THE COMMUNION OF SAINTS AND THE MYSTICAL BODY In the ninth article of the Apostles’ Creed we aim our belief in if.e Communion of Saints. This formula, which did not enter the Cried until about the fifth century, has never been explained in any solemn declaration of the Catholic Church. As a result, we must reiy upon the organs of the Church's ordinary magisterium for a satisfactory statement of its meaning. There are extant four distinct ways r.f interpreting the term Cr"tmvuic Sanctarum. The first met hod would make the ·λ ord Sanctorum neuter, the genitive of Sancla. Thus the Communio Scnc:'r:t"t would be the common possesion of holy things, the corpj.’xte er; yment within Lhe Catholic Church of : hose agencies which our Lord instituted to help men live .he life of grace. The other interpretations accept Sa/rtorum as masculine, the g-.-r.:tive of Saucer. F!;e English iurtrula "Communion of Sautts to express only these interpretat■·' Tren'. r.K , * oî-.hes.œ,^,, ,-œirfc|J „ rf tte Ctarch tat a|„. ;fr rfcrians ,,, :· i”· aatae are truly common riosseasions.1 '’«View theologies,however, attemr-ted tocxnld.HheC ^:'· ..· ion. II . '-otr-mon yx.sscssx.n of■· Isualiy the proponents of Ca:h >i <· tea 'ii'J ■“““ “ >» «■"Λίρ « .«Kiur * <-f· l«c. c.-i. Cap. 24-Ja tar.: - ■ 379 C0M3ÎVNI0N OF SAINTS blessed in heaven and the souls in purgatory enjoyed within the — ■ i;c Church. Those in the state of grace in this world receive ■"? tu-i Leneiiis accruing irom this association. However, Catholics ·■■ T.e state of mortal sin are not wholly cut oil from this communica■ a, r.-.ey receive some share from their fellowship with the Saints ■ inasmuch, as the blessings consequent upon the Communion of tend to bring them to repentance and thus to eternal life. -N'c man can enjoy this fellowship apart from the Catholic Church. - - -tc v. no enjoy the Communion of Saints either are actually mem’■r1 ut t ;e Catholic Church nr really intend to become members. Thus :a the state of grace, the persons who derive tnc fud benefit from association with the Church triumphant and the ( march suner-’· possess that charity which demands the love of the brotherhood. person in the state of grace intends to live and to die within the ■·■’?’ u: the Catholic Church, even though, for want of proper in”, his intention should be merely implicit. '“-■-me ‘d:e<.!o<£iai;s have used the term Communio Sanctorum as a of the Catholic Church itself. In so tar as the Cate.ohc "-■-r.T. extends into heaven and purgatory, it may weil be detined in ■- t.rmtûi "the society nf the saints who serve God under Christ, '-’-tally, those who use such a definition are at pains to insist that « -etm cancorum in the definition is not equivalent to iusiorum. It ■·' æ::c.-.l t« teach that the membership in the Church of Jesus ( hast •'■s:.-:··.’Cti to those in the state of grace. It is theologically correct ' i’-tte tli .t the Church is the congregation of the samJ • ■* r.t ihose who are gathered witmn i> vi-n·. rch triumphant and m tnc C1 the sense that tney an po■- ■ r.-.jsfss hid:: i".’ Ch-jr·· ’. m ■ -ace. Th.......... 's ’ r'.r.ty. but they at least profess :h>’ .'."-’ly Alim ■ ί Je « j j:, ai! r.dc He s2Crin:ents an-i live ! Pjivc-i ·Λ;ίΗη His Church. —’ortunately. in our own Jr.y, certam r-ri’e ■' -‘-st interpretation of the Commun:# S'in u ■ι< 'PT.sor another explanation, not in cor.;·.