to give him some attention because he influences a lot of people and is cranking out really dangerous ideas specifically on the papacy of course kwajniewski believes burgoglio Francis is the pope of the Catholic Church but he keeps publishing article after article advising people on how to properly understand Catholicism even against the magisterium of Francis as if he were some kind of theological Authority in his church when he has no mandate from the lawful ecclesiastical authority to be doing that 01:06 and by that I mean that he does not have a mandate from anyone he himself claims is the lawful Church Authority he's doing it completely on his own and some of it is totally at odds with traditional Catholicism that's significant because listen to what Pope Pius XII said in his address to the Cardinals gathered for the canonization of Saint Pius X on May 31st 1954. quote the Bishops and first of all the Supreme teacher and Vicar of Christ on Earth May associate others with themselves in their work of teacher and use their advice they delegate to them the faculty to teach either by special Grant or by conferring an office to which the faculty is attached those who are so-called teach not in their own name nor by reason of their theological 01:07 knowledge but by reason of the Mandate which they have received from the lawful teaching Authority their faculty always remains subject to that Authority nor is it ever exercised in its own right or independently unquote in short exit Peter kwajniewski you cannot say Francis is the pope and then teach theology without his permission via the Diocesan Bishop much less teach against him as kwajneski is doing as I keep saying accepting Francis as Pope has consequences anyway on novus ordo watch and in trapcast we've critique kwajneski a lot in the past so I'm not interested in repeating all that here but I did want to make you aware of an article the professor published at 1 Peter 5 on June 01:08 21st 2023 it's entitled a Wanderer asks questions about church membership The Wanderer in question is a former novus ordo turned Coptic Orthodox he's having some doubts and he's asking Dr kwajneski to give him some reasons for why he should return to Catholicism by which he means ultimately recognize and resist traditionalism now questionevsky has done this sort of thing before in the show notes I'm going to link an article from 2021 entitled why still be a Catholic a critique of Peter kwashniewski's answer to a despondent novel's ordo seminarian that was an utter train wreck okay on kwazniewski's part what he said to that seminarian I'm also going to link troutcast express number 133 which is a complement to the 01:09 noble sort of watch article but let's now have a look at what kwajniewski says to that Wanderer first the professor says that there are two types of Catholicism in the Catholic church that of tradition and that of modernity and that they are very often found mixed together in the same church this is a quote now in the same church in the same diocese the same Parish the same priest or bishop or Pope unquote and so he says that the task of the Catholic now is to somehow disentangle that mess and only stick to the Catholicism of tradition ski says quote we must exercise discretion or discernment as we walk to ensure that we are keeping to the right path unquote of course at that point you'd have to ask how the Catholic Church what he thinks is the Catholic Church 01:10 how that is any different from say the Anglican church or some conservative Protestant denomination for they too have certain beliefs that are true and others that are false and if I'm not mistaken they believe that each believer has to figure out which is which based if not on Tradition at least on the Bible how does that differ in essence from what quagneski is proposing beats me in any case kwajneski then tries to find a way to get around a pope teaching heresy or other error since he refuses to consider that Francis is not the pope couldn't have that and brings up all kinds of superficial arguments such as oh well the pope doesn't Define what Catholicism is in the past you didn't get your Doctrine from the pope it was already there and you only looked to the pope to settle doctrinal disputes and blah blah Instinct of Faith inner consistency 01:11 authentic traditional sources and whatnot the point is that none of these things can be used against the magisterium of the Pope and the idea that there could be a contradiction between them such that you must reject the teaching of the Pope in order to be faithful to the deposit of Faith that's impossible that's injurious to the faith itself that is why that is one reason why you must conclude that Francis is not the Pope see this matters France's status as true Pope or false Pope matters it's not just a question of do we have the authority to make a declaration it has nothing to do with making an authoritative declaration anyway kwashniewski then says this quote our faith is not based on priests 01:12 Bishops and popes but on the Eternal and inerrant word of God the witness of tradition and the authoritative teaching already in place