DICTIONARY PAPAL PRONOU CEMENTS Leo XIII lo Pius XII [1878-1957] Compiled by SISTER M. CLAUDIA I.H.M.) - LIBRARIAN, MARYGROVE COLLEGE P. J. KENEDY & SONS New York BROADVEW PUBLIC LIBRARY BROADVI PDF Compressor Pro Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 58-12095 © P. J. Kenedy & Sons, 1958 MFACTt'RFD IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | This is not the time for the discussion or seeking out of new principles, nor the time for assigning new aims and objectives. In substance, both the principles and the objectives are well known and firmly established, because they have been taught by Jesus Christ him­ self, they have been clarified and worked out by the Church in the course of the centuries, and adapted to the immediate circumstances by recent popes; they need only one thing, and that is to be put into actual practice. —Pius XII, Dal Nostro cuore, February 10, 1952 PDF Compressor Pro CONTENTS Introduction....................................................................................................... 1 Abbreviations Used in Sources..................................................................... 7 Dictionary of Papal Pronouncements....................................................... 9 Papal Document Collections...........................................................................173 Chronological List of Documents.................................................................... 179 Index...........................................................................................................................195 PDF Compressor Pro INTRODUCTION Papal document is a generic term used to designate any of the various acts emanating from the Roman pontiff as a formal pronouncement of the Holy See. In general, all formal pontifical acts may be called consti­ tutions, a term borrowed from Roman law, but the term apostolic con­ stitutions is more accurately applied to those which the pope issues in his own name, frequently in the form of bulls, to distinguish them from the decrees which emanate from the dicasteries of the Roman Curia. I'he technical term used in the apostolic constitution Sapienti consilio of Pope Pius X (June 29, 1908), with reference to documents issued in the form of briefs, is apostolic letters. Throughout the history of the Church, these pontifical letters have, however, been referred to under various names and terms. The documents of the first eight centuries included: epistles, the ordi­ nary correspondence of the popes with persons of all orders and classes; decrees, letters promulgating decisions made by the pope on his own authority; decretals, decisions given by the Holy See in response to ques­ tions raised on points of discipline and administration; and rescripts, apostolic constitutions granting favors solicited. The esteem in which these letters of the popes were held is evident from the title auctoritas frequently found in old manuscripts. The pope’s name did not at first appear in the superscription of these documents. His only title was Episcopiis or, occasionally, Episcopus Catholicae Ecclesiae. St. Gregory the Great (590-604) was the first to add the phrase, Servus Servorum Dei. Since the ninth century, this has been an invariable formula and distinctive mark of a papal bull. Adrian (772-795) introduced important changes in the form of papal documents. He invariably placed his name first in the superscription of his letters, omitted the year of the Empire which had formerly been in­ cluded, and dated the documents by his own pontificate. A decretal letter, attributed to Adrian, ordered the authentication of every docu­ ment emanating from the Apostolic Chancery by the affixing of a leaden seal (bulla) which later gave its name to the document itself. Although 1 Introduction custom has long authorized the application of the term bulls to public documents, issued not only by the popes but also by the emperors and other sovereigns, it was originally used to denote these leaden seals at­ tached to the deeds and was not applied to the documents themselves be­ fore the thirteenth century. During the Middle Ages, the bull was the ordinary instrument of corre­ spondence of the pontifical government. Decretals or papal constitutions, the nominations and depositions of bishops, the translations of sees, ex­ communications, and encyclicals were all despatched under the form of greater or lesser bulls. In the fifteenth century, Eugenius IV created a new form of document, the brief. This may be defined as a letter apostolic, sealed in red wax with the Fisherman’s ring, in the superscription of which the pontiff takes the title of pope, with his rank among the popes of his name. The formula terminating the superscription is the same as in bulls, “Health and Apos­ tolic Benediction,” or For perpetual memory,” depending on the im­ portance of the content. Λ brief is usually shorter than a bull, but that which distinguishes it from the latter is the simplification of its despatch. In recent times, the brief has been the ordinary form of document issuing from the Apostolic Chancery, but in matters affecting the highest interests of faith and morals, the popes have always had recourse to the more solemn form of the bull. The foregoing classifications arc based on form. From the point of view of content, pontifical documents may be doctrinal, concerned with faith or morals; or disciplinary, concerned with the practical government of the Church. They may be particular, intended for individual persons, cases, or specific places, or universal, directed primarily to the Universal Church. An act of the Holy See is usually issued in the form of a docu­ ment, but it may also be pronounced as an oraculum vivae vocis, an oral concession or declaration of the pope. Constitutiones apostolicae (apostolic constitutions) are ordinarily used for dogmatic and disciplinary pronouncements. Some examples of this type of document arc Leo XlII's Officiorum ac munerum (January 25, 1897) on the prohibition and condemnation of books, Pius X’s Vacante Sede Aposlolica (December 25, 1904) on the election of the Roman Pontiff, and Pius XII’s Munificentissimus Deus (November 1, 1950) de­ fining the dogma of the Assumption. Since 1911, constitutions have also been used for the erection of dioceses and canonical chapters. Litterae apostolicae (apostolic letters) deal with affairs of an executive Introduction or administrative order such as erecting and dividing mission territory, designating basilicas, and approving religious congregations. 1 he pope does not, strictly speaking, establish laws when he issues apostoiic letters, but simply discharges his office as ruler and head of the Church. Litterae decretales [decretal letters) are used for the official proclamation of canon­ izations. Litterae encyclicae (encyclical letters) arc letters which the pope, by his ordinary teaching authority, directs to the entire Christian world for the growth and guidance of spiritual life. Originally a circular letter in­ tended to be passed on from one to another of the group addressed, it is today almost exclusively confined to certain papal documents which differ in form from the ordinary style of cither bulls or briefs, and which treat of matters affecting the Church at large. When, by exception, papal let­ ters are in the nature of an exhortation concerning a particular need or are addressed primarily or entirely to the archbishops and bishops of a particular country or to a designated group of the hierarchy, they are called epistulae encyclicae (encyclical epistles). Since the latter part of the nineteenth century, the encyclical letter and epistle have come increasingly into favor and have been used ex­ tensively to treat not only of dogmatic questions but also of problems that are primarily social and ethical in scope. Leo XIII alone issued thirtysix encyclical letters and fifty encyclical epistles, varying annually from one to eight in number. Pius XII has used the encyclical for pronounce­ ments of unparalleled historical, as well as religious, significance. Al­ though normally the pope does not exercise his infallible teaching office through an encyclical, Catholics must obediently accept its doctrinal content as an expression of the pope’s ordinary teaching authority.1 Motus proprii (motu proprios) are informal documents drawn up by the pope on his own initiative. Tra le sollecitudini (November 22, 1903), Pius X’s instruction on music, is probably the best-known example of this type. Pius XII’s Primo feliciter elapso (March 12, 1948), approving secular institutes, was also issued as a motu proprio. Adhortationes apostolicae, adhortationes, or hortationes (exhortations) are more or less formal instructions given on specific occasions. Menti Nostrae (September 23, 1950), covering the entire scope of priestly life and training was addressed to priests throughout the world under this heading. 7 rapidi progressi (January 1, 1954), the directive on television sent to the Italian hierarchy, was likewise issued as an exhortation. 1 Cf. Pius XII, Humani generis, August 12, 1950, N.C.W.C. translation, par. 20. 3 PDF Compressor Pro Introduction Epistolae (simple letters) are those addressed to one or several cardi­ nals, bishops, religious, or lay people, usually dealing with matters of a more purely social nature but sometimes of personal concern to the addressee. Commemorations of sacerdotal and episcopal jubilees belong to this group. Chirographi (autograph letters) are ordinarily addressed to a cardinal by the Holy Father with an informal statement of his views on some important matter. Rulers and statesmen, however, also receive communi­ cations of this kind, as, for example, We have just (August 26, 1947), a reply to the letter of the Honorable Harry S. Truman, then President of the United States. This form is also used at times in addressing an outstanding member of the hierarchy on a special occasion. The oral pronouncements of the Holy Father have for several cen­ turies been termed allocutiones (allocutions), but previous to the twen­ tieth century, this term was usually reserved for solemn addresses given by the pope to the cardinals assembled in secret consistory. In recent years, however, the term “allocution’' has also been used for addresses to groups representing every type of national and international gathering as well as for annual messages on such formal occasions as the inauguration of the juridical year of the Roman Rota? Pius XII has likewise used the radio widely; some of his most important pronouncements have been given in this way. Although many of these allocutions and radio addresses have been unofficial, the major ones arc now being published in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, the official commentary of the Holy See, along with the written pronouncements.3 1 he Dictionary of Papal Pronouncements is an attempt to make more readily accessible the directives of the popes as set forth in various types of documents. It includes all encyclicals from 1878 through 1957, but only a selection of documents in other categories. The closing date for this selective group is June 2, 1957. The selection, though somewhat arbitrary, has been based on actual requests for information and on prob­ lems met with in reference work over a period of years. Many documents have necessarily been omitted because of lack of space, while a few of l hat of October 1, 1912, on moral certitude especially in marriage cases was of particular importance: Il vedervi intorno, AAS, 34 (1942), 338-13; English: Canon Law Digest (Bruce, 1954), III, 605-11. K ’For other aspects of papal documents, sec Abp. Giovanni B. Montini, "Le magistère pas­ toral de S S. Pie XII," Documentation Catholique, 51 (1 septembre 1957), col. 1145-48; and Guxtavc Weigel, S.J., 'The Significance of Papal Pronouncements,’’ in Anne Fremantle, ed., The Papal Pronouncements in Their Historical Context (New York: Putnam, 1956), p. 9-20. Introduction lesser importance have purposely been included to demonstrate the ex­ tent and breadth of papal teaching. Entries are arranged alphabetically by title—the first few words of the original text—with cross reference from any alternative titles in common use. Each title is followed by the type of the document, date of writing or delivery, occasion or group addressed, and statement of content. The word-count given at the end of each entry is an estimate based on the original text rather than on the translation. The abstract which follows is purely reportorial, not interpretive, and is limited to the essential points of the text. The length of an abstract does not necessarily indicate the importance of a document, since a long treatise on one theme is more easily summarized than a briefer document of many parts. The section on Sources gives references to the original texts and to a few English translations if any have been located. In a few instances, a French translation has been listed when none in English was available or when the subject matter seemed to indicate that this was advisable. No attempt has been made to present an exhaustive list of references; commentaries have been excluded as being outside the scope of the work. Additional references, as well as biographical material, can easily be lo­ cated through the Guides4 in this field, in the Catholic Periodical Index, and, since 1954, in the “TPS Guide” section of the quarterly The Pope Speaks. The Index to the Dictionary includes in one alphabet all subjects and personal or corporate names. The subject entries are necessarily limited to the general content of the documents listed and to a few of the topics emphasized in the abstracts. An effort has been made, however, to incor­ porate terms used by the press in referring to individual pronouncements as these are the ones most frequently remembered. Abbreviations used in the Sources are listed in a section preceding the Dictionary proper. A Chronological List at the end of the volume pro­ vides a key to the documents included for each pontificate. The bibliog­ raphy of Papal Document Collections is not exhaustive but is a selection of some of the more useful publications available. Lack of space precluded annotation of these titles, but special mention should be made of the excellent editing of many of the French collections, c.g., Les enseigne­ ments pontificaux, by the Monks of Solesmes; La communauté humaine, ‘Sister M. Claudia, Guide to the Encyclicals, 1878-19)7 (New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1939) and Guide to the Documents of Pius XII, 1939-19(9 (Westminster, Md.: Newman Press, 1951). 5 Introduction by Émile Marmy; Aux sources de la vie spirituelle, by Cattin-Conus; and the invaluable French translation of the Utz and Groner title covering the pontificate of Pius XII. These volumes are all comprehensive, wellindexed, and accompanied by helpful chronological lists and summary outlines. Grateful acknowledgment is due to Thomas B. Kenedy, Publisher, who first conceived the idea of this work and outlined the way in which it might be carried out; to Sister M. Honora, President of Marygrove Col­ lege, for her encouragement and judicious editing; to the Reverend Edmond F. X. Ivers, S.J., Librarian of Woodstock College, for unfailing counsel and a kindly and helpful reading of the entire manuscript; and to the many who have personally or by correspondence aided in the compilation of the book. A particular debt of gratitude is due to the staff of the Marygrove College Library for their patient and generous forbear­ ance throughout the many hours devoted to the work. S. M. C. Feast of St. Pius V 1958 6 ABBREVIATIONS USED IN SOURCES (All other references arc listed in "Papal Document Collections," pp. 173-7.) AAS = Acta Apostolicae Sedis ACQR = American Catholic Quarterly Review AL = Leonis XIII Pontificis Maximi Acta APD = Pii X Pontificis Maximi Acta ASS = Acta Sanctae Sedis OR = L’Osscrvatorc Romano TPS = The Pope Speaks (American quarterly) Amer. Eccl. Rev. == American Ecclesiastical Review Cath. Doc. = Catholic Documents (London) Cath. Doc. (Aus.) — Catholic Documentation (Sydney, Australia) Cath. Mind = Catholic Mind Chinigo = The Pope Speaks; ed. by Michael Chinigo. Pantheon, 1957. Collins = Catechetical Documents; ed. by Joseph B. Collins. St. Anthony Guild Press, 1946. Discorsi = Discorsi e radiomessaggi di S.S. Pio XII. Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana, 1941-1957. 18v. Doc. Cath. = Documentation Catholique (Paris) Doheny = Papal Documents on Mary; comp, by Msgr. William J. Doheny and Rev. Joseph P. Kelly. Bruce, 1954. Eccl. Rev. = Ecclesiastical Rcvieie Ehler = Church and State through the Centuries; ed. by Sidney Ehler and John Morrall. Newman Press, 1955. Ellis = Documents of American Catholic History; ed. by John Tracy Ellis. Bruce, 1956. Fontes = Codicis luris Canonici Fontes; ed. Petrus Cardinal Gasparri. Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1923-1933. 8v. Gilson — The Church Speaks to the Modern World; the Social Teachings of Leo XIII, cd. by Etienne Gilson. Image Books, 1954. Hom. Past. Rev. = Homiletic and Pastoral Review Husslein = Social Wellsprings; ed. by Joseph Husslein, S.J. Bruce, 1940-1942. 2v. Irish Eccl. Rec. = Irish Ecclesiastical Record Keogh = The Pope and the People; with preface by A. Keogh, S.J. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1950. 7 PDF Compressor Pro Abbreviations Koenig = Principles for Peace; ed. by Rev. Harry C. Koenig. National Catho­ lic Welfare Conference, 1943. Lawler = The Rosary of Mary; documents collected by William Lawler, O.P. St. Anthony Guild Press, 1944. Parkinson = The Pope and the People; ed. by Rt. Rev. Mgr. Parkinson. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1912. Ryan = The Encyclicals of Pius XI; tr. by Janies H. Ryan- Herder, 1927. White List = White List of the Society of St. Gregory of America. 4th ed. The Society, 1954. Wynne = The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII, with preface by Rev. John J. Wynne, S.J. Benziger, 1903. Yzermans (1954) = All Things in Christ; ed. by Vincent A. Yzermans. New­ man Press, 1954. (Preliminary edition: Privately printed, 1952.) zermans (1955) — The Unwearied Advocate; addresses of Pius XIT, 19391952, ed. by Vincent A. Yzermans. Saint Cloud (Minn.) Bookshop, 1954. 3v. zermans (1956) = The Unwearied Advocate; addresses of Pius XII, ed. by Vincent A. Yzermans. Saint Cloud (Minn.) Bookshop, 1956. 2v. 8 1 A Lei, Vicario Nostro (chirograph) Pius XI, May 2, 1928. (To Basilio Cardinal Pompili, Vicar of Rome: Italian Athletic Convention of Young Women) 600 w Protests Convention; declares such demonstrations offensive to Christian womanhood. Sources: A AS, 20 (1928), 135-7. 2 A /'occasion du premier (address) Pius XII, September 9, 1956. (To the 1st Con­ gress of the International Association of Economists: economics and man) 1,600 w Notes necessity of wholeness of view; points out error of physiocrats, Marxists; explains basis of Christian ideal of poverty. Sources: A AS, 48 (1956), 670-4; Discorsi, 18:409-15. English: TPS, 3 (Winter, 1956-7), 241-5. 3 A l'occasion du VIIe Congrès (address) Pius XII, September 20, 1956. (To the 7th International Congress of Astronautics: interplanetary flight) 1,400 w Reviews half-century progress of astronautics; recognizes work of Con­ gress; stresses intellectual, moral, spir­ itual implications of conquest of in­ terplanetary space. Sources: A AS, 48 (1956), 790-3; Discorsi, 18:457-62. English: TPS, 3 (Winter, 1956-7), 305-8. 4 A vous, Messieurs (address) Pius XII, August 5, 1950. (To delegates to the 8th International Congress of Administrative Sciences: the modern State) 850 w After the family, the State is first necessity; a constituent clement of natural law. True concept of State: “a moral organism based on the moral order of the world”; function of State: favoring, helping, and promoting co­ operation aimed at a higher unity of members; protecting rights and lib­ erties of individuals and families. Ex­ cessive seizure of power by State results in great damage to society. Sources: Discorsi, 12:157-61. Eng­ lish: Cath. Doc., no. 3 (Epiphany, 1951), 25-7; Cath. Mind, 49 (July, 1951), 460-2; Rev. Social Economy, 9 (March, 1951), 81-3; Tablet, 196 (August 26, 1950), 177-8. Ab Apostolic? solii. See 'Apostolico seggio Dall'alto dele 5 Abbiamo atfeso questo (address) Pius XII, September 9, 1953.· (To diocesan assistants of Italian Youth of Catholic Action: religious training of youth) 1,400 w Calls for recruits; enumerates dan­ gers to youth: relativism, fascination of novelty, vulgarity, immorality; notes necessity for basic training for Catholic Action. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 607-11; Discorsi, 15:267-72. English: Cath. Doc., no. 14 (February, 1954), 26-9; PDF Compressor Pro Sketches "the passage of a man from the state of innocence, through his actual criminal deed, to the state of *AAS gives September 9, but Dis­ criminal guilt and its punishment; corsi and other references concur on and, conversely, his liberation from September 8, 1953. criminal guilt and punishment through repentance and expiation for 6 Abbiamo softo gli occhi (chirograph) the crime.” Crime is a free act in Pius XI, January 24, 1927. (To Pietro opposition to society, against authority Cardinal Gasparri, Secretary of State: pro­ of God. Function of law and justice testing certain new laws in Italy) 1,500 w is to preserve, or re-establish, balance Comments unfavorably on the between duty and law; objective of Balilla, national youth organization: punishment: ‘‘to return the trans­ usurps prerogative of Church; inter­ gressor to the path of duty”; involves feres with Catholic Activities Organ­ sufferings which may be p ychological, ization. Provides for compliance with juridical, moral, or religious, normally new law on Boy Scouts; changes name united in the concrete. Return of of latter to Giovanni Esploratori criminal to juridical and ethical order Cattolici Italiani. consists essentially in liberation from guilt, not from punishment. Sources: A AS, 19 (1927), 41-6. French: Actes de Pie XI, 4:10-19. Sources: A AS, 47 (1955), 60-71; Discorsi, 16:275-89. English: Cath. 7 Accog/iendo nella Nostra (address) Pius Doc. no. 17 (April, 1955), 13-33; Cath. XII, April 20, 1955. (At the opening of Mind, 53 (June, 1955), 364-73; Dublin the Exhibition of Paintings of Fra Angelico Rev., 230 (Summer, 1956), 66-88; Irish at the Vatican: Fifth centenary of the death Eccl. Rec., 84 (September-October, of Fra Angelico) 2,800 w 1955), 201-10, 270-81; TPS, 2 (1st Extols Fra Angelico as pillar of Quarter, 1955), 17-27. Western culture; emphasizes artistic • The first two parts of this discus­ integration in work of Christian hier­ sion were delivered in printed form archy of values. to the Italian Association of Catholic Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 285-92; Jurists on December 5, 1954. The Discorsi, 17:37-46. English: Cath. Doc., Pope wrote the third and last part no. 18 (July, 1955), 18-23; Irish Eccl. (Resta ora) during his convalescence Rec., 85 (June, 1956), 450-7; TPS, 2 from the grave illness he suffered in (Summer, 1955), 125-32. early December, and delivered it to members of the Association on Febru­ ary 5, 1955. 8 Accog/iefe (message) Pius XII, December Irish Eccl. Rec., 82 (July, 1951), 48-51, Yzcrmans (1956), 2:101-4. 5, 1954.· (To the 6th National Convention of the Italian Association of Catholic Jurists: guilt and punishment) 4,500 w 9 Acerba animi (encyclical epistle) Pius XI, September 29, 1932. (To the bishops 10 10-12 of Mexico: persecution of the Church in Mexico) 3,250 w Condemns unjust laws, violation of modus vivendi; counsels resumption of public worship as far as permitted; urges legal protests; exposes nefarious intentions of government on Ca­ tholicism. Urges union of clergy and laity with Rome. Sources: AAS, 24 (1932), 321-32; Irish Eccl. Rec., 40 (November, 1932), 542-9. English: Cath. Mind, 30 (No­ vember 8, 1932), 409-19; Eccl. Rev., 87 (December, 1932), 613-22; Tablet, 160 (October 15, 1932), 504-7; HussIcin, 2:278-90; pamphlet editions by Catholic Truth Society (1932), N.C.W.C. (1932). 10 Acerbo nimis (encyclical letter) Pius X, April 15, 1905. (On the teaching of Christian Doctrine) 4,500 w 1905), 417-26; Irish Eccl. Rec., 17 (June, 1905), 563-73. English: ACQR, 30 (July, 1905), 426-35; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 32 (June, 1905), 600-11; Cath. Mind, 3 (May 8, 1915), 203-18; Tablet, 105 (April 29, 1905), 641-3; Collins, p. 13-27; Yzcrmans (1954), p. 47-56. Ad Anglos. See Amantissimae 11 Ad beatissimi Apostolorum (encyclical letter) Benedict XV, November 1, 1914. (Inaugural encyclical: appeal for peace) 4,000 w Attributes world unrest (World War I) to: lack of love in human rela­ tions; contempt for authority; in­ justice in social class relations; greed for material wealth. Catholics must eliminate dissensions; promote unity among themselves; obey their bishops; avoid innovations in matters of faith. Reiterates condemnation of modern­ ism; requests prayers for peace, for restoration of temporal power of Holy See. Ascribes moral corruption, religious indifference to ignorance; concludes that obligation ol: pastors extends be­ yond homilies to catechetical instruc­ tion. Designates motives, duties of catechists; enacts specific regulations for all dioceses in the world: weekly instruction of youth; preparation of children for reception of Penance and Confirmation; Lenten instructions for First Holy Communion; canonical establishment of Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; release-time re­ ligious instruction; provisions for adult instruction. Requires bishops to pul regulations into immediate effect. 12 Ad Caeli Reginam (encyclical letter) Pius XII, October 11, 1954. (Proclaiming the Queenship of Mary) 2,250 w Sources: APD, 2:69-84; ASS, 37:61325; Fontes, 3:647-55; ACQR, 30 (July, Establishes Feast of Queenship, May 31; explains Mary’s share in work of Sources: AAS, 6 (1914), 565-81; Fontes, 3:834-45; ACQR, 39 (October, 1914) , 656-68; Eccl. Rev., 52 (January, 1915) , 67-79. English: AAS, 6 (1914), 647-60; ACQR, 39 (October, 1914), 669-81; Cath. Mind, 12 (December 22, 1914), 731-52; Cath. World, 100 (Janu­ ary, 1915), 565-75; Irish Eccl. Rec., 5 i January, 1915), 89-101; Tablet, 124 (December 12, 1914), 787-90. PDF Compressor Pro 13-10 Redemption. Commands annual con­ secration of human race to Immacu­ late Heart on feast. Sources: A AS, 46 (1954), 625-40; Discorsi, 16:409-24. English: Cath. Doc., no. 18 (July, 1955), 1-10; Cath. Mind, 53 (January, 1955), 49-60; Irish Eccl. Rec., 83 (May, 1955), 383-93; Our Lady's Digest, 9 (January, 1955), 28896; TPS, 1 (4 th Quarter, 1955), 323-35; pamphlet editions by N.CAV.C. (n.d.), Pau list Press (1955). 13 Ad catholici sacerdotii (encyclical letter) Pius XI, December 20, 1935. (On the Catholic priesthood) 12,000 w Reviews previous statements; dis­ cusses: 1) need for, nature of priest­ hood; 2) priestly character: virtue, learning, culture; 3) training: semi­ nary staff, curriculum, selection of candidates. Counsels emphasis on sanctity, retreats, day of recollection. Sources: A AS, 28 (1936), 5-53. Eng­ lish: Cath. Mind, 31 (February 8, 1936), 41-79; Eccl. Rev., 94 (March, 1936), 262-95; Tablet, 167 (January II February 8, 1936), 45-58, 81-3, 11213, 115-7, 176-8; Husslein, 2:398-432; pamphlet editions by America Press (1936), Catholic Truth Society (1936), N.G.W.C. (1936). 14 Ad Deum per rerum naturae (apostolic letter) Pius XII, December 16, 1941. (Si. Albert the Great, patron of the natural sciences) 750 w Constitutes "St. Albert the Great, Bishop, Confessor ami Doctor of the Church, foreset the Patron before God of Students of the Natural Sciences." Sources: A AS, 34 (1942), 89-91; Clergy Rev,, 23 (April, 1913), 185-6; Irish Eccl. Rec., 62 (October, 1943), 283-4. English: Albertus Magnus Guild Bulletin, 3 (May, 1956), 1, 3. Hospital Progress, 23 (November, 1942), 359-60; New Scholasticism, 17 (January, 1943), 87-9. 15 Ad diem illum laetissimum (encyclical letter) Pius X, February 2, 1904. (On the golden iubilee of the definition of the Immaculate Conception) 5,150 w States primary purpose of jubilee: to restore all things in Christ through Mary, urges amendment of life as evidence of true devotion. Points out that acceptance of truths connected with dogma of Immaculate Concep­ tion will destroy rationalism, mate­ rialism. Grants jubilee indulgence; states conditions, purpose. 1:147-66; ASS, Sources: APD 36:119-62; Anter. Eccl. Rev., 30 (April, 1904), 402-15; Irish Eccl. Rec., 15 (April, 1904), 364-76. English: /ICQ/i, 29 (April, 1904), 209-21; Cath. Mind, 2 (March 8, 1904), 81-100; Tablet, 103 (February 20, 1904), 281-4; Dohcny, p. 123-48; Yzermans (1954), p. 16-27; pamphlet editions issued by St. Anthony Guild Press (1948) and Marian Library (Dayton, Ohio, 1954). 16 Ad Ecclesiam Christi (apostolic letter) Pius XII, June 29, 1955. (To Adeodato Cardinal Piazza, Secretary of the Con­ sistorial Congregation: the Conference of Latin-American Bishops in Rio de Janeiro) 1,900 w Recognizes weakened condition of Latin-American Church; suggests 12 17-21 means for rehabilitation: methods ap­ propriate to times, situation; mutual study by episcopacy; effective use of clergy, religious, laity; specifics ad­ ditional problems for consideration. Extols teaching and virtues of the saint; emphasizes his exposition of grace, free will, mysteries of faith, Blessed Trinity. Warns faithful against exaggeration of pre-eminence of his works. Sources: A AS, 47 (1955), 539-44; Discorsi, 17:595-602. English: Cath. Mind, 53 (November, 1955), 689-92; TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 251-5. Sources: A AS, 22 (1930), 201-34; Irish Eccl. Rec., 36 ( July, 1930), 86-108. English: Cath. Mind, 28 (September 8, 1930), 333-64; Eccl. Rev., 83 (August, 1930), 160-92; pamphlet edition by N.C.W.C. (1930). 17 Ad extremas (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, June 24, 1893. (Foundation of semi­ naries for the training of native clergy in the East Indies) 1,624 w 20 Ad Senarium Montem (apostolic letter) Pius XI, July 31, 1933. (Seventh centenary of the Order of Servîtes B.V.M.) 325 w Expresses concern for Christian action in the Indies; has established hierarchy; taken other means to de­ velop faith and piety. Points out formation of native clergy as greatest need; enumerates reasons; recom­ mends that bishops found seminaries for natives; appeals to all Christians for seminary aid. Provides for observance Senario and removal of founders to new shrine. Alexis Cardinal Lcpicicr as resentative. at Mount relics of Appoints papal rep­ Sources: A AS, 25 (1933), 329-30. Sources: AL, 13:190-7; ASS, 25:71621; Fontes, 3:398-401; Tablet, 82 (July 8, 1893), 77-8. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 3:204-13. 21 Ad Sinarum gentem (encyclical epistle) Pius XII, October 7, 1954. (To the bishops, clergy, and people of China: the supra­ nationality of the Church) 2,200 w 18 Ad musicae sacrae (motu proprio) Pius XI, November 22, 1922. (On a Papal School of Church Music) 1,100 w Deplores conditions: false accusa­ tions against Holy See, Catholics; ex­ pulsion of Nuncio; propaganda in­ tensification; warns against ’‘three autonomies”; exposes fallacies by ex­ plaining: relations of Church, State; need for native clergy; nature of Church; orders, jurisdiction. Raises School established under Pius X by the Italian Society of St. Cecilia to dignity of Pontifical Insti­ tute under jurisdiction of Holy See. Specifies: clerical and lay students; degree curriculum. Sources: A AS, 14 (1922), 623-6. Sources: A AS, 47 (1955), 5-14; Dis­ corsi, 16:399-408. English: TPS, 1 (4th Quarter, 1955), 397-403; Unitas, 7 (Spring, 1955), 28-34. 19 Ad salutem (encyclical letter) Pius XI, April 20, 1930. (On the fifteenth centenary of the death of St. Augustine) 9,900 w 13 PDF Compressor Pro 22-25 22 Adiutricem (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, September 5, 1895. (On the most holy Rosary) 3,000 w versities, ecumenical councils, enemies of Church. Urges restoration of teach­ ing of St. Thomas in all schools. Exhorts all to pray the Rosary for return of separated nations; Christ gave Mary to the Church; she is help of Christians, aid to faith, guardian of Catholicism, mother of nations, bond of Christendom. Reminds that sepa­ rated peoples formerly honored Mary, still have her icons. Sources: AL, 1:255-84; ASS, 12:97115; Fontes, 3:136-50; ACQR, 4 (Oc­ tober, 1879), 733-45; Cath. World, 30 (October, 1879), 111-31 (Latin and English in parallel columns); Dublin Rev., 85 (October, 1879), 465-78; Irish Eccl. Rec., 1 (December, 1880), 751-63. English: ACOR, 4 (October, 1879), 745-58; Cath. World, 30 (October, 1879), 111-31; Tablet, 54 (August 1623, 1879), 213-14, 237-9; Gilson, p. 3151; Husslein, 1:243-64; Jacques Maritain, St. Thomas Aquinas; tr. by J. F. Scanlan (London: Sheed, 1931), p. 189-214; Wynne, p. 34-57. Sources: AL, 15:300-12; ASS, 28:12936; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 13 (November, 1895), 387-95; Irish Eccl. Rec., 16 (October, 1895), 933-40. English: Doheny, p. 100-12; Lawler, p. 126-44. 23 Admodum gaudemus (letter) Pius XI, April 5, 1923. (To the Very Reverend William Gier, General of the Society of the Divine Word: seminary for Negro priests) 400 w Approves plan of Society to estab­ lish seminary for education of Negro priests; points out necessity for native clergy. 25 Affari vos (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, December 8, 1897. (To the bishops of Canada: the Manitoba school question) 2,200 w Reviews question: abolition by Par­ liament of Manitoba of law of Union of the Confederation allowing Cath­ olics to be educated in public schools Sources: A AS, 15 (1923), 216-18. according to conscience; comments on need of religious education; points out 24 Aeterni Patris (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, August 4, 1079. (On the restoration of importance of united action; exposes Christian philosophy in schools) 6,750 w defects in subsequent law. Looks to Stresses duty to restore Christian ultimate just solution: urges bishops philosophy: straight thinking pro­ to draw up course of studies; to em­ motes inoral conduct, opens way to ploy qualified teachers; to see that faith, prépaies souls for revelation, Catholic schools excel. helps science ol sacred theology, offers Sources: AL, 17:336-45; ASS, 30:356defense for truth. Warns against 62: Fontes, 3:521-5; Irish Eccl. Rec., philosophy without faith. Surveys con­ 3 (March, 1898), 272-7. English: tributions of Fathers and Scholastics; /1CQZÎ, 23 (January', 1898), 189-95; places St. Thomas first for synthesis, Amer. Eccl. Rev., 18 (February, 1898), as recognized by religious orders, uni­ 177-91 (Latin and English in parallel 14 26-31 1, (Autumn, 1955), 268-70; Tablet, 206 (August 13, 1955), 151. 26 Al gradimento (address) Pius XII, De­ cember 3, 1939. (To the Pontifical Acad­ emy of Sciences: faith and science) 4,000 29 AH'alba della storia (address) Pius XII, January 22, 1947. (To Italian women leaders of the Christian Renaissance: Christian life and the apostolate of Catholic women) 1,850 w columns); Tablet, 91 1898), 24-5. (January w Recalls Pius Xi’s interest in Acad­ emy; notes relation of religion, science; points out sources of truth; defines position of Church. Sources : Discorsi, 1:397-410. 27 Al parficolare compiacimenfo (address) Pius XII, November 15, 1946. (To the National Convention of Italian Farmers: preservation of genuine rural culture) 1,800 w Points out responsibility of farmers to preserve essential elements of rural culture; to resist easy gain; to educate their children. Farmers need help of sound legislation; should form co­ operative unions. Voices approval of standards of Rinascita Cristiano: firmness of faith; observance of law of God and Church; zeal in apostolate; organization for effective action. Warns against action without adequate formation and training. Sources: A AS, 39 (1947), 58-63; Discorsi, 8:383-91. English: Cath. Action, 29 (September, 1947), 22-3; Cath. Mind, 45 (July, 1947), 385-91; Hom. Past. Rev., 4Ί (August, 1947), 905-9; Yzermans (1955), 2:132-6. 30 Allé belle, luminose (address) Pius XI, December 7, 1932. (Inaugurating the new entrance to the Vatican Museum: modern art and the Church) 800 w Sources: A AS, 38 (1946), 432-7; Discorsi, 8:301-9. English: Cath. Mind, 48 (July, 1950), 442-6; Yzermans (1956), 2:221-5; pamphlet edition by National Catholic Rural Life Con­ ference (1946). Comments ideas on art; of "newness’’ combination and beauty. 28 Alacre studium (letter) Pius XII, June 30, 1955. (To Abbot Isidore Croce, Abbot Ordinary of the Community of Santa Maria di Grottaferrata: ninth centenary of the death of St. Bartholomew of Rossano) 500 w forcibly on confusion of reiterates condemnation as criterion; commends of technical efficiency Sources: Osservatore Romano (8 diccmbre 1932), 1. English: Tablet, 160 (December 17, 1932), 821-2. Assures to Eastern Church preserva­ tion of unique elements in event of union with Rome. 31 Allo slrazio (radio address) Pius XII, November 10, 1956. (To all the peoples of the earth and their rulers: an appeal for peace) 1,000 w Sources: A AS, 47 (1955), 599-600; Discorsi, 17:603-6. English: TPS, 2 Pleads for termination of unlawful, brutal oppression; states Christendom 15 PDF Compressor Pro 32-37 morally obligated to reassert human dignity, restore freedom to Hungarian people. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 787-9; Discorsi, 18:653-8. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 2 (March, 1957), 30-3; Cath. Mind, 55 (January-February, 1957), 88-91; Irish Eccl. Rec., 86 (De­ cember, 1956), 432-5; TPS, 3 (Spring, 1957), 355-8; Tablet, 208 (November 17, 1956), 421-2. 32 Allorché, docili (radio address) Pius XII, February 14, 1954. (To the sick, on the occasion of Rome's Marian Year Day of the Sick: the blessings of suffering) 1,600 Emphasizes apostolate of the sick. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 95-9; Discorsi, 15:575-81. English: Cath. Mind, 52 (May, 1954), 305-8; Our Lady's Digest, 8 (April, 1954), 459-63; TPS, 1 (1st Quarter, 1954), 28-31. The first part of the message, which stresses the blessings of suffering, was broad­ cast by the Holy Father; the rest was read by Father Francesco Pellegrini of the \zatican Radio staff. 33 Am bevorstehenden (letter) Pius XII, May 19, 1955. (To the Most Reverend Simon Konrad Landersdorfer, O.S.B., Bishop of Passau: centennial of the Kolping Society) 600 w Recalls foundation principles of Association; urges continuance of Msgr. Koiping’s solution of worker problems. 34 Amadisimas hijas, jovenes (radio ad­ dress) Pius XII, July 1, 1951. (To the 3rd General Assembly of Young Women of Spanish Catholic Action: the twenty-fifth anniversary of their organization) 1,000 w Enumerates, commends accomplish­ ments; exhorts to persevering zeal. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 558-60; Discorsi, 13:183-7. French: Ades Pontificaux, no. 40 (1952), 29-31. 35 Amadisimos hijos (radio address) Pius XII, January 11, 1954. (To the Catholics of Chile at the formal inauguration of Radio Chilena: radio, a weapon of truth) 1,000 w Reviews part of Church in advanc­ ing science; emphasizes apostolatc of radio. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 56-8; Discorsi, 15:557-62. English: TPS, 1 (1st Quarter, 1954), 16-18. 36 Amadisimos hijos (address) Pius XII, March 22, 1956. (To the faculty and stu­ dents of the Spanish Pontifical College: holiness of life) 1,100 w Stresses responsibility implicit in honor of priesthood; suggests priestly obligations: adequate, humble dis­ charge of office; sensitivity of ministry combined with courage; simplicity of intention. Sources: Discorsi, 18:33-7. English: TPS, 3 (Spring-Summer, 1956), 67-70. 37 Amantissimae voluntatis (apostolic letter) Leo XIII, April 14, 1895. (To the English people: appeal for unity) 4,050 w Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 452-4; Discorsi, 17:633-7. English: TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 179-81. Invites English Christians to return to Church. Recalls solicitude of popes, 16 38-42 grief over defection; suggests prayer; commends society initiated to pray for return. Commends concern in Eng­ land for social question; foundation of charitable associations; observance of Sunday; respect for Scriptures; exhorts to confidence in prayer, efforts toward unity; calls on Blessed Virgin to inter­ cede for England. (Christmas message to the world: pro­ gram of peace and the function of force) 5,200 w Sources: ASS, 27:583-93. English: Wynne, p. 33G-49. Sources: AAS, 36 (1944), 11-24; Discorsi, 5:147-65. English: Cath. Mind, 42 (February, 1944), 65-76; New York Times (December 25, 1943), 10; Vital Speeches, 10 (January 1, 1944), 166-70; Yzermans (1956), 1:42-52; pam­ phlet edition by N.C.W.C. (bound with Bishops’ statement, 1944, p. 1224). 38 Amor ille singularis (apostolic letter) Benedict XV, October 7, 1919. (To Léon Cardinal Arnette, Archbishop of Paris: on the consecration of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on Montmartre) 600 w Designates cardinal legate to per­ form consecration. Points out neces­ sity of charity; reminds French that Christian charity includes enemies; that human forgiveness is price of God’s forgiveness. Deplores international strife; pro­ poses lesson of Bethlehem to disil­ lusioned, hopeless; points out respon­ sibilities to faithful; notes peace essentials: sound juridical process, moral foundation, adequate sanctions. 41 Ancora una volta (address) Pius XII, June 1, 1946. (To the College of Cardinals for the feast of St. Eugene: Catho ics and world reconstruction) 2,800 w Prescribes Christian conscience among nations as only hope of peace; attributes insecurity and conflict to in­ justice; defines the pacificatory role of the Church; points out necessity of moral and spiritual courage; cites Im­ mortale Dei for testimony on work of Church; calls attention to electoral re­ sponsibility; urges expiation for sin. Sources: AAS, 11 (1919), 412-14. French: Actes de Benoît XV, 2:63-7. 39 Ancora sotto il peso (address) Pius XII, February 6, 1951. (To the parish priests and Lenten preachers of Rome: solicitude for the city of Rome) 2,600 w Emphasizes necessity of zeal; enlist­ ment of co-operation of laity; avoid­ ance of parochial bureaucracy; in­ struction of children; solicitude for vocations. Sources: AAS, 38 (1946), 253-60; Dis­ corsi, 8:99-109. English: Cath. Action, 28 (July, 1946), 18-20; Cath. Mind, 44 (August, 1946), 449-56; New York Times (June 2, 1946), 35; Tablet, 187 (June 8, 1946), 292-3; pamphlet edi­ tion, Catholic Truth Society (1946). Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 112-18; Discorsi, 12:435-43. French: Actes Pontificaux, no. 69 (1955), 6-12. 40 Ancora una quinta volta (radio ad­ dress) Pius XII, December 24, 1943. 42 17 Ancora una volta (radio address) PDF Compressor Pro Sources: A A S, 44 (1952), 369-71; Discorsi, 14:61-4. English: Calh. Doc., no. 9 (November, 1952), 5-6; Tablet, 199 (April 19, 1952), 316. Points out that stable and solid peace has not come with cessation of war: disregard and proscription of re­ ligion, public and private atheism, and immorality lead to hatred, rivalry, and rebellion; rights of God, the Church, and human nature disre­ garded. Prayer and work must bring mankind back to God. 43 Ancora una volta Noi (address) Pius XII, March 24, 1957. (To a group of Italian students attending State secondary schools: essentials for a sound education) 2,500 w Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 217-22; Discorsi, 12:511-17. English: Calh. Mind, 48 (May, 1950), 314-16; Tablet, 195 (March 18, 1950), 209. Emphasizes importance of study, in­ telligent evaluation, distinction be­ tween quantitative, qualitative in ed­ ucation; points out essentials for or­ ganic unity in culture: experimental sciences, philosophic truth, theologi­ cal foundation. 46 Anno lubilari (apostolic letter) Pius XI, April 23, 1929. (Declaring St. John Baptist Vianney patron of pastors) 300 w Pius XII, April 13, 1952. (Easter message: apostles, bearers of life) 600 w Exhorts to apostolate inspired, sup­ ported by Eucharist. Sources: AAS, 49 (1957), 281-7. Eng­ lish: TPS, 4 (Summer, 1957), 14-20. 44 Animus Noster gaudio (address) Pius XII, October 17, 1953. (On the occasion of the fourth centenary of the Pontifical Gre­ gorian University) 3,200 w Reviews history; notes distinctive status. Distinguishes between doctrine, explication of doctrine; commends ad­ herence to St. Thomas; notes impor­ tance of Institute of Social Sciences. Sources: AAS, Î5 (1953), 682-90; Dis· corsi, 15:103-14. English: Cath. Doc., no. 16 (December, 1954), 10-17; Irish Eccl. Rec., 84 (August, 1955), 121-30. 45 Anni Sacri (encyclical epistle) Pius XII, March 12, 1950 (Program for counteract­ ing atheistic propaganda throughout the world) 1,100 w Explains appropriateness of declara­ tion. Sources: AAS, 21 (1929), 312-13. French: Actes de Pie XI, 5:105-7. 47 Anno vertente (apostolic constitution) Pius XI, October 26, 1930. (Pontifical Dutch College at Rome) 350 w Erects Pontifical Ecclesiastical Col­ lege; places it under Sacred Congrega­ tion of Seminaries and Universities; provides for appointment of rector. Sources: AAS, 23 (1931), 5-6. 48 Annum Sacrum (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, May 25, 1899. (On the consecration of mankind to the Sacred Heart of Jesus) 1,975 w Declares consecration of entire hu­ man race to Sacred Heart in prepara­ tion for the Holy Year. Justifies con­ secration: Christ is Head and supreme Lord of human race, as Son of God 49-52 and Redeemer; He permits man to add voluntary consecration to obliga­ tory homage; consecration to Sacred Heart and to Christ are one. Exhorts all to voluntary consecration on same day to remove evils resulting from ex­ clusion of religion from public life. Counsels confidence in the Sacred Heart; decrees prayers for ninth, tenth, eleventh of June and prescribed form of consecration for last day. Sources: AAS, 12 (1920), 553-6; Eccl. Rev., 64 (February, 1921), 161-4; Irish Eccl. Rec., 17 (January, 1921), 100-2. English: Cath. Mind, 19 (Feb­ ruary 8, 1921), 55-9; Tablet, 137 (De­ cember 25, 1920), 872. 51 Annus sacer (address) Pius XII, Decem­ ber 8, 1950. (To the General Congress of Religious Orders, Congregations, Societies, and Secular Institutes in Rome) 3,600 w Explains: identical priestly dignity of diocesan, religious clergy; permissi­ bility of exemption; Christian perfee tion in each state; self-denial implicit in vow of obedience; distinction be­ tween supernatural, philanthropic mo­ tive; necessity of adherence to Church doctrine; compatibility of Gospel with modern "amplitude in thought and discussion," genius in organization, promptness in action. Sources: AL, 19:71-9; ASS, 31:64651; ACQR, 24 (July, 1899), 69-74; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 21 (July, 1899), 739; Irish Eccl. Rec., 6 (July, 1899), 70-5. English: ACQR, 24 (July, 1899), 74-9; Tablet, 93 Quite 3, 1899), 841-2; Husslein, 1:216-26; Wynne, p. 454-61; pamphlet edition published by Amer­ ica Press (1954). 49 Annus fere iam est (apostolic epistle) Pius XI, July 10, 1922. (To the bishops of the world: imploring aid for the people of Russia) 575 w Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 26-36; Discorsi, 12:341-53. English: Rev. for Re­ ligious, 14 (July 15, 1955), 170-80. Urges bishops to obtain world-wide alms for starving Russians; commends American response to previous appeal; guarantees distribution by Holy See ♦ according to need. 52 Antequam Ordinem (address) Benedict XV, March 10, 1919. (In Secret Consis­ tory: on the suffering Eastern peoples) 1,100 w Reviews efforts of Pope in behalf of Oriental Church: founding of special Congregation, assistance to Christians during war, attempts to stop Turkish persecution. Expresses anxiety about decision of Peace Conference on Holy Land; deplores Protestant propaganda among Catholics. Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 417-19. French: Actes de Pie XI, 1:73-6. 50 Annus iam plenus (encyclical epistle) Benedict XV, December 1, 1920. (On aid for children of Central European countries) 1,050 w Sources: AAS, 11 (1919), 97-101. English: Tablet, 133 (March 22, 1919). 353-4. Acknowledges with gratitude year’s work of “Save the Children Fund"; appeals for continued relief assistance. 19 PDF Compressor Pro 53 — 58 53 Antoniana sollemnia (apostolic epistle) Pius XI, March 1, 1931. (To the Most Rev­ erend Elia della Costa, Bishop of Padua: seventh centenary of the death of St. Anthony of Padua) 2,700 w Approves celebration in Padua and Lisbon; reviews life and virtues of “wonder-worker.” Sources: A AS, 23 (1930), 71-80. French: Ades de Pie XI, 7:18-34. 54 Apostolicae curae (apostolic letter) Leo XIII, September 13, 1896. (On Anglican orders) 4,050 w Reviews history of rite for holy or­ ders introduced under Edward VI; proves that true sacrament and hier­ archical succession lapsed at that time. Declares ordinations according to An­ glican rite null and void; closes the question of validity. Sources: AL, 16:258-75; JSS, 29:193203; Fontes, 3:494-502; Dublin Rev., 119 (October, 1896), 392-101. English: ACQR, 21 (October, 1896), 846-57; Wynne, p. 392-406. Approves Ursuline Union of 1900 and constitutions; urges detached com­ munities of Ursulines to join; orders bishops with diocesan communities of Ursulines to have translation of motu proprio read at special meeting. Sources: AAS, 37:679-81; Irish Eccl. Rec., 18 (September, 1905), 272-3. 57 Arcanum (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, February 10, 1680. (On Christian mar­ riage) 6,375 w Points out unity and perpetuity of marriage from beginning of race, later progressive corruption, restoration to holiness by Christ, re-corruption by enemies of religion. Denies authority of State over sacramental contracts; admits civil regulatory rights. Con­ demns forces deleterious to holiness, unity, indissolubility of marriage; ex­ horts bishops to sound and full in­ struction of the faithful. Sources: AL, 2:10-40; ASS, 12:385402; Fontes, 3:153-67; ACQR, 5 (April, 1880), 332-45; Dublin Rev., 86 (April, 1880), 492-505. English: ACQR, 5 55 Aposfolicoe Litterae (motu proprio) Pius (April, 1880), 346-61; Tablet, 55 (Feb­ XI, January 18, 1931. (On the new papal ruary 21-8, 1880), 243-4, 275-7; Gilson, seal) 300 w p. 88-109; Husslein, 1:24-46; Keogh, Decrees new seal (bulla) to be at­ p. 23-44; Parkinson, p. 41-66; Wynne, tached to all acts of Apostolic Chan­ p. 58-82. cery; describes seal. Sources: A AS, 23 (1931), 33-4; illus­ tration, p. 51. French: Ades de Pie 58 Arduum sane munus (motu proprio) Pius X, March 19, 1904. (On the codifica­ tion of canon law) 950 w 56 Apostolicae Sedi (motu proprio) Pius X, May 8, 1905. (On the Roman Union of Ursulines) 750 w Points out necessity of organization of canons: should be accessible, abro­ gated or obsolete laws should be re­ moved, modifications should be made. 59-62 Cites Pius IX’s Apostolicae Sedis, Leo XIII’s Officiorum ac munerum and Conditae a Christo. Announces codi­ fication procedure: 1) a pontifical com­ mission has been appointed to govern and direct work; 2) the Pope shall be chairman; 3) consultors shall be dis­ tinguished canonists and theologians; 4) bishops will have chance to co-oper­ ate; 5) consultors in session will pre­ sent problems, Cardinals will examine opinions, Pope will give final appro­ bation. Sources: ASS, 36:549-51; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 30 (May, 1904), 500-2; Irish Eccl. Rec., 16 (July, 1904), 83-6. Eng­ lish: Yzermans (1954), p. 212-14. The new Code was officially promulgated by the apostolic constitution Providentissima Mater Ecclesia (May 27, 1917) of Benedict XV [Codex luris Canonici, p. xlv-xlix; English: Cath. Mind, 15 (September 8, 1917), 413-16]. 1955), 353-61; Yzermans (1956), 2:15260. 60 Aspens commoti (apostolic exhorta­ tion) Pius XII, December 8, 1939. (To priests and clerics serving in the military forces) 2,000 w Exhortation to use of new oppor­ tunities for good by example and re­ ligious instruction. Sources: AAS, 31 (1939), 696-701; Discorsi, 3:495-503; Clergy Rev., 18 (April, 1940), 354-60; Irish Eccl. Rec., 55 (March, 1940), 305-9. English: Cath. Mind, 38 (January 8, 1940), 9-17. 61 Au cours du mois (address) Pius XII, October 6, 1956. (To delegates to the 4th Congress of the Italian Chemotherapy So­ ciety: chemotherapy and cancer research) 1,600 w Reviews research progress; notes urgency for convergence of effort, in­ ternational co-operation, emphasizes interrelationship of physical, spiritual in man. 59 Arrivés au terme (address) Pius XII, October 19, 1953. (To delegates to the 16th session of the International Office of Military Medical Documentation: moral problems of doctors) 4,000 w Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 793-7; Dis­ corsi, 18:521-7. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 2 (June, 1957), 14-18; Cath. Mind, 55 (May-June, 1957), 27483. Considers: Λ. medical ethics: 1) norms for acquisition, use of knowl­ edge; 2) medical responsibility; 3) ob­ ligation to justice; 4) conscience con­ trol, sanctions; B. international medi­ cal law: necessity, means, urgency, content, authority, sanctions. 62 Au milieu des consolations (letter) Leo XIII, December 23, 1900. (To François Car­ dinal Richard, Archbishop of Paris: the religious congregations in France) 2,625 w Regrets misunderstanding and prej­ udice responsible for State restraint of liberty of religious congregations. Instructs bishops to dissipate preju­ dice, to prevent irreparable misfor- Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 744-54; Discorsi, 15:415-28. English: Cath. Doc., no. 15 (September, 1954), 1-9; Cath. Mind, 52 (January, 1954), 4654; Irish Eccl. Rec., 84 (November, 21 PDF Compressor Pro 63 “ 66 tunes. Emphasizes service to Church, to ch il society; enumerates contribu­ tions to this end: appeasing discords, extinguishing enmities, saving souls, restoring principles of Christian civi­ lization. Warns against assault on lib­ erty of souls and Church; imminent peril to French protectorate of Chris­ tians in the East. Sources: ASS, 33:355-63. English: Wynne, p. 495-504. 67-71 of St. Anne of Auray in Brittany: devotion to Mary and St. Anne) 1,200 w Extols devotion of Brittany to Mary; counsels imitation of virtues; reiterates recommendations in Bis saeculari; encourages devotion to St. Anne. Sources (Conclusion in Breton): A AS, 46 (1954), 495-8; Discorsi, 16:8994. English: TPS, 1 (3rd Quarter, 1954), 273-6. 63 Au milieu des sollicitudes (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, February 16, 1892. (To the bishops, clergy, and faithful of France: Church and State in France) 3,950 w 65 Au moment où Nous (address) Pius XII, April 24, 1955. (To the Pontifical Academy of Sciences: science and philosophy) 2,250 Points out contribution of religion to national well-being; defends Church against accusation of en­ croachment on State power; explains attitude of Church on forms o gov­ ernment: no one form is in itself best; form must be adapted to nation; form is determined by complex elements; individuals may not legitimately rebel against established government; form is not immutable. Points out distinc­ tion between constituted power and legislation: laws depend on men in power, not form of government; French legislation hostile to religion; progressive abuse of legislation should be opposed. Warns Catholics not to interfere in matter of Concordat; not to concur with separation of Church Reviews progress of science; main­ tains necessity of philosophy to uni­ fied synthesis; attributes historical separation of science and philosophy to mutual ill-will, incompetence; points out mutual responsibilities. Sources: AL, 12:19-41; ASS, 24:51929. English: W)iine, p. 249-63. 64 Au moment où (radio address) Pius XII, July 26, 1954. (To pilgrims at the Shrine Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 394-401; Discorsi, 17:47-57. English: Cath. Doc., no. 18 (July, 1955), 24-30; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (December, 1955), 407; Cath. Mind, 53 (October, 1955), 628-34; Irish Eccl. Rec., 86 (August, 1956), 121-8; TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 113-20; Tablet, 205 (June 11, 1955), 570-1. 66 Au terme des réunions (address) Plus XII, October 5, 1954. (To delegates at­ tending the 4th International Ceramics Congress: the Divine Potter and His Provi­ dence for man) 1,000 w Describes ancient art; points out importance, spiritual symbolism. Sources: Discorsi, 16:187-91. Eng­ lish: TPS, 2 (1st Quarter, 1955), 43-5. 67 Audistis, Venerabiles Fratres (exhorta­ tion) Pius XII, October 29, 1939. (Conse­ cration of twelve missionary bishops) 900 w 90 (October 2, 1897), 549-51; Dohcny, p. 122-9; Lawler, p. 158-70. 69 Auspicantibus Nobis (apostolic consti­ tution) Pius XI, January 6, 1929. (Pro­ claiming an extraordinary Jubilee Year on the occasion of his sacerdotal jubilee) 1,700 w Peace and prosperity reward nations with law’s inspired by the Gospel. Pope urges new bishops to herald the Word at whatever sacrifice; to conquer by power of truth and charity. Announces Jubilee; grants conces­ sions. Sources: AAS, 31 (1939), 595-8; Dis­ corsi, 1:355-60; Irish Eccl. Rec., 55 (February, 1940), 217-19. English: Koenig, p. 616-18 (extract). Sources: AAS, 21 (1929), 5-11. French: Actes de Pie XI, 5:7-17. 70 Auspicato concessum (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, September 17, 1882. (On the sev­ enth centenary of the birth of St. Francis of Assisi: the Franciscan Third Order) 3,000 w 68 Augustissimae Virginis Mariae (ency­ clical letter) Leo XIII, September 12, 1897. (On the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary) 2,425 w Reviews institution of Third Order: open to all, no rupture of family ties; bound members to honesty, abstention from personal conflict, moderation in food and clothing, avoidance of lux­ ury, virtue in entertainment, obedi­ ence to God and Church. Recom­ mends spread of Third Order to overcome current evils: violence and sedition; agrarian outbreaks; restless proletariat; weakened foundations of domestic and public order. Explains Mary’s place in Incarna­ tion and Redemption; urges all to re­ cite Rosary. Comments on associa­ tions: some of great antiquity; later legally approved, distinguished by emblems, enriched with privileges, as­ sociated with worship, devoted to works of mercy. Assigns pre-eminence to Confraternity of the Holy Rosary: said to have been founded by St. Dominic; privileged by papacy. Re­ iterates efficacy of prayer offered pub­ licly, by large numbers, constantly, unanimously. Notes papal commenda­ tion; exhorts bishops to promote the Confraternity; to encourage “living rosary," continuous recital day and night. Source: AL, 3:142-56; ASS, 15:14553; Dublin Rev., 92 (January, 1883), 201-7. English: Dublin Rev., 92 (Janu­ ary, 1883), 101-9; Tablet, 60 (Septem­ ber 30, 1882), 527-9; Rome Hath Spoken, 7-19. Sources: AL, 17:285-95; ASS, 30:12935; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 17 (November, 1897), 516-23; Irish Eccl. Rec., 2 (Oc­ tober, 1897), 372-8. English: Tablet, 23 71 Auspicia quaedam (encyclical epistle) Pius XII, May 1, 1948. (Public prayers during May for world peace and solution of the problem of Palestine) 1,000 w pdf Compressor Pro 72-76 -80 War has ceased in most lands, peace 30 (August, 1949), 357-9; Cath. Doc.: does not reign. Prayer to God and no. 2 (August, 1950), 14-16; Cath. Mary imperative for peace and just Mind, 47 (July, 1947), 445-8; Tablet, settlement of dissension in Palestine. 193 (May 14, 1949), 325-6; Yzermans Requests that dioceses, parishes, fami­ (1956), 2:200-3. lies be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 74 Avete tenuto a Napoli (address) Pius Sources: AAS, 40 (1918), 169-72; Dis­ corsi, 10:399-404. English: Cath. Mind, 46 (July, 1948), 417-20; Nat. Cath. Almanac (1949), p. 79-80; Doheny, p. 208-12. 72 Austrian) catholico (letter) Pius X, March 6, 1905. (To the bishops of Austria: the Los von Rom movement) 700 w Deplores defection of Catholics, particularly young students, from faith; urges bishops to safeguard re­ ligion, promote peace. Sources: ASS, 37:626-7; Irish Eccl. Rec., 18 (September, 1905), 263-4. 73 Avec une égale (address) Pius XII, May 7, 1949. (To the 9th Congress of the In­ ternational Union of Catholic Employers: common interest of employer and em­ ployee) 1,200 w Emphasizes common interest be­ tween employers and workers; no “ir­ reducible opposition." Recalls Pius Xi s recommendation of “vocational organization" as solution of problem. Church admits nationalization that respects private rights; owner must remain master of economic decisions. Social teaching of Church furnishes essential elements for solution of so­ cial question. Sources: A AS, 41 (1949), 283-6; Dis­ corsi, 11:59-64. English: Blackfriars, 24 own views, to be heard before com­ pelled to obey; declares right of State to command with authority. Healthy government foundation of human per­ sonality; makes claim on moral ma­ turity of citizen. Wars o' aggression not legitimate solution to interna­ XII, June 5, 1955. (To the 7th National Congress of the Christ’an Employers' As­ tional disputes; international organi­ sociation of Italy: the employer as citizen zation must form organ for mainte­ and Christian) 1,500 w nance of peace. Church must have part in democracy of future. Recognizes primacy of private en­ Sources: AAS, 37 (1945), 10-23; Dis­ terprise, State’s right to intervene when necessary; notes vital impor­ corsi, 6:233-51. English: Cath. Mind, tance of human person, need for train­ 43 (February, 1945), 65-77; Congres­ ing workers, employer’s responsibility sional Record, 91 (January 2-4, 1945), 176-8, A48-51; Tablet, 184 (December as citizen, Christian. 30, 1914), 316-18; Vital Speeches, 11 Sources: Discorsi, 17:117-23. Eng­ (January 1, 1945), 167-72; pamphlet lish: Cath. Mind, 53 (September, editions by Catholic ruth Society 1955), 569-72; TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), (1945), N.C.W.C. (1945), Paulist Press 154-8. (1945). 75 Benevolentiae caritas (letter) Leo XIII, August 1, 1882. (To the bishops of Ire­ land: conditions in Ireland) 1,125 w 77 Bibliorum scientiam (motu proprio) Pius XI, April 27, 1924. (On professors of Sacred Scripture in seminaries) 700 w Offers commendation and counsel: religious fidelity antecedent to tem­ poral advantage; just end no justifica­ tion for unjust means; secret societies to be avoided; integrity vital to peace. Emphasizes necessity for enlight­ ened refutation of attacks on authority and authenticity of Scriptures; points out as means to this end: provisions for biblical studies, importance of se­ lection of teachers; enumerates regu­ lations for teachers of Scripture. Sources: ASS, 15:97-9; Dublin Rev., 91 (October, 1882), 434-5. English: Dublin Rev., 91 (October, 1882), 436-7. 1· Sources: AAS, 16 (1924), 180-2. French: Actes de Pie XI, 2:96-100. Sodality as bona fide Catholic Action; indicates essential program for So­ cialists. Sources: AAS, 40 (1948), 393-402; Discorsi, 10:465-78; Clergy Rev., 30 (December, 1948), 416-18 (omits the first section); Irish Eccl. Rec., 72 (July, 1949), 57-66. English: Action, 2 ( Janu­ ary, 1949), 4-11; Canon Law Digest, 3:262-74. 79 Bonum sane (motu proprio) Benedict XV, July 25, 1920. (On the fiftieth annivesary of the declaration of St. Joseph as patron of the Universal Church) 1,100 w Admonishes faithful to promote de­ votion to St. Joseph to obtain blessing for families. Describes effects of natu­ ralism, materialism: undermining of Christian life; intensification of strug­ gle between rich and poor; alarming social conditions. Proposes St. Joseph as model for workingmen; urges re­ vitalization of societies devoted to St. Joseph; prescribes solemn services dur­ ing anniversary year. Sources: AAS, 12 (1920), 313-17. French: Ades de Benoit XV, 2:154-60. 80 Carissimis Russiae populis (apostolic epistle) Pius XII, July 7, 1952. (To the Russian people: consecration to the Im­ maculate Heart) 2,400 w 76 Benignitas et humanitas (radio ad­ dress) Pius XII, December 24, 1944. (Christmas message; true and false de­ mocracy) 5,300 w 78 Bis saeculari (apostolic constitution) Pius XII, September 27, 1948. (On the second centenary of the Bulla Aurea Gloriosae Dominae of Benedict XIV: the Sodality of Our Lady) 2,700 w Reviews thousand-year history of Church in Russia; reiterates condem­ nation of communism; recognizes ex­ isting perseverance in faith; conse­ crates Russia to Immaculate Heart. Examines forms of democracy; spe< i fies right of citizen to express his Ratifies and confirms privileges of previous centuries; characterizes the Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 505-11 ; Dis­ corsi, 14:493-502. English: Cath. Doc., PDF Compressor Pro 81 -84 no. 9 (November, 1952), 19-21; Cath. Mind, 51 (June, 1953), 373-8; Irish Eccl. Rec., 80 (October, 1953), 279-84; 7'ablet, 200 (August 2, 1952), 95-7. 81 Caritate Christi compulsi (encyclical letter) Pius XI, May 3, 1932. (On the Sacred Heart and world distress) 4,900 w Recalls Nova impendet exhorting to charity as means to relieve eco­ nomic crisis; urges universal prayer, expiation to ward oil calamities threatening the world as result of de­ pression. Sources : A AS, 24 (1932), 177-94; Irish Eccl. Rec., 40 (August, 1932), 205-16. English: Cath. Mind, 30 (June 22, 1932), 229-43; Eccl. Rev., 87 (July, 1932), 1-17; Tablet, 159 (May 28-June 1,1932), 696-8, 728-30; Husslein, 2:26177; pamphlet editions by America Press (1936), Catholic truth Society (1935), N.C.W.C. (1932), Pau list Press (1932). ■M M M 82 Caritatis (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, March 19, 1894. (To the bishops of Po­ land: condition of Church in Poland) 3,725 w Praises loyalty of Poland to papacy; claims distrust of Church is unjust. Enumerates teachings: civil power conies from Cod for common good; rulers must be just, kind; subjects are bound to respect and obedience; must pray for riders, respect the State, ab­ stain from conspiracies and secret so­ cieties, assist in maintaining peace. Urges bishops to preserve sanctity of marriage, religious instruction of young, formation of clergy, social du­ ties of employers and workingmen. 85-88 Sources: AL, (1:65-80; ASS, 26:52332; Fontes, 3:430-7. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 4:60-70. 83 Caritatis studium (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, July 25, 1898. (To the bishops of Scotland: magisterium of the Church in Scotland) 3,000 w Expresses hope for restoration of faith; pays tribute to love for Sacred Scripture; exhorts to co-operation ac­ cording to abilities and opportunities. Sources: AL, 18:101-13; ASS, 31:614; Fontes, 3:526-32; Irish Eccl. Rec., 4 (September, 1898), 270-7. English: ACQR, 23 (October, 1898), 854-61; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 19 (September, 1898), 291-304; Tablet, 92 (August 6, 1898), 229-31. 84 Casti connubii (encyclical letter) Pius XI, December 31, 1930. (On Christian marriage) 13,300 w Expounds Catholic doctrine on matrimony: nature, dignity, purpose, personal and social significance, rela­ tion of natural, supernatural factors. Exposes erroneous views: denial of divine origin, of indissolubility of un­ ion, of moral responsibility, of essen­ tial integrity. Enumerates practices which menace marriage and the family: secularization of marriage; di­ vorce: companionate, experimental unions; pro-marital sex relations; birth prevention; abortion, steriliza­ tion; Haunting or exaltation of in­ fidelity and immorality in press, drama, films, radio programs. Sug­ gests remedies: 1) submission to God's will, grace, obedience to Church; 2) Considers moral principles involved in justification of techniques, experi­ ments, research; treats 1) interests of science: cannot supersede personal rights, moral law; 2) interests of pa­ tient: no right to risk destruction, mutilation, grave danger; no right to employ sexual appetite for therapeutic ends; 3) interests of community: no right to dispose of man s right to life. adequate instruction; 3) proper prepa­ ralion; 4) provision for temporal needs; 5) protective legislation; 6) co­ operation between Church and State for protection of family. Sources: A AS, 22 (1930), 539-92; text of one phrase amended in AAS, 22 (1930), 604; Irish Eccl. Rec., 37 (March-May, 1931), 306-16, 430-41, 534-43. English: Cath. Mind, 29 (Janu­ ary 22, 1931), 21-64; Current History, 33 (February, 1931), 797-800, xvii-xviii, xx-xxvi; Eccl. Rev., 84 (March, 1931), 225-64; Tablet, 157 ( January 24, 1931), 125-36; Husslein, 2:122-73; pamphlet editions by America Press (1936), Catholic Truth Society 1943), N.C.W.C. (1931), Paulist Press (1938). One paragraph was originally omitted in the official translation issued from Rome; this is inserted in the revised translations published from 1936 on. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 779-89; Dis­ corsi, 14:317-30. English: Cath. Doc., no. 10 (February, 1953), 12-20; Cath. Mind, 51 (May, 1953), 305-13; Irish Eccl. Rec., 81 (March, 1954), 222-30; Linacre Quarterly, 19 (November, 1952), 98-107; Yzermans (1956), 2:13745; pamphlet editions by N.C.W.C. (1953), Paulist Press (1953). 87 Celeberrima evenisse sollemnia (letter) Benedict XV, December 18, 1919. (To the bishops of Portugal: duty of obedience to established civil power) 300 w 85 Catholicae Ecclesiae (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, November 20, 1890. (On the abolition of slavery in the missions) 1,475 w Restates condemnation of slavery; prescribes remedial measures for vic­ tims; assigns abolition of slavery as objective of certain missions. Sources: AL, 10:312-18; ASS, 23:25760; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 4 (February, 1891), 137-40; Dublin Rev., 108 (April, 1891), 410-12. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 2:298-305. Urges bishops to pacify the nation, to avert counter-revolution. Empha­ sizes importance of relations with new Republic, necessity for protecting re­ ligion by legal means. Sources: AAS, 12 (1920), 32-3. French: Actes de Benoit XV, 2:108-10. 88 Certi, come siamo (address) Pius XII, April 24, 1952. (To the 13th International Congress of the World Union of Organi­ zations of Catholic Women: work of women for attainment of peace) 1,800 w 86 Ce Premier Congrès (address) Pius XII, September 13, 1952. (To the 1st Interna­ tional Congress of Histopathology of the Nervous System: moral limits of medical research and treatment) 4,000 w Defines women’s work: I) psycho­ logical, moral action; 2) public action: political, social, economic, profes­ sional, cultural. 27 PDF Compressor Pro 89-93 Sources: A AS, 44 (1952), 420-4; Dtscorsi, 14:89-96. English: Cath. Doc., no. 8 (July, 1952), 28-32; Cath. Mind, 50 (July, 1952), 441-5; Tablet, 199 (May 10, 1952), 385. 89 Cest June 22, Congress Products: 1,700 w avec plaisir (address) Pius XII, 1956. (To the 3rd International on the Distribution of Food distribution of food products) Reviews current conditions, prac­ tices in food distribution: co-opera­ tion among distributors; legitimate competition; participation of custom­ ers. Urges reinforcement of stability of social structure by integrity in busi­ ness practices. Sources: Discorsi, 18:291-6. English: TPS, 4 (Summer, 1957), 81-4. 90 Cost avec un intérêt (address) Pius XII, July 19, 1953. (To participants in the International Folklore Festival at Nice: importance of preserving traditions) 950 w Elaborates on deleterious effect of mechanized civilization; notes sendee of folklore: preservation of continuity of spirit; intelligent adaptation of tra­ dition: cultural unification of peoples. Sources: A AS, 45 (1953), 503-5; Dis­ corsi, 15:217-21. English: Tablet, 202 (August 1, 1953), 117 (omits first three paragraphs and conclusion). 91 Cest avec un vif (address) Pius XII, April 14, 1939. (To the International Un­ ion of Women's Leagues: apostolate of woman) 1,600 w Points out individual interests and competition of collective desires tend to govern all that remains of real so­ cial life. Materialistic, mechanistic measures cannot remedy selfishness, social competitiveness; knowledge, love of God the only cure. Woman’s mission: to work for universal good, with spirit and perseverance. Sources: Discorsi, 1:41-8; Doc. Cath., 40 (20 mai 1939), col. 619-23. English: Yzermans (1956), 2:22-5; pamphlet edition by N.C.W.C. (1940). 