Ι·Ι1Ι·1ΙΙΙΙβΙΒ111ΙΐΙΙΙΙ1Ι III liiil liislJiJ Œije American (KaUsiasitkal iÀebùto •*3 THE EXTENSION 01’ CHRIST’S MYSTICAL B01»Y The term “Mystica! Body of Christ” is (>niy on„ ωnaraK employed in sa- red theology to designate the Catholic Chun” > Jtain theologians, among them the great controversialists Win J·;1 and Cardinal Stanislaus Hosnis2 have use·! the term bodv of Chr'stas a definition oi the Church. This practice hils been countenanced a-d encouraged by our Hoiy lather Pope PjU5 XIJ h;s Corporis.' (Jbjeetively t/lcrc j, „t> on,s names better titled to aid men in apprec ί;. ti,e ( ..iürch flov.ever, there have been those Η·/10 though“ .Body of Christ applied more properly to donw 0. orgaaiilt:K1 wider m extent than the ( α;ΙΙ()!χ Church. Thcse < ,.... persons in this world w.io are in rhe state of grace, and who ax r.4 members of the Catholic (..lurch arc still member. r,f ;;,c B«iy of CJn-ist. Some nave even feared îîia£ appIiciltion'<>f ώ, name Mystical Body to the vlâlb;c Church militarfth- N-v ment would in some way imply that the bk·^ dnd tfae dOuis in pirrgatoiy an: ·.·>?. mem.a-rs Gt this Body. At ; ..., taucht th..: ti:e Cathoik’ Church, pmwr’v ·* narre*er ΐ,ι^π ι.τκ ,Λ· the -Mystical Body. We can best rr.cvt. this attitude by comparing tf-.e i« ·η;ί. tktions of »hc I '.itholic Church with the P.tm’ir,.-. ( , ,. . ., .· ... 'Jei-iara::o."s ao"U’. .5 botiy »! 1 ;'γι.-γ. The ι .lurcn .vlH. n Stdesignated as the b-xl'· of ( hr:.-;: is t.-:e same o.-cjni»-> ’n atirh has bef-n . tn Catholic I'tcii-iiotogy. N·’.* it bippens tilt· ('rnf-xiir f i.jrch. , ,. -1Γ1 t typ·.* Of dennitions o’’ Λ» ο. ι3«η nave j . but the-.-r.,- ........ „ fcwtfc ft’·.'csir.i-.gy t >.’w:i...'y, however. ’ papl'ji.·’ r!;e Γ.·.·:ιη f Rcoert Beliar ■ iasskai fnrmu.a * Cwwv t’ .......... , ■ ■ ■ ■-_ - Λ ■“erature ·-: sc:<·· txgmning o; th·· severreec'h :ti:v thr«· typ*.-.: ;, .-. !£R.- i ■ , ; EXTENSION ΟΓ MYSTICAL BODY 125 f·: kln l riedo. '1-6 hoy Church is the multitude which rejoi-cs in holy unity, a Λ y understood no; according to a gathering in one land or tn one « ure knowledge '>1 faith join together in this ‘. y by i-.t.-ri-.a1. communication through fait'-, itse'f, and if 1.1:·. 2. Cl·.· ... 1, .1. 2: *»’I5s/; *■ Ί· E col. th*· l> V n. 257. • *\ ., ’ k£' . icvain t.r.it: in of 1523, p. 'Λ*. , i de r.cde| Adam and Eve, arid which had λ.·.ι■ 7j,r‘ thirr/? *1,113 w"r“l UItf’ the advent of it.- divine founder. 1,1 '11·«■ definition, that. which is most :’s . !°r-’ aricj ■ R,f !!Urcb;l;f !! 1 xnis. not ()n;v jn j his world, but i'pc-g.· ?fi'’’’tion of /Γ™’ Gregor>· Valentin otters as hi? VIV S ,l’fougi; _ -,l Chuixn the formula “the multitude of ’>!;■>.-< ·· ■■ i-Ut wf,r , ‘.