Questiones Disputatae de Veritate

Thomas Aquinas

Questions 1-9
translated by Robert W. Mulligan, S.J.
Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1952

Questions 10-20
translated by James V. McGlynn, S.J.
Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1953

Questions 21-29
translated by Robert W. Schmidt, S.J.
Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1954

Html edition by Joseph Kenny, O.P.


1: Truth
2: God’s Knowledge
3: Ideas
4: The Divine Word
5: Providence
6: Predestination
7: The Book of Life
8: The Knowledge of Angels
9: The Communication of Angelic Knowledge
10: The Mind
11: The Teacher
12: Prophecy
13: Rapture
14: Faith
15: Higher and Lower Reason
16: Synderesis
17: Conscience
18: The Knowledge of the First Man in the State of Innocence
19: Knowledge of the Soul after Death
20: The Knowledge of Christ
21: Good
22: The Tendency to Good and the Will
23: God’s Will
24: Free Choice
25: Sensuality
26: The Passions of the Soul
27: Grace
28: The Justification of Sinners
29: The Grace of Christ

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