92 Cest bien volontiers (address) Pius XII, March 9, 1956. (To the International Union of Archaeological Institutes: the Church and culture) 2,400 w Commends plan for revision of Potthast’s Bibliotheca Historica Medii Aevi; explains relation of Church and culture; notes Renaissance conflict; points out man as basis of historic bond between culture, religion; indi­ cates contribution of Church. Sources: A AS, 48 (1956), 210-16; Discorsi, 18:13-21. English: TPS, 3 (Autumn, 1956), 157-63. 93 Cest de tout coeur (chirograph) Pius XI, January 5, 1927. (To Paulin Cardinal Andrieu, Archbishop of Bordeaux: Charles Maurras and L'Action Française) 900 w Refers to condemnation of the works of Charles Maurras and L’Action Française newspaper as in accord with Pius X’s attitude. Describes en­ closed documents which are to appear in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis: decree concerning L’Action Française; acts of the last consistory. Sources: A AS, 19 (1927), 5-8. Eng­ lish (with a few omissions): William 94-99 Lord Cion more, Pope Pius XI and World Peace (New York: Dutton, 1938), p. 205-7. Sources: A AS, 38 (1916), 315-18; Discorsi, 8:453-8. English: Social Ac­ tion Notes for Priests (September, 1946); Tablet, 188 (July 27, 1946), 43. 94 C'est la quatrième (address) Pius XII, June 10, 1955. (To participants in the 4th World Petroleum Congress: industry and human relations) 1,300 w 97 Cest une grande joie (address) Pius XII, September 8, 1954. (To Sodalists at­ tending the 1st International Congress of Marian Congregations in Rome: encour­ agement and directives for their apostolate) 1,500 w Reviews growth, significance of pe­ troleum industry; stresses duty of management to investors, employees; notes world character of economics, its relation to human values. Recalls and reiterates prescriptions of Bis saeculari; counsels adherence to this constitution; specifically reaffirms careful selection of members, union with hierarchy, union of efforts with other apostolic associations. Sources: Discorsi, 17:129-31. Eng­ lish: Cath. Mind, 53 (October, 1955), 635-7; TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 159-62. 95 C'est pour Nous (address) Pius XII, May 12, 1955. (To participants in a Sym­ posium on the Use of Antibiotics for Ani­ mal Nutrition: antibiotics and the world's food supply) 750 w Sources: A AS, 46 (1954), 529-32; Discorsi, 16:115-21. English: Action Now, 8 (December, 1954), 11-16; TPS, 1 (3rd Quarter, 1954), 285-8. Reviews research; designates rela­ tion of animal nutrition to world’s food. 98 Cest une opportune (address) Pius XII, September 3, 1950. (To the 1st Interna­ tional Congress of Catholic Artists: the role of art in the work of peace) 800 w Sources: Discorsi, 17:81-85. English: TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 136-8. Signalizes importance of interna­ tional unions in cultural order; as­ signs art primary place in dissipating language barrier; demands for effec­ tiveness: 1) inherent expressive value; 2) complete integrity. 96 Cest un geste (letter) Pius XII, July 10, 1946. (To M. Charles Flory, President of the Semaines Sociales de France: advantage of corporative units over nationali­ zation of industry) 1,000 w Church is model for whole of social life; community spirit must inform national collectivity to preserve true principles of liberty, equality, fra­ ternity; nationalization is likely to ac­ centuate mechanization of life and labor; corporative associations sup­ port Christian economy. 29 Sources: Discorsi, 12:179-83. Eng­ lish: Cath. Art Quarterly, 14 (Easter, 1951), 56-7; Liturgical Arts, 19 (No­ vember, 1950), 3-4. 99 Chers fils et chères (radio address) Pius XII, May 16, 1954. (To the Swiss Na­ tional Catholic convention in Fribourg: Christian optimism in the battle against materialism) 1,700 w PDF Compressor Pro 100-104 Designates materialistic material progress as cancer of society; warns against secularization of personal, family, social life; points out scientific necessity of absolute truth; exhorts to love for Church, devotion to Mary. Recalls admonition in Non altrimenti. Sources (tri-lingual text: FrenchGerman-Italian): AAS, 46 (1954), 3249; Discorsi, 16:21-8. English: Cath. Mind, 53 (February, 1955), 118-21; TPS, 1 (2nd Quarter, 1954), 141-5. 100 Christi nomen (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, December 24, 1894. (The Society for the Propagation of the Faith and the Eastern Churches) 2,025 w Recommends Society to charity of the world; reviews beginning, devel­ opment, service to missions. Calls at­ tention to importance of preserving Eastern rites by founding seminaries, increase in colleges, support of pub­ lications, material aid. Urges co-oper­ ation in efforts to assist Eastern Churches without detriment to total apostolate. Sources: AL, 14:405-9; /155,27:385-7. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 4:152-7. 101 Christus Dominus (apostolic constitu­ tion) Pius XII, January 6, 1953. (Modifying the Church's legislation on the Eucharistic fast) 2,600 w Decrees mitigation of Eucharistic fast; delines power of Ordinaries to regulate celebration of evening Mass. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 15-21; Discorsi, 14:515-25; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 128 (March, 1953), 207-15; Irish Eccl. Rec., 79 (March, 1953), 235-51. Eng­ lish: The Ark, 8 (August-September, 1953), 116-21; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 128 (March, 1953), 216-24; Cath. Mind, 51 (March, 1953), 182-8; pamphlet edi­ tion by N.C.W.C. (1953). 102 Ci commuovono profondamente (chiro­ graph) Pius XI, February 2, 1930. (To Basilio Cardinal Pompili: the Soviet cam­ paign against God) 1,500 w Deplores failure of Genoa Con­ ference to safeguard freedom of con­ science, worship, against Soviet out­ rage; calls attention to: institution of Commission for Russia; approval of prayers for Russian people; approval of exposure by Institute of Oriental Studies of outrages perpetrated by No­ God League. Urges reparation by Catholic world. Sources: AAS, 22 (1930), 89-93. Eng­ lish: Tablet, 155 (February 15, 1930), 209; pamphlet edition, Catholic Truth Society (1933). 103 Ci è pervenuta (chirograph) Pius XI, October 1, 1931. (To Pedro Cardinal Segura y Saenz, Archbishop of Toledo: accepting his resignation) 200 w Recognizes motives for resignation; commends sacrifice. Sources: AAS, 23 (1931), 425-6. 104 Ci mancano quasi (address) Pius XII, May 1, 1953. (To a rally of workers on May Day: the movement for European unity from an economic point of view) 1,200 w Declares need of social justice: con­ structive economy, healthy family life, 30 105-108 ability of priest by modern urban parish; counsels pastors to enlist aid of laity, groups, individuals. end io class strife; points out economic implications of unity. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 290-3; Discorsi, 15:121-6. English: Cath. Doc., no. 12 (July, 1953), 23-5; Cath. Mind, 52 (June, 1954), 375-7. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 99-103; Discorsi, 15:583-90. English: Cath. Mind, 52 (June, 1954), 378-81; TPS, 1 (1st Quarter, 1954), 32-6; Yzermans (1956), 1:199-203. Not delivered in person because of illness; published in Osservatore Romano, February 28, 1954. 105 Ci riesce (address) Pius XII, December 6, 1953. (To participants in the 5th Na­ tional Convention of the Union of Italian Catholic Jurists: international community and religious tolerance) 3,200 w Reconciles State sovereignty, com­ munity of nations; summarizes prob­ lems involved in setting up com­ munity of Stales; propounds prin­ ciples; identifies difficulties. Presents detailed treatment of attitude on “tol­ eration.” Contrasts approach to “com­ munity” by Church and nations. Makes clear position of Church: on concordats; on relationship of Church and State. 107 Ci si è domandato (chirograph) Pius XI, May 30, 1929. (To Pietro Cardinal Gasparri, Secretary of State: protest against misinterpretation of the Con­ cordat with Italy) 2,700 w Declares Concordat integral part of Treaty with Italy; repudiates Mus­ solini’s interpretations. Sources: AAS, 21 (1929), 297-306. French: Actes de Pie XI, 5:121-37. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 794-802; Discorsi, 15:481-92. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 130 (February, 1954), 12938; Cath. Doc., no. 15 (September, 1954), 12-18; Cath. Mind, 52 (April, 1954), 244-51; Irish Eccl. Rec., 82 (September, 1954), 200-7; TPS, 1 (1st Quarter, 1954), 64-71; Unitas, 5 (Oc­ tober-December, 1953), 244-51; Yzer­ mans (1956), 1:253-9. 106 Ci sarebbe riuscito (exhortation) Pius XII, February 27, 1954. (To the parish priests and Lenten preachers of Rome: problems of the parish priest) 1,900 w Renews his exhortation to rebuild the world in the spirit of Christ; rec­ ognizes demands made on time and 31 108 Ci torna (apostolic exhortation) Pius XII, September 13, 1951. (To the 1st Inter­ national Congress of Teaching Sisters: on educating youth) 2,350 w Reviews conditions leading to edu­ cational crisis; emphasizes need for mutual understanding without sacri­ fice of fundamental values. Elements of religious life not a barrier; influence depends on adequate knowledge and skill on part of Sisters; superiors must provide training suitable to condi­ tions. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 738-44; Discorsi, 13:229-37. English: Cath. Mind, 50 (June, 1952), 376-80; Irish Eccl. Rec., 78 (September, 1952), 22630; Rev. for Religious, 14 (September PDF Compressor Pro 109-113 15, 1955), 251-6; Yzermans (1956), 2:7782. 109 Cl torna particolarmente (address) Pius XII, April 25, 1950. (To a large group of employees of the Bank of Italy and other banking institutions: social func­ tion of banking) 850 w Work is important means to sanc­ tification. Bank has social function: encourages savings, promotes business enterprises, facilitates commerce, as­ sists economic life. Doc., no. 19 (October, 1955), 16-25; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (December, 1955), 28-39; Cath. Mind, 53 (Decem­ ber, 1955), 751-60; Irish Eccl. Rec., 86 (July, 1956), 52-63; TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 101-12. 112 Claro saepenumero (apostolic letter) Leo XIII, May 31, 1893. (To the bishops of the United States: on the school question) Reviews course of controversy: es­ tablishment of Apostolic Delega­ Sources: Discorsi, 12:37-41. English: tion in Washington; investigation of Cath. Mind, 49 (May, 1951), 331-3; school question by papal legate; in­ Yzermans (1955), 3:78-80. opportune publication of discussion of assembly of archbishops followed by 110 Ci torna particolarmente (address) new controversies; transmission of in­ Pius XII, December 3, 1950. (To the direc­ dividual opinion of bishops to Pope, tors and employees of the Savings Bank of in writing; pronouncement of papal Rome: the role of family saving) 350 w decision. Declaration: ‘ The decrees Commends goal, services of Bank; which the Baltimore Councils, agree­ ably to the directions of the Holy See, points out rewards of thrift. have enacted concerning parochial Sources: Discorsi, 12:333-6. English: schools, and whatever else has been Cath. Mind, 49 (May, 1951), 330-1; prescribed by the Roman pontiffs, Yzermans (1955), 3:108-9. whether directly or through the Sacred Congregations, concerning the same 111 Ci torna sommamente (address) Pius matter are to be steadfastly observed.” XII, June 21, 1955. (To representatives of the Italian Film Industry: moving pictures and the nature of man) 4,600 w Recognizes source of power: techni- genuity; explains necessity for authori­ tative censorship. Defines ideal film in terms of spectator: respects man as man; is true to life; satisfies legitimate human desires; stimulates to good. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 501-12; Discorsi, 17:113-57. English: Cath. Sources: ASS, 25:713-16; ACQR, 18 (July, 1893), 644-6. English: ACQR, 18 (July, 1893), 647-9. 113 Cleri sanctitati (apostolic letter given as a motu proprio) Pius XII, June 2, 1957. (Canon law for the Eastern Church) Promulgates five titles of Code; notes previous promulgations: matri­ mony (1949), ecclesiastical tribunals (1950), religious (1952). 114-118 Source: AAS, 49 (1957), 433-600. The entire issue is given over to this document. Sources: ASS, 36:586-8; Irish Eccl. Rec., 16 (July, 1904), 81-3. English: Dolphin, 6 ( July, 1904), 103-6. 114 Col cuore aperto (radio address) Pius XII, December 24, 1955. (Christmas mes­ sage: true basis for peace and security) 6,400 w 116 Col sentimento (address) Pius XII, October 1, 1953. (To participants in Italian Congress of Professional Nurses and As­ sistant Health Visitors: nursing and neuro­ psychiatry) 2,000 w Enumerates obstacles to full ac­ ceptance of Incarnation: 1) personal pride, ignorance, error; 2) social error: misapplication of technology; com­ munism, uninformed, misinformed anti-communism; misconceived Chris­ tian isolationism; 3) personal, social over-evaluation of human power. Pre­ sents recognition of God-Man as solu­ tion to world problems, basis for in­ ternational agreement. Sources: A AS, 48 (1956), 26-41; Discorsi, 17:429-49. English: Cath. Doc., no. 20 (March, 1956), 34-46; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (March, 1956), 3-17; TPS, 2 (Winter, 1955-6), 301-14; Vital Speeches, 22 (January 15, 1956), 194-9. 115 Col Nostro (motu proprio) Pius X, April 25, 1904. (On the Vatican edition of liturgical chant) 750 w Appoints Commission on chant; specifies standard sources; assigns pre­ liminary work to Benedictines, revi­ sion to Commission. Provides for: official edition to be printed at Vati­ can; proprietorship to be reserved to Holy See; reproduction by authorized publishers; approval to be granted by Commission to other editions based on legitimate sources. Points out nurse’s ministry: to safe­ guard principles of natural, Christian right; counsels Christian psychologist, psychiatrist to consider man as 1) psychical unity; 2) organic unity; 3) social unity; 4) transcendental unity; urges example to mental patients of serenity, optimism. Sources: A AS, 45 (1953), 725-9; Discorsi, 15:327-34. English: TPS, 1 (1st Quarter, 1954), 54-9. 117 Colori i quali (address) Pius XII, May 14, 1953. (To groups of the Catholic As­ sociation of Italian Workers on the an­ niversary of Rerum novarum: religion and the economic order) 2,200 w Points out essential union of tem­ poral, eternal life; recalls insistence of Rerum novarum on human dignity as basis for social justice; attributes in­ security to wrong view of progress; notes Leo XIH’s emphasis on Sunday, holyday observance. Sources: A AS, 45 (1953), 402-8: Discorsi, 15:145-53. English: Cath. Doc., no. 12 (July, 1953), 30-5; Cath. Mind, 52 (June, 1954), 369-74; Yzer­ mans (1956), 2:210-15. 118 Come desti dallo (address) Pius XII, April 1, 1956. (Easter message: nature of peace) 1,500 w 33 PDF Compressor Pro 119-124 Praises hierarchy for fidelity to Holy See; commends appointment of bishop to promote social action; bishop to stimulate Catholic education; plan to erect National Shrine to the Immacu­ late Conception. Promises mosaic of Immaculate Conception for high altar. Emphasizes living faith as source of peace; warns against pessimism, cupidity, envy, unfounded criticism; points out evil of “nuclear race." Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 184-8; Discorsi, 18:45-51. English: Cath. Doc., no. 21 (August, 1956), 37-40; Calh. Doc. (Australia), 1 Qune, 1956), 25-8; Calh. Mind, 54 (June, 1956), 345-9; Irish Eccl. Rec., 86 (August, 1956), 11518; TPS, 3 (Autumn, 1956), 151-5. Sources: AAS, 11 (1919), 171-4. French: Actes de Benoit XV, 2:25-32. 122 Communium interpretes dolorum (encyclical epistle) Pius XII, April 15, 1945. (To the bishops of the world: appeal for prayers for peace during May) 750 w 119 Come limpido astro (radio address) Pius XII, October 7, 1956. (On the occasion of the beatification of Pope Innocent XI) 6,400 w Urges that if men change hearts, conduct will change; peace depends on Testifies position of Innocent in own age; reviews life, character, sanc­ tity; cites significant accomplishments; notes similarity to Pius X. Sources: A AS, 37 (1945), 97-100; Discorsi, 7:441-6. 123 Communium rerum (encyclical letter) Pius X, April 21, 1909. (The eighth cen­ tenary of St. Anselm of Aosta) 8,100 w Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 762-78; Discorsi, 18:529-19. English: Calh. Doc. (Australia), 2 (March, 1957), 8096; TPS, 4 (Summer, 1957), 51-67. Describes life, virtues, achievement, influence of St. Anselm. Presents him as model to contemporary bishops in correcting the erring, suppressing abuses, promoting truth and morality, defending the Church, obedience to Holy See, fostering philosophical and theological studies. Reaffirms con­ demnation of Modernism. 120 Commissum Nobis (apostolic constitu­ tion) Pius X, January 20, 1904. (Repudiat­ ing and abolishing the jus exclusivae in papal elections) 700 w Solemnly prohibits members of elec­ toral conclave to accept office of proposing veto; declares prohibition to include any type of lay interven­ tion. Sources: APD, 3:289-92; luris Canonici Docum. II. Sources: AAS, 1 (1909), 333-88; ACQR, 34 (April, 1909), 325-46. Eng­ lish: ACQR, 34 (April, 1909), 347-69; Tablet, 113 (May 15-22, 1909), 789-93, 829-32; Yzcrmans (1954), p. 134-55. Codicis 121 Communes litteras (letter) Benedict XV, April 10, 1919. (To the bishops of the United States: commending the work of the hierarchy in the United States) 950 w 124 Como el concertante (radio address) Pius XII, July 31, 1956. (To the congregation gathered in Loyola, Spain, for the 34 ■ ■ μμμ·μμμ······Ι 125-130 closing of the Ignatian Year commemorat* ing the four hundredth anniversary of the death of St. Ignatius) 1,800 w Comments on Ignatian λ car; notes virtues, accomplishments of Saint. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 617-22; Discorsi, 18:371-8. English: TPS, 3 (Winter, 1956-7), 299-303. 125 Como remote (address) Pius XII, July 10, 1950. (To the faithful in Rome for the canonization of Blessed Anna of Jesus de Paredes) 700 w Summarizes life, virtues; proposes her as model to Ecuadorians. Sources: AAS, 42 Discorsi, 12:145-9. (1950), 637-9; 126 Con el testimonio (message) Pius XII, May 17, 1955. (To a group of Spanish rail­ way engineers: Spanish railroads) 450 w Commends progress; counsels ex­ emplary relations with labor. Sources: Discorsi, 17:91-4. English: TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 141-2. 127 Con felice pensiero (address) Pius XII, November 6, 1949« (To members of the 1st National Congress of Italian Catholic Lawyers: duties of Catholic jurists) 2,400 w Specific object of juridical science is justice to individual and society; posi­ tivistic concept of man and law pre­ sents problems to Catholic judges. Norms to guide action: 1) judge is responsible for his decision; 2) may never oblige intrinsically immoral act; 3) can never approve unjust law; 4) must distinguish between obligatory application and approval. Sources: AAS, 41 (1949), 597-604; Discorsi, 11:257-65. English: Cath. Doc., no. 2 (/Migust, 1950), 21-6; Cath. Mind, 48 (January, 1950), 53-8; Yzermans (1956), 2:165-70. 128 Con grande, profonda (address) Pius XI, December 24, 1938. (To the College of Cardinals: Italian violation of Concordat) 1,400 w Expresses gratitude for Concordat; deplores opposition to Catholic Ac­ tion, violation of various offices of Catholic Action and of its archives, violation of agreement on matrimony. Sources: Osservatore Romano (25 dicembre 1938), 1. English: Cath. Mind, 37 (February 22, 1939), 549-53; Tablet, 172 (December 31, 1938), 881- 129 Con la più viva (radio address) Pius XII, October 11, 1955. (To the 3rd In­ ternational Communications Congress: on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the discovery of wireless) 1,300 w Commends work of Marconi; in­ dicates social significance, services of telecommunication. • ■Λ Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 733-6; Discorsi, 17:299-304. English: TPS, 2 (Winter, 1955-56), 365-8. 130 Con particolare affetto (address) Pius XII, November 14, 1952. (To superiors and students of the Pontifical College of St. Josaphat: on the twentieth anniversary of the new College building) 800 w I 131-134 Recalls martyrdom of Ukraine. Counsels confidence in Mary. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 876-8; Discorsi, 14:391-5. English: The Ark, 7 (November, 1952), 150-2. 131 Con sempre nuova freschezza (radio address) Pius XII, December 24, 1942. (Christmas message: fundamental prin­ ciples concerning the internal order of States and people) 5,800 w Outlines requirement of natural law for internal peace: orderly common life; common life in tranquillity. Lays down a live-point program for internal action: restoration of dignity, rights of human person; protection of social unity, especially of family; recognition of dignity, prerogatives of labor; restoration of judicial constitution; promotion of Christian conception of State. Sources: AAS, 35 (1942), 9-24; Discorsi, 4:325-16. English: Cath. Mind, 11 (January, 1943), 45-60; Tab­ let, 181 (January 2, 1943), 4-6; Koenig, p. 789-806; Yzcrmans (1956), 1:28-41; pamphlet editions by Catholic Truth Society (1943), N.C.W.C. (1943). 132 Con singular complacenda (apostolic loiter) Pius XI, January 18, 1939. (To the bishops of the Philippines; intensification of Catholic Action) 3,100 w Deplores prevailing conditions: war against Church; attacks on marriage; corruption of youth; subversive social propaganda; perversion of working­ man. Urges as remedies: clerical zeal; Catholic lay action: restoration of family, religious instruction, mobiliza­ tion of students, social apostolate. Sources: AAS, 34 (1942), 252-64. English: Stephen Anderl, The Re­ ligious and Catholic Action (La Crosse, Wis.: St. Rose Convent, 1947), p. 111-27. 133 (Con suma satisfaccion]* (letter) Pius XI, February 4, 1931. (To the bishops of Argentina; Catholic Action) 2,300 w Reiterates origin, definition, objec­ tive of Catholic Action; designates primacy in apostolate; approves ex­ istence and individual autonomy of other Catholic organizations; details preparation, participation of priests; specifies nature of lay preparation. Sources: Coleccion de ena'clicas y cartas pontificias, p. 869-75. English: Luigi Civardi, A Manual of Catholic Action; tr. by C. C. Martindale, S. J. (New York: Sheed & Ward, 1943), p. 259-62. * The first complete translation of this document appeared in the Boletin Oficial de la Accion Catolica Argen­ tina (junio, 1931). The original Latin autograph letter was never published in the AAS. 134 Con viva soddisfazione (address) Pius XII, April 8, 1952. (To artists of the 6th Roman Quadriennale: art and religion) 800 w Notes attitude of pontificate toward art; recognizes art as “window to in­ finite ; stresses: relation, service of art to religion; urges artists to integrate artistic ideals, religion. 135-140 Sources: Osserualorc Romano (8 marzo 1957), 1. English: Cath. Doc., no. 24 (September, 1957), 15-18; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 2 (June, 1957), 3-7; Social Action Notes (April, 1957), 1213; TPS, 4 (Summer, 1957), 85-9. Sources: Discorsi, 11:47-51. English: Cath. Mind, 50 (November, 1952), 697-9. 135 Con viva soddisfazione (address) Pius XII, July 3, 1955. (To the Roman News­ papermen's Association: social responsi­ bility of newspapers) 900 w 138 Con vivo gradimento (radio address) Pius XII, October 14, 1956. (To a pilgrim­ age to the shrine at Loreto sponsored by the Federation of Italian Women: the dignity of woman) 3,100 w Reviews origin, growth, function of Association; emphasizes opportunity, duty to form sound public opinion. Sources: Discorsi, 17:171-5. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (March, 1956), 82-4; TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 236-8. 136 Con XI, April Agostino Catholic Cattolica Notes contemporary pagan attitude; indicates objectives of Federation movement: 1) restoration of dignity of woman according to nature, function; 2) individual, social formation of members; 3) participation in every field by planned action. vivo compiacimento (letter) Pius 22, 1922. (To the Very Reverend Gemelli, O.F.M., Rector of the University of Milan: Università del Sacro Cuore) 600 w Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 779-86; Discorsi, 18:569-79. English: TPS, 3 (Spring, 1957), 367-75. Commends achievement of Uni­ versity; proposes excellence of medie­ val universities as goal for future; counsels profound, energetic study of human wisdom in light of faith under authority of Church. 139 Con vivo piacere (autograph letter) Pius XI, April 7, 1922. (To the Most Reverend Giosuè Signori, Archbishop of Genoa: the Genoa Peace Conference) 300 w Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 338-40. Deplores hatred among nations, victors, and vanquished after War; ex­ presses hope that strong nations will work toward world-welfare; will be open to ideas for facilitating execution of previous determinations. 137 Con vivo compiacimento (address) Pius XII, March 7, 1957. (To the National Convention of the Christian Union of Ex­ ecutives and Businessmen: economics, the State, and man) 2,100 w Emphasizes problems facing Union: 1) automation: personal value of worker, technical education, dif­ ferences in national economy; 2) rela­ tion ol State, labor: misconception of role; abdication of popular responsi­ bility. Proposes essential objectives. 37 Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 217-18. English: Tablet, 139 (April 15, 1922), 485; Koenig, p. 320-1 (omits conclu­ sion). 140 Conditae a Christo (constitution) Leo XIII, December 8, 1900. (Canonical charter 141 -145 for religious congregations simple vows) 2,300 w professing Reviews the long-standing problem of the status of congregations of simple vows; resolves it into two cases: 1) congregations approved solely by bishops; 2) those approved by the Holy See. Gives specific regulations for each, clearly defining the rights of bishops and those of the congregations in matters of government. Sources: AL, 20:317-27; JSS, 33:3417; Fontes, 3:562-6. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 6:171-83. 141 Conforto, letizia (address) Pius XII, September 7, 1947. (To men of Italian Catholic Action on the twenty-fifth an­ niversary of its foundation: now is the time for action) 2,500 w Urges “spiritual revival of society." Men of Catholic Action must renew and spread: deep, solid knowledge of faith; sanctification of Sunday; pres­ ervation of Christian family; social justice; personal responsibility for the common good. Emphasizes necessity of welcoming any sincere co-operation in the cause of Christ and of the Church; awareness of Catholic Action ideal. Sources: AAS, 39 (1947), 425-31; Discorsi, 9:211-20. English: Cath. Mind, 45 (November, 1947), 641-8; Tablet, 190 (September 13, 1947), 16870; Yzennans (1956), 2:5-10. Expresses regret that current laws are not in harmony with teachings of the Church; stresses duty of faithful to claim rights; emphasizes condemna­ tion of mixed marriages by Church; recommends annual assemblies of Catholics, effective use of ballot, avoidance of dangerous reading, Chris­ tian education in all schools; urges care and vigilance in training and supervision of clergy. Sources: AL, 13:268-80; ASS, 26:12936; Fontes, 3:404-10. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 3:228-41. 143 Cuando, a fines (radio address) Pius XII, April 22, 1951. (To the 1st National Eucharistic Congress, Guatemala) 1,100 w Comments on progress of movement for Eucharistic Congresses since 1881; commends prayer intentions. Sources: AAS, 43 Discorsi, 13:49-54. (1951), 443-5; 144 Cum adlatum sit (letter) Benedict XV, September 19, 1921. (To the Very Rev­ erend Franz Ehrle, S.J.: the sixtieth an­ niversary of his religious life) 275 w Recognizes scholarship of Father Ehrle, former Vatican librarian; com­ mends him for service in administer­ ing library, preserving manuscripts, assisting scholars, and for his learned works based on Vatican documents. Sources: AAS, 13 (1921), 494-5. 145 Cum alia (letter) Pius XI, March 7, 1922. (To the Minister General of the Capuchins: on the third centenary of the death of St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen) 325 w 142 Constanti Hungarorum (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, September 2, 1893. (To the bishops of Hungary; on the condi­ tion of the Church in Hungary) 2,750 w 38 146-151 Notes that St. Fidelis was first martyr among missionaries sent out by Congregation of Propagation of the Faith; approves plans for centenary; grants privileges. Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 225-6. French: Actes de Pie Xi, 1:26-9. 146 Cum de Carolinis Insulis (letter) Leo XIII, December 31, 1885. (To Prince Bis­ marck of Germany: settlement of dispute concerning the Caroline Islands) 325 w Expresses satisfaction over accept­ ance of papal solution; credits Bis­ marck with referral to Holy See; names him knight of the Order of Christ. Sources: ASS, 18:417. English: Koenig, p. 31-2. Solution proposed by Leo XIII (October 22,1885) is given in Koenig, p. 23-5. Cum diuturnum. See Quum Aquinas universal schools) 1,500 w of Catholic Summarizes reasons for designating St. Thomas: doctrine fruitful, pure, and perfectly ordered; reverence for the faith; accord with revealed truths; integrity of life; highest virtue. Sources: ASS, 13:56-9; Dublin Rev., 88 ( January, 1881), 196-8. 149 Cum iam lustri (letter) Pius XII, September 1, 1951. (To the bishops of Poland: Our Lady of Poland) 1,100 w Recalls rededication of nation to Mary; urges confidence. Sources: AAS, 43 Discorsi, 13:561-6. (1951), 775-8; 150 Cum luris canonici Codicem (motu proprio) Benedict XV, September 15, 1917. (Instituting a Pontifical Commission for the interpretation of the Code of Canon Law) 690 w diuturnum Institutes Commission for authentic interpretation of new Code. Specifies: 1) appointment of members by Pope; 2) duties: to provide for observance of canons; to issue interpretations; to make general decrees in case of grave, universal necessity; to form new gen­ eral decrees into Canons and insert in Code. 147 Cum ex epistula (letter) Pius Xi, August 15, 1928. (To Joseph Cardinal Van Roey, Archbishop of Malines, on the occasion of the Congress of Youth of Catholic Action to be held at Antwerp) 700 w Approves Jongverbond voor Kat holieke Acktie; reiterates commendation of Catholic Action; re-emphasizes nature of this apostolate. Sources: AAS, 9 (1917), 483-4. French: Actes de Benoit XV, 1:184-6. Sources: AAS, 20 (1928), 295-6. Spanish: Colecciôn de enciclicas y cartas pontificias, p. 839-41. 148 Cum hoc patron 151 Cum multa (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, December 8, 1882. (To the bishops of Spain: on conditions in Spain) 2,250 w Deplores internal discord: warns against mixing religion and politics; (apostolic letter) Leo XIII, August 4, 1880. (Declaring St. Thomas 39 PDF Compressor Pro 152-157 Grants special privileges in perpe­ tuity to present and future members of Institute of the Apostolic Union who make the promissio stabilitatis according to rule; reserves to Pope patronage of Institute. enjoins obedience to bishops on priests and people; gives directives for as­ sociations and the press; recommends ecclesiastical conferences. Sources: AL·, 3:170-80; ASS, 15:2416; Fontes, 3:203-7. English: Tablet, 61 (January 6, 1883), 9-10. Sources: ASS, 36:594-9; Irish Eccl. Rec., 15 (May, 1904), 460-4. French: Actes de Pie X, 1:116-23. 152 Cum multa hoc (address) Benedict XV, December 16, 1920. (In Consistory: the schism of Bohemian priests; dif­ ficulties in the foreign missions) 900 w 155 Cum proxime (motu proprio) Pius XI, March 1, 1922. (Amending the constitu­ tion Vacante Sede Apostolica) 400 w Comments on schism of minority of Bohemian priests; reiterates reasons for celibacy of clergy; recognizes in­ fluence of fidelity to Holy See of Ger­ man priests in Bohemia. Describes effect of War on mission finances and personnel; appeals for missionaries and financial aid. Extends beginning of papal election proceedings from ten days to fifteen days from death of pope; authorizes College of Cardinals to extend delay two or three days more; gives cardinals right to take into conclave only one personal servant who may be layman; provides that cardinals may offer Mass on day of election. Sources: AAS, 12 (1920), 585-8. French: Ades de Benoit XV, 3:39-44. Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 145-6. French: Ades de Pie XI, 1:17-19. 153 Cum Nobis (motu proprio) Pius XII, November 4, 1941. (Establishing the Pon­ tifical Work for priestly vocations) 140 w 156 Cum proxime (letter) Pius XII, April 12, 1945. (To Bernard Cardinal Griffin, Archbishop of Westminster, on the cen­ tenary of the conversion of Cardinal New­ man: service of truth) 600 w Establishes a Pontifical Work for priestly vocations to intensify desire to promote, safeguard, assist vocations; to spread knowledge of dignity and necessity of priesthood; to unite en­ tire world in prayer for vocations. Shows that Cardinal Newman “gave up his whole life to the truth”; acted on truth in Catholic teaching: adhered to it for entire life. Sources: AAS, 33 (1941), 479; Clergy Rev., 22 (May, 1942), 232; Irish Eccl. Rec., (A (February, 1913), 139-10. Eng­ lish: Emmanuel, 48 (May, 1912), 148; Tablet, 179 (February 21, 1912), 99. Sources: AAS, 37 (1915), 184-6; Dis­ corsi, 7:527-31; Clergy Rev., 26 (May, 1946), 269-70. English: Tablet, 186 (October 13, 1915), 172. 154 Cum Nobis nihil (apostolic letter) Pius X, December 28, 1903. (The Apostolic Un­ ion of Secular Priests) 975 w 40 157 Cum semper (letter) Benedict XV, Feb­ ruary 9, 1921. (To the moderator of the 158- 163 University Committee; approving erection of a Catholic University at Milan, Italy) 300 w Sources: AAS, 19 (1927), 309-10. 161 Cupimus imprimis (opostolic epistle) Pius XII, January 18, 1952. (To the bish­ ops, priests, and people of China: conso­ lation, encouragement, exhortation) 1,400 w Commends erection of Catholic University in Milan, under patronage of Sacred Heart. Pronounces Catholic schools, especially universities, most efficacious means of combating influ­ ence of “neutral” education. Church seeks only to spread the Gospel, to promote harmony, to al­ leviate sufferings, to strengthen foun­ dations of society; has provided mis­ sionaries, Chinese priests, bishops, cardinal for China. Chinese Catholics must continue to suffer for Christ, and to trust in Him. Sources: AAS, 13 (1921), 195-6. 158 Cum singulari (letter) Pius XII, Octo­ ber 3, 1954. (To the Honorable Carlo Piersanti, President of the Roman School Visconti: learning and virtue) 350 w Commends purpose of school; ex­ horts faculty, students to Christian hu­ manism, personal sanctity. Sources : AAS, 44 (1952), 153-8; Dis­ corsi, 13:553-60. English: Cath. Doc., no. 7 (April, 1952), 17-21. Sources: Osservatore Romano (18/ 19 ottobre 1954), 2. English: TPS, 1 (4th Quarter, 1955), 387-8. 162 Curis ac laboribus (apostolic consti­ tution) Pius XI, February 12, 1930. (Found­ ing a pontifical seminary at Rome for the Ethiopians) 900 w 159 Cum supremae paternaeque (motu proprio) Pius XII, February 11, 1955. (Es­ tablishing a Society to promote religious vocations) 150 w Reviews history of Church in Ethi­ opia; announces establishment of Ethiopian College. Institutes pontifical organization, under Sacred Congregation of Reli­ gious, to promote vocations. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 266. Eng­ lish: TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 185. 160 Cum valde (letter) Pius XI, July 17, 1927. (To Patrick Cardinal O'Donnell, Archbishop of Armagh: Plenary Council of Ireland) 300 w Approves Council as source of spir­ itual benefits, means to alignment of diocesan statutes with Code of Canon Law. 41 Sources: AAS, 22 (1930), 237-40. 163 Custodi di quella fede (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, December 8, 1892. (To the Italian people: Freemasonry in Italy) 3,000 w Details method of working against Freemasonry. Warns Christians to be on guard against first steps; parents to guard homes against infiltration; laity to shun non-religious societies. Urges setting up Catholic schools in opposi­ tion to neutral; charity against phi­ lanthropy; religious asylums against houses of debauchery; Catholic against PDF Compressor Pro 164-168 impious press; Catholic Congresses against sectarian gatherings; Catholic circles against lodges; mutual aid so­ cieties against Masonic counterpart. Sources: AL, 12:331-43; Pontes, 3:387-92. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 3:164-71. 164 Da questo incomparabile (address) Pius XII, March 25, 1951. (Easter message: rejoice and exult) 750 w Exhorts men to accept responsibility of insuring peace. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 207-9; Dis­ corn, 13:13-17. English: Tablet, 197 (March 31, 1951), 255. 165 Dal Nostro cuore (radio exhortation) Pius XII, February 10, 1952. (To the peo­ ple of Rome; movement for a better world) 1,900 w Deplores world conditions, fatal lethargy of spirit; extols Church as sole efficacious agent of salvation; calls Rome to launch reawakening of faith, Christian living; announces appoint­ ment of Cardinal Micara as director of movement. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 158-62; Discorsi, 13:467-74. English: Cath. Doc., no. 7 (April, 1952), 22-6; Cath. Mind, 50 (June, 1952), 380-4; Yzermans (1956), 1:235-9. 166 Dall'alto dell'Apostolico seggio (en­ cyclical epistle) leo XIII, October 15, 1890. (To the bishops and people of Italy: on the destructive work of the Freemasons in Italy) 4,875 w Recapitulates facts of warfare of Masons against Church: overthrow of civil power of papacy; suppression of religious orders; obligatory military service for clerics; confiscation of Church property; proclamation of civil marriage; State control of educa­ tion. Enumerates remedies: formation of learned and holy clergy; Christian education of youth; extirpation of evil doctrines: defense of Catholic truths; restoration of Christian family life; exposure of conflict as essentially at­ tack on religion. Sources: AL, 10:247-67; ASS, 23-193206; Pontes, 3:344-54; Dublin Rev., 108 (January, 1891), 147-56. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 4 (January, 1891), 63-75; Irish Eccl. Rec., 11 (December, 1890), 1129-42; Tablet, 76 (October 25, 1890), 673-6. 167 Dans la tradition (letter) Pius XII, -July 5, 1952. (To M. Charles Flory, President of the 39th Semaine Social held in Dijon: wealth and poverty) 2,000 w Reiterates Church’s advocacy of equable distribution of wealth; de­ plores increase of disparity in social conditions; names justice as objective of Christian charity; discusses: em­ ployer-employee relations; State du­ ties; collective security; private prop­ erty; individual, family rights. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 619-24; Discorsi, 14:543-50. English: Cath. Doc., no. 9 (November, 1952), 25-9; Cath. Mind, 51 (January, 1953), 44-8. 168 Dans /'Encyclique (address) Pius XII, July 17, 1954. (To the International Con- 169-172 Sources: Osservatore Romano (6-7 settembre 1954), I. English: TPS, 1 (3rd Quarter, 1954), 235-6. gress of Children of Mary Immaculate: devotion to Mary) 1,500 w Stresses importance of devotion; points out need of post-cathechism education; recommends Marian asso­ ciations. 171 Datis nuperrime (encyclical letter) Pius XII, November 5, 1956. (Lamenting the sorrowful events in Hungary and con­ demning the ruthless use of force) 350 w Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 491-4; Discorsi, 16:81-7. English: TPS, 1 (3rd Quarter, 1954), 269-72. Deplores, condemns brutal attack on freedom; exhorts world to efforts toward just peace. 169 Dans Notre souhait (address) Pius XII, July 15, 1950. (To participants in the 1st International Private Law Congress: pri­ vate law and its co-ordination) 950 w Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 748-9; Dis­ corsi, 18:861-4. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 2 (March, 1957), 38-9; Cath. Mind, 55 (January-February, 1957), 86-7; Irish Eccl. Rec., 86 (De­ cember, 1956), 431-2; TPS, 3 (Spring, 1957), 353-4; Tablet, 208 (November 10, 1955), 399. All law is rooted in God; basis of juridical order in the Church is divine positive law which demands fidelity from men. Commends Congress for its aim: gradual preparation of uniform code of human rights. Should have triple objective: 1) protection and care of those who need it most; 2) estab­ lishment of legal facility for interna­ tional travel; 3) effective recognition of inborn rights of man. 172 Davanti a questa (address) Pius XII, October 26, 1941. (To women of Catholic Action) 3,200 w Divini illius Magistri, on Christian education, specified rights of educa­ tion of Church, family, State. Parents often unprepared as educators. Woman’s mission: the early education of child in soul and body. Mother must train child’s mind, character, heart, will; must protect against im­ morality in dress, conduct, entertain­ ment; must co-operate with Church, school. Sources: Discorsi, 12:151-5. English: Cath. Doc., no. 3 (February, 1951), 1921; Cath. Mind, 48 (December, 1950), 754-6; Yzcrmans (1956), 2:170-2. 170 Das Treubekenntnis Unserer (letter) Pius XII, August 30, 1954. (To the Presi­ dent of the 76th German Katholikentag at Fulda: witnesses to the faith) 425 w Urges witness of Catholic faith: un­ conditional nature, moral imperatives, essential values, reality-value, world­ value. Counsels prayer, simplicity of life. 43 Sources: AAS, 33 (1941), 450-8; Dis­ corsi, 3:223-35. English: Clergy Rev., 22 (March, 1942), 132-8; Yzermans (1956), 2:57-63; pamphlet editions by Catholic Truth Society (1945), N.C.W.C. (1942). PDF Compressor Pro 173-178 173 De grand coeur (address) Pius XII, September 25, 1949. (To members of the International Congress of Humanistic Studies: humanism) 650 w Sources: Archives of the Archdio­ cese of Baltimore. English: Eccl. Rev., 39 (November, 1908), 555-6. The good, the true, and the eternal in humanism "belongs to the spiritual world of the greatest genius of the Middle Ages, St. Thomas Aquinas." Man is not mere corruption; original sin left essentially intact the natural light of human intelligence and free­ dom. Social doctrine of Church rests on natural law; sound human nature can save man from technocracy and materialism. 176 De quel scepticisme (address) Pius XII, March 26, 1951. (To the delegates of the French Sodality, Union des Catholiques de I'Enseignement Public) 1,500 w Sources: AAS, 41 (1919), 555-6; Dis­ corsi, 11:215-18. English: Cath, Mind, 48 (May, 1950), 317-18; Yzermans (1955), 3:38-40. Extols work for youth in secular schools. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 209-13; Discorsi, 13:19-25. 177 De quelle consolation (address) Pius XII, October 14, 1951. (To the World Congress of the Lay Apostolate: the lay apostolate in the service of the Church) 3,200 w Disproves clerical monopoly in Church; cites history of Marian men’s 174 De grand coeur (address) Pius XII, congregations, lay women in aposto­ May 5, 1950. (To the 2nd International Congress on High-Frequency Broadcasting: late, Catholic movements; distin­ the mission of radio) 950 w guishes calls to, forms of apostolate; Abuse of gifts of God and discov­ explains nature, place in Church, of eries of man does not devaluate them. lay apostolate; commends individual, Church uses radio to further her di­ social contribution; traces boundary vine mission. Broadcasters have edu­ between Catholic Action, political ac­ tion. cative responsibility. Sources: Discorsi, 12:51-5. English: Yzermans (1956), 2:264-6. 175 De lis omnibus (apostolic letter) Pius X, September 5, 1908. (To James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore: mis­ sionary work with non-Catholics) 300 w Approves missions to non-Catholics; counsels that mission bands remain subject to respective bishops; limit l iions to exposition of Catholic doc­ trine. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 784-92; Discorsi, 13:291-301. English: Cath. Action, 33 (November, 1951), 3-4, 1920; Cath. Doc., no. 7 (April, 1952), 1-7; Cath. Mind, 50 (February, 1952), 11521; Yzermans (1956), 1:276-83. 178 Decessor Noster (letter) Pius XI, Sep­ tember 14, 1922. (To the Very Reverend Vladimir Ledéchowski, General of the So­ ciety of Jesus: union of the Pontifical Ori­ ental Institute and the Pontifical Atheneum for Biblical Studies) 400 w 44 179-183 Places Oriental Institute in hands of I esuits in same quarters as Biblical Institute. Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 545-6. Eng­ lish: Cath. Mind, 21 (February 22, 1923), 61-2. 179 Decessor Noster (motu proprio) Pius XI, June 24, 1929. (On the co-ordination of papal mission organizations) 900 w Provides for co-ordination of work of Societies of Propagation of Faith, St. Peter the Apostle, Holy Childhood: organizations will retain individual existence; officers will form council to insure harmony and efficiency of com­ bined efforts. Sources: AAS, 21 (1929), 342-5. French: Actes de Pie XI, 5:189-96. 180 Dei providentis (motu proprio) Bene­ dict XV, May 1, 1917. (Establishing the Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Church) 600 w Separates affairs of the Eastern Churches from Congregation of Propaganda and establishes, as of De­ cember 1, 1917, Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Church to be solely responsible for conduct of all affairs of Oriental rite, under immediate di­ rection of the Pope. Sources: AAS, 9 (1917), 529-31. French: Actes de Benoît XV, 1:145-8. 181 Dei providentis benignitatem (motu proprio) Pius X, July 16, 1906. (On the founding of new religious congregations) 1,075 w Decrees: necessity of written permis­ sion of Holy See; prior submission of required information to Congregation of Bishops and Regulars; adherence to requirements of Sacred Congrega­ tion in process of organization. Sources: APD, 3:141-3; ASS, 39:3446; Pontes, 3:674-6; Eccl. Rev., 35 (Oc­ tober, 1906), 414-16. French: Actes de Pie X, 2:190-5. 182 Deiparae Virginis Mariae (encyclical epistle)· Pius XII, May 1, 1946. (To all bishops in communion with the Holy See asking for their opinion on the possibility of defining the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary as a dogma of faith) 375 w Asks bishops to estimate devotion to the Assumption in respective dioceses; to indicate opinion on possibility and advisability of defining the dogma; to ascertain attitude of clergy and people. Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 782-3; Mis­ cellanea Francescana, 46 (1946), 46-7; Il Monitore Ecclesiastico, 58 (1916), 97-8. * Originally listed as a letter in forma del tutto reservata, this encycli­ cal epistle did not appear in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis until November, 1950, more than four years after it was sent to the bishops of the world. 183 Depuis le 8 décembre (radio address) Pius XII, September 5, 1954. (To the Na­ tional Marian Congress in Brussels: warn­ ing against materialism) 1,300 w Counsels consecration to Mary as bulwark against materialism. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 540-3; Dis­ corsi, 16:101-6. English: Cath. Mind, 184-188 52 (December, 1954), 742-4; TPS, 1 (3rd Quarter, 1954), 281-4. 186 Desde Io mas alto (address) Pius XII, September 2, 1955. (To Spanish "vespistas": motor scooters) 500 w 184 Depuis le jour (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, September 8, 1899. (To the arch­ bishops, bishops, and clergy of France: on the education of the clergy) 7,800 w Notes social contribution of this mode of travel; warns against misuse. Acknowledges traditional virtues of French clergy; stresses vital factors in education of priests: fidelity to tradi­ tional studies; vigilant supervision of philosophy; adequate study of Latin; adherence to recommendations of Aeterni Patris; proportionate inclu­ sion of physical and natural sciences; primacy of sacred sciences; emphasis on history of the Church. Notes con­ ditions for fruitful activity of priests: virtuous life; conformity to established discipline; submission to, co-operation with bishops. Sources: AL, 19:157-90; ASS, 32:193213; Fontes, 3:543-58; Études, 81 (oc­ tobre, 1899), 5-27. English: ACQR, 25 (January, 1900), 56-71; Cath. Univ. Bulletin, 5 (October, 1899), 487-502. 185 Des efforts considérables (address) Pius XII, September 18, 1955. (To the 5th Annual Assembly of the Congress of Eu­ ropean American Associations: moral di­ plomacy) 1,200 w Urges reciprocal understanding be­ tween United States and Europe as basis for efficacious international col­ laboration. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 691-4; Dis­ corsi, 17:235-40. English: C.A.LP. News, 17 (October, 1955), 1-3. Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (March, 1956), 7981; TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 231-4. Sources: Discorsi, 17:205-8. English: TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 239-40. 187 Deus scientiarum Dominus (apostolic constitution) Pius XI, May 24, 1931. (Es­ tablishing regulations for Catholic uni­ versities throughout the world) 6,300 w Presents historical evidence of inter­ est of Church in progress of human knowledge: early Christian schools, work of the Fathers, monastery and cathedral schools, medieval universi­ ties. Points out continued establish­ ment of colleges, universities, mainte­ nance of libraries. Enumerates regu­ lations on all aspects of operation; prescribes obligatory observance, be­ ginning with 1932-1933; abrogates pre­ vious regulations. Sources: AAS, 23 (1931), 241-62. French: Actes de Pic XI, 7:52-88. 188 Devotos e admiradores (radio ad­ dress) Pius XII, December 3, 1952. (To the Catholics of Goa at the conclusion of the celebration for the fourth centenary of the death of St. Francis Xavier) 1,600 w Recounts life, labors, death, influ­ ence of Xavier; attributes spread of Christianity in East to his will to conquer. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 863-8; Dis­ corsi, 14:403-9. English: Cath. Doc., no. 11 (May, 1953), 4-7; Cath. Mind, 189-193 51 (February, 1953), 123-6; Irish Eccl. Rec., 81 (February, 1954), 136-9. 189 Di gran cuore vi (address) Pius XII, November 21, 1953. (To members of the Autonomous Institute for Popular Housing of the Province of Rome on the fiftieth anniversary of its founding: need for hous* ing projects) 1,400 w Noles significance of housing prob­ lem, concern of Church for family in­ tegrity. Enjoins public authority to favor private enterprise, co-operatives; to oppose usury, speculation. Indicates need for ownership; commends re­ gional approach to unified national plan. Sources: Discorsi, 15:475-80. Eng­ lish: Cath. Mind, 52 (May, 1954), 30911. 190 Di gran cuore vi diamo (address) Pius XII, November 8, 1952. (To the Italian Congress on the Pedagogic and Hygienic Problems of Sports and Gymnastics: sports and conscience) 3,200 w Declares soul to be definitive factor, criterion of merit, in external activity; sets norms for value judgment; contri­ bution to health, service of total well­ being, contribution to moral rectitude. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 868-76; Dis­ corsi, 14:379-90. English: Cath. Doc., no. 12 (July, 1953), 1-8; Cath. Mind, 51 (September, 1953), 569-76; Yzermans (1956), 2:242-9. 191 Di gran cuore vi diamo (address) Pius XII, October 24, 1955. (To members of the Italian Educational Association: woman's role in the education of children) 1,000 w Points out necessity for early pre­ vention of error, evil; constant appli­ cation of Christian principles; ma­ ternal spirit in teachers. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 780-2; Dis­ corsi, 17:329-33. English excerpt: TPS, 3 (Spring-Summer, 1956), 90-1. 192 Di gran cuore vi diamo (address) Pius XII, September 14, 1956. (To the 6th Italian Week on Pastoral Methods; preach­ ing the Word of God) 4,500 w Sets up Christ’s preaching as model: personal character, content; presents Church’s preaching as norm for priest: 1) imitates Christ’s in content, aims, demands; 2) has been historically suc­ cessful; 3) is currently carrying out mission. Cites Humani generis as ref­ utation of false modernization of phi­ losophy, theology, exegesis; warns against contemporary moral, spiritual aberrations; emphasizes nature of magisterium. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 699-711; Discorsi, 18:441-55. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 2 (March, 1957), 6879; TPS, 3 (Spring, 1957), 381-92. 193 Di gran cuore vi rivolgiamo (radio address) Pius XII, January 6, 1957. (On the feast of the Epiphany: National Mother and Child Day in Italy) 1,600 w Stresses importance of formation of child in home; enumerates difficulties: unfavorable environment, unemploy­ ment, low wages, working mothers, external disintegrating influences; rec­ ognizes need for specialized services to compensate for home lacks. PDF Compressor Pro 194-200 Sources: AAS, 49 (1957), 72-6; Dis­ corsi, 18:751-7. English: TPS, 4 (Sum­ mer, 1957), 9-13. 194 Di gran cuore vi salutiamo (address) Pius XII, September 23, 1955. (To dele­ gates to the Convention of the Federation of Italian Tobacconists: tenth anniversary of the Federation) 700 w Notes value of professional organi­ zation; encourages members to per­ sonal, social responsibility. Sources: Discorsi, 17:241-5. English: TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 279-81. 195 Di fufto cuore (address) Pius XII, May 21, 1952. (To a group of nurses from hospitals and clinics of Rome: vocation of nursing) 1,600 w Declares moral gravity of concealing danger of death from patient. Coun­ sels respect for patients; moral firm­ ness. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 531-5; Dis­ corsi, 14:153-9. 196 Di tutto cuore (radio address) Pius XII, April 5, 1953. (Easter message: mys­ tery of life) 400 w Notes condition for victory over death: life in, for God. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 245-6; Dis­ corsi, 15:37-10. English: Cath. Doc., no. 11 (May, 1953), 31-2. Approves aims, efforts of Associa­ tion; warns against misrepresentation, distortion of Church's social policy (Quadragesimo anno)', urges fraternal charity, respect. Sources: Discorsi, 13:461-6. English: Cath. Mind, 50 (September, 1952), 56972; Yzermans (1956), 2:207-10. 198 Die Gluck (letter) Pius XII, February 12, 1955. (To the bishops and pastors of Germany: some current problems in Ger­ many) 2,200 w Expresses concern over special prob­ lems in connection with education, marriage, the family. Lack of voca­ tions, lessened esteem for consecrated celibacy not peculiar to Germany. Sources: Official German text pub­ lished in the bulletin (March 19, 1955) of the Katholische Nachrichten Agen­ tur (Bonn). English: TPS, 2 (1st Quar­ ter, 1955), 73-8. 199 Die vicesima septima (apostolic letter) Pius XI, August 24, 1926. (Declaring St. John of the Cross a Doctor of the Uni­ versal Church) 700 w Commemorates second centenary of saint’s canonization by according him title of Doctor of the Church in con­ sideration of his theological knowl­ edge. Sources: AAS, 18 (1926), 379-81. French: Actes de Pie XI, 3:249-54. 197 Di tufto cuore vi (address) Pius XII, January 31, 1952. (To the delegates to the National Congress of the Italian Catho­ lic Association of Employers: duty of em­ ployers) 1,200 w 200 Dilectissima Nobis (encyclical letter) Pius XI, June 3, 1933. (To the bishops, clergy, and people of Spain: oppression of the Church in Spain) 3,800 w 48 201 -205 Voices protest against injustices: law on profession of faith, religious congregations; decree on separation of Church and State; curtailments of civil liberty; law on church property; interferences witli religious orders; deprivation of right to teach; efforts to destroy Society of Jesus; declaration that Pope’s authority is alien. Urges apostolate of Catholic Action. power; 6) has no inherent pre-emi­ nence over other organizations. Points out desirability of local adaptation; universal necessity of thinking with the Church. Sources: AAS, 25 (1933), 261-74; Irish Eccl. Rec., 42 (August, 1933), 20715. English: Cath. Mind, 31 (July 8, 1933), 241-51; Husslein, 2:291-302; pamphlet edition by America Press (1937). Commends bishops for provincial convocations; also for founding schools. Counsels continued contact of priests with young people. Sources : AAS, 43 (1951), 375-9. 203 Diligentia ipsa (letter) Pius X, April 30, 1911. (To the bishops of Bavaria: Christian education of youth) 270 w Sources: AAS, 3 (1911), 264-5; Irish Eccl. Rec., 30 (October, 1911), 430-1. 201 Dilectissimi filii (address) Pîus XII, March 25, 1956. (To the Jesuit masters of tertians: the tertianship) 1,100 w 204 Diuturni (apostolic letter) Benedict XV, July 15, 1919. (To the bishops of Ger­ many: aid for Germany) 450 w Points out importance, urges pres­ ervation of tertianship. Recommends motivation of tertians to knowledge of Institute, devotion to Exercises; ex­ horts to profitable use of period. Urges bishops to prevent hoarding of food products by farmers, to calm the embittered, to restore Christian spirit; calls on civilized nations to re­ lieve extreme want of German people. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 269-72; Discorsi, 18:39-44. English: Rev. for Religious, 16 (July 15, 1957), 236-40. Sources: AAS, 11 (1919), 305-6. Eng­ lish: Tablet, 134 (August 2, 1919), 149; Koenig, p. 273-4. 202 Diletti figli e figlie (address) Pius XII, April 3, 1951. (To a large group of rep­ resentatives of Italian Catholic Action: thoughts on Catholic Action) 1,700 w 205 Diuturni temporis (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, September 5, 1898. (On the most Holy Rosary) 925 w Emphasizes distinctive characteris­ tics of Catholic Action: 1) exists for action; 2) provides channel for “col­ laboration of laity in apostolate of hierarchy’'; 3) requires personal holi­ ness of members; 4) permits individual initiative; 5) exercises no "party’’ Summarizes previous promotion of Rosary during pontificate: encyclicals, decrees. Points out divine origin: An­ gelic Salutation, Lord’s Prayer joined to meditation; efficacy for salvation; appropriateness for human needs; un­ failing continuity of salutary effects. 49 PDF Compressor Pro 206 - 208 Recounts promotion by previous pon­ tiffs; explains indulgences; announces publication of apostolic constitution for Rosary Confraternity. Sources: AL, 18:153-7; ASS, 31:1469; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 19 (November, 1898), 510-13; Irish Eccl. Rec., 4 (Oc­ tober, 1898), 376-8. English: Tablet, 92 (October 1, 1898), 549-50; Doheny, p. 130-3; Lawler, p. 171-6. 206 Diuturnum (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, June 29, 1881. (On the origin of civil power) 4,125 w Commemorates twenty-fifth anni­ versary of motu proprio on sacred music; ninth centenary of the coming to Rome of Guido of Arezzo, inventor tance of chant in liturgy: effect on piety, instructional value; deplores failures in observance of prescriptions in Tra le sollecitudini. Provides direc­ tives on: training of seminarians, choral office, formation of choirs, instrumental music, use of organ, par­ ticipation of faithful, training of teachers. Maintains Christianity is safeguard Sources: AAS, 21 (1929), 33-41. Eng­ to political order; right to rule comes lish: Cath. Mind, 27 (May 22, 1920), from God; people respect legitimate 181-9; Eccl. Rev., 80 (May, 1929), 501authority; rulers seek common good. 9; White List, p. 18-21. Denies theory that civil society has arisen from free consent of men; as­ Divini illius Magistri. See Rappresentanti serts all authority comes from God in terra even though men have a certain free­ 208 Divini Redemptoris (encyclical letter) dom to choose such forms of govern­ Pius XI, March 19, 1937. (On atheistic ment as they deem necessary; con­ communism) 6,300 w demns naturalism as culminating in socialism, communism, nihilism, lead­ Analyzes nature of communism: ing to government based on force and based on dialectical and historical ma­ fear. Urges bishops to instruct laity, to terialism; destroys foundations of so­ warn them against forbidden sects, se­ cial order; ignores origin, nature, pur­ cret societies. pose of State; denies human rights. Sets up principles of Christian order Sources: AL, 2:269-87; ASS, 14:3-14; Dublin Rev., 89 (October, 1881), 522- as applied to man, the State, society. 30; Irish Eccl. Rec., 2 (September, Urges active opposition by: renewal 1881), 559-68; Tablet, 58 (July 9, of Christian public and private life; 1881), 69-71. English: Tablet, 58 (July exercise of commutative and social 16, 1881), 109-11; Gilson, p. 141-54; justice; study of communistic tactics; use of personal and social methods of Husslein, 1:47-62. resistance to communist influence. 207 Divini cultus (apostolic constitution) Pius XI, December 20, 1928. (On the lit­ urgy, Gregorian chant, and sacred music) 2,250 w Sources: AAS, 29 (1937), 65-106; Irish Eccl. Rec., 49-50 (June-July, 1937), 643-63, 88-95. English: Cath. 50 209-211 Mind, 35 (April 22, 1937), 141-74; Eccl. Rev., 96 (May, 1937), 485-512; Tablet, 169 (March 27, 1937), Suppl. no. 5055; Ehler, p. 539-78; Husslein, 2:339-74; pamphlet editions by Amer­ ica Press (1937), Catholic Truth So­ ciety (1937), Knights of Columbus (1937). Press; confirms the penalties for neg­ lect of daily recitation of canonical hours. Sources: AAS, 3 (1911), 633-8; Tonies, 3:804-10; Irish Eccl. Rec., 31 (February, 1912), 192-201. English: ACQR, 37 (January, 1912), 166-70; Yzermans (1954), p. 251-4. 209 Divino afflante Spiritu (encyclical let­ ter) Pius XII, September 30, 1943. (Com­ memorating the fiftieth anniversary of Providentissimus Deus: promotion of bibli­ cal studies) 7,600 w 211 Divinum illud munus (encyclical let­ ter) Leo XIII, May 9, 1897. (On the Holy Spirit) 5,625 w Emphasizes necessity of language mastery; prescribes conditions for sound exegesis; warns against pre­ sumption, confusion in interpretation. Urges on priesis study and dissemina­ tion of scriptural knowledge. Sources: AAS, 35 (1943), 297-326; Discorsi, 5:325-53; Irish Eccl. Rec., 64 (September, 1944), 198-212. English: Cath. Mind, 42 (May, 1944), 257-83; Irish Eccl. Rec., 63 (April, 1944), 25469; Rome and the Study of Scripture, p. 79-107; reprinted in many pam­ phlets and books. 210 Divino afflatu (apostolic constitution) Pius X, November 1, 1911. (On the new arrangement of the Psalter in the Roman Breviary) 1,350 w Explains place of Psalms in worship and Divine Office; notes desire of bishops to obey decrees and canons; cites problems caused by changed con­ ditions; announces new arrangement of Psalter. Forbids use of old form after January 1, 1913; commands "scrupulous observance of the Psal­ ter" in form published by Vatican 51 States principal aims of pontificate of Leo XIII: to restore the principles of Christian life in civil and domestic society; to promote die reunion of those who have fallen away from the Catholic Church. Dedicates to the Holy Spirit all the work of his pon­ tificate to bring it to maturity and fruitfulness. The dogma of the Holy Trinity is the fountain and origin of all mys­ teries. In distinguishing the Persons, men must not distinguish the Divine Essence. All works of the Divinity be­ long to the whole Trinity, but the Church attributes to the Holy Ghost those in which love excels. The In­ carnation of the Word is appropri­ ated especially to the Holy Ghost: by His operation was accomplished the conception of Christ, the sanctifica­ tion of the Saviour’s human nature; His visible presence and invisible power in Christ’s life foreshadow His visible mission in the Church, His indwelling in the souls of the faithful. These truths demand homage of love and devotion. Pentecost novena pre­ scribed. PDF Compressor Pro 212-216 Sources: AL, 17:125-48; ASS, 29:64458; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 17 (July, 1897), 71-87; Irish Eccl. Rec., 2 (August, 1897), 171-84. English: Cath. Mind, 36 (May 8, 1938), 161-81; Tablet, 89 (June 5, 1897), 909-12; Wynne, p. 42240; pamphlet edition, America Press (1938). 212 Dobbiamo intrattenerla (chirograph) Pius XI, April 26, 1931. (To Alfredo Car­ dinal Schuster, Archbishop of Milan: Catholic Action in Italy) 1,650 w Condemns Fascist attack on Catho­ lic Action; stresses Article 43 of Con­ cordat; emphasizes non-political char­ acter; maintains authority of Church over spiritual concerns. Sources: AAS, 23 (1931), 145-50. French: Actes de Pie XI, 7:35-45. 213 Doctor Mellifluus (encyclical letter) Pius XII, May 24, 1953. (On the eighth centenary of the death of St. Bernard of Clairvaux: the last of the Fathers) 3,750 w Extols natural, supernatural en­ dowments; recounts achievements for Church, State; cites devotion to Mary; urges imitation. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 369-84; Dis­ corsi, 15:597-612. English: Cath. Doc., no. 13 (November, 1953), 7-18; Thomas Merton, The Last of the I'a I hers (New York: Harcourt, 1954), p. 93-116. 214 Docturis Angelici (motu proprio) Pius X, June 29, 1914. (For Italy and the ad­ jacent islands; on the promotion of the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas in Catho­ lic schools) 1,600 w Clarifies recommendation on phi­ losophy of Aquinas made in Sacrorum antistitum; repeats warning against deviation; commands that “teachers of sacred theology in universities, academies, colleges, seminaries and in­ stitutions enjoying by apostolic in­ duit the privilege of granting aca­ demic degrees and doctorates in phi­ losophy, use the Summa Theologica of St. 'Thomas as the text of their prelections and comment upon it in the Latin tongue, and let them take particular care to inspire their pupils with a devotion for it.” Sources: AAS, 6 (1914), 336-41; Fontes, 3:830-4; Irish Eccl. Rec., 4 (1914), 542-6. English: Jacques Maritain, St. Thomas Aquinas, tr. by J. F. Scanlan (London: Sliced, 1931), p. 189-214; Yzermans (1954), p. 255-9. 215 Dope gli ultimi (letter) Benedict XV, November 8, 1918. (To Pietro Cardinal Gasparri, Secretary of State: on the con­ clusion of the armistice between Italy and Austria) 250 w Denies insinuations of displeasure of Holy Sec at Italy’s victory; empha­ sizes indifference of Church to form or nationality of governments, pro­ vided people enjoy just treatment; deplores ignorance responsible for at­ tacks on Church. Sources: AAS, 10 (1918), 478-9. Eng­ lish: Tablet, 132 (November 23, 1918), 579; Koenig, p. 258-9. 216 Dum Pius XI, National Orleans) Christus Dominus (radio address) October 18, 1938. (To the 8th Eucharistic Congress at New 250 w 217-222 Commends public demonstration of loyalty to Christ. 220 Dum maerenti animo (apostolic epis­ tle) Pius XII, June 29, 1956. (To Cardinals Mindszenty, Stepinac, and Wyszynski, and all the bishops, clergy, and laity who suffer persecution in Eastern Europe: the Church persecuted) 1,900 w Sources: AAS, 30 (1938), 343-4. French: Actes de Pie XI, 17:177-9. 217 Dum datur Nobis (radio address) Pius XI, May 29, 1938. (To the 34th Interna­ tional Eucharistic Congress at Budapest) 500 w Recalls Christian victory, effect of Cum his superioribus annis (Pope Callistus III, 1456); establishment of feast of Transfiguration; beginning of Angelus. Appeals for like faith on part of persecuted; notes modes, extent of persecutions; exhorts to prayer, per­ severance, good example, mutual sup­ port. Lauds saints who have kept Hun­ gary strong in faith. Sources: AAS, 30 (1938), 181-2. French: Actes de Pie XI, 17:121-4. 218 Dum Europa fere (exhortation) Pius X, August 2, 1914. (To the Catholics of the world: plea to turn with prayer to Christ the Prince of Peace) 150 w Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 549-54; Dis­ corsi, 18:865-73. English: Cath. Doc., no. 23 (May, 1957), 15-19; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (September, 1956), 3-8; TPS, 3 (Winter, 1956-7), 227-32. Deplores involvement of Europe in war; exhorts all Catholics to pray for peace. Sources: AAS, 6 (1914), 373. Eng­ lish: Koenig, p. 124-5. 221 Dum multa (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, December 24, 1902. (To the bishops of Ecuador: marriage legislation) 600 w Grieved by legislation on civil mar­ riage and divorce; recalls directives in Arcanum; summarizes again teaching of Church. 219 Dum gravissimum (radio address) Pius XII, March 3, 1939. (First message to the Catholic world: invitation to peace) 450 w Greets the world; appeals for peace based on charity, justice: personal peace of conscience; peace among families, rulers, nations; pleads for co-operation to remedy world evils. Sources: 3:598-9. Sources: AAS, 31 (1939), 86-7; Dis­ corsi, 1:3-6; Irish Eccl. Rec., 53 (April, 1939), 434-5. English: Cath. Action, 21 (April, 1939), 7; Eccl. Rev., 100 (April, 1939), 335-6; Tablet, 173 (March 11, 1939), 309; Koenig, p. 554-5 (omits in­ troduction and conclusion). 53 AL, 22:260-3; Fontes, 222 Dum sollemni (radio address) Pius XII, April 13, 1952. (To the people of Japan: Easter broadcast) 450 w Expresses affection, interest, regard for Japanese; points out significance of Resurrection to Christian living. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 378-9; Dis­ corsi, 14:65-8. English: Cath. Doc., no. PDF Compressor Pro 223 - 227 8 (July, 1952), 13-14; Cath. Mind, 50 (September, 1952), 568-9. 223 During recent years (letter) Pius XII, January 30, 1948. (To the bishops of India: Catholic Action in India) 1,000 w Summary statement on nature of official lay apostolate. Character of Catholic Action: personal sanctifica­ tion; intense apostolic activity; man­ date of hierarchy; guiding principle: sen tire cum Ecclesia. Sources: AAS, 40 ( 1948), 328-31 ; Dis­ corsi, 10:441-6; Clergy Rev., 31 (March, 1949), 195-8; Canon Law Di­ gest, 3:259-62. 224 E ancora vivo nell'anima (address) Pius XII, June 26, 1955. (To railroad workers of Rome: spiritual and temporal welfare of workingmen) 1,600 w Warns against deception by enemy; counsels: technical preparation, con­ scientious service; notes right to or­ ganize; defines means for vindicating rights; urges workman's apostolate. Sources: AAS, 41 (1955), 512-16; Discorsi, 17:159-65. English: Cath. Doc., no. 19 (October, 1955), 26-9; Cath. Mind, 51 (January, 1956), 56-60; Irish Eccl. Rec., 85 (April, 1956), 2913; TPS, 2 (July, 1955), 163-7; Vital Speeches, 21 (August 15, 1955), 142931. 225 £ armai passato un anno (address) Pius XII, June 2, 1944. (To the Cardinals on the feast of St. Eugene: justice not vengeance) 4,000 w primacy; pleads for peace promoted by avoidance of past errors; praises efforts towards international organi­ zation. Sources: AAS, 36 (1944), 166-75; Dis­ corsi, 6:11-25. English: Cath. Mind, 42 (July, 1944), 386-93; Vital Speeches, 10 (July 1, 1944), 546-9. 226 £ piaduto (chirograph) Pius XI, Sep­ tember 3, 1937. (To Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli, Secretary of State: Prefecture of the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities) 275 w Announces intention of Pope to take place of prefect left vacant by death of Cardinal Bisleti in gratitude for restored health. Sources: AAS, 29 (1937), 381. French: Actes de Pie XI, 15:196-7. 227 £ supremi (encyclical letter) Pius X, October 4, 1903. (Inaugural encyclical: restoration of all things in Christ) 4,000 w Inaugurates program for "restora­ tion of all things in Christ." The Church must declare her teaching on marriage, education, the right to and use of property, respect for authority, and peaceful social relations. Bishops must provide for careful formation of priests; for instruction of lapsed Catholics; must lead laity to observe laws of God and the Church, to pro­ fess their faith, to zealous social action. Sources: APD, 1:1-16, ASS, 36:12939; Fontes, 3:600-8; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 29 (November, 1903), 519-29; Irish Reviews afflictions of Rome; solici­ Eccl. Rec., 14 (November, 1903), 444tude, work of Holy Sec; defines papal 53. English: ACQR, 29 (January, 54 228-231 34-45; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (De­ cember, 1955), 14-27; Cath. Mind, 53 (March, 1955), 178-89; Irish Eccl. Rec., 83 (February, 1955), 130-41; TPS, 2 (1st Quarter, 1955), 3-16; /'ablet, 205 (January 8, 1955), 28-31; Vital Speeches, 21 (February 1, 1955), 994-9. 1904), 10-19; Cath. Mind, [1] no. 21 (1903), 1-15; Tablet, 102 (October 10, 1903), 589-92; Yzermans (1951), p. 413. 