UE -ÎMERrcA.V ECCLESIASTICAL review n;„v:r„ r..7n(:t· . ., 1 , iec m “Θ1Γ works. Bui here rises then: preci0'LXLj?i^^^aîFær3.f° Kai'· In ™st a liters recommends 25 dec,Je-yncn to choose. BishopMey ? Augustine, St. the Scriptures'and ώβ wX* θ- ΐ/Χ .**“’'?« faook after ώε &σ;ί It contains enable·,™ . ? æ? 1S thc I,)lilahm <* inc ever· «1^°··· *·" ‘ "" an<^ aspiration for everv condition of i& a.no C't n suite o, muid. It is ail UnfaÎIin,r ;f con5oIa<;r SXST- J* thoC.7hLi^;;* à* "«1 Μ i”"'1 fc e< ΐ: his Ο7.-Π work. but otbei 1 ”‘lS Πθί’ °f fî-d oeace rd mm' 'vho have ^ght m vain elsewhere may «2 ^>rt m wo^rful little book. the ’ j the ScriptUres’lhe writings of the Fa th·.·'. J with a list of .fnX £œrn ;l,ÎVÎSaÎ-'k·t0 that they are objective^ thf S ’ gives a valuable Y ■ ljnciu■ , λ . or in time onxlcccs <■■ ■ ■ " \ n°tin? evei>' re!i=:oUS ,;Γ ‘ and best exnrt- the dispostinn . j occ*13’on °I grace and so closely connec..’ ■ * ■ j4**» of paramouX WX’ie one to-.vanl spiritui Λ aeed of habitual and 1Jnp’3rtance· Tuere must be a rcaiizao. .: ■■ ■ ■■ ?need. Spfa-EuaI^yj;W^.d reading. E^.e-.-fries-- ; . fttwin? bv r a serious charité. It .'.escrves atte.:l?>n. ■ ■ .r.·;·. ;..tlon seems to be ’.hat the '.inters 01 t.)to,og:c.i. vocks ' · ‘ ->i;'.·.·,.:rks and universities si.ice the Mu! l.c .lires nave laucd ■ ' ;t the truths preserved in the doam.’ic ;κ.π:.>η ot tie ri'ris. If the 3ccjs.ili.>n ha- any ’.-U’·toute munda t·.·.:·: ■ i-"·.;. :ü ■.! sia.uid contain a te.iciimu utv.r.y alien to ti’.c iitera' - .'ο 1 ti-.-io’-ray troin tne tni-ldie of the uteentn century u: tu '■ ’’ ’..eu'nring of the twentieth. The ana? sis of the Mystic. r ' ' t wd’. show whether the charge jusirie : or no'. - rxati· set’jn u: the Mystici C-rpwis is dl.-idλ! ’.-.o r ti.c first part tlx Holy Father desert'· e? me V -lurch .in ''.‘i. Body of Chri-i. In :he second ne *·.■'■-b' et me um , .· i . ■ ·’ i’ -s XII begins his first section by ic-h.ng "cs.y the Catr.oiii. ■■' ' ■■: -pi.y d-wtribed as a Λ-’ϊν. He irjornts us mat u:e Cnur. h ■· ;· η·,e·; because it is visible and organized, possessing a vis’.bie • -t.t.at. ·η. visible sacramental worship and visible members. tr.e body of Christ because our Lord is at once its feunde». ........ ".e vs support. The term Mystic ti Br-dy ot ( hrist is appued - - '.’■'i. since it is distinct from our Lord's -.'nysicii t-'ody an-i - ‘-'.e ‘une superior to an ordinary society or m<’r.'.. uo.iy m tear ■ i-'-'.c.yde o: unity absolutely ind· pendent o: an.l s.-;;>erior to “ -cd section .-.f the -dcginatic part, the dlyric: Corpsrts -·' ’ *.-.e —■ <, t- pes r.· bonds or Communications by ’.· aicn. men a.e “'' ' ' .nrfr within the t ’hurrh. Those men -.’ ho are united to • ■<· pr-’t-ssing Ills ianth. being sub.ect tn tne egi-.imj.,e • ' “■ r--TH He has set over His sheepto.d. -nci partaking m t^e '■' '■ rs,.ip. ->. hi.'h He instituted, are i-td to r-e .■■‘■u.ed m poda_. ■ mmunicaticii with Christ. ■ -Ï ■ .-m - ~t < ; ,. The secon.i type ot com- 3.--C- ÙÛ t: P’-tber ’’■s-rh Eawit’s eciu-.n .χ-.