· ---’■t tr.s. Ln this group arc certain >'f the VU1 from the G?rp«s Mvr.wn. ; *? Sal.-. has -·. ffreater e.vcr.'.'.n ’.'wr ti c ί''-.-ir Π ? No. ^35, cp. 235~3-6> 380 THE AMERICAN ECCLESIASTICAL REVIEW Graden, accepting the teaching of Dieckmann, carries his conclusions still further, and holds that the Communion of Saints is really “so invisible society, a ‘church’ or ‘ecclesia’ in the broad sense.”4 Acconling to this theory, t here are members of the Communion of Saints who are not members of the Church, and conversely there are members of the Church who do not belong to the Communion of Saints. Radically, this view· is based upon a misinterpretation of the three­ fold definition of the Catholic Church. The strictest definition of the Church designates it as a society visibly distinct from the other re­ ligious organizations operating in the world. According to this definition, the Church is the society of those who are united in the profession of the same Christian faith and in the ccmmt."i'-’-t!i" of the same Sacraments under legitimate pastors, and in par:::-h ' * under the one Vicar of Christ on earth, the Roman Pontiffbroader definition of the Church identifies it as the society whi-b true Israel, the continuation in the world of the bxty <■: l.eiie’-.ri n Christ existent since the day's of our first parents. Acco'ding ··> ' ‘ broader definirim, the Church is the congregation of those wl·..· in Christ. The broadest definition of the Church represents *l:is ergan·® * 1'·1 as the assembly v.liich extends into eternity. After ail, the ~x" of the Catholic Church on earth are really “ic-llaw citizens ■ saints and the domestics of Gori.’’’* Sr. John the Aposce F”r:': that the taithiul might hr,re fellow -hip -,i i: ii him, “an··! '•r.r shin may be with ■ he Father, and w :'h If:J-rsu·1 Citri.-: (..Lurch, considered in this light, i- properly .-'e.lnet.' ;.-s "lite· sc·'-'·· the saints, serving God trr-jugl: Christ." Ihe trachmnai thec.!ogi.>r.s of the Catholic Churrh rrver’'"' ■' ; tn designate three °epar.'.te GTiraiiizurii ns with these «.tfue definiiiors. The three kmds of tonr.t;!.;e described or.e a.-d society, but ic-cT.ed upon that society as it '..ere frire, titr-ce angle». Tney labored t>; prove that ail ii·. twe <-f these deantd·-·’' · pii&l to the Catho’.x Cuur·.h alone urr.-'-rg -.-.-i the ’-ari·.··-’ existent m the world. Curtail, v tl.c-v r’id r.r.t ihc·^ 1 ■ Chur>.h tn tre Lroa.lest sense as in ar.\ '.’.ay uri i-iaviribic s·· ·^ ■ distinct from the C\-.tLc>!ic Church. It we t.-.e terr.·.’.r-n t.s rtettrtr.g a society. CcmE.uniMC <.f >t.;nts :s nothing more or less than the reality de;cr» -!· . * *£.? J-.w. Ciri-'1· Si and loader.. B. Herder Ecok Co., 1936. f-& i ■ 381 COMMUNION OF SAINTS V A* S1’1 broadest definition of the Catholic Church. It is the covocauæ saints, serving God under Christ. There is certainly no :-"«:?gical warrant for supftosing that this body constitutes a social ■'·■’ liisdnct from that of the visible Catholic Church here on earth. A ûnef survey of the history of the formula Communion of Saints λ ’-be ■' -J servc to make this point clear. One of the earliest mentions of the formula ^^nciorttm