228 Ea semper fuit (apostolic letter) Pius X, September 16, 1907. (Providing for a bishop of the Rutheniam/rite for the United States) 3,400 w * Because of illness the Pope broad­ casted a very brief greeting, Con la scmplicità, on December 24, 1954. The traditional Christmas message, in order not to interrupt the series, was released to the press on January 2, 1955. Notes that nomination and juris­ diction belong to Holy See. Desig­ nates duties: maintain integrity of Ruthenian rite; consecrate the holy oils; dedicate churches; administer confirmation; ordain priests; pontif­ icate for people of rite. Specifies resi­ dence in Philadelphia, support by Ruthenian congregations. Also pre­ scribes regulations for priests, pastors, faithful, marriages of persons of differ­ ent rites, rite of children born of these unions. 230 Ecclesiae fastos (encyclical epistle) Pius XII, June 5, 1954. (To the bishops of Great Britain, Germany, Austria, France, Belgium and Holland: the twelfth cente­ nary of the death of St. Boniface) 4,800 w Sources: ASS, 41:3-12; Eccl, Rev., 37 (November, 1907), 513-20. 229 Ecce ego declinabo (message)· Pius XII, December 24, 1954. (Christmas mes­ sage: co-existence) 5,200 w Recommends public celebration; re­ views life of Boniface; emphasizes mis­ sionary activity, work for Church, foundation at Fulda, martyrdom. Applies example of virtue, prayer, loyalty to Holy needs. Defines “co-existence in fear”; pre­ sents alternatives: return of nations to God; cold paralysis. Exposes the de­ ception in co-existence in error: ex­ aggerated trust in economics; false principles of unity. Urges co-existence in truth; exhorts Christians to truth: lived, communicated, applied in every exigency. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 337-56; Discorsi, 16:425-43. English: Cath. Doc., no. 16 (December, 1951), 33-45; TPS, 1 (2nd Quarter, 1954), 171-85. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 15-28; Discorsi, 16:331-45. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 132 (February, 1955), 12338; Cath. Doc., no. 17 (April, 1955), Presents St. Josaphat as martyr to cause of unity of Eastern Church with Holy Sec; emphasizes virtues, achievements, effects of his apostolate; 55 231 Ecclesiam Dei (encyclical letter) Pius XI, November 12, 1923. (On the tercente­ nary of the martyrdom of St. Josaphat, Archbishop of Polotsk) 2,700 w 232 - 235 enlists his intercession for return of schismatics. Sources: AAS, 15 (1923), 573-82. English: Cath. Mind, 21 (December 22, 1923), 469-78; Ryan, p. 99-115; St. M einrad Essays, 11 (May, 1955), 21-8. 232 May tion and Eccoci convenuti (address) Pius XII, 18, 1955. (To the National Federa­ of Cultivators of the Soil: fanning the Christian ideal) 1,500 w Restates basic principles; indicates impact of farming on national econ­ omy; urges farm families to study problems; recognizes need for land reforms. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 497-500; Discorsi, 17:95-101. English: Cath. Doc., no. 18 (July, 1955), 36-9; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (June, 1956), 50-3; Cath. Mind, 51 (January, 1956), 52-5; TPS, 2 (July, 1955), 173-6. 233 Editae saepe (encyclical letter) Pius X, May 26, 1910. (The third centenary of the canonization of St. Charles Borromeo) 7,200 w Sources: AAS, 2 (1910), 357-80; Fontes, 3:754-70; ACQR, 35 i [uly, 1910), 377-93; Eccl. Rev., 43 (August, 1910), 199-219; Irish Eccl. Rec., 28 (July, 1910), 72-90. English: ACQR, 35 (July, 1910), 394-412; Cath. Mind, 8 (July 22-August, 1910), 221-51; Tablet, 115 (June 11-18, 1910), 949-52, 989-91; Yzermans (1954), p. 158-75. 234 Egregiam pietatem (apostolic letter) Benedict XV, September 8, 1919. (To the bishops of Switzerland: charity of the Swiss people during the War) 200 w Congratulates Swiss on preservation from War and works of mercy dur­ ing conflict. Commends day of thanks­ giving; exhorts them to spread knowl­ edge and observance of Christian principles. Sources: AAS, 11 (1919), 377. 235 El especiahsimo amor (radio address) Pius XII, January 12, 1954. (To the 5th Inter-American Congress on Catholic Edu­ cation, Havana: the secret of good schools) 1,400 w Specifics characteristics of good teacher: intellectual, moral forma­ Presents St. Charles Borromeo as tion; true conscience; knowledge of model for clergy and people. Reviews doctrine; power to influence. Points period in which he lived; his virtue out responsibilities: technical ade­ and zeal; effectiveness of his in­ quacy; exercise of spiritual and social fluence in the Church. Describes true apostolate; co-operation with parents. reformer: uses sound doctrine; in­ Commends missionary work which structs the faithfid; avoids extremes; combines cultural with religious is united with Christ and Church; Leaching. combines theory and practice; urges the faithful: to the sacraments; to Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 59-62; subordinate natural to supernatural; Discorsi, 15:563-9. English: TPS, 1 to exercise works of mercy. (1st Quarter, 1954), 19-22. 236 - 241 236 El grupo de sacerdotes (message) Pius XII, June 16, 1955. (To a group of priests from the Seminary of St. Eugene in Va­ lencia: training center for the apostolate) 350 w Describes role, contribution of city: social, political, economic, cultural; predicts constructive international in­ fluence. Points out need for centers; notes essential virtues. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 716-20; Discorsi, 17:255-61. English: TPS, 2 (Winter, 1955-6), 375-9. Sou rces: Discorsi, 17:189-42. 237 En accueillant (address) Pius XII, September 24, 1954. (To delegates to the 10th General Assembly of the Interna­ tional Union of Geodesy and Geophysics: the geo-sciences) 1,600 w Discusses technical problems, ac­ complishments of geo-sciences; points out scientific interest and contribu­ tions of Church; urges consideration of significance of science to life. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 580-4; Discorsi, 16:151-7. English: TPS, 1 (3rd Quarter, 1954), 253-7. 238 En ce mois de septembre (address) Pius XII, September 13, 1953. (To partic­ ipants in the 6th International Congress of Microbiology: microbiology) 1,700 w Outlines history of microbiology; notes applications; recognizes importance of research; indicates qualities of researcher. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 666-71; Discorsi, 15:285-91; Actes Pontificaux no. 78 (1956), 14-18. 239 En décidant de tenir (address) Pius XII, September 30, 1955. (To the 12th Congress of the International Union of Cities and Local Authorities: the role of the city in fostering international harmony) 1,600 w 240 En ouvrant (letter) Pius XII, July 14, 1954. (To Charles Flory, President of the Semaines Sociales de France: the fiftieth anniversary of the Semaines Sociales) Commends fidelity of Semaines Sociales to purpose of founders, to magisterium Ecclesiae. Reviews prin­ ciples pertinent to topic: crisis of power, crisis of citizenship; warns those vested with public authority against 1) weakness under pressure; 2) Statism. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), Discorsi, 16:459-66. English: Mind, 52 (November, 1954), Irish Eccl. Rec., 84 (December, 434-8; TPS, 1 (3rd Quarter, 221-6; Tablet, 204 (August 7, 141-2 (with some omissions). 482-7; Cath. 691-5; 1955), 1954), 1954), 241 En septembre (radio address) Pius XII, September 11, 1956. (To the 7th Plenary Meeting of the International Association of Catholic Physicians, held at The Hague, Holland: medical morality and positive law dealing with medical matters) 3,700 Ultimate source of all medical morality and law is in individual’s body, and to means necessary to preserve them. Moral obligations of PDF Compressor Pro 242 - 240 physicians contained essentially in Ten Commandments. Positive medi­ cal law a set of norms established in body politic to cover concrete medical situations important to society; medi­ cal law subordinate to medical morality. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 677-86; Discorsi, 18:423-35. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 2 (March, 1957), 20-9; TPS, 3 (Winter, 1956-7), 261-70. 242 En 1901. ligious ligious tout temps (letter) Leo XIII, June 29, (To the General Superiors of re­ orders and institutes in France: re­ situation in France) 2,500 w for estimating legitimacy of risks; indicates worker problems. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 272-5; Discorsi, 17:15-20. English: Cath. Doc., no. 18 (Summer, 1955), 12-14; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (December, 1955) , 73-6; Cath. Mind, 54 (May, 1956) , 292-5; TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 169-72. 244 En vous souhaitant (address) Pius XII, September 21, 1950. (To faculties and students of French schools on pilgrimage: the role of the Catholic university) 900 w Recalls directives in Humant generis; emphasizes necessity for organic unity in education; warns against evils of specialization. Expresses profound sorrow at the attack on religious orders; Church is seriously impeded by this in the fulfillment of her work which, for its Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 735-8; proper exercise, requires the con­ Discorsi, 12:217-21. currence of both secular and religious clergy. Condemns laws against re­ 245 En vous souhaitant (address) Pius XII, ligious orders as contrary to natural October 21, 1955. (To delegates of the and evangelical rights; contrary to European Radio Union: role of television) unquestionable rights and authority 1,800 w of Church. Offers consolation; coun­ Comments on progress; describes sels religious: to accept designs of televising process; specifies values: in­ God; to redouble ardor in prayer, strument of information, formation, holy works; to defend integrity of transformation; aid to education; religious spirit; to practice charity, source of family unity; means to in­ con fidcnce. ternational understanding. Sources: ASS, 33:716-22; Fontes, Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 775-80; 3:572. English: Wynne, p. 504-12. Discorsi, 17:321-8. English: TPS, 2 (Winter, 1955-6), 368-72. 243 En vous accueillant (address) Pius XII, April 3, 1955. (To the 1st World Congress on the Prevention of Industrial Accidents: accident prevention in industry) 1,200 w Calls for co-operation; indicates means of prevention; proposes norms 246 Entre los graves (radio address) Pius XII, October 6, 1948. (To the Inter-Ameri­ can Congress on Catholic Education, La Paz, Bolivia: education and modern en­ vironment) 1,500 w 247 - 252 Encourages American Confedera­ tion on education; sets objective: to promote self-development in youth; notes psycho-pedagogical soundness of Christian education. Sources: AAS, 40 (1948), 465-8; Discorsi, 10:243-9. English: Cath. Mind, 4Ί (February, 1949), 118-21; Yzennans (1956), 2:67-70. 247 Ephesînam Synodum (letter) Pius XI, December 25, 1930. (To Luigi Cardinal Sincero: fifteenth centenary of the Coun­ cil of Ephesus) 400 w Reminds prefect of Congregation for Oriental Church of importance of Council; urges commemoration at Rome. Sources: AAS, 23 (1931), 11-12. French: Actes de Pie XI, 6:239-42. 248 Es hat Unsere (letter) Pius XII, May 8, 1955. (To the Reverend Herman Josef Schmitt and Josef Gockeln, delegates of the International Federation of Christian Workingmen's Movements) 800 w Indicates importance of interna­ tional co-operation; counsels young to undertake social responsibility. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 390-2; Discorsi, 17:623-7. English: TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 177-9. 249 Espectâculo sobremodo (radio ad­ dress) Pius XII, July 24, 1955. (To the 36th International Eucharistic Congress, Rio de Janeiro: the power of the Eucharist) 1,200 w Commends Congress; extols mystery of Eucharist; exhorts to zeal in Euch­ aristic apostolate. 59 Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 554-7; Discorsi, 17:187-92. English: TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 257-60. 250 Et maintenant (address) Pius XII, Sep­ tember 9, 1954. (To participants in the World Congress on Population: Christian principles in population research) 300 w Indicates interest of Church in population problems: family life, na­ tional economy, social relations. Urges Catholic participation in research; counsels regard for true perspective. Sources: Discorsi, 16:123-5. English: Cath. Mind, 53 (April, 1955), 256; TPS, 1 (3rd Quarter, 1954), 265; Sword, 15 (November-December, 1954), 26; Tablet, 204 (October 30, 1954), 432. 251 Etsi cunctas (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, December 21, 1888. (To the bishops of Ireland: the Church in Ireland) 380 w Expresses sympathy; promises gifts to each cathedral church. Sources: AL, 8:390-2; Irish Eccl. Rec., 10 (February, 1889), 190-1. 252 Etsi Nos (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, February 15, 1882. (To the bishops of Italy: on conditions in Italy) 3,175 w Sets forth dangers to Catholicism: interference with Church; expulsion of religious from convents; confisca­ tion of Church property; sanction of civil marriage; elimination of Church control of education. Maintains Ca­ tholicism and nation fall together: Christianity inherent in public life, source of unity, safeguard of justice. PDF Compressor Pro 253 - 256 Urges bishops to stir people to labor for preservation of the faith by: 1) promotion of associations for religious instruction, Catholic life, charity; 2) use of press to disseminate truth; 3) care in selection and education ol priests. Sources: AL, 3:13-27; ASS, 14:33715; Fontes, 3:186-93; Dublin Rev., 90 (April, 1882), 483-9. English: Dublin Rev., 90 (April, 1882), 462-9; Tablet, 59 (February 25, 1882), 281-6. 253 Etsi res (address) Leo XIII, January 15, 1886. (To the College of Cardinals: deci­ sion regarding the possession of the Caroline Islands) 750 w toms. Warns against exclusive juris­ diction; appeals to world lor prayer, alms, vocations. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 197-528; Discorsi, 13:487-515. English: Cath. Doc., no. 5 (Autumn, 1951), 11-28; Cath. Mind, 49 (September, 1951), 574-92; pamphlet editions by N.C. W.C. (1951), Paulisl Press (1951). 255 Ex Lateranensi (apostolic constitution) Pius XI, May 30, 1929. (On the religious administration of the Vatican City) 600 w Provides for administration of Papal Stale: Sacristan of Papal Palace in charge; Hermits of St. Augustine assistants to Sacristan with one as Reviews Caroline Islands question; Sources: AAS, 21 arguments, proposal for settlement; acceptance by both pal lies. Deplores conditions that hinder frequent con­ ciliatory action by Supreme Pontiff. (1929), 309-11. 256 Ex officiosis litteris (letter) Pius XI, November 10, 1933. (To Manoel Cardinal Conçoives Corejeira, Patriarch of Lisbon: regulating Catholic Action in Portugal) 2,100 w Sources: ASS, 18:309-11. English 254 Evangelii praecones (encyclical letter) Pius XII, June 2, 1951. (On the twenty-fifth anniversary of Pius Xi's Rerum Ecclesiae: promotion of Catholic missions) 7,800 w Notes that insistence on training of native clergy has been justified; re­ news mission progress; indicates further needs; states means to end: Commends reorganization, co­ ordination ol Catholic Action forces; notes inherent obligation of aposlolate; cites urgency of workers’ apostolate; recalls directives in Quadra­ gesimo anno; calls priests to partic­ ipate; stresses obligation to influence press, to disseminate sound literature. Sources: AAS, 26 (1934), 628-33. English: Luigi Civardi, A Manual of laity; educational, social services; pres­ ervation of assimilable native eus- 1913), p. 262-6. 60 257 - 260 257 Ex quo (letter) Pius X, December 26, 1910. (To the Eastern clergy on the reunion of the Churches) 1,250 w 259 Exeunte iam anno (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, December 25, 1888. (On the right ordering of Christian life) 4,100 w Recalls ciloris of predecessors to reunite separated Eastern nations with Church. Condemns article in Roma e I'Oriente: "Thoughts on the Question of the Union of the Churches"; sum­ marizes historical and theological errors; points out offensiveness to readers. Exhorts bishops to safeguard people from teachings inimical to faith; warns that work for unity is futile apart from profession of faith as contained in Holy Scripture, tradi­ tion of Fathers, consent of Church, general councils, decrees of Supreme Pontiffs. Urges necessity of return to Chris­ tian law of life; denounces reign of the threefold lust; false concept of liberty; degradation of virtue; im­ morality in press and stage; godless education. Refers corruption of public and private life to socialism, com­ munism, nihilism. Offers return to Christian life as remedy: self-denial, suffering, prayer; clergy need learning, virtue. Sources: AAS, 3 (1911), 117-21; Fontes, 3:791-1; Irish Eccl. Rec., 29 (May, 1911), 548-51. English: ACQR, 3G (April, 1911), 374-7; Yzermans (1952), p. 218-20. 258 Ex quo (letter) Pius X, March 7, 1914. (To the Discalced Carmelites on the occa­ sion of the third centenary of the beati­ fication of St. Teresa) 2,300 w Recounts personal qualities noted in bull of canonization by Gregory XV; emphasizes faith: loyalty to doc­ trine, to Church; love of Christ; love for Church. Lauds theological teach­ ing and practice: doctrinal, ascetical, mystical. Urges Carmelites to imita­ tion. Sources: AAS, 6 (191 1), 137-45; Irish Eccl. Rec.,4 (September, 1914), 310-17. English: Cath. World, 99 (August, 1914), 713-18. 61 Sources: AL, 8:393-111; ASS, 21:32331; Fontes, 3:314-22; Dublin Rev., 104 (April, 1889), 406-14; Irish Eccl. Rec., 10 (March, 1889), 278-88; Tablet, 73 (January 5, 1889), 33-5. English: Tab­ let, 73 (January 12, 1889), 73-6; Keogh, p. 95-107; Parkinson, p. 131-46; Wynne, p. 164-79. Issued as a memorial to the fiftieth anniversary of his priesthood. 260 Exsul Familia (apostolic constitution) Pius XII, August 1, 1952. (On the spiritual care of emigrants) 25,000 w Provides documented history of Church's work for pilgrims, exiles, emigrants; details organization of pastoral care of aliens, wayfarers, under Code; defines competencies, rights of Congregations concerned; institutes Council, Secretariate for Apostolate of the Sea; provides emi­ gration Delegate; appoints directors; instructs chaplains; defines authority of bishops; designates canonical iden­ tity of beneficiaries. Treats specifically PDF Compressor Pro 201 - 265 of Italian emigration, Pontifical Col­ lege of Priests for Emigrants. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 649-704. French: Doc. Cath., 50 (19 avril 1953), 457-502. Polish: Sodalis, 34 (Novem­ ber, 1953). 261 Exulta, Lusitania felix (apostolic letter) Pius XII, January 16, 1946. (St. Anthony of Padua declared a Doctor of the Church) 1,800 w Comments on life of the saint; re­ views previous pronouncements; sum­ marizes investigation into life and learning; makes formal declaration of saint as Doctor of the Universal Church. Sources: AAS, 38 (1946), 200-4; Discorsi, 8:413-20; Clergy Rev., 27 (February, 1947), 128-32. English: Nat. Cath. Almanac (1947), p. 203-6. 262 Fausto appetente die (encyclical epistle) Benedict XV, June 29, 1921. (On the seventh centenary of the death of St. Dominic) 2,425 w Recognizes service of Dominican Order to the Church; commends preaching for solidity of faith, fidelity to Holy See, devotion to the Blessed Viigin; attributes to St. Dominic the conversion of French heretics, down­ hill of Albigensians, dissemination of Rosary devotion; exhorts Dominicans to renewed zeal for spread of Rosary. Sources: AAS, 13 (1921), 329-35; Irish Eccl. Rec., 18 (September, 1921), 299-303. English: Blackfriars, 2 (Sep­ tember, 1921), 327-34; Cath. Mind, 19 (August 22, 1921), 301-6; Eccl. Rev., 65 (October, 1921), 339-44. 266 - 269 263 Fedeli alia vostra (address) Pius XII, January 14, 1952. (To the Roman nobility: traditional New Year audience) 850 w Propagation of the Faith (New York, Comments on deprivation of status under Constitution; encourages in­ terior nobility; warns against absten­ tion, urges participation in public, professional, cultural life. 266 Fidentem piumque animum (encyclical letter) leo XIII, September 20, 1896. (On the Rosary as an excellent means of prayer) 2,150 w Source: Discorsi, 13:455-9. This was the last of the traditional New Year audiences given to the Roman aris­ tocracy; as indicated in this address “a page of history has been turned.” 264 Felix faustumque (letter) Pius XI, May 10, 1931. (To the bishops of Germany: seventh centenary of the death of St. Elizabeth of Hungary) 600 w Reviews her life and deeds of charity; extols saint as member of Third Order of St. Francis, example of poverty, humility, patience. Sources: AAS, 23 (1931), 525-27. French: Actes de Pie XI, 7:46-51. 265 Fidel donum (encyclical letter) Pius XII, April 21, 1957. (On the present condi­ tion of the Catholic missions, especially in Africa) 6,000 w Urges concentration on needs of Africa: priests, material aid, collabo­ rators in religious and cultural minis­ tries. Asks of the faithful: prayer, alms, vocations. Sources: AAS, 49 (1957), 225-48. English: Cath. Mind, 55 (July-August, , 1957) 358-74; pamphlet editions by Sword of the Spirit (London, 1957), v . dress (1957), Society for the Extols devotion to Rosary; effica­ cious because it embodies persever­ ance, union of petition. Recommends family Rosary, public Rosary, daily recitation; urges bishops to renewed zeal particularly to obtain union. Sources: AL, 16:278-87; ASS, 29:2049; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 15 (December, 1896), 626-32. English: Tablet, 88 (Oc­ tober 17, 1896), 633-4; Doheny, p. 11321; Lawler, p. 145-57. Fin dal primo momento. See Ubi arcano Dei consilio 267 Fin dal principio (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, December 8, 1902. (To the bish­ ops of Italy: on the education of the clergy) 3,170 w directors, experienced spiritual direc­ tion. Stales explicitly that candidates for priesthood should be instructed in pontificaï documents on social ques­ tion and Christian democracy; should abstain, however, from external action in the field. Details duties of priests after ordination. Sources: AL, 22:216-59; ASS, 35:25765; Fontes, 3:592-8. English: ACQR, 28 (April, 1903), 380-6; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 28 (March, 1903), 323-30; Cath. Mind, 1 (February 9, 1903), 23-33; Irish Eccl. Rec., 13 (January, 1903), 7785. 268 Fin dalla prima (motu proprio) Pius X, December 18, 1903. (On Popular Chris­ tian Action in Italy) 2,025 w Restates principles of Catholic Action; lists applicable documents of Leo Xj II; summarizes documents in nineteen articles to serve as funda­ mental norms; provides for dissemina­ tion of regulations. Recalls principles of ecclesiastical Sources: ASS, 36:339-45. English: education and sacred ministry. Points out: priesthood is divine in origin, ACQR, 29 (April, 1901), 226-39; Amer. supernatural in essence, immutable in Eccl. Rev., 30 (February, 1904), 178-83; character; formation can be suited to Irish Eccl. Rec., 15 (February, 1904), time without detriment to essential 175-80; Yzermans (1954), p. 207-11. foundation. Recommends that semi­ naries educate mind as well as heart; 269 Firmissimam constantiam* (encyclical calls attention to rules in Depuis le epistle) Pîus XI, March 28, 1937. (To the jour, advises inclusion of new methods bishops of Mexico: on the religious situa­ tion in Mexico) 4,000 w if applicable, respect for papal prescriptions on classic literature. Commends constancy of faithful; Stresses vigilance over education and deplores defections; emphasizes im­ discipline, separation of lay and cleri­ portance of holy priesthood, apostolic cal students, dismissal of unfit, ex­ laity; urges priests: to study, observe emplary conduct of teachers and Ad catholici sacerdotii; to carry out ' Ίί63 270 - 273 papal instructions on Catholic Action, social problems, education; to avoid ill-conceived publicity; enumerates principles for civic action. Sources: AAS, 29 (1937), 189-99; Irish Eccl. Rec., 50 July, 1937), 77-85. English: Cath. Mind, 35 (May 22, 1937), 213-26; Ehler, p. 579-92; Husslein, 2:375-88; pamphlet editions by Catholic Truth Society (1938), N.C. W.C. (1937). • The Latin text given in the Acta Aposlolicae Scdis is followed im­ mediately (p. 200-11) by the Spanish text (Nos es muy conocida'). This latter is the one sent to the Mexican bishops. notes significance of situation in India; urges union of action, con­ scientious citizenship, fidelity to Christ, promotion of Catholic social teaching. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 96-9; Discorsi, 14:439-44. English: Calh. Doc., no. 11 (May, 1953), 15-18; Tab­ let, 2QI (January 17, 1953), 57-8. 272 Fulgens corona (encyclical letter) Pius XII, September 8, 1953. (Proclaiming a Marian Year to commemorate the cente­ nary of the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception) 3,700 w Recalls, justifies definition; points out significance of Lourdes; sum­ marizes doctrine; indicates relation to 270 fra i molti (letter) Pius X, January 12, Assumption. Indicates desired effects 1905. (To Pietro Cardinal Respighi, Vicar General of Rome: religious instruction for of centenary: revival of devotion to Mary; imitation of life, virtue; return First Communion) 1,500 w to God; renewed practice of Chris­ Urges pastors of Rome to fulfill duty tian principles. Urges observance of of Christian education of youth, to Marian Year: exposition of doctrine, prepare children for reception of pilgrimages, prayer, penances. Enu­ sacraments. Enumerates specific in­ merates intentions: personal holiness structions; answers objections. Com­ in young and old; Christian domestic mends retreats prior to First Com­ life; reconciliation of enemies. munion; asks religious communities to assist pastors; recommends solemn Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 577-92; First Communion day. Discorsi, 15:613-27; Amer. Eccl. Rev., Sources: ASS, 37:425-32. English: 129 (December, 1953), 402-14. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 129 (December, Collins, p. 5-10. , 1953) 415-27; Calh. Doc., no. 14 (February, 1954), 16-25; Cath. Mind, Fra le sollecitudini. See Ira le sollecitudini 51 (December, 1953), 738-47; Irish 271 From a heart (radio address) Pius XII, Eccl. Rec., 81 (January, 1954), 50-9; December 31, 1952. (On the occasion of TPS, 1 (1st Quarter, 1954), 43-53; the centenary celebrations at Ernakulam, Doheny, p. 252-68; reprinted in many Malabar, in honor of St. Thomas the Apostle and St. Francis Xavier) 1,300 w books and pamphlets. Pays tribute to Christians of St. Thomas; recalls Xavier’s conquest; 273 Fulgens radiatur (encyclical letter) Pius XII, March 21, 1947. (On the four- 64 274 - 278 teenth centenary of the Benedict) 4,500 w death of St. (Christmas message: contribution of the Church to the cause of peace) 4,100 w Describes Benedictine contribution to re-assertion of Christian values and renovation of society; emphasizes wor­ ship of God and obedience to His laws as foundation of modern reconstruc­ tion; appeals for restoration of Monte Cassino. Explains mission of Church: peace between man, God; between men; be­ tween peoples; repudiates political bias, alliance; proposes Christian or­ der as sole guarantee of peace. Sources: AAS, 39 (1947), 137-55; Discorsi, 9:475-92; Irish Eccl. Rec., 70 (July, 1948), 654-65. English: Calh. Action, 29 (May, 1947), 18-22; Rax, 37 (Summer-Autumn, 1947), 57-68, 109-17; pamphlet editions by N.C. W.C. (1947) and St. Meinrad’s Abbey (St. Meinrad, Indiana, 1947). 274 Geminata laetitia (decretal letter) Pius XI, April 1, 1934. (Canonization of Blessed John Bosco) 3,800 w Outlines life and activities in behalf of neglected boys and girls. Sources: AAS, 27 (1935), 281-95. French: Actes de Pie XI, 12:95-125. 275 Gerne und nicht (radio address) Pius XII, May 24, 1953. (To the 1st National Congress of Danish Catholics at Copen­ hagen: Christian family life) 1,200 w Recalls early Danish missionaries; signalizes Niels Stenson: scientist, Christian; counsels zealous apostolatc; emphasizes family life. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 422-5; Discorsi, 15:169-71. English: Cath. Mind, 51 (August, 1953), 501-6. 276 Già per la decimaterza (radio ad­ dress) Pius XII, December 24, 1951. 65 Sources: AAS, 14 (1952), 5-15; Dis­ corsi, 13:419-33. English: Calh. Doc., no. 7 (April, 1952), 8-16; Cath. Mind, 50 (April, 1952), 248-56; Tablet, 199 (January 5-12, 1952), 16-17, 31-5; Yzermans (1956), 1:117-25. 277 Gia per la terza volta (address) Pius XII, October 3, 1941. (To members of the Sacred Roman Rota: marriage laws) 2,200 w Points out importance of Tribunal to holiness and stability of marriage. Emphasizes: 1) no law can den) natu­ ral and primordial right of marriage; 2) Church does not favor declarations of nullity; 3) Holy See can dissolve the marriage bond in certain rare cases but never a ratified and con­ summated marriage which is by di­ vine law indissoluble. Sources: AAS, 33 (1911), 421-6; Dis­ corsi, 3:207-15. English: Clergy Review, 22 (February, 1912), 81-8 (intro­ duction and conclusion omitted). 278 Grande munus (encyclical letter) Leo Xlll, September 30, 1880. (Extending the cult of SS. Cyril and Methodius to the en­ tire world) 3,180 w Details apostolic labors: conversion of Slavs; invention of Slavonic alpha­ bet; establishment of unity of nation PDF Compressor Pro 279 - 282 with Rome. Notes personal connec­ tion with Holy Sec: investiture of mission, episcopal consecration, ap­ proval of Slavonic Liturgy. Sources: AL, 2:125-7; ASS, 13:14553. English extracts: Dublin Rev., 3rd set., 5 (April, 1881), 422-6. 279 Graves de communi re (encyclical let­ ter) Leo XIII, January 18, 1901. (On Chris­ tian democracy) 4,125 w 283 - 286 315-28; Husslein, 1:227-41; Keogh, p. 169-81; Parkinson, p. 238-53; Wynne, p. 474-94. 280 Gravi ed ad un tempo (radio address) Pius XII, December 24, 1948. (Christmas message: truth and justice, the twofold duty of all Christians) 4,000 w Distrust and false security equally compromise cause of peace. Christian will-for-peace comes from God; does not turn question of national honor into argument for war; aims to re­ move or mitigate causes of tension; stands for strength, not weakness. Refers to Quod Apostolici muneris, Rerum novarum for treatment of philosophic and economic factors in struggle between capital and labor. Recognizes difficulty in arriving at Sources: AAS, 41 (1949), 5-15; Dis­ title for Catholic social movements; corsi, 10:311-24. English: Cath. Ac­ repudiates name of social democracy tion, 31 (January, 1949), 3, 18-20; in favor of Christian democracy; warns Cath. Doc., no. 1 (Epiphany, 1950), against attack on upper classes. Com­ 22-8; Cath. Mind, 47 (March, 1949), pares social and Christian democracy; 179-87; Congressional Record, 94 (De­ states aims of Christian democracy; cember 31, 1948), Λ5371-73; New York shows that social question is primarily Times (December 25, 1948), 5; Tablet, moral and religious; emphasizes ne­ 194 (January 1, 1949), 4-6; Yzermans cessity of charity in permanent asso­ (1956), 1:90-7; pamphlet edition by ciations for betterment of worker. N.C.W.C. (1949). Counsels union of direction, co-ordi­ nation of effort of clergy, laity to in­ 281 Gravissimas (encyclical epistle) Leo still principles: 1) to beware of sedi­ XIII, May 16, 1901. (To the bishops of tion; 2) to hold rights inviolate; 3) to Portugal: religious orders in Portugal) show deference for authority, to do 464 w honest work; 1) to accept courageously Condemns laws against religious duties of home; 5) to make religion orders; commends action of bishops; essential part of life. urges bishops, laity to defend Church Sourcw Al., 21:3-20; ASS, 33:885- rights. 96; /1CQ/L 26 (April, 1901), 371-83; Source: AL, 21:79-81. Amer. Eccl. Rev., 24 (March, 1901), 300-11; Irish Eccl. Rec., 9 (March 1901). 267-77. English: ACQR, 26 282 Gravissimo officii munere (encyclical (April, 1901), 384-95; Cath. Mind, 35 letter) Pius X, August 10, 1906. (To the bishops of France; forbidding the French (October 22. 1937), 418-26; Gilson, p. associations of worship) 1,500 w 66 Decrees associations of worship (as­ sociations cultuelles') violation of sa­ cred rights of Church; declares inad­ missible canonico-legal associations without guarantee of rights of Church and authority over Church property. Urges bishops and laity to struggle unitedly for Church with perseverance and energy; without violence or sedi­ tion. Sources: ARD, 3:181-5; ASS, 39:38590; Irish Eccl. Rec., 20 (September, 1906), 275-8. English: Cath. Univ. Bulletin, 12 (October, 1906), 535-8; Tablet, 108 (August 18, 1906), 242-3; Yzermans (1952), p. 74b-74e. 283 Grazie, Venerabili Frafelli (sermon) Pius XII, December 24, 1940. (Christmas message to the College of Cardinals: moral conditions for a new world order) 3,600 w Proclaims joy in midst of conflict: notes conditions for new order: vic­ tory over 1) hatred, 2) international distrust, 3) legal pragmatism, 4) po­ tential conflicts, 5) disordered egoism. Urges universal prayer. Sources: AAS, 33 (1941), 5-14; Dis­ corsi, 2:339-52. English: Tablet, 177 (January 4, 1941), 7-8; Koenig, p. 703-7 (omits a few paragraphs); Yzer­ mans (1956), 1:11-14. 284 Ha permifido (radio address) Pius XII, April 28, 1955. (To the National Eucharistic Congress at Costa Rica: bond of charity) 1,000 w Commends objective of Congress; exhorts to frequent Communion. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 407-9; Dis­ corsi, 17:63-7. English: Cath. Mind, 53 (October, 1955), 638-40. 285 Haerent animo (exhortation) Pius X, August 4, 1908. (To the clergy of the world on the fiftieth anniversary of his priesthood) 8,625 w Emphasizes necessity for sanctity: humility, obedience, self-abnegation; fidelity to apostolate: preaching Word of God; hearing confessions; visiting the sick and dying, instructing the ignorant, comforting the sorrowful; reclaiming the erring. Urges prayer, spiritual reading, examination of con­ science; suggests 1) spiritual exercises annually; 2) monthly retreat; 3) closer union among priests, strengthened and moderated by bishops. Sources: ARD, 4:237-64; ASS, 41:555-77; Fontes, 3:736-50; Eccl. Rev., 39 (October, 1908), 396-416; Irish Eccl. Rec., 24 (November, 1908), 525-40. English: ACQR, 33 (October, 1908), 517-33; Yzermans (1954), p. 229-44. 286 Haurietis aquas (encyclical letter) Pius XII, May 15, 1956. (On devotion to the Sacred Heart) 11,000 w Extols devotion to the Sacred Heart: complete surrender and consecration, return of love for love. Explains de­ velopment: promotion by Church; safeguards against naturalism, senti­ mentalism; work of organizations; publication of articles. Urges faithful to study Scripture, the Fathers, the­ ologians. States theological basis for adoration: Heart of Christ hypostatically united to Second Person of PDF Compressor Pro 287 - 289 Trinity (Ephesus, Constantinople); Heart is symbol of love for humanity (Old and New Testaments, Fathers, Doctors). Offers meditation on Christ’s love; presents love as characteristic of devotion. Urges promotion of the de­ votion: external acts secondary; obli­ gation of love, expiation, personal sanctification, primary; union with de­ votion to Immaculate Heart oi Mary Sources: AAS, 18 (1956), 309-53; Dis­ corsi, 18:809-48; Irish Eccl. Rec., 86 (September-November, 1956), 196-210, 268-74, 357-62; 87 (January, 1957), 61-6. English: Cath. Doc., no. 22 (Oc­ tober, 1956), 15-13; TPS, 3 (Autumn, 1956), 115-49; pamphlet editions by N.C.W.C. (1956), Paulist Press (1956). 287 Hijos amadisimos, productares (ad­ dress) Pius XII, November 12, 1954. (To a group of workers from Barcelona, Spain: the Church and labor) 700 w Emphasizes concern of Church for worker; points out objectives: spirit­ ual, material. Sources: Osservatorc Romano (12 novembre 1951), 1, English: TPS, 1 (4th Quarter, 1955), 372-3. 288 Humani generis (encyclical letter) Pius XU, August 12, 1950. (Concerning some false opinion., which tend to undermine the teaching authority of the Church) 4,250 w Condemns those who contend that Catholic doctrine must be made ac­ ceptable to modern mind; approves prudent research. Condemns “false 290 - 294 eirenism”; exposes erroneous efforts to ’‘free" dogma from established ter­ minology and scholastic concepts; warns against contempt for teaching authority. Treats of historical and dia­ lectical materialism, historicism, exis­ tentialism, evolution, biblical studies. Stresses obligation of ecclesiastical in­ stitutions to further progress of sci­ ences within limits necessary for pro­ tection of truth. Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 561-78; Dis­ corsi, 12:493-510; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 123 (November, 1950), 383-98. Eng­ lish: Cath. Action, 32 (October, 1950), 3, 16-20; Cath. Doc., no. 3 (Epiphany, 1951), 28-39; Cath. Mind, 48 (Novem­ ber, 1950), 688-700; Tablet, 196 (Sep­ tember 2, 1950), 187-90; pamphlet edi­ tions by N.C.W.C. (1950), Paulist Press (1950). 289 Humani generis redemptionem (ency­ clical letter) Benedict XV, June 15, 1917. (On preaching the Word of God) 3,000 w Deplores deviation from norm and ideal of preaching: I) exercise of office by the unfit; 2) unworthy motives; 3) neglect of preparation. Cites St. Paul on conditions for fruitful ministry: a) knowledge, submission to Divine Will, labor, self-sacrifice, prayer; b) doctrinal content; c) supernatural ap­ peal; d) purity of intention. Sources: AAS, 9 (1917), 305-17; Fontes, 3:862-70; Eccl. Rev., 57 (Oc­ tober, 1917), 399-410; Irish Eccl. Rec., 10 (October, 1917), 329-36. English: Cath. Mind, 15 (September 8, 1917), 393-408. 292 I primitivi eemeterl (motu proprio) Pius XI, December 11, 1925. (Erecting the Pontifical Institute of Christian Archae­ ology) 1,650 w 290 Humanum genus (encyclical (otter) Leo XIII, April 20, 1884. (On Freemasonry) 6,000 w Reviews warnings of previous pon­ tificates; recalls own refutations of Masonic opinions: Quod Apostolici muneris, Arcanum, Diuturnum. Treats specifically of Masonic society and of organized groups bound to Freemasonry by community of pur­ pose and thought. )e fines aim as over­ throw of Christian order; teaching as naturalistic: human reason supreme, teaching and authority of Church of no civil consequence; no possible cer­ tainty about God, soul, immortality; complete equality of all men; State control of marriage, education; moral license. Confirms previous condemna­ tions of Freemasonry; forbids Catho­ lics to join masonic sect; prescribes Christian philosophy as protection against error; urges clergy anil laity to win men to the Church; recommends membership in Third Order of St. Francis, restoration of Catholic guilds or associations. Announces reorganization of Com­ mittee of Sacred Archaeology, erection of Pontifical Institute; details regula­ tions for both. Sources: AAS, 17 (1925), 619-24. 293 / rapidi progressi (exhortation) Pius XII, January 1, 1954. (To the bishops of Italy: effects of television) 2,500 w Enumerates possible advantages: family solidarity, international under­ standing, promotion of apostolate, service to education; warns against dangers: penetration of homes by ma­ terialism, frivolity; dissemination of false values. Urges Catholics to active concern. Sources: AL, 4:43-70; ASS, 16:41733; Fontes, 3:221-31; Dublin Rev., 95 (July, 1884), 166-79. English: Tablet, 63 (April 26, 1884), 641-5; Gilson, p. 117-37; Wynne, p. 83-106. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 18-21; Dis­ corsi, 15:677-86. English: Cath. Doc., no. 15 (September, 1954), 19-23; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (March, 1956), 123-8; Cath. Mind, 52 (October, 195 1), 632-6; Irish Eccl. Rec., 82 (November, , 1954) 362-6; TPS, 1 (1st Quarter, 1954), 5-10; Tablet, 203 (January 16, 1954), 58-9. 291 I disordini (apostolic epistle) Pius XI, August 6, 1922. (To the bishops of Italy: pacification of Italy) 750 w 294 lam annus elapsus (apostolic consti­ tution) Pius XI, June 13, 1933. (Papal Basilica of St. Anthony of Padua) 900 w Urges reconciliation with God as sole remedy of factional strife. Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 481-4. Eng­ lish: Koenig, p. 327-8 (a few omis­ sions). 69 Confides jurisdiction of shrine to papal delegate, service to Franciscans of Venetian province; provides for appointments, finances, privileges, faculties. PDF Compressor Pro 295 - 298 Sources: AAS, 25 (1933), 325-8. French: Actes de Pie XI, 10:108-15. By the Concordat between Italy and the Holy See the Basilica oi St. An­ thony at Padua and its adjoining buildings were ceded to the Holy See. 295 lamdudum (encyclical letter) Pius X, May 24, 1911. (The Law of Separation in Portugal) 1,950 w r Reviews rapid sequence of events in Portugal: persecution of Church; banishment of religious orders; abol­ ishment of religion in public life; enactment of extreme divorce law; prohibition of religious instruction. Brands Law of Separation of Church and State serious transgression of rights of religion: it reduces Church to poverty; ignores hierarchy; deprives priests of right of regulating worship; interferes with training of seminar­ ians; attempts to corrupt clergy; aims to separate Church in Portugal from Rome. Promulgates condemnation of Law; enumerates reasons; declares null and void any part that violates Church rights. Sources: AAS, 3 (1911), 217-24; '•ontes, 3:791-8; ACQR, 36 (July, 11), 546-50. English: ACQR, 36 July, 1911), 551-6; Cath. Mind, 9 tion from State laws of violations of rights, cessation of interference with freedom of bishops to govern dioceses and operate seminaries according to canon law. Urges respect for civil au­ thority, opposition to sects, mission effort, union with Holy Sec. Sources: AL, 6:3-15; ASS, 18:387-94; Fontes, 3:250-6; French: Ades de Léon XIII, 2:66-81. 297 Ihr findet (letter) Pius XII, August 16, 1950. (To the 74th German Katholikentag: the struggle against materialism) 2,000 w Points out: Catholic Germany must resume fame for religious teaching; teachers in schools, seminaries and writers have grave responsibility; must overcome materialism within the in­ dividual. Sources of spiritual strength must be kept pure: deep faith in the Blessed Sacrament; ardent veneration of Mary; loyalty to Vicar of Christ. Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 728-34; Dis­ corsi, 12:569-77. 298 // desiderio (letter) Pius X, December 8, 1903. (To Pietro Cardinal Respighi, Vicar General of Rome: the restoration of sacred music) 6,750 w 296 lampridem (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, January 6, 1886. (To the bishops of Prussia: condition of Catholicism in Ger­ many) 2,900 w Sets forth instructions on Church music in public worship in accordance with basic principles. Directs Cardinal Vicar: to see that music directors in churches and chapels of Rome follow instructions; to remove offensive ele­ ments; to provide for cultivation of sacred music in seminaries; to insure study and use of Gregorian Chant. Insists on recognition of rights and liberty of Church; demands elimina- Sources: ASS, 36:325-9. English: /1CQ2Î, 29 (April, 1904), 222-5 ; Amer. June 10, 1911), 882-3; Yzermans (1954), 178-82. 299 - 302 Eccl. Rev., 30 (February, 1904), 184-8; Irish Eccl. Rec., 15 (February, 1904), 170-5; White List, p. 10-11. 301 II Nostro più (address) Pius XI, Feb­ ruary 11, 1929. (To the parish priests and Lenten preachers of Rome: Lateran Treaty) 2,000 w 299 II desiderio da voi (address) Pius XII, March 7, 1948. (To participants in the Italian Congress for the Study of Inter­ national Commerce: Christian principles of international trade) 1,200 w Suggests matters for Lenten dis­ courses. Emphasizes need to correct lack of modesty in women's dress; urges insistence on fulfillment of Christian duties: Mass, religious in­ struction, frequent reception of sacra­ ments. Announces signing of Lateran Treaty and Concordat: Treaty assures to Holy See territorial sovereignty; Concordat regulates religious state of Italy. Declares Sovereign Pontiff inde­ pendent of Powers in acting for Church; defends deliberate limitation of territory to minimum necessary for sovereignty of jurisdiction and its ubsistence. Sets forth Christian concepts of in­ ternational trade: economic life means social life; national economy is natu­ ral unity; utility is not the measure of right; free world traffic must be uni­ versal to be just. Sources: Discorsi, 10:9-14. English: Cath. Mind, 46 (July, 1948), 421-4; Yzermans (1956), 1:241-4. 300 II ferma proposito (encyclical letter) Pius X, June 11, 1905. (To the bishops of Italy: Catholic Action in Italy) 5,500 w Expresses concern for works covered by term, “Catholic Action.” Defines nature, extent: covers entire mission of Church, all elements of Christian civilization; demands universal co­ operation for self-sanctification, the apostolate; is work of laity; varies ac­ cording to national needs; works must be of evident importance, subordi­ nated to ecclesiastical authority. Enu­ merates conditions: workers must be virtuous, fearless, submissive to Church, mutually united. Special ob­ jective: Christian solution of social question; frees priest for spiritual du­ ties. Sources: APD, 2:112-32; ASS, 37:741-67. English: Yzermans (1954), p. 59-70. Sources: AAS, 21 (1929), 103-10. English (with a few omissions): How the “Roman Question” Was Settled (London: Catholic Truth Society, 1929), p. 5-18. 302 // Nostro Predecessore (address) Pius XII, March 11, 1945. (To the delegates and members of the Christian Associations of Italian Workers: function of Catholic ■ workers' associations) 1,800 w Catholic workers’ associations ap­ propriately protect religious and ethi­ cal foundation of workers’ life; should instill Christian spirit into work, home, leisure; co-opcrate with other associations. Details specific relation of Catholic workers’ associations with trade unions. Sources: AAS, 37 (1945), 68-72; Dis­ corsi, 7:3-10. English: Cath. Mind, 45 71 PDF Compressor Pro 303 - 307 (December, 1917), 707-11; Clergy Rev., 25 (December, 1915), 565-8; Tablet, 185 (March 24, 1945), 137-8; Yzermans (1956), 2:195-8. 303 II Nous est (message) Pius XII, July 30, 1955. (To the 23rd Pax Romana Con­ gress, Nottingham: the university gradu­ ate) 600 w Emphasizes obligation of university, society to prepare student for adult responsibilities; cites support of Church, Catholic Action. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 605-7. Eng­ lish: Pax Romana Journal (OctoberNovember, 1955), 1; TPS, 2 (Autumn, , 1955) 241-2; Tablet, 206 (August 20, 1955), 188. 304 II Nous est agréable (address) Pius XII, May 21, 1955. (To members of the International Association of Aeronautical Matériel Manufacturers: space pioneers) 600 w Commends urge ol nations, indus­ tries to collaborate; compares man’s desire for aeronautical supremacy to ment ; notes objective of airplane bless­ ingSources: Discorsi, 17:103-06. Eng­ lish: TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 139-40. 305 II Nous est très (message) Pius XII, June 3, 1955. (To a group of French jour­ nalists: the service of truth) 350 w Reminds journalists of responsi­ bility to sene truth, promote human Sources: Discorsi, 17:113-16; Actes Pontificaux, no. 72 (1956), 27-8. Eng­ lish: TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 135-6. 306 II popolo, che abifava (radio address) Pius XII, December 24, 1953. (Christmas message: technology and modern man) 4,400 w Identifies spiritual darkness with technological spirit; enumerates dangers; notes materialistic essence; stresses gravity of world conditions; indicates necessity for Christian social doctrine. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 5-16; Dis­ corsi, 15:517-31. English: Cath. Doc., no. 16 (December, 1954), 18-27; Cath. Mind, 52 (March, 1954), 174-83; Irish Eccl. Rec., 83 (April, 1955), 297-306; Vital Speeches, 20 (January 15, 1954), 196-200; Yzermans (1956), 1:140-9; pamphlet edition by N.C.W.C. (1954). 307 II primo Nostro (address) Pîus XII, September 30, 1953.· (To priest catechists and winners in an Italian catechetical con­ test: need for advanced study in religion) 1,900 w Stresses need for advanced study of religion; warns against superficiality; distinguishes “dynamic” from “static” doubt; points out harmony between religion, true science. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 720-4; Dis­ corsi, 15:319-26. English: Our Parish Confraternity, 13 (February, 1954), 6-7 (omits a few sentences on contest details). *AAS dated September 30; Discorsi, martedi 29 settembre." 308-311 308 II programma e /o (address) Pius XII, October 13, 1955. (To the Italian Study Center for International Reconciliation: in­ ternational reconciliation) 4,400 w 311 Immortale Dei (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, November 1, 1885. (On the Christian constitution of States) 6,175 w Reviews history, aim, program of Center; presents: 1) considerations for study: psychology of nations, internal motives, actual conflicts; 2) principles of conciliation: natural law, the Gos­ pel; comments on social contribution of Church. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 764-75; Dis­ corsi, 17:305-19. English: Cath. Doc., no. 20 (March, 1956), 13-22; Cath. Doc. (.Australia), 1 (March, 1956), 8595; TPS, 2 (Winter, 1955-6), 315-26. 309 II vivissimo desiderio (autograph let­ ter) Pius XI, April 29, 1922. (To Pietro Cardinal Gaspard, Secretary of State: re­ sults of Genoa Peace Conference) 700 w Commends Conference as step to­ ward international harmony. Implores continued prayers for peace. Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 265-7. Eng­ lish: Tablet, 139 (May 6, 1922), 582; Koenig, p. 321-3. 310 II vostro festoso (radio address) Pius XII, October 28, 1956. (To the people of Emilia, Italy: consecration to the Sacred Heart) 1,200 w Urges year of consecration; specifies conditions: slate of grace, transforma­ tion in Christ, apostolic zeal. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 831-4; Dis­ corsi, 18:627-32. English: TPS, 3 (Spring, 1957), 363-6. 73 Expounds major principles basic to nature and autonomy of the Church, of the State, to the relationship of Church anil State; exposes errors; pro­ vides directives for Catholics. Proposes State as natural society, dependent on God, brought into being for the com­ mon good, not bound to particular form of government; maintains: State may not disregard religion; must work with Church for temporal anti eternal well-being of citizens; agrees: State is supreme in civil area. Delineates Church as society of di­ vine right, supreme in spiritual area, independent ol civil power, existing for salvation of souls, having authority to rule delegated by God. safeguarded by civil sovereignty. Describes Chris­ tian Stale as autonomous under God; working in harmony with Church to ultimate common end. Reviews his­ toric disruption of Church-State rela­ tions, resulting errors and disastrous consequences. Urges on Catholics: in­ tegral Christianity; active citizenship; intelligent discrimination. Sources: AL, 5:118-50; ASS, 18:16180; Fontes, 3:234-50; Dublin Rev., 98 (January, 1886), 153-68; Irish Eccl. Rec., 7 (January, 1886), 72-90. Eng­ lish: Cath. Mind, 34 (November 8, 1936), 425-49; Tablet, 66 (November 14, 1885), 761-5; Ehler, Church and State through the Centuries, p. 298320; Gilson, p. 161-84; llusslein, 1:6390; Keogh, p. 45-69; Parkinson, p. 71100; Wynne, p. 107-34. PDF Compressor Pro 312-310 312 Impensiore caritate (apostolic epistle) Pius XII, October 28, 1951. (To the perse­ cuted Catholics of Czechoslovakia: urges them to stand firm in the faith and praises them for constancy under persecution) 1,500 w Men can imprison, torture, kill, but cannot destroy faith or conscience. An honor, not shame to su Iler for God. Ancestors chose martyrdom in defense of faith. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 768-72; Dis­ corsi, 13:545-51. English extract: Tab­ let, 198 (November 3, 1951), 326. 313 In Allocutione (motu proprio) Pius XI, August 5, 1930. (Establishing the Opus Pontificium for the city of Rome) 900 w Replaces Opus Pracservationis Fidci by Opus Pontificium for preservation oi faith, erection of parish churches in Rome and environs. Designates administration to Cardinal Vicar of Rome and Cardinal Prefect of Opus Pontificium. Sources: AAS, 22 (1930), 337-40. 314 In amplissimo (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, April 15, 1902. (To the bishops of the United States: congratulations to the American hierarchy) 775 w Commends bishops for prudent ac­ tivity in promoting Catholicity within Church and by conversions; for estab­ lishment and success of Catholic schools, work on behalf of seminaries, apologetical work, Negro and Indian missions, generosity of American Catholics to Holy See. 317-322 Sources: ASS, 34:623-5. English: Ellis, Documents of American Catho­ lic History, p. 562-5; Wynne, p. 513-16. 317 In extending to (address) Pius XII, June 23, 1951. (To Sir Walter Roberts, British Minister to the Holy See: true free­ dom) 700 w New York Times (February 15, 1949), 3; Tablet, 193 (February 19, 1949), 116; Yzermans (1955), 2:257-9. 315 In Apostolicum sublecti munus (apos­ tolic letter) Pius X, March 25, 1904. (Com­ mending the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and declaring St. Francis Xavier patron of the missions) 900 w Defines freedom: balanced aggre­ gate of correlative rights, duties; points to foundation in faith, mo­ ra I i ty. 320 In ipso (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, March 3, 1891. (To the bishops of Aus* tria: episcopal reunions in Austria) 1,575 w Details sendee of Society; names St. Francis Xavier patron; raises feast to double major; urges united efforts to spread Gospel. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 552-4; Dis­ corsi, 13:159-63; Cath. Doc., no. 7 (April, 1952), 27-8; Irish Eccl. Rec., 76 (October, 1951), 341-2; Tablet, 197 (June 30, 1951), 524; Yzermans (1955), 3:139-40. Sources: ASS, 36:580-2; Am er. Eccl. Rev., 31 (July, 1904), 70-3; Irish Eccl. Rec., 16 (September, 1904), 263-5. Eng­ lish: Dolphin, 6 (July, 1904), 103-6. 316 In cotidianis precibus (motu proprio) Pius XII, March 24, 1945. (Liturgical use of the new Latin Psalter) 950 w Psalms a part of official prayer of Church. Inaccuracies of Greek version left original Hebrew text obscure; new Latin translation based on study of original and earlier Latin versions. New translation permitted for use by priests when published by Vatican Printing Office. Sources: AAS, 37 (1945), 65-7; Dis­ corsi, 7:455-60; Cath. Biblical (Quar­ terly, 7 (July, 1945), 348-50; Clergy Rev., 25 (November, 1945), 524-6; Hom. Past. Rev., 45 (September, 1945), 935-7; Irish Eccl. Rec., 67 une, 1946), 420-1; Jurist, 5 (October, 1945), 5524. English: Orate Fratres, 19 (June 17, 1945), 337-40; Canon Law Digest, 3:64-7. S 318 In hac tanta (encyclical epistle) Bene* diet XV, May 14, 1919. (To the bishops of Germany: the twelfth centenary of St. Boniface, apostle of Germany) 3,600 w Reviews in detail the apostolatc of St. Boniface and his filial relations with the Holy See. Grants special con­ cessions and indulgences for ntenary observance by German Catholics. Sources: AAS, 11 (1919), 209-21. French: Actes de Benoit XV, 2:33-51. 319 In hoc sacrum (address) Pius XII, February 14, 1949. (To the College of Cardinals in Secret Consistory: on the trial of Cardinal Mindszenty) 1,300 w Protests trial, condemnation; ex­ poses, denies false accusations against Church. Sources: AAS, 41 (1949), 41-5; Dis­ corsi, 10:377-82; Clergy Review, 31 (May, 1949), 319-52. English: Cath. Action, 31 (March, 1919), 18-19; Cath. Doc., no. 1 (Epiphany, 1950), 29-31; Cath. Mind, 47 (April, 1949), 252-4; Commends good works of bishops and faithful; enumerates evils to be overcome; recognizes zeal of Austrian bishops in implementing papal direc­ tives; suggests annual episcopal con­ ferences. Sources: AL, 11:35-42; ASS, 23:51822. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 3:817. 321 In multiplicibus curis (encyclical epis­ tle) Pius XII, October 24, 1948. (Prayers for peace in Palestine) 900 w Declares that peace must guarantee individual rights, ancestral customs, fulfillment of reciprocal duties and obligations. Recommends interna­ tional protection of Holy Places. Sources: AAS, 40 (1918), 433-6; Dis­ corsi, 10:405-10. English: Cath. Bibli­ cal (Quarterly, 11 (January, 1949), 8990; Cath. Doc., no. 1 (Epiphany, 1950), 34-6; Cath. Mind, 47 (January, 1949), 55-7; Tablet, 192 (October 30, 1948), 284 (omits concluding paragraph), 322 In multis solaciis (motu proprio) Pius XI, October 28, 1936. (Pontifical Academy of Sciences) 1,000 w Recognizes change in attitude of scientists toward religion. Recounts history of Roman Academy of Science PDF Compressor Pro from 1633; decrees reorganization; makes it international institute; pro­ vides for endowment; names as first members seventy living scientists, without reference to creed. Appends statutes and list of members. Sources: AAS, 28 (1936), 421-4. French: Actes de Pte XI, 14:1-16-53. 323 In plurimis (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, May 5, 1888. (To the bishops of Brazil: on the abolition of slavery) 5,250 w Commends liberation of slaves; reeffect of Christianity, opposition of fifteenth-century papacy. Urges slaves to right use of liberty; enumerates rules of conduct. Sources: AL, 8:169-92: ASS, 20:54559; l·'on tes, 3:281-92; Dublin Rev,, 103 (October, 1888), 400-10. English: Tab­ let, 71 (June 2, 1888), 873-7; Gilson, p. 293-310; Husslein, 1:91-112. 324 In Poloniae (letter) Pius XII, July 16, 1953. (To the bishops of Poland: on the seventh centenary of the canonization of St. Stanislas) 1,500 w Emphasizes influence of life and martyrdom of St. Stanislas, Bishop of Cracow; urges people to remain united in resisting dishonor. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 498-502; Discorsi 15:617-53. English: Cath. Doc., no. 13 (November, 1953), 19-22; Cath. Mind, 51 (December, 1953), 74851. 325 In praecipuis laudibus (apostolic lettor) Pius X, January 23, 1904. (On the Roman Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas) 750 w Recounts founding of Academy, purpose, privileges, statutes; declares intention of Pius X to adhere to directives of Aeterni Patris, to take Academy under personal protection. Asks all teachers of philosophy to con­ secrate knowledge and efforts to com­ bat nco-rationalisni; confirms status of Sources: ASS, 36:467-70; Fontes, 3:621-2; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 31 (Sep­ tember, 1904), 289-91. French: Actes 326 In praeclara summorum (encyclical epistle) Benedict XV, April 30, 1921. (To professors and students of fine arts in Catholic institutions of learning: the sixth centenary of the death of Dante) 2,400 w Claims Dante for Church; Cathe­ dral of Ravenna redecorated for cen­ tenary by papal order. Attributes no­ bility and vastness of work to vigorous faith, knowledge of philosophy, the­ ology. Calls Divina Coinmedia a summa of political wisdom because of: 1) insistence on reverence for, obe­ dience to Holy Scripture; 2) reverence for Councils, veneration for Fathers of Church; 3) reverence for authority of Church and Roman Pontiff. Desig­ nates fruits of centennial: to give due honor to Dante; to recognize him as teacher of Christian truth. Sources: AAS, 13 (1921), 209-17; Eccl. Rev., 65 (September, 1921), 2807; Irish Eccl. Rec., 18 (July, 1921), 88-93. English: Cath. Mind, 19 (July 327 - 332 330 In questo giorno (address) Pius XII, June 2, 1939. (To the College of Cardinals on the feast of St. Eugene) 1,400 w 8, 1921), 241-8; Cath. World, 113 (September, 1921), 867-72; Tablet, 138 (May 14, 1921), 624-6. Relies on the grace of God and the faithful collaboration of the cardinals. Church in the world suffers, strives, and prays for all; allows no obstacles to hinder her work of peace; strives to stay the imminent irruption of force. 327 In principibus catholicorum (auto­ graph letter) Pius X, April 3, 1908. (To James Cardinal Gibbons: commending the work of the Society for the Preservation of the Faith among Indian children) 400 w Commends work of Society. Suggests establishment in every parish; urges financial support of work. Sources: Archives of the Archdio­ cese of Baltimore. English: Eccl. Rev., 39 (July, 1908), 70-1; Hom. Past. Rev., 8 (June, 1908), 735-6. 328 In questa solenne adunanza (address) Pius XII, February 21, 1943. (To the Pon­ tifical Academy of Sciences: atomic energy) 4,000 w Sources: Discorsi, 1:149-55. English: Cath. Mind, 37 (August 22, 1939), 789-94. 331 In questo giorno di santa (sermon) Pius XII, December 24, 1939. (Christmas message to the College of Cardinals: five conditions for international peace) 3,300 w Emphasizes tragedy of war; defines conditions for just peace: national in­ Notes extraordinary progress in nu­ clear field; details results of artificial radioactivity; notes vital significance of responsible control of power and products; urges “atoms for peace.” guarantees; minority protection; good faith. Urges crusade for justice; an­ nounces appointment of Myron C. Taylor as ’resident F. D. Roosevelt’s personal representative to Holy See. Sources: AAS, 35 (1943), 69-79; Dis­ corsi, 4:381-95. English: Clergy Rev., 23 November, 1943), 519-23 (omits introduction and conclusion). Sources: AAS, 32 (1940), 5-13; Dis­ corsi, 1:433-45. English: Cath. Mind, 38 (January 8, 1910), 1-9; Congres­ sional Record 86 (January 4, 1940), A27-8; A’etu York Times (December 25, 1939), 2; Yzermans (1956), 1:5-10; pamphlet edition by Catholic Truth Society (1940). Some translations omit the passage referring to appointment of representative to the Holy See. 329 In questi giorni (address) Pius XII, December 31, 1955. (To teachers affiliated with the Center of Roman Oratories: cate­ chetical centers) 900 w Exhorts teachers to integrity of life, technical preparation, effective meth­ ods. Sources: Discorsi, 17:451-5. English: TPS, 3 (Spring-Summer, 1956), 91-4. 77 332 In the liturgical office (radio address) Pius XII, April 29, 1951. (To the bishops and faithful of the Union of South Africa assembled to celebrate the erection of the hierarchy in that country) 600 w PDF Compressor Pro 333 - 338 Recalls early missionaries and their achievements; points out futuii pos­ sibilities of limitless progress, imporlance of native vocations. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 381-2; Discorsi, 13:55-8; Yzermans (1955), 333 In thesauris sapientiae (decretal let­ ter) Pius XI, December 16, 1931. (Pro­ claiming Albert the Great a Saint and Doctor of the Church) 3,450 w Reviews life of the saint; empha­ sizes opportuneness of conferring these titles on Albert, the scientist; recog­ nizes him as theologian, philosopher. Sources: AAS, 24 (1932), 5-17. French: Actes de Pie XI, 7:252-78. 334 In your honorable (address) Pius XII, March 17, 1957. (To the Honorable Richard M. Nixon, Vice-President of the United States: America and the work of peace) 550 w Commends American honesty, good will; recognizes need for collective agreements, legal sanctions; insists on leavening of justice by charity. Sources: Osservatore Romano (18/ 19 marzo 1957), I. English: Cath. Doc., no. 21 (September, 1957), 19-20; TPS. 4 (Summer, 1957), 31-2. 335 Inclytum Fratrum (apostolic letter) Benedict XV, October 4, 1918. (On the seventh centenary of the journey of St. Francis to the Holy Land and of the estab­ lishment of the missions of the Order at the Holy Places in Palestine) 750 w Recognizes work of Franciscans in the Holy Places; confirms rights and privileges of Friars in Holy Land; rules that collection on Good Friday in churches throughout the world for maintenance of Shrines in Palestine be continued. Sources: AAS, 10 (1918), 137-9. 336 Inde ab inito (motu proprio) Pius XI, September 24, 1927. (Appointing the Cardinal Prefect of the Sacred Congrega­ tion of Seminaries and Universities an exofficio member of the Sacred Congrega­ tion of the Holy Office and of the Biblical Commission) 350 w Specifics appointment as in accord with essential responsibilities. Sources: AAS, 19 (1927), 329-30. 337 Infinita Dei (apostolic constitution) Pius XI, May 29, 1924. (Proclaiming the Universal Jubilee of 1925) 1,800 w Proclaims Holy Year, Christmas, 1924 to Christmas, 1925; urges all Catholics to participate; prescribes conditions for indulgences; specifics intentions: peace, unity of faith, safe­ guarding of Palestinian shrines. Sources: AAS, 16 (1921), 209-15. English: Tablet, 143 (June 7, 1924), 769-70. 338 Ingravescentibus malis (encyclical let­ ter) Pius XI, September 29, 1937. (On the Holy Rosary) 2,000 w Urges frequent recitation of Rosary for cessation of persecutions; cites answers to prayer; recommends family Rosary. Sources: AAS, 29 (1937), 373-80. English: Cath. Mind, 35 (November 339 - 342 8, 1937), 433-40; Tablet, 170 (October 9, 1937), 478-9; Husslein, 2:389-97; pamphlet editions by America Press (1937), Catholic Truth Society (1937), N.C.W.C. (1937). 339 Ingruentium malorum (encyclical epis­ tle) Pius XII, September 15, 1951. (Appeal for intensification of the traditional Oc­ tober Rosary devotions) 1,300 w Urges bishops to stimulate renewed fervor for the Rosary as hope for ces­ sation of: conflict among nations, vio­ lent persecutions against Church, pressure on faithful to break from unity with Rome, malicious cam­ paigns against children. Recommends family Rosary. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 577-82; Discorsi, 13:537-43. English: Cath. Mind, 49 (December, 1951), 826-9; Our Lady’s Digest, 6 (November, 1951), 268-72 (some omissions); Doheny, p. 242-8. 340 Inimica vis (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, December 8, 1892. (To the bishops of Italy: Freemasonry in Italy) 1,325 w Reiterates urgent necessity of com­ bating evils of Freemasonry; con­ demns claim that State is superior to Church and can control property and functions of Church; entreats bishops to work for conversion of victims of sect, to arouse in clergy and people zealous love for religion. Sources: AL, 12:325-30; ASS, 25:2747; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 8 (February, 1893), 134-7; Fontes, 3:384-6. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 3:156-63. 79 341 Iniquis afflictisque (encyclical letter) Pius XI, November 18, 1926. (On the persecution of the Church in Mexico) 3,600 w Emphasizes peculiar viciousness of persecution; enumerates offenses: in­ iquitous laws against religion; rob­ beries of churches; confiscation of property, hospitals, schools; attempts to incriminate Church. Commends courage of clergy, laity; urges perse­ verance. Sources: AAS, 18 (1926), 465-77; Irish Eccl. Rec., 29 (March, 1927), 31624. English: Ryan, p. 226-48. 342 Inscrutabili Dei consilio (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, April 21, 1878. (Inaugural encyclical: on the evils of society) 2,750 w Reviews contemporary evils of the world: subversion of truth; opposition to authority; dissension within and among nations; contempt for law; materialism; mismanagement of pub­ lic funds; treason in high places; chief source of these evils, rejection of au­ thority of Church. Presents Church as promoter of true progress and civi­ lization; appeals to rulers, to hier­ archy, to faithful to help restore re­ ligion, morality. Sources: AL, 1:44-58; ASS, 10:58592; Fontes, 3:109-16; Dublin Rev., 83 (July, 1878), 213-19; Irish Eccl. Rec., 1 (March, 1880), 112-18. English: Dublin Rev., 83 (July, 1878), 220-7; Tablet, 51 (May 4, 1878), 553-4; Gil­ son, p. 278-88; Husslein, 1:1-11; Keogh, p. 1-11; Parkinson, p. 15-27; Wynne, p. 9-21. PDF Compressor Pro 343 - 347 348 - 352 343 Insignes (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, Moy 1, 1896. (To the bishops of Hungary: the Hungarian millennium) 2,800 w ians; to promote desire for learning; to provide necessary training for apologists: philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas; physical sciences; biblical studies. Recommends care in select­ ing pastors who will know their peo­ ple, instruct them, administer the sacraments. Counsels multiplication of Indian missions; development of Catholic press. Cautions journalists to defend principles of truth and justice, to uphold rights of Church, to respect civil authority, to obey bishops. Recalls cordial papal-Hungarian re­ lations, privileges granted to kings of Hungary, especially title of “apostolic king.” Expresses hope that millennium will confirm oath of fidelity and obe­ dience to ruler; strengthen tics be­ tween Hungary and papacy. Sources: AL, 16:107-19; ASS, 28:611-8; Irish Eccl. Rec., 17 ( June, 1896), 552-9. French: Actes de Léon X ///,4:300-15. Sources: AL, 14:133-41; ASS, 26:64852; Fontes, 3:437-41. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 4:75-80. Instaurandam in Christo. See Me nt re Ci accingiamo Inter gravissimas. See Au milieu des sol­ licitudes 344 Inter complures (radio address) Pius XII, October 24, 1954. (To the 2nd Inter­ national Mariological Congress and the 9th International Marian Congress: stand­ ards for Mariology) 1,100 w 346 Inter instituta (apostolic letter) Pius XI, January 12, 1933. (Order of St. Jerome of the Congregation of Blessed Peter of Pisa) 650 w Emphasizes: necessity for sound doctrinal foundation: Scripture, tra­ dition; respect tor magisterium Ec­ clesiae, development of life and wor­ ship of Church; guidance of Holy Spirit. Suppresses Order because of lack of members; provides for members, com­ munity possessions. Sources: AAS, 25 (1933), 147-9. French: Actes de Pie XI, 10:7-12. Sources: AAS, 16 (1951), 677-80; Discorsi, 16:225-30. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 132 (January, 1955), 64-7; TPS, 1 (4th Quarter, 1955), 343-6. Inter mulla. Sec Fra i molti 347 Inter multiplices (motu proprio) Pius X, February 21, 1905. (On the privileges of certain prelates) 7,250 w 345 Inter graves (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, May I, 1894. (To the bishops of Peru: condition of the Church in Peru) 1,850 w Commends reunion in Lima; rec­ ommends repetition. Urges bishops to insuie spiritual formation of seminar- 80 tin, 8 (August, 1940), 20; Hom. Past. Rev., 40 (February, 1940), 524-6; Irish Eccl. Rec., 55 (February, 1940), 210-11; Tablet, 171 (November 25, 1939), 6067 (omits last paragraph). 1905), 612-28; Irish Eccl. Rec., 18 (July-August, 1905), 79-89, 167-74. French: Actes de Pie X, 2:18-57. Inter plurimas. See Tra le sollecitudini 348 Inter praecipuas (apostolic constitu­ tion) Pius XI, June 15, 1933. (Establishing the Monastery of St. Jerome in Rome) 600 w 351 fubiiaeum maximum (apostolic consti­ tution) Pius XII, May 26, 1949. (To all the faithful: proclaiming the Holy Year of Jubilee, 1950) 1,500 w Establishes monastery for Benedic­ tines appointed to revise Vulgate, aggregated to Solesmes; decrees per­ petual papal authority over new abbey. Sources: AAS, 26 (1934), 85-7. French: Ades de Pie XI, 10:116-21. 349 Invicti athletae (encyclical letter) Pius XII, May 16, 1957. (Commemorating the third centenary of the death of St. Andrew Bobola) 2,300 w Sketches saint’s life, work, virtue; emphasizes faith as basis of fortitude; notes urgency of defense, explanation, propagation of Catholicism; directs Polish to faith, prayer, bold action. Sources: AAS, 49 (1957), 321-31. English: Cath. Doc., no. 24 (Septem­ ber, 1957), 27-33. 350 It is from (radio address) Pius XII, November 13, 1939. (To the Catholics of the United States: fiftieth anniversary of the Catholic University) 500 w I 'e fines privi leges of prothonotaries, domestic prelates, etc. as to dress, vest­ ments, functions, prerogatives; with­ draws all previous privileges which exceed these. Christian education of youth of greater importance than ever as anti­ dote to hollow philosophy of natu­ ralism and materialism. Sources: ASS, 37:491-512; Fontes, 3:633-47; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 32 (June, Sources: AAS, 31 (1939), 676-77; Discorsi, 1:379-82; Cath. Univ. Bulle- 81 Urges bishops to instruct people regarding coming Jubilee so that all may profitably participate. Proclaims universal Jubilee to begin in Rome at Christmas, 1949; to end, 1950, "accord­ ing to the tenor of Canon 923." Pur­ pose: to arouse all Christians “not only to expiate their sins anti amend their lives, but also to acquire virtue and holiness.” Enumerates conditions for obtaining [ubilec indulgence, in­ tentions for which to pray; invites world to make true pilgrimage to Rome. Sources: AAS, 41 (1949), 257-61; Discorsi, 11:379-85. English: Cath. Doc., no. 1 (Epiphany, 1950), 40-2; Cath. Mind, 47 (August, 1949), 505-7. 