-,ν Y.irt. The Azie-ica Pre-s. W· PP· ;4--7· si the \ ί : I h 214 S 1 H· g1 il ■:h ’λ·ί I THE AMERICAN ECCI.ïNTASTICAL REVIEW munîciition is spiritual an ! inv isihïc. 1! consists m tfec 1 ’’ ■ ical virtues of faith, hojv and charity. < ’ur union •v’.t!' (·.·- ■ perfected by Ibn Holy Ghost diveliing within us. It >«:'·· ’ in the Eucharistic sacrif-e, which is pre-eminently ’-he a·· ■ ^bstical Body. . . In the light of the actual tc.xt of the .Vys.'iW G'ri··’’:·'J made against the school theology wouid seem to be groanm*»· various elements which are brought together in the F.r.tyii* matic section have all been considered in the standard litc^--· sacrerf theology since the Middle Ages. Moreover, sev“t~- ·■· theses used by the Holy Father have been developed m rJ« s thec.îr^- since the controversies against the early Protester».* There is certainly no ground f<>r saying that the thesis on ■ bili'y „f tf-.e Catholic Church has been neglected sm* e tiie ·*■ ·' Ages. These conclusions received their scientific develop*1-® the hands of the Controversialists. Cardinal Stanislaus 1 (1579; felt called upon to refute the objections of Breni'.us by P'0'1 that (Jiir L0Td Himself, and not Peter Soto (1563), was aids*®·· responsible for this thesis? Although earlier theologians commonly taught that our E;?r£1^ * the Founder of the Chun n. >his portion of rheology did not lec1"^ have anything Hte its present theological dcveloptnert untilat0' the end of rhe seventeenth century, The {xet-mcdueval - ζ theolc-gi,-.r.i dealt with our I/ rd’s fur.-tirr. as the bead ar.il the s :riP of the Mystical Body', not ••r/iy in ’.ire treatise D·' t '*H‘; also in various parts of the s<-<"i;<»r 7j- Verio Tiwamaio. s t-!·- c’-!‘ g‘ of the Cburer. as the A/y.-h>c' B.icy was never ab.-eni theology, γι :4 found quit'? we!. develop-ed in tin- Si of the Cardinal J< bn de Turnxreir.au·. 146$’, ore < theologian after” the M’.dd'e Ase., R w.-s ti c terrrrost important -imitrov crs'.e- ir. e- < les?■;.·<".· fn.-m 1 Tae tcail u.g on the double h.md ί·ί ur.ii.n with < Cutarlic Church was dev'.-’.'.pcd I·;, i’ai-h·.!:-.: cr.utrovi-r?:.;.:-·’ scho> l thw kk-i.xe from J··;··.’. l ri.··.'?. (l-.=5. iwl lames G’?'-'’'' f1>'s6) to St. R* ijert Beftirr.i.ti- (but). The «l.jctdr.r ■··.: "’· ®' dwefirg Pi' the Holy Ghosf ■■ ■- faw. : i,- treati.-cs Lk ijiv.nis. Tie various tracts I)· Ew'-wi.: ,a, De Sa ri ' :;> .m-i S'ifdfiie nïiught out the tru h thu*: the Ma-s is ire .Act- ** ‘®e My st’eal Body. sCt. .βν’ιΛώ Prai^fovtrna» Bntuïi, I.iK III. ’.Γ ·4, Vol I. ; . 535; also p;. cii., L? . U. 4"**. I» 1 Ai'tTSATIOX AGAiXST SCHOOL JIIf'OLOGY 215 Int.·.·- is r.-x one dogmati.: element in the .îf w.';. i Corporis neglected v overlooked in the standard literature of scho<»’ theology since th·· MC1? Ages. Obviously not every author taught every p'in’.. .'-.’ain there •.■■ere various individual wri:er< and tea».iters wh > preCements nt the Mvsti.-at Body d-itrn·- imperfectly and ir.The charge however is ievcl'ed a' school theology .1» ·. .· . ..