Being & Some 20th Century Philosophers by Knasas, John F. X.15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF]
Discourse on Metaphysics, Correspondence with Arnauld, and Monadology by Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm & Montgomery, George R.15 set, 2012 Formats=[DJVU,EPUB] Year=[1902] Words=[93,869]
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Christian Perfection & Contemplation: According to St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John of the Cross by Garrigou-Lagrange, Réginald, O.P. & Doyle, M. Timothea, O.P.15 set, 2012 Formats=[DJVU,EPUB,PDF] ISBN=[9781505102512] OCLC=[946008144] Year=[1937] Words=[175,918]
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Super Boetium De Trinitate by Aquinas, St. Thomas15 set, 2012 Formats=[PDF]
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The Priesthood and Perfection by Garrigou-Lagrange, Réginald, O.P. & Hayden, E.15 set, 2012 Formats=[EPUB,PDF,RTF] Year=[1954] Words=[53,747]
De Trinitate by Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus & Kenyon, Erik C.15 set, 2012 Tags=[Translation of Boethius's De trinitate] Formats=[PDF] Year=[2004]
The Theological Tractates & The Consolation of Philosophy [Project Gutenberg - 13316.0] by Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus & Stewart, H. F.15 set, 2012 Formats=[EPUB,PDF] Year=[1918] Words=[102,473]
The One God (complete to chapter 11) by Garrigou-Lagrange, Réginald, O.P. & Rose, Bede, O.S.B.15 set, 2012 Formats=[EPUB,PDF] ISBN=[9781931847896] OCLC=[805201583] Year=[1943] Words=[129,385]
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The Three Ages of the Interior Life by Garrigou-Lagrange, Réginald, O.P. & Doyle, M. Timothea, O.P.15 set, 2012 Formats=[DOC,EPUB,PDF,RTF] Year=[1948] Words=[454,613]
Dieu, son existence et sa nature; solution Thomiste des antinomies agnostiques by Garrigou-Lagrange, Réginald, O.P.15 set, 2012 Formats=[DJVU,PDF] Year=[1914]
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Grace by Garrigou-Lagrange, Réginald, O.P.15 set, 2012 Formats=[DOC,EPUB,PDF] Year=[1952] Words=[217,640]