List of Titles: SACRED THEOLOGY Item #1 “Papal Teachings: The Liturgy” (Pope Benedict XIV to Pope John XXIII), Selected and Arranged by the Benedictine Monks of Solesmes Item #3 “Is the Mass Infallible in its Effects?” The Irish Ecclesiastical Record 1929 Item #4 “Are the Fruits of the Mass Infinite?” The Irish Ecclesiastical Record 1929 Item #6 “The Nature of the Mystical Body” (Excerpt) by Earnest Mura Item #8 “Anti-Clericalism and Catholic Unity” The American Ecclesiastical Review Item #9 “Answers to Questions: ‘Interfaith Problems’” The American Ecclesiastical Review Item #10 “The Bishop and the Diocesan Priesthood” The A.E.R. Item #11 “The Fellowship of the Diocesan Priesthood” The A.E.R. Item #14 “Our Lord’s Presence in the Catholic Church” The A.E.R. 1946 Item #15 “Answers to Questions: A Question About the Mystical Body” Item #16 “The Sources of Modern Attacks Against the Church” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton analyzes the opinions of various sources, e.g. Communism, Protestantism, Liberalism, etc. which irrationally attack the Catholic Church Item #17 “The Requisites for an Infallible Pontifical Definition According to the Commission of Pope Pius IX” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton explains the necessary conditions that must exist in order for an infallible definition to be issued from the Holy See. Item #18 “The Framework of Doctrinal Development” The A.E.R. Fr. Eugene Burke, C.S.P. explains some of the elements and instruments of doctrinal development. A much needed article in light of this much abused subject. Item #20 “The True Church and the Notes of the Church” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton answers the question: “How do we know that the Catholic Church is the one true Church established by Christ?” Defends the motives of credibility against the new theologians. Item #23 “Catholic Moral Teaching on the Nature and Object of Conjugal Love” by Rev. Michael F. McAuliffe, S.T.L. This dissertation expounds the Catholic doctrine regarding the proper ends of marriage and in particular the object of conjugal love within the Sacrament of Matrimony. Refutation of the new theologians and their false doctrines concerning the ends of marriage. Item #24 “The Concept of Sacred Theology” by Msgr. Joseph Fenton A masterpiece concerning the nature and object of sacred theology. This work is a development of Msgr. Fenton’s doctoral dissertation written 10 years previously under the direction of the great Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange in Rome. Item #25 “Co-Operation of Catholics in Non-Catholic Religious Activities” by Fr. Francis O’Connell, C.S.S.R., The A.E.R., 1956 An in-depth theological study of the moral and dogmatic principles regarding Catholic involvement in the religious activity of non-Catholics. A sound and precise exposition of Catholic doctrine. No one will fail to be edified and instructed by Fr. O’Connell’s article as it sets forth long forgotten doctrine. Item #27 “The Development of the Theological Censures After the Council of Trent (1563 – 1709)” by Fr. John Cahill, O.P. Article I, The censure of Error as applied in the condemnations of the Church; Article II, The erroneous proposition as explained before Melchior Cano; Article III, The censure of Error according to Melchoir Cano; Article IV Cano’s explanation under scrutiny; Article V, The erroneous proposition according to Suarez; Article VI, Lugo Endorses the interpretation of Suarez; Article VII, The Salmanticenses and the ‘More Common Opinion’; Article VIII, Antonio de Panormo (1707). Much more, that is just the first chapter. Invaluable for any serious student of Catholic theology. Item #32 “The Doctrine of St. Augustine on Sanctity” by Fr. Edward Carney, O.S.F.S., S.T.L. A doctoral dissertation expositing the doctrine of St. Augustine on the created and uncreated causes of sanctity. Deals with Augustine’s refutation of certain heresies as well as an implicit refutation of the new ecclesiology. Item #34 “Papal Teachings: The Church” selected and arranged by the Benedictine Monks of Solesmes. Papal doctrine concerning ecclesiology or the nature of the Church of Christ. From Benedict XIV to Pius to John XXIII. Invaluable resource for students of theology. Item #36 “Factors in Church Unity” The A.E.R. 1948 Msgr. Joseph Fenton teaches about the nature of unity within the Mystical Body of Christ, the Catholic Church. He touches upon both the outward and inward bonds of union as well as the basis for the advancement of a closer unity within the Catholic Church. Item #37 “Holiness as a Note of the Church” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton analyzes this particular note of the true ecclesia of Jesus Christ. Refutes certain erroneous opinions concerning its meaning. Item #38 “St. Augustine’s Use of the Note of Catholicity” The A.E.R. 1948 Msgr. Joseph Fenton explains St. Augustine’s use of the note ‘catholicity’ in his polemical writings against the Donatists. Item #39 “The Note of Catholicity in Scholastic Theology” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton turns his attention to the scholastic exposition of this note of the Church. Item #40 “The Theological Proof for the Necessity of the Catholic Church” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton puts forth a genuine theological demonstration of the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation in this three part series. Refutes certain erroneous opinions concerning this doctrine, especially the latitudinarian. Every Catholic should read this short theological treatise to gain a better understanding of this much maligned and misunderstood doctrine. Item #41 “The Exclusiveness of Truth and the Pope’s Encyclical” The A.E.R. 1929 Fr. Wm. J. Burke, C.S.C. explains the Catholic mind regarding exclusive truth in light of Pope Pius XI’s encyclical Mortalium Animos composed in 1928 on the Promotion of True Religious Unity. Item #42 “Brownson on Salvation and the Church” The A.E.R. 1947 Fr. Thomas Ryan, C.PP.S. writes this historical essay on Orestes Brownson’s understanding of the dogma “no salvation outside the Church.” Brownson refused to concede any attenuation of this doctrine and was exonerated by Papal teaching while his liberal critics were silenced. Item #43 “The Ministry of the Diocesan Priesthood” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton explains the true supernatural objectives of the priest. Item #44 “The Catholicity of the Church” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton’s three part series further examining the note of ‘catholicity’ in the face of modern challenges advanced by certain theologians. Item #45 “The Fiction of Corporate Reunion” The A.E.R. A.F. Marshall exposes certain ecumenical fallacies concerning corporate ecclesial union. A brilliant essay full of wit and missionary zeal. Item #48 “The Possibility of Ignorance of the Natural Law” by Rev. Stanley Bertke, S.T.L. A doctoral dissertation regarding knowledge of the contents of the natural law and whether one can be ignorant of certain precepts. 