reterer.ce to a Creed is found in the ExpianaiioSy^·’0'^’ attributed ’ ^'.ititas of Remesiana, and written around the beginning of the bf’-ii ccniury. A-cr the profession of the Blessed Trinity, you profs * that you believe iiJy Catholic Church. But what else is the Church but the * conpe 3 uf all the , ■'-■-'ch because, sanctified in one faith and manner ot H ® Spirit, they are made into one body: of which body I ‘ i^th fruy! « »e have teen taught and as it is written .. tîîe heavenîy ««un. I say more. Even the angels, e^cn J ,K. f . c. ... ■■nues gathered together in this one CnJt“’ '. . . ais0 those which are « all things, not only those which am vu <^b bUl ·* a Graven are reconciled in Christ. , f :-r· :«d as that of ‘ * idociM e Ci.urcl-. vhichis * ■· --< of the term. B-·· - ■’ from the coi; .entrcles here on 8 °f ’? e SFsrcioritra &rd f,’eùge’i, and île **iet-v wir ;1 whld* inc\ ies the saint * n3e·' ma·- attain commenting cn which he defend e- cr χ heaven. ' ,.?ς. \>;gc»tine tt» recognized ".eChurch c.-rth and in heaven. 'A' ............ * rf Λ;χ If I 3 382 . z^c-ints. In part «P^·35·; It has begotten us. ItistheChurc o ri jicj u«. In so far 35 lf ^"'u’ in great part dwelling in heaven, it in heaven, ît is the blessedness ol the a.8 in this world, it is the hope of t e J · In his Enchiridion the greatJ^th^ manner as the E« angels are not members of t^e who have been redeemed by *** ^ur ' again that the Church on earth i» a pa the angels in heaven are include . tj1C same time s»"·" ,jie ^r^nization in w _ ti.reSiiug to compar»· - ctnfcn d’æ f ’ i two passages. Speaking ofthe angels and the Church militant, b ·* αΒ this latter as contrasted '■ ‘S ■ S * church presses Ίί;νδ invisibility ?i angelic choirs. The Church among the holy ange··- 3I1<_’ parent to us when we shall be joined to *t -l -. eternal happiness. But that wliicn is »n P* better known to us because we are in it and like ourselves. This latter has beer * rofcctn· “ of a Mediator wirheut sin.. ■ · For Christ ωα oi Cod wi'-i :n posSSS'Bg th?j®;· ;w.-n it cn e»·»- ” it is made up o. ce" b>- the »r * tjîe . ri"'t '■■ ^e 14 At the same time St. Augustine adverts to . ■. <■? Ά-"?F hcn he teaC rcur.inr. ».f Sainis, fwithuut however us in S uns »e» » σ+o thesao * that the angtî4 in heaven ar.d the fait^ * rt« wrtH Pt‘ " ' organization. Here [this Church] is considered as a w.iole, jmd the to the part which is in pilgrimage on earth, t-w «^-.ticte »·’:σ from the rising to the setting of the sun. and s'-r'g-·Κ ”*' s’,vi1i.-hha!!8-e11'” the ancient captivity, [it i-· cc-nsirirrcd abe] »n that tj ·*ηι since it was cstabii/hul. been iciix-d to God in beaver. a* a * ' experienced a.v.· evii .,f toss This latter stands blessed in anti it helps, as it should, that portion of itsel: which '» » «■ ‘b‘ .b. Both perti-m * wIU be one in their lot for all eternity. N *>·· by the bond of charity, Uca-jse ths whole was established fo? 01 ol the one Gixl.1· 1 The part of the Chllr{.h Λ.Η h ., ..„ ο;;<.Γ^^ε here on ^rtb * at *MPi. 37, « 383 COMMUNION OF SAINTS •e Church was the Catholic Church, the organization which will mil the day of the general judgment, •.tain good and bad mcr members of this one Church were in fellowship with the blessed tire angeis in heaven. The Church, with its perfect and imCl" -Teinbers was the recipio•nt of aid iron· the angelic hosts. There ............ n_.......... r a.. real and dynamic association with g to St. .Augustine, a.csscd in heaven in and through this visible Catholic Cnunh, re ccrtainiv........ no v.warrant tor teaching that the Communion of -t .s a sort of invisible society, distinct tr<>m the Catholic Cntirch, I union with the blessed in heaven is to be round through the e Body r,f Christ. ■ ■ un <>f the Triune G->d.. -:‘te·,' as m /h'i^rini'i^c, courts <>i heaven. I.-... f ,-i, invisible is simply the union of the lie preached that they are joined united to us for ail eternity in a comIn his writings the Church militant as temporarily absent from its true Vet, during the course οι this pil■> communication with its Cert.iinh nts in heaven Wong to ■•tr.y sWety dislimΊ from the .e S s H fl R dudir.g in its rnemlwrship all of those persons in me Q f grace here nr î nom. ai énts, rnmnruniiattf·! a natural k>ly the hich h the Church. An·! because a== ran.-i ■ -m· I he a the ·* tta.c R-nia Hvr.ce t natter- * h 'Trr:··. '1 he thing c· iif »:a;A ail ί tre Church.11 M #ώ::ο= -V-.4 6 1= tr..l.ûi<· b·. ·ζ -v.r -·ί Hi ■ 384 REVIEW Muny of the great counter-Reformation theologians wrote about the Commun Ln of None of them considered it as an invisible society :n any v.ay d- the Cathoii.· Church ar.l me GmTur.:. tn ant, c;..e the same merit·, and prayers, the same sacrarr.e ’Λ anu especidi.j Eucharist „hich is the sacrament of all unity ar.'ïcc.ic In hi·' paraphrase of r.iinh article of the Apostles’ Creed oilers a stiii more complete statement of his belief. I have ba·;: a:J ‘ho whau-Λ'Γ " f.-„T r^,, · ’Λ"' 3Γ“· ‘ι·1·:· ci ;3'L S”* ' " u:,,.>n ·,. ;t;i Christ ourH.aJa."- »■<·■ U J îr ' ",c ÂÎt·'1 tiîvrn· ·π a ' :i' 3··,! -!·' M,nt« cither alreaJv dead or -tih bvh'.-· *■■''·■ remain aithn : ·,. r·-·' ■ '■"‘.“l1-’i,: ~5,a' ip;'e' a'1 ;iiwve -‘r·^··· npp,i ‘ •Ι'·η·* ι:· ’■ tisat ;t ν-·ι.ι ava-l unto my sal·, aôn so d11- • ■> ;s„;tls . [ X.;„SC.··, fr,-îiov C'L tilC pal.... .lr p Clt;. ijhrist is to befeundio ’-ζ of .,s -fj,er-. ij. a common p.issession of spiritu· ** lL': ■'■'"'•: ers · :’ t-æ Church. The Calrcki^· of * re,U i: s-■'·'■' ΐ that i c faithful in the staf" of nier'-riaf; ■ *■„ ' ·" '* * s fellowship, even though the f·:-’ :'-3e' . lh ,.1, jæ \.......... •ni .·.·’. '.·: mints · unes only to the.-e who ίΐ'·£ ’;'e -* ‘e ' · *. ,/«< r't’ri-C’M, ^, e Ca/ec/iilrni mike- no reference i'· th"X .· ?Γ '' lr*:::r?ha.nt or :he Church i.“ its expo-''·1· r' r :ïLib. II. p. 70’ (tri-alation our<). Th 1552 in Vienna. The ti-ne and pU.,e nf .ru -1 Loc. cii. {traDSbtiol· ours), urr -■· - ι ι>-'·ΜΙ.\-ΓΟΧ of S\rxra 385 John L ess identified i!æ Clvr-h ^win luiiryc-irs before his death, ‘•Ls^utelv with the C-.:nimuni.jn of Saints. TH Church κ ^ai-j t·^ i 1 all the saiy.fs ar... æ Îne Communion or the s.iciety of saints because ttrit. throu-h ρ-,ΓΓ,. " ! t'w’t!,cr Jn it, as one body united throughonc Uc bo,.u 0I ,Kacc and char.rv ls Hie great Cardinal Stanislaus Hcsius (τ157Γ^· '·ν-1’ pcr e^k * ’ iidcpt the tern; Communion oi Saints as a dctm.itKm c-l t··'· . as ûe word saints .as not con-idcred :a p',«e.«ron oi the state oi grace. He,1P Ρι.;:ιζί, i-ui hid ihe members of tb,e prin i·-1· *f[oiius arsiicss cf the pcriecüon oi their spiritual ;!'c-· J11' . . ·,,,„.