unquote that is such an outrageous protestant-like argument and it's not even very bright by the authoritative teaching already in place well what makes it authoritative the fact that it comes from the papal magisterium or the fact that it's already in place if the former then he's conceding that the papal magisterium is authoritative of itself if the latter what is being already in place have to do with anything how does that make it authoritative or true you guys ever get tired of these stupid arguments people Authority is the same throughout past present or future makes no difference it's the same Authority behind it and that is ultimately the authority of Christ 01:13 in his encyclical Humane generis which we mentioned earlier paragraph 18 Pope Pius XII was referring to the papal magisterium when he wrote quote this sacred office of teacher in matters of faith and morals must be the proximate and Universal Criterion of Truth for all theologians since to it has been entrusted by Christ Our Lord the whole deposit of Faith sacred scripture and divine tradition to be preserved guarded and interpreted unquote and Pope Saint Pius X had likewise affirmed in his 1909 elocution conversation quote the first and greatest Criterion of the faith the ultimate and unassailable test of Orthodoxy is obedience to the teaching authority of the church which is ever living and infallible since she was 01:14 established by Christ to be the columna at firmamentum veritatis the pillar and support of Truth and that's a reference to First Timothy 3 15. unquote as I said exit kwajniewski but we're not done yet I'm afraid listen to what he says here quote I do not think there is any absolutely decisive and unobjectionable proof and he puts proof in quotes that one must be in Union with the Catholic Church centered in Rome such that it would be impossible to resist it with counter arguments or contrary experiences that point in another Direction but for the same reasons neither is such a proof available for any Church of the East if anything the arguments of the East for its autocephalus status are far 01:15 weaker than the arguments for the papacy as a center of unity unquote unbelievable so kwajneski supposedly an authority on traditional Catholicism asserts that there is no conclusive proof that the Catholic church is the true church and not the Orthodox Church and he says that in what is supposed to be a defense of Catholicism against Eastern Orthodoxy you've got to be kidding oh yeah he says there is more reason to accept the Catholic Church But ultimately you can't prove it's the true church so I guess it's a matter of weighing probabilities or am I reading him wrong it looks to me like he's denying that we can know that the Catholic religion is the true religion and this man is being promoted left and right by the semi-trans as a great writer on traditional Catholicism it's 01:16 frightening says next is also interesting quote what we do have in any case are many converging signs that the Latin and Greek churches have preserved their sacramental liturgical dogmatic identities in spite of individual deviants who cause scandal and that each has with God's grace preserved certain truths or features better than the other has done unquote did you get that he just said that the false Orthodox Churches have preserved certain truths or features better than the Roman Catholic church and that that is due to God's grace and vice versa that sounds like something straight out of Vatican too 01:17 in fact in footnote number three of his article question writes quote the church has always recognized Apostolic succession and valid sacraments in the churches of the East and this fundamental Bond and divine realities brings those churches into some actual albeit imperfect relationship with the Catholic Church to which they once belonged in full there is an objective woundedness to the empirical Church on Earth by the lack of the Eastern provinces unquote that's Vatican II speak right there notice also the lack of clarity he speaks of a fundamental bond in Divine realities and of some actual albeit imperfect relationship with the church funny how it doesn't say communion to which these false churches once belonged in full ah so they now belong only in part 01:18 well there's your Vatican II ecclesiology of partial communion that is the inescapable problem with recognize and resist you never quite know just how much to resist once you deviate from what you recognize as the papal magisterium what other standard are you going to go by what will be your source to allow you either to correct or accept the papal magisterium will it be articles on 1 Peter 5 The Remnant the sspx ah I know tradition right but wait a minute tradition tells you to use the papal magisterium as your standard checkmate and with that we'll wrap it up for today 01:19 this was troutcast 36. thank you very much for keeping me company here [Music] thank you [Music] before you go I have one small request if you like this podcast please tell others about it and if you don't like it please keep it to yourselves until next time God bless you [Music] yeah track cast