1. On the Natural Law’s Existence and Essence 2. Of the Notion, Obligation and Division of the Precepts 3. Of the Function of the Intellect in Human Action 4. Of the Possibility of Invincible Ignorance of the Natural Law 5. Special Problems and Application of Principles. Item #49 “Isn’t Thomism Outmoded?” Integrity Magazine 1951 Fr. Jordan Aumann, O.P. refutes the modernist contention that traditional Thomism is not applicable today. Item #50 “The Church in Adequate Perspective” The A.E.R. 1955 Item #51 “Brotherhood in Catholic Theology” The A.E.R. 1955 Msgr. Joseph Fenton explains the supernatural meaning of the term ‘brotherhood’ as defined by supernatural objects in contradistinction to the indifferentist assertion that all men, of whatever religion, form a true brotherhood. Item #52 “The Necessity of the Church and the Efficacy of Prayer” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton explains the relation of prayer to the dogma of the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation. Item #53 “Magisterium and Jurisdiction in the Catholic Church” The A.E.R. 1954 Msgr. Joseph Fenton takes up a controversy surrounding the division or classification of the powers granted to the Church by Her Founder, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Item #54 “The Teaching of the Testem Benevolentiae” The A.E.R. 1954 Msgr. Joseph Fenton exposits Pope Leo XIII’s great encyclical regarding the errors of Americanism. Item #55 “The Invocation of the Holy Name and the Basic Concept of the Catholic Church” The A.E.R. Another ecclesiological article by the master of ecclesiology, Msgr. Joseph Fenton dealing with another interesting aspect of Catholic theology and the nature of the Catholic Church. Item #56 “The Liberal Illusion” by Louis Veuillot Louis Veuillot merited the title “Lay Father of the Church” from Pope Leo XIII and “Model of them who fight for sacred causes” from Pope St. Pius X. In this work, Veuillot takes up his broad sword against those foes of Catholicism, Liberal Catholics. Item #57 “Sinners and the Mystical Body of Christ According to St. Augustine: Part I” Theological Studies 1947 Fr. Stanislaus Grabowski’s scholarly two-part ecclesiological essay. The first part deals with fundamental concepts involved in a study of this doctrine, the distinction between the juridical and mystical aspects of the Church as well as a basic division of sins Item #58 “A Recent Critique of P. De Lubac’s Surnaturel” Theological Studies Fr. Phillip Donnelly, S.J. introduces a serious critique of De Lubac’s theories concerning the relation between the natural and supernatural orders written by Pere Guy de Broglie, S.J., professor of theology at the Institut Catholique de Paris and the Pontifical Gregorian University Item #59 “Sinners and the Mystical Body of Christ According to St. Augustine: Part II” Theological Studies 1948 Fr. Stanislaus Grabowski’s second article examines the relation to the Church of sinners lapsing into death-bringing transgressions and the manner of their inherence. Item #63 “St. Thomas and the Ultimate Purpose of Creation” Theological Studies Fr. Philip Donnelly, S.J. explains the Thomistic doctrine concerning the final end of all creation. “Dogmatic theology treats many truths of momentous import, but there is not one of more fundamental importance than the question of the ultimate purpose or end of creation. For if the end holds the primacy among all causes and if, from it, all other causes depend for the exercise of their causality, then there can be no theological doctrine dealing with the relations of creatures to God, whose objective truth is not dependent ultimately on the first of all causes, which is the ultimate end of creation.” Item #68 “The Holy Ghost in the Mystical Body of Christ According to St. Augustine” Theological Studies Fr. Stanislaus Grabowski further examines St. Augustine ‘s ecclesiology with respect to the relation of the Holy Ghost to the Mystical Body of Christ and to men outside the Church. Item #69 “The Creation of Eve in Catholic Tradition” Theological Studies 1940 Fr. Thomas Motherway, S.J. presents a study of the traditional doctrine concerning the creation of Eve. Item #71 “Saint Thomas and the Evolution of Man” Theological Studies Fr. William Doran, S.T.D. explains Thomistic doctrine concerning the creation of man Item #73 “The Doctrine of the Vatican Council on the End of Creation” Theological Studies Fr. Phillip Donnelly, S.J. continues his treatise on the end of creation with the teaching of the Vatican I Council. Item #76 “Catholic Ecumenism: The Reunion of Christendom in Contemporary Papal Pronouncements” 1953 by Fr. Edward Francis Hanahoe, S.A., S.T.L. A dissertation composed under the direction of Msgr. Joseph Fenton that surveys traditional Catholic theology surrounding the question of Ecumenism as expounded by the Popes. Item #77 “The Kingship of Jesus Christ According to Saint Bonaventure and Blessed Duns Scotus” by Fr. Ephrem Longpre, O.F.M. 1944 Item #78 “Marriage: Its Meaning and Purpose” Theological Studies 1942 Fr. John Ford, S.J. analyzes and refutes a new theology of marriage Item #80 “Liberalism in Religion” by Fr. M.H. MacInery, O.P. 1912 Item #89 “Liberalism: A Criticism of Its Basic Principles and Divers