··. : ·'■·.: - h.irire cannot i>c nus‘..i::ied. is c.ne thing to sav ’.hit the older school ihe-.i jgians did nut ■ '.·.-■ ' ;:.e theology o; ’.heMvstic.il Body and quite -mother to deny !.t •he 7y;/:.-i Corbcr:< and ’.he various competent theological on'ths same subject Li our own time repre.sent a definite ur L-nd. Li T.i-E thi- they acred in accordance with thu prmcip-.c laid aown :>y & Constitution Γϋ·; rak-ht obta certtû" understanding.—and a most ne divine mysteries through the use of r,itur.’.’..y and by a comparison of trie ; with the List end of man? The ns nt th.'-- Mys'.i-al Body hive simply -t·-eni ’u ©f their doctrine by bringing n- er lem, nt* which arc- e.plained in many parts of .sa- red doctrine. I1» -vi'ers <■; S.A.,,; -he-.'onv ΰ™! the fitn-en -entury to ths nmets-n h -.re ^lectina the teachh-g on the My-Jtictl Body *tpr« L-cause’this' section tf x-.cred d-wtrine -ms t-en cavel-iped ir. tmrov,n times. Thevknew audespu·.. -td t .-■. - e. i •W.· even though d-.-y did not '"d ’ •·ιΓι·,: 1 h-.· Mvs'.iral ’-•7* >f treatise on this subject- Γ,:- ’ ’ “ vv’‘z Chrst. ;ind the u'.'ler sclii’" -'·at ; *-· ‘a. -.. Th,‘ theology of ** b”': ·'■■ :: i ’ « --nn ;»» Λ?i- h uni 4^ 216 THE AMERlC.tN ECCLESIASTICAL REVIE'A message about the ccr.nection of the Catholic Church with The school theologians knew and taught the theology ot tneMys- Body. A complete theological treatise or. the Mystica! Bouy ; in v-hicb all the theolog:·.al elements pertinent to the Church1·.' · wrth our Lord are brought together and compared, for the .<.<■: ■ ■ still mr-re pc-nect and profound understanding of the ntyster-. ■' complet’' !.heo!»ginil treatise on the Mystical Body i= or.e c: giortes ot <;-jr can day. It would be neuve in the extreme :·'j~" eurlitr theologians for not having done what has been distinct■·. a twentieth century work. the theses which have formed the school theology on ira· Ls*Church since the nrst part oi the eighteenth century were ifeve- ?in scientific theological form by Lhe classical ecclesiolrçists tr " (animal John de Turrecremata to Francis Sylvius (16ίΖ· M ■ group these men devoted great attention to the teaebirg er Mysiiatl Body. Some of them, like rhe brilliant controversial-" / -: Flk (1543/ and Cardinal Ifnsius made the formula ‘'Β<κ!ν o: L-r·· serve as a définition of the Church.* All of them joined the ·■-" M;.^t>cal Body o: Christ’' to a great number of other des.gn, .‘.j' a.l ct which served as names and figures of the Catholic Church. c-t-Mcai eceesiologists used all of these names in their proo'.s. te..,. Bone o: Cnrist m any one of a dozen variants occup··’-· n",f,e pe rmirent positions among these names. , I r.ese names or figures listed and used by the sch.··^:i designations, both proper and mrtaj>h«rkal. found i.i the >· -·:■ or m the Fathers, und applied to rhe Catholic Church. S.m·- ■ : like .igez and were Liken from o-ir Lords ρ.-.Γ-ώλ-5 ■■■ - ' Kingdom. . Others. as fc.r example Corfiu,. Cdumna ,md are found m St. Paul's epistles. Still other1 -kc ar.·! i' '■ came from Old Festam-t ,. L ■ ' ... r., . .o—i Η.