·!; _ν0' ~l’,\w common ’.in the Church and insisted that uic>e f,oi Church the Church huhuul euu .U ;«-.v « ft» iho Communior. Qf Saints must be understood m tms manner· A-l «·■■■“■-■··» of the saints. both those who still tight at our side here -m tartn and • Ί-e wnu now triumph ip heaven after they have f--'-ght the .-o··’· an :i;e received the crown oi gbry, are conununioted to us. :or us. Sî-1 îià.‘e Ί-t /i1'’1' f-anisius (fl597) explained the C-.-rnniLn; m of S.i · \J ■':·" ·! 'V: ·' ; r*--'-a: duties. xifL- ami rrayere. Air—— ·■·■—''· ti’···'· · is ,j,.·,.,.>,. a.;.; t?xl· same use Λ m.' -cm ·.· ·« : ■ retain the ur.;ty ,·.; -he spirit in the > in-y arc -;■ "cLc'.-r-.-.-i, e·..:· i: :< .'û’-ô-s ζ ■ •,5,’M.p r: « - ■--!:.'WTW Cii’·.:, ,'i I'·»'*· ’**' ■ ■■‘tica .Romeand5îw--t» " W-·-· ■' '■ .'■.oc'-^ia, 1562, ■,-■ 70, r. _ '■- : ■' f. κ*' Γ· :"Ather st,-· - . rit λ, ;ι. '9 (transia: ·- . »). rj & il I HE AMERICAN ECCLESIASTICAL REVIEW 3S6 g:, virth, (St. Peter Canisius does not limit tins commcnin to ι,:·.·.=ί.· ·.■, -,< enjoy the state of grace), but also the blessed in ber.ea .in 1 i'.i- s/j’.s in purgatory.18 Ί he oid Baltimore Catechism taught that “the Saints ani r-c rï members of the same Church, because the Church in heaven ar.i C( i’.jrch on earth are one and the same Church, and all its members are communion with one another.”19 It defined the Comirxaiia .: Sai- ·= as “the union ·. hich exists between the members of the C.’mr '■ ■■n earth wit.: one .’..’Other, .md Wi’-.’i t;:e Liessi d in heaven m l ■• i‘: t’-.e -uffering ouls in pur;.-.·.’ T'a r. iis-.r; '-e:·?·,.η '.-.■.’.ii.,> ■.·'■-■ the ( of Saints mea;;> ”ll ·..· un.i ir. of th.·.· â./Jii':! ir e..“the blessed in he;·, ven. rmd th·;· i' purga'.on . will· Christ ■".? ' :- jgf|jg|g i ;||||f llilllfilBMlgg Cardinal Gasparris (';·.■·.chism r/je.ii- the· *j r:'ri·.-.^ me (-~!· chism of the Council of Trent. ' The set-.nd part of the NT'-t;'· ·'· *' t’.' ie of the Creed—‘the Commxmion -.f Sains’ - is cmnec’.e 1 •■i-’: toe first part as in s-.-me s-.rt usplatni'.g i:, for it tribes es ·’■·’— oer.efit Lie members of th;. Church r ay gain iron lite h/.’.r.r^ timed tn and through the Church.” Car ii..;il G.tsparri':.'t- t““by this second part of the Xi-.ih ArCcie of t;:? Crt--; ;·,·!? ~”Ί tiiat bclreen die member? :,i ri.··.· Cliircii—in Ika.-en, xn Pr.tga· r. and on earth--there exists, by reason of their c’oac union w-’tb '■·'■■ another under ChriM their Head, a mutual co r.munii-L'— ;”· sl;r’ riches.” a the- Cate l.ism Catholic Faith adverts explicitly to tl’t f<1 v.:;idi the Communion of Saints as exist’Χΐ wi-hiii dAb.sf.ial iiody {,f Jesus Christ. “By the Communion of vn-.oun that the tr.en-.beri of the Church in Heaven, in pv.riL tG · 3 i oc ea· th, are a.l Cnc fa.aj|y of βθ,? !ovjng antj helping one acid.-r -S , .tr? ·<■/?< ii a !n ' ^fystiial Body of Ci rist.”M Unfortunately,!·· we>e ■ j -.-hers; -p” -n the Communion of Sa·3’ EimriimreÎ: [.CTÈ-ja -H. c. S'6 > "■' COMMVNTON' OF SAINTS XÎ?2 diStin.Ct ^^'bcrsh-p in the Churrh « “^anuwnd by Cardinal η ; i ' ςΓ -!ie Communion of Saints ;:s a society v lrUe Church." S'/cic·01 ^a’nt·'5” H-! .he Cjî’wüc EiicyJitfcdia, ^ich bind-"C-S 1 > l'::S corî:rxnÎO!i is ’“the sp:.