352 lucunda sane (encyclical letter) Pius X, March 12, 1904. (On the thirteenth centenary of Pope St. Gregory the Great) 6,200 w Surveys life and limes of St. Greg­ ory; signalizes lus convictions ami achievements: lively faith, trust; teach­ ing, preaching, the sacraments, prayer, confidence in supernatural mission of the indefectible Church which issued from "the Heart of Christ, dying on the Cross." Reiterates that salvation PDF Compressor Pro 353 - 357 Sources: Original text not located. is in the Church; peace of States de­ pends on peace of Church; civil and French: Actes de Pie X, 7:166-7. ecclesiastical power must be mutually co-operative. Reviews course of rift 355 Je vous remercie (address) Pius X, between world and Church: heresies, April 14, 1912. (To a group of First Com­ schisms, denial of supernatural, aban­ municants from France) 925 w donment of true philosophy, develop­ Proposes thoughts appropriate to ment of false historical criticism. first reception of Holy Communion. Urges public and private prayer; enu­ Recommends that children continue merates means for bishops to carry to study Catechism; receive Holy Com­ out program of philosophical, theo­ munion frequently; strive toward logical, historical reconstruction, and apostolic love of God. protect science and the arts. Sources: AAS, 4 (1912), 261-4. Eng­ Sources: API), 1:189-213; ASS, 36:513-29; Irish Eccl. Rec., 15 (May, lish: Collins, p. 70-4. 1901), 445-60. English: ACQR, 29 (July, 1904), 588-603; Cath. Mind, 2 (April 8, 1901), 121-45; Tablet, 103 (April 2, 1904), 519-54; Yzermans (1954), p. 30-44. 356 La 5° Session (address) Pius XII, Oc­ tober 4, 1954. (To the 5th Congress of the International Hemp and Linen Confedera­ tion: industry and co-operation) 800 w 353 lucunda semper expectations (encycli­ cal letter) Leo XIII, September 8, 1894. (On the Rosary) 2,625 w Emphasizes social contribution of co-operation; comments on spiritual significance and liturgical use of linen. Summarizes efficacy of devotion; points out special merit; notes uni­ versality of appeal. Sources: Discorsi, 16:181-5. English: TPS, 2 (1st Quarter, 1955), 41-3. Sources: AL, 14:305-16; ASS, 27:17781; Irish Eccl. Rec., 15 (October, 1894), 952-8; Tablet, 81 (September 22, 1894), 441-3. English: Tablet, 84 (September 29, 1894), 497-8; Doheny, p. 90-9; Lawler, p. 111-25. 357 La consécration (radio address) Pius XII, July 11, 1954. (On the occasion of the solemn consecration of the Basilica of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus at Lisieux, France) 1,200 w Recalls Pope's presence as legate at Lisieux, 1937; comments on saint’s in­ fluence, message, significance as pa­ troness of missions. 354 (Je réponds de] (holograph letter) Pius X, October 20, 1912. (To Provost Luigi Ciceri: the truth regarding certain rumors involving Cardinals Merry del Vai, De Lai, and Vives y Tuto) 680 w Condemns rumor that these cardi­ nals govern Church; interprets attack as ruse to evade papal authority. 82 Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 404-7; Discorsi, 16:65-70. English: Cath. blind, 53 (February, 1955), 122-4; Irish Eccl. Rec., 84 (October, 1955), 281-4; TPS, 1 (3rd Quarter, 1954), 211-14. 358 - 361 358 La elevalezza (address) Pius XII, Feb* ruary 20, 1946. (At the imposition of birettas: function of the Church) 4,200 w message: plea for spiritual rebirth) 3,500 w Deplores cult of duplicity; proposes love as way to mutual understanding, reconciliation. Unity and completeness of Church are foundation of society; provide cohesion and equilibrium; hold men together in Mystical Body; protect role of family, of State. Sources: AAS, 38 (1946), 141-51; Discorsi, 7:383-98. English: Cath. Action, 28 (March, 1946), 24-7; Cath. Mind, 44 (April, 1916), 193-203; Neza York Times (February 21, 1946), 2; Tablet, 187 (March 2, 1946), 108-10; Vital Speeches, 12 (March 15, 1916), 334-8; Yzermans (1956), 1:181-93; pam­ phlet edition by N.C.W.C. (1946). 359 La famiglîa è la (radio address) Pius XII, March 23, 1952. (For Family Day of Italian Catholic Action: Christian con­ science as an object of education) 3,000 w Treats relation of education, con­ science: defines conscience; notes means ol educating; points out errors; warns against “new morality”; states precepts: I) personal life: moral re­ sponsibility essential to preservation of grace; 2) public life: moral responsi­ bility operative always, every phase. Urges parents to form children's con­ sciences. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 270-8; Discorsi, 14:17-27. English: Cath. Doc., no. 8 (July, 1952), 1-7; Irish Eccl. Rec., 81 (April, 1954), 300-6; Yzermans (1956), 2:82-9. Sources: AAS, 40 (1948), 8-16; Discorsi, 9:389-401. English: Cath. Action, 30 (February, 1948), 16-19; Cath. Mind, 46 (February, 1948), 6877; Congressional Record, 94 (January 7, 1948), A46-8; New York Times (December 25, 1947), 2; Tablet, 191 (January 3, 1947), 2; pamphlet edition by N.C.W.C. (1948). The Holy Father was not well enough to receive per­ sonally the Christmas greetings of the College of Cardinals, but was able to broadcast to the world the address which it has been his custom to deliver in reply. 361 La VIIIe session (address) Pius XII, November 10, 1955. (To delegates to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization Conference: food, agricul­ ture, and human solidarity) 1,500 w Notes aims of FAO; approves ac­ complishments; suggests sources of dif­ ficulties, shortages; recognizes value of collaboration. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 53-7; Discorsi, 17:379-85. English: Cath. Mind, 54 (June, 1956), 350-3; TPS, 2 (Winter, 1955-6), 327-31. 362 La lettera circolare (letter) Pius X, March 1, 1905. (To Domenico Cardinal Svampa, Archbishop of Bologna: inde­ pendent Christian Democrats of Italy) 750 360 La festività Natalizîa (radio address) Pius XII, December 24, 1947. (Christmas 83 PDF Compressor Pro 363 - 367 Condemns section of Christian Democrats acting in favor of political, social program previously disapproved by the bishops. Opposes their con­ vention, threatens censures on priests who attend. Sources: ASS, 37:488-90. French: Ades de Pie X, 2:58-9. 363 La maîtrise croissante (note and résumés) Pius XII, April 14, 1957. (To the Japanese Envoy, Professor Masatoki Matsushita: atomic energy and human needs) 700 w Condemns destructive use of nu­ clear energy; exhorts to peaceful use; recalls substance of previous state­ ments: Richiamo di gioia (1911); In questa solenne adunanza (1943); Nel ritrovarCi (1948); Nel vedere il cielo (1918); Gia per la decimaterza (1951); Surrcxit, è risorto (1955); An moment où Nous (1955); Col cuore aperto (1955); Come desti (1956). Sources: Osservatore Romano (25 aprile 1957), 1; Doc. Cath., 54 (12 mai 1957), col. 600-1. English: C.A.I.P. News, 18 (May, 1957), 3-5; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 2 (June, 1957), 77-9; Tab­ let, 209 (May 4, 1957), 430 (note), (May 11, 1957), 454 (résume). 364 La Nostra Casa (address) Pius XII, November 18, 1956. (To a pilgrimage of working people from the city of Terni: the Marxist threat) 1,800 w Warns against communism: eco­ nomic theory without God; reassures workers that there is no reasonable basis for assuming scientific and tech­ nical progress will eliminate need for human labor; God. iniends return to Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 826-31; Discorsi, 18:667-74. English: TPS (Spring, 1957), 417-22. 365 La présence d'une (address) Pius XII, September 7, 1952. (To members of the World Congress of the International Astro­ nomical Union: the progress of astronomy) 2,800 w Reviews last half century of astron­ omy; notes improbability of solving all mysteries of physical universe; emphasizes presence of God in, to universe. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 732-9; Discorsi, 14:275-85. English: Cath. Mind, 50 (December, 1952), 742-8. 366 La ristorazîone (letter) Pius X, May 5, 1904. (To Pietro Cardinal Respighi: ec­ clesiastical students in Roman colleges) 1,125 w Treats of ecclesiastical discipline; lays down regulations for students; abolishes practice of ecclesiastical stu­ dents acting as prefects in lay colleges; orders students in Rome on bishop's recommendation to enter national college or other ecclesiastical college; forbids admission to universities of students who violate this regulation. Sources: ASS, 36:655-8; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 31 (September, 1904), 286-9. French: Actes de Pie X, 4:196-9. 367 La sixième Assemblée (address) Pius XII, June 10, 1953. (To the 6th Congress of the International Federation of Agricul- 368 - 372 tural Producers: society and the farmer) 700 w Declares vital position of farmer in national, international economy; decries subordination of agriculture to industry, commerce; points out op­ portunity for influence to Federation. Sources: Discorsi, 15:197-200. Eng­ lish: Cath. Mind, 51 (November, 1953), 699-700; Yzermans (1956), 2:22931. 368 La solennità della Pentecoste (radio address) Pius XII, June 1, 1941. (Com­ memorating the fiftieth anniversary of the encyclical Rerum novarum of Leo XIII) 3,200 w Role of Church in social question paramount to role of economists and technicians; natural law indicates Christian order. Reaffirms funda­ mental values of social and economic life: 1) right to the use of material goods; 2) right to work; 3) right to pri­ vate property (land ownership most important). Sources: AAS, 33 (1941), 195-205; Discorsi, 3:105-19. English: AAS, 33 (1941), 216-17; Cath. Mind, 39 (June 8, 1941), 1-16; Eccl. Rev., 105 (October, 1911), 276-88; Irish Eccl. Rec., 61 (April, 1943), 277-83; Tablet, 177 (I une 7, 1941), 447-9; Vital Speeches, 7 (June 15, 1941), 531-5; Koenig, p. 719-29; Yzermans (1956), 1:210-18; pamphlet edition by Catholic Truth Society (1942). 369 La visite que vous (address) Pius XII, May 16, 1955. (To the Administrative Council of the International Savings Institute: the savings bank) 550 w Defines function, operational fac­ tors, responsibilities of savings banks. Sources: Discorsi, 17:87-90. English: TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 143-5. 370 La vostra presenza (address) Pius XI, September 14, 1936. (To bishops, priests, nuns, and laity, refugees from Spain: the Spanish terror) 3,200 w Extols virtue of Spanish martyrs in savage, fratricidal persecution; iden­ tifies source of satanic attack on Catholicism as world-wide propaganda of disastrous theologies; points out Christianity as real obstacle to com­ munist success; sees salvation of world in free, virile Catholicism, Sources: AAS, 28 (1936), 373-81. English: Pamphlet editions by Amer­ ica Press (1937), Catholic Truth So­ ciety (1936). 371 La vostra presenza (address) Pius XII, November 12, 1944. (To members of the Italian Medical Confraternity of St. Luke: medical morality) 4,500 w Reiterates inherent moral responsi­ bility of physician; enumerates obliga­ tions: specific observance of Com­ mandments; professional secrecy; pos­ session of pertinent knowledge, skill. Sources: Discorsi, 6:181-96. English summary: Linacre Quarterly, 23 (No­ vember, 1956), 109-16, ery coin* pletc digest.” 372 La vostra presenza (address) Pîus XII, November 29, 1945. (To a group of Jewish refugees: brotherhood of man) 400 w PDF Compressor Pro 373 - 377 Ideal of brotherhood permits no racial distinctions. Church keeps aloof from political and territorial prob­ lems, but lays foundations for their solution. Sources: AAS, 37 (1945), 317-18; Discorsi, 7:291-4. 373 La vostra presema in cos) (address) Pius XII, November 27, 1947. (To the National Congress of Italian Apiarists: the wisdom of bees) 700 w Recalls age-old tradition of seeking wisdom in bees. Bees are “models of social life and activity”; men may well imitate them. Sources: Discorsi, 9:363-7. English: Cath. Doc., no. 1 (Epiphany, 1950), 1-2; Cath. Mind, 46 (December, 1948), 777-9; Rev. for Religious, 7 (July 15, 1948), 192-4; Yzermans (1955), 2:185-6. 374 La vostra viva (address) Pius XII, April 26, 1953. (To girls working in the tobacco industry: good example) 900 w [Encourages workers to apostolate of good example; exhorts to courage in face of discouraging environment. Sources: Discorsi, 15:115-19. Eng­ lish: Cath. Doc., no. 12 (July, 1953), 20-2; Cath. Mind, 52 (June, 1954), 3824; Yzermans (1956), 2:49-51. Recommends combined efforts of Church and State to eliminate evils; urges bishops to give special attention to situation: to support institutions for benefit of Indians, to establish others to inspire laity to alms and prayer; promises papal assistance; con­ demns as criminal reduction of In­ dians to slavery. Sources: AAS, 4 (1912), 521-5; ACQR, 37 (October, 1912), 737-40; Eccl. Rev., 47 (October, 1912), 447-51; Irish Eccl. Rec., 32 (October, 1912), 433-6. English: ACQR, 37 (October, 1912), 741-4; Tablet, 120 (August 10, 1912), 204-5; Yzermans (1954), p. 184-7. 376 Laetamur admodum (encyclical letter) Pius XII, November 1, 1956. (Renews ex­ hortation for prayers for peace especially for the Middle East) 600 w Expresses gratitude for liberation of Cardinals Mindszenty, Wyszynski; solicits prayers for solution of EgyptIsraeli crisis. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 745-8; Discorsi, 18:855-9. English: Cath. Mind, 55 (January-February, 1957), 84-6; Irish Eccl. Rec., 86 (December, 1956), 430-1; TPS, 3 (Spring, 1957), 350-2; Tablet, 208 (November 10, 1956), 399. 375 Lacrimabili statu (encyclical letter) Pius X, June 7, 1912. (To the bishops of Latin America: on the Indians of South America) 1,250 w 377 Laetanti (letter) Pius XII, November 12, 1950. (To Clemente Cardinal Micara: commending the Congress of Religious Orders and Congregations to be held in Rome) 750 w Recalls Benedict XIV's Immensa pastorum (December 22, 1741) and subsequent abolition of slavery; notes continued crimes against Indians. Approves objective: adaptation without concession to modern world. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 24-6. 86 378 - 383 378 Laetitiae sanctae (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, September 8, 1893. (Commending the devotion of the Rosary) 2,500 w Sources: AAS, 21 (1929), 664-8. English: Luigi Civardi, A Manual of Catholic Action; tr. by C. C. Martin­ dale, S.J. (New York: Sheed & Ward, 1943), p. 254-8; pamphlet edition, Catholic Truth Society (1934). Promotes devotion to Rosary in jubilee thanksgiving. Points out harmful social tendencies: aversion to temperate active life; dread of suffer­ ing; forgetfulness of human destiny. Recommends meditation on corre­ sponding mysteries of Rosary as remedy. 381 L'annunzio delle solenni (letter) Pius XII, May 12, 1957. (To the Most Reverend Giovanni Battista Montini, Archbishop of Milan: on the centenary celebration of the birth of Pope Pius XI at Desio) 400 w Sources: AL, 13:283-94; ASS, 26:1939; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 9 (November, 1893), 378-84; Irish Eccl. Rec., 14 (October, 1893), 946-52. English: Tab­ let, 82 (October 14, 1893), 633-5; Doheny, p. 79-89; Husslein, 1:205-15; Lawler, p. 95-110. Lauds achievements, spiritual rich­ ness of life of Pius XI. Sources: AAS, 49 (1957), 402-3. English: N.C.IF.C. News Service (July 15, 1957), 2p. 382 Latinarum litterarum (motu proprio) Pius XI, October 20, 1924. (On the creation of a special course in Latin language at the Gregorian University) 950 w 379 Laeto gratoque (letter) Pius XI, April 25, 1937. (To the Most Reverend Giovanni Panico, Apostolic Delegate to Australia: Fourth Plenary Council of Australia and New Zealand) 275 w Names him legate; commends meet­ ing as means to promotion of missions, fostering of seminaries, expansion of Catholic Action. Sources: AAS, 29 (1937), 429. French: Actes de Pie XI, 15:134-6. 380 Laetus sane nuntius November 6, 1929. (To Segura y Saenz: the 1st Congress in Madrid) 1,900 (letter) Pius XI, Pedro Cardinal Catholic Action w Repeats principles of Quae Nobis; specifies leadership of Catholic Action in own field; indicates defensive re­ sponsibility; prescribes autonomy in organization, functioning; warns against internal conflict. 87 Treats of dignity and excellence of living Latin language; importance of this study to service of the Church. Specifies that 1) a special course be inaugurated at the Gregorian Uni­ versity; 2) professors teach students to express themselves perfectly in Latin; 3) an examination be given at the end of two years and a certificate awarded to successful examinees; 4) course be open to all qualified applicants. Sources: AAS, 16 (1924), 417-20. French: Actes de Pie XI, 2:149-54. 383 Le Concours International (address) Pius XII, May 10, 1955. (To an Interna­ tional Group of Rose Growers in Rome: the rose in Christian life) 700 w PDF Compressor Pro 384-388 Describes, extols Christian symbol­ ism of rose. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 495-6, Discorsi, 17:77-80. English: IPS, λ (Summer, 1955), 133-5. funds for rebuilding Louvain University Library) 240 w Commends President Butler’s efforts ami suggestions for rebuilding Library destroyed during World War I. Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 586. 384 le Congrès International (address) Pius XII, September 29, 1954.* (To dele­ gates to the International Congress of Technical Foundry Associations: the work of the foundry) 1,100 w Reviews history ol man’s mastery, use of metals; comments on responsi­ bility for recognition of human dig­ nity of employees. 387 Le /X’ Congrès National (address) Pius XII, February 24, 1957. (To the 9th Na­ tional Congress of the Italian Society of Anesthesiology: moral and religious prob­ lems of anesthetics) 7,200 w Submits answers to questions pro­ posed on anesthesia: 1 no moral obligation to refuse anesthetic: a) combats forces which produce evil Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 584-7; effects or prevent greater goods; b) Discorsi, 16:159-64. English: TPS, 1 physician’s object is to subdue pain; (3rd Quarter, 1954), 259-62. c) patient may legitimately avoid pain; 2) no moral or spiritual liability in 385 le "Giornate Nazionali" (address) use of narcotics when objective is not Pius XII, January 5, 1954. (To the National of consciousness but Congress of the Italian Catholic Union of diminution (Middle-School Teachers: aims of a teach­ preservation of psychic and organic er's union) 1,800 w equilibrium; 3) use of narcotics with dying not illicit: a) if patient is spirit­ Explains necessity of union; desig­ ually prepared, physical condition nates aims: adequate remuneration justifies it, drug is properly adminis­ (secondary objective); professional for­ tered, patient consents; b) if pain is mation; personal sanctification; pro­ intolerable and shortening of life is fessional alertness; responsibility of unavoidable result of subduing pain. moral, spiritual development of pupils; collaboration with parents. Sources: AAS, 49 (1957), 129-47; Discorsi, 18:777-99. English: Cath. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 504; Doc., no. 23 (May, 1957), 27-42; Cath. Discorsi. 15:549-56. English: TPS, 1 Mind, 55 (May-June, 1957), 260-78. (1st Quarter, 1951), 11-15. 388 Le notizie (letter) Benedict XV, August 5, 1921. (To Pietro Cardinal Gasparri: on the sufferings of the Russian people) 300 w 386 le haut intérêt (letter) Pius XI, Sep­ tember 8, 1922. (To Nicholas Murray Buller, President of Columbia University: ♦.LIS gives September 29; Discorsi gives “martedi 28 settenibre.” Describes horrible condition of mil­ lions of Russians, brutal treatment of 88 famine-stricken. Appeals to civilized nations, all Christians to alleviate sufferings. Source: AAS, 13 (1921), 428-9. 389 Le pèlerinage de Lourdes (encyclical epistle) Pius XII, July 2, 1957. (On the centenary of the apparitions at Lourdes: warns against materialism) 3,500 w 389 - 393 Sources (Bi-lingual text: FrenchEnglish-French): AAS, 46 (1954), 498oOO, Discorsi, 16:95-9. English: Our Lady’s Digest, 9 (October, 1954), 147-8; TPS, I (3rd Quarter, 1954), 277-9. 391 Le testimonianze (address) Pius XII, November 1, 1954. (On the occasion of the crowning of the Salus Populi Romani: the Queenship of Mary) 1,600 w Recounts favors bestowed by Mary on France, century of approbations of Lourdes by Popes, tributes in Fulgens corona and Omnium ecclesiarum. Urges universal response to call for prayer, penance. Warns against ma­ terialism: in political, economic life, in love of money, cult of body, flight from austerity, search for pleasure, seduction of impure reading and en­ tertainment, radical selfishness. Places cure in faith, formation of consciences, work and prayer ol consecrated souls, apostolate of family, professional and civic life. Sources: AAS, 49 (1957), 605-19; Actes Pontificaux, no. 86 (1957), 1-12. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 137 (Sep­ tember, 1957), 197-210; Marian Re· prints, no. 55 (1957); TPS, 4 (Autumn, 1957), 107-17; pamphlet edition by N.C.W.C. (n.d.). Explains Mary's queenship, her place in Christian life, power of her example. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 662-6; Discorsi, 16:235-41. English: Cath. Doc., no. 17 (April, 1955), 6-9; Irish Eccl. Rec., 84 (December, 1955), 431-4; TPS, 1 (4th Quarter, 1955), 337-41. 392 Le vingt-cinquième (address) Pius XII, July 26, 1955. (To members of the Jeunesse Indépendante Catholique Fémi­ nine of Belgium on their twenty-fifth an­ niversary: Christian motherhood) 800 w Defines influence and responsibility of motherhood; counsels young women to prepare themselves in­ tellectually, spiritually. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 551-3; Discorsi, 17:193-7- English: TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 261-3. 393 Le voyage d'étude (address) Pius XII, November 1, 1955. (To students of the N.A.T.O. College: co-operation among nations) 300 w 390 Le Seigneur a rendu (radio address) Pius XII, August 15, 1954. (To the Canadian Marian Congress held at Three Rivers and Cap de la Madeleine: Mary, Help of Christians) 950 w Deplores necessity for armament; indicates more vital aspects of problem of defense. Enumerates blessings on Marian devotion in Canada; points out obliga­ tion of social morality, protection of human person. Sources: Discorsi, 17:359-61. Eng­ lish: TPS, 2 (Winter, 1955-6), 341-2. 89 PDF Compressor Pro 394 - 398 394 les circonstances qui (address) Pius XII, May 8, 1956.· (To participants in the International Convention on Cardiology: coronary disorders) 2,000 w Considers history of heart treat­ ment, aspects of disease: coronary circulation, thrombosis, sclerosis, deficiency; comments on therapy, pre­ ventive measures; points out relation between moderation, health; notes spiritual element in effective treat­ ment. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 454-9; Discorsi, 18:179-86. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (September, 1956), 22-7; Cath. Mind, 54 (December, 1956), 706-11; TPS, 3 (Autumn, 1956), 185-90. • Discorsi gives May 9. 395 Les paroles si élevées (address) Pius XII, March 4, 1956. (To the Vatican Diplomatic Corps in response to their homage for his eightieth birthday: no peace in materialism) 900 w Exposes danger of exaggerated trust in technology; emphasizes spiritual \ allies as essential to balance among factors in human life: family, prop­ erty, work, community, State. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 165-7; Discorsi, 18:3-7. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (June, 1956), 22-4; TPS, 3 (Spring-Summer, 1956), 79-81. Restates aims of profession; urges recognition of medical morality, rejec­ tion of violations; warns against en­ croachment of materialism. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 275-81; Discorsi, 17:21-30. English: TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 138. 397 Levate capita vestra (radio address) Pius XII, December 24, 1952. (Christmas message: humanity's hope for salvation) 5,500 w States laws of Redemption; exposes fallacies about salvation: mathemati­ cal solution of social problems; exclu­ sive confidence in individual vital action; cites historical evidence; notes areas of conflict between social con­ trol, human rights: emigration, im­ migration; birth control; purpose, function of unions. Condemns silence, distortion of facts about persecution. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 33-46; Discorsi, 14:419-37. English: Cath. Doc., no. 10 (February, 1953), 25-37; Cath. Mind, 51 (February, 1953), 11122; Tablet, 201 (January 3-10, 1953), 16-17, 36-8; Vital Speeches, 19 (Jan­ uary 15, 1953), 209-14; Yzermans (1956), 1:126-39. 398 Libenter admodum (letter) Benedici XV, August 25, 1920. (To the bishops of Switzerland: proposed foundation of a national seminary at Rome) 575 w Comments on importance of na­ tional colleges in Rome; urges bishops to execute promptly plan for national Swiss seminary. 396 Les statuts de 1‘Unian (address) Pius XII, April 7, 1955. (To participants in the 4th International Congress of the Latin Medical Union: morals In medicine) 2,500 w Sources: AAS, 12 (1920), 355-6. French: Actes de Benoit XV, 2:161-5. 90 399 Libertas (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, June 20, 1888. (On the nature of human liberty) 7,850 w Expounds nature of liberty: free action according to reason in light of last end; natural law is dictate of rea­ son; civil liberty dependent in turn on human law dictated by reason, subservient to God. Warns against conclusions of liberalism: denies exist­ ence of divine authority; denies sub­ jection of man to any expression of divine law except natural law; denies that the State is subject to divine law. Exposes errors in claims of liberty: liberty of man anil Slate to “free" re­ ligion or none; unlimited freedom of speech and press; license in teaching. Points out erroneous theories on Church and State. Sources: AL, 8:212-46; ASS, 20:593613; Fontes, 3:295-311; Dublin Rev., 104 Qanuary, 1889), 137-53; Irish Eccl. Rec., 9 (July, 1888), 646-69; Tablet, 72 (July 7, 1888), 5-10. English: Tablet, 72 (July 14, 1888), 41-6; Gilson, p. 57-82; Husslein, 1:113-39; Keogh, p. 70-94; Parkinson, p. 101-30; Wynne, p. 135-63. 399 - 402 Sources: AL, 2:322-6; ASS, 14:145-7; Irish Eccl. Rec., 3 (January, 1882), 602. English: Dublin Rev., 89 (October, 1881), 465-7. 401 L'importance de la Presse (address) Pius XII, February 17, 1950. (To delegates to the 3rd International Press Congress: Catholic press and public opinion) 2,500 w Proposes principles for guidance of Catholic press: right judgment of men and things; courage in face of preju­ dice, open or secret persecution; avoid­ ance of low-level popularity, corrup­ tion, dissemination of indecency; re­ spect for divine order; repudiation of lying and deceit; defense of freedom; accurate knowledge of Catholicism. Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 251-7; Dis­ corsi, 11:363-72. English: Cath. Doc., no. 2 (August, 1950), 37-42; Cath. Mind, 48 (December, 1950), 749-54; Tablet, 195 (February 25, 1950), 147-8; Yzermans (1956), 2:258-63. The Pope was unable to deliver this address personally; published in Osservatore Romano, February 18, 1950. 402 L'inaugurazione del nuovo anno (ad­ dress) Pius XII, October 2, 1944. (To the Sacred Roman Rota: nature and purpose of matrimonial processes) 3,800 w 400 Licet multa (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, August 3, 1881. (To the bishops of Belgium: on controversies among Catholics in Belgium) 1,125 w Unity of purpose must characterize w’ork of ecclesiastical Tribunals. Unity demands I) a single purpose; 2) a common effort directed toward this purpose; and 3) a juridical moral ob­ ligation to maintain such effort. i rrgcs necessity of union; recalls previous instructions on principles of civil power, errors of socialism; urges prudence, justice, charity, obedience to ecclesiastical superiors; warns against deviation from teaching of Holy See. Sources: AAS, 36 (1944), 281-90; Dis­ corsi, 6:153-66; Irish Eccl. Rec., 6Ί (January, 1946), 58-63. English: Clergy 91 PDF Compressor Pro 403 - 406 Vital Speeches, 23 (January 15, 1957), 194-200; pamphlet edition by N.C.W.C. (n.d,). The Pope delivered one section of the first part and die entire third part of the address; the complete text was printed and dis­ tribu ted. 887; Cath. Mind, 54 (September, 1956), 530-6; TPS, 3 (Spring-Summer, 1956), 55-62. Extols greatness of Gregory; pro­ poses him as model of confidence in God, love of Church, devotion to hu­ man betterment. 405 L'intima letrzia (address) Pius XII, November 4, 1955. (To the Italian Asso­ ciation of Catholic Schoolmasters: the ideal schoolmaster) 2,600 w Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 407-13; Discorsi, 16:71-9. English: TPS, 1 (3rd Quarter, 1954), 215-20. Distinguishes between teacher, schoolmaster; defines ideal school­ master: integral Christian; master of knowledge; expert in method; faith­ ful to objectives, curriculum; co-op­ erative with child nature. Urges bishops to care for instruc­ tion of seminarians and ecclesiastics in sacred sciences; for cultivation of holi­ ness of life, zeal I‘or the apostolate. Recommends capable faculties, erec­ tion of seminary in each diocese, send­ ing promising students to Rome; sets up new regulations for religious or­ ders. Counsels special attention to in­ struction of young; founding of schools; encouragement of laity to join Christian associations; develop­ ment ot Catholic press; maintenance of respect for civil authority; promo­ tion of Catholic activity in public affairs. Rev., 25 (June, 1945), 275-82 (omits conclusion); Jurist, 5 (July, 1945), 45161; Canon Law Digest, 3:612-22. 403 L'incHto name (radio address) Pius XII, July 11, 1954. (To the clergy and people of Salerno: Pope St. Gregory VII) 2,200 w 404 L'inesauribila mistero (radio address) Pius XII, December 23, 1956. (Christmas message: the contradiction f our age) 6,800 w Points out contradiction between expectation of modern man, bitter reality; declares impossibility of re­ moval of contradiction by man with­ out God; insists that man of “second technical revolution” must recognize: 1) dignity, limits of human nature; 2) lice act, human reality; 3) absolute truth: light, life of man, Notes Euro­ pean solidarity as means to peace; re­ peats norms for military service, arma­ ments, war ; recommends acceptance of authority of United Nations. Sources: AAS, 49 (1957), 5-22; Dtscorsi, 18:719-42. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 2 (March, 1957), 3-19; Cath. Mind, 55 (March-April, 1957), 165-82; Irish Eccl. Rec., 87 (February, 1957), 144-9 (pt. Ill only); TPS, 3 (Spring, 1957), 331-46; Tablet, 209 (January 5, 1957), 4-5 (pt. Ill only); Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 43-9; Dis­ corsi, 17:363-72. English: Cath. Doc., no. 23 (May, 1957), 8-14; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (June, 1956), 3-9; TPS, 3 (Spring-Summer, 1956), 83-9. 406 L'intimo conforto (address) Pius XII, February 13, 1956. (To a convention of clerical book critics: truth, charity, and the critic) 3,000 w Emphasizes range, influence of crit­ icism; specifics principles; limits treat­ ment to subject of criticism. Notes requisites for critic: faculty for dis­ cernment; capacity for evaluation, ob­ jectivity, honesty, firmness in judg­ ment. Enumerates rules (maxims): 1) judge without partiality; 2) judge work, not author; 3) have charity. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 127-35; Discorsi, 17:513-22. English: Books on Trial, 14 (April-May, 1956), 339-40, 92 407 Litteras a vobis (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, July 2, 1894. (To the bishops of Brazil: formation and influence of clergy in Brazil) 1,650 w 407 - 409 evidence of papal interest: establish­ ment of Catholic University of Amer­ ica, ratification of decrees of third Plenary Council of Baltimore, estab­ lishment of Apostolic Delegation; de­ tails position and duties of Delegate. ( tils attention to points of discipline and principle: Christian dogma of unity and indissolubility of marriage; civic duties; temperance; fréquenta­ tion of sacraments; observance of just civil law; right of workers to organize; avoidance of secret societies. Counsels recruitment of sound writers; gives directives for journalists; appeals to non-Catholics of good will; exhorts Catholics to apostolate of example; calls for workers to aid Indians and N egrocs. Sources: AL, 14:230-6; ASS, 27:3-7; Pontes, 3:450-3. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 4:111-15. 408 Longinqua (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, January 6, 1895. (To the bishops of the United States: Catholicity in the United States) 4,400 w Reviews background of Church in the United States: work of Columbus, labors of missionaries. Notes establish­ ment of hierarchy coincident with Republic; progress of the Church through sjnods, equity of civil law. Warns against conclusion that United States is proof of desirability of sepa­ ration of Church and State. Points out 93 Sources: AL, 15:3-21; ASS, 27:38799; Fontes, 3:460-8; ACQR, 20 (April, 1895), 346-56; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 12 (February, 1895), 156-67; Irish Eccl. Rec., 16 (March, 1895), 267-78; Tablet, 85 (February 2, 1895), 189-91. English: ACQR, 20 (April, 1895), 357-68; Cath. Univ. Bulletin, 1 (April, 1895), 231-47; Ellis, Documents of American Catho­ lic History, p. 514-27; Wynne, p. 32035. 409 Lorsque, durant votre Congrès (ad­ dress) Pius XII, September 10, 1954. (To delegates to the 6th International Con­ gress of Master Tailors in Rome: tailors and fashions) 1,000 w Sets forth moral responsibility, spir­ itual opportunities of tailors. Sources: Discorsi, 16:127-32. Eng­ lish: Cath. Mind, 53 (March, 1955). PDF Compressor Pro 410-414 190-2; TPS, 1 (3rd Quarter, 1954), 249-52. 410 Lorsque Nous voyons (address) Pius XII, July 20, 1955. (To a group of Belgian melal craftsmen: the lesson of Rome) 750 w Points to Rome as witness to indefectibility of Church; counsels crafts­ men to preserve faith intact. Sources: Discorsi, 17:181-5. English: TPS, 2 (.Autumn, 1955), 247-9. 411 Luctuosissimi eventus (encyclical let­ ter) Pius XII, October 28, 1956. (Urging prayers for a peace based on justice for the people of Eastern Europe, particularly those in strife-torn Hungary) 500 w Condemns shocking violations of civil rights, personal liberty; notes futility of violence, armed might for internal, international stabilization; calls for prayer crusade. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 741-4; Dis­ corsi, 18:849-53. English: Cath. Mind, 55 (January-February, 1957), 82-4; TPS, 3 (Spring, 1957), 347-9; Tablet, 208 (November 3, 1956), 388-9. 412 Lux veritatis (encyclical letter) Pius XI, December 25, 1931. (On the fifteenth centenary of the Council of Ephesus) 7,100 w Reviews life, career of Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople; points out essence of heresy, opposition by St. Cyril, subsequent condemnation; vindicates condemnation; enumerates doctrines affirmed by Council: 1) in Christ there is one divine person; 2) Blessed Virgin is Mother of God; 3) Head of Church has supreme, abso­ lute authority in matters of faith and morals. Commands publication of Office, Mass of Divine Maternity for universal Church. Sources: AAS, 23 (1931), 493-517. English: Cath. Mind, 30 (February 8, 1932), 41-62; Eccl. Rev., 86 (March, 1932), 225-43; St. Meinrad Essays, II (May, 1955), 39-56; Tablet, 159 (Janu­ ary 23-30, 1932), 108-10, 140-4; pamph­ let edition by America Press (1932), Catholic Truth Society (1932), N.C.W.C. (1932). 413 Magna cum iucunditate (letter) Pius XII, July 31, 1955. (To the Very Reverend John Baptist Janssens, General of the So­ ciety of Jesus: the fourth centenary of the death of St. Ignatius Loyola) 1,200 w Reviews apostolate of Society; com­ mends obedience to Holy Sec; exhorts members to persevere in poverty, la­ bor, charity, faith. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 548-51; Discorsi, 17:607-12. English: Rev. for Religious, 15 (July, 1956), 169-72 (omits footnote references); TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 264-8. 414 Magnae Dei Matris (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, September 8, 1892. (On the Ro­ sary) 3,575 w Urges faithful to intensify devotion to Blessed Mother; recommends Ro­ sary as remedy for irréligion, indiffer­ ence; enumerates advantages; com­ mends Association of Holy Family as auxiliary to devotion of Rosary. Sources: AL, 12:221-36; ASS, 25:13948; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 7 (November, 94 415-419 1892), 384-90; Irish Eccl. Rec., 13 (Oc­ tober, 1892), 942-51; Tablet, 80 (Sep­ tember 24, 1892), 509-11. English: Doheny, p. 66-78; Lawler, p. 74-94. Issued on the fiftieth anniversary o£ the episcopal consecration of Leo XIII. pudiates restriction of Church to sac­ risty. 415 Magni faustique (apostolic letter) Pius X, March 8, 1913. (Proclaiming a uni­ versal Jubilee in memory of the Peace of Constantine) 1,250 w Recalls peace of Constantine, guar­ antee of freedom of Church. Prescribes conditions for Jubilee. Sources: AAS, 5 (1913), 89-93; Irish Eccl. Rec., I (May, 1913), 547-51. Eng­ lish: ACQR, 38 (April, 1913), 358-62; Irish Eccl. Rec., 1 (May, 1913), 543-7. 416 Magni Nobis (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, March 7, 1889. (To the bishops of the United States: authorization of the Catholic University of America) 750 w Praises bishops for zeal in educa­ tion; commends location and dedica­ tion of University. Sources: AL, 9:69-72; ASS, 21:51719; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 1 (June, 1889), 223-6; Irish Eccl. Rec., 10 (July, 1889), 666-8. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 666-77; Discorsi, 16:243-56. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 132 (January, 1955), 52-63; Cath. Doc., no. 19 (October, 1955), 615; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (Decem­ ber, 1955), 3-13; Cath. Mind, 53 (May, 1955), 311-20; Irish Eccl. Rec., 82 (De­ cember, 1954), 434-43; TPS, 1 (4th Quarter, 1955), 375-85; Tablet, 204 (November 13, 1954), 479-81, 505-6. 418 Mais de uma vez (radio address) Pius XII, October 31, 1942. (To Portugal on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the apparition of the Blessed Virgin at Fâtima) 2,300 w Praises Portuguese devotion to Our Lady, nation’s stand against antiChristian and anti-national forces; notes peace of Portugal in war-torn world; urges prayer for the world, “the victim of its own iniquities.” Sources: AAS, 34 (1942), 313-19; Dis­ corsi, 4:253-62. English: Abp. Finbar Ryan, Our Lady of Fatima (West­ minster, Md.: Newman Bookshop, 1944), p. 222-32. 419 Maximam gravissimamque (encyclical epistle) Pius XI, January 18, 1924. (To the bishops, clergy, and people of France: French diocesan associations) 1,500 w 417 Magnificate Dominum (address) Pius XII, November 2, 1954. (To the cardinals, archbishops, and bishops in Rome for the Marian Year ceremonies: the priesthood and government in the Church) 4,000 w Distinguishes between essential priesthood, “priesthood” of laity; ex­ horts bishops to encourage liturgical study; warns against innovations. Re­ 95 Rehearses events leading to present action: Law of Separation; succession of laws against freedom and rights of Church; condemnation by Vehe­ menter Nos; prescription of associa­ tions cultuelles by French law; con­ demnation by Gravissimo. Decrees ex­ perimental acceptance of diocesan as- PDF Compressor Pro 420 - 423 sociations under specified conditions. Confirms condemnation of previous proposal. Urges continued efforts in behalf of justice for Church. Sources: AAS, 16 (1924), 5-11. Eng­ lish: Ryan, p. 116-28. French: AAS, 16 (1924), 12-18. 420 Maximum illud (apostolic epistle) Benedict XV, November 30, 1919. (On the propagation of the faith throughout the world) 4,500 w Defines liturgy; points out necessity for equilibrium between subjective, objective piety; counsels lay participa­ tion in Mass, avoidance of exaggera­ tions, errors; provides directives on liturgical art, polyphonic singing, use of missal, decorum of worship; warns against false mysticism, quietism, mis­ conceived humanism; projects practi­ cal, inspiring, integrated liturgical movement. Sources: AAS, 39 (1947), 521-95, “Index”: p. 596-600; Discorsi, 9:493561; Irish Eccl. Rec., 70 (FebruaryMarch, May, 1948), 160-76, 260-75,44963. English: Cath. Mind, 46 (June, 1948), 321-88; pamphlet editions by America Press (1948), Catholic Truth Society (1948), N.C.W.C. (n.d.). Recounts apostolic labors of mis­ sionaries in various periods of history of Church, in all parts of world. Points up continuing necessity of apostolate. Enumerates duties of ecclesiastical su­ periors of missions: to give example and encouragement; to govern accord­ ing to peculiar conditions; to capital­ 422 Meditantibus Nobis (apostolic epistle) ize on all potentialities; to train na­ Pius XI, December 3, 1922. (To the Very tive clergy. Calls attention to Roman Reverend Vladimir Ledochowski, General colleges for nationals; orders Congre­ of the Society of Jesus: on the tercentenary of the canonization of Ignatius Loyola and gation of Propagation of Faith to look Francis Xavier) 2,300 w into causes for lack of native vocations. Notes obedience as characteristic Exhorts missionaries to appreciate vo­ cation, to avoid political entangle­ virtue of Ignatius; points out appro­ ments, to seek souls only, to prepare priateness to sixteenth, twentieth cen­ adequately for all phases of work, to turies; extols Spiritual Exercises. cultivate personal sanctification. Com­ Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 627-34. mends work of missionary Sisters. Urges faithful to support missions and English: Cath. Mind, 21 (February- 22, 1923), 63-70. missionary societies. Sources: AAS, 11 (1919), 440-55. English: The Missions (London: Catholic Truth Society, n.d.). 423 Mens Nostra (encyclical letter) Pius XI, December 20, 1929. (On the promo­ tion of the practice of the Spiritual Exer­ cises) 5,100 w 421 Mediator Dei (encyclical letter) Pius XII, November 20, 1947. (On the sacred liturgy) 21,000 w Recalls insistence of previous pon­ tilis on value of spiritual exercises: countci action to false standards, 96 424 - 428 source of peace, stimulus to zeal; cites incidents in life of Christ, in lives of Apostles, Fathers of the Church, holy men and women. Exhorts clerics and religious to observance of canon law on retreats; urges laity to make re­ treats; counsels use of Spiritual Exer­ cises of St. Ignatius; suggests periodic days of recollection. Recognizes identity of aim of Con­ gress and pontificate: to restore all things in Christ. Emphasizes necessity for harmony, unity of all forces; Catholic Action best means. Prescribes directives on social question in Rerum novarum; on Catholic Action in Graves de communi, and in Instruc­ tions of Sacred Congregation of Ex­ traordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs. Sources: AAS, 21 (1929), 689-706; Irish Eccl. Rec., 35 (March, 1930), 30517. English: Cath. Mind, 28 (February 8, 1930), 41-58; Eccl. Rev., 82 (March, 1930), 282-94; Tablet, 155 ( January 4, 1930), 7-10; Husslein, 2:70-86; pam­ phlet edition by America Press (1939). Sources: ASS, 36:285-6. Actes de Pie X, 1:102-3. 426 Mentre dress) Pius the entire prayer) 290 French: milioni di uomini (radio ad­ XI, September 29, 1938. (To Catholic world: appeal for w Urges world-wide prayer for dissi­ pation of fear of war, for conciliatory action by governments. 424 Menti Nostrae (apostolic exhortation) Pius XII, September 23, 1950. (To the clergy of the world: spiritual perfection of priests) 11,300 w Emphasizes necessity of Christ­ worthy ministry; considers: elements of personal sanctity; holiness of min­ istry; formation of clergy for contem­ porary apostolate; current ministerial problems. Counsels priests to accept exhortation, to make Holy Year re­ treat. Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 657-702; Discorsi, 12:527-67. English: Cath. Doc., no. 4 (Spring, 1951), 1-26; Cath. Mind, 49 (January, 1951), 37-64; pam­ phlet edition by N.C.W.C. (1950). 425 Menfre Ci accingiamo (letter) Pius X, November 6, 1903. (To Count Giovanni Grosoli, President General Committee on Conventions and Congresses in Italy: the 19th National Catholic Congress at Bo­ logna) 385 w 97 Sources: AAS, 30 (1938), 309-10. French: Actes de Pie XI, 17:168-70. 427 Merito quidem (letter) Pius XI, May 20, 1928. (To the Very Reverend Bona­ venture Marrani, Minister General of the Friars Minor: on the sixth centenary of the death of John of Monte Corvino) 600 w Recounts work of John of Monte Corvino, first missionary in China; emphasizes his effort to establish na­ tive clergy. Sources: AAS, 20 (1928), 190-2. 428 Militantis Ecclesiae (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, August 1, 1897. (To the bishops of Austria, Germany, and Switzerland: the third centenary of the death of St. Peter Canisius) 2,625 w Reviews life and apostolic work of Blessed [now Saint] Peter Canisius, PDF Compressor Pro 429 - 432 second apostle of Germany. Points out need of similar apostolate: science and erudition; union of faith and philoso­ phy, religion and science; Christian schools, colleges, universities. Sources: AL, 17:248-59; ASS, 30:3-9; Eontes, 3:516-21. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 5:190-203. 429 Mirabile Hlud (encyclical epistle) Pius XII, December 6, 1950. (Crusade of prayer for peace) 800 w Exhorts all to extinguish discords, to compose differences, to bring about true peace. Urges sacred crusade to oppose unrestrained struggle among peoples. Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 797-800; Discorsi, 12:522-5. English: Cath. Mind, 49 (February, 1911), 135-7. 430 Mirae caritatis (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, May 28, 1902. (On the Most Holy Eucharist) 5,100 w Recalls 1) consecration of human race to Sacred Heart [/Innwm Sa­ crum]; 2) exhortation to nations as well as individuals to adhere to Christ [Tametsi]. Commends to all Chris­ tians the Holy Eucharist. Treats of the Eucharist: continuation and ex­ tension of Incarnation; source of life (or humanity; an efficacious aid to progress in virtue: faith, hope, charity; soul of Church: as sacrament, as sacri­ fice; urges intensification of devotion, frequent reception of Holy Eucharist. 27 (July, 1902), 80-93; Irish Eccl. Rec., 12 (July, 1902), 73-85. English: ACQR, 27 (October, 1902), 637-48; Tablet, 100 (July 5, 1902), 5-9; Wynne, p. 517-36. 431 Miranda prorsus (encyclical letter) Pius XII, September 8, 1957. (On the communications field: motion pictures, ra­ dio, television) 11,200 w Establishes norms for operation, use of these media: 1) reaffirms principles of Vigilanti cura on motion pictures; • * · urges classification committees, moral evaluation by critics, personal discrim­ ination by viewers, responsibility of producers, distributors; 2) notes sig­ nificance of radio, duties of listener; 3) points out special characteristics of television with implications. Urges national, international implementa­ tion of norms, increase in religious programs, responsibility on part of parents, prudence on part of youth. Sources: AAS, 49 (1957), 765-805. English: Cath. Mind, 55 (NovemberDecember, 1957), 539-70; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 3 (December, 1957), 79101; pamphlet edition by America Press (1957). 432 Miserentissimus Redemptor (encycli­ cal letter) Pius XI, May 8, 1928. (On reparation due to the Sacred Heart) 3,900 w Explains relationship of consecra­ tion and reparation; relation of our reparation and expiation of sin to Sources: AL, 22:115-16; ASS, 34:641- Christ’s sacrifice; emphasizes element 51; Fontes, 3:578-88; ACQR, 27 (Oc­ of expiation in cult of Sacred Heart; tober, 1902), 625-36; Amer. Eccl. Rev., points out reasons for atonement: sin98 433 - 437 435 Mit brennender Sorge (encyclical epis­ tle) Pius XI, March 14, 1937. (To the bishops of Germany: the place of the Catholic Church in the German Reich) 6,600 w fulness of men, persecution of the Church, blasphemy and irreverence on part of unbelievers, un-Christian lives of Christians. Prescribes prayer of expiation on feast of Sacred Heart throughout the world. Surveys situation in Germany; ex­ plains reason for 1933 concordat; re­ views doctrinal basis of Catholicism; exposes pantheism, racism; excoriates attempts to alienate Catholics from Church in favor of State loyalty, con­ demns compulsor)' education law. Warns German youth against false teachers; exhorts priests and religious to good example, adherence to prin­ ciple; urges parents to remember edu­ cational responsibilities. Sources: AAS, 20 (1928), 165-78; Irish Eccl. Rec., 32 (July, 1928), 87-96. English: Cath. Mind, 26 (June 22, 1928), 221-35; Eccl. Rev., 79 (July, 1928), 59-72; Irish Eccl. Rec., 32 (Oc­ tober, 1928), 432-41; Tablet, 151 (June 2, 1928), 728-32; pamphlet edition by America Press (1954). 433 Misericordia Domini (address) Pius XI, December 20, 1926. (In Secret Con* sistory: review of events of the year; con­ demnation of L'Action Française) 3,100 w Sources: AAS, 29 (1937), 145-67. English: Cath. Mind, 35 (May 8, 1937), 185-204; Irish Eccl. Rec., 50 (July, 1937), 60-76; Tablet, 169 (April 3, 1937), I-IV; Ehler, p. 516-39; Husslein, 2:316-38; pamphlet editions by Amer­ ica Press (1937), Catholic Truth So­ ciety (1937). Commends Chicago Eucharistic Congress; expresses satisfaction over effects of centenary celebration for St. Francis of Assisi; comments on conse­ cration of Chinese bishops, conditions in Mexico, France, Italy; condemns L’Action Française. 436 Mit dem Gefiihl (letter) Pius XII, Au­ gust 10, 1952. (To the 75th Katholikentag held at Berlin: faith in modern life) 1,600 w Sources: AAS, 18 (1926), 513-24. French: Actes de Pic XI, 3:283-302. 434 Missionalium rerum (apostolic epistle) Pius XI, September 14, 1937. (To Pietro Cardinal Fumasoni Biondi, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda: ex­ hibition of Christian art of missionary lands) 500 w Counsels dependence on truth, wealth of faith; urges vigorous opposi­ tion to materialism. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 723-7; Dis­ corsi, 14:557-63. Provides for exhibition to stimulate missiology; specifies inclusion of Ori­ ental rite. 437 Mit dem Gefiihl vdterlichen (radio ad­ dress) Pius XII, September 4, 1949. (To the German Catholic Congress in Bochum, Germany: five-point program for recon­ struction of the social order) 1,500 w Sources: AAS, 29 (1937), 413-15. French: Actes de Pie XI, 16:74-7. 99 BROADVIEW PUBLIC^BRARY BROADVIEW..Λ ILLINOIS I I B PDF Compressor Pro 443 - 445 Proposes basic considerations: real­ istic adoption of Catholic social doc­ trine; elimination of discrimination; preparation for future autonomy; unity of aim; protection of young workers; stresses binding force of de­ cree against communism. Sources: AAS, 41 (1949), 458-62. English: Cath. Mind, 47 (November, 1949), 701-4; Tablet, 194 (September 10, 1949), 1734; Yzcrmans (1956), 1:226-9. 438 Mit Freuden kommen (radio address) Pius XII, September 14, 1952. (To the Catholics' Day in Vienna: social recon­ struction) 1,500 w Commends goal. Urges .Austrians to renew faith; safeguard schools; sanctify marriage, family; provide housing. Notes problems: elimination of class war; resistance to socialization. Reiterates ownership rights; warns against extremism. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 789-94; Dis­ corsi, 14:309-15. English: Cath. Doc., no. 10 (February, 1953), 21-4; Cath. Mind, 51 January, 1953), 48-51. 439 Mit freudiger Erregung (address) XII, September 2, 1956. (To the 77th tional German Catholic Congress at logne: the Church, a standard unto nations) 1,700 w Pius NaCothe Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 622-7; Dis­ corsi, 18:391-8. English: TPS, 3 (Win­ ter, 1956-7), 233-7. 440 Mit Wohlwollen (letter) Pius XII, Oc­ tober 4, 1954. (To Theodor Cardinal lnnitzer. Archbishop of Vienna: the 2nd International Congress on Sacred Music) 300 w Counsels adaptation without sacri­ fice of principles. Sources: German text published by Congress Press Office. English: TPS, 2 (1st Quarter, 1955), 79-80, transla­ tion based on typescript obtained from Singende Kirche, 2 (December, 1954), no. 2. 441 Monumentum insigne (apostolic let­ ter) Pius XI, September 14, 1931. (To Sebastiano Cardinal Leme da Silveira Cintra, Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro: monument to Christ the King) 400 w Names him papal representative for dedication of monument on Mount Corcovado. Sources: AAS, 23 (1931), 440-1. 442 Mortalium animos (encyclical letter) Pius XI, January 6, 1928. (On the promo­ tion of true religious unity) 3,300 w Reviews attempts to unite in one faith churches and nations of diver­ Commends, justifies motto: 1) gent religious convictions; states prin­ Church offers stability without jeop­ ciples on which union could be ef­ ardy to freedom; 2) social doctrine is fected; points out essential necessity sound: natural law, Commandments; of apostolic succession; declares im­ 3) offers determined opposition to possibility of participation of Catho­ atheism; 4) opposes false co-existence. lics in pan-religious conferences. 100 Sources: AAS, 20 (1928), 546; Tab­ let, 151 (January 28, 1928), 108-10. English: Cath. Mind, 26 (February 22, 1928), 61-72; Current History, 27 (March, 1928), 796-800; Eccl. Rev., 78 (April, 1928), 391403; Tablet, 151 (January 21, 1928), 714; Rome and Reunion, p. 75-87; pamphlet editions by Catholic Truth Society (1933), and N.C.W.C. (1928). 443 Munificentissimus Deus (apostolic con­ stitution) Pius XII, November 1, 1950. (Dogmatic bull: defining the dogma of the Assumption) 4,500 w Examines historical background of the dogma; describes approach to con­ sideration of definition; reviews the doctrine involved; pronounces the official definition. Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 753-71; Dis­ corsi, 12:473-92. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 124 (January, 1951), 1-17; Cath. Mind, 49 (January, 1951), 65-78; Tab­ let, 196 (December 23, 1950), 553-6; Doheny, p. 220-39. 444 Musicae sacrae (encyclical letter) Pius XII, December 25, 1955. (On sacred music) 7,400 w Reaffirms provisions of Tra le soi­ led tudini; recounts use, development of sacred music; recalls papal pro­ nouncements; discusses: music as art; false liberalism; religious artist; art as worship; liturgical music; non-liturgical religious music; enumerates quali­ ties: holiness, beauty, universality; prescribes Gregorian chant with Latin text; admits use of polyphonic music, organ ami other instruments, popular hymns; makes recommendation for promoting sacred music. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 5-25; Dis­ corsi, 17:569-88. English: Caecilia, 83 (March-April, 1956), 105-6, 108-10, 112-14; Cath. Choirmaster, 42 (Spring, 1956), 51-63; Cath. Doc., no. 21 (Au­ gust, 1956), 18-31; Cath. Doc. (Aus­ tralia), I (March, 1956), 3147; Irish Eccl. Rec., 88 (July, 1957), 48-63; TPS, 3 (Spring-Summer, 1956), 7-23; pam­ phlet editions by N.C.W.C. (1956), Paulist Press (1956). This is the first encyclical in the history’ of the Church treating the subject of sacred music exclusively. 445 Mystici Corporis Christi (encyclical let­ ter) Pius XII, June 29, 1943. (The Mystical Body of Christ) 14,500 w Develops doctrine of Mystical Body (the Church): 1) unity among mem­ bers, provision for spiritual stability, conditions of membership; 2) unity with Christ as Head with members: by redemption, government, support, animation by the Holy Spirit; 3) Mys­ tical nature: transcendent principle of unity distinct from social principle. Cites Satis cognitum, Divinum illud munus; points out errors. Explains nature, sources, of union in and with Christ: juridical bonds, visible manifestation, divine indwell­ ing, Eucharist; notes errors: confu­ sion of terms, quietism, misconcep­ tions of confession and prayer. Exhorts to love of Church; appeals to non-Catholics; emphasizes necessity of free choice since ‘‘no man can be­ lieve unless he is willing.” 101 PDF Compressor Pro 446 “ 450 Sources: AAS, 35 (1943), 193-218; Discorsi, 5:211-65; Irish Eccl. Rec., 63 (February, 1944), 111-37. English: Cath. Mind, 41 (November, 1943), 144; pamphlet editions by America Press (1943), Catholic Truth Society (1941), N.C.W.C. (1943); and Paulist Press (n.d.). 448 Nel dare (address) Pius XII, October 28, 1955. (To the International Union of Theater Owners and Film Distributors: the ideal film) 5,200 w Continues discussion from Ci torna sommamente: 1) film content must be esthetically sound; instructional film, accurate, intelligible; action film, pru­ dent; 2) community relations: right concept of family; truthful, respectful presentation of State, Church. 446 Negli ultimi sei anni (sermon) Pius XII, December 24, 1945. (Christmas mes­ sage to the College of Cardinals: pre­ requisites for true and lasting peace) 4,000 w Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 816-29; Discorsi, 17:341-57. English: Cath. Doc., no. 20 (March, 1956), 23-33; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (March, 1956) , 18-30; Cath. Mind, 54 (Febru­ ary, 1956), 97-110; Irish Eccl. Rec., 86 (October, 1956), 274-81, 87 (January, 1957) , 67-71; TPS, 2 (Winter, 1955), 351-63. Announces creation of cardinals (32); points out supra-national char­ acter of Church; discusses unity, uni­ versality. Notes prerequisites for peace: elimination of vicious motives, arbitrary censorship, totalitarian State. Sources: AAS, 38 (1946), 15-25; Dis­ corsi, 7:301-15. English: Cath. Action, 28 (January, 1946), 24-7; Cath. Mind, 41 (February, 1946), 65-75; New York Times (December 25, 1945); Tablet, 186 (December 29, 1945), 312-14; Vital Speeches, 12 (January 1, 1946), 164-7; Yzermans (1956), 1:64-73; pamphlet edition by N.C.W.C. (1946). 449 Nel darvi (address) Pius XII, July 1, 1956. (To members of the Third Order of St. Francis of Italy: the modern world and the spirit of St. Francis) 1,700 w Commends Franciscan apostolate; urges tertiaries to cultivate integral Christian perfection, Franciscan spirit, apostolic zeal. 447 Nel compiere I'atto (radio address) Pius XII, August 15, 1951. (To the faith­ ful of Catania on their centenary celebra­ tion: St. Agatha, patron of Catania) 1,100 w Distinguishes temporal change, eter­ nal values; proposes St. Agatha as exemplar of faith. Sources: A A S. 43 (1951), 599-601; Discorsi, 13:211-16. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 573-7; Dis­ corsi, 18:313-19. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (September, 1956), 9-13. 450 Nel darvi il benvenuto (address) Pius XII, October 28, 1956. (To a pilgrimage of workers from Prato: the Kingdom of Christ and the world of labor) 2,000 w Points out areas for Christ's reign: men s minds, hearts, field of labor. 102 ■ 451 -455 Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 819-24; Discorsi, 18:619-26. English: TPS, 3 (Spring, 1957), 411-16. Sources: AAS, 40 (1948), 75-85; Dis­ corsi, 9:435-48. English: Cath. Doc., no. 1 (Epiphany, 1950), 3-10. 451 Ne/ darvi il Nostro (address) Pius XII, May 24, 1953. (To the doctorate group of Catholic Action: mission of professional people) 1,800 w 454 Ne/ vedere il delà (address) Pius XII, September 12, 1948. (To youth of Catho­ lic Action on the 80th anniversary of their founding: triple victory necessary, over atheism, materialism, social misery) 2,000 w Calls for interior renewal; proposes need for: 1) knowledge, perseverance; 2) union under authority; 3) leader­ ship by example. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 411-15; Discorsi, 15:161-8. English: Cath. Doc., no. 12 (July, 1953), 39-42; Cath. Mind, 51 (August, 1953), 499-503. 452 Nel giorno sfesso (address) Pius XII, May 2, 1951. (To pilgrims of the Domini­ can Order and from Vietnam, in Rome for the beatification of the twenty-five martyrs of Tonkin: fruits of martyrdom) 700 w Extols martyrs as models of faith, hope to Vietnamese. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 379-81; Discorsi, 13:59-63. First half addressed to Dominicans in Italian; second, to Vietnamese in French. 453 Nel ritrovarCi (address) Pius XII, February 8, 1948. (To the Pontifical Academy of Sciences: immutability of the natural law and the supreme governance of God) 4,000 w Discusses atomic research, discovery, achievement in context of natural and divine law; urges on scientists neces­ sity for humility in face of God’s struc­ tural plan of universe, its norms and laws. Defines triple victor)' over world: banishment of atheism; reconciliation of matter, spirit; elimination of social injustice. Points out necessity of prayer to living, functioning faith; notes indestructibility of spiritual values. Sources: AAS, 40 (1948), 409-14; Dis­ corsi, 10:205-12. English: Cath. Mind, 47 (January, 1949), 51-5; Yzermans (1956), 2:10-14. 455 Nell'accogliere (address) Pius XII, June 2, 1945. (To the College of Cardi­ nals: the Church and the Third Reich) 3,500 w Views peace as more than cessation of war; reviews continued exposure by Church of nature of National-Social­ ism; recalls prophetic warnings of Mit brennender Sorge; cites personal ef­ forts to inculcate principles of moral law; refers to horrors of Dachau; ap­ peals for prayers. Sources: AAS, 37 (1945), 159-68; Dis­ corsi, 7:65-78. English: Cath. Mind, 43 (August, 1945), 449-57; New York Times (June 3, 1945), 22; Tablet, 185 (June 9, 1945), 268-70; Vital Speeches, 11 (June 15, 1945), 521-4; pamphlet edition, Catholic Truth Society (1945). 103 PDF Compressor Pro 456 - 460 456 Nell'accogliervl (address) Pius XII, April 20, 1956. (To the faculty and stu­ dents of the National Boarding School for Boys in Rome: task of education in col­ leges and schools) 4,200 w Notes advantage of day school; points out desirable elements in board­ ing school; recognizes dangers, weak­ nesses; stresses importance of school­ home collaboration; urges boys to de­ votion, obedience, study. Sources: Discorsi, 18:113-24. Eng­ lish: TPS, 3 (Winter, 1956-7), 251-60. 457 Nell'alba e nella luce (radio address) Pius XII, December 24, 1941. (To all peo­ ple for a just and lasting peace) 4,400 w Church teaches that any direct at­ tempt on innocent human life as a means to an end is unlawful; not that the life of a child must be preferred to that of the mother. One obligation: to try to save the lives of both mother and child; no question of greater or lesser value. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 855-60; Discorsi, 13:411-18. English: Cath. Doc., no. 6 (February, 1952), 28-32; Cath. Mind, 50 (May, 1952), 307-11; Yzermans (1956), 2:132-6. 459 Nihil Ecclesiae (motu proprio) Pius XII, February 11, 1956. (On the Institute Regina Mundi) 1,000 w New order must be founded on moral law. Essential to international order based on moral law: 1) respect for rights of States; 2) respect for rights of minority groups; 3) free ac­ cess to raw materials; 4) progressive limitation of armaments; 5) freedom from persecution. Establishes pontifical institute for Sisters’ education: Regina Mundi; provides for government, academic status. Sources: AAS, 34 (1942), 10-21; Dis­ corsi, 3:317-33. English: Cath. Mind, 40 (January 8, 1942), 1-20; Interna­ tional Conciliation, no. 377 (February, 1922), 81-95; Tablet, 179 (January 3, 1942), 4-7; Canon Law Digest, 2:80-95; Koenig, p. 750-62; Yzermans (1956), 1:15-27; pamphlet edition by Catholic Truth Society (1942). 460 Nobilissima Gallorum gens (encycli­ cal epistle) Leo XIII, February 8, 1884. (To the bishops of France: on the religious question in France) 2,675 w Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 189-92. English: Regina Mundi Bulletin, no. 5 (1956), 21-4. Reviews services of France to Church, tributes of papacy; identifies causes of disruption of social order as false philosophy and unbridled lib­ erty; condemns mixed or neutral schools; comments on concordat and 4 5 8 Nell'ordine della (address) Pius XII, Church-State relations; urges vigilance November 26, 1951. (To the National Congress of the Family Front and the As­ over youth, defense of religion, or­ ganization of Catholics, unity of mind sociation of Large Families: morality in marriage) 2,000 w and action. 104 461 - 465 responsibility; counsels generous cour­ age. Sources: AL, 4:10-22; ASS, 16:241-8; Fontes, 3:216-221; Dublin Rev., 94 (April, 1884), 438-43. English: Tablet, 63 (February 16, 1884), 241-2. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 712-14; Discorsi, 16:257-61. English: Cath. Mind, 53 (February, 1955), 116-17; TPS, 1 (4th Quarter, 1955), 389-91. 461 Nobilissima ista civitas (letter) Pius XI, August 28, 1930. (To the Honorable Eugen Engels: the sixty-ninth Catholic Congress of Catholics to be held at Mun­ ster, Westphalia) 450 w 464 Non altrimenti (radio address) Pius XII, April 18, 1954. (Easter message: the threat of ABC warfare) 800 w Urges promotion of Catholic educa­ tion to counteract widespread mate­ rialistic-atheistic teachings. Deplores destructive power of atomic weapons: extermination of life, pollution of total environment, pathogenic menace to human organ­ isms. Urges scientists to use discoveries constructively; pledges Pope to ut­ most effort toward proscription of ABC warfare. Sources: AAS, 22 (1930), 451-2. 462 Non abbiamo bisogno (encyclical let­ ter) Pius XI, June 29, 1931. (On Catholic Action in Italy) 8,100 w Reiterates definition; protests gov­ ernment duplicity, violation of agree­ ment; condemns anticlericalism evoked after Lateran Treaty; exposes false ideology: Statolatry; declares Fascist oath unlawful; indicates nec­ essary reservation for party members; urges prayer. Sources: AAS, 23 (1931), 285-312. English: Cath. Mind, 29 (inly 22August 8, 1981), 349-66, 378-88; Tab­ let, 158 (July 11, 1931), 52-9; Ehler, p. 457-84; Husslein, 2:235-54; pam­ phlet editions by Catholic Truth Society (1937), N.C.W.C. (1931). 463 Pius ion and Non abbiamo dimenticato (address) XII, November 7, 1954. (To the Un­ of Italian Catholic Publishers: duty honor of the press) 900 w Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 212-14; Discorsi, 16:9-13. English: Cath. Doc., no. 17 (April, 1955), 4-5; Cath. Mind, 52 (July, 1954), 438-40; Irish Eccl. Rec., 84 (July, 1955), 56-8; TPS, 1 (2nd Quarter, 1954), 133-5; Tablet, 203 (April 24, 1954), 404; Vital Speeches, 20 (May 1, 1951), 437-8. 465 Non è forse (television address) Pius XII, June 6, 1954. (To television viewers of Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Ger­ many, Denmark and Great Britain: the role of television) 1,200 w Praises European network; counsels co-operation with, selectivity in pro­ grams; prophesies increase in unity. Sources (quinque-lingual text: Ital­ ian, French, German, English, and Dutch): AAS, 46 (1954), 369-72; Discorsi, 16:47-52; Irish Eccl. Rec., 82 (October, 1954), 286-9. English: Notes importance and universal field of Catholic press; points out 105 406~470 Cath. Mind, 52 (October, 1954), 62931; Irish Eccl. Rec., 83 (January, 1955), 68-70; TPS, 1 (2nd Quarter, 1954), 161-4. Bohemians, Maronites; regrets lack of interest of Spaniards in Spanish College; urges bishops to encourage attendance. 466 Non mai forse (radio address) Pius XII, December 23, 1949. (Christmas message: appeal for the Holy Year) 4,600 w Sources: AL, 13:317-22; ASS, 26:199203. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 3:258-65. Holy Year must be decisive for re­ ligious renewal oi world; must pro­ mote public and private practice of virtue; should be year of great return, year of great pardon. Invitation in­ cludes atheists, pagans, sinners, dis­ sidents, governments. Voices appeal for mutual charity. 468 Non senza (letter) Benedict XV, Sep­ tember 19, 1921. (To Vincenzo Cardinal Vannutelli: honoring the memory of Giovanni Pierluigi of Palestrina) 300 w Approves plans for monument to Pierluigi in recognition of contribu­ tion to sacred music. Reaffirms deci­ sions of Pius X on sacred music; asks that these decisions remain in full vigor. Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 121-33; Discorsi, 11:325-40. English: Cath. Doc., no. 2 (August, 1950), 27-36; Cath. Mind, 48 (March, 1950), 180-8; Yzermans (1956), 1:98-107. Sources: AAS, 13 (1921), 4734. 469 Narunt profecto (motu proprio) Pius XII, October 27, 1940. (Appeal for public prayer) 600 w 467 Non mediocri (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, October 25, 1893. (To the bishops of Spain: the Spanish College in Rome) 1,350 w Praises loyalty of Spain to Holy See; reviews accomplishments: contribu­ tion of clergy, liberality of rulers, zeal of bishops, number of saints and doctors, renowned institutions of learning. Deplores recent strife and civil wars; recounts efforts of Holy See to remedy conditions: reorganiza­ tion of ecclesiastical affairs; improve­ ment of diocesan seminaries; founda­ tion of general seminaries; inability to overcome certain obstacles. Calls at­ tention to previous foundation in Rome of national ecclesiastical col­ leges; praises patronage of Armenians, Decrees November 24, 1930, as day of public prayer for relief from trials of war and return of peace; crusade to be accompanied by penance and spiritual renovation. Mass intentions: eternal rest for war casualties; relief of exiles and prisoners; harmony among men and nations. Sources: AAS, 32 (1940), 385-6. Eng­ lish: AAS, 32 (1940), 392-4; Tablet, 176 (November 9, 1940), 370; Koenig, p. 691-2 (a few omissions). Nos es muy conocida. See Firmissimam constantiam 470 Nosti profecto quantopere (apostolic epistle) Pius XII, July 6, 1940. (To Vladimir 106 471 - 475 Ledochôwski, Superior General of the Society of Jesus: fourth centenary of the founding of the Society) 1,800 w Recognizes achievements of Society: faith under persecution, fidelity to the Church, mission activity, education, founding of Apostleship of Prayer and Sodality, contribution of the Spiritual Exercises. Sources: AAS, 32 (1940), 289-96. English: America, 64 (October 12, 1940), 9-11. 471 Not least among (address) Pius XII, July 2, 1955. (To the Canadian Women's Press Club: journalism, a spiritual service) 450 w Recognizes indispensable service of press to family, Church, State; empha­ sizes potentialities of women in pre­ serving integrity of field. Sources: Discorsi, 17:167-70. Eng­ lish: Cath. Doc., no. 19 (October, 1955), 30-1; Cath. Mind, 54 (Septem­ ber, 1956), 537-8; TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 235-6. 472 Notre charge apostolique (letter) Pius X, August 25, 1910. (To the bishops of France: condemnation of the Sillon) 7,800 Reviews foundation of the Sillon; recognizes its initial soundness; ana­ lyzes its erroneous social theory, con­ flict with Catholic doctrine (Graves de communi re and Diuturnum). Con­ demns the Sillon as part of great move­ ment of apostasy. Urges bishops fear­ lessly to form conscience of laity; to appoint priests to study social science. Sources: AAS, 2 (1910), 607-33; Irish Eccl. Rec., 28 (November-December, 1910), 514-32, 649-51. English: ACQR, 35 (October, 1910), 693-711. 473 Nous agréons bien (message) Pius XII, June 13, 1955. (To an Athletic Association of French Railwaymen) 700 w Emphasizes relation of railroads to national economy, responsibility of workers. Commends cultural contribu­ tion of Association. Sources: Osservatore Romano (15 giugno 1955), 1. English: TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 142-3. 474 Nous avons grande (address) Pius XII, April 27, 1950. (To members of the 1st International Congress of Chambers of Commerce: vocation of businessmen) 650 Christian conception of social econ­ omy: commerce is fundamentally activity of the individual; must serve material good of society. Sources: Discorsi, 12:43-6. English: Cath. Mind, 48 (August, 1950), 510-11; Yzermans (1956), 2:203-5. 475 Nous avons lu (letter) Pius XI, Sep­ tember 5, 1926. (To Paulin Cardinal Andrieu, Archbishop of Bordeaux: approv­ ing and praising his letter on I'Action Française) 520 w Commends Cardinal’s emphasis on essence of error in I’Action Française in his reply to the group of young Catholics who asked for an opinion on the movement and its publications. Affirms that those who hear the voice 107 PDF Compressor pro 476 - 480 of their bishop hear also the voice of the common Father of the faithful. Sources: AAS, 18 (1926), 382-6 (in­ cludes the French text of the Car­ dinal’s letter). English: William Lord Clonmore, Pope Pius XI and World Peace (New York: Dutton, 1938), p. 197-8. 476 Nous avons pour la (address) Pius XII, September 25, 1955. (To specialists in the fields of dietetics and nutrition: dietetics and the nation's health) 1,500 w Emphasizes importance of nutrition research, consumer education in food hygiene; notes individual, social con­ tribution of dietetics. Sources: Discorsi, 17:247-53. Eng­ lish: TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 275-8. 