6 HESITATING MARIOLOGY ’ By Rev. STEPHEN RIGBY TN an article in The Downside Review, Jannary. ]θ^,η Λ: . I B«-»2innings of "Devolion to Our Ladv, Doni · ' t. ... ·■■ speaks of the Fathers taking up scriptural re «. . ‘ with a growing penetration that goes deeper uh , hesitating Mariology of to-day. I he expec v‘, b;, ·_··■> Blessed Grignon de Montfort should make pop . itV. * ‘Treatise." and give a tremendous impulse, consequen . . to Our Lady, as an indication of God's beneficen world wounded to death. . , , It is here suggested that, if the following pnncip *.. ■ our Mariologv would be less hesitating and mort P j.. (1) Keep the distinction between Creator ant f expunge the word ‘exaggeration" from the -lanoo.s >1 Tlic. ‘He who deifies thee not, cannot praise thee too mi.< · υ,1Γι... is accredited to a Protestant divine, but he spoke ro * 1 xû<-r." · 4 The limits ’ (to Mary's endowments as ’ our Luc- *’ and our Hope "), ’ wherever they may be. wii* ■ another creature, exploring, as it were. Man· "> !*l'* *’ ζ ρ;·> IN So wrote Abbot Voider in a passage that amplihe* phrase about ‘holiness, than which under G·* u‘“ y ·.· known, and no one but God can reach even in t such language be taken to its logical conclusion^ find some word other than "exaggeration for ‘ί11Μ .. Some, for instance, would say that it. is exagi^··* ’ ,t vthat Our Lady's sanctity at her conception <’.ιιΤ''’^Ί^ (a»:-rr■ all the angels and saints put together. Net. in the ·'·*■ , . Summer School book. Dr. Rhodes says that " great η . .· not shrunk from holding it." ami lie st ems to imp'J tvaeie rs will win :h>· day. If if h .ulmilGd "·’ * j ·.' .. ■ of reason at her conception, and that her holiness at greater than the combined holiness of angels ami y- ,ζ- ·. loifteal {.ntieipli- may iomt- iw : ■·, h· r , on. taise Mariology is not exaggeration, but th»' tube ap;j- ? a true· principi'-, ίι js u ir··, iJi!».· .pie thaf gr—· " saints must have been given to her. it is a tab* upP·’’*'"1'.·"1^ . . frm· priuipb- t.. ,ay »hut. Im i.-l·...’ ». l-’rm.·.' ·■: shgm.it.·*. Hit-n fi.re Mars ι·η(·. vit »b ·-."· · ' the Passion is evinced bv the stigmata, it cannot romparr «ξ.’· conformity of which the Church save: ” O blessed tacu’.n^ ·;’ th.d. ’Ait’.-. jt th, xujtftjr\ dea·;!.' merited 1« :i-u‘h ‘‘ the Ix>rd. the martyr's palm.' oQQ ‘ HESITATING MARIOLOGY Fattier Bellanti in the same Cambridge book calls attwrtwn to « hv considers false Mariology’. He spea d suggestion of .·· *-r. rhe value of her intercession by some ( gu riàîrvaux1 was . v in Our Saviour.’ But surely St. Bernard of Gain aux r-itive as anybody to the honour ot Jesus. doing he is .-.nd without any disguise, uses this dev ice. , analysed by • ’1'ing the argument ‘ on three planes at on lilies of in a splendid passage on the para „Tfl„ture ; Jesus '•ï. Mary is Mother of God, but she is a mer , v|ng ; Mary Lr·. hut He is also God. and God is just as vie .|on of God; ■·. ?>v.- and no severity, but Mary herselt is a , love of ··'·.-(> the love of Mary is nothing compare intercession is :· By this line of argument the value ot - a d?s part, but, Tu-d bv a suggestion of severity on f them smelling γ became man as w ■-’<·η that the Father and the Ηθ1>/bdnging H<»ly i «jnmumon • v . Y. » ■ Fie-verit F·. rrcr. when brin.^^tnce i(f the Three ‘ - k. insisted on an act of iadh m th* P Eucharistic < m K..al Fn-- ' V rmhrr Μ· Vd.-b I ■ P - - n ; · [n accepting this : . i i ,c!s...h Trinity < i » aJ ,.f\h’e Pi.lon$ in one :iI-.d bh-’ ρ,^.ρ tn the ’/mg that what we adore ■ .· .· I :,..- Ρ..ΤΧ..Π ··! njlint that 11· '· ‘»he Fath'·’" .·»>>·■· j \ • Hext hi wh.. sees ‘ «e^.^now that. 