ι-.·.αη..? Λ-ίικ,-ι the I-atners j.r>p.;·· ,· ... - ? . .· Y1"’’* ug-.-.re- c: ·.:æ t a ;rch îræXsV !’■* 5»“·„Λ J’.* x , Lie ■ nt; red vn»z .. >\f ,, , 7 ' ’••cclcsiologists ad l(f these . i ,, r. ;n,r-u,. t rfik Thev .ve.e ? Λ/«·· t'rn r.· " \ L,‘- “ ·j ’'‘.i.ltrs ςπγ our J-·· rc s , .· â.. > , „ . “ 1 **·'··4 '”4K- cx^tnatiGa of *j-e vihtu.- ’··'■■* t;.·.' · Uissical ec-dcsiok-gisis empl- j- : j, s- p, ?,C£_.... ·. ; ... ' ACCUSATION AGAINST SCHOOL THEOT.OGV 21/ Tb.fi names Sagena and .1/»'^ were used to snow tnat i-rs a? ’.veil as riifntenus men were to be found tn the ran^s of the Mki-ant. The visibility of the Church was attested in pass­ ai ·■■?? !; spoke <_>; it as Cit'i’cs and .Hoe·. In each case the classical ■ : took either the passage in fcripturc meeting directly to ■ .■■-r-.n or the patriotic. statement in which a scriptural text was ' rùted in :be Ciiureb. and. employed this statement in proposing ··;. ■ in· ■■ pre □ grr.ti many of these names, i'urrecrcmata·’ explains -7 *■'·(· of ’J.em ard Francis Sonnies /1576 1 eighteen. 1 nomas ■' ’ t'; . Francis Suarez (1017), St. Robert Bellarminc (1621' "is Syi vins ' ΐό-ΐρ ■ ali employ over forty of them. I’.acii name ··,. «.-..y,·, tjæ existence of one definite set <» c-.aracteristics in ■ ·■.*.:·'Cb.urJn. The ven- multitude of these names tended to ’ ’ ■! «e c:..i«sicai theologians against the temptation to earn- any - · .".■·. ■j^v i.·; extmva.yant lengths. Tuey could not etisni forget ’·■' ' ·■ -i.r.·- ■■.rcini.cation which St. Paul called the Body of Ciirist ’· ' -r. '. anpared i;y our Lord to a net in which bod: good and D.id =-·.- ■.■■riv r-r.idnicd. The Church which was calieu the garden ei ■ 'Γ · w is ah·.· known as rhe sheepfold of Chris:, containing tii'/se "I- · ..-r -.-?-r.n·. our Lord bad set Ilis vicar on earth. As a result ···· ;r. ι·.·.;η •.hro'ig!’. the writings of these classical school theo-.otne errors relu the to the Mvstical Bodv reproved ia the Άϊ- n.’.me Mvstical Body was r. vita’* factor in >he ■' ■: -’· · ■ t:·.;· sdc.d tiieojogians. In the nays m trie mil;·.'.'.a« ■■ the merit imrxrtant controversie* in ti’.c treati.-e .0.·’ ■■ ■ '_----.i e.;·.:.?, v.idnus ways of ir.terpr?·.’’··.: tite term Body ot “··· Ti'tii· >■,;.·■ ,ίη,Α{ djuerer.res were seit.vd a s· .’.ο·.ιην λ'Λ. ' ■- ..- ri itv "I. it marked, the del.-.ius .>!· emc..·':· grace, ar-.· a-.; as wel: k.-i.-wn as d spatc ■.ulwfien the ·■ ' ■·■> ι’-··; Af/ilinists, t-ven thoug-i ir-ty cor.Tit.Ui.ci a grva^ ■■· ·.- rd; .·.' ; i;i Ba· 218 THE BMOS r.CO.ESLWT.CM. W.Vtt» the Church as receiving a vitii considere0 a merabe s Dominican Cardinal John de 3* resuit he refused the utie^ a living part, of a Jiving organism. ' · 1 g;n \'ithoegh sanes® member to Catholics in the state ot mocburch nr be jarti ■ well as righteous men could beiont, * 0 dignity ami the -.lesJriCatholic Church, they had no righ> of members.7 , . w!;nued for some —The restricted use of the term_IT1cn^.'1 ‘ .,.,ηρηΐ ·»ΐ d>* ^utW Theoretically St. Robert Bellanmne did > π I ϊ KM practice he habitually spoke of smful ‘ ^r(;gor.