Prælectiones Dogmaticæ: De Sacramento Pænitentiæ, De Extrema Unctione, De Ordine, De Matrimonio (vol. 7) by Pesch, Christiano, S.J.20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] LCN=[BX1751.P456 1894 v. 7] Year=[1894]
Prælectiones Dogmaticæ: De Verbo Incarnato, De Beata Virgine Maria, De Cultu Sanctorum (vol. 4) by Pesch, Christiano, S.J.20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] LCN=[240.509] Year=[1922]
Prælectiones Dogmaticæ: De Deo creante et Elevante, De Deo Fine Ultimo (vol. 3) by Pesch, Christiano, S.J.20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] LCN=[240.509] Year=[1925]
Prælectiones Dogmaticæ: De Christo Legato Divino, De Ecclesia Christi / De Locis Theologicis (vol. 1) by Pesch, Christiano, S.J.20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] LCN=[240.307] Year=[1924]
Prælectiones Dogmaticæ: De Deo Uno Secundum Naturam, De Deo Trino Secundum Naturam (vol. 2) by Pesch, Christiano, S.J.20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] LCN=[240.509] Year=[1925]
Prælectiones Dogmaticæ: De Virtutibus in Genere, De Virtutibus Theologicis (vol. 8) by Pesch, Christiano, S.J.20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] LCN=[BX1751.P456 1894 v. 8] Year=[1894]
Prælectiones Dogmaticæ: De Virtutibus Moralibus, De Peccato, De Novissimis (vol. 9) by Pesch, Christiano, S.J.20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] LCN=[240.509] Year=[1923]
Prælectiones Dogmaticæ: De Sacramentis in Gen., De Baptismo, De Confirmatione, De Eucharistia (vol. 6) by Pesch, Christiano, S.J.20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] LCN=[240.509] Year=[1914]
Sententiæ In IV Libris Distinctæ (3° ed.): Tom. II, Liber III et IV by Lombardi, magistri Petri (Parisiensis episcopi)20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] ISBN=[8870130681] Year=[1981]
Sententiæ In IV Libris Distinctæ (3° ed.): Tom. I, Pars II, Liber I et II by Lombardi, magistri Petri (Parisiensis episcopi)20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] Year=[1971]
Opera Omnia (t. 2): De controversiis Christianæ Fidei adversus hujus temporis hæreticos by Bellarmine, St. Robert, S.J., 1542-162120 apr, 2016 Formats=[DJVU,EPUB,PDF,ZIP] OCLC=[269441582] Year=[1857] Words=[654,432]
Opera Omnia (t. 1): De controversiis Christianæ Fidei adversus hujus temporis hæreticos by Bellarmine, St. Robert, S.J., 1542-162120 apr, 2016 Formats=[DJVU,EPUB,PDF,ZIP] LCN=[BX 4700.B25 1856 v. 1-2] OCLC=[269441580] Year=[1856] Words=[856,436]
Cursus theologicus, IIᵃ-IIᵃᵉ, q. 1-7, disp. 1-6, De Fide by Poinsot, João (John of St. Thomas, O.P.), 1589-164420 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] LCN=[SDM 524.2] Year=[1948]
Cursus theologicus, IIᵃ-IIᵃᵉ, q. 7, disp. 7, De Certitudine Principiorum Theologiæ: De Auctoritate Summi Pontificis by Poinsot, João (John of St. Thomas, O.P.), 1589-164420 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] LCN=[SDM 524.8] Year=[1948]
Cursus theologicus, Iᵃ, q. 1, disp. 1, De Sacra Doctrina by Poinsot, João (John of St. Thomas, O.P.), 1589-164420 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] Year=[2003]
Cursus theologicus, Iᵃ, q. 1, disp. 2, De Scientia Theologiæ by Poinsot, João (John of St. Thomas, O.P.), 1589-164420 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] Year=[2003]
Cursus theologicus, Iᵃ, q. 2, disp. 3, An Deus sit by Poinsot, João (John of St. Thomas, O.P.), 1589-164420 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] Year=[2003]
Cursus theologicus, Iᵃ-IIᵃᵉ, q. 68-70, disp. 18, De donis Spiritus Sancti by Poinsot, João (John of St. Thomas, O.P.), 1589-164420 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] LCN=[SDM 524.3] Year=[1948]
Cursus theologicus, Iᵃ-IIᵃᵉ, q. 55-67, disp. 14-17, De Virtutibus by Poinsot, João (John of St. Thomas, O.P.), 1589-164420 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] LCN=[SDM 524.5] Year=[1952]
Cursus theologicus, Iᵃ-IIᵃᵉ, q. 49-54, disp. 13, De Habitibus by Poinsot, João (John of St. Thomas, O.P.), 1589-164420 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] LCN=[SDM 524.4] Year=[1949]
Naturalis Philosophiæ: I. pars: De ente mobili in communi, III. pars: De ente mobili corruptibili by Poinsot, João (John of St. Thomas, O.P.), 1589-1644 & Reiser, P. Beato, O.S.B.20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] Year=[1923]
Ars Logica seu De forma et materia ratiocinandi by Poinsot, João (John of St. Thomas, O.P.), 1589-1644 & Reiser, P. Beato, O.S.B.20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] Year=[1930]
Naturalis Philosophiæ: IV. pars: De ente mobili animato by Poinsot, João (John of St. Thomas, O.P.), 1589-1644 & Reiser, P. Beato, O.S.B.20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] LCN=[BQ7061 J5.7C8 v. 3] Year=[1927]
Cursus Philosophiæ Thomisticæ III: Metaphysica by Hugon, Édouard, O.P.20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] Year=[1935]
Sententiæ In IV Libris Distinctæ (3° ed.): Tom. I, Pars I, Prolegomena by Lombardi, magistri Petri (Parisiensis episcopi)20 apr, 2016 Formats=[PDF] Year=[1971]

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