Forms” by Louis Card. Billot 1922 Enjoy this masterful treatise composed by Cardinal Billot on the nature of Liberalism. Item #102 “Concerning ‘Thomistic Metaphysics and the Sacrament-Sacrifice” The Irish Ecclesiastical Record 1942 Fr. J. Brodie Brosnan critiques an article concerning the notion of a Sacrament, sacrificial immolation, the priestly character and its relation with Christ’s sacrifice in Holy Mass Item #104 “The Extension of Christ’s Mystical Body” The A.E.R. 1944 Msgr. Joseph Fention deals with those who would extend the term “Mystical Body” beyond the confines of the Roman Catholic Church Item #105 “An Accusation Against School Theology” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton defends traditional Scholastic theology against the attacks of innovators Item #106 “Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton elucidates this much misunderstood dogma Item #107 “The Communion of Saints and the Mystical Body” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton explains the profound meaning of the phrase “communion of saints” Item #110 “Members of the Church and of the Mystical Body” by John Canfield, S.T.L. 1961 A doctoral dissertation demonstrating the coextension of the Roman Catholic Church and the Mystical Body of Christ. Refutation of modern ecclesiological errors. Item #111 “Some Modern Non-Intellectual Approaches to God” by Sister Agnes Teresa McAuliffe 1934 A doctoral dissertation that critiques the pseudo-mysticism that is common today. Rests upon the doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas Item #114 “Can the Churches Unite?” by W. I. Lonergan A realistic and Catholic view of modern ecumenical activities Item #115 “The Act of the Mystical Body” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton examines how the one Redemptive act of Christ becomes, in a sense, our own act within the Mystical Body in union with Christ. Item #116 “A Modern Defense of the Pharisees” The A.E.R. 1939 Fr. Robert Hartnett, S.J. writes, “[T]he Pharisees of the Gospels, we are now being told, are only the straw-men of early Christian propaganda. The Pharisees of history, as they are revealed in their own literature, were honorable men, the worthy representatives of a form of religion different, indeed, from Christianity, but not necessarily inferior to it. The purpose of this essay is to give a fair exposition of what has been written recently in favor of this Jewish sect, and then to examine the weaknesses from which the plea of the defense seems to suffer.” Item #120 “’Mystical Body of Christ’ and ‘Catholic Church’ Exactly Coextensive” The A.E.R. 1940 A survey of the revealed concept of the Mystical Body, as distinct from the analogous concepts which are the “extended senses” of the term by Fr. Joseph Bluett, S.J. Item #121 “The Theory of the ‘Lay State’” The A.E.R. 1951 Fr. Francis Connell, C.S.S.R. refutes Fr. John Courtney Murray’s opinion regarding the relation between Church and State Item #122 “Catholic Orientations on Church and State” The A.E.R. George Shea addresses “’certain new orientations in contemporary Catholic thought on Church and state’ prevalent among those who are intent upon a major revision of the older and stricter teaching on the subject.” Item #124 “Original Sin and Human Misery” by Msgr. John Ryan 1942 Msgr. Ryan exposits Catholic doctrine concerning Original Sin and Man’s fall from supernatural justice. An excellent refresher and antidote against modern Pelagianism. Item #126 “A Defense of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith in Refutation of the Errors of the Anglican Sect” Bks. III & VI, Francisco Suarez Item #130 “Luther’s Own Statements Concerning His Teaching and its Results” by Fr. Henry O’Conner, S.J. 1884 Item #138 “The Remission of Venial Sin” by John Joseph O’Brien, S.T.L. 1959 This doctoral dissertation presents traditional Catholic doctrine concerning venial sin, its nature, the process of remission, remedies and penance. Item #139 “The Church of Rome and the Problem of the Vernacular versus the Liturgical Language” by Fr. Angelus A. De Marco, O.F.M., S.T.L. An abstract of a doctoral dissertation which is primarily an historical review of the proceedings of the Council of Trent viz. the Protestant introduction of the vernacular in liturgical worship Item#142 “The Church of Christ: An Apologetic and Dogmatic Treatise” by E. Sylvester Berry 1927 Item #143 “The Encyclical and Modernist Theology” by J. Lebreton 1909 Item #159 “The Mystery of Faith and Human Opinion” by Fr. Maurice De La Taille, S.J. 1930 A series of essays on the relation between the Mass, Last Supper and Cross. Item #160 “The Church and Catholic Dogma” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton Item #161 “Episcopal Jurisdiction and the Roman See” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton Item #162 “St. Peter and Apostolic Jurisdiction” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton Item #163 “New Concepts in Theology” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton Item #164 “The Church and the World” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton Item #165 “Two Currents in Contemporary Catholic Thought” The A.E.R. Msgr. Joseph Fenton Item #173 “The Theory of Revelation” Part I by Rev. Joseph Baierl, S.T.D., 1933 Item #175 “The Theory of Revelation” Part II by Rev. Joseph Baierl, S.T.D., 1933 Item #177 “Humani Generis: Its Significance and Teaching” Rev. Patrick Hamell Item #178 “True Christianity, Signs and Wonders” Msgr. Alfred Ottaviani, Assessor of the Holy Office, 1951 Item #180 “The Act of the Mystical Body” Joseph Brosnan, with a Reply by Msgr. Joseph Fenton, A.E.R., 1940 Item #182 “Humani Generis and the Fathers of the Church” Thomas B. Falls, A.E.R., 1951 Item #191 “The Fallacy of ‘Reunion’” H.E.G. Rope, The Month, 1923 Item #194 “How Cranmer ‘Revised’ the Sarum Missal” Clement Tigar, The Month Item #202 “Rome, Unionism and Indifferentism” The Dublin Review, 1865 Item #216 “Dictionary of Papal Pronouncements: Leo XIII to Pius XII (1878 – 1957)” Item #217 “Dictionary of Dogmatic Theology” Pietro Parente, Antonio Piolanti, Salvatore Garofalo, 1951 Item #218 “The Science of Sacred Theology for Teachers, Introduction to Theology” by Emmanuel Doronzo Item #219 “The Science of Sacred Theology for Teachers, Revelation” by Emmanuel Doronzo Item #220 “The Science of Sacred Theology for Teachers, The Channels of Revelation” by Emmanuel Doronzo Item #225 “The Devil” by Walter Farrell, O.P. and Bernard Leeming, S.J., 1957 Item #252 “The Catholic Church and the Modern State” Rev. Joseph Baierl, S.T.D., 1955 Item #254 “Miracles” Joseph De Tonquedec, S.J. (Article from Dictionnaire Apologetique de la Foi Catholique) 1926 Item #268 “The Proof of Miracles” Henry Brownson, 1898 Item #281 “Papal Teachings: The Church (Pope Benedict XIV to Pope John XXIII)” Selected and Arranged by the Benedictine Monks of Solesmes Item #291 St. Thomas and the Immaculate Conception, P. Lumbreras, O.P. Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 1923 Item #296 Catholic Faith in the Holy Eucharist, Papers from the Summer School of Catholic Studies held at Cambridge, 1922 Item #297 The Necessity of the Church for Salvation in Selected Theological Writings of the Past Century, Rev. John J. King, O.M.I., S.T.L., 1960 Item #299 The Inhabitation of the Holy Spirit: A Solution According to De La Taille, Malachi Donnelly, S.J., Theological Studies 1947 Item #302 Communication in Religious Worship With Non-Catholics: A Dissertation, Rev. John Bancroft, C.SS.R., J.C.B., S.T.L., 1943 Item #304 The Catholic Church and Salvation: In Light of Recent Pronouncements by the Holy See, Msgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton, 1958 SCHOLASTIC METAPHYSICS Item #28 “Dictionary of Scholastic Philosophy” by Fr. Bernard Wuellner, S.J. Precise definitions of Scholastic terms, includes diagrams and charts. A reference work for every student of Catholic philosophy. Item #29 “Dictionary of Terms Commonly Used in Scholastic Philosophy” Notre Dame Dept. of Philosophy, 1930. A shorter reference work but no less valuable. The beginning of any philosophical undertaking necessarily involves precise definitions of terms used. Item #31 “The Division and Methods of the Sciences” Questions V and VI of St. Thomas’ Commentary on the De Trinitate of Boethius translated by Armand Maurer, C.S.B. Treats of the divisions and methods of speculative science, natural, mathematical and Divine. Appendix contains a proper division and the order of learning the sciences. A truly wonderful work that unifies and orders knowledge according to Thomistic principles. Item #46 “The Philosophical Frontiers of Physics” by Vincent Edward Smith A doctoral dissertation on the nature of philosophical physics and the limitations of empirical science. Refutes ignorant natural scientists who wander well outside the boundaries of their discipline. An excellent book for those concerned about Scientism. Item #48 “The Possibility of Ignorance of the Natural Law” by Rev. Stanley Bertke, S.T.L. A doctoral dissertation regarding knowledge of the contents of the natural law and whether one can be ignorant of certain precepts. 1. On the Natural Law’s Existence and Essence 2. Of the Notion, Obligation and Division of the Precepts 3. Of the Function of the Intellect in Human Action 4. Of the Possibility of Invincible Ignorance of the Natural Law 5. Special Problems and Application of Principles Item #108 “The Manner of Demonstrating in Natural Philosophy” by Fr. Melvin Glutz A doctoral dissertation examining the methods of philosophical demonstration. Defines the notion of demonstration, the subject of natural philosophy, certitude and necessity in natural philosophy, relates the manner of procedure with regard to various kinds of demonstration. An extremely important work for those who would like to better grasp philosophical sciences and their true intellectual force. Item #112 “The Thoughtlessness of Modern Thought Concerning the Ideas of Civilization, Culture, Science and Progress” Fr. Demetrius Zema, S.J. 1933 A lecture delivered in 1933 by Rev. Demetrius Zema, S.J. regarding the diffusion of false principles of thought and action Item #113 “Modernism and Modern Thought” by Father Bampton, S.J. A lecture that all Catholics should read and consider Item #168 “Lessons in Scholastic Philosophy” (Chapter III, Cosmology) by Fr. Michael Shallo, S.J. 1929 Item #169 “Foundations of Thomistic Philosophy” by A. D. Sertillanges, O.P. 1931 Item #172 “Psychology” by Fr. Paul J. Glenn, S.T.D. Extensive treatise on Scholastic Rational Psychology Item #195 “The Plague of Pseudo-Science” The Editor of The Month Item #198 “Outline of Rational Psychology” by Alexander Schneiders and Rev. Charles Doyle, S.J., 1944 Item #201 “The Finality of Religion in Aquinas’ Theory of Human Acts” Dissertation by Francisco Jose Romero Carrasquillo, 2009 Item #204 “Apologetics: A Class Manual in the Philosophy of the Catholic Religion” by Msgr. Paul J. Glenn, 1948 Item #205 “Theodicy: A Class Manual in the Philosophy of the Catholic Religion” by Msgr. Paul J. Glenn, 1942 Item #227 Dialectics: A Class Manual in Formal Logic by Msgr. Paul Glenn, 1929 Item #229 Philosophy of Science, Part One: Science in General by P. Henry Van Laer, D.Sc., 1956 Item #230 The Logic of Science, edited by Vincent Edward Smith, 1964 Item #257 Sound Reasoning Leads to God and Jesus, The Son of God, Rev. V.H. Krull, C.PP.S., 1933 Item #262 Catholicism and Reason, Hon. Henry Dillon Item #277 An Introduction to Philosophy (pt. 1), Msgr. Paul Glenn, S.T.D., 1944 Item #278 The Antecedents of Being: An Analysis of the Concept de Nihilo in the Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Sr. Mary Consilia O’Brien, 1939 Item #280 The Degrees of Knowledge, Jacques Maritain, 1937 Item #289 Scholastic Metaphysics, John McCormick, S.J. 1928 OUR LADY AND THE SAINTS Item #30 “The Dignity and Virginity of the Mother of God” by Francis Suarez, S.J. This is a translation of Disputations I, V, VI from The Mysteries of the Life of Christ by Suarez, 1592. Item #62 “A Fundamental Principle of Mariology” Theological Studies Fr. William McGarry, S.J. exposits the one principle upon which all other privileges of the Blessed Virgin Mary are founded. Item #81 “The Association of the Holy Family” by Fr. Edgar Schmiedeler, O.S.B., Ph.D. Details