‘■‘■J ,,r '“V! ‘‘ailing are in ,->>mc uaj'.i.»s.->-iateo more'•t®· r'-urneIy ne most generat definition was u-e-t by If.:-..·'. ,· . Go,] ,‘'t( u‘c,i’s ”:1heassemb y or society of the sai.f; Orf-Mn,t !·,;ιτ'|,!'Ή«< Chrt.1·. -r - ' > λ......... Λ*-··>.·, ’heol’ , ,!r ·-'1·/ormuia lo trne.v nnif thÎi «ere carefuitne to b"’ T?S1,'îi of "! ü7ikî'nitiou involved, as a minim a.orjvme ^r r ei^‘V < ·? Th“ “ “ e < 'hun h mi.it.u.: ;<■ dtTons 'vehaw >« ™^·· -nh EX ntwbX-“ ' « bt ;.;î ■ ’'the- ,ir ■ ■' Uh extends k. . ‘ Ol! GJr'fS - -‘i ω !ive fi K[>nie. κ-.ty oi brotherhood.’”'' , . In the First FPMe to the Conr.ur.ar- also, the Apostk oi the dr.u.es 'ea-.es ro mom for doubt about the tact that he applies ‘ r te. :‘b«lv" immediately to the vistbu- Church of the New J “For we. bein'-' many, are one bread, one body, alt that r .i.t ■·,! r,r{. br(.:.d.":·' The one bread is <>i course the Eucharistic '-i Tuse who r-..t!-’.ake tbs (■■'•rr· h Thus here the designation -'one body” is applied —: :i-e,· u, ,}..e .rroup liescribcd in the (ictmitiun of St. Robert. =am·· document St. Paul shows iliat the body nf Christ which •.•xrh·:# is an organized society, into which men are initiated l' ’’-ή the rite* ·ί bapti^. a society in whirl’, there are diversities of -- '. rich tries and operations. .tnbers, and all ti-.n members rrt c body: so also i, Chr:sl. Spirit λ -c ■.·.<■ all baptized i’*' v'!-< ther Jews w h· .>■ : d or and :.a . ■·.·.· Spint we have all t,vcn made to ■ ' ί·ύ *r■ bod'· e-..;w. and ba’ :iot one Church .·, i.ur many.” d*.· of Christ m order to emphasize, it: v upon the life of our Lord, but kn-. e of the memt eri tuning them·.. -. -.4.-ir>..d...-.” e .η members within "■aj; C....V r.j pr.rteeos υ» .............. 'K !:X .“ty a ijich he rails the ·η·>ό;- ot I hris. . ----- **”■<. 12; 5-7. ·J "Λίοι. ii. i0 ... . 14. THE AMERICAN KCCLEblAbTICAL REVIEW 128 serve one another. The life of charity is incumbent upon all of th«e who perta*° to body of Christ, but among »!use mai, so”- '■ called upon to exercise the functions of hierarch’· al ministry- ~ body is manifestly the society in which this ministry exists by rig*:. Now you are ^^st’ anf1’ members member. And God indeed hath set some in the Church, first Aposere1"·* pr„nbe*s, thirdly l'nct-,Γ!.·, after that miracles. then the graces of hei.'·: governments, kinds <>i tongues, mt.rpre-tatior.s of speeches-'6 Γη the Epistl'*t0 ’me Ephesians, Si. Paul speaks of the Church as tr.: body of Chri’traisinf» him [ChnstJ up from the dead, and -setlinij him on few rig® hand in the places: \ho\t* ano- jivwer and virtue ar/1 do^?iniorr and --'Φ „.1. ■- d’at i-' named nut onjy ;-ti this world, but also is that which i< t ■■ o ' ,^îu; he hath •jWj'vtri ali things under his feet: and hath made hi." nvt-r a» ibv '■’ηΐ'η’::· AVi::i-h is his wy, and the fullness of him -.vh„ '.’died nl! :·· ■>'■' :r ; St i'.itil taught thru the < org inüation which he terme J tin' » ' ' Christ eÎÎ! --s 'o this world, strong in the hoi*- f'■ · •vi«!