· »i ’ Church rather than as members ot this aocx -· · ‘^«εγο f- '■" (1603) rightly considered that this ,1:fferC™Ltance? Ada* D— title of member was a matter ot slight T cremata‘s tgr~ ' (1632)«- and Francis Sylvius11 finally rcjccrc■ oi ology since it rested upon an unwarranted ■■ * b lake Turrecremata and like the other Latomus taught that the Mystical Bociy ot < o*- _ conta-,w:£" existing Catholic Church. However the ?re®·' ^,Μ-,πΙν' sialist believed rhat the title Mywicai Body oernngeu p * group li-rir.g lb? life of charity within that Church. ·ίΛ.: existing Catholic Church, the permixia. possesses spiritual n sources ar.d dignities by reason of the righteous \ risr, rocrabcts. Thus, according u> Latonnis, Ecrle^ . prii'tK-rly thnrmh n-vt primarily designated as the Bocy — 4,·Λ·· js s 1559) drew a «omewnat simiP-r j, .-.^i Aiphonsu ■ ween he names Cerfus Christi and O^i - Schools. t. tub 2, coi ’3 5u.· i- if Surr-’ikis, I il, r . ! 1 .*'· f... '-TD M*. ■. · ■a;. =>" X r ’ - -1s·. lit, 1605. Vol. ÎH. D\. L Pe ît». c·’.. 1 ïii’. ni. f. .n> ‘r'“ ■■’■jîïî Cf."» J · the (7 .pu·. 0“«*«*! jfr,».. î. Γ4 'I ♦ f ACCUSATION AGAINST SCHOOL THEOLOGY '■■.· 219 tv.iching on ilie unitv of the Church '.vas instrumentai in the sermo· thenlngv away from Gits manner <>t interpreting ·: e- r.rin·? of the Mystical· Body. The controversy relative to the proper definition oi the ;■ n triaiant of the New Testament was likewise decided in toe ■<: ;r.<· name Cjrbiis .If vs‘ic:irn. Some of ilie classical ecclesioloΙ,ιϊν Su.i"ez and. Svjvius.’4 were convinced that an occuit ’ 'hock; r.nt i.-c numbered among those who belong to the Church. Basing their argument ujxjn the fact that me ■·■ : is he Body of Chris·., thev reasoned that a man who belongs ’■■■.· i..f.;r>···. s-.ould have some part of that iite. Since faith is the m.ti act in the supernatural order, they concluded mat the ■dr· ·· rc-h-cted the i;ihh received no vital influx from Christ and ■· -nr i,e considered as a member ot me Church. :s they io sted '.iron deiir/ng the Church as me society of those ■ - : y ‘ ave ι’χ· divine l'ait’i, rather than as the congregation of ■ -iorr-.ess ;'·;>τ faith/' A good number oi early school the,ή-l (ypc. ,χΰΐΐΐΒοη. 1 -. -r ’"‘:'!,r-ci.;.ns, among teem St. Peter ( anisius \ 150, > isc. tv inert ■ Gregorv 0; Vn’a-niia. preferred to donne the < hutch '-r. ‘.ion of i:;c profession of faith rather than in terms oi the divine -''ΐ’-ί. Tlu.se theologians m-o used the concept of the Mystical : : t;!,satiate th,dr owe. conclusions. They distinguished two ■■■' ■■■ ■■■.-i'.h t::e member* of die Mystical Body are connected with -* L. rd. Thev s-jokc of an externa: and an internal communication the Church, and thev held that the external communication ζ r,-, ,',;r.s’.i:.ute a man as a member ol me (.run.;, ■ ■ ' <“ ·■■.■■ 'iit iwretir. lacking Gm inward b-v.'ds m’ ιγ'ιι a».·! ' ■ ί·'·-'-'. se t:-jTnhere»l aiirir the ranks >Ί the < 'lurch Military ■■ Iri- -^essii r. the exterrai communv-aüi-n.'1*· • '· - ·. ; ;■ ; C.