the institution and practice of a pious association approved and recommended by Pope Leo XIII. This association has since been abandoned. Should we not consider reviving this most excellent sodality in light of the disintegration of our family life? Item #82 “Revelations on Purgatory” by Anthony Beck 1939 Doctrinal work on purgatory as related by the Saints and Fathers of the Church Item #85 “Union with Our Lady” Ven. Marie Petyt of St. Teresa (1623 – 1677) Item #97 “Our Lady: Mediatrix of All Graces” by Fr. Raphael O’Connell, S.J. 1926 Fr. O’Connell sets forth the traditional view of the Catholic Church with regard to Mary’s place in the plan of Redemption. The implications from this doctrine lead one to a truth which belongs to the deposit of divine revelation. Fr. O’Connell draws from the thoughts of eminent theologians in the composition of this work. Item #101 “Hesitating Mariology” Irish Ecclesiastical Record Fr. Stephen Rigby rebukes the tendency of those who would claim devotion to Mary can be exaggerated or be the cause of offense to those outside the Church. Item #103 “Our Lady of Guadalupe” The Irish Ecclesiastical Record John Murray reviews the Apparition of Guadalupe and the miraculous events surrounding the Blessed Virgin’s visit Item #123 “Prolonged Fasting and Theresa Neumann” The A.E.R. Thomas Pater considers and disposes of doubts expressed regarding this extraordinary phenomenon manifested in Theresa Neumann Item #131 “Among Mary’s Gifts: The Green Scapular” by Fr. R. MacDonald, C.SS.R. 1950 A priest relates the power of the Green Scapular Item #179 “Did Our Lady Die? Some Reflections on ‘Munificentissimus Deus’” Rev. Gabriel Roschini, O.S.M. Procurator General of the Servite Order, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 1953 Item #223 Memories of Pope Pius X by Cardinal Merry Del Val, 1951 Item #228 The Life of Saint Thomas Aquinas: Biographical Documents, edited by Kenelm Foster, O.P., 1959 Item #263 St. Joseph: The Family Saint, Rev. L.G. Lovasik, S.V.D., 1957 Item #266 Thoughts from Saint Bonaventure About the Mother of God, Fr. William Manning, 1955 Item #267 A Soul of Silence: Sister Elizabeth of the Trinity, M.M. AM. Du Coeur de Jesus, O.D.C., 1949 Item #270 Devotion to St. Joseph, Rev. John Elbert, S.M., 1952 Item #271 Blessed Peter Canisius: Foremost Champion of the Church Against Protestantism in Germany, Francis Betten, S.J., 1921 Item #272 Ven. Dominic Barberi and the Conversion of England, Dom Bede Camm, O.S.B., 1922 Item #286 Papal Teaching: Our Lady, Selected and Arranged by the Benedictine Monks of Solesmes, 1961 Item #291 St. Thomas and the Immaculate Conception, P. Lumbreras, O.P. Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 1923 ST. THOMAS AND THOMISTIC DOCTRINE Item #21 “Aquinas Ethicus or The Moral Teaching of St. Thomas” by Fr. Joseph Rickaby, S.J. Fr. Rickaby’s translation of the second part of the Summa along with valuable notes and explanations. A good presentation of fundamental Thomistic moral theology. Item #31 “The Division and Methods of the Sciences” Questions V and VI of St. Thomas’ Commentary on the De Trinitate of Boethius translated by Armand Maurer, C.S.B. Treats of the divisions and methods of speculative science, natural, mathematical and Divine. Appendix contains a proper division and the order of learning the sciences. A truly wonderful work that unifies and orders knowledge according to Thomistic principles. Item #35 “The Educational Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas” by Rev. Anthony Gulley Considers the work of education from the viewpoint of efficient causality as explained by St. Thomas Aquinas. For both students and teachers. Item #47 “The Interior Life of St. Thomas Aquinas Presented from His Works and the Acts of His Canonization Process” by Dr. Martin Grabmann, 1951 Item #49 “Isn’t Thomism Outmoded” Integrity Magazine 1951 Fr. Jordan Aumann, O.P. refutes the modernist contention that traditional Thomism is not applicable today. Item #63 “St. Thomas and the Ultimate Purpose of Creation” Theological Studies Fr. Philip Donnelly, S.J. explains the Thomistic doctrine concerning the final end of all creation. “Dogmatic theology treats many truths of momentous import, but there is not one of more fundamental importance than the question of the ultimate purpose or end of creation. For if the end holds the primacy among all causes and if, from it, all other causes depend for the exercise of their causality, then there can be no theological doctrine dealing with the relations of creatures to God, whose objective truth is not dependent ultimately on the first of all causes, which is the ultimate end of creation.” Item #90 “The Philosophy of Teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas” by Mary Helen Mayer 1929 Translation of and commentary on St. Thomas’ De Magistro. Criticizes modern philosophy of education and compares fundamental Thomistic principles of education with those of modern theorists Item #100 “Wealth and Money in the Economic Philosophy of St. Thomas” by Frederick Flynn 1942 A doctoral dissertation examining St. Thomas’ doctrine concerning wealth, money, commerce and usury. Item #134 “The Doctrine of St. Thomas on the Right of Property and of its Use” by Msgr. De Concilio 1887 A thorough treatment of the scholastic doctrine concerning the idea of property and related topics Item #137 “Prophecy and Inspiration: A Commentary on the Summa Theologica II-II, Questions 171-178” by Paul Synave, O.P. and Pierre Benoit, O.P. This commentary on the Summa examines the traditional Thomistic doctrine concerning prophecy and Scriptural inspiration. A most powerful antidote against liberalism and modernism. Truly enlightening for the student of Scripture and traditional apologetics Item #157 “The Natural Moral Law According to St. Thomas and Suarez” a dissertation by Walter Farrell, O.P. 1930 Item #166 “The Relation of the Individual to Society in the Light of Christian Principles as Expounded by the Angelic Doctor” by Fr. Richard Doherty 1957 Item #168 “Lessons in Scholastic Philosophy” (Chapter III, Cosmology) by Fr. Michael Shallo, S.J. 1929 Item #169 “Foundations of Thomistic