'dare familiar with the i ^.reallv.. ,Tb - .(h ( atechism :· f„|ni.ss .tf the Godhe-^i 7 Trindy n ' Hoiv Trinity is the Holy «nd ■■■I' -a· Him*·!·· ■ ·... ■ ‘ pvrsnn . tn« »hr wl,,'i*' ■>-i.i;gh ·1’··' ·*..■ -n.,.- ·«· t; :n .in·· ριν;,...κ 7"”% .· ■ - if nu? theology of ■- V 7. .ns arc umbr; ■’ £ Kftth..r could lx· applied to tn^ 7> d'--'' t Holy Gh.·^ when .......... ,_ .hr 300 THE TRISH ECCLESIASTICAL RECORD we kneel before the Blessed Saeranicnt exposed. Will the Ευ ever be the centre of some Trinitarian mysticism ? It is pen:. " to say that the possibility is not excluded.’1 .no^_ ^ΟΓ nofhin£ that the priest prays for the coal nf Li'..· ‘ purity his lips. It is not for nothing that St. Patrick pray*·! · Christ should be in himself and in the heart, eyes and e.r- ■ hearers. It the preacher can explain such implication- ·: Eucharistic doctrine, he can penetrate deeply into Marian ■ ■■■■' He can. for example, vindicate for Our Lady th»· f;‘ ' ’ Redemptress against those1 who seem to wish that. wh>n ·:· concerned, terms must be used only in their strictest <■■■’! thus she may not he called Co-Redemptress. because <>niy ·Sl·· > can be the Redeemer in the accurate sense. Yon might ?■ Liat we may not call our earthly fathers by their title t·· ■ ιΓ sair call our mothers good because Our Lord said: ’Call in· ■ ’1 but God. What but ‘Co-Redemptress’ tits the ν.ι·ηι:ιι. ··* ■' Pius X say's: ‘All that Jesus merited for us de condigno. Mary:· - - congruo 'i Indeed, is not ' by divine courtesy a ii-.ir r· · ■ ot. de congruo, and may we not be courteous to the Que>n w.· hath delighted to honour ? Mav we not trust tr.<· lb ;· o be m the heart of the preacher telling him what his lips and in the hearts of the faithful telling them what the·:· *■"· hear ? As to the tear of shocking Protestants. Faber disp*·'·- ■· an inspired phrase. He condemns the ’untheological n.;sf.is· some deceive themselves into thinking a f hen logical m· ’ ‘ name y, a sort ot jealous ignorant accuracy in kv« pm~ 4' - a^y apart, as if to speak .slightingly as thev dare <■! tn*' M' ’°<1) would make truth more attractive in the w - of a 7 ortd. to vhtch the incredible abasement of Jexuf in f/i< >■'< a Jar greater stundding-block than the incredible eralfa: ■ ■ -> * . Hotter has also been well put bv Fat!.· r I’ ·' v ?n U.n,,n-Catholie has not already grasp* 4 1::· ·titi.f/fn i i* lnhr)ite and independent excellence ··· Ε·«:. :·' “n,™1 ;icP”.flt· exeelk-nec of even th* greatest ..f Hi-· '-’ ’ he *v>nie to him bv anv verbal distinct;··'·· ■ 1 Kxlί ::Why’ 1 had ™th’er trust him to . (3> -TH?5’ Vhourflf -’f God's Mother -han 1 dm book: hJforAr“A> DTh>rs nre ..Ur Iwst guides. In tie Can ; ' · Our Ladv’s i m' ^r' ^k-wh-s has an exhilarating · - v perhaps in theory, isï.ften'b!?1 — k,l'’W’ Th* T‘rin' :l i* ’ to suggest that riftin).. i:·?. !f?(1 ”* practice. Tn· π· ·'··.’ de Montfort fora»t tfo* Alpbon>us I.iguori and H’’ \ .... t .3;.^». , ’ Ar-nS, ÎS4il ' ' "i t'\· f it···-n-.-a.’: o. i: · ' m Th*-Jw· ‘ HESITATING MAR1OLOGY 301 * nv 4 ïnconvcnæn^s. ·'. if.ver. But the suggestion involves mai theologian ■ manet eos ■ ;!'i- audio factitatum. Propter quoi differed from, and ’· nisi maturius resipiscant. ta. ' . of Lutheranism iidatvd Luther’s work. Jansenism arcs still suffer • ded its poison into Catholic "ll1™cran contagion where *. il·» we not also suffer from the L nonization is surety ' L.dy is concerned? The forthcoming we bent in sVll‘-1’ V a wa, iird. of justice and ,“>X’here: T?.. rightful God n»ld<· oi «’■·’ ’1U -we dcsyrc. B :*■ ti.urtih Th··*· han we grace. g R1GBY. . 1 . , bv Father O’Flynn ·: ‘ i.’F.d .r, quou-d in. the article nier.tior-■