£ ; ' divine -.wll1 ■i'· ft is .cijJ activity, ton fullness '■* ·· " I -re. t-.c Γ. ·:;;;· !..... -■■·■■ VGfilV Ii \Vi- r. a’i in char.'-. (•...-.■ml ■ ■ . 7 and miofae-s, with pavci.-.e. r. ?. unity of the Spinr >■- · : .iJ·? ' al-Urcf -1 all. w'- ; Of < 2·.' °ε· Μ, ϋί il and U· t EXTENSION OF MYSTICAL BODY *29 grace is given in ihc viable Church, through the Apostles and ■ i fpiiets and th·.· Evangelists: .: ■’:h‘· -:hi ■ wr the work of the ministry, for the rdifvλ’ ·.··.·.· ail meet int > the unity , f faith and of the knowledge of the Son of man. ,;··,(■> t he measure of the age of the fulness of Christ·. he S1, children tossed to and fro, and carried ..th •.-.-iry ·Λ··'ίϊ i>f d.w.trir.·.· by the wickedness oi men, by cunning by which they lie in wait to deceive. •‘i·:: uuj'.j U’.:.· ‘ruth in charity, we may in all things grow5 up in hir: wl'<· s die head, even Christ : i~tn whom the uhoie body, !>eing compacte·: sittd f'.tiv _ΐ«»ϊ.·:.·<1 t.’gctner. :■ ■. ihai ■.■very joint suppl :·.·;h, Qunh :>c> ■!'<>» .--.I..· M. » “»wtah .I»».' h > ·. : Gixi, V r.ir h is gi ven me towards you. 1 tel·· dy grows in this world through its •:-n. ’-fri.r.. which the whole body by j<‘ints an·, ba '· ή i urishr-wnt and compacted, growetn unto t e in». ' . supplied {Gofl ·■« ■■’atbviy. ,vhi:.h is the Church, liv« :r. chanty and m pace. t'xli'.s of rhr mew be.of the Church are said ■ nt. we.·· ί f Christ. ■■Kj. >w you r. it that jour bodies are the members ... 1.30 B ™E A”Eitæ V\- rcCLEsiASTICAf. kfA’lï’.V above a-’i these things have (harily> whifh .·. {hc },„.]d of ■•-nd kt ihejK-ace ot < ™st rej.ji(T in }ira_tSj whcreî.; .,.n.... , ' dal in one body: and be ye thiinkf·-} in rhe light of these te^s ;inf] . f( ;hl, .on of the Mysbcal Body Church. The Cathie or UniVers;ll Cn!Jrc/; . proper ot tha: holy society d^nlJOfJ ifl of the ( nun h ln sc. oîastk sr paui Hs . th,. <.vrety. and n. ofh ;u ,,θ β fnus, -...nen « say -uf he ν!^ f.. Icstarre-nt, the Roman t-ithojj,. . λ, . , .. ,r ~ Cnurch. is me Mvstrcai ]}■>.·.-« t-nrjîf. we do not in a··? >er,se whu > i -i ■■ '.i . . c i.· , ftltndni·.·,· that appeü.ition in η; .■! glorious assfmb.y of the , 1 . •r. , . .«.iptv, w heaven or the tn purii·.:?. Inese do not form a socitiy °r a > · ,..·.' ... . ... n,»iw>mi '-uurch m any -.vav d.