Philosophy” by A. D. Sertillanges, O.P. 1931 Item #170 “Punishment in the Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas and Among Some Primitive Peoples” a dissertation by Fr. George Friel, O.P. 1939 (Chapters I-III) Item #203 ”The Theory of Evil in the Metaphysics of St. Thomas and its Contemporary Significance” Sister Mary Edwin DeCoursey, 1948 Item #226 The Human Wisdom of St. Thomas: A Breveary of Philosophy from the works of St. Thomas Aquinas, arranged by Josef Pieper, 1948 Item #231 In Defense of Saint Thomas: A Reply to Father Eschmann’s Attack on the Primacy of the Common Good by Charles De Koninck, 1945 Item #279 The Key to the Study of St. Thomas, Msgr. Francesco Olgiati, 1925 Item #288 The Political Thought of Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Gilby, 1958 Item #290 The Essence and Topicality of Thomism, Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P., 1945 Item #291 St. Thomas and the Immaculate Conception, P. Lumbreras, O.P. Homiletic and Pastoral Review, 1923 SOCIAL DOCTRINE AND HISTORY Item #2 “Freemasonry, A Study in Catholic Social Science: The Jewish Element in Freemasonry” The Irish Ecclesiastical Record 1929 Rev. E. Cahill, S.J. examines the relationship between modern forms of Judaism and the advent of Freemasonry. Fr. Cahill begins his inquiry by referencing the 1928 condemnation of an Association called the Friends of Israel, a Catholic organization that was perverting traditional doctrine regarding Judaism. Item #16 “The Sources of Modern Attacks Against the Church” Msgr. Joseph Fenton, The A.E.R. Item #22 “A manual of Catholic Action” by an Irish Priest, 1933. Part one consists of examining 40 current erroneous systems of thought. Part two deals with Catholic sociology. Part three covers Catholic action and other problems. Item #64 “Social Action in the Early Church: 30 – 180 A.D.” Theological Studies Fr. Paul Furfey investigates the early Church’s attitude and dealings with the pagan world. Item #65 “The Influence of Romans XIII on Christian Political Thought” Theological Studies Fr. Wilfrid Parsons examines how St. Paul’s injunction regarding secular authority determined the political thought of St. Augustine and others. Item #86 “Before and After the Reformation: A Contrast” by J.H.M. An interesting tract analyzing the historical aftermath of the Protestant revolt and its deleterious effects on the form of the once Catholic religion. A most fitting and timely piece of literature. Item #99 “The Sessorian Relics of the Lord’s Passion” by D. Balduino Bedini, O. Cist. 1928 A short but scholarly treatment of the history of the holy relics of Our Lord’s Passion. Item #109 “A Manual of Catholic Action” by Msgr. Luigi Civardi 1935 The only book you’ll ever need explaining the concept of Catholic Action Item #129 “Christian Knighthood” by Joseph Anderson An essay concerning the virtuous qualities of Christian knighthood and their relation to the common good of society Item #132 “The Catholic Attitude to Machinery” by D. Marshall, 1938 An interesting essay on the deleterious effects of industrialism upon the soul of man Item #150 “Catholic Principles of Politics” by Fr. John Ryan 1943 Item #151 “The Catholic Church vs. Socialism” by Fr. John Ryan 1918 Item #152 “Civil Authority According to Francis De Vitoria” a dissertation by Fr. Stephen Reidy, O.P., S.T.L. 1959 Item #155 “Lectures, Sermons, Addresses and Letters of Rev. Dr. D.W. Cahill” From the 1860’s Item #156 “Nature and Functions of Authority” by Dr. Yves Simon 1940 Item #166 “The Relation of the Individual to Society in the Light of Christian Principles as Expounded by the Angelic Doctor” by Fr. Richard Doherty 1957 Item #170 “Punishment in the Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas and Among Some Primitive Peoples” a dissertation by Fr. George Friel, O.P. 1939 (Chapters I-III) Item #176 “The Origins of Israel: Two Views” Rev. J.J.W. Murphy, C.SS.R., The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 1951 Item #199 “Luis Molina: Extracts on Politics and Government from Justice Tract II” translated by George Moore, 1951 Item #184 “St. Cyprian and the Reconciliation of Apostates” John Taylor, S.J., Theological Studies Item #200 “Letters Hebrew Catholic to Mr. Isaacs” by David Goldstein, LL.D., 1945 (Selected) Item #253 “The Things That Are Not Caesar’s” Jacques Maritain, 1932 Item #255 “The Doctrine of the Common Good of Civil Society in the Works of St. Thomas Aquinas” Jaime Velez-Saenz, 1951 Item #260 “What is the Corporative System?” Eileen Egan, 1941 Item #265 “Why Blame the Masons?” Jay MacEss, 1928 Item #284 American Catholic Etiquette, Kay Fenner, 1961 Item #287 The Twenty Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church, Clement Raab, O.F.M., 1937 Item #298 Moral Aspects of Dishonesty in Public Office, Rev. William J. King, S.T.L., 1949 Item #300 The Social Role of Truth According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Alan McSweeney, 1943 Item #301 The Philosophy of Modern Revolution, Rev. James Joseph Maguire, 1943 SACRED SCRIPTURE Item #61 “Notes: The Gates of Hell (Matt. 16:18)” Theological Studies Fr. Louis Sullivan offers an intriguing interpretation of this oft repeated verse. It’s a short note, but extremely thought provoking such as what would happen if Catholics were to call a truce. Item #69 “The Creation of Eve in Catholic Tradition” Theological Studies 1940 Fr. Thomas Motherway, S.J. presents a study of the traditional doctrine concerning the creation of Eve and the interpretation of Genesis. Item #87 “The Message of Moses and Modern Higher Criticism” by Rev. Francis Gigot 1915 A lecture given by Rev. Francis Gigot, Professor of Sacred Scripture at St. Joseph’s Seminary, defending the traditional doctrine concerning the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch and attacking the theories of the critics, i.e. Modernists. Item #118 “The Preaching of Christ” The A.E.R. 1940 Mr. John Cass’s essay regarding the quality and characteristics of the teaching and preaching of Jesus Christ in the Gospels Item #222 The Gospels: Historical and True by Fr. Domenico Grasso, S.J. Item #303 The Firstborn of Every Creature (Col. I:15), Edward