477 Nous avons reçu (address) Pius XII, January 8, 1956. (To a group of gyne­ cologists of the International Secretariat of Catholic Doctors and of the A.M.C.I.: natural painless childbirth) 4,200 w Treats nature, origin of method; success; scientific, ethical evaluation; implications. Declares freedom of Christians to accept whatever is true in “psycho-prophylactic” method; ex­ plains Christian attitude 1) toward suffering, 2) toward progress of science. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 82-93; Discorsi, 17:165-79. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (March, 1956), 4858; Cath. Mind, 54 (May, 1956), 28091; Linacre Quarterly, 23 (May, 1956), 39-45; TPS, 3 (Spring-Summer, 1956), 25-34. 478 Nous croyons que très (address) Pius XII, October 3, 1953. (To participants in the 6th Congress of International Penal Law: international penal code) 5,800 w Points out social necessity for penal law; notes urgency for international code; enumerates categories of crimes; indicates penalties; presents norms for juridical guarantees; explains ethical, metaphysical basis for penal law. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 730-44; Discorsi, 15:335-53. English: Cath. Doc., no. 14 (February, 1954), 30-41; Cath. Mind, 52 (February, 1954), 10718; Irish Eccl. Rec., 82 (July, 1954), 51-63; St. John's Lazu Rev., 28 (Decem­ ber, 1953), 1-18. 479 Nous n’hésitons pas (address) Pius XII, October 9, 1953. (To delegates to the 1st Congress of the International Federation of National Associations of Technicians: the prestige of the technician) 2,000 w Commends organization; points out dangers: concentration on practical, empirical to neglect of definitive theory; neglect of over-all scientific culture; limitation of evaluation to scientific, industrial progress. Notes key position of technician. Sources: Discorsi, 15:381-8; Actes Pontificaux, no. 59 (1953), 22-7. Eng­ lish: Cath. Doc., no. 16 (December, 1951), 1-5; Irish Eccl. Rec., 84 (Decem­ ber, 1955), 439-43. 480 Nous nous réjouissons (address) Pius XII, May 12, 1953. (To Roman corre­ spondents of the Foreign Press Association: the journalist's service to peace) 1,300 w 108 481 -485 Declares impartiality, independence of Church, freedom from political al­ liance; notes pressures on journalists: necessity for speed in publication; difficulty in serving truth. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 399-402; Discorsi, 15:139-44. English: Cath. Doc., no. 12 (July, 1953), 26-9; Cath. Mind, 51 (August, 1953), 507-9. 481 Nous nous sommes (letter) Pius XII, August 7, 1947. (To the Most Reverend François Picaud, Bishop of Bayeux and Lisieux, on the fiftieth anniversary of the death of St. Thérèse of Lisieux) Recalls spiritual message of Saint I'herese; distinguishes spiritual from natural childhood in maturity, in­ spiration, humility, prudence, forti­ tude; indicates relation of personal sanctity to apostolate. Sources: Osservalore Romano (21 settenibre 1947), 1; Doc. Cath., 44 (26 octobre 1947), col. 1353-6. English: Pamphlet edition, St. Anthony Guild Press (1948). 482 Nous saluons avec (address) Pius XII, August 19, 1956. (To specialists of the International Union Against Cancer: cancer, a medical and social problem) 1,500 w Reviews research; commends spe­ cialist co-operation; notes obstacles to diagnosis; points out factors involved in determination of therapeutic ac­ tion; emphasizes human, spiritual ele­ ments in treatment. Doc. (Australia), 2 (June, 1957), 10-13; Cath. Mind, 55 (May-June, 1957), 2848; TPS, 3 (Winter, 1956-7), 309-13. 483 Nous sommes heureux (address)* Pius XII, April 4, 1954. (To participants in the 3rd Congress of Radiology and Electrology in Rome: X-rays and the problem of suffering) 1,300 w Points out potentialities of radi­ ology1; urges consideration of spiritual needs of patient. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 214-18; Discorsi, 16:3-8. English: Cath. Doc., no. 17 (April, 1955), 1-3; Irish Eccl. Rec., 84 (December, 1955), 443-5; TPS, 1 (2nd Quarter, 1954), 129-32. * Printed and sent to delegates be­ cause of Pope's illness. 484 Nous sommes heureux (address) Pius XII, September 30, 1954. (To participants in the 8th Congress of the World Medical Association: the role of the doctor in war and peace) 8,000 w Reviews aims, achievements of As­ sociation; discusses: ABC warfare, part of doctor in its development; experi­ mentation on living: limits, morality, impediments; post-mortem mutila­ tion. Proposes basis for medical ethics; distinguishes medical ethics, medical law. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 587-98; Discorsi, 16:165-79. English: Cath. Doc., no. 21 (August, 1956), 1-11; Cath. Mind, 53 (April, 1955), 242-52; TPS, 1 (4 th Quarter, 1955), 347-59. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 666-70; 485 Nous sommes heureux (address) Pius Discorsi, 18:379-85. English: Cath. XII, November 23, 1954. (To delegates to 109 486 - 490 the 7th Congress of the International Hotel Association: Christian hospitality) 1,000 Comments on function of hotels; technical, moral responsibilities. Sources: Discorsi, 16:269-73. Eng­ lish: Cath. Mind, 53 (August, 1955), 505-7; TPS, 1 (1th Quarter, 1955), 3935. 486 Nous sommes heureux (address) Pius XII, August 26, 1955. (To participants in the 5th International Congress of Directors of Catholic Girl Scouts: scout work, an aid to Christian education) 1,000 w Recognizes educational value of scout work. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 601-4; Discorsi, 17:199-203. English: TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 271-3. 487 Nous sommes heureux d'accueillir (address) Pius XII, October 3, 1955. (To delegates to the 2nd World Congress of the International Highway Federation: highway safety) 1,000 w Comments on effect of automobile traffic: urges social education: preven­ tion of accidents, obligator}- character of traffic code; creation of considerate public attitude. Sources: Discorsi. 17:271-6. English: Amer. Eccl. Reif., 131 (January, 1956), 47-50; Cath. Doc., no. 24 (September, 1957), 1-3; TPS, 2 (Winter, 1955-6), 333-6; pamphlet edition by N.C.W.C. (1955). 438 Nous sommes très (address) Pius XII, November 11, 1948. (To delegates to the 2nd International Congress of the Euro* pean Union of Federalists: federalism) 900 w Reiterates supra-temporal status of the Church; notes obstacles to Euro­ pean union: abuse of postwar pre­ dominance; unrealistic claims to power by great nations; exclusion of religion from culture. Sources: AAS, 40 (1948), 507-10; Discorsi, 10:277-82; Clergy Rev., 31 (March, 1949), 198-200. English: Cath. Doc., no. 1 (Epiphany, 1950), 19-21; Cath. Mind, 47 (February, 1949), 11618; Yzermans (1956), 1:244-6. 489 Nous sommes très sensible (address) Pius XII, March 20, 1957. (To artists of the Comédie Française: dramatic interpre­ tation) 350 w Recognizes achievement; counsels control of dramatic interpretation. Sources: Osservatore Romano (22 marzo 1957), 1. English: TPS, 4 (Sum­ mer, 1957), 76. 490 Nous venons (letter) Pius XII, August 6, 1950. (To the 21st International Con­ gress of Pax Romana in Amsterdam: mis­ sion of Catholic students) 950 w Comments on diversity of represen­ tation, evidence of philosophic sta­ bility; urges realization of charity, unity in mutual helpfulness, permea­ tion of contemporary thought, sendee to the Church. Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 635-7. Eng­ lish: Printed as a separate by Newman International Centre (31 Portman Sq., London W.l, England), 491 -495 491 Nous voici (radio address) Pius July U, 1937. (On the occasion of dedication of the new Basilica of Thérèse at Lisieux and the closing of National Eucharistic Congress) 600 w XI, the St. the Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 485-8; Discorsi, 12:97-103. English: Cath. Mind, 48 (August, 1950), 507-10; Rev. Social Econ. 8 (September, 1950), 1317; Tablet, 195 (June 17, 1950), 476-7; Yzermans (1955), 3:85-8. Appeals for campaign of prayer for society, for priests, for the Pope. Sources: AAS, 29 (1987), 325-7. French: Actes de Pie XI, 15:185-7. 492 Nous vous accueillons (address) Pius XII, March 1, 1956. (To the 2nd Congress of the International Federation of Transla­ tors; norms for the translator) 1,000 w Notes responsibility of translator as mediator between cultures; specifies essential elements of translation; points out special problems; sets fidelity of Scripture translation as model. 494 Nous vous adressons (address) Pius XII, September 15, 1952. (To participants in the International Congress of Superiors General of Orders and Congregations of Women: on religious vocations) 1,200 w Reiterates approval of Congress; re­ peats directives of Ci torna; notes vo­ cation crisis; condemns false view of matrimony; counsels reasonable adap­ tation; exhorts superiors to preserve family spirit, to provide adequate training, opportunity for maintaining professional efficiency. Sources: Discorsi, 17:561-6. English: TPS, 3 (Spring-Summer, 1956), 63-6. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 823-6; Dis­ corsi, 14:331-6. English: Cath. Mind, 51 (June, 1953), 379-81; Yzermans (1956), 1:193-6. 493 Nous vous adressons (address) Pius XII, June 3, 1950. (To delegates to the International Congress of Social Studies and the International Christian Social Union: the problem of unemployment) 1,400 w 495 Nous vous saluons (address) Pius XII, October 8, 1953. (To participants in the 26th Congress of the Union of Italian Urologists: medicine in the service of marriage) 2,300 w Contends only united action throughout world can remedy un­ employment; great problem is to achieve universal collaboration with appropriate contribution: natural re­ sources, capital, or labor. Subjugation of private owner in favor of worker, insistence on economic co-managcment cannot insure reintegration and stabilization of productivity essential to family integrity; balance of production and consumption, vital issue. Explains principles for liceity of anatomical, functional amputation: 1) serious danger in retention; 2) no alternative; 3) good effects compensa­ tory for loss of organ, function; warns against false application of principle for removal of healthy organ as thera­ peutic measure. Considers medical service in matrimonial cases. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 673-9; Dis­ corsi, 15:371-9; Actes Pontificaux, no. 78 (1956), 23-5. Ill PDF Compressor Pro 496 - 500 496 Nous vous souhaitons (address) Pius XII, September 13, 1952. (To participants in the International Congress of Pax Christi at Assisi: peace and mutual understand­ ing) 1,800 w Treats of efforts toward peace, uni­ fication of Europe; deplores unfavor­ able atmosphere. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 818-23; Discorsi, 11:301-8. English: Cath. Doc,, no. 10 (February, 1953), 8-11; Cath. Mind, 51 (September, 1953), 564-8. 497 Nous vous souhaitons (address) Pius XII, April 13, 1953. (To the 5th Inter­ national Catholic Congress of Psycho­ therapy and Applied Psychology: psycho­ therapy and religion) 3,200 w Recalls Ce Premier Congrès on morality in medicine; requires psycho­ therapy, psychology to consider man as a psychic, structural, social, transcend­ ent unit, whole in himself; admits depth psychology within limits; clari­ fies psychotherapeutic attitude toward material sin. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 278-86; Discorsi, 15:65-76. English: Cath. Action, 35 (June, 1953), 17-19; Cath. Doc., no. 12 (July, 1953), 9-16; Cath. Mind, 51 (July, 1953), 428-35; Linacre Quarterly, 20 (November, 1953), 97105; Tablet, 201 (May 2, 1953), 376-8; Yzermans (1956), 2:145-52. 501 - 505 between science, philosophy; discusses problems of modern physics: mecha­ nistic theory; determinism, indeter­ minism; relationship of matter, energy. Urges philosophers to study of science. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 683-91; Discorsi, 17:223-34; Congressus Thomisticus Internationalist Sapientia Aq­ uinatis (Romae: Officium Libri Cath­ olici, 1956), 2:1-10. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (March, 1956), 5967; Cath. Mind, 54 (January, 1956), 43-51; TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 217-25. 499 Nous vous souhaitons (address) Pius XI), April 16, 1956. (To members of the International Congress for the Protection and Social Rehabilitation of Lepers: Han­ sen's disease) 1,700 w Comments on extent of disease; ad­ vances in treatment; importance of research; psychological, social problems of rehabilitation; heroism of workers. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 282-6; Dis­ corsi, 18:101-7; Doc. Cath., 53 (29 juin 1956), col. 787-91. 500 Nova impendet (encyclical letter) Pius XI, October 2, 1931. (On the economic crisis, unemployment, and increase of armaments) 1,200 w Attributes economic crisis to rivalry among nations, squandering of public 498 Nous vous souhaitons (address) Pius XII, September 14, 1955. (To the 4th Inter­ moneys, excessive competition in out­ put of armaments. Urges bishops to national Thomistic Congress: perennial philosophy and modern science) 3,400 w provide relief for suffering; to en­ lighten men’s minds to follow dictates Reaffirms Leo XIH’s insistence on of right reason and Christian law; to I honiislic philosophy; denies conflict join prayer to human efforts. 1 12 Sources: AAS, 23 (1931), 393-7; Irish Eccl. Rec., 38 (December, 1931), 656-9. English: Cath. Char. Rev., 15 (Oc­ tober, 1931), 266-7; Cath. Mind, 29 (October 22, 1931), 469-72; Eccl. Rev., 85 (November, 1931), 512-15; N.C. W.c. Rev., 13 (October, 1931), 19-20; Tablet, 158 (October 10, 1931), 474-5; Husslein, 2:255-60; pamphlet edition by Catholic Truth Society (1936). world and Church, should be joined to penance. 501 O maximo interesse (radio address) Pius XII, August 5, 1951. (To the 4th Congress of the Inter-American Federation on Catholic Education, Rio de Janeiro: es­ sentials for Christian education) 1,600 w Approves centennial celebration; commends apostolate of Peter Canis­ ius. Declares youth hope of family, na­ tion, Church; enumerates essentials of complete education; deplores break­ down of home education; notes men­ ace to Christian formation: non-sectarian school, Godless or immoral press; indecent television, radio, cinema; exhorts educators to impart impregnable Christian principles. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 594-8; Dis­ corsi, 13:203-9. French: Doc. Cath., 48 (26 août 1951), col. 1026-30. 502 Octobri mense (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, September 22, 1891. (On the Rosary) 3,950 w Calls attention to sufferings of Church: attacks on dogma; derision of Christian morality; enmity toward God; restrictions on liberty; urges de­ votion to the Rosary: Mary is way to Christ; has answered public, private «appeals in past; recalls that prayer must be persevering, should include Sources: AL, 11:299-315; ASS, 24: 193-203. English: Tablet, 78 (October 10, 1891), 573-5; Doheny, p. 52-65; Lawler, p. 53-73. 503 Officii Nostri (letter) Benedict XV, April 1, 1921. (To the bishops of Switzer­ land: on the fourth centenary of the birth of St. Peter Canisius) 300 w Sources: AAS, 13 (1921), 220-1. 504 Officio sanctissimo (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, December 22, 1887. (To the bishops of Bavaria: on the condition of the Church in Bavaria) 6,400 w Surveys history of Bavaria; deplores present hostility toward Church; offers counsel. Stresses education of clergy in tradition of Fathers of the Church: appropriate to vocation, to contempo­ rary apostolate of example, teaching, refutation of error; emphasizes obedi­ ence to hierarchy, respect for civil au­ thority. Urges education of children under auspices of Church; warns against Freemasonry. Sources: AL, 7:219-43; ASS, 20:25771; Fontes, 3:269-80. English: Tablet, 71 (January 21-28, 1888), 93-5, 133-5. 505 Officiorum ac munerum (constitution) Leo XIII, January 25, 1897. (On the pro­ hibition and censorship of books) 3,750 w Recounts history of efforts of Church to check influence of heretical 113 PDF Compressor Pro 50ό - 509 and immoral writings, ultimate failure of Slate to co-operate, increase of un­ bridled license in publications. An­ nounces revision of Index of forbidden books, mitigation of rules without detriment to essentials; provides that revised rules have force of law, previ­ ous regulations be abrogated except Sollicita et provida of Benedict XIV. Appended general decrees treat pro­ hibition of books, censorship of books. Sources: AL, 17:17-36; ASS, 29:388400; Fontes, 3:502-12. English: Wynne, p. 407-21. return to eternal principles of justice and right. Sources: AAS, 36 (1944), 249-58; Discorsi, 6:119-32. English: Cath. Mind, 42 (October, 1944), 577-86; Tab­ let, 184 (September 9, 1944), 124-6; Vital Speeches, 10 (September 15, 1944), 711-14; pamphlet edition by N.C.W.C., bound with Bishops' State­ ment on International Order (1914). 508 Omnibus compertum (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, July 21, 1900. (To the Patriarch and bishops of the Greek-Melchite rite: union among the Greek Melchites) 925 w 506 Officiorum omnium (apostolic epistle) Pius XI, August 1, 1922. (To Gaetano Cardinal Bisleti, Prefect of the Congrega­ tion of Seminaries and University Studies: seminary education) 2,600 w Urges fostering of vocations to priesthood; separate education of seminarians and lay students; effective teaching of Latin before philosophy courses; teaching of ! homistic phi­ losophy; adherence to patristic the­ ology; inclusion of pastoral theology. Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 449-58. French: Actes de Pie XI, 1:82-96. 507 Oggi, al compiersi (radio address) Pius XII, September 1, 1944. (On the fifth anniversary of the war: reconstruction of the world on a true Christian foundation) 3,700 w Christians cannot admit social order which denies right to, or renders im­ possible, possession of property. Abuse of right to property is wrong; urgent need for wider distribution of owner­ ship. Survival of civilization demands Deplores recent dissensions; sets forth directives: 1) Patriarch is to retain full rights, privileges, duties, prerogatives; he should treat bishops owe homage, deference to Patriarch; should submit controversies to his judgment; if not settled, to Holy See. 3) Prompt reunion in national coun­ cil should be called to treat of rights of Patriarch and bishops, regular ad­ ministration of faithful, discipline of clergy, monastic orders and other re­ ligious associations, needs of missions, sacred liturgy', other pertinent matters. Sources: AL, 20:199-203; ASS, 33: 65-7. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 6:138-41. 509 Omnibus, qui Nostram (letter) Pius XII, July 2, 1953. (To Reverend Louis Paulussen, S.J., Director of the General Secretariate of the Sodalities of Our Lady: World Federation of Marian Congrega­ tions) 1,250 w 114 510-515 Re-emphasizes pronouncement Bis saeculari; approves statutes of World Federation; notes importance of selec­ tivity, union with hierarchy, collabo­ ration with other groups. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 494-7; Dis­ corsi, 15:641-6. English: Action Now, 7 (November, 1953), 27-9; Cath. Mind, 52 (January, 1954), 55-7; Our Lady's Digest, 8 (February, 1954), 382-4. 510 Omnium ecclesiarum (apostolic con­ stitution) Pius XIE, August 15, 1954. (Granting a new charter to the Mission de France) 2,500 w Recalls directives of Leo XIII, Pius X on formation of French clergy; rec­ ognizes need for quasi-missionary apostolate among poor; erects, consti­ tutes Mission de France as prelature nullius for de-Christianized masses; traces plan of life for priests of Mission. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 567-74 (in­ cludes map). French: Doc. Cath., 51 (19 septembre 1954), col. 1153-60. 511 Optatissima pax (encyclical epistle) Pius XII, December 18, 1947. (Prescribing public prayers for social and world peace) 750 w World crisis demands that all put common welfare above private advan­ tage. Generous works must be joined to prayer. Sources: AAS, 39 (1948), 601-4; Dis­ corsi, 9:563-8. English: C.A.I.P. News­ letter, 13 (October-December, 1947), 1, 8; Cath. Mind, 46 (February, 1948), 65-7; New York Times (December 21, 1947), 24; Tablet, 190 (December 27, 1947), 412-13. 512 Optime profecto (letter) Benedict XV, July 25, 1920. (To the bishops of Scot­ land: the Scots College at Rome) 450 w Reviews history of Scots College; explains transition from financial se­ curity to poverty. Commends bishops for restoration of College; suggests annual collection for support. Sources: AAS, 12 (1920), 353-4. 513 Optime sane (letter) Benedict XV, June 29, 1921. (To Karl Cardinal Schulte: on the founding of a new Institute of Philosophy at Cologne) 300 w Approves project; exhorts bishops to make Institute worthy of great heri­ tage. Renews recommendation of Christian philosophy of St. Thomas. Sources: AAS, 13 (1921), 423-4. 514 Optimo sane consilio (letter) Benedict XV, April 11, 1920. (To the Very Reverend Silvius of St. Bernard, General of the Passionists: second centenary of the In­ stitute) 500 w Lauds work of Passionists; proposes St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother as proof that Passionist rule is road to perfection; grants special privileges for centenary. Sources: AAS, 12 (1920), 155-7. 515 Opus a catechismis (letter) Pius X, December 8, 1903. (To François Cardinal Richard, Archbishop of Paris: commending L'Oeuvre des Catéchismes) 375 w 115 PDF Compressor Pro 516- 520 Commends organization as neces­ sary; exhorts members to renewed zeal. Sources: ASS, 38:378-9. English: Collins, p. 3-4. 516 Ora sono pochi mesi (apostolic epistle) Pius XI, October 28, 1922. (To the bishops of Italy: urging Italian people to strive for peace in their own country) 325 w Urges prime consideration charity, common good. of Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 537-8. Eng­ lish: Koenig, p. 329-30. 517 Orbem catholicum (motu proprio) Pius XI, June 29, 1923. (On the organiza­ tion of the Confraternity of Christian Doc­ trine) 625 w Emphasizes necessity of return to Christian principles; exhorts hier­ archy, clergy, religious, laity to united effort in teaching religion; establishes supervisory committee at Sacred Con­ gregation of Holy Office. Sources: AAS, 15 (1923), 327-9. Fiench: Ades de Pie XI, 1:270-4. 518 Orientales Ecclesias (encyclical epistle) Pius Xlt, December 15, 1952. (To the episcopate of the Catholic Churches of the East: on the persecuted Eastern Church) 2,400 w Rcaflii ts desire of Rome for re­ union; deplores persecutions, exclu­ sion of God from education, social and family life; urges prayer, forti­ tude. 521 -525 no. II (May, 1953), 8-14; Cath. Mind, 51 (April, 1953), 244-50; Eastern Churches Quarterly, 10 (Spring, 1953), 1-8; Irish Eccl. Rec., 80 (July, 1953), 55-61. 519 Orientales omnes Ecclesias (encyclical letter) Pius XII, December 23, 1945. (On the three hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the reunion of the Ruthenian Church with the Apostolic See) 8,000 w Recounts events connected with the reunion of the Ruthenian Church; summarizes spiritual and cultural benefits which accrued from the re­ union; describes current persecution of Ruthenian Church by Soviet Rus­ sia. Sources: AAS, 38 (1946), 33-63; Dis­ corsi, 7:409-39. English: The Ark, 4 (April, 1949), 80-93; Eastern Churches Quarterly, 6 (April-June, 1946), 290314; St. Meinrad Essays, 11 (May, 1955), 76-96. pamphlet editions by Catholic 'I ruth Society (1944), N.C.W.C. (n.d.). 521 Orientalium (apostolic letter) Leo XIII, November 30, 1894. (On the protec­ tion and preservation of the customs of the Oriental Churches) 2,950 w Recalls glories of Oriental Churches in apostolate, martyrdom, doctrine. Declares necessity to maintain Ori­ ental discipline and rites; variety of rites is affirmation of Christian unity; confirms, amplifies constitution De­ mandatam (Benedict XIV); lays down rules for change of rite. Expresses hope seminaries and colleges be established in Orient for training in rites; forbids Latin missionaries, secular or regular, to advise or influence Eastern Chris­ tians to adopt Latin rite; recommends that priests of Latin rite honor tra­ ditions of Orientals, be deferential to authority of patriarchs, considerate of efforts toward unity with Rome. 520 Orientalis Ecclesiae (encyclical letter) Pius XII, April 9, 1944. (On the fifteenth centenary of the death of St. Cyril, Patri­ arch of Alexandria) 3,750 w Sources: AL, 14:358-70; ASS, 27:257-64; Fontes, 3:454-9. French: Ades de Léon XIII, 4:137-51. Shows that St. Cyril, one of the ecu­ menical Fathers, possessed: sanctity and devotion to the Blessed Virgin; learning; apostolic zeal. His life dem­ onstrates that Christian unity is based on unity of faith, unity of love for God and neighbor, unity of obedi­ ence to See of Peter. 522 Orientis catholici (motu proprio) Benedict XV, October 15, 1917. (Establish­ ing a Pontifical Institute for Oriental Studies) 480 w Sources: AAS, 36 (1944), 129-44; Dis­ corsi, 6:325-40; Irish Eccl. Rec., 65 Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 5-14; Dis­ (April, 1945), 277-83. English: St. corsi, 1 1:503-13. English: Cath. Doc., Meinrad Essays, 11 (May, 1955), 64-75; 116 Establishes Pontifical Institute for two-year course of studies pertinent to Oriental Churches open to Latin priests who will serve in the Orient, Uniate clerics, schismatics seeking the truth. 523 Our heart fills (radio address) Pius XII, February 25, 1951. (To the 1st Na­ tional Eucharistic Congress at Kumasi, Africa: union with the Holy See) 800 w Recalls zeal of Society of African Missions, establishment of apostolic vicariate (1900), of hierarchy of British West Africa (1950); commends loyalty to Holy See. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 170-2; Dis­ corsi, 12:461-5; Yzermans (1956), 1:162-4. 524 Our loving greetings (radio address) Pius XII, February 19, 1947. (To American children in Catholic elementary schools: plea for starving children of Europe and the Far East) 800 w Urges American children in Catho­ lic elementary schools to sacrifice for needy children abroad. Social life of tomorrow depends on health of to­ day's children. Sources: AAS, 39 (1947), 127-9; Dis­ corsi, 8:399-403; Clergy Rev., 28 (Au­ gust, 1947), 136-8; Irish Eccl. Rec., 69 (October, 1947), 926-7; New York Times (February 20, 1947), 16; Yzer­ mans (1955), 2:138-39. This was the first of the scries of annual Lenten messages to the school children of the United States. 525 Pacem, Dei munus pulcherrimum (encyclical letter) Benedict XV, May 23, 1920. (On peace and Christian reconcili­ ation) 2,700 w Reflects on spirit of "King of Peace ’; declares genuine forgiveness to be necessary prelude to peace: la­ ments continued animosities between Sources: AAS, 9 (1917), 531-3. French: Actes de Benoît XI’, L18/-90. 117 PDF Compressor Pro 526 - 529 nations; exhorts bishops of the world to teach principle of Christian for­ giveness. Sources: AAS, 12 (1920), 209-18; Irish Eccl. Rec., 16 (July, 1920), 69-75. English: Cath. Mind, 18 fjuly 22, 1920), 267-75; Irish Eccl. Rec., 16 (July, 1920), 75-81; Tablet, 136 (June 12, 1920), 787-9; Keogh, p. 222-30. 526 Parmi les institutions (address) Pius XII, October 15, 1954. (To participants in the annual General Assembly of the Inter­ national Criminal Police Commission: the criminologist and his service to society) 3,000 w Defines aims, work of Commission: I) protection of society by elimination of crime-menace and by support of morality; 2) justice to evil-doer: recog­ nition of responsibility, observance of juridical norms. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 598-605; Discorsi, 16:205-15. English: TPS, I (4 th Quarter, 1954), 361-7. 527 Parmi les nombreux XII, September 17, 1954. International Congress of Medicine, Rome: medical changing world) 1,000 w (address) Pius (To the 16th the History of science in a Reviews medical progress; points out cultural obligations; cites advan­ tages of international legal co-oper­ ation. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 577-80: Discorsi, 16:145-50. English: TPS, 1 (3rd Quarter. 1954), 245-8. 528 Parmi les nombreux (address) Ptu$ XII, October 2, 1956. (To the International 530-532 Association for Financial and Fiscal Law; on taxes) 1,300 w Recognizes work of Association, con­ tribution of International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation; notes effects of excessive taxes; urges sound program of legislation, effective application. Sources: Discorsi, 18:505-10; Doc. Cath., 53 (11 novembre 1956), col. 1423-6. English: TPS, 4 (Summer, 1957), 77-80. 529 Parvenuti all'anno (apostolic letter) Leo XIII, March 19, 1902. (To the bishops of the world: review of his pontificate) 7,500 w Reviews twenty-five years of pontifi­ cate; warns that liberty, peace are il­ lusory apart from religion. Recalls instructions on Christian philosophy, human liberty, Christian marriage, Freemasonry, nature of the State, Christian constitution of States, so­ cialism, labor question, duties of Christian citizens, and analogous sub­ jects. Encourages bishops to con­ tinued resistance of persecutions. De­ scribes existing conditions: disorder in social relations, in family life; prevalence of socialism and anarch­ ism; unjust warring of strong na­ tions against weak; increase of arma­ ments. Urges resistance to atheism and Freemasonry; calls on press for de­ fense of Church; exhorts parents and teachers to give Christian education to children, public officials to demonstiatc firmness in defense of principle, integrity of life. Sources: ASS, 34:513-32. French: dCQR, 27 (July, 1902), 563-82. Eng­ lish: /1CQ7Î, 27 (July, 1902), 583-601; Dolphin, 1 (June, 1902), 685-706; Eccl. Rev,, 26 (June, 1902), 683-704. I he official text of this document was pub­ lished in French and Italian and on these the official German translation was based. 530 Pascendi dominici gregis (encyclical letter) Pius X, September 8, 1907. (On the doctrines of the Modernists) 21,375 w Deplores partisans of Modernism among Catholic laity, clergy; provides analysis of teachings, sources of error; prescribes remedies. Considers in de­ tail philosophical, theological, histori­ cal system of errors: agnosticism, immanentism, evolutionism, in all phases and subdivisions; religious immanence and symbolism with its consequences; denial of divine inspiration and his­ toricity of Scriptures. Labels h bdernism: synthesis of errors; sees in it destruction of all religion. Attributes errors ultimately to ignorance, pride; shows points of attack: scholastic phi­ losophy, theology; authority, tradition of the Fathers; Magisterium. Urges bishops, pastors, educators, superiors to insure return to sound philosophy; to promote sound theology; to pro­ mote, reasonably, secular studies; to select directors and teachers pru­ dently; to be exact in selecting, ex­ amining candidates lor priesthood; to be vigilant over publications, con­ gresses, public gatherings; to appoint vigilance committees. Rev., 37 (November, 1907), suppl. 1-46; Irish Eccl. Rec., 22 (October, 1907), 401-12; Tablet, 110 (October 5-12, 1907), 549-54, 88-91. English: ACQR, 32 (October, 1907), 705-30; Cath. Mind, 5 (October 8, 1907), 339413; Tablet, 110 (September 28, 1907), 501-15; Yzcrmans (1954), p. 89-132. 531 Pastoralis (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, June 25, 1891. (To the bishops of Portugal: on religious union) 1,975 w Commends Braga Congress reso­ lutions; calls attention to dangers rooted in ignorance and religious in­ difference; urges bishops to eliminate bad example and propagation of er­ ror; recommends annual meetings of bishops; suggests foundation and affili­ ation of sodalities. Sources: AL, 11:207-15; ASS, 24:6570. English: Tablet, 78 (August 15, 1891), 245-6. 532 Pastoralis officii (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, September 12, 1891. (To the bishops of Germany and Austria: morality of duelling) 1,475 w Points out: self-defense alone per­ mits individual to kill or wound an­ other outside a public cause; sum­ marizes previous papal pronounce­ ments; enumerates and refutes argu­ ments in justification of evil; urges bishops to oppose its continuance. Sources: AL, 11:283-9; ASS, 21:203-7. English extract: IL Denzinger, Sources of Catholic Dogma; tr. by R. J. Dcferrari (St. Louis: Herder, 1957), p. 487. Sources: API), 4:47-114; ASS, 40:593-650; Fontes, 3:690-724; ACQR, 32 (October, 1907), 683-704; Eccl. 119 533 - 537 533 Paterna caritas (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, July 25, 1888. (To the Patriarch of Cilicia and the archbishops and bishops of the Armenian people: recalling the dis­ senting Armenians to the faith) 1,875 w Invites adherents of Armenian schism to return to unity; reviews re­ lations of Roman pontiffs with Ar­ menians; states advantages of reunion, his desire for it. dencc; distinction between seminaries and episcopal colleges for lay educa­ tion; counsels guaranteed livelihood and rule of life for young priests. Ad­ vises zealous supervision of Catholic newspapers; exhorts Catholics to par­ ticipate in public affairs and legis­ lative assembly; suggests means to meet deficits created by suppression of State allowances. Sources: AL, 8:267-75; ASS, 21:6772; Tabid, 72 (September 8, 1888), 389-90. English: Tablet, 72 (Septem­ ber 1, 1888), 321-2. Sources: AL, 19:193-9; ASS, 32:21417; Fontes, 3:559-6 I ; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 22 (May, 1900), 513-17. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 6:110-17. 534 Paterna sane (apostolic epistle) Pius XI, February 2, 1926. (To the bishops of Mexico: persecution of the Church in Mexico) 1,110 w 536 Paterno iam diu (encyclical epistle) Benedict XV, November 24, 1919. (Chris­ tian charity for the children of central Europe) 625 w Protests persecution, protection of schismatic national church, expulsion of Apostolic Delegate. Urges Catholics to political activity as citizens; warns against formation of Catholic political party. Deplores lack of sufficient aid for Europe after War; cites example of American help for Belgian children; appeals for children of central Europe; designates feast of Holy Innocents for world-wide prayer, alms. Sources: AAS, 18 (1926), 175-9. French: Actes de Pie XI, 3:131-8. Sources: AAS, 11 (1919), 437-9; Eccl. Rev., 62 (February, 1920), 195-7; Irish Eccl. Rec., 14 (December, 1919), 508-9. English: Cath. Mind, 18 (January 22, 1920), 44-6; Tablet, 134 (December 6, 1919), 741. 535 Paternae (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, September 18, 1899. (To the bishops of Brazil: on the education of the clergy) 1,475 w Commends bishops for action on directives in Litteras a vobis: resto­ ration of ancient discipline in training ol clergy; better support for religious orders, reawakening of piety among faithful. Urges effective use of oppor­ tunities offered by new’ republic: re­ organization of seminaries: separate buddings, rule of life, continuous resi- 537 Peculiari animi (letter) Pius XII, Au­ gust 23, 1955. (To the Most Reverend Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United States: the fiftieth anniversary of his ordination to the priest­ hood) 400 w Recalls service to Church: offices fulfilled, work on Code, term in United States, apostolic influence. 120 538 - 542 Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 670-1. Eng­ lish: The Ark, 10 (November, 1955), 169-70. Approves Congress; commends ef­ fort toward maintaining union be­ tween Latin and Eastern-rite Catholics as step toward return of schismatics. 538 Penifus commoto (address) Pius XII, November 2, 1950. (To the cardinals, arch­ bishops, and bishops assembled in Rome for the proclamation of the dogma of the Assumption: the Pope's intentions) 3,000 Source: AAS, 19 (1927), 340-1. 541 Per la prima (letter) Pius X, January 20, 1907. (To the directors of the Eco­ nomic-Social Union of Italian Catholics) 1,150 w Recommends intentions for prayer: 1) all pastors and faithful hindered from making Holy Year; 2) keener realization of need for spirit of morti­ fication, penitence, voluntary sacri­ fice; and 3) preservation of sanctity of marriage and the family. Commends fidelity to Holy See, abil­ ity and zeal, actions, promotional peri­ odical; urges continuation of efforts. Sources: ASS, 40:130-3. Actes de Pie X, 3:37-40. French: Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 784-92; Discorsi, 12:283-94. AAS classifies this text as an oratio. 542 Per quanto legittima (address) Pius XII, July 24, 1949. (To women of Italian Catholic Action: woman's apostolate) 2,400 w 539 Per Annum Sacrum (apostolic consti­ tution) Pius XII, December 25, 1950. (Ex­ tends to the entire world the universal Jubilee celebrated in Rome during 1950) 2,500 w Recommends to Italian women the needs of family and of youth. Desig­ nates cause of unhappy conditions: materialism spread by immoral books, magazines, plays, entertainments, and immodesty on the beaches; dissolution of marriage most responsible for moral debasement of youth. Church supports everything that contributes to sound social policy for family and youth: adequate housing, domestic educa­ tion, encouragement of religious vo­ cations; strong faith of parents will check infiltration of materialism in home; through moral and religious education youth must learn self-con­ trol, self-sacrifice, purity, obedience, respect for authority. Prescribes for Eastern and Western rites conditions for plenary indulgence previously available only to pilgrims to Rome. Empowers bishops to desig­ nate churches for fulfillment of con­ ditions. Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 853-63. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 124 (March, 1951), 161-71; Cath. Mimi, 49 (April, 1951), 260-8. 540 Per dilectum filium (letter) Pius XI, July 7, 1927. (To the Most Reverend Leo­ pold Preçan, Archbishop of Olmütz: Fifth Congress of the Apostolate of SS. Cyril and Methodius) 275 w Sources: AAS, 41 (1949), 415-21; Discorsi, 11:155-63. English: Cath. 121 PDF Compressor Pro 543 - 548 Mind, 47 (November, 1919), 685-90; Yzermans (1956), 2:43-8. 543 Per un amoroso (address) Pius XII, June 24, 1950. (To the faithful in Rome for the canonization of Maria Goretti: martyr of purity) 750 w Extols heroic purity as affirmation of other virtues; urges youth to pro­ tect purity, parents to shield children from moral perversion. Concludes with prayer to St. Maria Goretti. Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 597-9; Discorsi, 12:119-23. English: Yzermans (1956), 1:175-8. 544 Pergrata (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, September 14, 1886. (To the bishops of Portugal: on the needs of the Church in Portugal) 2,375 w Congratulates country on services to religion, preservation of faith, Christian basis of constitution; warns bishops on condition of clergy, pro­ scription oi religious orders; urges separation of religion and politics; encourages militant Catholic press. Sou rces : A L, 6 : ! 80-91 ; A SS, 19:20915; Fontes, 3:263-8. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 2:102-15. 545 Perlibenti quidem (letter) Pius XII, August 9, 1950. (To Pietro Cardinal Fumasoni Biondi: Mission Congress to be held in Rome) 1,200 w 546 Permoti Nos (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, July 10, 1895. (To the bishops of Belgium: social conditions in Belgium) 1,500 w Reviews social question; emphasizes need for avoiding dissensions; suggests solution; urges immediate application of remedies; stresses necessity of com­ bating socialism. Sources: AL, 15:256-62; ASS, 28:3-7; Irish Eccl. Rec., 17 (March, 1896), 261-4. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 4:226-33. 547 Perquam laeto (address) Pius XII, October 14, 1950. (To the International Catechetical Congress, Rome: religious in­ struction) 1,500 w Emphasizes necessity of funda­ mentals; points out basic nature of doctrine: dogma, moral, worship; re­ minds priests of responsibility. Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 816-20; Discorsi, 12:243-9; Congressus Catechisticus In terna tionalis Acta, 1950 (Romae: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1953) p. 183-8. English: Yzermans (1955), 3:100-3; pamphlet edition by Confraternity Publications (Paterson, N. J., 1951). 548 Pieni l'anima (encyclical letter) Pius X, July 28, 1906. (To the bishops of Italy: the clergy in Italy) 2,800 w Expresses concern over spirit of in­ Forecasts intensified effectiveness of subordination and independence of mission societies; insists on realistic some of the clergy ; enjoins on bishops firmness in demanding obedience; approach to mission work. deliberation before admitting men to Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 725-8. sacred orders; dismissal of question122 J 549 - 554 able candidates; careful supervision of seminaries according to papal norms; vigilant observation of priests engaged in writing, publishing, or social work. 551 Pontificium (apostolic letter) Benedict XV, June 29, 1919. (To the Very Reverend Andrés Fernandez, S.J.: a branch of the Biblical Institute at Rome to be erected in Jerusalem) 225 w Expresses satisfaction over plans for opening ol Jesuit house for comple­ tion of biblical studies; comments on value of firsthand contacts with scrip­ tural sources. Sources: APD, 3:163-73; ASS, 39:321-30; Fontes, 3:676-81; Cath. Univ. Bulletin, 13 (April, 1907), 320-6; Eccl. Rev., 35 (October, 1906), 407-14. English: ACQR, 31 (October, 1906), 744-50; Yzermans (1954), p. 79-85. Sources: AAS, 11 (1919), 308. 549 Poco più di dieci anni (address) Pius XII, May 1, 1955. (To the Catholic Associa­ tions of Italian Workers: on the tenth anniversary of the A.C.L.I.) 2,000 w 552 Por un designio (radio address) Pius XII, December 31, 1950. (To the Marian Congress, Concepcion, Chile: fourth cente­ nary of the founding of the city) 950 w Notes objective; counsels improve­ ment of workers' religious education; urges worker co-operation; states prin­ ciples for participation in public affairs; institutes feast of St. Joseph the Worker. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 402-7; Discorsi, 17:69-76. English: Cath. Doc., no. 18 (July, 1955), 31-5; Cath. Doc., no. 21 (August, 1956), 32-6 (a different translation from the preced­ ing); Cath. Mind, 53 (September, 1955), 364-8; Irish Eccl. Rec., 83 (May, 1956), 370-4; TPS, 2 (Summer, 1955), 147-53. 550 Poichè ogni ragione (motu proprio) Pius XI, March 25, 1924. (Knights of Columbus of America and the Oratory of St. Peter) 750 w Commends Knights for providing Oratory for workers near papal palaces; indicates facilities and operational organization. Source: AAS, 16 (1924), 177-9. Commends Congress; cites examples of Chilean devotion to Mary. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 122-4; Discorsi, 12:397-401. French: Actes Pontificaux, no. 60 (1953), 3-5. 553 Pour apprécier (address) Pius XII, September 11, 1954. (To delegates to the 3rd International Poliomyelitis Conference in Rome: moral and psychological prob­ lems of polio) 1,300 w Comments on increase of polio, on advances in research, therapy; urges constructive approach to moral, psy­ chological problems of victim. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 533-6; Discorsi, 16:133-8. English: TPS, 1 (1954), 237-40. 554 Pour commémorer avec (message) Pius XII, August 24, 1955. (To Joseph Cardinal Van RoeV, Archbishop of Malines: observ­ ance of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Pius Xi's Rappresentanti in terra) 600 w 123 PDF Compressor Pro 555 - 559 Praises commemoration of encycli­ cal; emphasizes pre-eminence as char­ ter of Christian education; commends proposed consecration to Sacred Heart. Recalls content and provisions of Providentissimus Deus; founding of and instructions for Pontifical Com­ mission on biblical matters in Vigil­ antiae studiique memores. Condemns non-acceptance of decision of Com­ mission; decrees: “all are bound in conscience to submit to the decisions of the Biblical Commission relating to doctrine, which have been given in the past and which shall be given in the future, in the same way as to the decrees of the Roman Congregations approved by the pontiffs.” Confirms decree Lamentabili, encyclical Pas­ cendi dominici gregis, with penalty of excommunication for contradictors. Urges bishops and superiors to vigi­ lance over teachers, publications. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 607-8. Eng­ lish: TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 243-5. 555 Praeclara (apostolic letter) Leo XIII, June 20, 1894. (To the rulers and nations of the world: appeal for religious unity) 4,700 w Urges union with Church of Rome; calls for unity of faith and govern­ ment. Appeals to separated Eastern churches, to recent schismatic groups, to all those in union with Rome (as safeguard). Warns against Regalists and Freemasonry; enumerates benefits of unity. Sources: APD, 4:233-6; ASS, 40:7236; Fontes, 3:724-6; Eccl. Rev., 38 (January, 1908), 62-4; Irish Eccl. Rec., 22 (December, 1907), 660-2, English: ACQR, 33 (January, 1908), 154-6; Rome and the Study of Scripture, p. 40-2. Sources: AL, 14:195-214; ASS, 26:705-17; Fontes, 3:411-50; Irish Eccl. Rec., 15 (August, 1894), 742-53. Eng­ lish: ACQR, 19 (October, 1894), 77789; Wynne, p. 303-19. Issued in com­ memoration of his episcopal jubilee. 558 Primo abeunte August 8, 1953. Feltin, Archbishop tennial observance Ozanam) 300 w 556 Praeses Consilii (letter) Pius XII, De­ cember 4, 1950. (To Pietro Cardinal Fumasoni Biondi: Pontifical Work of the Holy Childhood) 375 w Expresses Pope’s intention of estab­ lishing annual Holy Childhood day. saeculo (letter) Pius XII, (To Maurice Cardinal of Paris: on the cen­ of the death of Frédéric Commends recognition of Ozanam's achievements; emphasizes founding of St. Vincent de Paul Society. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 88-9. English: Fanchôn Royer, The Power of Little Children (Fresno, Calif.: Academy Library Guild, 1951), 104. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 550-1. English: Society of St. Vincent de Paul Bulletin, 98 (December, 1953), 265-6. 557 Praestantia Scripturae (motu proprio) Pius X, November 18, 1907. (On the decisions of the Biblical Commission) 1,150 w 559 Primo feliciter elapso (motu proprio) Pius XII, March 12, 1948. (Secular Instîtutes commended and confirmed) 1,300 w 124 560 - 564 Supplements provisions of Provida Mater Ecclesia; declares that 1) soci­ eties to which constitution is ap­ plicable must become proper Secular Institutes; 2) secular character must be evident; 3) only specific canonical regulations apply to Secular Institutes; 4) interdiocesan, universal organiza­ tion permissible; 5) Sacred Congrega­ tion for Religious includes office for supervision of Secular Institutes; 6) Catholic Action moderators should foster vocations. Sources: AAS, 40 (1918), 283-6; Irish Eccl. Rec., 70 (December, 1948), 111921. English: Life of the Spirit, 3 (April, 1919), 433-6; Canon Law Digest, 3:147-51. 560 Primum post impositum (letter) Pius X, May 11, 1904. (To the Most Reverend François Ricard, Bishop of Angoulême: fifteenth International Eucharistic Con­ gress) 375 w Expresses interest in International Eucharistic ( Congress; recalls fifteenth Italian Congress in Venice. Sources: ASS, 39:135-6. French: Actes de Pie X, 4:201-3; Irish Eccl. Rec., 16 (October, 1901), 372-3. 561 Primum vos (address) Pius X, Novem­ ber 9, 1903. (First consistorial address: creating Raphael Merry del Vai and Giuseppe Callegari Cardinals) 1,675 w Recalls work of Leo XIII; emphasizes need for independence in government of Church; protests against injustice of temporal powers. Reiterates his program: to restore all things in Christ, to teach truth; re­ views accusations against Church: restrains liberty, enemy of science, opposed to progress; declares necessity of refutation. Sources: AAS, 36:193-8; Irish Eccl. Rec., 15 (January, 1904), 81-5. French: Actes de Pie X, 1:201-9. 562 Principi Apostolorum Petro (encyclical letter) Benedict XV, October 5, 1920. (Proclaiming St. Ephrem, the Syrian, a Doctor of the Universal Church) 4,175 w Reviews life and work of St. Ephrem, Syrian monk; enumerates doctrinal contributions: interpreta­ tion of Scripture, dogma; points out composition and use of hymns. Con­ fers title of Doctor of Church in re­ sponse to multiple requests. Sources: AAS, 12 (1920), 457-71. French: Ades de Benoit ΧΓ, 3:7-29. 563 Procuratores generates (letter) Pius XII, March 31, 1954. (To Valerio Cardinal Valeri, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Religious: the high mission of the teaching brother) 1,000 w Commends work; emphasizes im­ portance of Christian instruction, ex­ ample, service to Church. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 202-5; Discorsi, 16:453-7. English: Cath. Mind, 52 (October, 1954), 626-8; Irish Eccl. Rec., 84 (November, 1955), 3613; TPS, 1 (2ml Quarter, 1954), 125-7. 564 Prope est ut (letter) Pius X, July 22, 1907. (To Vincenzo Cardinal Vannutelli: on the fifteenth centenary of the death of St. John Chrysostom) 525 w 125 565 - 569 Reviews briefly life and achieve­ ments; points out significance of cen­ tenary to unity of Church; announces indulgences; privileges for observance. members, living in the world, are united in pursuit of perfection and apostolate. Specifies: name—Secu­ lar Institutes; government—general norms of this constitution, rules issued by Sacred Congregation of Religious, duly approved statutes; conditions for membership: 1) profession, confirmed by vow, oath, or consecration binding in conscience of celibacy and perfect chastity; 2) dedication of works to God by vow or promise of obedience; 3) vow or promise of poverty according to constitutions; 4) stable, mutual, and complete incorporation into the In­ stitute. Institutes must provide housc(s) of residence for superiors and spiritual formation of members. Sources: AAS, 40:453-5. French: Actes de Pie X, 3:81-3. 565 Properante ad exitum (proclamation) Leo XIII, May 11, 1899. (To all the faith­ ful: proclamation of the universal jubilee of the Holy Year 1900) 1,775 w Emphasizes aim of Holy Year: to admonish men as to duties of stale of life, to arouse the slothful, to waken the negligent to danger. Specifies in­ tention: haired of sin, public repara­ tion. Sources: ASS, 31:641-5; ACQR, 24 (July, 1899), 80-4. English: AC^R, 24 (July, 1899), 85-9. Sources: AAS, 39 (1947), 114-24; C/ergy Rev., 28 (September, 1947), 196-207; Irish Eccl. Rec., 69 (Novem­ ber, 1947), 1023-31. English: Canon Law Digest, 3:135-46, omits most of the footnotes given in the original text. 566 Provida (apostolic letter) Pius X, January 18, 1906. (On marriages in Ger­ many) 1,125 w Decrees application of law of Coun­ cil of Trent, Tametsi, to whole Ger­ man Empire; invalidates, after April 15, 1906, marriages, including mixed, not contracted before pastor and two witnesses. 568 Provida matris (apostolic XIII, May 5, 1895. (To all the the occasion of the feast of recommending special prayers union of Christendom) 925 w letter) Leo faithful on Pentecost: for the re­ Institutes novena in preparation Sources: APD, 3:9-12; ASS, 39:81-1; for Pentecost: time after .Ascension is Fontes, 3:659-60. appropriate for prayer for unity; Pentecost marks birth of visible body 567 Provida Mater Ecciesia (apostolic con­ of Church as Good Friday, the Mysti­ stitution) Pius XII, February 2, 1947. (On the canonical states and on Secular Insti­ cal Body. Grants special indulgences. tutes for acquiring Christian perfection) Sources: ASS, 27:645-7. French: 3,750 w Actes de Léon XIII, 4:207-11. Bestows formal institutional and • . . . _ canonical status upon institutes whose -,Λ _ . 569 Providentia opportuna (apostolic |etter) Pius x, Augu$t 15 1928 (To 126 570 - 572 Alfonso XIII, King of Spain: the bull Cru­ ciata) 3,000 w Reviews history of Cruciata, bull of the Crusades; states in detail terms of current revision. Sources: AAS, 21 (1929), 12-21. French: Actes de Pic XI, 4:127-45. Providentissima Mater Ecclesia. Ser note under Arduum sane munus 570 Providentissimus Deus (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, November 18, 1893. (On the study of Holy Scripture) 8,875 w Gives impulse and direction to science of Holy Scripture. Outlines motives for study and use: 1) doctrinal benefits; 2) oratorical advantage: force of scriptural and patristic authority; 3) safeguard of experience: Church legislation. Details study plan: 1) knowledge of adversaries—heretics, rationalists; 2) foundational prepara­ tion: proofs of authority; interpreta­ tion, comparison of texts; 3) knowl­ edge of defenders: patristic, later com­ mentaries, the Church; theology and Scripture; 4) preparation for defense of authority of Holy Scripture: work of Church; tools: languages, history, sciences: inerrancy; Catholic research; directive norms. Rome and the Study of Scripture, p. 1-29. 571 Providentissimus Deus (apostolic letter) Pius XI, September 17, 1931. (De­ claring St. Robert Bellarmine a Doctor of the Church) 1,500 w Details reasons for declaration; em­ phasizes importance of Disputationes de controversiis christianae fidei. Sources: AAS, 23 (1931), 433-8. French: Actes de Pie XI, 7:226-37. 572 Quadragesimo anno (encyclical letter) Pius XI, May 15, 1931. (Commemorating the fortieth anniversary of Leo Xlll's Rerum novarum: reconstruction and perfection of the social order) 14,000 w Enumerates chief social encyclicals of Leo XIII, reviews results of Rerum novarum: development of Catholic social science; abandonment by States of social laissez-faire policy: growth of Catholic trade-union spirit. Explains, develops, and defends Leo XIH’s social teaching: designates nature, cause, cure of social disorder; em­ phasizes abolishment of conflict be­ tween classes: restoration of vocational groups of employers, employees, col­ laboration between vocational groups. Urges trained clerical and lay social action. Sources: AL, 13:326-64; ASS, 26:269Sources: AAS, 23 (1931), 177-228; 92; Fontes, 3:410-28; ACQR, 19 (Janu­ ary, 1894), 177-97; Amer. Eccl. Rev., Irish Eccl. Rec., 38 (August-Septem­ 10 (February, 1891), 81-107; Irish Eccl. ber, 1931), 197-217, 312-24; Two Basic Rec., 15 (January-March, 1891), 85-92, Social Encyclicals, p. 82-195 (Latin 180-6, 258-67; Tablet, 82 (December and English on opposite pages). Eng­ 23, 1893), 1005-10. English: ACQR, 19 lish: Cath. Mind, 29 (June 8, 1931), (April, 1891), 388-11; Tablet, 83 (Jan- 257-306; Eccl. Rev., 85 (August, 1931), 113-58; Tablet, 157 (June 6-20, 1931), uary 6, 1891), 5-11 ; Wynne, p. 271-302; 127 PDF Compressor Pro 573 - 577 741-4, 790-4, 814-20; Ehler, p. 407-56; Husslein, 2:174-234 ; reprin ted i n many other books and pamphlets. 573 Quae ad Nos (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, November 22, 1902. (To the bishops of Bohemia and Moravia: the Church in Bohemia and Moravia) 272 w Deplores conditions; warns against violence; recommends bishops' con­ ference. Source: AL, 22:239-40. 574 Quae divinitus Nobis (apostolic con* stitution) Pius XI, March 25, 1935. (Tri­ bunal of the Apostolic Penitentiary) 4,850 Treats of appointment, defines func­ tion, delineates authority of Tribunal; states provisions for issuing of re­ scripts. Sources: AAS, 27 (1935), 97-113. French: Actes de Pie XI, 13:13-10. 575 Quae, mari sinico (apostolic letter) Leo XIII, September 17, 1902. (On the Church in the Philippines) 2,950 w Reviews maintenance of Catho­ licity under direction of Spain and patronage of Roman pontiffs; antici­ pates by directives possible relaxation of discipline after war [1898]. Promises increase in hierarchy; details duties, relationships between metro­ politan and suffragans; urges bishops to foster native vocations, keep priests out of politics; convene occasional synod to promote unity, confer on moral and liturgical questions, give care to seminaries, educate clerics in seminaries, lay students in episcopal colleges, send qualified students to Rome for higher studies, prepare secular clergy for pastorates to replace regulars, provide religious instruction for children. Gives directives for re­ ligious; recommends missions in towns, colleges; urges union among the faithful. Sources: ASS, 35:268-77. English: ACQR, 28 (April, 1903), 372-9; Wynne, p. 544-53. Issued in the form of a bull. 576 Quae Nobis (letter) Pius XI, November 13, 1928. (To Adolf Cardinal Bertram, Bishop of Breslau: the principles and foundation of all forms of Catholic Action) 1,200 w Notes origin, need of Catholic Ac­ tion; cites Ubi arcano; redefines, sets norms for Catholic Action: religious apostolatc, social action, non-political nature, loyalty to hierarchy; em­ phasizes benefits to Stale and Church. Sources: AAS, 20 (1928), 384-87. English: Cath. Mind, 27 (March 8, 1929), 81-1; Luigi Civardi, A Manual of Catholic Action; tr. by C. C. Mar­ tindale, S.J. (New York: Sliced & Ward, 1943), p. 251-4. 577 Quale spettacolo (address) Pius XII, April 28, 1939. (To participants In the National Congress of the Priests' Eucharistic League: Blessed Peter Julian Eymard) 3,900 w Presents Eymard as example for Italian priest-adorers of the Eucharist. Presence of God is twofold: divine presence sustains the universe; pres- 578-581 ence human and divine in Blessed Sacrament. Eymard penetrated this mystery; founded Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, People's Eucha­ ristic League, Congregation of Hand­ maids of the Blessed Sacrament; labored for reception of Communion by adults in France. Mission in the Church was “to adore Christ with his mind, his heart, and all his works." Sources: Discorsi, 1:71-84. English: Emmanuel, 45 (August, 1939), 225-35. 578 Quam aerumnosa (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, December 10, 1888. (To the bishops of America: on the condition of Italian immigrants in America) 1,125 w Sources: AL, 8:380-4; ASS, 21:25860; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 1 (February, 1889), 43-8. English: Tablet, 72 (De­ cember 22, 1888), 972; Ellis, Docu­ ments of American Catholic History, p. 482-5. 579 Quam curam (apostolic constitution) Pius XI, August 15, 1929. (Erecting the Russicum, the new Russian seminary at Rome) 1,050 w Reiterates points expressed in Rerum Orientalium; emphasizes ne­ cessity of preparing young Russians for priesthood for future revival of re­ ligion. Erects Russian College in honor of Little Flower, under direction of Jesuits. Calls attention to spiritually and Sources: AAS, 21 (1929), 577-81. materially disastrous condition of im­ French: Actes de Pie XI, 6:7-14. migrants: victimization by dishonest or powerful; contamination by ma­ 580 Quam Germanica mulierum (letter) terialism; seduction by passions or Pius XI, November 26, 1926. (To Karl deceits of sects. Attributes situation to Cardinal Schulte, Archbishop of Cologne: lack of priests with knowledge of modesty in dress) 250 w people and language. Announces re­ Commends organization to promote ferral of problem to Sacred Congrega­ tion of Propaganda; immediate as­ modest dress. signment of Italian priests to America Source: AAS, 19 (1927), 90-1. to teach immigrants faith and pre­ cepts of Christian life, to provide the 581 Quam religiosa (encyclical epistle) Leo sacraments, to train children to re­ XIII, August 16, 1898. (To the bishops of ligion and good conduct, to counsel Peru: civil marriage law in Peru) 860 w and assist them. Refers to establish­ Regrets law introducing civil mar­ ment (by letter of November 1G, 1887) of apostolic college in Piacenza to riage, ostensibly for non-Catholics. form priests for this apostolate; urges Condemns civil ceremony for mixed American bishops to send Italian marriages against law of Church. candidates; to set up common resi­ Urges bishops to safeguard and main­ dences for priests where necessary; tain Catholic doctrine; refers to asks for other recommendations to Arcanum for full treatment. Reiterates that State is limited to civil regulaPropaganda. 129 PDF Compressor Pro 582 - 587 lion; must submit supra-human factors to Church jurisdiction. Declares in­ valid marriages outside Church law. Sources: AL, 18:140-4; Fontes, 3:5324. 588 - 593 585 Quamquam haud sane (letter) Pius XI March 31, 1922. (To the Superior General of the Discalced Carmelites: on the third centenary of the canonization of St. Teresa of Avila) 575 w Summarizes life and work of St. Teresa; urges devout celebration of centenary for blessing on missionaries. 582 Quam Romani Pontifices (apostolic letter) Pius XII, September 14, 1949. (Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre) 700 w 588 Quando o Senhor Cardeal (radio address) Pius XII, December 10, 1950. (To the 1st National Congress of Men of Catholic Action of Portugal: responsi­ bilities of Catholic men) 1,500 w Commends accomplishments; urges increase of qualified members; coun­ sels co-operation with other groups. Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 275-6. 586 Quamquam pluries (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, August 15, 1889. (On devotion to St. Joseph) 1,675 w Approves statutes, recognizes Equestrian Order of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem as "juridical” entity. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 722-4. 583 Quam tuo nomine (letter) Pius X, June 17, 1908. (To James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore: acknowledging sacerdotal jubilee greetings) 400 w Commends fidelity of American bishops to Church, to Vicar of Christ; urges prayer to Our Lady for France and for victory of truth over error. Sources: Eccl. Rev., 39 (September, 1908), 294-6. English: Eccl. Rev., 39 (September, 1908), 301-2. Stresses importance of patronage of St. Joseph; explains growing devotion; prescribes special devotions for Oc­ tober and March. Sources: AL, 9:175-82; ASS, 22:65-9; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 1 (October, 1889), 362-7; Irish Eccl. Rec., 10 (October, 1889), 936-40; Tablet, 74 (August 24, 1889), 309-10. English: Ave Maria, 29 (September 14, 1889), 240-4; Cath. Mind, 4 (March, 1943), 1-6; Tablet, 74 (August 24, 1889), 281-82; Doheny, p. 45-51; Lawler, p. 42-52. 587 Quamvis Nostra de Actione Catholica (letter) Pius XI, October 27, 1935. (To the bishops of Brazil: on the more effective promotion of Catholic Action) 1,650 w 584 Quamquam (apostolic epistle) Pius XII, July 25, 1954. (To eight Superiors of the Augustinian Orders: the sixteenth centenary of the birth of St. Augustine) 1,600 w Extols wisdom, merits, achieve­ ments, influence ol Augustine; indi­ cates desirable results of commemora­ tion. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 513-17; Discorsi, 16:445-51. English: TPS. 1 (3rd Quarter, 1954), 229-33. Commends hierarchy for higher education of clergy; urges establish­ ment of lay apostolate; recommends intense leadership instruction. Sources: AAS, 28 (1936), 159-64. English: Stephen Anderl, The Re­ ligious and Catholic Action (La Crosse, Wis.: St. Rose Convent, 1917), p. 103-10. 130 Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 118-22; Discorsi, 12:359-65. French: Act es Pontificaux, no. 40 (1952), 20-3. 589 Quando—pochi momenti (address) Pius XII, May 2, 1954. (To Italian ele­ mentary school children: the child militant in the modern world) 1,200 w Warns against current dangers: un­ wholesome environment, companions; dangerous publications; immoral en­ tertainment. Exhorts to obedience, love of Child Jesus, prayer, study. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 218-21; Discorsi, 16:15-20. English: Cath. Mind, 53 (August, 1955), 508-10; TPS, 1 (2nd Quarter, 1954), 137-40. 590 Quandoquidem (letter) Benedict XV, January 3, 1920. (To the Most Reverend Francis Kordac, Archbishop of Prague: apostasies in Bohemia) 450 w Expresses concern over schismatic lednota which advocated abolition of clerical celibacy; reveals papal refusal to consider request of their delegation; states society must be amended or dissolved; orders convocation ol hier­ archy to determine means for restor­ ing peace among the clergy. Source: AAS, 12 (1920), 33-5. 591 Quandoquidem (letter) Pius XI, April 25, 1922. (To the bishops of the United States: the Catholic University of America) 800 w Stresses necessity of higher educa­ tion, need for qualified university; points out one good university better than a number poorly equipped. Approves basilica in honor of Mary Immaculate. Sources: AAS, 14 (1912), 423-5. English: Cath. Hist. Rev., 8 (October, 1922), 379-81. 592 Quandoquidem (letter) Pius XI, August 4, 1923. (To Franz Cardinal Ehrle: the thirteenth centenary of the death of St. Columban) 1,100 w Sketches life and missionary activity of St. Columban; foundation of mon­ astery in Bobbio. Appoints Cardinal Ehrle special legate for solemnities at Bobbio. Sources: AAS, 15 (1923), 445-8. 593 Quandoquidem (motu proprio) Pius XII, April 2, 1949. (Erecting the Pontifical Institute of St. Eugene; pastoral appren­ ticeship) 800 w Presents need for proper induction of young priest into active ministry; erects Pontifical Institute of St. Eugene; provides for organization and administration. Sources: AAS, 41 (1949), 165-7; Discorsi, 11:411-15; Clergy Rev., 31 (June, 1949), 415-17. French: Actes Pontificaux, no. 29, p. 24-6; Doc. Cath., 46 (24 avril 1949), col. 515-18. 131 594 — 598 594 Quandoquidem qui sacris (letter) Pius XII, March 7, 1942. (To the Most Reverend Martin Stanislaus Gillet, O.P., Master General of the Order of Friar Preachers: St. Thomas Aquinas, patron of schools, and St. Albert the Great, patron of the natural sciences) 1,100 w Reviews Leo XII Is declaration of St. Thomas Aquinas as patron of Catholic schools, and his own of St. Albert the Great as patron of natural sciences. Sources: AAS, 34 (1942), 96-9; Discorsi, 4:427-32. English: New Scholasticism, 17 (January, 1943), 8992. 595 Quante volte (radio address) Pius XII, November 21, 1949. (To the sick of Italy and of the world) 1,300 w Meditation on Passion gives pa­ tience in trials, strengthens hope, brings to pain the sweetness of the Cross. The sick can exercise an apostolatc of suffering and prayer. Sources: AAS, 41 (1919), 610-14; Discorsi, 11:283-8. English: Cath. Doc., no. 3 (Epiphany, 1951), 15-17; Yzermans (1955), 3:53-6. 596 Quarto abeunte saeculo (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, July 16, 1892. (To the bishops of Spain, Italy, and the two Americas: the Columbus tercentenary) 1,875 w Notes the fitness of commemoration of Columbus: Church recognizes ex­ ceptional achievement; spread of faith was motive of enterprise. Recalls sufferings of Columbus for cause: adverse opinions of learned; rebuffs of great; storms at sea; assiduous vigils; encounters with savages; in­ fidelity of friends and companions; criminal conspiracies; perfidy of en­ vious; and calumnies of detractors. Sources: AL, 12:179-86; ASS, 25:3-7; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 7 (October, 1892), 307-10. English: Tablet, 80 (July 30, 1892), 167-8; Wynne, p. 264-70. 597 Quas primas (encyclical letter) Pius XI, December 11, 1925. (On the feast of Christ the King) 5,100 w Decrees observance of feast an­ nually last Sunday of October, with renewal of consecration to Sacred Heart. Expands motive: need for sub­ mission to Christ if world peace is to be; explains kingship of Christ with testimony from Old and New Testa­ ments. Indicates desired effects of establishing this new feast. Sources: AAS, 17 (1925), 593-610; Eccl. Rev., 75 (October, 1926), 377-92; Irish Eccl. Rec., 27 (March, 1926), 307-18; Tablet, 147 (January 2-9, 1926), 7-8, 38-41. English: ACQR, 49 (January, 1924), 1-15; Irish Eccl. Rec., 27 (March, 1926), 319-31; Tablet, 147 (January 16, 1926), 72-5; Husslein, 2:27-46; Ryan, p. 129-56; pamphlet edition by Catholic Truth Society (1938). 598 Que hermoso espectaculo (radio ad­ dress) Pius XII, March 11, 1951. (To em­ ployers and workers of Spain: concern of the Church for economic life) 1,200 w Presents Catholic position: right to property, equitable distribution of 599 - 603 wealth; cites efforts toward solution of social question; condemns class war­ fare; urges collaboration between em­ ployer, employed; insists on faith, sacrifice. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 213-16; Discorsi, 13:3-8. English: Cath. Doc., no. 5 (Autumn, 1951), 5-7; Cath. Mind, 49 (October, 1951), 706-8; Yzer­ mans (1956), 2:205-7. 599 Quel motif (letter) Pius XII, August 12, 1952. (To the 22nd International Con­ gress of Pax Romana at Quebec: function of a university) 1,000 w Defines university; describes mis­ sion: center of intellectual life; pro­ moter of truth, bulwark against nar­ rowness; warns against State interfer­ ence, abandonment to pluralism; notes unique fitness of Catholic uni­ versity. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 728-31; Discorsi, 14:465-9. English: Cath. Doc., no. 11 (May, 1953), 1-3; Cath. Mind, 51 (July, 1953), 436-8; Irish Eccl. Rec., 81 (February, 1954), 145-7. 600 Quemadmodum (encyclical epistle) Pius XII, January 6, 1946. (Appeal for the care of the world's destitute children) 1,350 w Urges intensified efforts for moral education of children rendered desti­ tute by war; establishment of addi­ tional welfare agencies. Enjoins day of prayer to "enlighten and reinforce acts of charity.” (January, 1947) 65-8. English: Cath. 'Action, 28 (February, 1946), 26-7; Cath. Mind, 44 (March, 1946), 129-33; Tablet, 187 (January 12, 1946), 19-20. 601 Questa grande vostra (address) Pius XII, October 21, 1945. (To members of various Catholic women's associations of Italy: woman's duties in social and politi­ cal life) 4,400 w Points out basic function of woman; contemporary menaces to dignity and integrity; specific place in social and political affairs: defensive, protective, constructive; responsibility for use of ballot. Sources: AAS, 37 (1945), 284-95; Discorsi, 7:225-40; Irish Eccl. Rec., 68 (December, 1946), 416-22. English: Cath. Action, 27 (November, 1945), 24-7; Cath. Mind, 43 (December, 1945), 705-16; New York Times (Oc­ tober 22, 1945), 6; Vital Speeches, 12 (November 1, 1945), 42-5; Yzermans (1956), 2:29-37; pamphlet editions by Catholic Truth Society (1946), N.C. W.C. (1945), Paulist Press (1945). 602 Questo incontro con voi (address) Pius XII, February 14, 1956. (To the parish priests and Lenten preachers of Rome: charity and the priest) 2,300 w Explains implications of charity: 1) personal, 2) pastoral; gives directives for pastoral efforts. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 135-41; Discorsi, 17:527-35. English: TPS, 3 (Spring-Summer, 1956), 72-8. Sources: AAS, 38 (1946), 5-10; 503 Questo vostro entusiasmo (address) Discorsi, 7:447-54; Irish Eccl. Rec., 69 Pius XII, October 2, 1955. (To Young 133 PDF Compressor Pro 004 - 608 Girls of Italian Catholic Action: directives for youth) 1,800 w nal Cassetta: the Society of St. Jerome for the Diffusion of the Gospels) 750 w Urges integrity, consistency, Chris­ tian militancy. Commends Society for circulation of Gospels and Acts in Italian; for influence in dissipating prejudice, in promoting restoration of all things in Christ. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 721-5; Dis­ corsi, 17:263-70. English: Cath. Doc., no. 23 (May, 1957), 4-7. 604 Quesf'ora di fulgente (address) Pius XII, May 29, 1954. (To the faithful as­ sembled in St. Peter's Square for the canonization of Pope Pius X) 2,300 w Extols sanctity of Pius X; recalls message of E supremi; notes achieve­ ments: codification of Canon Law; victory over Modernism; Eucharistic ministry. Urges imitation by priests, religious. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 307-13; Discorsi, 16:29-37. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 131 (August, 1954), 120-6; Cath. Mind, 52 (September, 1954), 551-6; Irish Eccl. Rec., 82 (August, 1951), 127-32; TPS, 1 (2nd Quarter, 1954), 147-52; Yzermans (1956), 1:17883. 605 Qui arcano Dei (radio address) Pius XI, February 12, 1931. (Inaugurating the Vatican radio: on the ninth anniversary of his coronation) 1,000 w Calls for the silence of men and things that all may hear his voice; glorifies God; speaks for peace. Sources: AAS, 23 (1931), 65-70. French: /feles de S.S. Pie XI, 7:10-17 (Latin above, French below the line). 1907. (To Francesco 607 Quingentesimus vicesimus (address) Pius XII, September 11, 1954. (To par­ ticipants in the International Congress of the History of Pharmacy: Christian duties of pharmacists) 1,300 w Recalls antiquity of art, service to medicine; points out necessity of sci­ entific knowledge; of personal, pro­ fessional integrity; of considerateness in price-setting. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 536-40; Discorsi, 16:139-44. English: TPS, I (3rd Quarter, 1954), 241-4. 608 Quinquagesimo ante (encyclical let­ ter) Pius XI, December 23, 1929. (On his sacerdotal jubilee) 4,700 w Recounts providential events of golden jubilee year: settlement of Ro­ man Question; other agreements of Holy See with various nations; meet­ ings of Armenian and Ruthenian hierarchy at Rome; establishment of colleges and missionary schools in Rome; celebration of significant an­ niversaries: beatifications; Jubilee pil­ grimages. Extends Jubilee to June, 1930. Sources: AAS, Card!Irish Eccl. Rec., 134 606 Qui piam a Sancto (letter) Pius X, January 21, Sources: ASS, 40:134-6; Irish Eccl. Rec., 21 (June, 1907), 657-8. 21 (1929), 35 (March. 707-22; 1930), 609-613 317-27. English: Cath. (March 8, 1930), 93-107. Mind, 28 609 Quinquagesimo exeunte anno (letter) Benedict XV, July 20, 1921. (To the Very Reverend Patrick Murray, Superior Gen­ eral of the Redemptorists: on the fiftieth anniversary of the elevation of St. Alphonsus Liguori to the rank of Doctor of the Church) 350 w Recounts learning, sanctity of St. Alphonsus; exhorts Redemptorists to renewed zeal. 612 Quod anniversarius (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, April 1, 1888. (On his sacerdotal jubilee) 1,125 w Returns thanks “to the sovereign goodness of God, whose will and providential wish govern the whole of man's life, that the fiftieth anni­ versary of Our priesthood has shone upon the Church.” Decrees last Sun­ day in September as day of expiation for souls in purgatory; requests Masses that day for the faithful de­ parted. Sources: AAS, 13 (1921), 426-7. Sources: AL, 8:159-62; ASS, 20:41719; Irish Eccl. Rec., 9 (May, 1888), 468-70. English: Tablet, 71 (April 14, 1888), 593. 610 Quinto feliciter (letter) Pius XI, June 24, 1927. (To Joseph Cardinal Van Roey, Archbishop of Malines: fifth centenary of the University of Louvain) 450 w Approves centenary celebration; appoints cardinal as his legate. Sources: AAS, 19 (1927), 307-8. 611 Quod ait Sanctus Bonaventura (apos­ tolic letter) Pius XII, May 15, 1950. (Pro­ claiming St. John Baptist de La Salle pa­ tron of all teachers) 500 w St. John Baptist de La Salle estab­ lished first training colleges for secu­ lar teachers. Founded Institute of Brothers for teaching; members of Institute may not become priests. Pope proclaims him model and pa­ tron of all teachers and those prepar­ ing for this work. 613 Quod Apostolici muneris (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, December 28, 1878. (On socialism, communism, nihilism) 2,900 w Condemns errors of socialism, com­ munism, nihilism: all deny authority, attack marriage and family, attack right to private property; sets up Catholic principles in each menaced area; presents Christian principles as social cure. Sources: AL, 1:170-83; ASS, 11:36976; Fontes, 3:125-32; Cath. World, 28 (March, 1879), 849-58 (Latin and Eng­ lish in parallel columns); Dublin Rev., 81 (April, 1879), 506-12; Irish Eccl. Rec., I (April, 1880), 175-80. English: Cath. World, 28 (March, 1879), 819-58; Tablet, 53 (January 18, 1878), 71-4; Gilson, p. 189-98; Huss­ lein, 1:12-23; Keogh, p. 12-22; Par­ kinson, p. 28-40; Wynne, p. 22-33. Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 631-2. Eng­ lish: Cath. Mind, 48 (August 1950), 511-12; Cath. Sch. Journal, 50 (Sep­ tember, 1950), 212. 135 PDF Compressor Pro 014-618 614 Quod auctoritate (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, December 22, 1885. (Proclama­ tion of an extraordinary Jubilee) 2,050 w Decrees Jubilee year to counteract prevailing evils. Urges bishops to pre­ pare people, to appoint priests to in­ struct them, to exhort to penance and self-restraint; recommends extension of Third Order of St. Francis, renewal of spirit of prayer, recitation of Ro­ sary, avoidance of sin, preservation of unity of spirit in bond of peace. Enu­ merates conditions for indulgences. Sources: AL, 5:169-78; ASS, 18:25762; Irish Eccl. Rec., 7 (February, 1886), 175-81. English: Ave Maria, 22 Qanuary 23, 1886), 73-7; Tablet, 67 (January 2, 1886), 5-6. 615 Quod iam diu (encyclical letter) Bene­ dict XV, December 1, 1918. (On the future peace conference) 350 w Exhorts Catholics to thank God for cessation of hostilities; to pray for divine guidance for members of peace conference. Sources: AAS, 10 (1918), 473-4; Eccl. Rev., 60 (March, 1919), 287-8; Irish Eccl. Rec., 13 (January, 1919), 71-5. English: Cath. Mind, 17 (Febru­ ary 8, 1919), 67-8; Irish Eccl. Rec., 13 (January, 1919), 75-6; Tablet, 132 (December 14, 1918), 679. 616 Quod maxime (moty proprio) Pius XI, September 30, 1928. (Joining the Pontifi­ cal Biblical and Oriental Institutes to the Gregorian University) 1,900 w 619-624 Holy See exclusive jurisdiction over Institutes. Sources: AAS, 20 (1928), 309-15. 617 Quod multum (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, August 22, 1886. (To the bishops of Hungary: on the liberty of the Church in Hungary) 3,400 w Recalls happy relations between papacy and Hungary'; exhorts bishops to combat rationalism, naturalism, so­ cialism; to aim at reform of unjust civil laws; to maintain crusade against civil marriage, irreligious schools; to labor earnestly for proper education of clergy. Sources: AL, 6:146-61; ASS, 19:97106; Fontes, 3:256-63; Dublin Rev., 99 (October, 1886), 430-37. English extract: Koenig, p. 35-6. Issued on the second centenary of the liberation of the cities of Buda and Pest from the yoke of the Turks. 619 Quod votis (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, April 30, 1902. (To the bishops of Austria: the proposed Catholic University of Austria) 248 w Commends establishment of longprojected Catholic University; recom­ mends support by faithful; counsels adherence to regulations of Sacred Congregations for Studies. Sources: AL, 22:104-5; Irish Eccl. Rec., 15 (June, 1904), 568-9. 620 Quoniam (apostolic letter) Pius XII, January 12, 1951. (Naming the Archangel Gabriel patron of telecommunications) 400 w Pays tribute to service of science to humanity and to the Church; pro­ claims St. Gabriel patron of telecom­ munications. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 216-17. English: Cath. Mind, 49 (December, 1951), 830-1. Quod Nobis. See II desiderio 618 Quod nuper (Indictio Anni Sancti) Pius XI, January 6, 1933. (Proclaiming Jubilee Year: nineteenth centenary of the Redemption) 1,450 w Proclaims Extraordinary Jubilee announced to cardinals, December, 1932; reserves first year to Rome; urges people to make pilgrimage; enumerates conditions for indul­ gences. Sources: AAS, 25 (1933), 5-10. Eng­ lish: Cath. Mind, 31 (February 8, 1933), 41-6; Eccl. Rev., 88 (March, Provides for academic union of 1933), 302-6; Tablet, 161 (January 7, University and Institutes; reserves to 1933), 17-18. 136 621 Quoniam (apostolic letter) Pius XII, June 3, 1951. (Beatification of Pope Pius X) 2,300 w Recounts labors; notes zeal for Holy Eucharist, promotion of codi­ fication of canon law; recalls con­ stancy, courage. Reviews decrees of Leo ΧΙΠ in Providentissimus Deus; lays down specific regulations for Scripture study: content, method, motivation, related studies, private study, exami­ nations, library facilities. Sources: APD, 3:72-6; ASS, 39:7780; Fontes, 3:672-4; Irish Eccl. Rec., 20 (July, 1906), 83-6. English: Cath. Univ. Bulletin, 12 (July, 1906), 38890; Yzermans (1954), p. 220-2. 623 Quoniam maxime Nobis (letter) Pius XI, October 10, 1928. (To the bishops of the United States: the Catholic University of America) 900 w Commends program; names Msgr. James Ryan to succeed Bishop Thomas Shahan; suggests dissemina­ tion of information about University, annual collection in all dioceses. Counsels high standards as means to success. Sources: AAS, 20 (1928), 380-3. English: Eccl. Rev., 79 (December, 1928), 633-8. 624 Quoniam Paschalia Sollemnia (hom­ ily) Pius XII, April 9, 1939. (Easter mes­ sage: peace must be based on justice and charity) 1,400 w Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 462-8. French: Actes Pontificaux, no. 71 (1955), 11-18. Maintains nothing more desirable than peace; everywhere preparation for and fear of war. No peace when men seek only themselves; nations refuse to co-operate, violate treaties. 622 Quoniam in re bibl/ca (apostolic let­ ter) Pius X, March 27, 1906. (Defining the method to be used in the teaching of Scripture in seminaries) 1,500 w Sources: AAS, 31 (1939), 145-51; Discorsi, 1:33-40; Irish Eccl. Rec., 53 (June, 1939), 654-8. English: Cath. 137 625-628 Mind, 37 (May 8, 1939), 649-56; Tab­ let, 173 (April 15, 1939), 483-4. 625 Quotiescumque Ecclesia (homily) Pius XII, May 15, 1949. (St. Jeanne de Lestonnac) 600 w St. Jeanne de Lestonnac founded religious congregation for perfection of its members, for education of girls; is an example of purity for girls; of faithfulness, modesty, and self-dedica­ tion for wives and mothers; of achievement for teachers; of charity for all. Sources: AAS, 41 (1919), 212-11; Discorsi, 11:65-9. English: Cath. Doc., no. 2 (August, 1950), 17-18; Yzermans (1955), 3:14-15. 626 Quum diuturnum (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, December 25, 1898. (To the bishops of Latin America: convoking the Latin American bishops to their first Plenary Council at Rome, 1899) 475 w States decision to unite bishops in assembly under papal authority to achieve ecclesiastical unity in disci­ pline and public prosperity for Church. Has ordered assembly con­ voked in Rome in 1899, by choice of bishops, and preparation of regula­ tions of reunion. Sources: AL, 18:201-3; ASS, 31:3212; Fontes, 3:534-5; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 20 (April, 1899). 109-10. French: Actes de Léon XIII,* 5:306-9. 627 Rappresentanti in terra· (encyclical letter) Pius XI, December 31, 1929. (On the Christian education of youth) 11,700 w Characterizes true education: must be directed to last end; is social in nature; belongs proportionately to family, civil society, Church; rights of Church take precedence; is con­ cerned with man “fallen but re­ deemed”; must not confuse legitimate association of the sexes with promis­ cuity of co-education. Enumerates means to perfect education: suitable environment: co-ordination of influ­ ence of family, Church, school; good teachers; sound methods; appropriate texts; supervision of reading, enter­ tainment; guidance for parents, edu­ cators. Emphasizes supernatural cle­ ment in education; defines educated Christian. Sources: AAS, 21 (1929), 723-62. English: Cath. Ed. Rev., 28 (March, 1930), 129-64; Cath. Mind, 28 (Febru­ ary 28, 1930), 61-91; Cath. School Journal, 30 (February, 1930), suppl. 1-8; Current History, 31 (March, 1930), 1091-1104; Eccl. Rev., 82 (April, 1930), 337-72; Tablet, 155 (March 1-29, 1930), 267-9, 299-301, 331-2, 379-80, 412-13; Husslein, 2:87121; pamphlet editions by America Press (1936), Catholic Truth Society (1936), N.C.W.C. (1930). • The Italian text of this encycli­ cal was followed almost two months later by an equally authoritative Latin text—Divini illius Magistri, AAS, 22 (1930), 49-86—but with some minor differences. 628 Redemptoris nostri cruciatus (ency­ clical epistle) Pius XII, April 15, 1949. (On the Holy Places in Palestine) 850 w Expresses concern about condi­ tions: desecration, destruction, men­ ace to exiles; urges relief of destitute, justice for all; recalls recommenda­ tions of In multiplicibus; reaffirms need for permanent settlement of con­ flict, Christian custody of Holy Places. Sources: AAS, 41 (1949), 161-4; Dis­ corsi, 11:387-92; Irish Eccl. Rev., 72 (August, 1919), 177-9. English: Cath. Action, 31 (May, 1949), 18-19; Cath. Biblical Quarterly, 11 (July, 1919), 325-7; Cath. Doc., no. 1 (Epiphany, 1950), 37-9; Cath. Mind, 47 (June, 1919), 369-71; New York Times (April 16, 1919), 7. 629 Regina del Santissimo Rosario (prayer) Pius XII, October 31, 1942. (Act of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary) 400 w Concluded radio broadcast of Oc­ tober 31, 1942; repeated on December 8, 1912. Sources: AAS, 34 (1912), 345-6; Dis­ corsi, 4:451-4. English: Cath. Mind, 41 (May, 1943), 46; Doheny, p. 202-4. 630 Reputantibus (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, August 20, 1901. (To the bishops of Bohemia and Moravia: the language question in Bohemia) 1,075 w Warns bishops to be vigilant in language controversy; to exhort faith­ ful to eliminate dissension. Urges clergy to set example for laity, to show charity toward one another. Re­ minds bishops to exercise care in for­ mation of priests; to teach them gen­ erous charity, disregard of language differences. 629 - 633 Sources: AL, 21:137-41; ASS, 31:321-3; Irish Eccl. Rec., 14 (Novem­ ber, 1903), 463-5. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 7:112-17. 631 Rerum condicio (apostolic constitu­ tion) Pius XI, October 4, 1927. (Approval of the Rule of the Third Order Regular of Approves revision of Rule in ac­ cordance with Code of Canon Law. Sources: AAS, 19 (1927), 361-2. 632 Rerum Ecclesiae (encyclical letter) Pius XI, February 28, 1926. (On the fur­ therance of the Catholic missions) 5,300 w Points out responsibility of faith­ ful for support: prayer, missionaries, alms: prescribes universal establish­ ment of Association of Clergy of Mis­ sions, Propagation of the Faith. Coun­ sels: training ol native clergy; insti­ tution of houses of contemplatives in mission territories; training and use of catechists; spread of work through­ out district. States that no religious institute should try to monopolize any mission territory; oser-all direc­ tion is sole duty of Holy See. Sources: AAS, 18 (1926), 65-83. Eng­ lish: Ryan, p. 157-88; pamphlet edi­ tion, Catholic Truth Society (1936). 633 Rerum novarum (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, May 15, 1891. (On the rights and duties of capital and labor) 11,250 w Reviews economic conditions: so­ cial problems resulting iront indus­ trialization, moral problems created by disregard of human rights; refutes socialism as solution: man has natu- w· PDF Compressor Pro 034 — 635 ral right to own, natural right to sound family life, natural right to use of earnings. Defines function of Church, State, employer, employee in social order. Church: forms minds, consciences; counsels justice, charity as solution of inevitable inequalities; insists on moral rights and duties, eternal values. State: should provide for public, private well-being; maintain distribu­ tive justice; protect moral, spiritual interests of citizens, especially work­ ers; regulate, as far as necessary, re­ lations between employers, employees. Employers: must respect human personality; adjust work to individ­ ual capacity; pay just wage; avoid direct and indirect exploitation of worker; provide environment con­ ducive to health, morality. Employee: must perform work agreed upon; respect person and property of employer; use only just means to obtain rights. Proposes norms for just wage; de­ fends workers’ right to organize. Sources: AL, 11:97-144; ASS, 23:64170; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 5 (August-Sep­ tember, 1891), 142-56, 217-30; Fontes, 3:355-78; Dublin Rev., 109 (July, 1891), 168-89; Irish Eccl. Rec., 12 (June-August, 1891), 558-64, 654-67, 750-9; Tablet, 77 (May 23-30, 1891), 805-6, 815-51; Two Basic Social En­ cyclicals, p. 2-81 (Latin and English on opposite pages). English: ACQR, 16 (July, 1891), 529-57; Cath. Mind, 29 (April 8, 1931), I 15-80; Tablet, 77 (June 6, 1891), 897-905; Ehler, p. 320- 55; Gilson, p. 205-40; Husslein, 1:164204; Keogh, p. 133-68; Parkinson, p. 178-219; Wynne, p. 208-48; reprinted also in many other books and pam­ phlet editions. 634 Rerum omnium perturbationem (en­ cyclical letter) Pius XI, January 26, 1923. (On the third centenary of the death of St. Francis de Sates) 4,100 w Reviews life and virtues of Saint; extols devotional and doctrinal writ­ ing; cites him as proof of general at­ tainability of perfection; grants cen­ tenary indulgences. Sources: AAS, 15 (1923), 49-63; Irish Eccl. Rec., 24 (April, 1923), 42836. English: Ryan, p. 47-69. 635 Rerum Orientalium (encyclical letter) Pius XI, September 8, 1928. (On the pro­ motion of Oriental studies) 3,400 w Ascribes Eastern Schism to misun­ derstanding, prejudice; recounts ef­ forts to remove impediments to un­ ion: delegation of priests to work in East; promotion of Oriental lan­ guages in European schools; estab­ lishment of Sacred Congregation for Oriental Church; founding of Roman Institute for Orientals. Provides for location of Institute at St. Mary Ma­ jor; prescribes courses in theology, Eastern Fathers, Byzantine and Islamitic studies in history, liturgy, archaeology. Sources: AAS, 20 (1928), 277-88; Irish Eccl. Rec., 32 (November, 1928), 534-41. English: Cath. Mind, 26 (No­ vember 22, 1928), 421-31; Eccl. Rev., 140 636 - 640 Recounts work and influence of St. Francis; exhorts promotion of mem­ bership in Third Order. 80 (January, 1929), 62-74; Tablet, 152 (September 22, 1928), 368-70; St. Meinrad Essays, 11 (May, 1955), 29-38. 636 Resta ora (address) Pius XII, Febru­ ary 5, 1955. (To the Italian Association of Catholic Jurists: crime, punishment, and rehabilitation, pt. Ill)* 5,300 w Defines liberation from guilt: psy­ chological: change of perverse will; juridical: satisfaction for crime; mo­ ral: voluntary return to moral order; religious: restoration to grace. Sources: AAS, ΑΊ (1955), 72-85; Dis­ corsi, 16:349-65. English: Cath. Mind, 53 (June, 1955), 373-84; TPS, 2 (1st Quarter, 1955), 27-39. * For the first two parts of this dis­ cussion see Accogliete. 637 Richiamo di gioia (address) Pius Xil, November 30, 1941. (To the Pontifical Academy of Sciences: God, the Creator of man and the universe) 3,200 w Discusses branches of research; de­ clares interest of Church in physical, moral results of atomic progress; urges concord founded on faith, love. Sources: AAS, 83 (1941), 504-12; Discorsi, 3:269-81. English extracts: Tablet, 178 (December 6, 1941), 361. 638 Rite expiatis (encyclical letter) Pius XI, April 30, 1926. (On the seventh cen­ tenary of the death of St. Francis of Assisi) 6,400 w Describes conditions in time of St. Francis: heretical attacks on Church, defiance of authority, petty warfare between nobles, oppression of poor. Sources: AAS, 18 (1926), 153-75; Eccl. Rev., 75 (October, 1926), 408-27; Irish Eccl. Rec., 28 c[uly, 1926), 91105. English: Husslein, 2:47-69; Ryan, p. 189-225; Rome Hath Spoken, p. 52-69; pamphlet editions, N.C.W.C. (1926), Franciscan Herald Press (1939). 639 Romani Pontifices (apostolic letter) Pius XI, March 17, 1923. (St. Leonard of Port Maurice, patron of missions for Catholics) 300 w Declares St. Leonard patron of missionaries devoted to work among Catholics. Sources: AAS, 15 (1923), 196-7. French: Actes de Pie XI, 1:206-8. 640 Romanorum Pontificum (motu pro» prio) Pius XI, May 3, 1922. (On the third centenary of the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda: extension of the work of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith) Decrees world-wide organization of century-old Society for Propagation of Faith: headquarters at Propaganda office, secretary' of Propaganda to be president of Society, national coun­ cils in every country, affiliation of ex­ istent foreign mission organizations, general council at Rome to handle funds; appends statutes for new or­ ganization. Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 321-6. French: Actes de Pie XI, 1:47-54. 141 041 - 644 641 Sacra propediem (encyclical epistle) Benedict XV, January 6, 1921. (On the seventh centenary of the Third Order of St. Francis) 2,400 w 643 Sacram Communionem (motu pro­ prio) Pius XII, March 19, 1957. (Extend­ ing induits granted by the apostolic con­ stitution Christus Dominus) 400 w Defends St. Francis against misrep­ resentations of his relationship to Holy Sec; reviews foundation of Friars Minor, Poor Clares, Third Order; recalls Misericors Dei Filius as most recent approval of Third Order. Exhorts tertiaries to revitali­ zation of charity, zeal. Grants cen­ tenary indulgences. Decrees: increase of powers of Or­ dinaries for celebration of Mass after noon; reduces length, defines nature of fast; specifies applicability of rules; exhorts those able to observe tradi­ tional regulations; counsels penance, charity to compensate for concessions. Sources: AAS, 13 (1921), 83-41; Irish Eccl. Rec., 17 (April, 1921), 42631. English: Cath, Mind, 19 (March 22, 1921), 101-9; Rome Hath Spoken, p. 38-46. 642 Sacra virginitas (encyclical letter) Pius XII, March 25, 1954. (On holy vir­ ginity) 7,500 w Reviews teaching of Church; cor­ rects misconceptions; enumerates ad­ vantages; relûtes erroneous opinions on celibacy. Notes importance of reg­ ulations for priests, religious, semi­ narians; urges modesty, parental pru­ dence; counsels prayer, penance, de­ votion to Mary, cultivation of voca­ tions. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 161-91; Discorsi. 16:369-98; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 131 (July, 1954), 41-67. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 130 (June, 1954), 404-30; Cath. Doc., no. 15 (Septem­ ber. 1954), 24-43; Irish Eccl. Rec., 83 (February-March. 1955), 141-53; TPS, 1 (2nd Quarter, 1951), 101-23; pamphlct edition by N.C.W.C. (1954). Sources: AAS, 49 (1957), 177-8; Clergy Rev., 42 (June, 1957), 375-6; Irish Eccl. Rec., 87 (May, 1957), 385-6. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 2 (June, 1957), 91-2; TPS, 4 (Summer, 1957), 7-8; Tablet, 209 (March 30, 1957), 316; pamphlet edition by N.C.W.C. (n.d.). 644 Sacramentum Ordinis (apostolic con­ stitution) Pius XII, November 30, 1947. (On the matter and form of Holy Orders) 950 w Decrees that sole matter of diaconate, priesthood, and episcopate is in imposition oi hands; sole form con­ sists of words which determine the application of the matter; delivery of the instruments is not necessary for the validity of orders; enactments of constitution are not retroactive; prescriptions of Roman Pontifical re­ main in force; future editions will contain foregoing provisions. Doc­ trinal provisions for each order spe­ cify what is required for validity. Sources: AAS, 40 (1948), 5-7; Clergy Rev., 30 (July, 1948), 62-8; Irish Eccl. Rec., 70 (September, 1948), 849-51; Jurist, 8 (July, 1948), 362-5. English: 645 - 649 Hom. Past. Rev., 48 (June, 1918), 6913; Canon Law Digest, 3:396-9. Two centenaries coincide with spir­ itual renewal of Portuguese people and conclusion of a solemn concordat and mission agreement between the Holy See and Portugal. Urges Portu­ guese hierarchy to continue centurieslong world-wide mission activity. 645 Sacrorum antistitum (motu proprio) Pius X, September 1, 1910. (Establishing certain laws for combating the dangers of Modernism) 7,600 w Recalls and reiterates prescriptions Sources: AAS, 32 (1940), 249-60; of Pascendi dominici gregis: 1) re­ Discorsi, 3:511-25. French: Actes de quires scholastic philosophy, as or­ Pie XII, 2:133-57. dained by Leo XIII, as basic; urges promotion of theology; admits of pro­ 647 Saeculum mox (letter) Pius XI, De­ fane studies in moderation; 2) de­ cember 25, 1930. (To Basilio Cardinal mands care in selecting directors, pro­ Pompili, Vicar of Rome: fifteenth cen­ fessors, candidates for priesthood; tenary of the Council of Ephesus) 300 w makes universal rules for Italian Commends observance; recalls en­ clerics; 3) demands close adherence dorsement of title “Mother of God,” to Leo XII Is Officiorum with refer­ condemnation of Nestorius. ence to reading and publications; 4) Sources: AAS, 23 (1931), 10-11. restricts congresses of priests (Nobi­ lissima Gallorum gens')', 5) entrusts to French: Actes de Pie XI, 6:236-8. vigilance councils supervision of so­ cial institutions; 6) decrees triennial 648 Saepe Nobis (letter) Benedict XV, report on these prescriptions. Enun­ November 30, 1921. (To the bishops of Czechoslovakia: theological studies in ciates instructions for seminaries and seminaries) 1,400 w religious institutes; names classes of priests who must join oath to pro­ Appeals to bishops to attend to fession of faith; decrees universal ap­ discipline, teaching in seminaries to plicability of prescriptions. forestall later defections among priests. Recommends Saints Cyril and Sources: AAS, 2 (1910), 655-80; Methodius as models. Pontes, 3:774-90; Eccl. Rev., 43 (No­ Sources: AAS, 13 (1921), 531-59. vember-December, 1910), 566-80, 695702; Irish Eccl. Rec., 28 (October, 1910), 408-27. English: ACÇfR, 35 649 Saepe Nos (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, June 24, 1888. (To the bishops of (October, 1910), 712-31. Ireland: Plan of Campaign and boycotting in Ireland) 950 w 646 Saeculo exeunfe octavo (encyclical epistle) Pius XII, June 13, 1940. (To the bishops of Portugal and its colonies: eighth centenary of the independence of Portugal and the third of the regaining of its liberty) 4,100 w Reaffirms previous decrees: Plan of Campaign and practice of boycotting in Ireland contrary to Christian mo­ rality; forbids practice to Catholics. 1 13 050 - 654 Reproves the means but not the right to seek to better conditions; violence and injustice fatal to cause. Sources: AL, 8:249-53; ASS, 21:3-5; Tablet, 72 (July 28, 1888), 136. Eng­ lish: Tablet, 72 (July 21, 1888), 81. Saepe numero. See Spesse volte 650 Saepenumero (letter) Leo XIII, Au­ gust 8, 1883. (To Cardinals Antonio de Luca, Jean Baptiste Pitra, and Joseph Hergenrother: on historical studies) 4,125 w Reviews past efforts to throw sus­ picion on Church and popes; stresses beneficent influence of pontificate; emphasizes truth as objective of his­ tory; specifies essentials for historical reliability: laborious investigation, maturity of judgment, critical discern­ ment; decrees Vatican Library open for historical research; encourages participation in historical work. Sources: ASS, 16:49-57; Dublin Rev., 93 (October, 1883), 413-19. Eng­ lish: Ave Maria, 19 (September 22-29, 1883), 741-3, 761-3; St. Me inrad's His­ torical Essays, 3 (May, 1935), 201-13; Tablet, 62 (September, 1883), 321; Nicholas A. Weber, Civilization: An­ cient and Medieval (Washington, D.C.: Catholic Education Press, 1953), p. 338-47. 651 Saevis agitata (decretal letter) Pius XI, May 19, 1935. (Canonization of Blessed John Fisher and Blessed Thomas More) 5,300 w pontiffs; enumerates the acts which led to canonization. Sources: AAS, 28 (1936), 185-203. French: Actes de Pie XI, 13:49-87. 652 Sancta Dei civitas (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, December 3, 1880. (Three French societies: Propagation de la Foi, SainteEnfance de Jésus-Christ, and Écoles d'Orient) 2,625 w Commends Society for Propagation of the Faith founded 1822, Associa­ tion of Holy Childhood, and Oriental Schools, all devoted to spread of faith; explains current obstacles to mission work; urges material aid, prayer, mis­ sionary vocations. Sources: AL, 2:169-78; ASS, 13:2418; Dublin Rev., 88 (April, 1881), 4515. English: Tablet, 56 (December 25, 1880), 820-1. 653 Sancta Dei Ecclesia (motu proprio) Pius XI, March 25, 1938. (Extension of jurisdiction of the Sacred Congregation for the Oriental Church) 1,600 w Specifics jurisdiction, faculties con­ ferred; allocates funds; appoints pre­ fect to Supreme Council of Societies for Propagation of Faith and of St. Peter the /Xpostle. Sources: AAS, 30 (1938), 154-9. French: Actes de Pie XI, 17:23-35. 654 Sapienti consilio (apostolic constitu­ tion) Pius X, June 29, 1908. (On the Ro­ man Curia) 3,600 w Reviews establishment of Sacred Reviews life of each; comments on Congregations by Sixtus V (apostolic martyrdom; recalls tributes of Roman letter, Immensa, January 22, 1587) to 144 655 - 656 lighten work of consistories, to ex­ pedite decisions; recounts changes in number, jurisdictions; indicates re­ cent provisions to define competen­ cies: Romanis Pontificibus (December 17, 1903), Quae in Ecclesiae bonum (January 28, 1904), Sacrae Congrega­ tioni super negotiis (May 26, 1906). Decrees, after November 3, 1908, the sole applicability of laws embodied in present constitution to Congrega­ tions, Tribunals, Offices included in Roman Curia; lists these bodies. De­ fines objective of Congregation of Reverenda Fabrica S. Petri as care of Basilica of St. Peter. Removes from jurisdiction of Propaganda Fide ec­ clesiastical provinces: England, Scot­ land, Ireland, Holland, Canada, New­ foundland, United States; diocese of Luxembourg. best among forms of government; po­ litical differences legitimate among Catholics; right to educate children exclusive to parents. Sources: AL, 10:10-41; ASS, 22:385104; Fontes, 3:325-40; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 2 (April, 1890), 291-308; Dublin Rev., 106 (April, 1890), 403-17; Irish Eccl. Rec., 11 (March, 1890), 268-86; Tablet, 75 (February I, 1890), 189-93. English: Tablet, 75 (January 25, 1890), 121-6; Gilson, p. 248-72; Husslein, 1:140-63; Keogh, p. 108-32; Parkin­ son, p. 147-77; Wynne, p. 180-207. 656 Satis cognitum (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, June 29, 1896. (On the unity of the Church) 12,100 w 655 Sapientiae christianae (encyclical let­ ter) Leo XIII, January 10, 1890. (On the chief duties of Christians as citizens) 7,375 w Names unity “most worthy" attri­ bute of Church; explains nature: Christ made unity sign of truth, strength; Church is visible body of Christ: living organized society; is animated by invisible principle of supernatural life; union of both ele­ ments necessary; so constituted by God’s will; will last to end of time. States criterion for true Church: unity of faith, of government, of commun­ ion; no one is in the Church who dis­ sents from the Scriptures concerning Christ or who believes in Christ and does not communicate in the Church. Presents and elaborates principles of Christian citizenship: no necessary conflict between citizenship in Church and State; obedience to God and Church prime obligation; knowledge of faith vital responsibility; harmony of thought essential to unity of ac­ tion; Church does not decide what is Sources: AL, 16:157-208; ASS, 28:708-39; Fontes, 3:470-94; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 15 (September, 1896), 276308; Tablet, 88 (July 18, 1896), US19. English: Irish Eccl. Rec., 17 (Au­ gust-September, 1896), 748-56, 831-58; Tablet, 88 (July 4, 1896), 5-14; Wynne, p. 350-91; pamphlet edition, Sources: AAS, 1 (1909), 7-19; Fontes, 3:726-36; ACQR, 33 (July, 1908), 495-504; Eccl. Rev., 39 (Sep­ tember, 1908), 281-94; Irish Eccl. Rec., 24 (September, 1908), 315-28. English: ACQR, 33 (July, 1908), 50516. 145 PDF Compressor Pro 657-661 Apostolatc of the Press (Staten Is­ land, N.Y., n.d.). 657 Scripturae Sanctae (apostolic letter) Pius X, February 23, 1904. (Academic degrees in Sacred Scripture conferred by the Biblical Commission) 750 w Indicates need for special biblical institute to train proficient scholars and teachers; institutes degree pro­ gram for Biblical Commission as im­ mediate solution of problem; enu­ merates requirements for degrees. Sources: ASS, 36:530-2; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 30 (May, 1903), 502-4. French: Ades de Pie X, 1:136-9. 658 Se α temperare (address) Pius XII, September 4, 1940. (To diocesan directors of Catholic Action: Magna Charta of Catholic Action) 4,300 w Commends new statutes for Italian Catholic zXction (collaboration of laity in apostolatc of hierarchy). De­ fines its mission: Catholic Action co­ operates with Church in salvation of souls; continues the redemptive work ol Christ. Essential because of dé­ christianisation of society, insuffi­ ciency of priests, multitude and needs of people. Apostolate of like to like; service to Church and to civil society through influence on individual, family, social life. To be effective Catholic Action must maintain: union with the hierarchy; union with God; union among members and co-ordination with work of priests; union with other associations. Points out oppor­ tunities for influence in every area. Sources: AAS, 32 (1940), 362-72; Discorsi, 2:215-30. English: Stephen Anderl, Religious and Catholic Ac­ tion (LaCrosse, Wis.: St. Rose Con­ vent, 1947), p. 127-43. 659 Se le forze (address) Pius XII, June 12, 1954. (At the canonization of Saints Peter Chanel, Gaspar del Bufalo, Joseph Pignatelli, Dominic Savio, and Maria Crocifissa di Rosa) 1,300 w Outlines life of each saint; points out source of heroism. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 358-62. English: Cath. Mind, 52 (November, 1954), 696-700; Irish Eccl. Rec., 84 (July, 1955), 52-6; TPS, 1 (2nd Quar­ ter, 1954), 165-9. 660 Sea par siempre (radio address) Pius XII, June 1, 1952. (To the 35th Interna­ tional Eucharistic Congress at Barcelona: the Eucharist in daily life) 1,100 w Declares source of true peace: faith in Christ. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 478-81; Discorsi, 14:171-6. English: Cath. Doc., no. 9 (November, 1952), 12-14; Yzermans (1956), 1:164-6. 661 Sedes sapientiae (apostolic constitu­ tion) Pius XII, May 31, 1956. (Approving general statutes for the regulation of seminaries conducted by religious orders and congregations and laying down norms to guide their application) 3,300 w Reviews steps leading to Statutes: number of regular clergy; necessity for universal regulation of education; erection of Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities; fomui146 .Ιί 662 - 665 lation of program; Congress on States Studies; specifies that cardinal shall of Perfection; revision and papal ap­ be prefect. Enumerates details for im­ proval of program. Elaborates gen­ plementation of decree. eral norms: 1) dual requirement for Sources: AAS, 7 (1914), 493-5. vocation; 2) education, formation of French: Actes de Benoit XV, 1:101-5. candidate: eminent faculty; organ­ ized, gradated program; supernatural 664 Sempiternus Rex Christus (encyclical formation; 3) provision for intellec­ letter) Pius XII, September 8, 1951. (On tual, pastoral training: safeguarding the fifteenth centenary of the Council of of philosophical, theological studies; Chalcedon) 4,650 w integration of spiritual, intellectual Sketches historical background and formation; grounding in skills essen­ details events leading to Council of tial to apostolatc; post-ordination ap­ Chalcedon. Stresses doctrinal aspects prenticeship (tirocinium'). Decrees ob­ of problems raised, in particular, pri­ servance of norms. macy of Roman Pontiff with regard Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 354-65. to dogmatic definition; devotes major English: TPS, 3 (Winter, 1956-7), 287- part of discussion to christological 98; Rev. for Religious, 16 (March 15, questions studied at Ephesus previous 1957), 88-101; pamphlet edition, to Chalcedon; states Chalcedon defini­ Catholic University of America Press tion of two natures but one person in (1957). Christ. Appeals for return of mono· physites and for unity in Church. 662 Sedis Apostolicae providam (apos­ tolic letter) Pius X, March 9, 1905. (On the Latin American College in Rome) 2,250 w Elevates College to pontifical insti­ tution; grants new constitution. Sources: ASS, 37:549-54; Irish Eccl. Rec., 18 (August, 1905), 180-4. 663 Seminaria clericorum (motu proprio) Benedict XV, November 4, 1915. (Estab­ lishing the Sacred Congregation of Semi­ naries and Universities) 700 w Decrees foundation of Congrega­ tion on same basis as others in Ro­ man Curia; delegates to it intellec­ tual, moral education of clerics, in­ cluding functions of Congregation of Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 625-44; Discorsi, 13:517-35. English: Nat. Cath. Almanac (1952), p. 71-9; St. M einrad Essays, Il (May, 1955), 97111; pamphlet edition by N.C.W.C. (1951). 665 ter) fifth Our Septuaginta quinque (apostolic let­ Pius XI, January 11, 1933. (Seventy­ anniversary of the Apparition of Lady at Lourdes) 500 w Prescribes conditions for anniversary indulgences; grants special faculties to Ordinary and celebrant of anni­ versary Mass. Sources: AAS, 25 (1933), 57-9; Irish Eccl. Rec., 41 (May, 1933), 545-6. French: Actes de Pie XI, 9:30-4. 147 PDF Compressor Pro όόό — 669 666 Sertum laetitiae (encyclical epistle) Pius XII, November 1, 1939. (To the bish­ ops of the United States: one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the establish­ ment of the hierarchy in the United States) 3,600 w Praises Archbishop John Carroll, founder of American hierarchy; com­ ments on work of Church in America; recalls many organizations working for religious, educational, and social advancement of the people; urges in­ cessant combat against materialism and religious indifferent ism; pleads for conversion and spiritual care of Negroes; urges on Catholics fidelity in marriage; commends Catholic Uni­ versity; considers problems of capital and labor, employers and employees. Sources: AAS, 31 (1939), 635-44; Discorsi, 3:481-94; Irish Eccl. Rec., 55 (February, 1910), 193-200. English: AAS, 31 (1939), 645-56; Calh. Mind, 37 (November 22, 1939), 923-10; Eccl. Rev., 101 (December, 1939), 510-50; Irish Eccl. Rec., 55 (February, 1940), 201-10; pamphlet editions by America Press (1912), Catholic Truth Society (1939), N.C.W.C. (1939), Paulist Press (1940). 667 Si diligis (address) Pius XII, May 31, 1954. (To cardinals, archbishops, and bishops present in Rome for the canoni­ zation of Pius X: the teaching authority of the Church) 1,800 w Designates triple oilice, privilege of bishops: teacher, priest, ruler. Ex­ plains magisterium: source, incum­ bents, delegation; recalls admonitions of Humani generis. Condemns “lay theology" detached from ecclesiastical authority; urges bishops to counter error with truth. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 313-17; Discorsi, 16:39-46; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 131 (August, 1954), 127-32. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 131 (August, 1954), 132-7; Calh. Doc., no. 16 (December, 1954), 28-32; Irish Eccl. Rec., 82 (No­ vember, 1951), 357-61; TPS, 1 (2nd Quarter, 1954), 153-8; Yzennans (1956), 1:204-8. 668 Si è annunciate (chirograph) Pius XI, February 18, 1926. (To Pietro Cardinal Gasparri, Secretary of State: Italian leg­ islation concerning the Church) 450 w Declares illegitimate attempt of government to enact laws regarding clergy or Church affairs; maintains supreme authority of Church in own realm. Sources: AAS, 18 (1926), 84-5. French: Ades de Pie XI, 3:139-42. 669 Si la surcharge (address) Pius XII, June 7, 1949. (To the participants in the Study Week on the Biological Problem of Cancer: cancer research) 900 w Notes nature of disease; recognizes value of hypotheses as impetus to re­ search; commends Pontifical Academy of Sciences on approach to problem: identification of agreements, disagree­ ments, sources of difference, direction of research. Sources: Discorsi, 11:101-5. English: Calh. Mind, 47 (November, 1949), 700-1; Yzennans (1955), 3:15-17. 148 670 - 674 670 Si Nous avons eu (address) Pius XII, November 19, 1954. (To the Administra­ tive Council of the international Labor Organization: responsibilities of labor unions) 1,300 w Reiterates concern of Church for worker; exhorts unions to realization of influence, responsibility to promote common good; urges recognition of spiritual values. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 714-18; Discorsi, 16:263-8. English: Cath. Doc., no. 17 (April, 1955), 10-12; Cath. Mind, 53 (February, 1955), 113-15; pamphlet edition by International Labor Office (Washington, D.C., 1955). 671 Siamo ben felice (address) Pius XII, March 19, 1953. (To students and teach­ ers of schools for adult education: direc­ tives for adult education) 3,100 w Re-emphasizes educational mission of Church; points out essential areas of adult education: marriage, family; social, economic, political fields; pro­ fessional formation; religion, mo­ rality. Notes levels: instruction of il­ literate; elementary studies; voca­ tional training; cultural development. Indicates advantages of adult learner, qualifications of teacher; calls atten­ tion to educative significance of com­ munication media. 672 Siano rese grazie (address) Pius XII, March 10, 1955. (To the parish priests and Lenten preachers of Rome; pastoral care of souls) 1,800 w Points out value of retreats; neces­ sity for discretion, firmness, courage in spiritual direction; calls for realism in promoting spiritual re­ newal, in co-ordination of work. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 212-17; Discorsi, 17:3-9. English: TPS, 2 (1st Quarter, 1955), 47-51. 673 Sie haben (letter) Pius XII, June 27, 1955. (To the Most Reverend Joseph Freundorfer, Bishop of Augsburg, on the thousandth anniversary of the Battle of Lechfeld: materialism, threat to Western culture) 900 w Indicates significance of com­ memoration; relates Western culture to Christianity; refers to Treaty of 1555, consummation of schism in Germany. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 596-8; Discorsi, 17:639-44. English: TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 227-9. 674 Sie kommen aus (address) Pius XII, December 31, 1956. (To the Association of Catholic Teachers of Bavaria: need for Catholic schools) 700 w Stresses obligation of State-con­ trolled education to regard wishes of parents, to provide acceptable teach­ ers; insists on right of Church to schools that insure Catholic educa­ tion. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 230-8; Discorsi, 15:7-17. English: Anima, 5 (Spring-Summer, 1954), 7-16; Cath. Doc., no. 11 (May, 1953), 24-30; Irish Sources: AAS, 49 (1957), 63-5; Eccl. Rec., 81 (May, 1954), 382-8; Discorsi, 18:743-7. English: Cath. Yzermans (1956), 2:94-100. 149 675 - 679 Doc. (Australia), 2 (June, 1957), 8-9; TPS, 4 (Summer, 1957), 21-3. 675 Sie kommen von Berlin (address) Pius XII, March 28, 1957. (To youth of the Christian Democrat Union of West Berlin: the State and the rights of man) 400 w Explains relationship of State to individual, family; place of Christian politics. Commends efforts toward united Europe. Sources: AAS, 49 (1957), 287-8. Eng­ lish: TPS, 4 (Summer, 1957), 23-4. Siempre Nos fué. See Dilectissima Nobis 676 S'il Nous plait (address) Pius XII, September 28, 1948. (To delegates to the Congress of the International Association for the Protection of Young Girls: moral dangers for the young girl of today) 2,500 w Recounts need for moral rehabilita­ tion of girls. Chronic social evil de­ mands: character reform; recon­ structed social system; proper institu­ tions and cultural environment; understanding of complementary role of men and women. Calls attention to perennial concern of Church for education and spiritual, moral well-being of youth. Confinns choice of St. Aloysius as patron of youth; recommends him as model; suggests retreats for the young; dis­ credits new approach to inculcation of chastity and sanctity. Sources: AAS, 18 (1926), 258-67. French: Actes de Pie XI, 3:214-35. 678 Singulari animi (address) September 17, 1950. (To the national Thomistic Congress in Thomas Aquinas, light of philosophy) 550 w Pius XII, 3rd Inter­ Rome: St. scholastic Emphasizes importance of Humant generis; extols St. Thomas’ style; urges imitation. Sources: AAS, 42 Discorsi, 12:203-6. (1950), 734-5; 679 Singulari quadam (encyclical epistle) Pius X, September 24, 1912. (To the bishops of Germany: labor organizations) 1,550 w Summarizes problems about work­ ingmen's organizations; warns against ‘intercrcdaT religion; voices decision Sources: Discorsi, 10:223-31; Doc. on disputed questions. Reminds Cath­ Cath., 15 (7 novembre 1948), col. 1419- olics of inviolable duty of obedience 24. English: Cath. Action, 30 (Novem­ to principles enunciated by Church; ber 1918), 3:18-19; Cath. Doc., no. 1 specifies principles from Rerum (Epiphany, 1950), 11-15; Yzermans novarum: 1) Christian can never (1955), 2:228-32. ignore supernatural good; 2) all his actions, in so far as they are morally 677 Singulare illud (apostolic epistle) Pius good or bad, are subject to the judg­ XI, June 13, 1926. (To the Very Reverend ment and direction of Church; 3) Vladimir Ledochowski, General of the Christians must promote mutual con­ Society of Jesus: the bicentenary of the cord between classes of society; 4) canonization of St. Aloysius Gonzaga) 2,800 w settlement of social question is subject 150 680 - 684 to ecclesiastical authority. Makes specific provision for German situa­ tion: Catholic labor associations are most desirable; Catholics may collab­ orate with non-Catholics preferably through cartels; Catholics may join Christian Trade Unions provided: they also belong to Catholic Arbcitervereine; the Unions avoid every­ thing contrary to Catholic teaching; bishops take responsibility in Catholic participation. Sources: AAS, 4 (1912), 657-62; Irish Eccl. Rec., 32 (December, 1912), 652-6. English: John A. Ryan and J. Husslein, S.J., The Church and Labor (New York: Macmillan, 1924), p. 12732; Yzermans (1954), p. 190-4. 680 Societatem Caecilianam (letter) Pius X, December 1, 1903. (To Antonius Cardinal Fischer, Archbishop of Cologne: the Society of St. Cecilia) 260 w Praises Society; commends work and zeal of members; urges practice of precepts of Tra le sollecitudini, motu proprio on sacred music. Sources: ASS, 36:463; Irish Eccl. Rec., 15 (February, 1904), 180-1. 681 Solemne illud (letter) Pius X, February 22, 1905. (To the Very Reverend Louis Péchenard, Rector of the Catholic Institute of Paris: sacred and profane studies) 750 w Commends fidelity of start to cause of religion; warns against hasty ac­ ceptance of novelties. 682 Soliti Nos quidem (letter) Benedict XV, March 11, 1920. (To the Most Reverend Luigi Marelli, Bishop of Bergamo: ponti* fical directives and the social problem) 750 w Implies that labor organizations fostered by bishop after war had turned socialistic. Approves organiza­ tions governed by principles of Rerum novarum and similar instructions. Warns that extreme socialistic theory embitters men, tends to revolution and destruction. Sources: AAS, 12 (1920), 109-12. French: Ades de Benoit ΧΓ, 2:125-31. 683 Sollemnia iubilaria (letter) Pius XI, September 21, 1938. (To the bishops of the United States: on the fiftieth an­ niversary of the Catholic University of America) 800 w Reviews accomplishments of Uni­ versity; suggests assumption of greater responsibility in future. Expresses satisfaction with Church in .America; urges that University set up program of social action; recommends encycli­ cals as sources of solid teaching in politics, sociology, economics. Sources: AAS, 30 (1938), 340-3. Eng­ lish: Eccl. Rev., 100 (January, 1939), 5-7; Catholic University of America Commission on American Citizenship, Better Men for Better Times (Wash­ ington, D. C.: The University, 1943), p. ix-xii, omits introduction and con­ clusion. 684 Sollemnis conventus (sermon) Pius XII, June 24, 1939. (To ecclesiastical stu­ dents in Rome) 2,400 w Sources: ASS, 37:555-7; Irish Eccl. Rec., 19 (May, 1906), 463-4. 151 PDF Compressor Pro 685 - 689 States priest must be liglit and warmth of world. Seminarians must study zealously philosophy, theology', other disciplines of curriculum, to be equipped to teach truth, combat error; must prepare to be leaders of laity, by way of prayer, self-sacrifice, generosity. Sources: AAS, 31 (1939), 245-51; Discorsi, 1:209-18; Clergy Rev., 17 (October, 1939), 357-65; Irish Eccl. Rec., 54 (September, 1939), 307-12. English: Tablet, 174 (July 22, 1939), 109; Canon Law Digest, 2:427-33. 685 Sollemnium agendorum (letter) Pius XI, May 27, 1935. (To the bishops of England and the Most Reverend Fidelis de Stotzingen, Abbot Primate of the Order of St. Benedict: twelfth centenary of the death of St. Bede) 400 w Refers to doctrinal and historical works of St. Bede. Sources: AAS, 27 (1935), 407-8. French: Actes de Pie XI, 13:96-9. 686 Sono avventurati (address) Benedict XV, October 21, 1919. (To the Marchesa Maddalena Patrizi, President General of the Catholic Women's Union of Italy: the social mission of women) 2,400 w Points out unchanging mission of woman: home, family; commends I nion for opposition to indecent dress, for betterment of home, school. Sources: Original text not located in AAS or Osseruatore Romano. French; Ades de Benoit XV, 2:68-72. 687 Soyez ici les bienvenus (address) Pius XII, July 2, 1951. (To the International Catholic Congress rural life) 1,400 w on Rural Problems: Deplores industrial annexation of country to city; exposes application of Marxist principles; advocates reorien­ tation in terms of rural character, prestige. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 554-57; Discorsi, 13:195-201. English: Cath. Mind, 49 (October, 1951), 708-11; Yzermans (1956), 2:225-9. 688 Soyez les bienvenues (address) Pius XII, April 18, 1952. (To the International Congress of the World Federation of Catholic Young Women: the "new moral­ ity") 2,700 w Points out characteristics of “new morality”: subjective standards, elim­ ination of universal norms, substitute of sincere intention for responsible action; designates source as existen­ tialism; defines Catholic morality. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 413-19; Discorsi, 14:69-78. English: Cath. Doc., no. 8 (July, 1952), 15-20; Irish Eccl. Rec., 77 (August, 1952), 137-42; Yzermans (1956), 2:89-94. 689 Soyez les bienvenus (address) Pius XII, September 11, 1949. (To members of the Christian labor movement of Belgium) 1,400 w Trade unions “arose as a spon­ taneous and necessary consequence of capitalism, established as an eco­ nomic system.” Church approves them, provided they promote Chris­ tian order; meet spiritual and material needs of workers. Belgian movement ■■■i 690 - 694 must resist dangerous temptation to abuse its power; must build on “foun­ dations laid by nature, and in reality by the Creator, as the basis of the sole genuine stability.” 692 Soyez les bienvenus (address) Pius XII, October 8, 1956. (To Catholic Associa­ tions of Small and Medium-Sized Busi­ nesses of Germany, Belgium, Italy, and the Netherlands: small business in today's economy) 1,500 w Sources: AAS, 41 (1949), 547-51; Discorsi, 11:203-8. English: Cath. Mind, 48 (January, 1950), 58-61; Yzermans (1955), 3:35-8. Notes relation of small business to national stability; treats property dis­ tribution, leadership, employer-em­ ployee relations, competition, business solidarity, fraternal justice. 690 Soyez les bienvenus (address) Pius XII, September 7, 1953. (To those attending the 1st International Symposium on Genetics) 4,400 w Outlines fundamentals of genetics; enumerates aspects for consideration: scientific integrity; limits of field; sources of error; relation to psychol­ ogy, philosophy, revelation; practical importance. Approves objective of genetics, eugenics; condemns meth­ ods: racialism, sterilization, segrega­ tions; emphasizes difference between man, lower species. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 596-607; Discorsi, 15:251-66. English: Cath. Doc., no. 14 (February, 1954), 6-15; Irish Eccl. Rec., 82 (September, 1954), 191-200. 691 Soyez les bienvenus (address) Pius XII, June 30, 1954. (To participants in the 13th World Championship of Gymnastics and the International Assembly of Gym­ nastic Associations: gymnastics and moral life) 330 w Reiterates statements on relation of sports, character. Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 403; Discorsi, 16:61-3. English: TPS, 1 (3rd Quarter, 1954), 265-6. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 798-801; Discorsi, 18:551-7. English: Cath. Doc. (/Australia), 2 (December, 1956), 61-5; TPS, 3 (Spring, 1957), 405-9; Wage Earner, 17 (December, 1956), 5, 15. 693 Spectata fides (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, November 27, 1885. (To the bishops of England: on the Christian education of children) 750 w Commends provision of Catholic schools; praises generosity of Catholics for their support. Sources: AL, 5:162-5; ASS, 18:305-7; Dublin Rev., 98 (January, 1886), 16970; Irish Eccl. Rec., 7 (February, 1886), 181-3. English: Ave Maria, 22 (January 9, 1886), 39-40; Tablet, 66 (December 19, 1885), 989. 694 Spesse volte (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, August 5, 1898. (To the bishops, priests, and people of Italy: the sup­ pression of Catholic institutions in Italy) 3,050 w Protests acts against Church and religion; reviews origin and necessity of suppressed institutions; refutes ac­ cusations; exposes inconsistency of PDF Compressor Pro 695 - 698 ministry. Defines province of Catholic Action; enumerates restrictions on liberty of Pope; restates determination to fulfill papal mission. minor cloister. Recommends federa­ tions under papal approval; specifies necessity of appropriate work; desig­ nates apostolate through perfection, prayer, self-sacrifice. Sources: AL, 18:123-36; ASS, 31:12937. English: ACQR, 23 (October, 1898), 862-9; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 19 (Oc­ tober, 1898), 391-400; Tablet, 92 (z\ugust 13, 1898), 245-7. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 5-24. Eng­ lish: Life of the Spirit, 6 (December, 1951-January, 1952), 215-26, 297-303; pamphlet edition by Apostolate of the Press (Derby, N. Y., 1955). 695 Spiritus Paraclifus (encyclical letter) Benedict XV, September 15, 1920. (On the fifteenth centenary of the death of St. Jerome) 10,100 w 697 Studiorum Ducem (encyclical letter) Pius XI, June 29, 1923. (On the sixth centenary of the canonization of St. Thomas Aquinas) 5,100 w Summarizes life of St. Jerome, serv­ ice to the Church through study, translation, teaching of Scriptures; praises reverence for inspired writings. Warns against unscrupulous scholars who have destroyed divine authority of Bible; denies applicability of modern scientific discoveries to study of historicity of Bible. Urges bishops to foster among clergy reverent study of Scriptures. Emphasizes harmonious union of knowledge, communicative power, and sanctity in St. Thomas. Recalls previous papal commendations; de­ tails his teachings. Urges appropriate commemoration of centenary, use of appended prayer. Sources: AAS, 15 (1923), 309-26; Eccl. Rev., 69 (October, 1923), 386-401; Irish Eccl. Rec., 22 (September, 1923), 305-16. English: Blackfriars, 4 (Au­ gust, 1923), 989-1007; Cath. Mind, 21 (August 22, 1923), 301-18; Jacques Maritain, St. Thomas Aquinas; tr. by J. F. Scanlan (London: Sheed, 1931), p. 221-40; Ryan, p. 70-98. Sources: AAS, 12 (1920), 385-422; Eccl. Rev., 63 (December, 1920), 60334. English: Rome and the Study of Scripture, p. 43-78. 696 Sponsa Christi (apostolic constitution) Pius XII, November 21, 1950. (Concern­ ing the advancement of the sacred in­ stitution of nuns) 6,800 w Recounts origin, history of nuns; distinguishes essential elements from extrinsic; counsels elimination of nonessentials; decrees prudent adjust­ ments to modern conditions; explains, prov ides for, defines canonical observ­ ance of contemplative life: major, 698 Sublimem Divi Petri (apostolic letter) Pius X, January 4, 1912. (Erecting the Pious Union for First Communion into a Primary Union) 350 w Announces erection of Union; states purpose: popularization of Quam singulari; promotion of fulfillment; instruction of children. Makes I ’nion 154 699 - 702 universal; provides for aggregation of similar groups and of individuals. 55 (January, 1940), 80-105. English: AAS, 31 (1939), 538-64; Cath. Mind, 37 (November 8, 1939), 890-918; Eccl. Rev., 101 (December, 1939), 513-39; Tablet, 174 (November 11, 1939), 55260; Yzermans (1955), 1:35-7; also many pamphlet editions. The encyclical was read into the Congressional Record on November 2, 1939, and was printed in full in International Conciliation (December, 1939), with an introduc­ tory note by Nicholas Murray Butler. Sources: AAS, 4 (1912), 49-50. Eng­ lish: Collins, p. 64-66. 699 Summi maeroris (encyclical epistle) Pius XII, July 19, 1950. (Public prayers for peace) 900 w Public conditions a cause for great anxiety; people want peace, but neg­ lect or repudiate means: prayer, penance, expiation, observance of commandments. Urges bishops to ex­ hort people to prayer, penance, expia­ tion. 701 Summorum Pontificum (apostolic con­ stitution) Pius XI, July 25, 1922. (Declar­ ing St. Ignatius Loyola patron of spiritual retreats) 750 w Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 513-17; Discorsi, 12:518-21. English: Cath. Action, 32 (September, 1950), 19; Cath. Doc., no. 3 (Epiphany, 1951), 22-4; Cath. Mind, 48 (October, 1950), 628-30; Tablet, 196 (August 5, 1950), 109. Points out efficacy of Spiritual Ex­ ercises for priests, religious, laity; declares St. Ignatius Loyola patron of retreats. Sources : AAS, 14 (1922), 420-2. French: Actes de Pie XI, 1:77-81. 700 Summi Pontificatus (encyclical letter) Pius XII, October 20, 1939. (Inaugural encyclical: function of the State in the modern world) 10,500 w Proclaims Pope’s apostolic responsi­ bility. Designates basic causes of Euro­ pean conditions: rejection of God; laicization of society; deification of State; international conflict. Defends priority, attributes, rights, mission, of human person and family; states im­ plications of international law: re­ spect for rights of each people to independence, life, development; mu­ tual fidelity to agreements. Sources: AAS, 31 (1939), 413-53; Discorsi, 3:395-433; Irish Eccl. Rec., 702 Superiore anno (encyclical letter) Leo XIII, August 30, 1884. (On the recitation of the Most Holy Rosary) 1,100 w Exhorts Christendom to persevere in praying the Rosary to overcome the power of Satan; to win back freedom of Church and papacy; to preserve safety and well-being of human society; in Italy, to withstand the Asiatic cholera. Decrees October devo­ tions, renews indulgences, provides necessary concessions. Sources: AL, 4:123-7; ASS, 17:49-51; Dublin Rev., 95 (October, 1885), 41214; Irish Eccl. Rec., 5 (October, 1884), 672-4. English: Tablet, 64 (September 155 PDF Compressor Pro 703 - 707 6, 1884), 361; Doheny, p. 40-4; Lawler, p. 18-23. Proposes synthesis of religion and life as solution to current problems; recognizes contribution of persecuted, of lives of service; commends scientific progress; points out danger to genes from radioactivity. 703 Supremi Apostolatus officio (encycli­ cal letter) Leo XIII, September 1, 1883. (Devotion to the Rosary as a remedy for the evils of the times) 1,925 w Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 282-5; Discorsi, 17:31-6. English: Cath. Doc., no. 18 (July, 1955), 15-17; Cath. Mind, 53 (July, 1955), 431-3; Irish Eccl. Rec., 85 (May, 1956), 374-7; TPS, 2 (Sum­ mer, 1955), 121-4. Reviews occasions when power of devotion was manifest; enumerates tributes of Roman pontiffs; exhorts all Christians to devotion to Rosary; dedicates October to Queen of the Rosary; decrees universal public reci­ tation of Rosary and Litany of Loreto during October; approves processions; grants special indulgences. 706 Tametsi futura prospicientibus (ency­ clical letter) Leo XIII, November 1, 1900. (On Jesus Christ the Redeemer) 4,700 w Sources: AL, 3:280-9; ASS, 16:11318; Dublin Rev., 93 (October, 1883), 420-4. English: Ave Maria, 19 (Octo­ ber 6, 1883), 781-4; Irish Eccl. Rec., 4 (October, 1883), 667-72; Tablet, 62 (September 15, 1883), 401-2; Doheny, p. 28-35; Lawler, p. 1-12; The Popes Speak of Mary, p. 94-8. Declares authority and power of Church depend on extension of em­ pire of the Son of God; especially true in Jubilee Year as thanksgiving for Redemption: Christ is way, truth, life for men and nations. Urges men to do away with obstacles to Christianity; to revive it in the State; to reinstate Christ as ruler of society; to augment civilization of nations by commend­ able lives, cultivation of virtue; to promulgate the “rights of God.’’ 704 Supremi disciplinae (motu proprio) Pius X, July 2, 1911. (On holydays) 600 w Enumerates regulations on holy­ days; designates days to which observ­ ance is applicable; provides for ex­ ceptions. Sources: AAS, 3 (1911), 305-7; Fontes, 3:798-804; Irish Eccl. Rec., 30 (September, 1911), 328-30. English: Hom. Past. Rev., 11 (September, 1911), 1088-9. Sources: AL, 20:294-314; ASS, 33:273-85; ACQR, 26 (January, 1901), 163-73; Amer. Eccl. Rev., 23 (Decem­ ber, 1900), 622-34; Irish Eccl. Rec., 9 (February, 1901), 172-83. English: ACQR, 26 (January, 1901), 173-84; Cath. World, 72 (January, 1901), 55360; Tablet, 96 (December 1, 1900), 869-72; Wynne, p. 462-78. 705 Surrexit, è risorto (radio address) Pius XII, April 10, 1955. (Easter message; synthesis of religion and life) 1,200 w 707 Tandis que (message) Pius XII, July 28, 1955. (To Msgr. Maurice Patry, Chaplain General of Catholic Scouts for 156 708 - 712 the 8th World Jamboree, Niagara-on-theLake, Canada: artisans of peace) 250 w Commends life, influence of Scouts. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), G04-5. Eng­ lish: TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 273-4. 708 Tante opere d'arte (sermon) Pius XI, October 27, 1932. (At the inaugura­ tion of the new Vatican Pinacoteca: Christian art) 625 w Deplores deterioration of sacred art; emphasizes modern tendency toward naturalism, lack of culture, ineffective­ ness of design. Reminds bishops of obligation to exclude from churches offensive works. Sources: AAS, 24 (1932), 355-7; Irish Eccl. Rec., 41 (January, 1933), 98-9. French: Actes de Pie XI, 8:127-30. 709 Testem benevolentiae (letter) Leo XIII, January 22, 1899. (To James Cardinal Gibbons: true and false Americanism in religion) 3,525 w United States constitution, laws, man­ ners. Condemns beliefs and attitudes of former; no "American Catholic Church"; one Holy Roman Church. Sources: AL, 19:5-20; ASS, 31:470-9; Fontes, 3:535-12. English: Ellis, Docu­ ments of American Catholic History, p. 553-62; Wynne, p. 441-53. 710 The business mission (address) Pius XII, October 29, 1953. (To delegates at­ tending the American Society of Travel Agents Convention: the travel agent) 980 w Reviews travel problems; points out significance of service rendered; rec­ ommends international Code of Fair Practice. Sources: Discorsi, 15:445-50; Cath. Doc., no. 14 (February, 1954), 42—1; Cath. Mind, 52 (March, 1954), 184-6; TPS, 1 (1st Quarter, 1954), 60-3. 711 The manifold manifestations (letter) Pius XII, June 30, 1951. (To the Very Reverend Kilian Lynch, Prior General of the Carmelites: seventh centenary of the Scapular) 400 w Aims to end contentions and dis­ turbance, to clarify principles; cites translation of The Life of Father Hecker [Walter Elliott, C.S.P., 1891] as source of controversy. Identifies Commends return of remains of St. "Americanism” with belief that Church should adapt itself to modern Simon Stock from France to England. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 589-90. civilization, relax ancient rigor, show indulgence toward popular theories and methods; claims that it puls 712 The memorable message (letter) Pius XII, January 7, 1940. (To the President of natural virtue above supernatural, the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt: lends to disdain religious life, wants acknowledging his personal representative to discard traditional approach to dis­ to the Holy See) 900 w senters. Distinguishes between adapta­ Expresses Popes appreciation of tion of doctrine and modification of life; between Americanism as de­ Roosevelt's message concerning ap­ scribed and same term as applied to pointment of the Honorable Myron 157 PDF Compressor Pro 713-717 C. Taylor; recognizes spiritual caliber. of sacred music: general principles; kinds; liturgical text; sacred composi­ tions; singers; organ and instruments; length of liturgical music; means for implementing the code. President’s Sources: AAS, 32 (1940), 43-5; Cath. Action, 22 (February, 1940), 4-5; Clergy Rev., 18 (June, 1940), 552-5; Hom. Past. Rev., 40 (May, 1940), 898-900; Irish Eccl. Rec., 55 (May, 1940), 548-9; Tablet, 175 (January 27, 1940), 82-3; Wartime Correspondence, p. 21-3. Sources: ASS, 36:329-39; Fontes, 3:608-15. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 30 (February, 1904), 113-23; Irish Eccl. Rec., 15 (February, 1904), 161-70; White List, p. 7-10; Yzermans (1954), p. 199-206. 713 The President of your Society (ad­ dress) Pius XII, March 19, 1955. ('io a group of American journalists: truth and justice) 140 w 716 Très sensible à votre (address) Pius XII, April 6, 1951. (To participants in the 4th Congress of the World Movement for World Federation) 900 w Urges integrity of service to public. Sources : Discorsi, 17:11-13; TPS, 2 (1st Quarter, 1955), 71-2; Cath. Doc., no. 18 (July, 1955), 11. Declares organic world government essential to peace; warns against dis­ integrating pattern of I) national con­ stitutional field: worship of numerical strength; 2) economic-social area: pre­ eminence of class division; 3) cultural, moral field: misconception of liberty. 714 Those men, therefore (first televised message) Pius XII, March 27, 1949. (To War Relief Services of the United States: Laetare Sunday appeal for charity) 300 w Charity of Christ bears witness to His divinity; charity of Americans, symbol of divine love of Christ. Sources: Discorsi, mans (1955), 3:5. 11:23-5; Yzer­ 715 Tra le sollecitudini (motu proprio) Pius X, November 22, 1903. (On the restoration of sacred music) 3,650 w Denounces departure of chant and music from norm set by canons, regu­ lations of councils, directives of Con­ gregations and pontiffs. Points out principles for sacred music; lists rules against abuses. Presents juridical code Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 278-80; Discorsi, 13:31-5. English: Cath. Doc., no. 5 (Autumn, 1951), 8-10; Cath. Mind, 49 (June, 1951), 393-5; Con­ gressional Record (May 3, 1951), 47667; Yzermans (1956), 1:249-51; original and translation reprinted by Associa­ tion for Education in World Govern­ ment (New York, 1951). 717 Tribus circiter (encyclical letter) Pius X, April 5, 1906. (The Mariavites or Mystic Priests of Poland) 2,000 w Recounts origin of Mariavites; re­ cords events leading to final suppres­ sion in 1904: resisted episcopal counsel and restraints; sent representatives to 158 718-723 Rome, professed fidelity to Pope; con­ tinued to violate authority of bishops. Confirms “decree in which the Mariavite Society, unlawfully and in­ validly founded, is entirely sup­ pressed.” Sources: APD, 3:77-84; ASS, 39:12934; Irish Eccl. Rec., 20 (August, 1906), 173-7. English: Cath. Univ. Bulletin, 12 (July, 1906), 391-5; Tablet, 107 (June 9, 1906), 897-8; Yzermans (1954), p. 73-6. 720 Ubi primum (letter) Benedict XV, April 27, 1921. (To Michael Cardinal Logue, Archbishop of Armagh; on the Irish Question) 550 w Suggests means of solution: sepa­ rate meetings of Irish and English committees; joint session to terminate disagreement and violence. Com­ mends Cardinal Logue for establish­ ment of White Cross for Irish aid. Sources: AAS, 13 (1921), 256-8. French: Actes de Benoit XV, 3:64-8. 718 Ubi arcano Dei consilio (encyclical letter) Pius XI, December 23, 1922. (In­ augural encyclical: on the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ) 8,000 w 721 Ubi primum Cecoslovacha (apostolic constitution) Pius XI, April 23, 1930. (New pontifical college at Rome for the clergy from Czechoslovakia) 600 w Reviews conditions following World War I: hatred between nations; fear of the future; class warfare, break­ down of family life; spiritual disrup­ tion. Pleads for restoration of God to public, private life, as only source of peace. Warns against modernism in dogma and social order. Extends use of Bohemian Seminary to Republic of Czechoslovakia. New college to be called St. John Nepomucene. Sources: AAS, 14 (1922), 673-700; Irish Eccl. Rec., 24 (February, 1923), 181-97. English: Irish Eccl. Rec., 24 (February, 1923), 198-214; Tablet, 141 (January 13, 1923), 36-42; Husslein, 2:3-26; Keogh, p. 231-53; Ryan, p. 3-46. 719 Ubi primum (exhortation) Benedict XV, September 8, 1914. (To the Catholics of the entire world: World War I) 450 w Urges public and private prayer; conciliatory action by rulers. Sources: AAS, 22 (1930), 340-2. 722 Ubi primum latissimae (apostolic let­ ter) Leo XIII, October 25, 1884. (Charter for the North American College in Rome) 1,200 w Declares North American College Pontifical; provides for administra­ tion. Sources: ASS, 17:175-8. English: Robert F. McNamara, The American College in Rome (Rochester, N. Y.: The Christopher Press, 1956), p. 795-7 (Latin text, p. 793-5). 723 Umbratilem remotamque (apostolic constitution) Pius XI, July 8, 1924. (Ap­ proving the statutes of the Carthusian Order: the power of contemplation) 1,950 w Sources: AAS, 6 (1914), 501-2. Eng­ lish: Tablet, 124 (October 3, 1914), 435-6. 159 Pro 724 - 727 Reviews origin, forms, objective of contemplative life; accounts for de­ cline of this type of life, need for res­ toration, subsequent founding of Carthusians; condemns errors about "passive” virtues; reaffirms censure of "Americanism”; defends contempla­ tives. Reaffirms Innocent Xi's appro­ bation of Carthusian statutes; ap­ proves revision. Sources: AAS, 16 (1924), 385-91; The Power of Contemplation (Lon­ don: Burns, Oates, 1933), Latin and English on opposite pages. English: Pamphlet edition by Carthusian Foundation (Sky Farm, Whitingham, Vt., 1951). 724 Un anno è già (radio address) Pius XII, December 23, 1950. (Christmas mes­ sage: hope for the future) 3,750 w Warns against destruction of na­ tional unity as menace to interna­ tional peace; attributes persistent so­ cial insecurity to machinations of dis­ ruptive organizations. Declares au­ thenticity of tomb of St. Peter; does not claim certitude about bones in tomb. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 49-59; Dis­ corsi, 12:375-88. English: Cath. Doc., no. 4 (Spring, 1951), 27-35; Cath. Mind, 49 (March, 1951), 201-8; Tab­ let, 196 (December 30, 1950), 568-9, 578-9; Vital Speeches, 17 ( January 15, 1951), 205-9; Yzermans (1956), 1:10816. dangers in certain types of sex literature) 1,500 w Condemns sex literature by and for Catholics which 1) borders on erotic, obscene; 2) exaggerates importance of sex in life; 3) disregards supernatural in moral training. Urges vigorous op­ position by parents, hierarchy. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 730-4; Dis­ corsi, 13:239-45. English: Chinigo, p. 99-103. 726 Una celeste letizia (address) Pius XII, June 3, 1951. (To the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square for the beatification of Pope Pius X) 3,500 w Stresses influence in promotion of sacred, profane science; re-emphasizes zeal for Eucharist. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 468-76; Discorsi, 13:125-36. English: Cath. Doc., no. 5 (Autumn, 1951), 29-35; Yzermans (1955), 3:132-38. 727 Una mirabile epopea (address) Pius XII, July 9, 1946. (To the Missionary Sis­ ters of the Sacred Heart in Rome for the canonization of Mother Cabrini) 3,300 w Extols Frances Xavier Cabrini, foundress of the Missionary Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as a valiant woman of daring and heroic activity; reviews her life and virtues; stresses her confidence in God, di­ versity of apostolate, charity, and faith. Sources: AAS, 39 (1947), 292-300; 725 Un pèlerinage de pères (address) Pius Discorsi, 8:157-68. English: Cath. Ac­ XII, September 18, 1951. (To a group of tion, 28 (September, 1946), 24-7; Cath. French fathers of families on pilgrimage: Mind, 14 (October, 1946), 577-86; 160 728 - 732 Yzermans (1956), 1:168-75; pamphlet edition by N.C.W.C. (1946). Universis faustique 728 Une fois encore (encyclical letter) Pius X, January 6, 1907. (To the bishops, clergy, and people of France: the separa* tion of Church and State) 2,400 w 730 Un'ora di serena letizia (address) Pius XII, November 22, 1951. (To the Pontifical Academy of Sciences: modern science and the existence of God) 4,800 w Commends clergy, laity for fidelity and union. Replies to accusations against Church: instigates religious war and persecution; abandons ec­ clesiastical property; acts with preju­ dice and inconsistency. Rc-condemns associations of worship (associations cultuelles); notes recent law of spolia­ tion in support of Law of Separation; exposes aim of enemies: to destroy Church, dechristianize France. Recalls philosophical proofs of St. î hoinas; points out scientific support for arguments from mutability, teleo­ logical order; considers: mutability of cosmos in macrocosm, microcosm; di­ rection, laws of transformation; uni­ verse; its development; beginning in time; state, quality of original matter; indicates harmony between scientific findings, philosophical conclusions, revelation. Sources: APD, 4:7-17; ASS, 40:3-11; Fontes, 3:681-6. English: ACQR, 32 (January, 1907), 138-44; Tablet, 109 (January 19, ’.Ju/), 86-8; Yzermans (1952), p. 76-81. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 31-43; Dis­ corsi, 13:391-406. English: Cath. Doc., no. 6 (February, 1952), 17-27; Cath. Mind, 50 (March, 1952), 182-92; Tab­ let, 198 (December 1, 1951), 392-5; Yzermans (1955), 3:174-85. 729 Unigenitus Dei Filius (apostolic epis­ tle) Pius XI, March 19, 1924. (To Superior Generals of religious orders and congre­ gations of men: education of their mem­ bers) 4,500 w Counsels religious superiors: to establish minor seminaries for aspir­ ants; to use Roman catechism in these; to use doctors of the Church in novitiate training; to give full time and attention to philosophy and the­ ology for seminarians; to provide ade­ quate, qualified staff; to use methods of scholastic philosophy: in religious formation to stress faith, humility. Christifidelïbus. See Magni 731 Un'ora grave (radio address) Pius XII, August 24, 1939. (Appeal for peace) 800 w Urgent appeal for peace addressed to heads of nations, politicians, writ­ ers, speakers, public leaders. Sources: AAS, 31 (1939), 333-5; Dis­ corsi, 1:303-7: Clergy Rev., 17 (De­ cember, 1939), 547-9; Irish Eccl. Rec., 54 (November, 1939), 533-4. English: Tablet, 174 (September 2, 1939), 302; Koenig, p. 584-6. Sources: AAS, If. (1921). 133-48. ?32 Unsere„ erujj (address) piu, xll, English: Rev. for Religious, 11 (July, May b t956 (On the 450,1, anniversary 1952), 183-98. of the Pontifical Swiss Guard) 1,500 w 161 733 - 737 Documents history of Guard; points out significance as symbol of papalSwiss relations, initially evidenced in engagement by Julius II in 1506; urges consistency of life in members. Sources (tri-lingual text: GcrmanFrench-Italian): AAS, 48 (1956), 44953; Discorsi, 18:163-9. French: Doc. Cath., 53 (29 juin 1956), col. 793-7. 733 Urbanitatis veteris (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, November 20, 1901. (To the bishops of the Latin Church in Greece: foundation of a seminary in Athens) 1,200 w Reviews glorious past of Greece; approves establishment of college for instruction of clerics in humanities, preceding philosophy and theology; favors seminary as part of College of Athens for clerics of Latin rite and Greek race, without exclusion of Greek-speaking Orientals. Sources: AL, 21:174-9; ASS, 34:25760. French: Actes de Léon XIII, 7:118-25. 734 Vacante Sede Apostolica (apostolic constitution) Pius X, December 25, 1904. (On the office of the Apostolic Camera and conclave procedure) 7,000 w Establishes procedure for vacancy of Holy See and election of Pope. Source: Codici Docutn. L luris Canonici, 735 Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis (apostolic constitution) Pius XII, December 8, 1945. (Now constitution on papal elections) 13,000 w Abrogates earlier documents; spe­ cifies two-thirds majority plus one vote as minimum for valid election; prohibits introduction into conclave of any photographic or communica­ tion equipment. Sources: AAS, 38 (1946), 65-99. 736 Valde solliciti (motu proprio) Pius XII, November 30, 1952. (On the modification of cardinals' robes) 400 w Review's simplifications of papal ceremonial; notes cardinals' desire for better use of money; decrees: removal of cassock train, shortening of cape train, wooI for purple habits, re-establishment of ceremonial norms for re­ ligious in Curia; makes decree effec­ tive January 1, 1953. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 849-50; Discorsi, 14:527-30. 737 Vegliare con sollecitudine (address) Pius XII, October 29, 1951. (To the Italian Catholic Union of Midwives: the aposto­ late of the midwife) 7,300 w Exposition of role of nature and of man in collaborating with God to bring a new human life into the world. Apostolate of the midwife: 1) must inspire confidence; evidence technical ability and experience; 2) uphold value and inviolability of hu­ man life; 3) help the mother carry out function of motherhood with readiness and generosity; 4) defend right order of values and dignity of the human person. Sources: AAS, 43 (1951), 835-54; Discorsi, 13:331-53. English: Cath. 738 - 741 Doc., no. 6 (February, 1952), 1-16; Cath. Mind, 50 (January, 1952), 4964; Tablet, 198 (November 10-24, 1951), 342-3, 362-3, 382-3; Yzcrmans (1956), 2:117-32. Appeals to Catholic laymen for united action against weakness and decline within Church. Defines task of laity: personal holiness together with deep knowledge of the faith, daily apostolic presence in the world, penetration, Christian “propaganda" under mandate and direction of bish­ ops and clergy. 738 Vehementer Nos (encyclical letter) Pius X, February 11, 1906. (To the bish­ ops, clergy, and people of France: the French Law of Separation) 4,875 w Declares promulgation of Law of Separation disastrous to society as to the Church; reviews steps in anti-reli­ gious legislation opposed by Church: marriage laws, laicization of schools and hospitals, conscription of clerics, dissolution of religious congregations. Condemns the Law as denial of God, repudiation of religion, violation of natural law, law of nations, fidelity to treaties; as contrary to divine con­ stitution of Church, to her essential rights and liberty; as destructive of justice. Urges bishops and faithful to defense of truth, justice; to fidelity and co-operation in action. Promises practical instructions for rule of con­ duct. Sources: Discorsi, 8:283-9; Cath. Mind, 45 (January, 1947), 1-5; Cath. Sch. Journal, 46 (December, 1946), 14A, 16A, 18A, 19A. New York Times (October 27, 1946), 50; National Cate­ chetical Congress Proceedings (Wash­ ington, D.C.: N.C.W.C., 1946), 1-8; Yzcrmans (1956), 2:63-6. 740 Veritatem (apostolic epistle) Pius XII, March 27, 1952. (To the bishops, clergy, and faithful of Rumania: persecution in Rumania) 1,000 w Recalls earlier persecutions; exhorts to fidelity under numerous afflictions. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 249-53; Discorsi, 14:485-91. English: Cath. Doc., no. 8 (July, 1952), 9-12; Cath. Mind, 50 (August, 1952), 509-12; Unitas, 4 (April-June, 1952), 90-2; St. M einrad Essays, 11 (May, 1955), 11215. Sources: APD, 3:24-39; ASS, 39:316; Fontes, 3:661-9; ACQR, 31 (July, 1906), 571-80; Irish Eccl. Rec., 19 (June, 1906), 551-61. English: ACQR, 31 (April, 1906), 209-20; Cath. Mind, 4 (March 8, 1906), 83-100; Tablet, 107 (February 21, 1906), 281-4; Yzcrmans (1952), p. 55-63. 741 Vi diamo il Nostro (address) Pius XII, March 5, 1957. (To the parish priests and Lenten preachers of Rome: Rome, the world, and the Word of God) 2,600 w 739 Venerable brethren (radio address) Pius XII, October 26, 1946. (To the 8th National Congress of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine in Boston, Massachu­ setts: holiness in the Church) 1,500 w Reviews progress since first call for spiritual renewal (Dal Nostro cuore). Stresses immediate problems: lax Catholics in Rome; violation of Con- 163 742 - 74ό cordât provision on morality of visual communication; need for priests. Ex­ horts to concerted action, apostolate of example. Sources: AAS, 49 (1957), 208-15; English: Cath. Mind, 55 (SeptemberOctober, 1957), 454-61; TPS, 4 (Sum­ mer, 1957), 69-75. 742 Vi diamo volentieri (address) Pius XII, July 23, 1952. (To those taking part in a study course promoted by Italian Catholic Action: Catholics and interna­ tional life) 500 w Indicates elements in Catholic at­ mosphere peculiarly suited to inter­ national collaboration. Sources: AAS, 44 (1952), 626-7; Dis­ corsi, 14:255-8. English: Cath. Doc., no. 10 (February, 1953), 4-5; Cath. Mind, 51 (September, 1953), 563-4; Irish Eccl. Rec., 80 (December, 1953), 444-5; Yzermans (1956), 1:251-3. world; plea for prompt, just, and flexible peace) 3,800 w Deplores abyss between hopes, re­ ality; ascribes conditions to evapora­ tion of peace-effort validity after At­ lantic Charter; appeals to world’s statesmen to negotiate just peace. Sources: AAS, 39 (1947), 7-17; Dis­ corsi, 8:349-61. English: Cath. Action, 29 (January, 1947), 21-3; Cath. Mind, 45 (February, 1947), 65-74; New York Times (December 25, 1946), 25; Tab­ let, 189 (January 4, 1947), 4-6; Vital Speeches, 13 (January 1, 1947), 162-6; pamphlet edition by N.C.W.C. (1947). 745 Vi giunga, dilette (radio address) Pius XII, December 8, 1954. (To Young Women's Section of Italian Catholic Ac­ tion: formula for victory over evil) 2,000 w Commends Domus Mariae; urges support of “reawakening.” 743 Vi è ben noto (encyclical epistle) Leo XIII, September 20, 1887. (To the bishops of Italy: the Rosary and public life) 1,250 w Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 768-72; Discorsi, 16:297-303. English: TPS, 2 (1st Quarter, 1955), 65-9. Urges renewed devotion to the Ro­ sary to revive loyalty to and love for the Church, confidence in Mary, spirit of prayer. Raises feast to double of second class. 746 Vi siamo grati (address) Pius XII, April 11, 1956. (To the Confederation of Italian Tenant Farmers: the duties of farmers) 2,000 w Sources: AL, 7:191-6; ASS, 20:20915 (Latin and Italian in parallel col­ umns). English: Tablet, 69 (October 1, 1887), 521; Lawler, p. 36-41. Notes importance of principles to evaluation of agricultural programs; justifies farmers' rights; emphasizes duties: intelligent labor, social re­ sponsibility, spiritual fidelity. 744 Vi fu mai (address) Pius XII, Decem^ourcej; L4.S, 48 ( 19a6), 277-82; ber 24, 1946. (Christmas message to the Discoisi, 18:79-86. Engl’,h: TPS, 3 College of Cardinals, radioed to the (Autumn, 1956), 169-74. 164 747 - 750 747 Vi siamo vivamente (address) Pius XII, October 9, 1955. (To the Italian Sports Federation on the tenth anniversary of the Italian Sports Center: sports in Chris­ tian life) 3,000 w Commends Center for achieve­ ments: organizational, technical, spir­ itual; counsels: increased spread of sports, preparation of leaders, circum­ spection in admissions, safeguarding of spiritual forces; recalls norms pre­ viously stated. Sources: AAS, 4Ί (1955), 725-33; Discorsi, 17:277-87. English: Cath. Doc., no. 19 (October, 1955), 33-9; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (June, 1956), 10-17; Cath. Mind, 54 (July, 1956), 409-17; Irish Eccl. Rec., 85 (April, 1956), 293-9; TPS, 3 (Spring-Summer, 1956), 35-43. 748 Vigilanti cura (encyclical epistle) Pius XI, June 29, 1936. (To the bishops of the United States: on moving pictures) 4,200 w Commends work of Legion of De­ cency. Urges continued united effort to eliminate presentation of vice, crime from motion pictures; points out gain to industry of appeal to de­ cent patronage. 749 Vigilantiae (apostolic letter) Leo XIII, October 30, 1902. (On the institution of a Commission for Biblical Studies) 1,575 w Reviews provisions of, response to Providentissimus; points out persist­ ence of causes that provoked direc­ tives; renews insistence on vigilance over scriptural studies. Announces for­ mal institution of Commission in Rome, under auspices and direction of Apostolic See, to effect thorough interpretation of Bible, free from er­ ror and “temerarious opinion." Pre­ scribes that members should: 1) de­ vote themselves to study of philosophy and kindred sciences; cultivate knowl­ edge of ancient and Oriental lan­ guages, and art of deciphering texts, keep abreast of contemporary prog­ ress; 2) employ vigilance, assiduity in safeguarding authority of Scriptures; 3) so regulate discussion of questions as to facilitate conclusions. Directs Commission to hold regular meetings, publish findings; sets aside portion of Vatican Library for its use. Sources: AL, 22:232-8; ASS, 35:2348; Fontes, 3:589-92. English: ACQR, 28 (January, 1903), 177-81; Rome and the Study of Scripture, p. 30-5; Wynne, p. 537-43. Sources: AAS, 28 (1936), 249-63; 750 Vinea electa (apostolic letter) Pius X, Irish Eccl. Rec., 49 (February, 1937), May 7, 1909. (Erecting the Biblical Insti­ 185-94. English: Cath. Mind, 34 (Au­ tute in Rome) 750 w gust 8, 1936), 305-17; Eccl. Rev., 95 Announces erection of Institute; (August, 1936), 113-25; Tablet, 168 establishes laws and statutes; details (July 11, 1936), 49-52; Husslein, 2:303organizational and administrative 15; pamphlet editions by Apostolate structure. of the Press (n.d.), Catholic Truth Sources: AAS, 1 (1909), 447-9; Eccl. Society (1936), N.C.W.C. (1936), Rev., 41 (August, 1909), 219-22; Irish Paulist Press (1936). 165 Pro 751 -756 Eccl. Rec., 26 (July, 1909), 100-3. French: Actes de Pie X, 5:65-75. The vine cluster which appears on the publications of the Institute owes its origin to this letter. The cluster ap­ pears also in the arms of Pius X. 751 Virentem "Sanctorum Insulam" (let­ ter) Pius XI, May 26, 1932. (To Lorenzo Cardinal Lauri: the International Eucha­ ristic Congress in Dublin) 700 w Commends history of Irish fidelity; names legate; praises devotion to Blessed Sacrament; urges continued mission apostolate. Sources: Discorsi, 8:277-82. French: Doc. Cath., 44 (3 août 1947), col. 971-4. 754 Vai avete un duplice (address) Pius XII, January 30, 1949. (To young students of Rome: privileges and duties of those studying in Rome) 1,400 w Stresses opportunity and obligation to study sacred and profane history at source; importance of Latin, other languages. Sources: Discorsi, 10:353-9. English: Cath. Doc., no. 3 (Epiphany, 1951), 6-9; Yzermans (1955), 2:265-8. Sources: AAS, 24 (1932), 234-5; Irish Eccl. Rec., 40 (August, 1932), 216-17; Tablet, 160 (July 2, 1932), 23. English: Tablet, 160 (July 2, 1932), 23-4. 755 Voluistis, praeclari viri (address) Pius XII, April 22, 1952. (To participants in the International Congress commemorat­ ing the eighth centenary of the Decretum of Gratian) 2,500 w 752 Vix ad summi Pontificatus (motu pro­ prio) Pius XI, June 24, 1929. (Issuing spe­ cial statutes for the Pious Work of St. Peter the Apostle) 1,200 w Reviews history of the Society; com­ mends its work for native clergy; enu­ merates statutes. Sources: AAS, 21 (1929), 345-9. French: Actes de Pie XI, 5:197-206. 753 Voi avete manifestato (address) Pius XII, October 24, 1946. (To the Italian Congress of Stomatology: mission of den­ tists) 980 w Points up personality and profes­ sional requirements for stomatolo­ gists; the human significance of the service they render. Credits Gratian with opening new era in canon law; notes value of De­ cretum: collection, ordered arrange­ ment of laws; elimination of contra­ dictions, repetitions; union with the­ ology; moderation in treatment of doctrine. Sources: Discorsi, 14:79-88. English: Cath. Doc., no. 8 (July, 1952), 21-7; Irish Eccl. Rec., 80 (September, 1953), 201-7. 756 Von den griinen Almen (radio dress) Pius XII, September 4, 1949. the Congress of Swiss Catholics at cerne, Switzerland: the Catholic in life of the nation) 1,600 w ad­ (To Lu­ the The Swiss have victoriously en­ dured, established, and won much for God, for Christ and the Church. They 166 757 - 761 must bring Christian principles into public life; not neglect the inner life. Faith, not organization, wins men from materialism; fidelity, the price of liberty. Sources (tri-lingual text: GermanFrench-Italian): AAS, 41 (1949), 4548; Discorsi, 11:177-84. English: Cath. Mind, 48 (March, 1950), 189-92; Yzer­ mans (1956), 1:229-33. Brief reflections on the obligations imposed by progress and practice of medicine; its relation to imprescripti­ ble rights of natural and Christian morality: dignity of human body; pre-eminence of soul over body; brotherhood of men; sovereign do­ main of God over life and destiny. States Catholic moral judgment on artificial insemination. Sources: AAS, 41 (1949), 557-61; Discorsi, 11:219-25. English: Cath. Mind, 48 (April, 1950), 250-3; Linacre Quarterly, 16 (October, 1949), 1-6; Canon Law Digest, 3:432-3, gives translation of the second part of the address. 757 Votre démarche (address) Pius XII, April 16, 1949. (To a group of French university professors and students: the task of the universities) 975 w Points out that intellectual elite have mission and responsibility. Task is to gain, examine, extend knowl­ edge; to advance learning; scholar must bear witness to Eternal Light. Sources: Discorsi, 11:37-41. English: Cath. Doc., no. 2 (August, 1950), 9-11; Yzermans (1956), 2:70-2. 758 Votre lettre (letter) Pius X, July 10, 1912. (To the Most Reverend Louis Du­ bois, Archbishop of Bourges: the Italian pronunciation of Latin) 300 w Commends French on application of motu proprio, Tra le sollecitudini; explains importance of Italian pro­ nunciation to Gregorian chant; urges continuation of movement. Sources: AAS, 4 (1912), 577-8. French: Actes de Pie X, 7:168-9. 759 Votre présence autour (address) Pius XII, September 29, 1949. (To participants in the 4th International Convention of Catholic Doctors: medical ethics) 1,600 w 760 Votre visite (address) Pius XII, June 11, 1956. (To the 14th Congress of the International Union of Publishers: books, publishers, and the public) 1,400 w Notes Church’s interest; commends condemnation of obscene literature; emphasizes influence of books; cites force of natural law; indicates pub­ lisher’s responsibility, opportunity. Sources: Discorsi, 18:275-80; Doc. Cath., 53 (8 juillet 1956), col. 841-4. English: Books on Trial, 15 (AugustSeptember, 1956), 9, 50-1; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (September, 1956), 71-3; Cath. Mind, 54 (December, 1956), 71416; TPS, 3 (Autumn, 1956), 165-8. 761 Vous avez voulu (address) Pius XII, September 7, 1955. (To the 10th Inter­ national Congress of Historical Sciences: the Church and history) 4,000 w Presents Church as historical reality; refutes contention that Church 167 ■ —**—— PDF Compressor Pro 762 - 765 opposes historical science; reiterates principles on Church, State relations as given in Diuturnum illud, Immor­ tale Dei, and Sapientiae christianae; explains: medieval concept, nature of concordats; points out cultural im­ pact. Notes accessibility of Vatican archives. Sources: AAS, 47 (1955), 672-82; Discorsi, 17:209-22. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 133 (November, 1955), 34051; Cath. Doc., no. 20 (March, 1956), 4-12; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (March, 1956), 68-78; Cath. Mind, 53 (Decem­ ber, 1955), 742-50; TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 205-15; Tablet, 206 (September 24, 1955), 292-4. 762 Vous inaugurez aujourd'hui (address) Pius XII, April 3, 1956. (To members of the World Federation of Catholic Young Women: the spiritual life) 1,800 w Emphasizes interior spirituality; urges development of mature Chris- Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 272-7; Dis­ corsi, 18:53-9. English: Action Now, 9 (June, 1956), 32-5. 763 Vous n'ignorez pas (address) Pius XII, September 10, 1953. (To participants in the 28th Session of the International In­ stitute of Statistics: statistics in the serv­ ice of society) 1,750 w 764 Vous Nous avez (address) Pius XII, September 22, 1956. (To the International Congress on Pastoral Liturgy, Assisi: the liturgy and worship) 5,400 w The liturgy and the Church: lit­ urgy a vital function of the whole Church, not of a group or limited movement; private and individual worship also given full recognition and approval without, however, rais­ ing it to primary position of liturgical worship. Treats of the relation be­ tween the liturgy of the Mass and Christ: central element of the Eucha­ ristic Sacrifice is that in which Christ oilers Himself; this takes place at the consecration when, in the act of Transubstantiation worked by the Lord, the priest-celebrant puts on the Per­ son of Christ. The Lord in the Eucha­ rist: distinguishes between offering of Sacrifice of the Mass and adoration of Christ in the tabernacle, but tab­ ernacle of the Real Presence not op­ posed to altar of Sacrifice: one and the same Christ, immutable and tran­ sitory elements of the liturgy: con­ cern for progress, also for conserva­ tion; use of Latin in the liturgy of the Mass. Comments on use-value of science; notes difficulties in application; points out mathematical limitations; empha­ sizes importance of truth, rectitude. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 711-25; Discorsi, 18:463-79. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 2 (December, 1956), 3-16; Irish Eccl. Rec., 86 (November, 1956), 344-56; TPS, 3 (Winter, 195657), 273-86; Tablet, 208 (October 6-27, 1956), 282-3, 308, 340-1, 365-6. Sources: Discorsi, 15:277-84. Eng­ lish: Cath. Mind, 52 (January, 1954), 58-61. 765 Vous Nous avez demandé (address) Pius XII, May 14, 1956. (To a group of eye specialists, members of the Italian 168 j 766 - 768 Association of Donors of the Cornea: corneal transplantation) 3,200 w Notes types of transplant: auto­ graft, homograft, heterograft; points out moral distinction in heterografts; illustrates moral, immoral trans­ plants; emphasizes difference, with implications, between physical organ­ ism of man, moral organism of hu­ manity; recalls consideration in Mys­ tici Corporis Christi; approves trans­ plant of cornea from corpse to living body; warns against misuse of human corpse; counsels education of public; recalls statement in Nous sommes heureux. Sources: AAS, 48 (1956), 459-67; Discorsi, 18:191-201. English: Amer. Eccl. Rev., 135 (September, 1956), 15966; Cath. Doc., no. 24 (September, 1957), 4-11; Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (September, 1956), 28-36; Cath. Mind, 54 (October, 1956), 579-87; TPS, 3 (Autumn, 1956), 198-206. 766 Vous Nous avez exprimé (address) Pius XII, May 19, 1956. (To the 2nd World Congress on Fertility and Sterility: marriage and parenthood) 2,800 w corsi, 18:211-21. English: Cath. Doc. (Australia), 1 (September, 1956), 1421; TPS, 3 (Autumn, 1956), 191-7. 767 Vous, vous présentez (address) Pius XII, September 11, 1947. (To the dele­ gates to the International Union of Catho­ lic Women's Leagues: directives for women) 3,300 w Notes changes in role of woman; indicates menacing elements in con­ temporary society; stresses need for faith, Christian education, help of Church. Recommends: 1) fidelity to living the truth; 2) preservation of vital interests of religion; 3) adher­ ence to social program of the Church; 4) fulfillment of political responsibili­ ties. Sources: AAS, 39 (1947), 480-8; Dis­ corsi, 9:221-33; Doc. Cath., 44 (9 novembre 1947), col. 1455-62; Irish Eccl. Rec., 70 (November, 1948), 10328. English: Cath. Action, 30 (January, 1948), 17-19; Yzermans (1956), 2:3743; pamphlet edition, N.C.W.C. (1947). 768 We are deeply touched (address) Pius XII, January 18, 1954. (To Sir Douglas Howard, British Minister to the Holy See: substance of true peace) 350 w Notes social, personal effects of in­ voluntary sterility; encourages re­ search governed by spiritual values; Pays tribute to Queen Elizabeth; explains nature, purpose of matri­ urges fostering of reciprocal confi­ mony; condemns artificial human dence between nations, within na­ fecundation; reaffirms previous state­ tions. ment (Votre presence autour)’, details Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 55-6; Dis­ (in Latin) immoral practices; extols corsi, 15:571-4; Cath. Mind, 52 (April, spiritual fecundity of dedicated lives. 1954), 252; TPS, 1 (1st Quarter, 1954), Sources (French text, one section 23-4; Tablet, 203 (February 13, 1954), in Latin): AAS, 48 (1956), 467-74; Dis­ 165. 169 769 - 773 7f>9 We are happy to welcome (address) Pius XII, July 8, 1955. (To Prime Minister Nehru and representatives of the Indian Government) 200 w Stresses obligation of rulers to es­ tablish international peace, to be hon­ est with people. Sources: Discorsi, 17: 177-9. Eng­ lish: Cath. Doc., no. 19 (October, 1955), 32; TPS, 2 (Autumn, 1955), 234; Tablet, 206 (July 16, 1955), 68. 770 We have deemed (letter) Pius XII, July 22, 1953. (To Bernard Cardinal Griffin, Archbishop of Westminster: on the occasion of the eighth centenary of the establishment of the Norwegian hier­ archy) 300 w Urges Norwegian Catholics to set good example by their fidelity to the teachings of the faith. Sources: AAS, 45 (1953), 502-3; Cath. Doc., no. 13 (November, 1953), 28-9. 771 We have just (chirograph) Pius XII, August 26, 1947. (Reply to the Honorable Harry S. Truman, President of the United States: on renewal of faith) 850 w man’s first duty is to God, then to fellow men. Civil society exists to de­ fend and help citizen. Sources: AAS, 39 (1947), 380-2; Dis­ corsi, 9:599-603; Cath. Mind, 45 (No­ vember, 1947), 653-5; Clergy Rev., 29 (February, 1948), 132-4; Irish Eccl. Rec., 70 (August, 1948), 751-3; Canon Law Digest, 3:104-7; Myron C. Tay­ lor, ed., Correspondence between President Truman and Pope Pius XII (New York: Privately printed, 1953), p. 25-8. 772 We have just (letter) Pius XII, Decem­ ber 20, 1949. (To the Honorable Harry 5. Truman, President of the United States, in reply to the latter's Christmas message: brotherhood of man) 450 w Acknowledges Truman’s message; notes implications for peace of broth­ erhood of man under fatherhood of God through union with Christ; rec­ ognizes peace efforts of United States. Sources: Osscrvatore Romano (24 dicembre 1949), 2. English: Cath. Mind, 48 (February, 1950), 126-7; Myron C. Taylor, ed., Correspond­ ence between President Truman and Pope Pius XII (New York: Privately printed, 1953), 43-4. Pledges aid and prayers for peace. Man receives his purpose in life from God; from Him also derives his “per­ sonal, imprescriptible rights” to pur­ 773 We have learned (letter) Pius XII, sue that purpose, to be unhindered in July 14, 1954. (To Canon John M. Hayes, its attainment. Civil society also of Chairman of Muintir na Tire: the spirit and dignity of rural life) 500 w divine origin and indicated by nature itself, but is subsequent to man and Commends Muintir na Tire for intended as means to defend him, to practice of social teaching: parish as help him in legitimate exercise of his basic unit, sacrifice for common good; God-given rights. Church cannot com­ sponsorship of economic, educational, promise; must continue to teach: recreational projects. 170 Sources: AAS, 46 (1954), 488-9; Dis­ corsi, 16:467-70. English: Cath. Mind, 52 (November, 1954), 703-4; Irish Eccl. Rec., 82 (November, 1954), 3567; Rural Life, 5 (November 14, 1956), 4-5; TPS, 1 (3rd Quarter, 1954), 227-8. 774 Wij weten dat (radio address) Pius XII, September 3, 1950. (On the occasion of the silver jubilee of the Jocistes in Belgium: the challenge of materialism) 1,000 w Recommends for consideration: 1) vigilance against materialism; 2) dis­ cerning integration of apostolate of workers in total apostolate. Warns against "a classification of souls by categories.” Sources (French text with first para­ graph in Dutch): AAS, 42 (1950), 63942; Discorsi, 12:185-90. 775 Wir heissen Sie willkammen (address) Pius XII, October 22, 1953. (To a dele­ gation from Denmark for the re-entomb­ ment of the remains of Bishop Niels Stensen: faith and science) 600 w Notes the bishop’s scientific achievements; extols him as witness to compatibility of faith ar. I science. Sources: Discorsi, 15:429-33. Eng- 171 774-777 lish: Cath. Mind, 52 (April, 1954), 255-6. 776 With the keen interest (radio address) Pius XII, October 1, 1950. (To the Catho­ lics of England and Wales: on the occa­ sion of the centenary of the restoration of the Catholic hierarchy in England and Wales) 800 w Recounts history of hierarchy to Henry VIII, the three lapsed cen­ turies, the re-establishment by Pius IX.. Commends century of zeal of hierarchy, clergy, laity; signalizes Newman and Manning. Sources: AAS, 42 (1950), 825-7; Dis­ corsi, 12:229-33. English: Cath. Doc., no. 3 (Epiphany, 1951), 40-1; Tablet, 196 (October 7, 1950), 309; Yzermans (1955), 3:98-9. 777 You have come (address) Pius XII, October 5, 1953. (To delegates from the International Foundry Congress in Paris: human relations in industry) 350 w Urges first things first in business; notes human considerations in eco­ nomic functioning. Sources: Discorsi, 15:361-4; Cath. Mind, 52 (March, 1954), 183 (ex­ cerpts). PDF Compressor Pro ■■■lU. PAPAL DOCUMENT COLLECTIONS General Acta Aposlolicae Sedis. Città dei Vaticano, 1909Acta Sanctae Sedis. Roma, 1865-1908. 41 v. Aux sources de la vie spirituelle: documents [éd. par] Paul Cattin et Humbert Conus. Fribourg: Editions St.-Paul, 1951. The Catholic Priesthood according to the Teaching of the Church: Papal Documents from Pius X to Pius XII, comp, by Rt. Rev. Msg. Pierre Veuillot; tr. by Rev. John A. O’Flynn and others. Westminster, Md.: The Newman Press, 1958. 2 v. in 1. Codicis luris Canonici Fontes; ed. Petrus Cardinal Gasparri. Romae: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1923-1933. 8 v. Colecciôn completa de enciclicas pontificias, 1830-1950, preparada por las Facultades de Filosofia y Teologia de San Miguel (Repûblica Argentina). Buenos Aires: Editorial Guadalupe, 1952. Colecciôn de enciclicas y cartas pontificias. 2" ed. argentina, autorizada por la Junta Técnica Nacional de la Acciôn Catôlica Espanola. Buenos Aires: Edi­ torial Poblet, 1946. La communauté humaine selon l’esprit chrétien: documents [éd. par] E. Marmy. Nouv. éd. Fribourg: Editions St.-Paul, 1949. Documenta Pontificia ad Instaurationem Liturgicam Spectantia, 1903-1953; collegit notisque ornavit A. Bugnini. Roma: Edicioni Liturgîche, 1953. (Bibliotheca Ephemerides Liturgicae Sectio Practica, 6). Le encicliche Mariane a cura di Mons. Amleto Tondini. Roma: Belardetti Editore, 1950. Les enseignements pontificaux. Présentation et tables par les Moines de Solesines. Tournai: Desclée, 1952-1957. 7 v. Mary and the Popes; five great Marian letters, ed. by Thomas J. Burke, S.J. New York: America Press, 1954. I papi e la gioventù; documenti e discorsi rivolti dai so •nil i pontefici alia gioventù italiana di azione cattolica; raccolti dal P. G. Roberto Claretta, O.M.V. Roma: Editrice A.V.E., 1944. Papal Documents on Mary; comp, and arranged by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. William J. Doheny and the Rev. Joseph P. Kelly. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1954. “Papal Documents on Sacred Music from the 14th to the 20th Century.'' White List of the Society of St. Gregory of America; ed. by the Music Com- 173 Pro Papal Document Collections mittee of the Society. (4th augm. ed., New York: The Society, 1954), p. 1-26. Papal Pronouncements on Marriage and the Family from Leo XIII to Pius XII (1878-1954), by Alvin Werth and Clement S. Mihanovich. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1955. Papal Pronouncements on the Political Order, comp, and ed. by Francis J. Powers, C.S.V. Westminster, Md.: The Newman Press, 1952. The Pope and the People; Select Letters and Addresses on Social Questions. With preface by A. Keogh, SJ. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1950. The Popes and the Missions; Four Encyclical Letters. London: Sword of the Spirit, 1958. The Popes and the Priesthood; a Symposium of Papal Documents on the Priesthood. St. Meinrad, Ind.: Grail Publications, 1947. The Popes and the Saints; Commemorative Encyclicals; ed. by Vincent A. Yzermans. St. Cloud, Minn.: St. Cloud Bookshop, 1956. The Popes on Youth; Principles for Forming and Guiding Youth from Popes Leo ΧΙΠ to Pius XII, comp, and cd. by Raymond B. Fullam. New York: America Press, 1956. The Popes Speak of Mary, 1854-1954; Papal Pronouncements ed. and comp, by Vincent A. Yzermans. Saint Cloud, Minn.: The Editor, 1954. Principles for Peace; Selections from Papal Documents, Leo XIII to Pius XII, cd. for the Bishops’ Committee on the Pope’s Peace Points by the Rev. Harry C. Koenig. Washington, D.C.: National Catholic Welfare Conference, 1943. Rome and Reunion; a Collection of Papal Pronouncements, comp, by E. C. Messenger. London: Burns, Oates &: Washbourne, 1934. Rome and the Study of Scripture. 5th cd. St. Meinrad, Ind.: Grail Publications, 1953. Rome Hath Spoken; Papal Pronouncements on the Third Order Secular of St. Francis. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1932. Selected Papal Encyclicals and Letters; with a foreword by Rt. Rev. Msgr. P. E. Hallett. New and cnl. cd. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1939. 2 v. Social Wellsprings; documents selected, arranged, and annotated by Joseph Husslein, S.J. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1940-1942. 2 v. Il terz’ordine francescano nel pensiero dei papi. Roma: Commissariato Gen­ erale del T.O.F. dei Frati Minori, 1944. Two Basic Social Encyclicals: On the Condition of Workers, Leo XIII, and On Reconstructing the Social Order, Pius XI. New York: Benziger, 1943. Tutte le cncicliche dei sommi pontcfici. Milano: Edizioni Corbaccio, 1940. Leo XIII, 1878-1903 Actes de Leon XIII; encycliques, motu proprio, brefs, allocutions, actes des dicastèrcs, etc. Texte latin avec traduction française en regard. Paris: Bonne Presse, 1931-1937. 7 v. 174 Papal Document Collections The Church Speaks to the Modern World; the Social Teachings of Leo XIII, ed. with an introduction by Étienne Gilson. Garden City, N. Y.: Image Books, 1954. The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope Leo XIII. Translations from approved sources, with preface by Rev. John J. Wynne, S.J. New York: Benziger, 1903. Leonis XIII Pontificis Maximi Acta. Romae: Ex Typographia Vaticana, 18811905. 23 v. The Pope and the People; Select Letters and Addresses on Social Questions. New' rev. ed. with introduction by the Right Rev. Msgr. Parkinson. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1912. The Rosary of Mary; translations of the Encyclical and Apostolic Letters of Pope Leo XIII, collected by William Raymond Lawler, Ο. P. Paterson, N. J.: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1944. Pius X, 1903-1914 All Things in Christ; Encyclicals and Selected Documents of Saint Pius X; ed. by Vincent A. Yzermans. "Westminster, Md.: The Newrman Press, 1954. Catechetical Documents of Pope Pius X; tr. and cd. with a biographical note by Joseph B. Collins. Paterson, N. J.: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1946. Lettres apostoliques de S.S. Pie X; encycliques, motu proprio, brefs, allocutions, etc. Texte latin avec la traduction française en regard précédées d’une notice biographique. Paris: Bonne Presse, 1930-1936. 8 v. Pii X Pontificis Maximi Acta. Romae: Ex Typographia Vaticana, 1905-1914. 5 v. Benedict XV, 1914-1922 Actes de Benoit; encycliques, motu proprio, brefs, allocutions, actes des dicastères, etc. Texte latin avec traduction française, précédées d’une notice biographique. Paris: Bonne Presse, 1924-1934. 3 v. Pius XI, 1922-1939 Actes de S.S. Pie XI; encycliques, motu proprio, brefs, allocutions, actes des dicastères, etc. Texte latin avec traduction française. Paris: Bonne Presse, 1936-1945. 18 v. The Church and the Reconstruction of the Modem World; the Social Encycli­ cals of Pope Pius XI. Ed. with an introduction by Terence P. McLaughlin, C.S.B. Garden City, N. Y.: Image Books, 1957. The Encyclicals of Pius XI; introduction and translation by James H. Ryan. St. Louis: Herder, 1927. Selected Papal Encyclicals and Letters, 1928-1931. Forew’ord by Joseph Keating, S.J. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1933. 175 Papal Document Collections Sixteen Encyclicals of His Holiness Pope Pius XI, 1926-1937. Washington, D. C.: National Catholic Welfare Conference, 1955. Pius XII, 1939Actes de S.S. Pie XII; documents pontificaux et actes des dicastères romains. Textes originaux et traduction française (1939-1945). Paris: Bonne Presse, 1949-1956. 7 v. Aufbau und Entfaltung des Gesellschaftlichen Lebens; Soziale Summe Pius XII, hrsg. von Arthur-Fridolin Utz, O.P., und Joseph-Fulko Groner, O.P. Freiburg (Schweiz): Paulusverlag, 1954. 2 v. (See also Relations humaines). “The Church Speaks on Science." P. J. McLaughlin, The Church and Modem Science (New York: Philosophical Library, 1957), p. 177-344. Correspondence between President Truman and Pope Pius XII; ed. by Myron C. Taylor. New York: Privately printed, 1953. Discorsi di S.S. Pio XII agli educatori ed ai giovanni. Raccolta preparata da Mons. Giuseppe Nebiolo. Roma: A.V.E., 1956. Discorsi di Sua Santità Pio XII ai commercianti ed agli operatori economici. Roma: Edizioni U.C.I.C., 1956. Discorsi e radiomessaggi di Sua Santità Pio XII, 1939-1957. Città del Vaticano: Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana, 1941-1957. 18 v. and Index (1939-1954). L'éducation, la science et la culture. Paris: Éditions Fleurus, 1957. La famiglia nd magistero di Pio XII (1939-1956), a cura del Fronte della famiglia. Roma: Casa Editrice Colombo, 1956. The Holy Father Speaks to Newlyweds; cd. by Rev. Edgar Schmiedeler, O.S.B. Washington, D. C.: The Family Life Bureau, N.C.W.C., 1943. Il magistero mariano di Pio XII; a cura di Domenico Bertetto, S.D.B. Roma: Edizioni Paoline, 1956. The Mind of Pius XII; ed. by Robert C. Pollock. New York: Crown Publishers, 1955. Pio XII agli sposi (1939-1913)’, con brevi commenti del P. Francesco Pellegrino, S.I. 2. ed. Roma: Edizioni La Civiltà Cattolica, 1942-1944. 5 v. Pio XII e I’azione cattolica; alti e documenti raccolti dal sac. Alfredo Maria Cavagna. Roma: Editrice A.V.E., 1943. Pio XU y la familia cristiana; discursos del Padre Santo a los recien casados (1939-1943). Buenos Aires: Editorial Poblet, 1945. 1 opt I ms XII and Catholic Education; ed. by Vincent A. Yzermans. St. Meinrad, Ind.: Grail Publications, 1957. Pope Pius XII and Theological Studies; ed. by Vincent A. Yzermans. St. Meinrad, Ind.: Grail Publications, 1957. The Pope Speaks, the Teachings of Pope Pius XII; comp, and ed. by Michael Chinigo. New York: Pantheon, 1957. 176 Papal Document Collections Prayers of Pope Pius XII; tr. from the Italian by Rev. Martin W. Schoenberg, O.S.C. Westminster, Md.: The Newman Press, 1957. Relations humaines et société contemporaine; synthèse chrétienne directives de S.S. Pie XII. Version française d’après les documents originaux par Alain Savignat selon l’édition allemande de Utz et Groner. Fribourg: Éditions Sl.-Paul, 1956. Sa Sainteté Pie Xll et l'éducation de la jeunesse, par Pierre Fernessole. Paris: Lethielleux, 1955. 2 v. Selected Letters and Addresses of Pius XII. London: Catholic Truth Society, 1949. Six Social Documents of His Holiness Pope Pius XII, and a letter of His Excellency Msgr. Montini. Huntington, Ind.: Our Sunday Visitor Press, 1956. The Unwearied Advocate, the Public Addresses of His Holiness Pope Pius XII, 1939-1952; ed. by Vincent A. Yzermans. St. Cloud, Minn.: The Editor, 1954. 3 v. The Unwearied Advocate, Public Addresses of Pope Pius XII; ed. by Vincent A. Yzermans. Saint Cloud, Minn.: Saint Cloud Bookshop, 1956. 2 v. Wartime Correspondence between President Roosevelt and Pope Pius XII, with an introduction and explanatory notes by Myron C. Taylor. New York: Macmillan, 1947. Periodicals and Newspapers Regularly Including Texts Actes Pontificaux. Montreal, 1946American Ecclesiastical Review. Philadelphia, 1889- (Ecclesiastical Review from v. 33-109, 1905-1943) Catholic Documentation. Sydney, Australia, 1955Catholic Documents. London, 1950Catholic Messenger. Davenport, Iowa, 1882Catholic Mind. New York, 1903Clergy Review. London, 1931Documentation Catholique. Paris, 1919Homiletic and Pastoral Revicu). New York, 1900Irish Ecclesiastical Record. Dublin, 1864National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service. Washington, D. C. L’Osservatore Romano. Roma, 1861The Pope Speaks. Washington, 1954Tablet. London, 1840- 177 I I PDF Compressor Pro CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS f Leo XIII 1878 1878 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 1881 1881 1882 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1884 1884 1884 1884 1885 1885 1885 1885 1886 1886 1886 1886 1887 1887 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1888 1889 1889 1890 1890 Apr. 21 Dec. 28 Aug. 4 Feb. 10 Aug. 4 Sept. 30 Dec. 3 June 29 Aug. 3 Feb. 15 Aug. 1 Sept. 17 Dec. 8 Aug. 8 Sept. 1 Feb. 8 Apr. 20 Aug. 30 Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 27 Dec. 22 Dec. 31 Jan. 6 Jan. 15 Aug. 22 Sept. 14 Sept. 20 Dec. 22 Apr. 1 May 5 June 20 June 24 July 25 Dec. 10 Dec. 21 Dec. 25 Mar. 7 Aug. 15 Jan. 10 Oct. 15 Inscrutabili Dei consilio (encyclical letter) Quod Apostolici muneris (encyclical letter) Aeterni Patris (encyclical letter) Arcanum (encyclical letter) Cum hoc sit (apostolic letter) Grande munus (encyclical letter) Sancta Dei civitas (encyclical letter) Diuturnum (encyclical letter) Licet multa (encyclical epistle) Etsi Nos (encyclical epistle) Benevolentiae caritas (letter) Auspicato concessum (encyclical letter) Cum multa (encyclical epistle) Saepcnumcro (letter) Supremi Apostolatus officio (encyclical letter) Nobilissima Gallorum gens (encyclical epistle) Humanum genus (encyclical letter) Superiore anno (encyclical letter) Ubi primum latissimae (apostolic letter) Immortale Dei (encyclical letter) Spectata fides (encyclical epistle) Quod auctoritate (encyclical letter) Cum de Carolinis Insulis (letter) lampridem (encyclical epistle) Etsi res (address) Quod multum (encyclical epistle) Pergrata (encyclical epistle) Vi è ben noto (encyclical epistle) Officio sanctissimo (encyclical epistle) Quod anniversarius (encyclical letter) In plurimis (encyclical epistle) Libertas (encyclical letter) Sacpc Nos (encyclical epistle) Paterna caritas (encyclical epistle) Quam aerumnosa (encyclical epistle) Etsi cunctas (encyclical epistle) Excuntc iam anno (encyclical letter) Magni Nobis (encyclical epistle) Quamquam pluries (encyclical letter) Sapientiae christianac (encyclical letter) Dall’alto dcll’Apostolico seggio (encyclical epistle) 179 PDF Compressor Pro List of Documents 1890 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1896 1896 1896 1896 1897 1897 1897 1897 1897 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1900 1900 1900 Nov. 20 Mar. 3 May 15 June 25 Sept. 12 Sept. 22 Feb. 16 July 16 Sept. 8 Dec. 8 Dec. 8 May 31 June 24 Sept. 2 Sept. 8 Oct. 25 Nov. 18 Mar. 19 May 1 June 20 July 2 Sept. 8 Nov. 30 Dec. 24 Jan. 6 Apr, 14 May 5 July 10 Sept. 5 May 1 June 29 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Jan. 25 May 9 Aug. 1 Sept. 12 Dec. 8 July 25 Aug. 5 Aug. 16 Sept. 5 Dec. 25 Jan. 22 May 11 May 25 Sept. 8 Sept. 18 July 21 Nov. 1 Dec. 8 Catholicae Ecclesiae (encyclical letter) In ipso (encyclical epistle) Rerum novarum (encyclical letter) Pastoralis (encyclical epistle) Pastoralis officii (encyclical epistle) Octobri mense (encyclical letter) Au milieu des sollicitudes (encyclical epistle) Quarto abcuntc saeculo (encyclical epistle) Magnae Dei Matris (encyclical letter) Custodi di quclla fede (encyclical epistle) Inimica vis (encyclical epistle) Clara saepenumcro (apostolic letter) Ad extremas (encyclical epistle) Constanti Hungarorum (encyclical epistle) Laetitiae sanctae (encyclical letter) Non mediocri (encyclical epistle) Providcntissimus Deus (encyclical letter) Caritatis (encyclical epistle) Inter graves (encyclical epistle) Praeclara (apostolic letter) Litteras a vobis (encyclical epistle) lucunda semper expcctationc (encyclical letter) Orientalium (apostolic letter) Christi nomen (encyclical letter) Longinqua (encyclical epistle) Amantissimac voluntatis (apostolic letter) Provida matris (apostolic letter) Permoti Nos (encyclical epistle) Adiutriccm (encyclical letter) Insignes (encyclical epistle) Satis cognitum (encyclical letter) Apostolicac curae (apostolic letter) Fidentem piumque animum (encyclical letter) Officiorum ac munerum (constitution) Divinum illud munus (encyclical letter) Militantis Ecclesiae (encyclical epistle) Augustissimae Virginis Mariae (encyclical letter) Aflari vos (encyclical epistle) Caritatis studium (encyclical epistle) Spessc volte (encyclical epistle) Quam religiosa (encyclical epistle) Diuturni temporis (encyclical letter) Quum diuturnum (encyclical epistle) Testem benevolentiae (letter) Properante ad exitum (proclamation) Annum Sacrum (encyclical letter) Depuis le jour (encyclical epistle) 1'aternae (encyclical epistle) Omnibus compertum (encyclical epistle) Tametsi futura prospicientibus (encyclical letter) Conditae a Christo (constitution) 180 List of Documents 1900 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 Dec. Jan. May June Aug. Nov. Mar. Apr. /Xpr. May Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Dec. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. May May Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. May June Jan. Feb. Mar.. Apr. ■ July 23 Au milieu des consolations (letter) 18 Graves de communi re (encyclical letter) 16 Gravissimas (encyclical epistle) 29 En tout temps (letter) 20 Reputantibus (encyclical epistle) 20 Urbanitatis veteris (encyclical epistle) 19 Parvcnuti all’anno (apostolic letter) 15 In amplissimo (encyclical epistle) 30 Quod votis (encyclical epistle) 28 Mirae caritatis (encyclical letter) 17 Quae, mari sinico (apostolic letter) 30 Vigilantiae (apostolic letter) 22 Quae ad Nos (encyclical epistle) 8 Fin dal principio (encyclical epistle) 24 Dum multa (encyclical epistle) 4 6 9 22 1 8 8 18 28 20 23 2 23 12 19 25 25 5 11 25 12 21 22 1 6 9 15 8 11 18 11 27 5 16 Pius X E supremi (encyclical letter) Montre Ci accingiamo (letter) Primum vos (address) Ira 1c sollccitudini (motu proprio) Societatem Caecilianam (letter) Il desiderio (letter) Opus a catcchismis (letter) Fin dalla prima (motu proprio) Cum Nobis nihil (apostolic letter) Commissum Nobis (apostolic constitution) In praecipuis laudibus (apostolic letter) Ad diem illum laetissimum (encyclical letter) Scripturae Sanctae (apostolic letter) lucunda sane (encyclical letter) Arduum sane munus (motu proprio) In Apostolicum sublecti munus (apostolic letter) Col Nostro (motu proprio) La ristorazionc (letter) Primum post impositum (letter) Vacante Scdc Apostolica (apostolic constitution) Fra i molti (letter) Inter multiplices (motu proprio) Solcmnc illud (letter) La lettera circolarc (letter) Austriam catholico (letter) Sedis Apostolicac providam (apostolic letter) Acerbo nimis (encyclical letter) Apostolicac Sedi (motu proprio) II fermo proposito (encyclical letter) Provida (apostolic letter) Vehementer Nos (encyclical letter) Quoniam in rc biblica (apostolic letter) Tribus circitcr (encyclical letter) Dei providentis benignitatem (motu proprio) List of Documents 1906 1906 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1909 1909 1910 1910 1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 1911 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1913 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1915 1917 1917 1917 1917 1918 1918 1918 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 July 28 Aug. 10 Jan. 6 Jan. 20 Jan- 21 July 22 Sept. 8 Sept. 16 Nov. 18 Apr. 3 June 17 June 29 Aug. 4 Sept. 5 Apr. 21 May 7 May 26 Aug. 25 Sept. 1 Dec. 26 Apr. 30 May 24 July 2 Nov. 1 Jan. 4 Apr. 14 June 7 July 10 Sept. 24 Oct, 20 Mar. 8 Mar. 7 June 29 Aug. 2 Picni Γ animo (encyclical letter) Gravissimo officii munere (encyclical letter) Une fois encore (encyclical letter) Per la prima (letter) Qui piam a Sancto (letter) Propc est ut (letter) Pascendi dominici gregis (encyclical letter) Ea semper fuit (apostolic letter) Praestantia Scripturae (motu proprio) In principibus catholicorum (autograph letter) Quam tuo nomine (letter) Sapienti consilio (apostolic constitution) Haerent animo (exhortation) De iis omnibus (apostolic letter) Communium rerum (encyclical letter) Vinea electa (apostolic letter) Editae saepe (encyclical letter) Notre charge apostolique (letter) Sacrorum antistitum (motu proprio) Ex quo (letter) Diligentia ipsa (letter) lamdudum (encyclical letter) Supremi disciplinae (motu proprio) Divino afflatu (apostolic constitution) Sublimem Divi Petri (apostolic letter) Je vous remercie (address) Lacrimabili statu (encyclical letter) Votre lettre (letter) Singulari quadam (encyclical epistle) Je réponds de (holograph letter) Magni faustique (apostolic letter) Ex quo (letter) Doctoris Angelici (motu proprio) Dum Europa fere (exhortation) Sept. Nov. Nov. May June Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Dec. Mar. Apr. May June July Benedict XV Ubi primum (exhortation) Ad beatissimi Apostolorum (encyclical letter) Seminaria clericorum (motu proprio) Dei providentis (motu proprio) Humani generis redemptionem (encyclical letter) Cum iuris canonici Codicem (motu proprio) Orientis catholici (motu proprio) Inclytum Fratrum (apostolic letter) Dopo gli ultimi (letter) Quod iam diu (encyclical letter) Antequam Ordinem (address) Communes litteras (letter) In hac tanta (encyclical epistle) Pontificium (apostolic letter) Diuturni (apostolic letter) 8 1 4 1 15 15 15 4 8 1 10 10 14 29 15 182 List of Documents 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1919 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 1921 Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Mar. Apr. May July July Aug. Sept. Oct. Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Apr. Apr. Apr. June June July Aug. Sept. Sept. Nov. 8 7 21 24 30 18 3 11 11 23 25 25 25 15 5 £ 16 6 9 1 27 30 29 29 20 5 19 19 30 Egregiam pietatem (apostolic letter) Amor ille singularis (apostolic letter) Sono avventurati (address) Paterno iam diu (encyclical epistle) Maximum illud (apostolic epistle) Celeberrima evenisse sollemnia (letter) Quandoquidem (letter) Soliti Nos quidem (letter) Optimo sane consilio (letter) Pacem, Dei munus pulcherrimum (encyclical letter) Bonum sane (motu proprio) Optime profecto (letter) Libenter admodum (letter) Spiritus Paraclitus (encyclical letter) Principi Apostolorum Petro (encyclical letter) Annus iam plenus (encyclical epistle) Cum multa hoc (address) Sacra proped iem (encyclical epistle) Cum semper (letter) Officii Nostri (letter) Ubi primum (letter) In praeclara summorum (encyclical epistle) Fausto appetente die (encyclical epistle) Optime sane (letter) Quinquagesimo excunte anno (letter) Lc notizic (letter) Cum adlatum sit (letter) Non senza (letter) Saepe Nobis (letter) Pius XI 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1922 1923 1923 Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May July July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Dec. Ian. Mar. "J 7 31 7 22 25 29 3 10 25 1 6 8 14 28 22 3 23 26 17 Cum proxime (motu proprio) Cum alia (letter) Quamquam haud sane (letter) Con vivo piacerc (autograph letter) Con vivo compiacimcnto (letter) Quandoquidem (letter) Il vivissimo desiderio (autograph letter) Romanorum Pontificum (motu proprio) Annus fere iam est (apostolic epistle) Summorum Pontificum (apostolic constitution) Officiorum omnium (apostolic epistle) I disordini (apostolic epistle) Le haut intérêt (letter) Decessor Noster (letter) Ora sono pochi mesi (apostolic epistle) Ad musicae sacrae (motu proprio) Meditantibus Nobis (apostolic epistle) Ubi arcano Dei consilio (encyclical letter) Rerum omnium perturbationem (encyclical letter) Romani Pontifices (apostolic letter) 183 PDF Compressor Pro List of Documents 1923 Apr. 5 1923 June 29 1923 June 29 1923 Aug. 4 1923 Nov. 12 1924 Jan. 18 1924 Mar. 19 1924 Mar. 25 1924 Apr. 27 1924 May 29 1924 July 8 1924 Oct. 20 1925 Dec. 11 1925 Dec. 11 1926 Feb. 2 1926 Feb. 18 1926 Feb. 28 1926 Apr. 30 1926 June 13 1926 Aug. 24 1926 Sept. 5 1926 Nov. 18 1926 Nov. 26 1926 Dec. 20 1927 Jan. 5 1927 Jan. 24 1927 June 24 1927 July 7 1927 July 17 1927 Sept. 24 1927 Oct. 4 1928 Jan. 6 1928 May 2 1928 May 8 1928 May 20 1928 Aug. 15 1928 Aug. 15 1928 Sept. 8 1928 Sept. 30 1928 Oct. 10 1928 Nov. 13 1928 Dec. 20 1929 Jan. 6 1929 Feb. 11 1929 Apr. 23 1929 May 30 1929 May 30 1929 June 24 1929 June 24 1929 Aug. 15 1929 Nov. 6 Admodum gaudemus (letter) Orbem catholicum (motu proprio) Studiorum Ducem (encyclical letter) Quandoquidem (letter) Ecclesiam Dei (encyclical letter) Maximam gravissimamque (encyclical epistle) Unigenitus Dei Filius (apostolic epistle) Poichè ogni ragionc (motu proprio) Bibliorum scientiam (motu proprio) Infinita Dei (apostolic constitution) Umbratilem remotamque (apostolic constitution) Latinarum litterarum (motu proprio) I primitivi ccmcteri (motu proprio) Quas primas (encyclical letter) Paterna sane (apostolic epistle) Si è annunciato (chirograph) Rerum Ecclesiae (encyclical letter) Rite expiatis (encyclical letter) Singulare illud (apostolic epistle) Dic vicesima septima (apostolic letter) Nous avons lu (letter) Iniquis affiictisque (encyclical letter) Quam Germanica mulierum (letter) Misericordia Domini (address) C’est de tout coeur (chirograph) Abbiamo sotto gli occhi (chirograph) Quinto feliciter (letter) Per dilectum filium (letter) Cum valdc (letter) Inde ab inito (motu proprio) Rerum condicio (apostolic constitution) Mortalium animos (encyclical letter) A Lci, Vicario Nostro (chirograph) Miscrcntissimus Redemptor (encyclical letter) Merito quidem (letter) Cum ex epistula (letter) Providentia opportuna (apostolic letter) Rerum Orientalium (encyclical letter) Quod maxime (motu proprio) Quoniam maxime Nobis (letter) Quae Nobis (letter) Divini cultus (apostolic constitution) Auspicantibus Nobis (apostolic constitution) II Nostro più (address) Anno lubilari (apostolic letter) Ci si è domandato (chirograph) Ex Lateranensi (apostolic constitution) Decessor Noster (motu proprio) Vix ad summi Pontificatus (motu proprio) Quam curam (apostolic constitution) Laetus sane nuntius (letter) 184 List of Documents 1929 Dec. 20 1929 Dee. 23 1929 Dec. 31 1930 Feb. 2 1930 Feb. 12 1930 Apr. 20 1930 Apr. 23 1930 Aug. 5 1930 Aug. 28 1930 Oct. 26 1930 Dee. 25 1930 Dec. 25 1930 Dec. 31 1931 Jan. 18 1931 Feb. 4 1931 Feb. 12 1931 Mar. 1 1931 Apr. 26 1931 May 10 1931 May 15 1931 May 24 1931 June 29 1931 Sept. 14 1931 Sept. 17 1931 Oct. 1 1931 Oct. 2 1931 Dee. 16 1931 Dec. 25 1932 May 3 1932 May 26 1932 Sept. 29 1932 Oct. 27 1932 Dee. 7 1933 Jan. 6 1933 Jan. 11 1933 Jan. 12 1933 June 3 1933 June 13 1933 June 15 1933 July 31 1933 Nov. 10 1934 Apr. 1 1935 Mar. 25 1935 May 19 1935 May 27 1935 Oct. 27 1935 Dee. 20 1936 June 29 1936 Sept. 14 1936 Oct. 28 1937 Mar. 14 Mens Nostra (encyclical letter) Quinquagesimo ante (encyclical letter) Rappresentanti in terra (encyclical letter) Ci commuovono profondamente (chirograph) Curis ac laboribus (apostolic constitution) Ad salutem (encyclical letter) Ubi primum Cccoslovacha (apostolic constitution) In Allocutione (motu proprio) Nobilissima ista civitas (letter) Anno vertente (apostolic constitution) Ephesinam Synodum (letter) Sacculum mox (letter) Casti connubii (encyclical letter) Apostolicae Litterae (motu proprio) [Con suma satisfacciôn] (letter) Qui arcano Dei (radio address) Antoniana sollemnia (apostolic epistle) Dobbiamo intrattcnerla (chirograph) Felix faustumque (letter) Quadragesimo anno (encyclical letter) Deus scientiarum Dominus (apostolic constitution) Non abbiamo bisogno (encyclical letter) Monumentum insigne (apostolic letter) Providentissimus Deus (apostolic letter) Ci è pervenuta (chirograph) Nova impendet (encyclical letter) In thesauris sapientiae (decretal letter) Lux veritatis (encyclical letter) Caritate Christi compulsi (encyclical letter) Virentem “Sanctorum Insulam” (letter) /Xcerba animi (encyclical epistle) Tante opere d’artc (sermon) Alic belle, luminose (address) Quod nuper (indictio Anni Sancti) Septuaginta quinque (apostolic letter) Inter instituta (apostolic letter) Dilectissima Nobis (encyclical letter) lam annus elapsus (apostolic constitution) Inter praecipuas (apostolic constitution) Ad Senarium Montem (apostolic letter) Ex officiosis litteris (letter) Geminata laetitia (decretal letter) Quae divinitus Nobis (apostolic constitution) Saevis agitata (decretal letter) Sollemnium agendorum (letter) Quamvis Nostra de Aetione Catholica (letter) Ad catholici sacerdotii (encyclical letter) Vigilanti cura (encyclical epistle) La vostra presenza (address) In multis solaciis (motu proprio) Mit brennender Sorge (encyclical epistle) 185 List of Documents 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1938 1938 1938 1938 1938 1938 1939 Mar. 19 Mar. 28 Apr. 25 July 11 Sept. 3 Sept. 14 Sept. 29 Mar. 25 May 29 Sept. 21 Sept. 29 Oct. 18 Dee. 24 Jan. 18 Divini Redemptoris (encyclical letter) Firmissimam constantiam (encyclical epistle) Lacto gratoque (letter) Nous voici (radio address) È piaciuto (chirograph) Missionaiium rerum (apostolic epistle) Ingravescentibus malis (encyclical letter) Sancta Dei Ecclesia (motu proprio) Dum datur Nobis (radio address) Sollemnia iubilaria (letter) Mentre milioni di uomini (radio address) Dum Christus Dominus (radio address) Con grande, profonda (address) Con singular complacencia (apostolic letter) Pius XII 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1942 1942 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 1943 Mar. 3 Apr. 9 Apr. 14 Apr. 28 June 2 June 24 Aug. 24 Oct. 20 Oct. 29 Nov. 1 Nov. 13 Dee. 3 Dee. 8 Dec. 24 Jan. 7 June 13 July 6 Sept. 4 Oct. 27 Dee. 24 June 1 Oct. 3 Oct. 26 Nov. 4 Nov. 30 Dee. 16 Dee. 24 Mar. 7 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Dec. 24 Feb. 21 June 29 Sept. 30 Dee. 24 Dum gravissimum (radio address) Quoniam Paschalia Sollemnia (homily) C’est avec un vif (address) Quale spettacolo (address) In questo giorno (address) Sollemnis conventus (sermon) Un’ora grave (radio address) Summi Pontificatus (encyclical letter) Audistis, Venerabiles Fratres (exhortation) Sertum laetitiae (encyclical epistle) It is from (radio address) Al gradimento (address) Asperis commoti (apostolic exhortation) In questo giorno di Santa (sermon) The memorable message (letter) Saeculo excunte octavo (encyclical epistle) Nosti profecto quantopere (apostolic epistle) Sc a temperare (address) Norunt profecto (motu proprio) Grazie, Venerabili Fratclli (sermon) La solennité della Pentecoste (radio address) Già per la terza volta (address) Davanti a questa (address) Cum Nobis (motu proprio) Richiamo di gioia (address) Ad Deum per rerum naturae (apostolic letter) Nell alba e nclla luce (radio address) Quandoquidem qui sacris (letter) Mais de uma vez (radio address) Regina del Santissimo Rosario (prayer) Con sempre nuova freschezza (radio address) In questa solcnnc adunanza (address) Mystici Corporis Christi (encyclical letter) Divino afflante Spiritu (encyclical letter) Ancora una quinta volta (radio address) 186 List of Documents 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1945 1946 1946 1946 1946 1946 1946 1946 1946 1946 1946 1946 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 1948 Apr. 9 June 2 Sept. 1 Oct. 2 Nov. 12 Dec. 24 Mar. 11 Mar. 24 Apr. 12 Apr. 15 June 2 Oct. 21 Nov. 29 Dec. 8 Dec. 23 Dec. 24 Jan. 6 Jan. 16 Feb. 20 May 1 June 1 July 9 July 10 Oct. 24 Oct. 26 Nov. 15 Dec. 24 Jan. 22 Feb. 2 Feb. 19 Mar. 21 Aug. 7 Aug. 26 Sept. 7 Sept. 11 Nov. 20 Nov. 27 Nov. 30 Dec. 18 Dee. 24 Jan. 30 Feb. 8 Mar. 7 Mar. 12 May 1 Sept. 12 Sept. 27 Sept. 28 Oct. 6 Oct. 24 Nov. 11 Orientalis Ecclesiae (encyclical letter) E ormai passato un anno (address) Oggi, al compicrsi (radio address) L’inaugurazione del nuovo anno (address) La vostra presenza (address) Benignitas et humanitas (radio address) II Nostro Predcccssore (address) In cotidianis precibus (motu proprio) Cum proxime (letter) Communium interpretes dolorum (encyclical epistle) Nciraccoglierc (address) Questa grande vostra (address) La vostra presenza (address) Vacantis Apostolicac Sedis (apostolic constitution) Orientales omnes Ecclesias (encyclical letter) Ncgli ultimi sei anni (sermon) Quemadmodum (encyclical epistle) Exulta, Lusitania felix (apostolic letter) La elevatezza (address) Deiparae Virginis Mariae (encyclical epistle) Ancora una volta (address) Una mirabile epopea (address) C’est un geste (letter) Voi avete manifestato (address) Venerable brethren (radio address) Al particolare compiacimento (address) Vi fu mai (address) All’alba della storia (address) Provida Mater Ecclesia (apostolic constitution) Our loving greetings (radio address) Fulgens radiatur (encyclical letter) Nous nous sommes (letter) We have just (chirograph) Conforto, letizia (address) Vous, vous présentez (address) Mediator Dei (encyclical letter) La vostra presenza in cosi (address) Sacramentum Ordinis (apostolic constitution) Optatissima pax (encyclical epistle) La festività Natalizia (radio address) During recent years (letter) Nel ritrovarCi (address) II desiderio da voi (address) Primo feliciter elapso (motu proprio) Auspicia quaedam (encyclical epistle) Nel vedcrc il ciclo (address) Bis saeculari (apostolic constitution) S’il Nous plaît (address) Entre los graves (radio address) In multiplicibus curis (encyclical epistle) Nous sommes très (address) 187 List of Documents 1948 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1949 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 Dec. 24 Jan. 30 Feb. 14 Mar. 27 .Apr. 2 Apr. 15 Apr. 16 May 7 May 15 May 26 June 7 July 24 Sept. 4 Sept. 4 Sept. 11 Sept. 14 Sept. 25 Sept. 29 Nov. 6 Nov. 21 Dec. 20 Dee. 23 Feb. 17 Mar. 12 Apr. 25 Apr. 27 May 5 May 15 June 3 June 24 July 10 July 15 July 19 Aug. 5 Aug. 6 Aug. 9 Aug. 12 Aug. 16 Sept. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 17 Sept. 21 Sept. 23 Oct. 1 Oct. 14 Nov. 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 12 Nov. 21 Dee. 3 Dee. 4 Gravi ed ad un tempo (radio address) Voi avete un duplicc (address) In hoc sacrum (address) Those men, therefore (first televised message) Quandoquidem (motu proprio) Redemptoris nostri cruciatus (encyclical epistle) Votre démarche (address) Avec une égale (address) Quotiescumque Ecclesia (homily) lubilaeum maximum (apostolic constitution) Si la surcharge (address) Per quanto legittima (address) Mit dem Gefühl vâterlichcn (radio address) Von den grünen Almcn (radio address) Soyez les bienvenus (address) Quam Romani Pontifices (apostolic letter) De grand coeur (address) Votre présence autour (address) Con felice pcnsicro (address) Quante volte (radio address) We have just (letter) Non mai forse (radio address) L’importance de la Presse (address) Anni Sacri (encyclical epistle) Ci torna particolarmente (address) Nous avons grande (address) De grand coeur (address) Quod ait Sanctus Bonaventura (apostolic letter) Nous vous adressons (address) Per un amoroso (address) Como rcmate (address) Dans Notre souhait (address) Summi maeroris (encyclical epistle) A vous, Messieurs (address) Nous venons (letter) Perlibenti quidem (letter) Humani generis (encyclical letter) I hr findet (letter) C’est une opportune (address) Wij weten dat (radio address) Singulari animi (address) En vous souhaitant (address) Menti Nostrae (apostolic exhortation) With the keen interest (radio address) Perquam laeto (address) Munificentissimus Deus (apostolic constitution) Penitus commoto (address) Lactanti (letter) Sponsa Christi (apostolic constitution) Ci toma particolarmente (address) Praeses Consilii (letter) 188 List of Documents 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1951 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 Dec. Dee. Dee. Dec. Dee. Dee. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May June June June June June July July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May June 6 8 10 23 25 31 12 6 25 11 25 26 3 6 22 29 2 2 3 3 23 30 1 2 5 15 1 8 13 15 18 14 28 29 22 26 24 14 18 31 10 23 27 8 13 13 18 22 24 21 1 Mirabile illud (encyclical epistle) Annus sacer (address) Quando o Senhor Cardeal (radio address) Un anno è già (radio address) Per Annum Sacrum (apostolic constitution) Por un dcsignio (radio address) Quoniam (apostolic letter) Ancora sotto il peso (address) Our heart fills (radio address) Qu6 hermoso espcctàculo (radio address) Da questo incomparabile (address) De quel scepticisme (address) Diletti figli e figlie (address) Très sensible à votre (address) Cuando, a fines (radio address) In the liturgical office (radio address) Nel giorno stesso (address) Evangclii praecones (encyclical letter) Quoniam (apostolic letter) Una celeste letizia (address) In extending to (address) The manifold manifestations (letter) Amadfsimas hijas, jôvencs (radio address) Soyez ici les bienvenus (address) O mâximo intéresse (radio address) Nel compicrc 1’atto (radio address) Cum i am lustri (letter) Sempiternus Rex Christus (encyclical letter) Ci torna (apostolic exhortation) Ingruentium malorum (encyclical epistle) Un pèlerinage de pères (address) De quelle consolation (address) Impensiore caritate (apostolic epistle) Vcgliarc con sollccitudinc (address) Un’ora di serena letizia (address) Ncll’ordinc della (address) Già per la dccimatcrza (radio address) Fcdcli alia vostra (address) Cupimus imprimis (apostolic epistle) Di tutto cuore vi (address) Dal Nostro cuore (radio exhortation) La famiglîa è la (radio address) Veritatem (apostolic epistle) Con viva soddisfazionc (address) Ancora una volta (radio address) Dura sollemni (radio address) Soyez les bienvenues (address) Voluistis, praeclari viri (address) Certi, come siamo (address) Di tutto cuore (address) Sea por siempre (radio address) 189 PDF Compressor Pro List of Documents 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1952 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 1953 July 5 July 7 July 23 Aug. 1 Aug. 10 Aug. 12 Sept. 7 Sept. 13 Sept 13 Sept. 14 Sept. 15 Nov. 8 Nov. 14 Nov. 30 Dec. 3 Dec. 15 Dec. 24 Dec. 31 Jan. 6 Mar. 19 Apr. 5 Apr. 13 Apr. 26 May 1 May 12 May 14 May 24 May 24 May 24 June 10 July 2 July 16 July 19 July 22 Aug. 8 Sept. 7 Sept. 8 Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Sept. 13 Sept. 30 Oct. 1 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 Oct. 8 Oct. 9 Oct. 17 Oct. 19 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Nov. 21 Dans la tradition (letter) Carissimis Russiac populis (apostolic epistle) Vi diamo volentieri (address) Exsul Familia (apostolic constitution) Mit dem Gefühl (letter) Quel motif (letter) La présence d’une (address) Ce Premier Congrès (address) Nous vous souhaitons (address) Mit Frcuden kommcn (radio address) Nous vous adressons (address) Di gran cuorc vi diamo (address) Con particolarc affetto (address) Valde solliciti (motu proprio) Devotos e admiradores (radio address) Orientales Ecclesias (encyclical epistle) Levate capita vestra (radio address) From a heart (radio address) Christus Dominus (apostolic constitution) Siamo ben felice (address) Di tutto cuorc (radio address) Nous vous souhaitons (address) La vostra viva (address) Ci mancano quasi (address) Nous nous réjouissons (address) Colori i quali (address) Doctor Mellifluus (encyclical letter) Gcrnc und nicht (radio address) Nel darvi il Nostro (address) La sixième Assemblée (address) Omnibus, qui Nostram (letter) In Poloniac (letter) C’est avec un intérêt (address) We have deemed (letter) Primo abcuntc saeculo (letter) Soyez les bienvenus (address) Fulgens corona (encyclical letter) Abbiamo atteso questo (address) Vous n’ignorcz pas (address) En ce mois de septembre (address) II primo Nostro (address) Col sentimento (address) Nous croyons que très (address) You have come (address) Nous vous saluons (address) Nous n’hésitons pas (address) Animus Noster gaudio (address) Arrivés au terme (address) Wir heissen Sie willkommcn (address) The business mission (address) Di gran cuorc vi (address) 190 List of Documents 1953 1953 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 Dee. 6 Dee. 24 Jan. 1 Jan. 5 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 18 Feb. 8 Feb. 14 Feb. 27 Mar. 25 Mar. 31 Apr. 4 Apr. 18 May 2 May 16 May 29 May 31 June 5 June 6 June 12 June 30 July 11 July 11 July 14 July 14 July 17 July 25 July 26 Aug. 15 Aug. 15 Aug. 30 Sept. 5 Sept. 8 Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Sept. 11 Sept. 11 Sept. 17 Sept. 24 Sept. 29 Sept. 30 Oct. 3 Oct. 