-rr-ri·: steaks of l::c*e two bonds of ur.ini! wit!·. l’bf.st ■ · -*■ -ia-s ri em as St. Ro-sert Beiiarmine d.id. in liis /> s^:j " -‘f' T. i- intervst'mj t·' n- rc that in tl’<· .IÎm.'-’Wi' Ci'’ K. c. - ïï ‘ ' ¥ ■-s À 4 ? TilE AMERICAN' ECCLESIASTICAL REVIEW 220 the irward and ottt"an' bonds of unity with our Lord are under the na^'s ηί the Soui akd üle bod-v' οί ώs before St. Rof erl- J‘lines Cornus had fully described these t;u>» of unity and had designated them as the spiritual and th'; ;.’ â conummicaticn "ith thc C«urch.” Si. Robert simph WÆ distinction which Latomus had employed to show the effects of acommunication and user! that distinction to show that even nt :?■ heretics might be trub’ *v itr.in the Body which is ü'■* -· society which St. Paul had described as Christ’s Bodv. V ■·' ’ the theses of the classical theology on the Catholic Church - ·■ I SXJ Wn T *ε theSfS E in the light of theremaùal Mystkal ir.E·/.· ™«red and ?-· Whatever else it may have?? Mystical Body °certam^ ''id not neglect the doerac - ■■■■ theologians unregulated anviînt· failure ip consider 1 CrSpt 'Λ'°^ '^oberi and his fellows came ’rem Bod>'-anai”gy rather than A eO'-’d number of subsequent üw)osb&· ”? of terms body and soul oi ** include them in their own writings, i neglected the purpose for which St. R·’’?1·’7· terms. Thus the body and the soul ;.f d:-* ■ ciere ultimate to oe considered as societies in some way distiriron·, f-n* u;:n-j 2' of vJ-.jt tm-y bad been in die I f Etri#* Γ. '■ * r‘il ?ï n'·®1 were joined together ir. t::c imit) ’ ti·-’-· GrnoiL « hun-j It :i.ak well over ■■ir.d a ha:: ίο o^mpLcte Üdf St· Robert BrEanr.fc^· ir.-i. Tbo. pr-xf·--? however ■- - ïI ■ I ■X'' ·.■:/ π. ! I’M. ■>ί -w. and >· ; < ACCrSATfOX •'®e. ί ‘ ’· immensely „T' ’-rtiEOLOGV xsT SCli°jfjii 01 nr.- of about lie soul and . <7ontr°'c John Polnaan nary manuah U’4' tcrthiU.^ : ult; purpose fo_ ■copied what bt•:--7,u, 'cjst:a'· reader of Polman f ’’^ch ■■ M-fthout " .,-ed.'thing 19 ’’“any 'ii to ”factors rât of which had i-.'ng tenns had been re^Tii ' j the outward Iwtids of s. ’"Wr - of t ett'5 terminolo-v on the the ndhm .... :heeaasiolops visible of jes^ St-theology through ' ^‘-'pnjwn * Bl.al? ,,£ 5?-4().· and Honoratus Tour. a ii·. fc.,, ... Lr.-lCr Cb«r‘:,ta?aal properties of the J-. -«« ■iae Mystical Body °of ‘ jd iV,” ^er^‘~d . «-.gsecÛEg tiie concept of the body. However he prdP«V Wlth .^t care’ess rahmdung his -"■ -■ nd -.ailed to check hjs tc3X‘* ratively -£tif attention to the Kiiin-Biai ...... jfv paid con ç micrences quite at ■' -iTra-s of rhe Church- A* - T . ,.-s predecessors, -ince Wi;t, îr,. pn.aruncef’.cnŒ Church cor.ld be defined tY o-'-'-g êe first t·" sUg^{ ïiaroed the soui o£ the Church.-3 ς ·.οπ of What st. R'·'*”. £;mSeif had brought up the concept ■■ .. r’‘.‘ry..,t nOt be an such a deonition ti*;UO:ΐΣ •*Φθΐ·»·· * element - . name . insoul , apph'ed the to it precise!. '■'■■•ητχ .,. .j. : ..„ is of D’-Vgentre» tftrs inward conunumcalion ■'*■■ ■ ■■<.......'· -N t hut-ch. a b.