-:iur.i P-^iory, and the «ιΗ n^C\nC‘ lIlt; on earth, the souls in ■?“trdl !>'χ’ν i... V" Î t,;VL’·· m the organic unity of Cc sire·? ' '■■■'-■’■"i.Li-J-.i',,.ν *. L’S ami i:· a. constant i.-tter-^c “■-’ufs U r-a. ."‘■‘'•'y '6 in his bool: --i ·. .' Sainis ~-:nion of SaHsSeem ΐ ’"æ "îhe cxIWïi!‘,sn· G',n\· '-iferi·;- ”27 μ·' , 5‘'V.Ues lne ( η“Γ<·':ΐ Militant. Triumpi·..nt, and or the Communion of Saints .i= well as the >i.L u· Ireland in the introduction to hi? f* ?<■·■■·»’■ ’·'. i;h that of SclHer.:s The same deSnirion. forai! P“rPoses·!S to be found in the brilliant arid ; <>n tin- Com!,y Father Bemar 1 in the Zh'dr.viTibe .>■ Thmlozit * ani* *n t-t1·- tre.'.iiie mi the C'uttmur.ion oi Sj::’.;; -'■>■ the E·,.,;. Cfl.'’ r ;en’.in Bretim/’ Ln the f'M- H-.s arc .irr.pij =eciety lurch -a hkh >s th·: Mysti- 5,-c;.i:. tir it is none ,.f [r^-s rbris’. ■ : rite term is ordinarr v u-ed to i·1^ 'l Midship ™th® * *■.■· The s», iet·.- ■■·.ithin'v -’.i.h -he :■ cwtsis -.·>· Catholic •.=.ho enjoy th -? felloes'.;.p ir·- tho^e ’fh. i .bur. :>. ι-e or i itcnd to bc. Jirenumbers ol the Cad members cf the Church receive the bewf.-. ·■ ΙΐΓ; T “’‘*■ 44 "■ = η E i: J·-; Co, t')S4, j/p. I2&-J1. 38S ί THE AMERICAN ECCLESIASTICAL REVIEW channels through which men receive favors from God, through wh..n the souls in purgatory are benefited, and by whuh the saints in are honore-1. IV: There is no ir.visii.'.e C'Lunh. no religious society distinti h.n. the Cath-j.ic Church, oi vhi-.h ;ncn in the stale of grace are metr’.en The * .nly society whi h can rightly be denominated as the Communion of Samis is the true Church of Jesus Christ, the .My-lical Body. Washington, D. C. a •ii > 1 V ■ Joseph Clifford Γεντομ Answers to Questions HOLY NAME COMMUNION SUNDAY (lues!inn: The Mcr.tu! of the Holy Name Society asserts that the -■“2 its are obliged. to receive Holy Communion with the Society on /'■y Netr.e Sunday. Please state how this is to be reconciled with the "r-r.-fe ci the Congregation oi the Sacraments, explained in the March ^■;e vf the -4 mcricaii Eedcsiasliral Rciine in the article -Hoiy ComEWiion Through Coercion.” Anew?: 'Inc decree to winch reference is made imp-iüt y answers .^Xitiun. for it repeats the ruling of the decree Sacra ·<”!·.·'·.ό· to this effeci : “If there are any institutes ο uoiver ’ ve ··, s, in whose rules and ‘received on rs are attached to certain days and ..... day. these rules are to he considered mere, r-.-p-w’· «Bouscaren, Cane» ie^Jmn,.ar/:;ng lbe members to ;t the rules of a religious or^, dirCl-Hve. nor Ik!y Communion on certalE(>^f .i;e n:ies of a society of lay 'c ..'■r.-.ivt, a fvlwri ihe same is tne ^1.^ wor any :r.b(-rs - r. Hoiy Name Sunday pe c mirficn of v,men "; ** ,·.ν. suer, as expulsion from MAKRiAt.Eb g;ven l;y PRr.MisL'S IN OneΪ.Ό the promi»5· thi rati-.a >.famix<.d “u^jerv. ~ pi- ics f-r ihc ’ ,, jno’, t, 2 .,c.i’so u-1 A civil m.·· ’ ·.!.·· ;ί·υ—li.r eVir···^je Lt .■; J-u-x.-rFr-m d·”* ; u‘p. 22) it 1042 (/c j .lyi j.·. 5·.«^· fleed tc ·'’■* ec ...a·?·,-. ■· ■ nd tt-.e er-ilcr^n <’L! Icon ■.·«:■..■) may Le b‘>m required in tl e .ase «ho may be liom ocra to the couple- to any * - Λ ® "wM· *“ «μ x on January 16, she ; r-n l-o j ::.}y to cr ■'.!’*n L previously ’-ren u.e opink,''. quite