Augustine Cerny, 1938 Item #305 The False Prophets of the Old Testament, Edward F. Siegman, 1939 MORAL THEOLOGY Item #21 “Aquinas Ethicus or The Moral Teaching of St. Thomas” by Fr. Joseph Rickaby, S.J. Fr. Rickaby’s translation of the second part of the Summa along with valuable notes and explanations. A good presentation of fundamental Thomistic moral theology. Item #23 “Catholic Moral Teaching on the Nature and Object of Conjugal Love” by Rev. Michael F. McAuliffe, S.T.L. This dissertation expounds the Catholic doctrine regarding the proper ends of marriage and in particular the object of conjugal love within the Sacrament of Matrimony. Refutation of the new theologians and their false doctrines concerning the ends of marriage. Item #60 “An Historical Analysis of the Principle of Double Effect” Theological Studies 1949 Fr. Joseph Mangan, S.J. examines the historical development of this moral principle and its increasing clarification and application Item #67 “The Morality of Obliteration Bombing” Theological Studies Fr. John Ford, S.J. reviews the moral principles of war and their application to certain practices of modern warfare. Item #88 “The Sinfulness of Heresy” by Rev. M.H. MacInery, O.P. Item #117 “The Morality of Artificial Fecundation” by Father Gerald Kelly, S.J. The A.E.R. Item #119 “Is All Profit Unjust?” The A.E.R. An interesting article on the idea of profit in economics by J. Elliot Ross Item #127 “A Work on the Three Theological Virtues Faith, Hope and Charity” Disputations XVIII (On Faith) & XIII (On Charity), Francisco Suarez Item #128 “The Precept of Hearing Mass” by John Joseph Guiniven, C.SS.R., J.C.L. 1942 A doctoral dissertation regarding the original Jewish Sabbath day and the adoption of Sunday by the Catholic Church as well as the nature and extent of the precept obliging the assistance at Mass Item #135 “The Moral Obligations of Catholic Civil Judges” by Fr. John Denis Davis, S.T.L. 1953 A brilliant doctoral dissertation regarding the moral duties of Catholic judges and lawyers. Covers Pope Pius XII’s numerous addresses on the subject. An extremely important work for any person in the legal profession Item #136 “Priestly Studies in Modern Papal Teachings” by Fr. Christopher Lind, O.S.B., S.T.L. 1958 A doctoral dissertation for priests and seminarians relating to their moral obligation of advancing in sacerdotal studies as directed by the Roman Pontiffs, in general and specifically. Chapters: 1. The Priest as Doctor 2. The Priest in the Pastoral Ministry 3. The Priest as Educator 4. Learning and Priestly Holiness Item #140 “The History, Nature and Use of Epikeia in Moral Theology” by Fr. Lawrence Joseph Riley, S.T.L. 1948 Item #157 “The Natural Moral Law According to St. Thomas and Suarez” a dissertation by Walter Farrell, O.P. 1930 Item #167 “Rights and Duties: Their Foundation” by Fr. John Driscoll, O.P. 1948 Item #181 “Traditional Catholic Principles and Modern Warfare” Howard Kenna, C.S.C., A.E.R. Item #183 “The Ethics of Conjugal Intimacy According to St. Albert the Great” John Clifford, S.J., Theological Studies, 1942 Item #185 “May the State Forbid Marriage because of a Social Disease?” Rev. Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R. 1938 Item #186 “On the Indians Lately Discovered” and “On the Indians, or on the Law of War Made by the Spaniards on the Barbarians” Francisco de Vitoria, 1669 Item #187 “Moral Theology: A Complete Course: Based on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Best Modern Authors” by John McHugh, O.P. and Charles Callan, O.P., 1958 Volume I (Complete) Item #188 “Moral Theology: A Complete Course: Based on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Best Modern Authors” by John McHugh, O.P. and Charles Callan, O.P., 1958 (Volume II, Article on Justice) Item #189 “Relection on Homicide & Commentary on Summa Theologiae IIa-IIae Q. 64” Francisco de Vitoria Item #256 “What is a Catholic Attitude?” Francis LeBuffe, S.J., 1930 Item #264 “The Case Against the Comics” Gabriel Lynn, 1944 Item #273 “The Catholic Doctor” Francis Connell, C.SS.R., 1945 Item #274 “Catholics on the Police Force” Francis Connell, C.SS.R., 1945 Item #292 The “Rhythm” in Marriage and Christian Morality, N. Orville Giese, S.T.D., 1944 Item #293 Discussions with Non-Catholics, Rev. Stephen Joseph Kelleher, 1943 Item #294 The Communication of Catholics with Schismatics, Rev. Ignatius J. Szal, 1948 Item #295 Aquinas and Modern Practices of Interest Taking, John P. Kelly, 1945 Item #298 Moral Aspects of Dishonesty in Public Office, Rev. William J. King, S.T.L., 1949 Item #302 Communication in Religious Worship With Non-Catholics: A Dissertation, Rev. John Bancroft, C.SS.R., J.C.B., S.T.L., 1943 Item #306 The Desecration and Violation of Churches: An Historical Synopsis and Commentary, John Theophilus Gulczynski, J.C.L., 1942 ASCETICAL & MYSTICAL THEOLOGY Item #13 “Spiritual Perfection in the Diocesan Priesthood” The A.E.R. [gview file="" height="200px" width="400px"] Item #47 “The Interior Life of St. Thomas Aquinas Presented from His Works and the Acts of His Canonization Process” by Dr. Martin Grabmann, 1951 [gview file="" height="200px" width="400px"] Item #83 “Contemplative Prayer” by Pere de la Taille, S.J. 1926 [gview file="" height="200px" width="400px"] Item #84 “A Treatise on Interior Prayer” by Dom Innocent Le Masson 1689 Father General of the Carthusian Order, Dom Innocent Le Masson was a renowned spiritual writer who composed this short instruction on prayer Item #91 “Monsieur Olier (1608 – 1657)” by Rev. James Bellord A short biography about truly great spiritual writer. Item #93 “St. Joseph and Providence” Cross and Crown: A Thomistic Quarterly of Spiritual Theology 1953, Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange Item #94 “The Heresy of Action” Cross and Crown: A Thomistic Quarterly of Spiritual Theology 1951, Fr. Jordan Aumann, O.P. Item #95 “Eternal Youth” Cross and Crown: A Thomistic Quarterly of Spiritual Theology 1950, Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. Item #96 “Crown of Life” Cross and Crown: A Thomistic Quarterly of Spiritual Theology 1949, Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. Item #147 “The Theology of Christian Perfection” by Antonio Royo, O.P. A brilliant summary of the doctrines relating to Christian perfection. Fr. Reginald Garrigou Lagrange highly praised this work as stated in the Spanish preface: “My reverend and beloved Father, Thank you very much for having sent me your beautiful treatise “Theology of the Christian perfection”. The title is excellent, and the division of the work corresponds perfectly to it: 1.) The aim of the Christian life 2.) Basic principles 3.) Normal development of the Christian life through the fight against sin, sacraments, the normal development of infused virtues and gifts, life of prayer, secondary means of perfection 4.) Extraordinary mystic phenomena. This division has allowed you both to deal with all the important matters related to perfection and also to show the unity of the Christian life and how the ascetic disposes normally to a life of intimacy with God, which doesn`t find its full development except in the mystic union. This constitutes the normal extension of the grace, virtues and gifts and the normal disposition to the eternal life, whether in this life or in Purgatory. I congratulate you, dear Father, with all my heart and I hope that this book, whose first edition was sold out so fast, spreads everywhere for the sake of souls, in order to show how only true mysticism can accomplish that which so many false naturalistic mysticisms promise in vain, leading astray the souls out of the way of salvation. I`m very pleased also to see in front of your book an excellent historical-bibliographic resume, in which you characterize so well the main schools of spirituality and the doctrine of the great teachers. Once in a while you add, regarding the well-known authors, some very accurate observations, such as that of Gerson and his nominalism (p. 10). I congratulate you, finally, because of the calm by which you expose the different opinions which you cannot accept and that come together, in their own way, to make manifest the truth they don´t know. With all my gratitude I ask you to accept, my reverend and beloved Father, the expression of my religious devotion in Our Lord and Saint Dominic.” Item #192 “Mysticism, False and True” T. Slater, The Month Item #193 “The Spirit of Antichrist” H.E.G. Rope, The Month Item #196 “Some Physical Phenomena of Mysticism” Herbert Thurston, The Month Item #207 “The Gifts of the Holy Ghost in the Dominican Saints” by Antoine Gardeil, O.P., 1937 Item #209 “The Gifts of the Holy Ghost” by John of St. Thomas, forward by Walter Farrell, O.P. 1951 Item #210 “A Funeral Oration Preached by the Rev. Archdeacon O’Keeffe on Pope Pius VII” 1825 Item #212 “The Holy Spirit in the Christian Life” by Antoine Gardeil, O.P., 1953 Item #213 “The Spiritual Diary of Raphael Cardinal Merry del Val” Ed. Rev. Francis Weber, 1964 Item #224 From Holy Communion to the Blessed Trinity by M. V. Bernadot, O.P., 1955 Item #258 The Mystery of Suffering, Rev. Walter Elliott, C.S.P., 1915 Item #259 Be You Perfect: A Way of Perfection for the Laity, Robert Eiten, S.J., 1953 Item #261 How to Make an Act of Perfect Contrition, Leo Dowling, S.J., 1945 Item #269 Sacred Passion of Jesus Christ, R.F. Clarke, S.J., 1955 Item #275 Temples Polluted and Ruined, Timothy Brosnahan, S.J., 1935 Item #282 The Spiritual Life: A Treatise on Ascetical and Mystical Theology, Adolphe Tanquerey, 1930 Item #283 The Catholic Girl’s Guide: Counsels and Devotions for Girls in the Ordinary Walks of Life, Francis Lasance, 1905 LAW Item #5 “In Defense of the Penal Law” Theological Studies 1957 Fr. Edward Dunn, S.J. defends the concept of “Penal Law” or laws which do not bind in conscience. Item #26 “The Delict of Heresy in its Commission, Penalization, Absolution” by the Rev. Eric MacKenzie, S.T.L., J.C.L. A doctoral dissertation regarding the canonical effects of the crime of heresy. Chapters include historical survey of heresy legislation, heresy as a sin, the delict of heresy, the penalties entailed by heresy, heresy and acts of catholic piety, heresy and official status and actions, judicial process against heresy and absolution from heresy. Item #33 “Doubt in Canon Law: A Historical Synopsis and a Commentary” by Fr. Roger Viau, S.T.L., J.C.L. Nature and species of the concept of doubt. Doubt as considered by Suarez, St. Alphonsus and a thorough canonical commentary and the juridical concept and application of certain principles in the concrete, factual order. Item #98 “The Renunciation of an Ecclesiastical Office: A Historical Synopsis and Commentary” by Rev. Gerald McDevitt, S.T.L. 1946 A doctoral dissertation that examines the definition and canonical concept of tacit and express renunciation of office. Item #125a “A Treatise on Laws and God the Lawgiver, On Positive Human Law” Bk. III, Francisco Suarez Item #125b “A Treatise on Laws and God the Lawgiver, On the Interpretation, Cessation and Change of Human Laws” Bk. VI, Francisco Suarez Item #125c1 & c2 “A Treatise on Laws and God the Lawgiver, Of Unwritten Law Which is Called Custom” Bk. VII, Francisco Suarez Item #141 “Supplied Jurisdiction According to Canon 209” a dissertation by Francis Sigismund Miaskiewicz, J.C.L. 1940 Item #154 “Comparative Study of Crime and Its Imputability in Ecclesiastical Criminal Law and in American Criminal Law” a dissertation by Fr. John McGrath 1957 Item #158 “The Metaphysical Foundations of Thomistic Jurisprudence” a dissertation by Karl Kreilkamp 1939 Item #170 “Punishment in the Philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas and Among Some Primitive Peoples” a dissertation by Fr. George Friel, O.P. 1939 (Chapters I-III) Item #174 “The Nature of Law” by Thomas Davitt, S.J., 1951 Item #197 “The Principles of Political and International Law in the Work of Francisco de Vitoria” Extracts and Notes by Antonio Truyol Serra, 1946 Item #211 “The Promulgation of Law” Doctoral Dissertation by Rev. Martin Nicholas Lohmuller, 1947 Item #214 Liturgical Law: A Handbook of the Roman Liturgy by Rev. Charles Augustine, O.S.B., 1931 Item #221 The Binding Force of Civil Laws by Matthew Herron, T.O.R., 1952 Item #285 The Principles of Natural Law, Ralph McInerny, 1980