-»sir factor in seyeraj faulty expLira'J· -■-■ e. t>.< .-.s·'.·.· c'hurch itscii,ratner than cheex+'-m-’il bond Γ’. ’Ί1’ ............. T'”1’ ,au?h: tha·: ■.■atechumens ■ mtn tor· r · ' - ■< >■ 4 * ’ '-•’’■urer tnight be saved ' L ';" ■ ·.->.■■ '' "· p- ÎC15 '«•P· Hi. 222 ΤΗΓ. AMERICAN ECCl ί· ';Λ·'Ί 11 Λι> Toumely listed a great number ot .Uxrmore Toumelv was mudinas offered such a definition.-’ Lurthern11 * _ . . , . . ,. „f,s on Hurter’s A ettective tn popularizing uns com"·· . Li Liierarius lists D’ArgcnIre’s Element# Tuenla^·. <..s a ra·■ . ■ ■ ■ most ixrpulat .’landboo-.- B Toumeiy s manuals '.'.-ere aiming tne Π·1” ‘ F hision-of theological education. .... t Λ r-r-S». ! Where Toumely had simply offered a deùnui'^ “ terms <-i the soul, the brilliant German Je“uimade a triple definition of rhe Church tbc J’"'1;5 al" .. ....■ Two of Kiiber’s formulae describe the Church iruf« cia.u... · function of the soul alone, and the other io iuncii·-··n· ■·-,' , ς. The inadequate definition in the light l‘æ ’".-..-i ·. Robert’s definition of the Church itseH· ^Iie 1 ./· scribed the Church “adequately’· took in botn ihe $o-·· The famous Sorbonne theologian Louis the soui of the Church as a society in some manner ll'sllCC· ‘ t- visible Church itself.” -:.jg Although some few school vaMs incorpf the Church into iheir trea^ses 11 a! Aae-âl applicarion <>i the Mys-.: h-LstLs. I'opu'urizers rathe7 'nan proponents^ school :heo!<-jj· employed it. The school theology as a w. ■■ _ tir.ued the th”«5 ui the ..lasaicil ecdesiolog*315· î^sscs the lig’T. of ar; .ur-irate Mystji a! Body tea· hi11^· Tnc sc-oo m· since the middle aç-s prepare i the way for rhe ' ■'rA'’ru· Wcskitigoti. D C. T?st.?iI ' rTFi/>Kn Fi.vt** * PrtsitrttoK>·■ î >A. Tfc-,·' Di Jbcclr’i; l'Ânit'. S-.-jn^ -'bo'. I'·*-'’·1 » .V, •ΜΓΛ.·.·-'·· . Ec.·. ...b.rx,.|,K. 19t·’ r,· :**H ’Γ>Χ··|’ί: Tms ■’·■ k 4 ^.ϊβί· . ·. ··■· Λ:.·ι ■* -Ks J·.-idKiiimiifu P\·'···:· ·>. .1>-· ' 'Λ’.ν··. r., 4u-.-«Kodnia, Ed'.tio ■.-■<. r - s.-S'. ” D« 5' '· I ' Answers to Questions THE COLOR OF THE AXTEPENDIUM 'S.Ji-fs. The An»epenure ■· ■■ C>;ns on Pentecost Sunday, a day which excludes tr.e x otivc '·-:·· ■ i the Blessed Sacrament, the vestments should tie re·! but the ■•'• r.'-r. l.-m, v ’niu·. ■' c-.-aj r-ronosed, · η die Feast of die Exaltation of ’.he Iloly ’ ς'· the red untqxïndiuzr. should be replaced by a wi-.itt on·- ’or jt ir, ihr aitemcon. In any case, white is th.’ o-ior for τι;-': rs d at. a3 rhe day following is the Feast of :1k Sewn • ■ Et·.- the \ igii Pentecost, authors generally . v. c. Martin* * f λ II. C.r.\ XXXI, 4’, direct that tiie violer .intcpcndiir: be : » 'J -er t e red one, the former to be removed jusr before the M iss. ■’1 ri :.’i n is rxiij tt the white color designated in the (V.h; mr the ·:·; Litte Hours being recite»! with the altar hu-.g -nm tts .■nt .r^iptndiun·!. (Cf. Martinucci et ai. WniXAS J. I.U.Î.OV. HOSPITAL TRi’.-BLEMS .^c.’tfvrrt j. May the authorities oi .·. Cathode h'Wpba’. permit : i·· ·.ertom· the rite of i-imumcision ·>π a child in tH.e