Liturgy of Corpus Christi

Translation: Joseph Kenny, O.P.
except where otherwise indicated

First Vespers
Little Hours
Second Vespers
Readings Day 1
Readings Day 2
Readings Day 3
Readings Day 4
Readings Day 5
Readings Day 6
Readings Day 7
[Note: Instead of the five Psalm antiphons here listed in First Vespers, Dominican tradition going back at least to 1335, represented by the Poissy Antiphonary (images below), uses only the first antiphon as a "super-psalm" antiphon for all five Psalms.
This office shows Thomas' familiarity with the chant repertoire of the Liturgy of the Hours, and his ability to call upon previous compositions to indicate the melodies to be used for this new office.
The "Contra" indications of which melodies to use for the texts seem to be the work of Thomas himself. It is a matter of speculation whether he composed the melodies for those texts which have no "Contra".
"Contra" references to full offices such as for Bernard and Thomas of Canterbury are not in Dominican tradition, but were part of Roman or Benedictine tradition, familiar to Thomas.]


Christ, a priest forever according to the order of Melchizadek, offered bread and wine.
Psalm 110 (Vul 109)

(St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 541)
The merciful Lord gave food to those who fear him, to bring his wonders to mind.
Psalm 111 (Vul 110)

(Sarum Office:
(St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 541)
I will take the chalice of salvation, and sacrifice an offering of praise.
Psalm 116b (Vul 115)
(St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 541)
Like new olive plants to the Church are children around the table of the Lord.
Psalm 128 (Vul 127)
(St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 541)
May the Lord who gives peace to the Church frontiers satisfy us with the best of wheat.
Ps 147b (Ps 147)
Oh how tasty is your Spirit, Lord. To show your sweetness to your children, you fill the hungry with the tastiest bread come down from heaven, and send the fastidious rich away empty. Song of Mary

Deus qui nobis sub sacramento mirabili passionis tuae memoriam reliquisti, tribue, quaesumus, ita nos corporis et sanguinis tui sacra mysteria venerari, ut redemptionis tuae fructum in nobis iugiter sentiamus. Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo patre in unitate spiritus sancti Deus per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen. Compline
Psalm 4
The bread that I will give, alleluia, is my flesh for the life of the world.

Antiphon 1
"Cantus contra, Gloria tibi Trinitas, de Trinitate"
Antiphon 2. Miserator dominus escam dedit timentibus se in memoriam suorum mirabilium.
Contra, Totus orbis, de sancto Thoma.
Antiphon 3. Calicem salutaris accipiam et sacrificabo hostiam laudis.
Contra, Pudore bono, de sancto Nicholao.
Antiphon 4. Sicut novellae olivarum Ecclesiae filii sint in circuitu mensae domini.
Contra, Iuste et sancte vivendo, de sancto Nicholao.
Antiphon 5. Qui pacem ponit fines Ecclesiae frumenti adipe satiat nos dominus.
Contra, Innocenter puerilia iura, de sancto Nicholao.
Capitulum (1 Cor 11:23-24)
Dominus Iesus Christus in qua nocte tradebatur, accepit panem, et gratias agens fregit, et dixit: Accipite et manducate: hoc est corpus meum quod pro vobis tradetur; hoc facite in meam commemorationem.

The Lord Jesus, on the night he was handed over, took bread, and, after he had given thanks, broke it and said, "This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.

Contra, Virgo flagelatur, de sancta Catharina.
Hymn: Pange lingua gloriosi Contra, Pange lingua gloriosi praelium certaminis, in Passione domini.
Raise your voice to praise the glorious
Body under mystery,
with the Blood so pure and precious
which in payment for the world
Son of Mary's womb most noble,
King of all the nations shed.

For us given, for us brought forth
from the Virgin never touched.
In the world he lived and traveled,
spreading seed of saving word.
Then the days he spent among us
he brought to a wondrous end.

On the night of his last supper
with his brothers he reclined.
He did all the Law commanded,
setting out the food prescribed.
To the band of twelve Apostles
handed he himself as food.

Word made flesh took bread and blessed it,
by a word turned it to flesh.
Wine became Christ's blood the same way,
even though it can't be sensed.
All a heart sincere requires
is to rest on faith alone.

So this sacrament most awesome
let us venerate bowed down.
Let the olden Law's observance
yield to new and perfect rites.
Let our faith supply completely
where our senses cannot cope.

To the Father, to the Son be
jubilation, shouts of praise,
honor to our mighty Savior,
acclamations, endless thanks.
To the Spirit from both flowing
be like honor without end.

℣. Panem de caelo praestitisti eis.
℟. Omne delectamentum suavitatis in se habentem.
℣. You gave them bread from heaven.
℟. Containing every sweet delight.
Antiphon to the Magnificat
Contra, O Christi pietas, de sancto Nicholao.

God, in this wonderful sacrament you left us a memorial of your Passion. Enable us, we ask, so to venerate the sacred mysteries of your Body and Blood, that we may always fell the fruit of your redemption in us. You live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Antiphon to the Nunc dimittis