-st'ncr trotr ·'« ' n-jrrh militant, ihe . ... ■*. -πΗ-ι. r,,c f liiirch on eartfi arc "letio* - itizens with the samts. ,nd the d, .,··. . ... n. , Rb‘a.snri>..d. Liesdmes .ietv »nxr. wimjeneano, u··'-'* tnc),..,|,... , t-i perfert i.e.ithude in heuven -p */1;> 1,1 ‘ y· · s'-...a.-sn,. .. -'.h-sticai Body of Christ. “Al ' W h-n Aesay diat rhe R'lnaan ;. ..................................... we du no.-, implv that the Cnurch exkt -,·-·π·1 ·’ B ’··.■ ( ■■; : n.t «e mean llui every me.^ I)t°Di>' “-Unis Wl.riii any .-i Italy .ihrn iresav that the An^jJ Ar!’v <>t th·.· Γχci Star. > .> «■.· !■ ^-nate the Chur- h ‘ Ç-tprundτ:..> Ur<. ■ e nweir sraie. the fact that th;/ ” Jle -·Γ5γ.···α! B >dy v r··.?,.· sf iJ »rginizatior.‘ in îhis wlvliii: r,.,. ~ from •' ’hrand in -.i,? .“ W'al' Ui t'eral . --.rr·.-“aie ’.f en ami dit îr. ;hi' wnriii on'y 'hcs·.· wte ;.rc ;rj . .ari proptriv .lesigi:j!et2 13 actUai π·οιΛ ' '‘Λ" ' ;Κ':-,:ι·· · ’ .-he ^v^ciwi-·. «-·. ■·: ■. \ '-■. t:“' Λ^:·«'<·■ h . Ci.-hom ,-ir. -ve ; :n ira.-f. *.hP UlK *1:7 *,W ■! •'..’■‘Π*!/ Γ; i Xk. u:: â My-tû-i.. B-. iy. aid Πο> ,Μ’"η' a · -·· gift Γπ·ί -e .^conjer. ' l-est .Ti'?i; ·,κ1 *;Γ*ίκ·® r« j- ’* '■' ■■'■-^er λ ;:;ό - r*-.>ao î'X’-.tu.v f kKCF.Xf IXk.MAiTC Continuing his series of dogmatic text-b<.»ks under uie ci-.x-.y -.· CjF.iKiHtzrius ir. SiimKam Π. the Rev. ■ ■ < _ .-as pnhi'.srca me jlimn., λοίυη-ι. .·<, nt ii r.;n« the treatises *■’ i'··»1*·'■■ ■ ' η·.·’ ;md “Dt- Deo Trino" tînm·! Seminain·. λI· .nîreai. J.‘, - ■■•rmtiitarv embraces the matter ■>> tn<· γ.τΆ, Τ·> o.^-^tn - » ■ ■■■■■"c. ί’,σι Y. The w.-i andin·; uures <>t father leruind = ά·'·^ ' ■. amcH brevity. Whi'-c Mlow-n;: in substance me ■■rue ‘"i. Tb-mas, he dties no: hesiuîv uur'tfh’.œ certa.u ".-. ;r.nu-diauly niter the proofs <·ί t»’d s ex.stcr.e >■'- 1 ■’■·■ I·:.bær ■ f the inu.hivv virion <>· tin- dr.inc esser.ee a-· ■■·■■. -*hi.h the Anodic i^tor .’^u in Q- î-h ™ ;·«“ ■··-■· f t-c divine jK‘"ii;<:t:<>ns the subject of QQ. n .l-t.UA - - '·■ , --".■■ns of prcser-t-d.’.}· imjx.r'.an· r. Ί’-ih as tne cxt>o.· ■■■ · ·., ■· '!·.· :■ rm.-’î ί·.i;;sti: :vi; <>; the divine essence, are ui-AUssv·. m ■ · >■’.:■.<■? matters to which >'.■ lh<>mas _a\e k.-a.'-c.■ ··: - ■•t.t are !es> imp-ria.H nov-fi^ys. smh as the boos. - t ·- -‘.i ti.i· hapn-nc-s ->t (i"'!· are passed "'tr. . • <.e: I e<.nïi. emtristemiv Thomtsm in itis choke ot optons. crin· ·■: the ’.-■■.n.tm <.'u. .-i i-i™ V'^v. uea·.'■ ··■. -.t tv of a-t cc-i-ec :.amnt! d-. s:re. tri-.tch - -riy memcarious and conditional. Vr‘»«t 1;e c<'’tviuu-.s .·-■ ■ ‘ ·■ i -'.a·/, tea· th. tt the future tree acts ·.·: r. ;-.r. .tr·.- s.· ·'· n , ..pkri-n that, td’-b-wh the major:·.:. r„ -t „. ·." ur'.-.lter par: of the i'.:: <···■ th,·.· renr·.: :it:or he regards r.ot ’.s .» p:>t- l.H