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 11 Oct. 15 Oct. 24 Nov. Ci ricscc (address) II popolo, chc abitava (radio address) I rapidi progressi (exhortation) Le “Giomate Nazionali” (address) Amadisimos hijos (radio address) El cspecialisimo amor (radio address'! We arc deeply touched (address) As We write (message) Allorchè, docili (radio address) Ci sarebbe riuscito (exhortation) Sacra virginitas (encyclical letter) Procuratores generales (letter) Nous sommes heureux (address) Non altrimenti (radio address) Quando—pochi moment! (address) Chers fils et chères (radio address) Quest’ora di fulgente (address) Si diligis (address) Ecclesiae fastos (encyclical epistle) Non è forsc (television address) Sc 1c forze (address) Soyez les bienvenus (address) La consécration (radio address) L’inclito nome (radio address) En ouvrant (letter) We have learned (letter) Dans I’Encycliquc (address) Quamquam (apostolic epistle) Au moment où (radio address) Le Seigneur a rendu (radio address) Omnium ecclesiarum (apostolic constitution) Das Treubekenntnis Unsercr (letter) Depuis le 8 décembre (radio address) C’est une grande joie (address) Et maintenant (address) Lorsque, durant votre Congrès (address) Pour apprécier (address) Quingentesimus vicesimus (address) Parmi les nombreax (address) En accueillant (address) Le Congrès International (address) Nous sommes heureux (address) Cum singulari (letter) La 5e Session (address) Mit Wohlwollen (letter) Au terme des réunions (address) Ad Sinarum gentem (encyclical epistle) Ad Caeli Reginam (encyclical letter) Parmi les institutions (address) Inter complures (radio address) Le testimonianze (address) 191 List of Documents 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1954 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 Nov. 2 Nov. 7 Nov. 12 Nov. 19 Nov. 23 Dee. 5 Dee. 8 Dec. 24 Feb. 5 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. [23] Mar. 10 Mar. 19 Apr. 3 Apr. 7 Apr. 10 Apr, 20 Apr. 24 Apr. 28 May 1 May 8 May 10 May 12 May 16 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 21 June 3 June 5 June 10 J une 13 June 16 June 21 June 26 June 27 June 29 June 30 July 2 July 3 July 8 July 20 July 24 July 26 July 2b July 30 July 31 Aug. 23 Aug. 24 Aug. 26 Magnificate Dominum (address) Non abbiamo dimcnticato (address) Hijos amadisimos, productores (address) Si Nous avons eu (address) Nous sommes heureux (address) Accogliete (message) Vi giunga, dilettc (radio address) Ecce ego declinabo (message) Resta ora (address) Cum supremae patcrnacquc (motu proprio) Die Gluck (letter) How good the Lord (message) Siano rose grazic (address) The President of your (address) En vous accueillant (address) Les statuts de I’Union (address) Surrexit, è risorto (radio address) Accoglicndo nella Nostra (address) Au moment où (address) Ha permitido (radio address) Poco più di dieci anni (address) Es hat Unscrc (letter) Le Concours International (address) C’est pour Nous (address) La visite que vous (address) Con cl testimonio (message) Eccoci convcnuti (address) Am bevorstehenden (letter) II Nous est agréable (address) 1 ! Nous est très (message) Avete tenuto a Napoli (address) C’est la quatrième (address) Nous agréons bien (message) El grupo de sacerdotes (message) Ci torna sommamente (address) L ancora vivo ncll’animo (address) Sie haben (letter) Ad Ecclesiam Christi (apostolic letter) Alacre studium (letter) Not least among (address) Con viva sodisfazionc (address) We arc happy to welcome (address) Lorsque Nous voyons (address) Espectâculo sobremodo (radio address) Le vingt-cinquième (address) I andis que (message) II Nous est (message) Magna cum iucunditate (letter) Peculiari animi (letter) Pour commémorer avec (message) Nous sommes heureux (address) 192 List of Documents 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 Sept. 2 Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Sept. 18 Sept. 23 Sept. 25 Sept. 30 Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 9 Oct. 11 Oct. 13 Oct. 21 Oct. 24 Oct. 28 Nov. 1 Nov. 4 Nov. 10 Dec. 24 Dec. 25 Dec. 31 Jan. 8 Feb. 11 Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Mar. 1 Mar. 4 Mar. 9 Mar. 22 Mar. 25 Apr. 1 Apr. 3 Apr. 11 Apr. 16 Apr. 20 May 6 May 8 May 14 May 15 May 19 May 31 June 11 June 22 June 29 July 1 July 31 Aug. 19 Sept. 2 Sept. 9 Sept. 11 Sept. 14 Dcsdc Io m6s alto (address) Vous avez voulu (address) Nous vous souhaitons (address) Des efforts considérables (address) Di gran cuore vi salutiamo (address) Nous avons pour la (address) En décidant de tenir (address) Questo vostro entusiasmo (address) Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir (address) Vi siamo vivamente (address) Con la più viva (radio address) Il programma c lo (address) En vous souhaitant (address) Di gran cuore vi diamo (address) Nel dare (address) Le voyage d’étude (address) L’intima letizia (address) La VIIIe session (address) Col cuore aperto (radio address) Musicae sacrae (encyclical letter) In questi giorni (address) Nous avons reçu (address) Nihil Ecclesiae (motu proprio) L’intimo conforto (address) Questo incontro con voi (address) Nous vous accueillons (address) Les paroles si élevées (address) C’est bien volontiers (address) z\madisimos hijos (address) Dilectissimi filii (address) Come dcsti dallo (address) Vous inaugurez aujourd’hui (address) Vi siamo grati (address) Nous vous souhaitons (address) Ncll’accoglicrvi (address) Unscrcn Gruss (address) Les circonstances qui (address) Vous Nous avez demandé (address) Haurietis aquas (encyclical letter) Vous Nous avez exprimé (address) Sedes sapientiae (apostolic constitution) Votre visite (address) C’est avec plaisir (address) Dum maerenti animo (apostolic epistle) Nel darvi (address) Como cl concertante (radio address) Nous saluons avec (address) Mit freudiger Erregung (radio address) A l’occasion du premier (address) En septembre (radio address) IJi gran cuore vi diamo (address) PDF Compressor Pro List of Documents 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 Sept. 20 Sept 22 Oct. 2 Oct. 6 Oct. 7 Oct. 8 Oct. 14 Oct. 28 Oct. 28 Oct. 28 Nov. 1 Nov. 5 Nov. 10 Nov. 18 Dee. 23 Dee. 31 Jan. 6 Feb. 24 Mar, 5 Mar. 7 Mar. 17 Mar. 19 Mar. 20 Mar. 24 Mar. 28 Apr. 14 Apr. 21 May 12 May 16 June 2 July 2 Sept. 8 A l’occasion du VII· Congrès (address) Vous Nous avez (address) Parmi les nombreux (address) Au cours du mois (address) Come limpido astro (radio address) Soyez les bienvenus (address) Con vivo gradimento (radio address) II vostro festoso (radio address) Luctuosissimi eventus (encyclical letter) Nel darvi il benvenuto (address) Lactamur admodum (encyclical letter) Datis nuperrime (encyclical letter) Allo strazio (radio address) La Nostra Casa (address) L’inesauribile mistcro (radio address) Sic kommcn aus (address) Di gran cuore vi rivolgiamo (radio address) Le IX® Congrès National (address) Vi diamo il Nostro (address) Con vivo compiacimcnto (address) In your honourable (address) Sacram Communionem (motu proprio) Nous sommes très sensible (address) Ancora una volta Noi (address) Sic kommcn von Berlin (address) La maîtrise croissante (note and résumés) Fidei donum (encyclical letter) L’annunzio dellc solenni (letter) Invicti athletae (encyclical letter) Cleri sanctitati (apostolic letter given as a motu proprio) Le pèlerinage de Lourdes (encyclical epistle) Miranda prorsus (encyclical letter) 194 INDEX (Reference is to entry number of the individual document) ABC warfare, 464, 484 Anthony of Padua, St., 53, 261 Abortion condemned, 84 Antibiotics, research on, 95 Accidents: industrial, 243; prevention of, 487 Anticlericalism in Italy, 462 Ad catholici sacerdotii (Pius XI), 269 Apologetical work in United States, 314 Adaptation (in religious life), 377, 494, 696 Apostleship of Prayer, 470 Advertising, pornographic, 741 Apostolate, training center for, 236 Aeronautics, 304 Apostolate of SS. Cyril and Methodius, Con­ Aeterni Patris (Leo XIII), 184, 325 gress of, 540 Africa, missions in, 265, 523 Apostolate of the Sea, Secretariate for, 260 Africa, South. See South Africa Apostolic Camera, office of, 734 Agatha, St., 447 Apostolic Delegate (United States), 408 Agnosticism, 530 Apostolic King, title of, 343 Agriculture: and FAO, 361; and industrial Apostolic Union of Secular Priests, 154 capitalism, 687; and the Christian ideal, Apostolicae Sedis (Pius IX), 58 232; and world goals, 367 Arbcitervereine, 679 Albert the Great, St., 14, 594; doctor of the Arcanum (Leo XIII), 221, 290, 581 Church, 333 Archaeology, Sacred: Committee on, 292 Alfonso XIII, King of Spain (abdicated, Argentina, Catholic Action in, 133 1931), 569 Armaments: competition in, 500; increase of, Aloysius Gonzaga, St., 677 529; progressive limitation of, 457. See also Alphonsus Liguori, St., 609 Disarmament American Society of Travel Agents, 710 Armenians, 533 Americanism, 709, 723 Ars, Curé of. See John Baptist Vianncy, St. Arnette, Léon Cardinal, Archbishop of Paris, Art: and peace, 98; and religion, 134; as wor­ 38 ship, 444; confusion in, 30; function of, Amputation, 495 134; integration of values in, 7 Anarchy, 529 Art, Christian, 434, 708 Andrew Bobola, St., encyclical on (Pius XII), Art, liturgical, 421 349 Art, modern: ill considered, 30; tendency Andrieu, Paulin Cardinal, Archbishop of toward naturalism, 708 Bordeaux, 93, 475 Artists: address of Pius XII to, 134; religious, Anesthesia, 387 444 Angelico, Fra, 7 Arts and the Church, 342 Angelus, origin of, 220 Asiatic cholera, 702 Anglican orders, 54 Association of Catholic Teachers of Bavafia, Angoulême, Eucharistic Congress in, 560 674 Animal nutrition and antibiotics, 95 Association of Large Families, 458 Anna of Jesus of Paredes, St., 125 Association of the Holy Childhood, 179, 652 Anne, St., devotion to, 6-1 Association of the Holy Family, 414 Jnnum Sacrum (Leo XIII), 430 Associations, function of private, 633 Associations cultuelles, 282, 419, 728 Anselm of Aosta, St., 123 195 PDF Compressor Pro Index Bavaria: Church in, 504; education in, 203, 674 Bede the Venerable, centenary of death of, 685 Beekeeping, 373 Belgian metal craftsmen, 410 Belgium: Catholic Action in, 147, 392; Chris­ tian labor movement in, 689; controversies in, 400; materialism in, 774; social con­ ditions in,546 Benedict, St., centenary of death of, 273 Benedictines: revision of Vulgate, 348; work on chant, 115 Bergamo, labor organizations in, 682 Bernard of Clairvaux, St., centenary of death of, 213 Bertram, Adolf Cardinal, 576 Better World Movement, 165. See also Spirit­ ual renewal Bible. See Scripture Biblical Commission, Pontifical: decisions of, 557; degrees of, 657 Biblical Institute, Pontifical: and Oriental Institute, 178; branch in Jerusalem, 551; erection of, 750; joined to Gregorian, 616 Biblical studies. See Scripture Biblical Studies, Pontifical Commission, 749 Biological Problem of Cancer Study Week, 669 Birth control, condemned, 84, 397, 737 Bis saeculari (Pius XII), 64, 97, 509 Bishops: obedience to, 151, 400, 504, 548; triple office of, 417, 667 Bisleti, Gaetano Cardinal, 226, 506 Bismarck, Otto von, 146 Blessed Sacrament. Sec Eucharist Boarding schools, 456 Bobbio, abbey of, 592 Bohemia: apostasies in, 590; Church in, 573, 630; schismatic priests in, 152 Boniface, St., centenaries of, 230, 318 Books: avoidance of dangerous, 142; censor­ ship, 505; criticism of, 406; influence, 760; Ballila, 6 essential for study, 108; use in apostolate, Ballot, responsibility for use of, 601, 767 428 Bank of Rome, 110 Borromeo, Charles, St. See Charles Borromco, Banking, 109 St. Barcelona: Eucharistic Congress in, 660; Boy Scouts, 6, 707 workers from, 287 Boycotting, 649 Bartholomew of Rossano, St., 28 Braga Congress, 531 Assumption: and Lourdes, 272; bull defining dogma, 4-13; address to bishops on, 538; letter on, 182 Astronautics, progress of, 3 Astronomy, 365 Atheism: opposition of Church to, 439; public and private, 45; need for victory over, 454; resistance to, 529 Athens, seminary' in, 733 Athletic Association of French Railwaymen, 473 Athletic Convention of Italian Young Women, 1 Athletics. See Sports Atlantic Charter and peace efforts, 744 Atomic energy: address to Pontifical Acad­ emy, 328; destructive use of, 363; develop­ ment of, 118 Atomic research, 453; interest of Church in, 637 Atomic warfare, morality of, 59 Atomic weapons, 114, 429, 464 Atoms for peace, 328 Au moment où Nous (Pius XII), 363 Augsburg, Peace of, 673 Augustine, St., centenary of, 584; encyclical on, 19; on the State, 311 Australia, plenary council in, 379 Austria: Catholic university for (proposed), 619; episcopal reunions in, 320; Katholikentag, 438 Austria-Hungary, territorial questions with Italy, 215 Authority: and liberty, 240; denial of, 613; divine origin of, 206; opposition to, 342; rejection of divine, 399; respect for, 82, 227, 345 Authority, civil: respect for, 504; source of, 311 Automation, 137 Autonomous Institute for Popular Housing, Rome, 189 196 Index Brazil: Catholic Action in, 587; clergy in, 107, 535; monument to Christ the King, 411; slavery, 323 Brotherhood of man, 372, 759, 772 Brothers, teaching, 5G3 Budapest, Eucharistic Congress in, 217 Bulla Aurca (Benedict XIV), 78 Bureaucracy, parochial, 39 Businessmen, vocation of, 474 Butler, Nicholas Murray, 386 Cabrini, Frances, St. See Frances Cabrini, St. Callcgari, Giuseppe Cardinal, 561 Callistus III, Pope, 220 Canada: and Propaganda de Fide, 654; and the school cpiestion, 25 Canadian Women’s Press Club, 471 Cancer research, 61, 482, 669 Canon law: Eastern Churches, 113; Gratian’s contribution to, 755 Canon Law, Code of: motu proprio on, 58; Pius X and, 604, 621; Pontifical Commis­ sion, 150; promulgation of, 58n Canonical hours. See Divine Office Canonical states, 567 Capital and labor, mutual rights of, 572, 633; problems of, 666 Capitalism, industrial, 687 Capuchins, 145 Cardinals, College of: addresses to (Benedict XV), 52, 152; (Pius X), 561; (Pius XI), 433; (Pius XII), 41, 128, 225, 319, 330, 358, 455. See also Christmas messages Cardinals’ robes, modification of, 736 Cannelites, Discalccd, 258, 585 Caroline Islands dispute: Leo XIII as arbiter, 253; settlement of, 146 Carroll, John, Archbishop of Baltimore, 666 Cartels, 679 Carthusian statutes, 723 Cassetta, Francesco Cardinal, 606 Catania, patron of, 447 Catechetical centers, 329 Catechetical contest, 307 Catechetical instruction: Congress (Boston), 739; encyclical on, 10; France, 515; recom­ mended, 355 Catholic Action: and political action, 177; and professional groups, 451; and Sodality, 78; Magna Charta of, 658; province of, 691; violation of offices of, 128; Argentina, 133; Belgium, 147, 392; Brazil, 587; India, 223; Italy, 141, 202, 212, 268, 300, 359, 454, 462, 603, 742, 745; Philippines, 132; Poland, 576; Portugal, 256, 588; Spain, 34, 200, 380 Catholic Action moderators, 559 Catholic Association of Italian Workers, 117, 549 Catholic social doctrine: and natural law, 173; and social reconstruction, 438; and technological spirit, 306; and the individ­ ual, 474; distortion of, 197; promotion of, 271; realistic adoption of, 437; sound, 439 Catholic social movements, 279 Catholic University (proposed), Austria, 619 Catholic University of America: and higher education, 591; annual collection for, 623; authorization, 116; commended, 666; fifti­ eth anniversary of, 350, 683 Catholic University of Milan, 136, 157 Catholicism and socialism, 613 Catholics: and international life, 712; and world reconstruction, 41; defection of, 72; public and private life, 311 Catholics’ Day. See Katholikcntag Ce Premier Congrès (Pius XII), 497 Celibacy: and lednota, 590; erroneous opin­ ions on, 642; reasons for, 152 Censorship of books, 505 Center of Roman oratories, 329 Central Europe, children of, 50 Ceramics, spiritual significance of, 66 Chalcedon, Council of, 664 Chant: Italian pronunciation of Latin and, 758; Pius X on (motu proprio), 715; Pius XI on, 207; Pius XII on, 444; study and use of, 298; Vatican edition of, 115 Charity: and priests, 602, 630; appeal for, 714; bond of, 284; in workers' associations, 279; need for, 38; of Americans, 714; primacy of, 516 Charles Borromeo, St., encyclical on, 233 Chastity, 612. See also Purity Chemotherapy, 61 Childbirth, 477, 737 Children: aid for destitute, 524; and environ­ ment, 589; appeal for starving, 50, 600; work of John Bosco for, 274. See also Edu­ cation of children Chile, radio address to (Pius XII), 35 197 PDF Compressor Pro Index China: Church in, 161; encyclical to (Pius XII), 21 Christ: Divinity of, 412; natures in, 661; peace of, 718; Redeemer, 706. See also Sacred Heart Christ the King, feast of, 597 Christ the King, monument to, 441 Christian Action, Popular (Italy), 268 Christian citizens, duties of, 655 Christian constitution of States, encyclical on, 311 Christian democracy, encyclical on, 279 Christian Democratic Union (West Berlin), 675 Christian Democrats Convention (Italy), 362 Christian doctrine. See Catcchctics; Religious education Christian life: and women, 29; right ordering of (encyclical), 259 Christian perfection: and secular institutes, 567; cultivation of, 449 Christian Union of Executives and Business­ men, 137 Christianity: and slavery, 323; war against, 290 Christmas messages: (1938), 128; (1939), 331; (1940), 283; (1941), 457; (1912), 131; (1913), 40; (1914), 76; (1945), 146; (1916), 744; (1917), 360; (1948), 280; (1949), 466; (1950), 721; (1951), 276; (1952), 397; (1953), 306; (1954), 229; (1955), 114; (1956), 401 Christus Dominus (Pius XII), 643 Church: accusations against, 21, 319, 561, 699; ally of State, 206; and culture, 92, 761; and democracy, 76; and economic life, 598; and emigrants, 260; and history, 761; and labor, 287, 572, 633, 670; and politics, 372; and reunion, 231, 257, 442, 518, 519, 664; and science, 26, 237, 312, 477; and slavery, 323; authority of, 311, 706, 342; contribution to science, 35; educational mission, 671; function, 633; government, 417; holiness in, 739; independence necessary, 561; legis­ lation concerning. 668; loyalty (Italy), 743; not subordinate to State, 340; rumors about administration, 351; social contribution, 308; standard to nations, 139; supra-nationality of, 21, 416; supra·temporal status of, 488; teaching authority oi. 288, 417; unity of, 358, 146, 656; visible Body of, 568 Church and State, 177, 276, 858, 655, 761; contrasted, 311; erroneous theories on, 399; interrelation of, 105, 613; China, 21; France, 63, 282, 460, 728, 738; Germany, 296; Portu­ gal, 295; Spain, 200; United States, 408 Church history, 184, 650, 761 Ci torna (Pius XII), 494 Ci torna sommamente (Pius XII), 418 Ciceri, Luigi, 354 Cicognani, A in le to Giovanni, Archbishop, 587 Citizenship, responsibilities of, 240, 655 City and international harmony, 239 Civil power: and ecclesiastical, 352; encyclical (Leo XIII), 206; principles of, 400; source of, 82 Civil rights. See Human rights Civil society, 211, 771 Civilization: Church promoter of, 811; mech­ anization of, 90; true and false, 342 Class conflict: abolishment of, 572; in eco­ nomic-social area, 716 Classical literature, 267, 382 Clergy: and politics, 575; education of, 187, 227, 259, (Bavaria) 504, (Bohemia) 630, (Brazil) 407, 535, 587, (France) 184, (Ger­ many) 296, (Hungary) 142, 617, (Italy) 252, 267, (Peru) 345; encyclical to (Pius XI), 13; exhortation to (Pius X), 285, (Pius XII), 424; military service, 60; obedience to bishops, 548; preaching, 289; secular and regular, 51, 154, 661. See also Celibacy; Seminaries Clergy, Indigenous. See Native clergy Clerics, military conscription of, 166, 738 Code of Fair Practice, international, 710 Co-education, Pius XI on, 627 Co-cxistcncc: Christmas message on, 229; mi­ rage of, 439 Col cuore aperto (Pius XII), 363 Collective security, 167 College of St. Josaphat, 130 Colleges, national (Rome), 398 Colleges and universities, Catholic, 157 Cologne, Cathedral of, 439 Cologne, Institute of Philosophy, 513 Columban, St., centenary of death, 592 Columbus, Christopher: and the United States, 408; tercentenary of, 596 Come desti dallo (Pius XII), 363 Comédie Française, 489 198 Index Communications media, encyclical on (Pius Contradiction of our age, 404 XII), 431; in education, 671 Convention of Italian Fanners, 27 Communion, Holy, 284. See also Eucharist Convitto Nazionale Maschilc (Rome), 456 Communism: and naturalism, 206; cause of Co-operation, 141, 356 corruption, 259; condemnation of, 80; de­ Co-operative unions for farmers, 27 cree against, 437; doctrines refuted, 6]3; Co-operatives and public authority, 189 encyclical on (Pius XI), 208; mind of Co-Redcmption, 12 Church on, 114; warning against, 364 Corneal transplantation, 765 Community of nations. See International Coron aiy disorders, 394 community Corporative units, 96 Competition in business, 692 Corpse, misuse of human, 765 Con la semplicità, 229n Cosmos. See Universe Concepciôn, Chile, centenary of, 552 Costa, Elia della, Bishop of Padua, 53 Conclaves, papal. See Papal elections Costa Rica, Eucharistic Congress in, 284 Concordats: nature of, 761; with France, 63, Craftsmen, 410 460; with Italy, 107, 128, 301, 741 Crime, 8, 636 Conditae a Christo (Leo XIII), 58 Criminologists, 526 Confederation of Italian Tenant Farmers, 746 Croce, Abbot Isidore, 28 Confession, misconceptions of, 445 Cruciata, bull of the Crusades, 569 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine: canoni­ Culture: and the Church, 92, 761; exclusion cal establishment of, 10; National Con­ of religion from, 488; neglect of by tech­ gress (Boston), 739; organization of, 517 nicians, 479; organic unity in, 43; transla­ Confraternity of the Holy Rosary, 68, 205 tion and,492 Congregation for the Oriental Church: estab­ Cum his superioribus annis (Callistus III), lishment of, 180; jurisdiction extended, 653 220 Congregation for the Propagation of the Cyril of Thessalonica, St.: encyclical on, 278; Faith, 640 upheld as model, 648 Congregation of Seminaries and Universities: Cyril, St., Patriarch of Alexandria: and prefect of, 226, 336; establishment of, 663 Nestori us, 412; encyclical on, 520 Congregation of the Holy Office, 517 Czechoslovakia, 312, 648 Congress for the Study of International Com­ Czechoslovakian College (Rome), 721 merce, 299 Congress of Italian Apiarists, 373 Dal Nostro cuore (Pius XII), 741 Congress of Italian Catholic Lawyers, 127 Danish Catholic Convention (Copenhagen), Congress of Italian Catholics (Bologna), 425 275 Congress of Men of Catholic Action (Portu­ Dante Alighieri, encyclical on, 326 gal), 588 Day schools, 456 Congress of Radiology and Elect rology Decreturn of Gratian, 755 (Rome), 483 Demandatam (Benedict XIV), 521 Congress of Youth of Catholic Action (Ant­ Democracy: true and false, 76 werp), 147 Dentists, mission of, 753 Congress on the Pedagogic and Hygienic Depersonalization of man, 397 Problems of Sports and Gymnastics, 190 Depth psycholog)’, 497 Conjugal morality, 458 Depuis le jour (Leo XIII), 267 Conscience, Christian, 359 Desio (Italy), centennial of Pius XI, 381 Constantine the Great, Emperor, 415 Determinism and indeterminism, 498 Diabetes, 476 Consumer co-operation, 89 Dietetics, 476 Contemplation, power of, 723 Contemplative life: canonical observance de­ Diplomacy, moral, 185 fined, 696; defended, 723 Disarmament, 276, 331 199 PDF Compressor Pro Index Discipline, 456 Discoveries, scientific, 464 Discrimination, elimination of, 437 Dissidents, prayers for reconciliation of, 22 Diuturnum (Leo XIII), 290, 472 Divine Office: and liturgical year, 421; and sanctity of life, 424; recitation of, 210 Divinum illud munus (Leo XIII), 445 Divorce: evils of, 57; position of Church on, 84 Domestic duties, acceptance of, 279 Domestic prelates, privileges of, 347 Dominic, St.: and Confraternity of Holy Rosary, 68; encyclical on, 262 Dominic Savio, St., 659 Dominicans, work of, 262 Domus Mariae, commended, 745 Dramatic interpretation, 489 Dubois, Louis, Archbishop of Bourges, 758 Duelling, morality of, 532 Duplicity, cult of. 360 Dutch College (Rome), 47 E supremi (Pius X), 604 East Indies, seminaries for, 17 Easter broadcast to Japan, 222 Easter messages: (1939), 624; (1951), 164; (1952), 42; (1953), 196; (1954), 464; (1955), 705; (1956), 118 Eastern Churches: aid for, 100; and Blessed Virgin Mary, 22; and Propaganda de Fide, 180; and Rome, 28, 231, 257; canon law for, 113; efforts of Benedict XV for, 52; encyclical of Pius XII on, 518 Eastern rites: Catholics of, 540; Mission Ex­ hibit, 434; preservation of, 100, 521 Ecclesiastical studies, Pius Xi's reform of, 187 Écoles dO rient, 652 Economic-Social Union of Italian Catholics, 541 Economic crisis: encyclical on, 500; remedy for, 81 Economic life and the Church, 598 Economic order and religion, 117 Economics: and human values, 94, 368; and man, 2, 137; exaggerated trust in, 229 Ecuador, 125, 221 Education: and Christian conscience, 359; and materialism, 350, 461; and State, 674; and television, 245, 293; charter of, 554; con- tribution of Church to, 187; encyclical on (Pius XI), 627; essentials of sound, 43, 501; evils of specialization, 244; godless, 259; need for understanding in, 108; organic unity in, 244; regimentation in, 456; teach­ ing brothers and, 564; teaching of Church on, 227; Bavaria, 203, 504; Brazil, 407, Eng­ land, 693; Germany, 198, 435; Hungary, 142; Italy, 166, 252; United States, 416 Education, adult, 671 Education, elementary', 405 Education, higher, 591 Education, Inter-American Congress on Cath­ olic, 235, 246 Education of children: 270, 529; and the home, 193, 501; rights of parents in, 655; woman’s role in, 191 Edwardine ordinal, 54 Egypt-Israeli crisis, 376 Ehrlc, Franz. Cardinal: anniversary of re­ ligious life, 144; letter of Pius XI to, 592 Elizabeth of Hungary, St., 264 Elizabeth II, Queen of England, tribute to, 768 Elliott, Walter, C.S.P., 709 Emigration. See Immigration and emigration Emilia (Italy), consecration to Sacred Heart, 310 Employer-employee relations, 73, 167, 493, 598, 633, 666, 670, 692 Employers, responsibilities of, 74, 197 Encyclicals, recommended, 683 Engels, Eugen, 461 Engineers, Spanish railway, 126 England: and Propaganda de Fide, 654; Cath­ olic schools in, 693; centenary of St. Bede, 685; Leo XIll’s letter to the people of, 37; restoration of hierarchy in, 776; validity of orders, 54 Entertainment, immoral, 589 Environment: and education, 246; unwhole­ some, 374, 589 Ephesus, Council of: centenary of, 247, 647; Christological questions studied at, 664 Ephrem the Syrian, St., 562 Episcopal colleges: Brazil, 535; Philippines, 575 Episcopal conferences: Austria, 320; Bohemia, 573; Latin America, 626; Portugal, 531; Spain, 151 2ol Index Ernakulam (Malabar), centenary, 271 Ethiopian College (Rome), 162 Eucharist: and Pius X, 604, 621, 726; and the apostolate, 42; and union with Christ, 445; devotion to, 577; encyclical on (Leo XIII), 430; in daily life, 660; power of the, 249 Eucharistic Congress, International: Angou­ lême, 560; Barcelona, 660; Budapest, 217; Chicago, 433; Dublin, 751; Rio de Janeiro, 249 Eucharistic Congress, National: Costa Rica, 284; Guatemala, 143; Kumasi, 523; Lisieux, 491; New Orleans, 216 Eucharistic congresses, progress of, 143 Eucharistic fast: Church legislation on, 101; induits extended, 643 Europe, efforts toward unification, 496 European-American Associations, Congress of, 185 European Radio Union, 245 European television network, 465 European Union of Federalists, 488 European unity and economics, 104 Evils of society, encyclical on (Leo XIII), 342 Evolutionism, 530 Example, apostolate of, 60, 504 Exegesis, false modernization of, 192 Existentialism, 288, 688 Experimental sciences and education, 43 Expiation, crusade of, 41 Eye specialists, address to, 765 Eymard, Blessed. See Peter Julian Eymard, Blessed Faith: and philosophy, 428; and science, 26, 288, 775; in modern life, 436; knowledge of, 655; renewal of, 771; witnesses to, 170 Family: and Church, 358; and rural life, 232; attack on, 613; Christian principles on, 84; concept of in moving pictures, 448; dangers threatening, 538; fundamental rights of, 167, 700, 725; influence of technology on, 306; integrity of, 189; protection of, 131 Family Day, 359 Family Front, Congress of, 458 Family life: and television, 245, 293; disinte­ grating influences in, 193, 529; restoration of Christian, 166; secularization of, 99 Family Rosary, 338, 339 Family saving, role of, 110 Farmers: and co-operative unions, 27; and society, 367; duties of, 746 Farming. See Agriculture Fascist oath, unlawful, 462 Fashions, 409 Fathers of families, address to (Pius XII), 725 Fâtima (Portugal), anniversary of apparition at, 418 Federalism, 488 Federation of Cultivators of the Soil, 232 Federation of Italian Tobacconists, 194 Feltin, Maurice Cardinal, 558 Fernândez, Andrés, S.J., 551 Fertility, World Congress on, 766 Fidelis de Stotzingen, Abbot, O.S.B., 685 Fidelis of Sigmaringen, St., 145 Ficsole, Giovanni da. See Angelico, Fra Fine arts, professors and students of, 326 First Communion, preparation for, 10, 270, 355, 698 Fischer, Antonius Cardinal, Archbishop of Cologne, 680 Flory, Charles, letters to (Pius XII), 96, 167, 240 Folklore, sen-ice of, 90 Food and Agriculture Organization, 361 Food hygiene, consumer education in, 476 Food products, distribution of, 89 Food supply and animal nutrition, 95 Foreign Press Association, 480 Foundry work, 384 France: Church in, 63, 184, 460, 645; diocesan associations, 419; erroneous social theory in, 472; First Communicants from, 355; Law of Separation, 282, 419, 728; religious congregations in, 62, 242; tributes of papacy to, 460 Frances Cabrini, St., 727 Francis de Sales, St., 634 Francis of Assisi, St.: and the Holy Land, 335; encyclicals on (1882), 70, (1926), 638; foundations reviewed, 641; spirit of, 449 Francis Xavier, St.: and India, 271; centenary of death, 188; patron of missions, 315; ter­ centenary of canonization, 422 Franciscan missions in the Holy Places, 335 Freedom, definition of, 317 Freemasonry: encyclical on (Leo XIII), 290; 201 PDF Compressor Pro Index in Italy, 163, 166, 340; resistance to, 529; warning against, 504, 555 French associations of worship, 282 French diocesan associations, 419 French schools, professors and students of, 244 Freundorfer, Joseph, Bishop of Augsburg, 673 Fulda, center of learning, 230 Fulgens corona (Pius XII), 389 Furnasoni Biondi, Pietro Cardinal: letters to (Pius XI), 434; (Pius XII), 545, 556 Gabriel, Archangel, 620 Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother, St., 514 Gaspar del Bufalo, St., 659 Gasparri, Pietro Cardinal: letter co (Bene­ dict XV), 215, 388; (Pius XI), 6, 107, 136, 309, 668 Gemelli, Agostino, O.F.M., 136 Genes and radioactivity, 705 Genetics, symposium on, 690 Genoa Peace Conference, 139, 309 Geo-sciences, 237 Germany: aid for postwar (World War I), 204; and National-Socialism, 455; apostle of, 428; Catholicism in, 296; Christian workers in, 248; concordat of 1933, 435; encyclical on. 435; labor organizations in, 679; letters to bishops of (Benedict XV), 204, 318, (Pius XI). 261, (Pius XII), 198; marriage legislation in, 566; materialism in, 436; religious education in, 297 Gid per la decimaterza (Pius XII), 363 Gibbons, James Cardinal, Archbishop of Bal­ timore: and Americanism, 709; letters of Pius X to, 327, 583; missionary work with non-Catholics, 175 Gier, William, S.V.D., 23 Gillet, Martin Stanislas, O.P., 594 Giovanni Esplor atari Cattolici Italiani, 6 Girl Scouts, 486 Girls, working, 374 Gloriosae Dominae (Benedict XIV), 78 Goa (Portuguese India), Catholics of, 188 Gockcln, Josef, 248 God: governance of, 453; proofs for existence of. 730; the Creator, 637 Gonçalves Cerejetra, Manocl Cardinal, 256 Good Friday, Mystical Body and, 568 Gospel and modern living, 51 Gospels: diffusion of, 606; heralds of, 254 Government, Church indifferent to any just form of, 63, 215, 311, 655 Gratian, Decretum of, 755 Graves de communi re (Leo XIII), 268, 425, 472 Gravissimo officii munere (Pius X), 419 Greece, Latin Church in, 733 Grcck-Melchites, union among, 508 Gregorian chant. See Chant Gregorian University: and Biblical Institute, 616; centenary of, 44; Latin course inaugu­ rated, 382 Gregory I, the Great, St., encyclical on (Pius X), 352 Gregory VII, St., 403 Gregory XV, bull cited, 258 Griffin, Bernard Cardinal, Archbishop of Westminster, 156, 770 Grosoli, Count Giovanni, 425 Guatemala, Eucharistic Congress in, 143 Guido of Arezzo, 207 Guilds: medieval, 68; restoration of Catho­ lic, 290 Guilt, liberation from, 8, 636 Gymnastics. See Sports Hayes, John M„ Canon, 773 Heart diseases, 394 Heart surgery, 387 Hecker, Isaac Thomas, C.S.P., Life of, 709 Hemp and linen industry, 356 Heredity, 690 Heresies and heretics, 352, 570 Hergenrother, Joseph Cardinal, 650 Hierarchy: erection of in South Africa, 332; restoration in England and Wales, 776 High-frequency broadcasting, 174 Highway safety, 487 Historical sciences, 761 Historical studies, Leo XIIl’s letter on, 650 History: and the Bible, 288; sacred and pro­ fane, 754 Holland and Propaganda de Fide, 654 Holy Childhood Day, 556. See also Associa­ tion of the Holy Childhood Holy Eucharist. See Eucharist Holy Orders, matter and form, 644 Holy Places: international protection of, 821; need for Christian custody of, 628; prayers 202 I Index for safeguarding, 337; solution of problem of, 71; work of Franciscans in, 335 Holy Sepulchre, Equestrian Order of, 582 Holy Spirit, encyclical on (Leo XIII), 211 Holy Trinity, 211 Holy Year: (1886), 614; (1900), 565, 706; (1913), 415; (1925), 337; (1929), 69; (1933), 618; (1950), 351, 466, 539 Holydays, regulations on, 704 Hope and the future, 724 Hospitality, Christian, 485 Hotels, function of, 485 Housing: attitude of Church on, 542; crisis, 458; need for public projects, 189; provision for, 438 Howard, Sir Douglas, 768 Human body, dignity of, 759 Human experimentation, 484 Human liberty, Leo XIII's encyclical on, 399 Human relations in industry, 94, 117, 777 Human rights: and medical morality, 241; and social control, 397; and the State, 675; basic, 167; defense of, 700; disregard of, 633; restoration of, 131; uniform code of, 169; violation of, 411 Humani generis (Pius XII), 192, 244, 667, 678 Humanism, 173 Humanities, instruction in, 733 Hungary: Church in, 142; millennium of, 343; oppression in, 31, 171, 411; relations with papacy, 617; saints of, 217 Hunger, 361 Hymns: popular, 444; St. Eph rem's use of, 562 Hypostatic union: and fullness of grace, 445; and St. Cyril of Alexandria, 412, 520 lednota, 590 Ignatius Loyola, St.: centenary of death, 124, 413; patron of retreats, 701; tercentenary of canonization, 422 Immaculate Conception: centenary of defini­ tion of dogma, 272; jubilee, 15; mosaic of (United States), 121 Immaculate Heart of Mary: and devotion to the Sacred Heart, 286; consecration to, 12, 71 (act of), 629, (of Russia), 80 Immancntism, 530 Immensa (Sixtus V), 654 Immensa pastorum (Benedict XIV), 375 Immigration and emigration, 260, 397, 578 Immorality, 45, 84, 542 In multiplicibus curis (Pius XII), 628 In questa solenne adunanza (Pius XII), 363 Incarnation: appropriated especially to Holy Ghost, 211; Eucharist an extension of, 430 Index of forbidden books, 505 India: Catholic Action in, 223; missionary work in, 271; Prime Minister of, 769 Indians: society for work among, 327; Peru, 345; South America, 375; United States, 314, 408 Industry, 96, 633, 777 Innitzer, Theodor Cardinal, Archbishop of Vienna, 440 Innocent XI, Blessed, 119 Insecurity, 41, 117 Insemination, artificial, 759, 766 Institute for Oriental Studies, 522 Institute of Christian Archaeology, Pontifical, 292 Institute of St. Eugene, 593 Institute of Social Sciences, 44 Integrity, 329, 603, 607 Intellectual elite, 757 Inter-American Congress on Catholic Edu­ cation: Havana, 235; La Paz, 246 Inter-American Federation on Catholic Edu­ cation, Rio de Janeiro, 501 “Intercrcdal" religion, warning against, 679 International Assembly of Gymnastic Asso­ ciations, 691 International Association for Financial and Fiscal Law, 528 International Association for Protection of Young Girls, 676 International Association of Aeronautical Matériel Manufacturers, 304 International Association of Catholic Phy­ sicians, 241 International Association of Economists, 2 International Astronomical Union World Congress, 365 International Bureau of Fiscal Documenta­ tion, 528 International Catechetical Congress, 547 International Catholic Congress of Psycho­ therapy and Applied Psychology, 497 203 PDF Compressor Pro Index International Catholic Congress on Rural Problems, 687 International Ceramics Congress, 66 International Christian Social Union, 493 International collaboration, 185, 241 International Communication Congress, 129 International community, 105 International Congress for the Protection and Social Rehabilitation of Lepers, 499 International Congress of Administrative Sci­ ences, 4 International Congress of Astronautics, 3 International Congress of Catholic Associa­ tions of Small and Medium-Sized Busi­ nesses, 692 International Congress of Chambers of Com­ merce, 474 International Congress of Children of Mary Immaculate, 168 International Congress of Directors of Catho­ lic Girl Scouts, 486 International Congress of Histopathology ol the Nervous System, 86 International Congress of Historical Sciences, 761 International Congress of Humanistic Studies, 173 International Congress of Marian Congrega­ tions, 97 International Congress of Master Tailors, 409 International Congress of Microbiology, 238 International Congress of Social Studies, 493 International Congress of Superiors General of Orders and Congregations of Women, 494 International Congress of Teaching Sisters, 108 International Congress of Technical Foundry Associations, 381 International Congress of the History of Medicine, 527 International Congress of the History of Pharmacy, 607 International Congress of the Latin Medical Union, 396 International Congress of World Federation of Catholic Young Women, 688 International Congress of World Union of Organizations of Catholic Women, 88 International Congress on High-Frequency Broadcasting, 174 International Congress on Pastoral Liturgy, 764 International Congress on Sacred Music, 440 International Congress on the Distribution of Food Products, 89 International Convention of Catholic Doc­ tors, 759 International Convention of Rose Growers, 383 International Convention on Cardiology, 391 International co-operation, 393, 527, 742 International Criminal Police Commission, 526 International Eucharistic Congresses. See Eu­ charistic Congresses, International International Federation of Agricultural Pro­ ducers, 367 International Federation of Christian Work­ ingmen's Movements, 248 International Federation of National Associa­ tions of Technicians, 479 International Federation of Translators, 492 International Folklore Festival, 90 International Foundry Congress, 777 International harmony, 239 International Hemp and Linen Confedera­ tion, 356 International Highway Federation, 487 International Hotel Association, 485 International Institute of Statistics, 763 International Labor Organization, 670 International life: and Catholics, 742; and economics, 94 International Marian Congress, 344 International Mariological Congress, 344 International Office of Military Medical Doc­ umentation, 59 International organization, 76, 225 International Penal Law Congress, 478 International Poliomyelitis Conference, 553 International Press Congress, 401 International Private Law Congress, 169 International reconciliation, 308 International relations, 229 International Savings Institute, 369 International Secretariat of Catholic Doctors, 477 International Symposium on Genetics, 690 204 Index International Thomistic Congress, 498, 678 International trade, 299 International understanding and television, 245,293 International Union against Cancer, 482 International Union of Archaeological Institutes, 92 International Union of Catholic Employers, 73 International Union of Catholic Women's Leagues, 91, 767 International Union of Cities and Local Au­ thorities, 239 International Union of Geodesy and Geo­ physics, 237 International Union of Publishers, 760 International Union of Theater Owners and Film Distributors, 448 International unions and culture, 98 Interplanetary flight, 3 Investments, 369 Ireland: and England, 720; and Propaganda de Fide, 654; Church in, 251; conditions in, 75, 649; plenary council in, 160 Irish Rural Week, 773 Isolationism, 114 Italian Association of Catholic Jurists, 8, 636 Italian Association of Catholic Schoolmasters, 405 Italian Association of Donors of Cornea, 765 Italian Catholic Union of Midwives, 737 Italian Chemotherapy Society, 61 Italian Christian Association of Employers, 74, 197 Italian Congress of Professional Nurses, 116 Italian Congress of Stomatology, 753 Italian elementary school children, 589 Italian Educational Association, 191 Italian farmers, 27 Italian Medical Confraternity of St. Luke, 371 Italian Society of Anesthesiology, 387 Italian Sports Federation, 747 Italian Study Center for International Recon­ ciliation, 308 Italian Week on Pastoral Methods, 192 Italian Workers Associations, 302 Italy: Catholic Action in, 212, 300, 462; Church in, 252, 267, 694; clergy, insubordi­ nation of, 548; concordat with, 107, 301; emigrants from, 578; exhortation to bishops, 293; Freemasonry in, 163, 166, 346; legislation concerning Church, 668; pacification of, 291; peace appeal of Pius XI, 516; Popular Christian Action, 268; terri­ torial questions with Austria-Hungary, 215; violation of concordat by, 128 Janssens, John Baptist, S.J., 413 Japan: Easter broadcast to, 222; note to En­ voy of, 363 Jeanne de Lcstonnac, St., 625 Jerome, St., encyclical of Benedict XV on, 695 Jerusalem branch of Biblical Institute, 551 Jesuit tertian masters, 201 Jesuits: apostolatc of, 413; centenary, 470; ef­ forts to destroy, 200 Jeunesse Indépendante Catholique Féminine, Belgium, 392 Jewish refugees, 372 Jocistes (Belgium), 774 John Baptist Vianney, St., 46 John Baptist de La Salle, St., 611 John Bosco, St., 274 John Chrysostom, St, 564 John of the Cross, St., 199 John Fisher, St., 651 John of Monte Corvino, St., 427 Josaphat, St., 231 Joseph, St.: encyclical on (Leo XIII), 586; patron of Universal Church, 79; workman, feast of, 549 Joseph Cafassa, St., 593 Joseph Pignatelli, St., 659 Journalism, 471 Journalists: American, 713; directives for, 345, 408; French, 305; from Foreign Press Asso­ ciation, 480 Jubilee Year. See Holy Year Julius II and Swiss Guards, 732 Jurists, 127, 636 Jus exclusivae, abolishment of, 120 Justice, 75, 225, 280 Katholikcntag (Austria), Vienna (1952), 438 Katholikcntag (Germany): 69th, Munster (1930), 461; 73rd. Bochum (1949). 437; 74th, Passau (1950), 297; 75th, Berlin (1952), 436; 76th, Fulda (1954), 170; 77th, Cologne (1956), 439 205 PDF Compressor Pro Index Katholikcntag (Switzerland), Lucerne (1949), 756 Knights of Columbus of America, 550 Koiping Society, centennial of, 33 Kordac, Francis, Archbishop of Prague, 590 Labor and capital. See Capital and labor Labor movement (Belgium), 689 Labor unions, 279, 572, 679, 689; purpose of, 397; responsibilities of, 670; socialistic trends in, 682; workers' associations and, 302, 633 Laborers. See Workers L’Action Française: Cardinal Andrieu’s letter on, 475; condemnation of, 93, 433 Lai, Gaetano Cardinal de, 354 Laissez-faire policy, abandonment of, 572 Laity: and parochial work, 106; discussion groups among, 39; missionary apostolate, 254. See also Catholic Action Lamentabili (decree), 557 Land reforms, need of, 232 Landersdorfcr, Simon Konrad, O.S.B., Bishop of Passau, 33 Language problem: dissipated by art, 98; in Bohemia and Moravia, 630 Languages: importance of, 754; need for in biblical studies, 209, 570, 749; Oriental in European schools, 635 Latcran Treaty, 301 Latin America, bishops of: conference in Rio de Janeiro, 16; plenary council in Rome, 626; urged to care for Indians, 375 Latin American College (Rome), 662 Latin language: importance of, 382, 754; in the liturgy, 761; Italian pronunciation of, 758; study and teaching of, 184, 506 Lauri, Lorenzo Cardinal, 751 Law: and morality, 526; function of, 8; Cod, source of, 169; positivistic concept of, 127; international, 700; private, 169 Lay Apostolate, World Congress of, 177, See also Catholic Action; Laity Leadership: duties of, 451; function of in business, 692; instruction in, 587 Learning, 136, 158, 428 Lethfcld, Battle of, 673 Lcdôchowski, Vladimir. S.J.: letters to (1922) 178, 422; (1926), 677; (1940), 470 Legion of Decency, commended, 748 Leme da Silveira Cintra, Sebastiano Cardinal, 441 Lenten preachers of Rome, addresses to: (1929), 301; (1951), 39; (1954), 106; (1955), 672; (1956), 602; (1957), 741 Leo XIII: aims of pontificate, 211; as arbiter, 253; episcopal jubilee, 414; review of pon­ tificate, 529; sacerdotal jubilee, 259, 612; social teaching defended, 572; work of, re­ called, 561 Leonard of Port Maurice, St., 639 Lépicier, Alexis Cardinal, 20 Leprosy, 499 Lethargy of spirit, deplored, 165 Liberalism, kinds of, 399 Liberty: and authority, 240; encyclical on human, 399; implies fidelity, 756; miscon­ ception of, 716; unbridled, 460; without re­ ligion illusory, 529 Libraries: for Scripture studies, 622; mainte­ nance of, 187 Life: inviolability of, 458; mystery of, 196 Linen, use in liturgy, 356 Literary criticism, 406 Literature, obscene, 760 Litteras a vobis (Leo XIII), 535 Liturgical institutes and conferences, norms for, 417 Liturgical movement, 421 Liturgical music, 444 Liturgical studies, 417 Liturgical year, 421 Liturgy: and worship; 764; encyclical on (Pius XII), 421; importance of chant in, 207; worship and teaching, 597 L'Oeuvre des Catéchismes, 515 Logue, Michael Cardinal, Archbishop of Armagh, 720 Lord’s Prayer, 205 Loreto, Litany of, 703 Los von Rom movement, 72 Lourdes, apparitions at: encyclical on (Pius XII), 389; jubilee of, 665; significance of, 272 Louvain University: centenary of, 610; resto­ ration of Library of, 386 Luca, Antonio Cardinal de, 650 Luxembourg and Propaganda de Fide, 654 Lynch, Kilian, O.C.C., 711 206 Index Macrocosm, 730 Magisterium: attack on, 530; explained, 667; in Scotland, 83; nature of emphasized, 192; respect for, 344 Man: Christian principles applied to, 208; dignity of, 384, 404; importance of, 74; in­ fluence of technology on, 306; nature of, 111; rights of, see Human rights Manitoba school question, 25 Manning, Henry Edward Cardinal, Arch­ bishop of Westminster, 776 Marconi, Guglielmo, 129 Marelli, Luigi, Bishop of Bergamo, 682 Maria Croci fissa di Rosa, St,, 659 Maria Gorctti, St., 543 Marian congregations. See Sodalities of Our Lady Marian Congress; Brussels, 183; Canada, 390; Concepciôn (Chile), 552 Marian crowning (Rome), 391 Marian Day of the Sick, 32 Marian Year, encyclical proclaiming, 272 Mariavites, 717 Mariology, standards for, 344 Marrani, Bonaventura, O.F.M., 427 Marriage: attack on, 613; Catholic doctrine on, 221, 227, 581; civil (Hungary), 617, (Italy), 166; encyclicals on (Leo XIII), 57, (Pius XI), 81; false view of, 494; fidelity in, 666; indissolubility of, 542; legislation, 277, (France), 738, (Germany), 566; mixed, 142; morality in, 458; nature and purpose of, 766; problems (Germany) 198; sacrament of, 342; sanctity of, 538 Martyrdom, 452 Marxism: errors of, 2; principles of, 687 Marxist threat (Terni, Italy), 364 Mary', Blessed Virgin: and Eastern Churches, 22; and Pius X, 583; and St. Bernard, 213; and St. Cyril, 520; anniversary of appari­ tion at FAtima, 418; apparition at Lourdes, 665; consecration to, 183; dedication of Poland to, 149; devotion to, 64, 168, 272, 390, 414, 642; maternity of, 412; mediatrix, 502; ‘‘Mother of God,” 647. See also As­ sumption; Immaculate Conception; Im­ maculate Heart of Mary; Quecnship of Mary Mass: evening, 101, 643; participation in, 421 Materialism: and Immaculate Conception, 15; and selfishness, 91; and the West, 185; Christian education antidote for, 850, 461; effects of, 79; evils of, 342; faith a weapon against, 756; in the home, 293, 542; no peace in, 395; opposition to, 99, 436, 454, 666; remedy for, 173; strength against, 297; technological spirit and, 306; threat to cul­ ture, 673; vigilance against, 774; warning against, 183, 389, 396 Maternity, Mass of Divine, 412 Matrimonial cases, medical service in, 495 Matrimonial processes, 402 Matsushita, Masatoki, 363 Matter and energy, 498 Maurras, Charles, 93 Mechanistic theory, 498 Medical ethics, 59, 241, 371, 396, 484, 497, 759 Medical law, 59, 241, 484 Medical research, 86 Medicine: history', 527; pharmacy and, 607 Meditation, 424 Men and women, complementary role of, 676 Mental patients, 116 Merry del Vai, Raphael Cardinal: created cardinal, 561; rumors regarding, 354 Metallurgy’, 384 Methodius, St.: encyclical on, 278; upheld as model, 648 Mexico: encyclicals on persecution in (1926), 341; (1932), 9; (1937), 269; letter on (1926), 534 Micara, Clemente Cardinal, 165, 377 Microbiology, 238 Microcosm, 730 Middle East, encyclical on (Pius XII), 376 Midwife, apostolate of, 737 Migration. See Immigration and emigration Milan, Catholic University of. See Catholic University of Milan Military service, priests in, 60 Minds, mass formation of, 401 Mindszenty, Josef Cardinal: letter of Pius XII to, 220; liberation of, 376; trial of pro­ tested, 319 Minority groups, respect for, 457 Misericors Dei Filius (Leo XIII), 641 Missal, use of, 421 Missiology, art exhibit and, 434 Mission Congress (Rome), 545 Mission de France, new charter for, 510 207 PDF Compressor Pro Index Mission organizations: affiliation of, 640; co­ ordination of papal, 179 Missionary bishops, consecration of, 67 Missionary Daughters of the Sacred Heart, 727 Missionary vocations, 652 Missions: Benedict XV on, 420; effect of World War I on, 152; encyclicals on (Pius XI), 632, (Pius XII), 254, 265; patron of, 315; patroness of, 357; prayers for, 585; realistic approach to, 545; slavery abolished in, 85; support of, 632; Africa, 265; China, 161; East Indies, 17; India, 271; Latin America, 235; Portuguese colonies, 648. See also Native clergy Missions, Home, 175 Missions for Catholics, patron of, 639 Missions to non-Catholics, 175 Mil brennender Sorge (Pius XI), 455 Modernism: condemnation reaffirmed, 11, 123; dangers of, 645; encyclical of Pius X on, 530; oath against, 645; victory of Pius X over, 604; warning of Pius XI against, 718 Modernists, doctrines of, 530 Modesty in dress, 172, 301, 580, 612, 686 Monasteries, foundation of, 230 Monophysites, 664 Monte Cassino, restoration of, 273 Montini, Giovanni Battista, Archbishop of Milan, 381 Moral education, 172, 359, 725 Morality: and law, 526; and medicine, 371, 396; definition of, 688; foundation of free­ dom, 317; obligations of social, 390 Moravia, Church in, 573, 630 "Mother and child” controversy, 458 Mother and Child Day (Italy), 193 Motherhood: function of, 737; responsibility of. 392 Mothers, working, 193 Mothers General, address to (Pius XII), 494 Motor scooters, Spanish, 186 Moving pictures: criteria for, 111, 448; en­ cyclicals on (Pius XI), 748, (Pius XII), 431; immorality in, 711; nature of man and, 111 Muintir na Tire, 773 Murray, Patrick, C.SS.R., 609 Music, sacred: liturgy and, 421; non-liturgical, 444; papal school of. 18; Pius X on (motu proprio), 715; Pius XI on (const i- tution), 207; Pius XII on (encyclical), 444; restoration of, 298; Palestrina’s contribu­ tion to, 468; Vienna Congress on, 440. See also Chant Mussolini, Benito, 107 Mutilation, post-mortem, 484 Mystic Priests of Poland. See Mariavites Mystical Body of Christ: birth of, 568; en­ cyclical on (Pius XII), 445; unity of Chris­ tians and, 358 Mystici Corporis Christi (Pius XII), 765 Mysticism, false, 421 Narcotics and suffering, 387 National Boarding School for Boys (Rome), 456 National Shrine of the Immaculate Concep­ tion (United States), 121, 591 Nationalism, 229 Nationality, no distinction of in Church, 630 Native clergy, 17, 21, 254, 427, 752 Natural law, immutability of, 453 Natural sciences, patron of, 14 Natural theology and ethics, 288 Naturalism: effects of, 79, 206; exhortation to combat, 617; in art, 708; safeguard against, 286 Negro missions (United States), 314 Negro priests, seminary for, 23 Negroes, 408, 666 Nehru, Prime Minister, 769 Nel ritrovarCi (Pius XII), 363 Nel vedere il cielo (Pius XII), 363 Nco-rationalism, efforts to combat, 325 Nervous system, histopathology of, 86 Nestorius, 412, 647 Neuro-psychiatry and nursing, 116 "New morality.” See Situation ethics New Orleans, Eucharistic Congress in, 216 New Year audience (1952), 263 New Zealand, plenary council in, 379 Newfoundland and Propaganda de Fide, 654 Newman, John Henry Cardinal, 156, 776 Newspapers. See Press Nihilism, 206, 259, 613 Nixon, Richard M., 334 Nobilissima Callorum gens (Leo XIII), 645 Non allrimenti (Pius XII), 99 North American College (Rome), 722 208 Index North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 393 Norway, centenary of hierarchy in, 770 Nous sommes heureux (Pius XII), 765 Nova impendet (Pins XI), 81 Nuclear warfare. See Atomic warfare Nuns, history of institution of, 696 Nursing and neuro-psychiatry, 116 Nursing, vocation of, 195 Nutrition research, 476 Obedience to God and Church, 655 O’Donnell, Patrick Cardinal, Archbishop of Armagh, 160 Officiorum ac munerum (Leo XIII), 58, 645 Omnium ecclesiarum (Pius XII), 389 Optimism, Christian, 99 Opus Pontificium, 313 Opus Pracscrvationis Fidei, 313 Oratory of St. Peter for workers, 550 Order of St. Jerome of the Congregation of Blessed Peter of Pisa, 346 Oriental Churches. See Eastern Churches Oriental Studies, Pontifical Institute for, 178, 522, 616, 635 Ownership, 189, 438, 507. See also Property Ozanam, Frederic, 558 Pacclli, Eugenio Cardinal, letter to (Pius XI), 226 Painting, Vatican Gallery of. See Vatican Pinacoteca Palestine. See Holy Places Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da, 468 Panico, Giovanni, Archbishop, 379 Pan-religious conferences, 442 Pan-sexual method condemned, 86 Pantheism (Germany), 435 Papal ceremonial, simplification of, 736 Papal documents on social question, instruc­ tion in, 267 Papal elections: procedure in, 155, 731; new constitution on, 735; veto in, 120 Papal seal, 55 Papal-Swiss relations, 732 Pardon of injuries, 38, 525 Parent-teacher relationships, 235, 385 Parenthood, 766 Parents: moral training of children, 359; preparation as educators, 172 Parish priests: patron of, 46; problems of, 106 Pascendi dominici gregis (Pius X), 557, 645 Passion, meditation on, 595 Passionists, centenary of, 514 Pastoral apprenticeship, 593 Pastoral care: address to Lenten preachers, 672; current problems in, 424; directives for, 602 Patience, 595 Patients: rights of, 59, 484; spiritual needs of, 483 Patrizi, Marchesa Maddalena, 686 Patrology and philosophy, 24 Patry, Maurice, Msgr., 707 Paul, St., and Christian perfection, 424 Paulussen, Louis, S.J., 509 Pax Christi, International Congress of, 496 Pax Romana, International Congress of: Am­ sterdam, 490; Nottingham, 303; Quebec, 599 Peace: appeal for, II, 31, 225, 731, 744; basis for, 114, 411, 624; cessation of war and, 45; Church and, 330; conditions for, 331, 446, 457; contribution of Church to, 276; crusade of prayer for, 429, 469; exhorta­ tion to, 171; expiation for, 41; individual rights and, 321; invitation to, 219; journal­ ists and, 480; menace to, 724; mutual un­ derstanding and, 496; nature of, 118, 768; nuclear energy and, 363; obligation of rulers for, 769; obstacles to, 280; of States, 352; pardon necessary for. 525; physician and, 484; prayers for, 71, 122, 218, 376, 511, 699, 719; program for, 40; public opinion and, 401; responsibility for insur­ ing, 164; without religion illusory, 529; women and, 88 Peace conference: and Holy Places, 52; at Genoa, 139, 309; encyclical of Benedict XV on future, 615 Peace of the Church, commemoration of, 415 Pechenard, Louis, 681 Penal code, international, 478 Penance, need for, 502, 538, 699 Pentecost, feast of, 568 Pentecost novena prescribed, 2Π Persecution: distortion of facts regarding. 397; freedom from, 457; prayers for cessation of, 338; resistance against, 529; Ruthcnian Church and, 519; spiritual weapons and. 209 PDF Compressor Pro Index 538; Central and Eastern Europe, 220; Czechoslovakia, 312; Mexico, 9, 311; Ru­ mania, 710; Spain, 370; Ukraine, 130, 518 Peru, Church in, 345, 581 Pessimism, warning against, 118 Peter, St., tomb of, 724 Peter Canisius, St., 428, 503 Peter Chanel, St., 659 Peter Julian Eymard, Blessed, 577 Petroleum industry, 94 Pharmacy, 607 Philadelphia, residence for Ruthcnian bishop, 228 Philippines: Catholic Action in, 132; Church in, 575 Philosophy: education and, 43; encyclical of Leo XIII on restoration of Christian, 24; faith and, 428; false, 460; modem errors in, 192, 288; protection against error in, 290; return to sound, 530; science and, 65, 498; study and teaching of, 184 Philosophy, Institute of (Cologne), 513 Physical and natural sciences, 181 Physicians: moral obligations of, 241, 371, 484 Physics, modem, 498 Physiocrats, errors of, 2 Piazza, Adcodato Cardinal, 16 Picaud, François, Bishop of Baycux and Lisieux, 481 Pierluigi, Giovanni. See Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Picrsanti, Carlo, 158 Pious Union for First Communion, 698 Pious Work o( St. Peter the Apostle, 752 Pitra, Jean Baptiste Cardinal, 650 Pius X, St.: address of Pius XII at beatifi­ cation of, 726; at canonization of, 604; and Innocent XI compared, 119: attitude of on Maurras, 93; letter of Pius XII on, 621; sacerdotal jubilee, 285 Pius XI: centenary of birth, 381; sacerdotal jubilee, 69, 608 Pius XII. See Pacclli, Eugenio Cardinal Plan of Campaign (Ireland), 619 Poland, Church in, 82, 149 Poliomyelitis, psychological problems of, 553 Politics: and Catholic Action, 177; and re­ ligion, 151, 544, 655; and the clergy, 575; dillerence of opinion lawful in, 655; legis­ lation and, 63; women in, 601 Polyphonic music, 444 Pompili, Basilio Cardinal, 1, 102, 647 Pontifical Academy of Sciences: addresses to (1939) 26, (1941) 637, (1943) 328, (1948) 453, (1951) 730, (1955) 65; and cancer research, 669; reorganization of, 322 Pontifical Work for Priestly Vocations, 153 Pontifical Work for Religious Vocations, 159 Popes: and civilization, 312; primacy of, 664; restrictions on liberty of, 694 Population research, 250 Portugal: Catholic Action in, 256, 588; cen­ tenary of independence, 646; Church in, 544; concordat with, 616; devotion to Our Lady, 418; Law of Separation in, 295; peace re-established in, 87; religious congrega­ tions, 281; religious union in, 531 Pottery. See Ceramics Potthast, Bibliotheca Historica Medii Aevi, 92 Poverty: and wealth, 167; Christian ideal of, 2 Prato, workers from, 450 Prayer: misconceptions of, 445; perseverance in, 502 Preaching: Dominicans and, 262; encyclical of Benedict XV on, 289; norms for, 192 Precan, Leopold, Archbishop of Ohnutz, 540 Press: barrier against totalitarianism, 401; directives for Catholic (Brazil) 407, (Peru) 345, (Portugal) 541, (Spain) 151; freedom of, 399; immorality in, 259, 501, 741; in defense of Church, 529; public opinion and, 401; responsibility of, 463; social re­ sponsibility of. 135; supervision of (Brazil), 535; use of (Italy), 252; vigilance over, 530 Pressure groups, 240 Priest-worker movement, 510 Priesthood: charity and the, 602; essential vs that of laity, 417; holiness of life in, 36, 424; nature of, 267; Pius X on, 285; Pius XI on, 13; Pius XII on, 424; religious state and, 661; selection of candidates for, 267; vocations to, 153 Priests. See Clergy Priests' Eucharistic League (Italy), 577 Private enterprise, 74, 189 Production and consumption, 104, 493 Professional people, mission of, 451 Professional secrecy, 59 210 Index Progress: Church mother of, 312; true and false, 397 Prohibition of books, 505 Propaganda: atheistic, 45; Christian, 739; Protestant, 52; subversive social, 132 Propagation of the Faith, Society for, 100, 179, 315, 632, 640, 642 Property, right to, 167, 227, 368, 507, 598, 613, 633 Prothonotaries, privileges of, 347 Provida Maier Ecclesia (Pius XII), 559 Providentissimus Deus (Leo XIII), 209, 557, 622, 749 Psalter: liturgical use of, 316; new arrange­ ment of, 210 Psychiatry and guilt, 8, 636 Psychoanalysis, 497 Psychology: and films, 111, 448; and guilt, 8, 636; and psychiatry, 116 Psychotherapy and religion, 497 Public life: and the Rosary, 743; Catholic par­ ticipation in, 535, 519; Christian principles in, 756; defense of principles in, 529; moral responsibility in, 359; participation of aris­ tocracy in, 263; religion excluded from, 48; woman in, 138 Public opinion: and reporting, 135; and the Catholic press, 401 Publicity, ill-conceived, 269 Publishers, responsibility of, 463, 760 Punishment and penalties, 8, 636 Purgatory, prayers for souls in, 612 Purity, 543. See also Chastity Quadragesimo anno (Pius XI), 73, 197, 256 Quae in Ecclesiae bonum (Pius X), 654 Quae Nobis (Pius XI), 380 Quam singulari (decree), 698 Queen of the Rosary, 703 Quccnship of Mary: address on (Pius XII), 391; encyclical on (Pius XII), 12 Quietism, 421, 445 Quod Apostolici muneris (Leo XIII), 268, 279, 290 Racism, 372, 435, 690 Radio: address of Pius XI, 605; encyclical of Pius XII, 431; use of, 35, 129, 174 Radio Chilena, 35 Radioactivity, 328, 705 Radiology, advances in, 483 Railroad workers (Rome), 224 Railroads: and national economy, 473; Span­ ish, 126 Rappresenlanli in terra (Pius XI), 172, 554 Rationalism, 15, 288, 570, 617 Ravenna, Cathedral of, 326 Raw materials, free access to, 457 Reason and revelation, 288 Reconciliation, Christian, 360, 525 Reconstruction: and Catholics, 41; Christian, 507; foundation of, 273; of the social order (encyclical), 572 Redemption: centenary of, 618; laws of, 397; thanksgiving for, 706 Redemptorists, 609 Rcgalists, 555 Regina Mundi Institute, 459 Rehabilitation of criminals, 8, 636 Relativism, dogmatic, 288 Released lime (religious education), 10 Religion: and art, 134; and culture, 92, 488; and economic order, 117; and life, 705; and psychotherapy, 497; decline of, 655; essen­ tial, 279; legal protection of, 87 Religious congregations. See Religious orders Religious education: advanced, 168, 307; fun­ damentals of, 547; in Germany, 297; need for, 25; of children, 270; of workers, 549; of youth, 5; promotion of, 252 Religious indifference, 414, 666 Religious instruction. See Catechctics; Re­ ligious education Religious life, 108, 494 Religious orders and congregations: charter for, 140; founding of. 181; statutes for semi­ naries of, 661; letter of Pius XI to Su­ periors General, 729; Congress of Superiors General of women (1952), 494; General Congress of (1950), 51, 377; in Brazil, 407, 535; in France, 62, 242, 738; in Philippines, 575; in Portugal, 281, 544; in Spain, 200 Religious teachers, vocation of, 547 Religious tolerance. See Toleration Religious unity, promotion of (encyclical), 442 Reparation, 565. See also Sacred Heart Reporting: and public opinion, 135; truth in, 713 PDF Compressor Pro Index Rerum novarum (Leo XIII), 117, 268, 279, 368, 425. 572, 679, 682 Rerum Orientalium (Pius XI), 579 Rescript, provision for issuing, 574 Research: astronomical, 365; biblical, 570; im­ portance of, 238; leprosy and, 499; prog­ ress in scientific, 498, 637 Researchers, qualifications for, 238 Respighi, Pietro Cardinal, 270, 298, 366 Restoration in Christ: Bologna Congress, 425; encyclical of Pius X, 227; reiterated, 561; through Mary, 15 Retreats: for priests, 13; promotion of, 423; value of, 672 Rhythm in marriage, 737 Ricard, François, Bishop of Angoulême, 560 Richard, François Cardinal, Archbishop of Paris, 62, 515 Richiamo di gioia (Pius XII), 363 Right to work, 368 Rights, inviolable, 279, 771 Rinascita Cristiana, 29 Rio de Janeiro, Eucharistic Congress in, 249 Robert Bellarminc, St,, 571 Roberts, Sir Walter, 317 Roma e I'Oriente, 257 Roman Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas, 325 Roman Academy of Science, 322 Roman Colleges, students in, 366 Roman Curia: nonns for religious in, 736; reorganization of, 654 Roman Newspapermen’s Association, 135 Roman nobility, last address to, 263 Roman Question, settlement of, 608. See also Lateran Treaty Romanis Pontificibus (Pius X), 654 Rome: address to Lenten preachers, 741; afflictions of, 225; and the Church, 410; exhortation of Pius XII to the people of, 165; privilege of studying in, 754; solicitude for city of, 39 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 712 Rosary, encyclicals on the: Benedict XV, 262; Leo XIII, 22, 68, 205, 266, 353, 378, 414, 502, 702, 703, 743; Pius XI, 338; Pius XII, 339 Rose, symbolism of, 383 Rota, Roman: addresses to, 277, 402 Rulers: and international peace, 769; appeal to, 555; duties of, 82, 311 Rumania, persecutions in, 740 Rural culture, preservation of, 27 Rural life, 687, 773 Russia: aid for, 49; and Ruthenian Church.* 519; consecration of to Immaculate Heart, 80; famine in, 388; priests for, 579 Russian College (Rome), 579 Ruthenians, 228, 519 Ryan, Msgr. James, 623 Sacrae Congregationi super negotiis (Pius X), 654 Sacred Heart, consecration to: Belgium, 554; decreed for feast of Christ the King, 597; of Emilia, Italy, 310; of mankind, 48; re­ called, 430 Sacred Heart, encyclicals on: Leo XIII, 48; Pius XI (reparation) 432, (world distress) 81; Pius XII, 286 Sacred Heart, Basilica of (Montmartre), 38 Sacred music. See Music, sacred Sacred sciences, primacy of, 184 Sacred Scripture. See Scripture Sacrorum antistitum (Pius X), 214 St. Anne of Auray Shrine (Brittany), 64 St. Anthony of Padua, Basilica of, 294 St. Eugene Seminary (Valencia), 236 St. Jerome, Monastery of (Rome), 318 St. Peter the Apostle, Society of, 179 St. Thérèse, Basilica of (Lisieux), 357, 491 St. Vincent de Paul Society, 558 Salus Populi Romani, crowning of, 391 Salerno, radio address to, 403 Salvation in the Church, 352 Satis cognitum (Leo XIII), 445 Save the Children Fund, 50 Savings banks, function of, 369 Scalabrini, Giovanni, Bishop of Piacenza, 578 Scapular, centenary of, 711 Sell isms, 352 Schmitt, Herman Josef, 248 Scholars, 288, 757 Scholastics, 24 School children, address to, 524 School-home collaboration, 456 Schoolmaster, ideal, 405 Schools: Catholic (Canada) 25, (England) 693, (Germany) 428, (United States) 112, 314; laicization of (France) 738; need for, 212 Index I 674; patron of, 148; mixed or neutral, 460; secular, 176, 617; State-controlled, 674 Schulte, Karl Cardinal, Archbishop of Co­ logne, 513, 580 Schuster, Alfredo Cardinal, Archbishop of Milan, 212 Science: and existence of God, 730; and faith, 136, 288, 322, 333, 775; and philosophy, 65, 498; and religion, 26, 428; and truth, 690; service of, 620, 705. See also Church and science Scientific research, 311 Scientists, 322, 453 Scotland: and Propaganda de Fide, 654; Church in, 83 Scots College (Rome), 512 Scouting. See Boy Scouts; Girl Scouts Scripture: academic degrees in, 657; and his­ tory, 288; apostolic letters on (Leo XIII) 749, (Pius X) 622; attacks on historicity, 77, 530; authority of, 288; Dante and, 326; encyclicals on (Benedict XV7) 695, (Leo XIII) 570, (Pius XII) 209; motu proprio of Pius X, 557; St. Ephrem and, 562; Scots love for, 83; studies, 77, 570, 622, 695, 749; translation of, 492; Vulgate, revision of, 348 Secrecy, professional, 371 Secret societies, 75, 82, 206, 408. See also Freemasonry Secular institutes, 51, 559, 567 Secularization of life, 99 Sedition, warning against, 279 Segura y Saenz, Pedro Cardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, 103, 380 Self-denial, 259 Semaines Sociales de France, 96, 167, 240 Seminarians: address of Pius XII to, 684; se­ lection of, 530; training of, 506, 684 Seminaries: of religious orders, 661; theologi­ cal studies in, 648; Brazil, 407, 535; Italy, 267; Philippines, 575; Spain, 467; United States, 314 Sensationalism, 401 Senlire cum Ecclesia, 202, 223 Servîtes of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 20 Sex literature, dangers in, 725 Shahan, Thomas, Bishop, 623 Sick: Marian Day of the, 32; radio address to, 595 Signori, Giosuè, Archbishop of Genoa, 139 Sillon, condemnation of, 472 Silvius of St. Bernard, C.P., 514 Simon Stock, St., 711 Sincero, Luigi Cardinal, 247 Sisters, training of, 459 Situation ethics, 359, 688 Slavery, abolition of, 85, 323, 375 Slavonic alphabet, 278 Slavs, conversion of, 278 Small business and national stability, 692 Social action: formation for, 29; program of, 683; promotion of, 121 Social democracy, 279 Social insecurity, 724 Social justice: and capitalism, 572; and eco­ nomic life, 208; basis for, 117; counseled by Church, 633; exercise of, 208; in India, 271; need for, 454; papal instructions on, 269 Social life: fundamental values of, 368; woman's duties in, 601 Social order, reconstruction of: encyclical on, 572; five-point program for, 437; in Austria, 438 Social question: Christian solution of, 300; clergy and the, 424; papal directives on, 682; papal documents on recommended, 267; primarily moral and religious, 279; Belgium, 546; Spain, 598 Social relations, disorders in, 529 Social science: study of by priests, 472; in seminaries, 267 Social work and the missions, 254 Socialism: and naturalism, 206; cause of cor­ ruption, 259; doctrine refuted, 613, 633; errors of, 400; need to combat, 546, 617; origin of, 70; prevalence of, 529 Socialization, resistance to, 438 Society: and the farmer, 367; and the modern state, 4; basis for domestic, 57; evils of modern, 342; renovation of, 273 Society of African Missions, 523 Society of the Divine Word, 23 Society of Jesus. See Jesuits Society of St. Cecilia: (Cologne), 680; (Italy), 18 Society of St. Jerome for the Diffusion of the Gospels, 606 Society for the Preservation of the Faith among Indian Children, 327 Socio-political problems, 417 213 PDF Compressor Pro Index Sodalities of Our Lady: and Catholic Action, 78; directives for, 97; foundation of, 470; importance of selectivity, 97, 509; in Portu­ gal, 531; World Federation of, 509 Sollicita et provida (Benedict XIV), 505 South Africa, erection of hierarchy in, 332 Soviet atheistic campaign, 102 Space pioneers, 304 Spain: address to refugees from, 370; and bull Cruciata, 569; Catholic Action in, 34, 380; conditions in, 151; economic life in, 598; encyclical of Pius XI on, 200; internal discord in, 151; loyalty to Holy Sec, 467; railroad workers in, 126 Spanish College (Rome), 36, 467 Speech, freedom of, 399 Spencer, Ignatius: and England, 37 Spiritual direction, 267, 672 Spiritual Exercises: commended, 422; contri­ bution of, 470; efficacy of, 701; encyclical of Pius XI on, 423 Spiritual life, 762 Spiritual renewal, 106, 141, 165, 360, 466, 672, 741, 745 Sports: and Christian life, 747; and con­ science, 190; and moral life, 691; and the home, 473; and women, I Stanislas, St., Bishop of Cracow, 324 State: and labor, 137; and rights of man, 675; and rights of minorities, 457; Christian con­ ception of, 4, 131, 208; Christian constitu­ tion of (encyclical of Leo XIII), 311; function of in social order, 633; function of in modern world (encyclical of Pius XII), 700; sovereignty of vs community of nations, 105; teaching of Church on, 311; totalitarian, 146. See also Church and State Statism, 240 Statistics, misuse of, 763 Statolatry, 462 Stenscn, Niels, Bishop, 275, 775 Stcpinac, Alojzijc Cardinal, 220 Sterility, marital, 766 Sterilization, eugenic, 84, 690, 737 Students: defection from faith (Austria), 72; ecclesiastical (Rome), 366, 754; in Italian State schools, 43; mission of, 490 Studies: novelties in, 681; promotion of sec­ ular, 530 Study, methods of, 43 Suffering: and anesthesia, 387; apostolatc of, 32, 259, 595; Christian attitude toward, 477; dread of, 378; problem of, 483; value of, 8 Sunday, observance of, 117 Superficiality: in pastoral work, 672; in study, 307 Supermarkets, 89 Surgery, moral aspects of, 495 Surrexit, è risor to (Pius XII), 363 Svampa, Domenico Cardinal, Archbishop of Bologna, 362 Swiss Guard, 732 Swiss National Catholic Convention, 99 Switzerland, bishops of: encyclical to (Leo XIII), 428; letters to (Benedict XV), 234, 398, 503 Tailors, 409 Tametsi (Council of Trent), 566 Tametsi futura prospicientibus (Leo XIII), 430 Taxation, 528 Taylor, Myron C., 331, 712 Teacher-pupil relationship, 108 Teachers: example of, 267; in Bavaria, 674; just salary for, 385; patron of, 611; profes­ sional preparation of, 235, 385; qualifica­ tions for, 405, 627, 671; unions, 385 Teaching Brothers, work of, 563 Teaching Sisters, address to, 108 Technical progress vs. human labor, 364 Technicians, 479 Technocracy, 173 Technology: and modem man, 306; exag­ gerated trust in, 395; misapplication of, 114 Telecommunications: and education, 501; patron of, 620; significance of, 129 Television: encyclical of Pius XII on, 431; first papal message on, 714; program selec­ tion, 465; public and private effects of, 293; role of, 245, 465 Teresa of Avila, St., 258, 585 Temi, pilgrimage from, 364 Tertianship, Jesuit, 201 Theologians, lay, 667 rheology: and education, 43; false moderni­ zation of, 192; in seminaries, 648; modem errors in, 288; philosophy a preparation for, 24; promotion of, 530 214 Index Thérèse of Lisieux, St.: patroness of missions, 357; spiritual message of, 481 Third Order of St. Francis, 70, 2G4, 290, 449, 614,631,638,611 Third Reich and the Church, 455. See also Germany Thomas, St., Apostle, 271 Thomas Aquinas, St.: adherence to teaching of, 44; and humanism, 173; centenary of canonization, 697; encyclicals on (Leo XIII) 24, (Pius XI) 697; imitation recom­ mended, 678; model in disputation, 400; patron of schools, 148, 594; philosophy of, 345, 498, 506, 513, 645; prayer of, 697; proofs for existence of God, 730; teaching of, 214, 325 Thomas More, St., 651 Thrift, 369 Tirocinium, 661 Tobacco industry and working girls, 374 Tobacconists (Italy), 194 Toleration, 105 Tonkin, martyrs of, 452 Totalitarianism, 401 Totality, principle of, 86 Tra le sollecitudini (Pius X), 115, 207, 440, 444, 468, 680, 758 Trade-unions. See Labor unions Traditions, preservation of, 90 Traffic code, obligation of, 487 Transfiguration, feast of, 220 Transformations, laws of, 730 Translators, norms for, 492 Transplant, types of, 765 Travel agents, 710 Travel organizations, 710 Treaties, violation of, 624 Tribunal, Apostolic Penitentiary, 574 Trinity, St. Augustine on the, 19 Truman, Harry S., 771, 772 Truth: duty of Christians, 280; journalists and, 305; Newman and, 156; radio and, 35 Ukraine, persecution in, 130, 518 Unemployment, 104, 397, 493,500 Union des Catholiques de I'Enscignemcnt Public, 176 Union Européenc de Radiodiffusion, 465 Union of Italian Catholic Jurists, 105 Union of Italian Catholic Publishers, 463 Union of Italian Urologists, 495 Union of South Africa. See South Africa Unions. See Co-operative unions; Labor unions; Teachers’ unions United Nations, authority of, 404 United States: address of Pius XII to children of, 524; aid for Russian people, 49; and Propaganda de Fide, 654; Catholic Uni­ versity in, 591, 683; Church in, 709; encycli­ cals to bishops of (Benedict XV) 536, (Leo XIII) 314, 408, 416, 578, (Pius XI) 718, (Pius XII) 666; hierarchy in, 121, 583; school question in, 112; work for peace, 334 Unity: among Catholics, 425, 614, 630; of purpose, 402; of the Church, 656; religious, 37, 520, 521,555, 568 Universe: development of, 730; laws of, 453; presence of God in, 365 Université Cat toi ica del Sacro Cuore, Milan. See Catholic University of Milan Universities: function of, 599; graduates of, 303; medieval, 136; regulations for estab­ lishing, 187; Sacred Congregation of Sem­ inaries and, 663; task of, 244, 757 Urology, 495 Ursulines, Roman Union of, 56 Usury, opposition to, 189 Vacante Sede Apostolica (Pius X), 155 Valeri, Valerio Cardinal, 563 Value judgment, 190 Vannutelli, Vincenzo Cardinal, 468, 564 Van Rocy, Joseph Cardinal, Archbishop of Malines, 147, 554, 610 Vatican Archives, 761 Vatican City, 255 Vatican Diplomatic Corps, 395 Vatican Exhibition, 7 Vatican Library: administration of, 144; open for research, 650; section for Biblical Com­ mission, 749 Vatican Museum, new entrance to, 30 Vatican Pinacotcca, 708 Vatican Radio, 605 Vehementer Nos (Pius X), 419 Vespistas, 186 Vianncy, St. John. See John Baptist Vianney, St. Vietnam, pilgrims from, 452 Vigilance committees, 530, 645 215 PDF Compressor Pro Vigilantiae (Leo XIII), 557 Vigilanti cura (Pius XI), 431 Violence, futility of, 411 Virginity, encyclical of Pius XII on, 642 Virtue, 158 Visconti School (Rome), 158 Visual communication, immorality in, 741 Vives y Tuto, José Cardinal, 354 Vocational groups, 572 Vocational organization, 73 Vocations (religious): crisis, 198, 494; cultiva­ tion of, 642; requirements for, 661 Vocations (priesthood): care of, 424; lack of, 741; promotion of, 153; solicitude for, 39 Vocations, native, 332, 575 Vocations, Society for promoting, 159 Votre présence autour (Pius XII), 766 Vows, congregations of simple, 140 Wages, just, 572, 633 Wales, restoration of hierarchy, 776 War: and peace, 404; lawfulness of, 280; un­ just, 529 War Relief Services (United States), 714 Wealth and poverty, 167 Week of Religious Pedagogy (Italy), 5 White Cross (Ireland), 720 Wireless, 129 Women: and education of children, 191; apostolatc of, 29, 91, 172, 542; dignity of, 138; directives for, 767; duties in social and political life, 138, 601; false emancipation of, 81; in journalism, 471; social mission of, 686; work for peace, 88 Work: Christian spirit in, 302; dignity of, 131, 374; moral value of, 114 Workers: apostolate of, 774; conditions of, 572, 633; from Barcelona (Spain), 287; from Prato, 450; May Day rally, 104; religious education of, 549; right to organize, 224, 408, 572, 633 World Championship of Gymnastics, 691 World Congress of the Lay Apostolate, 177 World Congress on Fertility and Sterility, 766 World Congress on Population, 250 World Congress on the Prevention of Indus­ trial Accidents, 243 World distress, 81 World Federation of Catholic Young Women, 762 World Federation of Marian Congregations, 509 World government, 716 World Jamboree, 707 World Medical Association Congress, 484 World Movement for World Federation, 716 World order, moral conditions for, 283, 457 "World Petroleum Congress, 94 World reconstruction, 106 World War I: causes of, II; cessation of hostilities, 615; conditions following, 718; deplored, 218; rulers and, 719 World War II, anniversary of, 507 Worship and liturgy, 764 Writers, recruitment of, 408 Wyszynski, Stefan Cardinal, 220, 376 X-rays, 483 Year of return, 466 Young women, moral rehabilitation of, 676 Youth: directives for, 603; education of, 108; importance of, 501; religious training of, 5, 542; patron of, 677; secular schools and, 176; self-development of, 246 216